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--This is my first hackathon…so I don’t know how to submit idea-->



<title> The Idea is To Create a Social Site For Student Community



Higher Education Institutions do not ensure job opportunities or a job for their prospective
graduate Students, Which lead to a greater amount of the Working population Unemployed.
Students Need guidance for their career. Students should not merely focus on jobs. It is Sure
that many of us will not get the job .Then why to seek for the job. Let’s create the job. This will
be the Platform where people will meet new people and Collaborate on a Startup. People can
share their Ideas in this platform and can Find People Of like Minded to work on a project. Our
Idea is to Create a platform where anyone can post their queries and answer them like quora ,
learn new things, interact with best minds of the nation. A knowledge sharing app where
people interact with each other and learn new things.

Uninteresting methods of teaching in Institutions cause young students to be easily bored

which leads to a decrease in participation of Students in College and School. Student should
have a freedom of study of their Choice .Online learning Platform is best. Thousands of free
Courses are available Online. This Platform will provide them Career guidance and minimize
their gap between academic knowledge and Industrial Knowledge by providing all the online
free courses available on the Internet. Students can ask other buddies to help in learning new
technology and Programming Language. Suppose anyone want to learn Machine Learning but
don’t know how to start. They can ask other buddies in this platform. Another buddy can reply
them Start from “Andrew NG Machine Learning Course” which is available in Coursera at free of




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