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Definition of Distance Education 1


Definition of Distance Education

Jennifer Maddrell

Old Dominion University

Definition of Distance Education 2

Definition of Distance Education

Personal Definition

Distance education is planned instruction where the learner is geographically

separated from the entity which provides the instruction.


The following breaks down the definition and provides the rationale for the important

elements within the definition:

Planned Instruction. Planned instruction is central to the definition as it signifies the

purposeful design and delivery of instruction by one entity with the intent to support the learning of


Education versus Learning. The definition attempts to distinguish education (as planned

instruction) from learning. While the intent is for education to support learning, education does not

guarantee learning. Further, learning can occur with or without education.

Two (or more) Parties. A key aspect of planned instruction is that there must be at least two

parties, namely the learner and the entity providing the planned instruction. The attempt is to

distinguish planned education from other forms of informal learning which are undertaken solely by

the learner.

Separation. Geographic separation is a key characteristic of this distance education

definition. While instructional methods and media (discussed below) can help overcome some

aspects of the physical separation, the student participating in distance education cannot have the all

of the same experiences and interactions as a student who is not separated. The planned instruction

must consider the implications of the physical separation of the learner, such as the inability to attend

lectures, visit the library, or meet with teachers and students. The instruction’s design, including

methods and media, must support learning in spite of the separation.

Definition of Distance Education 3

Methods and Media. Note that this definition does not address specific methods or media.

The methods and media are considered to be a part of the planned instruction to support learning.

While the methods and media address “how” to facilitate learning at a distance, they are not helpful

in defining “what” distance education is. The “how” (methods and media) varies based on

instructional needs and evolves due to advances in technology and instructional delivery options, but

the “what” (the planned instruction for a separated learner) is a constant.

Comparable Definitions

The two definitions that follow offer a comparable view of distance education. Both focus on

the notion of formal education (or planned learning) and the separation of the learner. However, both

also address the techniques and technologies (methods and media) to facilitate learning which I have

chosen to omit from my definition for the reasons noted above.

Moore & Kearsley. Moore & Kearsley focus on the need for special course design and

organizational arrangements to overcome the separation, yet they use the term “teaching” which I

view as narrower in context than “instruction”:

Distance education is all planned learning that normally occurs in a different place from

teaching, requiring special techniques of course design and instruction, communication

through various technologies, and special organizational and administrative arrangements.

(Moore & Kearsley, as cited in Moore, 2007, p. x)

Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvackek. As cited in Schlosser & Simonson (2006),

Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvackek focus on the learning “group” which I feel

restricts their definition to educational settings involving multiple students in a class:

Distance education is defined as institution-based, formal education where the

learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems are

used to connect learners, resources, and instructors. (p.1)

Definition of Distance Education 4


Moore, M. G. (2007). Handbook of Distance Education (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Schlosser, L., & Simonson, Michael. (2006). Distance education: definition and glossary of terms

(2nd ed.). Greenwich CT: IAP/Information Age Pub.

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