Standard FTTH Connection Functions, Branchconnect

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St#nd#rd FTTH connection functions, br#nchconnect

Br#nchconnect: cre#tes the c#ble connections from the FTUʼs / MDUʼs to #

m#nipul#tion-point for multiple streets
Movetof#c#de: moves #ll FTU & MDU symbols to the building f#ç#de #nd cre#te
the drop / g#rden lines from the f#ç#de to the ne#rest m#in trench / tr#il.
Split: checks #nd corrects #ll trench / tr#il LWPolylines #t connections, drops,
br#nches, crossings etc. #nd th#n tr#nsforms the LWPolylines into line-segments
for optimiz#tion #nd #s-built purposes.

Complex FTTH c#lcul#tions, settings

Network concept selection: P2P / GPON
Number of Active & P#ssive fibres per subscriber / FTU (ONT)
Possible b#ndwidthʼs
The required b#ndwidth, split-r#tio per subscriber / FTU (ONT)
The number of #p#rtments per #p#rtment-building / MDU (MNT)
Fibre sp#res per m#nipul#tion-point type
Possible c#ble-types, preferred fibre counts
C#ble connection r#tes per network / c#ble level
Possible splitter-types per m#nipul#tion-point type
Splitter threshold / minimum lines, per splitter-type
Splitter R#tio Preference
C#ssette def#ult c#p#city
Grommet def#ult c#p#city
FTU (ONT) / MDU (MNT) preference for first splitter-type to #tt#ch.
P2P & GPON settings: splitter c#lcul#tion, c#ble, sp#res

The D#t#-editor: c#lcul#tes #ll dyn#mic qu#ntities #nd dyn#mic text

Auto-c#ble: c#lcul#tes fibres requirements #nd cre#tes #ll required c#bles
Auto-l#belling: cre#tes the customiz#ble c#ble l#belling
M#nu#l-c#lcul#tion: per single m#nipul#tion-point, checks #ll connections,
c#lcul#tes #ll m#teri#l & inst#ll#tion requirements, #mount of connected
customer- connection / FTU (ONT), p#ssive fibres #mount, #ctive fibre
requirements per b#ndwidth, splitter-types #nd qu#ntities

Spider-c#lcul#tion: with # single click, enforcing #ll P2P / GPON settings, the
whole network is re-c#lcul#ted & re-designed. The dyn#mic text / l#belling will
#utom#tic#lly show: splitter-types #nd qu#ntities per m#nipul#tion-point

Concept #re# info: shows #ll qu#ntities of connections, c#ble & trench types
c#p#ble of se#rching for #ll ‘downʼ nodes #nd c#n determine the number of fibres
required in the c#bles to the nodes

softw#re c#lcul#tes the number of splices, splice c#ssettes #nd c#ble inlet
grommets for the selected nodes

In PON networks, it #lso c#lcul#tes the number #nd type of optic#l splitters
required with # single click

If needed, splices, c#ssettes #nd splitters c#n be #ssigned to c#p#city limits, with
w#rnings indic#ting if the limits h#ve been exceeded.

perform ‘Spider C#lcul#tionsʼ on #ll ‘downʼ nodes, or ‘select #llʼ #nd let the
progr#m c#lcul#te #nd decide for the whole network.

Through # mix of #utom#tion, sm#rt interpret#tion, pure speed #nd e#se of use
the P2P / GPON modelling functions en#ble network designers to c#lcul#te #nd
rec#lcul#te #n unlimited number of concepts #nd iter#tions.

c#lcul#tes the best splitter types to employ #nd the best pl#ces to loc#te them
in the network.

choose the most #ppropri#te c#bles #nd wiring configur#tions to minimize costs

l#belling system for c#bles, connectors #nd other network elements

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