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J O U R N A L O F M A T E R I A L S S C I E N C E L E T T E R S 2 0, 2 0 0 1, 2095 – 2096

The determination of porosity and cellulose content of plant fibers by

density methods
Department of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Department of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK

Plant fibers often arranged in fiber bundles, for exam- between one result and the other can be of the or-
ple hemp and jute are comprised of four main chemical der of 12% difference [6, 7]. In this work combining
components namely cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin the Archimedes method with the technique of helium
and pectin. These are chemical components, which pycnometry makes unique accurate measurements of
make the solid morphological structure of plant fibers porosity and cellulose content.
together with the air filled lumen. In some cases the lu- The densities of hemp, sisal, jute and kapok fibers
men contains protoplasm for example in cotton single have been measured as part of a programme of work
fibers [1]. on plant fiber composites [8]. Kapok fibers are single
The absolute diameter of plant fibers excludes the seed fibers and the three other fibers are fiber bundles.
lumen but includes the pores trapped between the fib- Average diameter for 50 fibers evaluated by scanning
rils and lamellae. The absolute density excludes all the electron microscope (SEM) and image analysis (IA) are
pores and lumen and is therefore a measure of the solid presented in Table I.
matter of the fibers. The bulk (apparent) density on the Benzene with a density of 875 kg/m3 was used as
other hand includes all the solid material and the pores a solvent for the measurement of the bulk density of
of the fibers. The bulk density is always less than that fibers and an electronic balance was used to weigh
without pores hence less than the absolute density due to fibers. Weights were measured to the nearest 0.001 g.
the buoyancy effect caused by the trapped air. The abso- A tuft of fibers was first weighed on the pan and its
lute density of pure cellulose is reported as 1592 kg/m3 weight recorded as Wfa . The fiber was then immersed
and that of regenerated cellulose as 1583 kg/m3 [2]. in the benzene and made to rest on the weighing pan
The absolute density of most plant fibers is between submerged in the solvent. The weight in kg of the im-
1400–1500 kg/m3 . This slight drop of density in plant mersed fiber was then recorded as Wfs . The bulk density
fibers is due to the presence of porosity including the (ρb ) of the fibers was calculated using Equation 1.
lumen and impurities such as waxes and oils.
The quantification of the plant fibers’ constituents ρs Wfa
ρb = (1)
has traditionally been carried out by chemical methods Wfa − Wfs
using established standard methods such as the ASTM,
BS and ISO standards. Sun et al. [3] used 6%NaOH Where ρs = the density of the solvent (benzene)
and 17.5%NaOH to extract hemicellulose and produced (kg/m3 ). All measurements were determined at 19 ◦ C.
a scheme for the fractionation of polysaccharides and Helium pycnometer model AccuPyc 1330 acquired
lignin from oil palm trunk and empty fruit bunch (EFB). from Micrometrics Instrument Corporation (USA) was
Mitchel and Winandy [4] used ethanol, acidic chlorite used to measure the absolute density of fibers.
and then an alkaline to extract hemicellulose from holo- The sample was placed into the pycnometry sample
cellulose. Sugars, residual acid and Klason lignin were holder and weighed. The sample and container were
determined by Pettersen and Schmidt [5] to determine then placed into the cell chamber. The sample identifi-
α-cellulose. cation number was given and its weight recorded. The
The literature available gives different cellulose con- helium gas was then admitted into the cell chamber
tents for the same fiber and sometimes the difference filling the open lumen and pores. This procedure was

T A B L E I Some physical properties of hemp, sisal, jute and kapok fibers

Fiber Diameter Absolute density Bulk density Porosity Non-cellulose Non-cellulose P+X [(P + X ) − Y ] Cellulose content
type (µm) ρa (kg/m3 ) ρb (kg/m3 ) P (%) X (%) + air Y (%) Y  (%) Tair (%) Z (%)

Hemp 67.84 1505 1468 2.46 5.46 7.79 7.92 0.13 91.95
Sisal 167.85 1428 1273 10.85 10.30 20.04 21.15 1.11 77.74
Jute 45.44 1532 1358 11.36 3.77 14.70 15.13 0.43 84.44
Kapok 22.65 1474 384 73.95 7.41 75.88 81.36 5.48 13.16

C 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers 2095
repeated according to the number of the pre-determined An equation is developed using the bulk and absolute
runs and ten were used in this work. At the end of the last density of the fiber and the density of pure cellulose
run a summary report was printed out giving the vol- to determine the amount of cellulose a particular fiber
ume of the sample and its weight for each run, the aver- contains and is developed as follows.
age sample volume and absolute density (ρa ) and their Let Z be the amount of cellulose in a fiber and using
standard deviations. the expression in the last column of Table I, the expres-
The porosity of fibers was then determined us- sion for Z (Equations 8 and 9) is given as follows.
ing the absolute and bulk density of the fibers using
Equation 2. Z = [1 − (P + X + Tair )]100
  Z = [1 − (P + X + P + X − Y )]100 (8)
P = 1− 100 (2) Z = [1 − (2P + 2X − Y )]100
ρb ρa ρb
Where P = percent porosity (%). The percentage of Z = 1− 3−2 −2 − 100
ρa ρcell ρcell
non-cellulose binding materials (X ) is calculated from     (9)
the absolute density, ρa , and a data value for the density ρb ρa ρb
Z= 2 + − − 2 100
of cellulose, ρcell , according to Equation 3. ρa ρcell ρcell
  The cellulose content of plant fibers can be calcu-
X = 1− 100 (3) lated using the absolute, bulk and cellulose densities
(Equation 9) and the values are given in the last column
in Table I).
The percentage of non-cellulose binding material plus Factors such as cellulose microfibril angle have a
pores (trapped air) (Y ) is calculated from the bulk den- strong influence on the mechanical properties of plant
sity, ρb , and the density of cellulose, ρcell , according to fibres, however, it can be seen that hemp fiber has strong
Equation 4 potential as natural fiber reinforcement for polymeric
  materials. On the other hand kapok fibers are not only
ρb hollow but also have very low cellulose content in the
Y = 1− 100 (4)
ρcell cell wall.
It can be concluded that the combination of the clas-
The porosity (P) and percentage of non-cellulose mate- sical bulk density measurement and the pycnometry
rials (X ) are added to give the quantity Y  (Equation 5). method for measuring absolute density and porosity
enable very accurate determination of true plant fiber
Y = P + X (5) porosity and cellulose content to be evaluated.

Values for ρa , ρb , P, X , Y and Y  are presented in

Table II. Acknowledgments
One would expect that Y values would be equal or The first author wishes to thank the Sokoine Univer-
close to Y  values. However, this is not the case as the sity of Agriculture for financial support in the form
values in column Y are less than the values in Y  and an of a scholarship under the Tanzanian-Norwegian tech-
equation is developed to determine the Y  values using nical co-orporation program. The authors wish to
densities (Equation 6) as follows. thank Dr. Garath Neighbour for providing the helium
 ρb ρa
Y = 2− − 100 (6)
ρa ρcell
The decrease in the values in column Y indicates that 1. S . G . S H E N O U D A , “Applied Fibre Science” (Academic Press,
London, 1979).
tiny air pores exist in addition to the porosity obtained 2. R . M E R E D I T H , “The Mechanical Properties of Textile Fibres”
by Equation 2, the P values. These micropores are rep- (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1956).
resented by the Tair values in Table I. Equation 7 is used 3. R . C . S U N , J . M . F A N G , L . M O T T and J . B O L T O N ,
to calculate this microporosity. Holzforschung 53 (1999) 253.
4. M . S . S W E E T and J . E . W I N A N D Y , ibid. 53 (1999) 311.
5. R . C . P E T T E R S E N and V . H . S O W A N D T , J. W. Chem. Tech.
Tair = [(P + X ) − Y ] 11(4) (1991) 490.
ρb ρb − ρa 6. A . J . B O L T O N , Mat. Tech. 9(1/2) (1994) 12.
Tair = 1− + 100 7. L . W E I N D L I N G , “Long Vegetable Fibres” (Columbia University
ρa ρcell Press, New York, 1947).
8. L . Y . M W A I K A M B O and M . P . A N S E L L , Die Ange. Makrom.
The microporosity is very small for the fibre bundles Chem. 272 (1999) 108.
but is significant for kapok fiber (Table I). This is con-
sidered to be caused by the loose packing structure of Received 10 August
the constituents of kapok fiber. and accepted 1 October 2001


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