Question # 1: How Will You Feel If A Only 2 Out of 5 Stars?: Well Rated You WELL RATED YOU

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A new wave of technologies is changing every aspect of the human life – from dating and ordering
fragrance to completing wells and managing reservoirs. The stuff of Science Fiction is becoming Science
Fact! From ordering fragrance to dating, technology is influencing every aspect of our lives. The HR
Discussions team, vide via this article, aims to inform YPs about three trends that will change the way we
work in the future. These 3 three trends are introduced in the form of three3 key questions for YPs!

Question # 1: How will you feel if a well rated you WELL RATED YOU only 2 out of 5 stars?

Everything – and everyone – will be rated, recorded, measured and analyzedmeasured, recorded,
analyzed, and rated!

Uber, Amazon, and AirBnB allow s everyone to rate everyone. The 5 Five Star Rating System is here to
stay. : We we are looking at a future where all interactions will be rated. We are not just talking
aboutThis includes not only people rating people or people rating objects but also about objects (wells,
reservoirs, tools) rating people too!

Imagine you are a directional drilling engineer who is supposed to build up to atasked with building a
certain angle and to hit the target reservoir. Sure, the customerCertainly, customers will continue to
rate you on how well you did the jobservices providers on how well they do their job! ,; But but you will
truly begin to receive 360 degrees feedback in theever more comprehensive feedback in the future. Not
only will your customer rate you, but The the rig, the MWD tool, the BHA, and the drill bit will rate you
too! With the IoT (Internet of Things) becoming all prevalentgrowing in prevalence, certain algorithms
will be built into the system to give ratings torate users based on a set of parameters criteria (such as
whether or not the did the user operated the equipment within a set of acceptable parameters? , Did
whether or not the driller do proper maintenance was performed before and after the equipment was
operated, etc. etc.?)

It’s not just about equipment but also about the work environmentWork environments will also be
subject to ratings. YPs will be able to rate their bosses;, service providers will be able to rate customers.
These ratingsRatings will not be a one-time affair such as (eg. Eend of year performance reviews,
appraisal) but will be done on a continuous basis. Every engagement, every activity, every report
submitted, every interaction, conversation, and meeting will be rated by all stakeholdersinvolved
parties. Video analytics will analyze body language to and generate insights on the emotions people go
through as they dopeople’s emotions as they complete different activities,tasks and meet different

All this will lead toleave a trail of data . This data willto be automatically analyzed by machine learning
algorithms that will be able to identify strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes, social networks, skills
etc. How might the results of this analysis be used? To assign team members to projects? To decide
promotions? To select employees for additional training designed to shore up weak points or hone

Question # 2: Are you ready to become a SUPREME COURT JUDGE?

Judgement (critical thinking) toThe ability to critically evaluate AI recommendationsrecommendations

from Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become a key differentiator!
AI and advanced machines will be integrated with our work systems. Most of the routine work we do
today will be done by machinescomputers. Machines will force us to think like they do i.e.Computers
will begin to influence our operations they will do all theas they perform all of the calculations and ask
for our permission to execute the decisions they reach based on themsaid calculations. This Being able
to give a digital yes or no answer to a digital decision will require judgement skills. Should you accept the
AI engine’s recommendations or should you reject them? How do you decide what to do?you reach your

Let’s say you are doing performing a reservoir simulation study that requires you to recover the most
amount ofto maximize the estimated ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons from your reserves. The
computer will take all available data and an AI engine will automatically recommends that you proceed
with EOR and by using surfactant flooding. It will also tell you howspecifies how much surfactant to use,
at what rate to you should inject the same, how much of it you to should procure, and from wherewhich
vendors. It will ask you toYou are asked to either accept or reject the decisionplan. What do you do?
What data do you need to evaluate the effectivenessvalidatyvalidity of the recommendations? Do you
trust the AI’s recommendations or do you reject itis there reason to doubt them? If you reject itthem,
what partwhich parts of it do you reject and why? Most importantly, can you defend why you’re
rejecting them? What other data do you need to evaluate the effectiveness of the recommendations?

We have not been trained to think this way, but must learn to do the sameso in the future. Are you
ready to become a Judge? Do you know what evidence to ask for to make better judgements? Do you
understand how the AI made thearrived at its decisions? Did It Were incorporate ethics and moral
values in itsconsidered in its recommendation? Or is it up to you to provide the “human factor”?

Question # 3: Can you solve a problem when you DON’T KNOW THE QUESTION?

Unstructured Problem Solving and Creativity will emerge as critical skills for YPs.

Structured problem solving is easy. By 2020 computers will be able to solve such problems way faster
and with much higher accuracymore accurately than humans. How will YPs add value? The answer is: By
mastering the art of unstructured problem solving!

Unstructured problems are challenges where outcomes are not easily quantifiable. These include
challenges where the question itself is not clear. YPs will have to understand what people are really
asking for by probing deeper and converting feelings into well-defined problems.

Let’s say a production engineer calls you and says she needs your help. You ask for the specifics: Do you
need to increase production from your well? If yes, by how much and how fast? What is the budget? She Commented [SIG1]: I think this is becoming
says she doesn’t know exactly what she needs. In -fact she needs your help to figure out what she commonplace especially with small players usually backed
by private equity firm. Design thinking will become more
wants! Will you get frustrated? Will you have the patience to figure out what she is feeling and going
and more relevant in product development and it is gaining
through? You might need to put yourself in her shoes and do some design-thinking to figure out exactly acceptance in other industries such as manufacturing,
what she is feeling, seeing and communicating! You will have to figure out the context, read the history, financial services and retails. I don’t see why we can’t use it
in this context.
define the problem and evaluate several alternatives. You can be creative and give her an out- of- the-
box solution that may not be technical in nature at all!

The ability to structure and define a problem and propose innovative or creative solutions is going to
become a key skill in the future. We will be able to able to add value through our ability to understand
humans in the way only humans can. For everything else there will be smart computers!

We live in exciting times. Change is so rapid and pervasive that we cannot hope to comprehend andit
will not be easy to keep pace with everything. However, we YPs can be strategic and develop the skill-
set of the future. Learning human-centric design thinking and, how to conduct ethnographic interviews,
doing blue- sky thinking, and developing other such skills will help us adapt and succeed in the O&G
Industry of the future.

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