Closing The Gap Lesson Plan Surveys

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Lesson Plan – Closing the Gap

School Counselor: Michelle Dluzak Date: 9/14/18 & 9/28/18

Activity: Parents Night: How the Community Can Help You

Grade(s): Parents

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):

M 1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical
M 2. Self-confidence in ability to succeed
B-LS 1. Demonstrate critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions
B-LS 9. Gather evidence and consider multiple perspectives to make informed decisions

Learning Objective(s) (aligns with competency):

1. Parents will know about resources available in the community

2. Parents will understand the accessibility and affordability of resources

3. Parents will be able to make informed decisions whether or not they want to use these facilities.

Potential guest speakers
Post-survey (to be given in April)

Procedure: The school will host two parent nights. These parent nights will be presentations on community
resources, and each night will be on a different category of resources. One night will highlight after-school and
tutoring resources, and the other night will highlight medical facilities and resources in the neighborhood for both
physical and mental wellness. These presentations will be 1 hour long and will be held at the school at 7pm to
allow time for working parents to arrive on time. The parents will sign in at the door with their names and emails.
The counselor will present a PowerPoint presentation with each slide highlighting a different facility and any
relevant information. The PowerPoint presentations will be emailed to the parents the next day to make sure
everyone in attendance has their own copy of all the information. The counselor will attempt to get 1 guest
speaker for each presentation. The organization the guest speaker comes from is dependent upon scheduling
and the counselor’s discretion. The speaker will go into further detail about the facility that he or she works at,
any financial aid or sliding scale/fee reduction the facility, and any other relevant information the speaker wants
to highlight. The night will end with the school counselor letting the parents know that the PowerPoint will be sent
to them at the emails they provided at the door. The counselor's name and email will also be included at the end
of the PowerPoint for the parent’s convenience.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: All parents that attend the parents’ night.

Perception Data: Pre-surveys will be given to the parents as they come in, to be collected at the door as they
leave. This pre-survey will list the facilities and resources being highlighted in that night’s presentation and will
have 3 boxes next to each organization. These boxes will be labeled “heard of”, “currently use”, and “never heard
of”. Knowing how many parents do not use the resources will allow us to collect accurate outcome data and
measure how many parents utilize the resources presented.

Outcome Data: The number of parents who use 1 or more of the resources they learned about at the
presentation(s) will increase 5%.

Follow-Up: Parents who attended either or both of the parents’ nights will be given a follow up survey at parent-
teacher conferences in the spring. This follow-up survey will list all the facilities highlighted at both presentations
and will ask the parents if they have used any of them since the presentations in Autumn.
Pre-Presentation Survey: After School Resources

Gads Hill Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Kumon Math & Reading Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Ivy Garden Learning Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Lozano Branch, Chicago Public Library
Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Harrison Park- Chicago Park District

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Pre-Presentation Survey: Medical Resources


Pre-Presentation Survey: Medical Resources

Form description

Alivio Medical Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

UIC Mile Square Health Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Sinai Medical Group Pilsen

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

St. Anthony Hospital

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

University of Illinois Hospital

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
UI Pilsen Family Health Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Post-Presentation Survey


Pre-Presentation Survey: After School Resources

Form description

Gads Hill Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Kumon Math & Reading Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Ivy Garden Learning Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Lozano Branch, Chicago Public Library

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Harrison Park- Chicago Park District

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
Alivio Medical Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

UIC Mile Square Health Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

Sinai Medical Group Pilsen

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use
St. Anthony Hospital

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

University of Illinois

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

UI Pilsen Family Health Center

Never Heard Of

Heard Of

Currently Use

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