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Quality plannings is a structured process for developing products (both goods and services)
that ensures that customer needs are met by the final result.


Quality planning problem can happen because of:
1. Understanding gap, the producer simply fails to consider who the customers are and what
they need.
2. Design gap, even if there were perfect knowledge about customer needs and perceptions,
many organizations would fail to create designs for their goods and services that are fully
consistent with that understanding.
3. Process gap, the process by which the physical product is created or the service is delivered
is not capable of conforming to the design consistently time after time.
4. Operations gap, the process is operated and controlled may create additional deficiencies in
the delivery of the final good or service.

Customer Expectations
Understanding gap
Understanding of Needs
Design gap
Design of Product
Quality Gap Process gap
Capability to Deliver Design
Operations gap
Actual Delivery
Perception gap

Customer Percepton of

Gambar 3.1 The quality gap and its constituent gaps


Quality planning provides the process, methods, tools, and techniques for closing each of these
component gaps and thereby ensuring that the final quality gap is at a minimum. The following
is summarizes at a high level the basic steps of quality planning.
1. Establish the project, is the organized work needed to prepare an organization to deliver a
new or revised product, following the steps associated with quality planning. Generally
speaking, the following activities are associated with establishing a quality planning project:
a. Identify which projects are required to fulfill the organization’s strategy.
b. Prepare a mission statement for each project.
c. Establish a team to carry out the project.
d. Plan the project.
2. Identify the customer, generally, there are two primary groups of customers: the external
customers, those outside the producing organization and the internal customers, those inside
the producing organization.
3. Discover the customer needs, the third step of quality planning is to discover the needs of
both internal and external customers for the product. Some of the key activities required for
effective discovery of customer needs include
a. Plan to collect customers’ needs.
b. Collect a list of customers’ needs in their language.
c. Analyze and prioritize customers’ needs.
d. Translate their needs into “our” language.
e. Establish units of measurement and sensors.
4. Develop the product
5. Develop the process
6. Develop the controls and transfer to operations

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