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1305 N.

Martin Avenue
P.O. Box 210203
Tucson, AZ 85721-0203
Tel: (520) 626-6152
Fax: (520) 626-2669

February 5, 2018

Dear Sir/Madam:

I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for Caitlin Meaney. I have known Ms. Meaney
since August 2017, as her Population Health and Community Nursing theory and clinical
instructor. Ms. Meaney was one of the most engaged, motivated, and enthusiastic students I have
had the opportunity with whom to teach and work. Highlights of Ms. Meaney’s population
based work include:

• Assessment: Ms. Meaney applied her knowledge of the nursing process and performed,
in conjunction with her team members, a thorough community assessment of a census
tract in Tucson, AZ. The community assessment included data on the population,
interviews of residents, analysis of the quantitative and qualitative data, implementation,
and evaluation of an educational project.

• Teaching: Upon completion of the clinical rotation, Ms. Meaney, with her team,
developed and presented a nutrition-based education program to 70 elementary aged
school children.

• Clinical: Ms. Meaney spent her service learning clinical days in the busy health office at
Pueblo Magnet High School in South Tucson. Working with the school nurse, she
attended to the health care needs of this mostly Hispanic student population.

• Teamwork and Sharing of Results: The community assessment and the results of the
educational project to were shared with the public health nurses at the Theresa Lee Public
Health Offices (South Tucson). The presentation included a summary of the community
assessment, identification of strengths and stressors in the community, evidence-based
research supporting the educational project, inclusion of levels of prevention, and tied to
national health goals as set forth by Healthy People 2020.

Ms. Meaney is a young woman of integrity and maturity. I would not hesitate to choose her to
provide nursing care to me. She is inquisitive, thoughtful, and takes action. She is an excellent
team member. I highly recommend Ms. Meaney, she will be an asset to the profession of nursing
and I have no doubt that she will make significant contributions to society.

Nancy E. McGuckin, MPH, MBA, MSN, RN

Clinical Faculty
College of Nursing
University of Arizona
1305 N. Martin Street, Room 205
Tucson, AZ 85721

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