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Siamese believe that asking personal questions to strangers is a polite way
of welcoming them to their place. However, Anna was upset because she
was not aware of their intentions; since asking personal questions to people
you do not know is not acceptable in Britain.

Gender Power:
In Siam, they believe that men are better and have the power over women.
This was shown when Anna’s son apologized to her in front of the class and
the king’s son told him that men never supposed to say sorry to women; it
shows weakness. While in Britain, when a man apologizes to a woman, it
shows respect to their emotions

In Siam, they used to wear long cloth that shows simplicity. The wives and
kids of the king wore the same cloths and had almost the same hairstyle.
As for Britain, they used to wear gowns and big cloths that showed their

Cultural Clashes
This movie had shown some interesting culture differences, such as:

Siam at that time had a special way of greeting their king. When the king
passes by the people, they would prostrate/kneeling down with their heads
touching the floor. This greeting way shows that the people consider the
king as their God! And so they kneel and look down. As for Anna, who was
British, she respected their greeting way; however, she greeted him in her
own British respectful way. In Britain, people do not kneel for their kings and

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