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English Language
Sample Lesson Materials
Secondary Form 2
Lessons 1 – 6
Sample Lesson Materials: Speaking

(Creative Commons 2.0 Photo by Ryan Albrey)

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
How paper is recycled

Paper is taken from recycling bins and put By adding different materials to the slurry,
in a large recycling container. different paper products can be made,
such as cardboard, newsprints or office

The paper is taken to a recycling factory

where it is separated into different types. The slurry is then spread using large
rollers into large thin sheets.The sheets
are then made into big rolls.

The separated paper is then washed with

soapy water to remove inks, plastic film,
staples and glue. The paper is then put The paper is left to dry, and then it is rolled
into a large container where it is mixed up ready to be cut. It is then sent back to
with water to create ‘slurry’, which is like a the shops in lorries.
thick soup.

Adapted from

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
Worksheet: How paper is recycled

Match the steps in recycling paper A-E to pictures 1,2,3, 5 and 6.

Picture 4 already has an answer.

Write the correct letter under each picture.

By adding different materials to the slurry,

different paper products can be made,
such as cardboard, newsprints or office

Adapted from

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
Steps in recycling paper

The separated paper is then washed with soapy water to remove inks, plastic film, staples
and glue. The paper is then put into a large container where it is mixed with water to create
‘slurry’, which is like a thick soup.

Paper is taken from recycling bins and put in a large recycling container.

The paper is left to dry, and then it is rolled up ready to be cut. It is then sent back to the
shops in lorries.

The paper is taken to a recycling factory where it is separated into different types.

The slurry is then spread into large thin sheets using large rollers. The sheets are then made
into big rolls.

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
How glass is recycled

Match the steps in recycling glass A-E to pictures 1,2,3, 5 and 6.

Picture 4 already has an answer.

Write the correct letter under each picture.

Some of the glass is then crushed and

melted in very high heat, and is then
shaped into new products such as bottles
and jars. Other glass is used in other
products such as bricks.

Adapted from

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
Steps in recycling glass

The new glass bottles and jars are then ready to be filled and used again.

Glass is thrown into a recycle bin.

The glass is sorted by colour and washed to remove impurities.

The glass is taken from the bin and transported to a glass treatment factory.

The glass is now taken new factories to be filled and sent to shops. Glass does not degrade
in the recycling process, so it can be recycled again and again.

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
How aluminium is recycled

Aluminium cans and foil are thrown into a Then the aluminium is melted. The melting
recycle bin. removes the ink and other coatings on the

The aluminium is then collected and taken

to a treatment factory. The aluminium is then made into large
triangular blocks called ingots. Each ingot
contains about 1.6 million drinks cans.

The aluminium is sorted and cleaned so

that it can be used again.
The ingots are sent to mills where they are
rolled out into thin sheets. This rolling out
makes the aluminium flexible and strong.

The sheets are made into aluminium

products such as cans. Chocolate
wrapping and ready meal packaging are
other possibilities. The recycled aluminium products are then
transported back to the shops ready to be
used again.
Adapted from

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
Worksheet: How aluminium is recycled

Look at the pictures and words about recycling aluminium.

Write full sentences next to each picture to explain how aluminium is recycled.

…throw…recycle bin.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

…collect and take…treatment factory.

2. ___________________________________________________________________

…sort and clean so that it can be used again.

3. ___________________________________________________________________

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
…melt. The melting removes the inkand other coatings on the aluminium.

4. __________________________________________________________________

…make into large triangular blocks called ingots.

6. __________________________________________________________________________

…send to mills where roll out into thin sheets. .

7. ___________________________________________________________________

…make into aluminium products such as cans..

8. ____________________________________________________________________

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)
….transport back to the shops ready to be used again

9. ____________________________________________________________________

Adapted from

Form 2 Sample Lesson Material (Lessons 1 – 6)

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