What To Do Before Making A Post?

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Every day almost 1000 new members register at DotSis.

This is why I created this thread, it's a little help for every new member, showing them how
to post correctly on DotSis.

1. What to do before making a post?

-First use the search option, to make sure, that the post still doesn't exist. If you can't find it,
use the advanced search option, just to be sure! Double posts are instantly deleted, and their
posters charged with infraction points, eventually banned! more
-Find the right zone! Please don't post for example your S60 v3 software in the S60 zone!
-Find the right section! Don't post for example java games in the "Sis games" section, or
antivirus software in the "Camera tools" section! more
-Post your requests, questions only in the "Help and Request" zones! Again, please chose the
proper zone, don't post for example questions relating to a Nokia N73 in the "S60 Help &
Request zone"! more

2.How to post?
If you are sure, that you are not going to double post, that you are in the right section of the
right zone, you may press the "New Thread" button.
-The title of the thread should contain relevant information about your thread's content.If it's a
software you have to write there it's title (name), and it's version.
-In the main field you have to enter a brief description of the software, you must insert some
screenshots and obviously the download link.
Description and screenshots are a must!
The downloads can be uploaded to the DotSis server via the "Manage Attachment" button, or
can be uploaded to a file hosting page.
If you insert a link to a download from a file hosting page, it must be coded! Use any of these
buttons to code your links:
-You also have to code links to any other external pages, like for example pages that allow
you to download without registration, homepages of a software developer etc.
(Note, that links that point inside of DotSis shouldn't be coded!)
-Insert relevant keywords to the "Tags" field! That will help other users to find what you had
posted! more

3. What should not contain a post?

-Abusive, racist, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any
other material that may violate any applicable laws. Ethnic and religious flaming/insults are
certainly not allowed here.
-Erotic and pornographic content.
-Posts in native language!Global language of the forum is English, Avoid using your native
language in this forum, excepting the DotSis International Zone.
-The IMEI number of your devices.more
-Your phone numbers
-Direct links to external downloads more)
-Referral links. more
-Attachments hosted on Dotsis server of G@meloft & EA(Electronic Arts) software. Read
more here: more
-No more attachments of warez, cracked or any other illegal copies of PC and Pocket PC
applications are allowed on the DoTsis server!
-Any kind of links that point to other forum sites (Advertising = BAN)
(Note, that you may post coded links to downloads to other sites (but NOT forums!), IF that
site doesn't require registration for downloading those files!)
-Spam ( Including saying thanks!).more
-Requests for reputation or thanks (Those can be included only in signatures!)
If the post contains any of these, it will immediately be deleted, and the user who made the
post charged with infraction points, and probably banned!Read more here: more

4. What to do after posting?

From time to time you should visit your posts, to answer the questions that other members
addressed to you about the software you posted.
-Keep an eye on the others, and use the (report button) if you see posts that do not
correspond to the conditions listed here.

-Use the (Thanks) button and the -reputation system!

-Enjoy the downloads and the community of DotSis!
-After a new post you have to report here, what new content you have posted. read rule first

-You want to know how to say thanks to someone for something?

-You don't know what to do if you noticed a double post?

Although the administrators and moderators of DotSIS® : Nokia, Symbian, Java Mobile
Phone Discussions will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is
impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and
neither the owners of DotSIS® : Nokia, Symbian, Java Mobile Phone Discussions, nor
vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of
any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene,
vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of DotSIS® : Nokia, Symbian, Java Mobile Phone Discussions reserve the right
to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason.

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