Latih Tubi Soalan Latihan Bahasa Inggeris Tahun 5 Cuti Bulan Mac 2

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Worksheet 1

Use the given questions to help you to do the interviewers.

1. What is your real name?

2. Where do you live?
3. What do you do for a living?
4. Do you have a family?
5. Why are you here?
6. How do you sense danger?
7. How do you get your superhero powers?
8. What special gadgets do you use?
9. Did you design the shield?
10. Did you design the car?
11. How often do you change your costume?
12. Who do you usually help?
13. Do you have any advice for Malaysian school children?
Word cards 1




Bionic eyes

Picture cards 1
Reader 1
Sigat and Captain Malaysia
After completed all his homework, Sigat sat comfortably on the couch and watched t.v. His
mother allows him to watch his favourite t.v program only when all his homework is done. While watching,
he fell asleep. He dreamed about Captain Malaysia, the national superhero.
In his dream, Captain Malaysia was almost defeated by his old nemesis. He was helpless and
needed help but no one was around. Then, he saw Sigat hiding behind the trees. He called him for help
and transferred all his superhero power to him. Sigat transformed into a new superhero and fought the
enemy fearlessly. He aimed all his attack so that he can win the battle. When the enemy was losing, he
aimed another finishing blow. Suddenly…
“Sigat! Wake up and sleep in your room, now”, ordered his mother. Sigat woke up and realized
that everything was just a dream. He smiled and wished that it was true.

 Ask the pupils to predict the end of the story.

 Accept any suitable answer.
Worksheet 2
Continue the story.
Sigat and Captain Malaysia
After completed all his homework, Sigat sat comfortably on the couch and watched t.v. His
mother allows him to watch his favourite t.v program only when all his homework is done. While watching,
he fell asleep. He dreamed about Captain Malaysia, the national superhero.
In his dream, Captain Malaysia was almost defeated by his old nemesis. He was helpless and
needed help but no one was around. Then, he saw Sigat hiding behind the trees. He called him for help
and transferred all his superhero power to him. Sigat transformed into a new superhero and fought the
enemy fearlessly. He aimed all his attack so that he can win the battle. When the enemy was losing, he
aimed another finishing blow. Suddenly _________________________________________________
Worksheet 3
Cut and paste the sentences in correct order in your exercise books.

He was helpless and needed help but no one was around. Then, he saw Sigat hiding behind the trees.

While watching, he fell asleep. He dreamed about Captain Malaysia, the national superhero.

He aimed all his attack so that he can win the battle. When the enemy was losing, he aimed another
finishing blow.

After completed all his homework, Sigat sat comfortably on the couch and watched t.v.

He called him for help and transferred all his superhero power to him. Sigat transformed into a new
superhero and fought the enemy fearlessly.
He was helpless and needed help but no one was around. Then, he saw Sigat hiding behind the trees.

In his dream, Captain Malaysia was almost defeated by his old nemesis.

His mother allows him to watch his favourite t.v program only when all his homework is done.
Word cards 2





Worksheet 4
Replace the words and phrases in bold with your own words.
Timothy Tompkins had turnips
And tea.
The turnips were tiny.
He ate at least three.
And then, for dessert,
He had onions and ice.
He liked them so much
That he ordered it twice.
He had two cups of ketchup,
A prune, and a pickle.
‘Delicious, ‘ said Timothy.
‘Well worth a nickel.’
He folded his napkin
And hastened to add,
‘It’s one of the loveliest breakfast
I’ve had.’
Word cards 3













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