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This work is completely free and is not for sale, it is only for Steam users who have the

game the same, anyone who is selling the product correspond to the relevant authorities, we only
rely on donations Patreon to do this project a reality, where we pray can help us with $ 1.00 as this
work is difficult and help is always good, however small it may be.

The work was created by Enkeli Studios, but thank Forums Civilization III, where we take the model
units and returned to create from scratch with Micro Poser program but AOE format and Chinese
forums Hawkaoc, thanks to their tutorials, kindness, fellowship and learned everything needed and
good hand to thank Saklyes, for supporting work with advertising in Spanish-speaking, and finally
Mother Of Age Of Empires, Facebook comedy without their help we could not have the first

This is a conversion job "Age of Empires II HD Forgotten" in version 3.8 as the current versions are
problematic when it comes to introducing new units and modify text files. So we use this engine
than the normal game, which do not consider piracy as they only have access to this Steam users
with the original game, and we hope to solve the problems of the current engine and be able to
introduce this mod as such to African Kigndom. We are working to make this project a normal
version, our goal to complete this project are $ 400 in patreon, and continue with this project to
revive Age Of Empires with his best game and his best time, just as we have planned to work This
project ended with the First World War and the Napoleonic wars, so we hope you enjoy this work
and can support us in Patreon.

Help us keep this alive.



 Babylon

What is Rise Of History?
This mod was developed by Enkeli Studios, an independent study, on-line
since 2012 is dedicated to the creation of mods of different types of games,
this being his first solo.
He was born due to deliver bad title Age Of Empies
in recent years. This mod is based on the first Age of
Empires, changing some things, as times remain, the
main sections of bronze, to the Iron Age, and
promises to be the best set for the franchise, not
only to be a mod created by fond of the series and
made by professionals in the middle, if not for being
the first and only so far created for the HD version
to this size.
This Mod will be updated gradually, and if we reach
the goal we will patreon month by month, will give
you the option of having your control different empires, nacios and
civilizations of antiquity, as are the Greek leagues, such as Ionic and Doric to
Macedonian league, the Roman legions, the Purepecha in Mexico, the Qin in
China and many more, so you can learn and have fun at the same time the
hand of your favorite civilization.
The mod is looking to become an official
expansion pack for Age of Empires II, as well as
being considered by fans as part of the Age of
Empires series.

It will have several completely new narrated

campaigns, which will replace the original game.
From Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, until
the beginning of the Chinese dynasty and why
not, as Troy campaigns.
Questions and answers
Will there be new campaigns?
Over time new campaigns will be added to replace the original, except that
the campaigns are not based on heroes, if not nations, so a campaign within
a group of six can have different historical periods. The list of campaigns we
have confirmed to work are:

Why only few civilizations have enabled?

The work is a total conversion, so to modify the base civilization, all the
others will be affected, so for them deactivate the civilizations that are not
yet completed to avoid problems with these, yet they have not worked, but
by the work have been modified. Over time update and will have 25
civilizations of antiquity to play and have fun.

When leaving the following updates?

Updates are varied, it took a period of about two months, but if we reach our
goal of $ 400 in patreon can release an update every month.
What comprising periods?
The mod will consist of several historical periods in prehistory, they are
divided into antique bronze, medium bronze, late bronze, iron and iron end.
At each have technologies that time and you agree to unique technologies of
each age so you can choose to investigate or not.
What will civilizations?
League or Greek polis
Babylon / Assyria
China "Qin"
Korea "Hwuanin"
Japan "Yamato"
And many more.

Do I have to pay anything?

No work is completely free as long as you have your Original AOE on Steam,
and ask only accept donations via Patreon and reach our goal of $ 400 and so
you can work and complete this project.
Ionian League

Features of civilization

 and attack

Bonds civilization

Team Bonuses

Unique technologies
 Athenian Navy: +5.0 speed boat attack

Persian Empire

Features of civilization

 can create armies quickly
Bonds civilization



Team Bonuses

 attack and defense
Unique technologies

 -50 attack and defense and the cost of gold.
Babylon / Assyria

Features of civilization

Bonds civilization

monks in the monastery

Team Bonuses

 stone

Unique technologies

Doric League

Features of civilization

 of the Greek

 villagers
Bonds civilization

not only cost time

Team Bonuses

Unique technologies
 The agogé: Infantry +5 attack and defense
 Tirtero Elegies: Best hoplitas regeneration.

Features of civilization

Bonds civilization

50% faster

 do not cost gold
Team Bonuses

Unique technologies

Maps, forests, land and resources

There are a lot of new maps for the game, such as Mediterranean, black and
forest Acropolis and the favorite of many, Arabia, modified to look better and
more animals and resources.

As more land, each forest will have its own ground sheets, the seas are full of
corals and their deepest places will see sea cliffs.

You can find new animals, such as deer, whales, hawks new, better models of
wolves, and likewise, you will see crocodiles deadly and powerful, chickens
and squirrels running through the fields.

There are new models created by us, from poplar and fir trees peonies and
they have animation can now enter the forests, these no longer serve as
natural wall, battles in the forests are now possible.

Like fodder shrubs in the Saudi desert as no maps these shrubs, but there will
be many banana trees where you can make with food deserts.
Age of Empires: Rise Of History 3.8

Latest update 3.9C



1. Download the stable version 3.8 in a folder outside of Program Files folder
and call GAME

2. Once installed, this will install the update at this time, and will install over
version 3.8 in the GAME folder.

3. You install the contents of the link Redist depending on your version of
Windows, if it asks you to replace do not.

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