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N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval for Mean

Lower Bound Upper Bound

Kontrol 5 211.00 194.463 86.967 -30.46 452.46

300mg/KgBB 5 145.20 84.898 37.968 39.78 250.62
600mg/KgBB 5 304.40 207.607 92.845 46.62 562.18
900mg/KgBB 5 440.80 169.734 75.907 230.05 651.55
Total 20 275.35 193.883 43.354 184.61 366.09


Minimum Maximum

Kontrol 75 535
300mg/KgBB 36 239
600mg/KgBB 49 625
900mg/KgBB 240 629
Total 36 629

Test of Homogeneity of Variances


Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

.664 3 16 .586


Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Between Groups 246487.750 3 82162.583 2.811 .073

Within Groups 467736.800 16 29233.550
Total 714224.550 19
Post Hoc Tests

Multiple Comparisons
Dependent Variable: trombosit
Tukey HSD

(I) Perlakuan (J) Perlakuan Mean Difference Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
(I-J) Lower Bound Upper Bound

300mg/KgBB 65.800 108.136 .928 -243.58 375.18

Kontrol 600mg/KgBB -93.400 108.136 .823 -402.78 215.98

900mg/KgBB -229.800 108.136 .187 -539.18 79.58

Kontrol -65.800 108.136 .928 -375.18 243.58
300mg/KgBB 600mg/KgBB -159.200 108.136 .476 -468.58 150.18
900mg/KgBB -295.600 108.136 .064 -604.98 13.78
Kontrol 93.400 108.136 .823 -215.98 402.78
600mg/KgBB 300mg/KgBB 159.200 108.136 .476 -150.18 468.58
900mg/KgBB -136.400 108.136 .599 -445.78 172.98
Kontrol 229.800 108.136 .187 -79.58 539.18

900mg/KgBB 300mg/KgBB 295.600 108.136 .064 -13.78 604.98

600mg/KgBB 136.400 108.136 .599 -172.98 445.78

Homogeneous Subset
Tukey HSD

Perlakuan N Subset for alpha

= 0.05

300mg/KgBB 5 145.20
Kontrol 5 211.00
600mg/KgBB 5 304.40
900mg/KgBB 5 440.80
Sig. .064

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are

a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 5.000.

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