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Define (i) Form factor (ii) Peak Factor (iii) Frequency (iv) Phase & Phase Difference (v)
Time Period (vi) Peak Value (vii) RMS Value (viii) Average Value (ix) Power Factor. (x)
Amplitude (xi) Instantaneous value
2. Obtain the RMS value and average value of half wave rectified Sinusoidal voltage wave.
3. A certain waveform has a form factor of 1.2 and a peak factor of 1.5. If the maximum value
is 100, find RMS value and Average Value.
4. Discuss Resonance in R-L-C series circuit. Explain how pf, XL, and R vary with frequency.
5. Define Power factor .What is the power factor of pure inductor? Give the difference between
active and Reactive Power.
6. Give the comparison of series resonance and parallel resonance.
7. Define the term (1) reactance, (2) inductive reactance and (3) capacitive reactance and
explain how it depends on frequency in an AC circuit.
8. Prove that in a purely capacitive circuit power consumed is zero when a.c. voltage is applied.
Draw relevant phasor diagram and waveforms.
9. An inductive coil of resistance R and inductance L is connected in Parallel with a capacitor
of C. Derive an expression for resonant frequency and Q factor.
10. Prove that current through pure inductor is always lagging by 90º to its voltage and power
consumed is zero.
11. Discuss different methods of representation of vector quantities.
12. Calculate the RMS and average value of the sinusoidal waveform shown in the Fig. 3 From
them, find the peak factor and form factor.
13. Discuss how the inductance of a choke coil can be measured using a rheostate, a voltmeter
and an ammeter.
14. Derive the equation of power in a single phase AC circuit in vector form only.
15. Explain the phenomena of generation of Alternating voltages and currents and derive
expression for it with suitable diagrams.
16. Explain with the aid of a phasor diagram the phenomenon of resonance in a circuit containing an inductor, a
capacitor and a resistor in series.
17. Distinguish between (i) apparent power (ii) active power and (iii) reactive power.
18. Prove that average power consumption in pure inductor is zero when a.c. voltage is applied.
An alternating current having an equation I =141.4sin314t. Find: (i)Frequency (ii)R.M.S.
Value (iii) Average Value (iv) An instantaneous value of current when ' t' is 2 ms.

Assignment Page 1
19. Give comparison of series and parallel resonance in R-L-C A.C circuit. Derive expression of
quality factor, Q for series R-L-C circuit.
Prove that current in purely capacitive circuit leads its voltage by 90°and average power
consumption in pure capacitor is zero.
An inductive coil of resistance R and inductance L is connected in
parallel with capacitor of C. Derive an expression for the resonant
frequency and Q factor.
Explain the phenomena of electrical resonance in R –L –C series circuit connected to variable
frequency supply. Draw relevant vector diagram& define Q factor of the circuit.
Calculate the RMS value & average value of the voltage wave for the fig.2 shown.
Derive the equation of decay of current in inductive circuit with small
resistance R connected in series with inductor.
Explain the addition of two vectors by a parallelogram method and by
resolution method.
Draw the phasor diagram in R-L circuit. Draw impedance triangle and power
Explain series R-L-C circuit with the phasor diagram for XL>XC;XL<XC &
Prove that current in pure inductive circuit lags its voltage by 90º.
Explain series resonance circuit. Draw resonance curve.
Explain series resonance circuit. Draw resonance curve.
An inductive coil of resistance R and inductance L is connected in parallel with capacitor of C.
Derive an expression for the resonant frequency and Q factor.
Derive the expression for the decay of current in an inductive circuit. Define time constant.
Prove that current in purely capacitive circuit leads its voltage by 90° and average power
consumption in pure capacitor is zero.
Prove that current in purely inductive circuit lags its voltage by 90°and average power
consumption in pure inductor is zero.
Explain how ac sinusoidal emf is generated? Derive its equation of e = EmSinωt.
Prove that pure resistive circuit has unity power factor. Draw the wave forms of voltage, current
and instantaneous power.

Assignment Page 2
Explain Mathematical representation of Phasors.
Explain behavior of a pure resistor in an ac circuit. + Solve two Examples (as per lecture)
Explain behavior of a pure inductor in an ac circuit. + Solve two Examples (as per lecture)
Explain behavior of a pure capacitor in an ac circuit. + Solve two Examples (as per lecture)
Explain series R-L circuit. + Solve two Examples (as per lecture)
Explain series R-C circuit. + Solve two Examples (as per lecture)
Explain series R-L-C circuit. (as per lecture)
Explain parallel ac circuit.
Distinguish between (i) Apparent Power (ii) Active Power and (iii) Reactive Power.
Prove that average power consumption in pure inductor is zero when A.C voltage is applied.


Assignment Page 3
 Three currents are represented by i 1=10 sin ωt; i2=20sin (ωt - π/6); i3=30 sin (ωt + π/4). Find
magnitude and phase angle of resultant current.
 The circuit, having two impedances of Z1= 8 + j15 and Z2= 6 -j8 in parallel, is connected to a single
phase ac supply and the current drawn is 10 A. Find each branch current, both in magnitude and
phase, and also the supply voltage.
 An alternating current varying sinusoidally with a frequency of 50 Hz has r.m.s. value of 10A. Write
down the equation for instantaneous value and find this value (i) 0.0025 second and (ii) 0.0125 sec
after passing through a positive maximum value.
 A resistor of 40 and an inductor of 0.2 H and capacitor of 120 μF are connected in parallel across
230V,50 Hz supply. Find: (i) the current of each branch (ii) the resultant current (iii) power factor of
the circuit.
 A circuit takes a current of 3A at a power factor of 0.6 lagging when connected to 115V, 50Hz supply.
Another circuit takes a current of 5A at a power factor of 0.707 leading when connected to same
supply. If the two circuits are connected in series across 230V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate the (i) current
(ii) power consumed (iii) Power factor.
 Three impedances Z1 = 5-j10 F, Z2 =2+j20 F and Z3 = 4+j2 F are connected in parallel. If the total
current is 20A. Find the current shared by each.
 A series RLC circuit consists of a resistance of 500 5, inductance of 50mH and a capacitance of 20
pF. Find 1. The resonant frequency. 2. The Q-factor of the circuit at resonance. 3. The half power
 In a series parallel circuit, the parallel branches ‘A’ and ‘B’ are in series with branch ‘C’. The
Impedances are ZA = (4+j3) 5, ZB= (4-j16/3) 5 and ZC= (2+j8) 5. If the current Ic = (25+j0) Amp.
determine the branch currents and voltages and the total voltage. Hence calculate the complex power
(the active and reactive powers) for each branch and the whole circuit.

 Two impedance Z1= (10 +j15) Ω and Z2= (6-j8) Ω are connected in parallel and this combination
takes 20A find the supply voltage?

 A resistance of 10Ω, an inductance of 0.2H and a capacitance of 100μF are connected in series across
220V, 50Hz mains. Determine the following (1) Impedance (2) current (3) voltage across R,L,and C
(4) Power Factor

 A circuit consists of a resistance of 4Ω and inductance of 1H and a variable capacitance in series

across a 100V, 50Hz supply calculate (1) the value of capacitance to produce resonance (2) the
voltage across capacitor.

Assignment Page 4
 A circuit consists of a 4 μF capacitor in parallel with a coil of resistance 40 Ω and inductance 0.25 H.
If the voltage applied to the circuit at resonance frequency is 230 V, calculate the current in each
branch, supply current and the current magnification.

 A capacitor of 100 μF is connected across a 200V, 50Hz single phase supply. Calculate (i) the
reactance of the capacitor (ii) r.m.s. value of current and (iii) the maximum current.

 An alternating voltage of v = 100sin(376.8 t) is applied to a coil having resistance 6 ! and inductance

of 21.22 mH. Determine (i) Current through the coil (ii) Power dissipated in the coil.

 The waveform for instantaneous power in ac circuit is resolved into two component, i.e. p(t)=p1(t)
+p2(t). Plots of both components are shown in fig no1 . Calculate magnitude of total real power and
magnitude of total reactive power (write unit also).

 Two impedances are connected in parallel across a 100 volt, 50 Hz a.c. supply. Impedance no.1 has
resistance of 8 Ω and capacitance reactance of 7 Ω. While impedance no.2 has resistance of 5 Ω and
inductive reactance of 6 Ω. Calculate: (i) Current through each circuit and p.f. of each circuit (ii) Total
current and p.f. of combined circuit (iii) Power taken by the whole circuit.

 Two currents are given by expressions : i1 = 40 sin(314t + 30º) and i2 = 20 sin(314t - 60º). Find
expression for (i1 - i2).

 A coil resistance 15 Ω and inductance 0.05 H is connected in parallel with a non-inductive resistance
of 20 Ω. The circuit is connected across 200 V, 50 Hz supply. Determine (i) current in each branch (ii)
total current supplied (ii) power factor of the combination.

 Three similar coils each of resistance 28 and inductance 0.7H are connected in (i) star (ii) delta. If
the supply voltage is 230V, 50Hz, calculate the line current and total power absorbed.
 A coil resistance 15 and inductance 0.05 H is connected in parallel with a non inductive
resistance of 20 . The circuit is connected across 200 V, 50 Hz supply. Determine (i) current in
each branch (ii) total current supplied (ii) power factor of the combination.
 Four currents are meeting at a point in a circuit. Find the resultant current. i1 = 5 sin ωt, i2 = 10
sin (ωt-30°), i3 = 5 cos (ωt- ωt-30°), i4 = -10 sin (ωt+45°)
 The voltage and current in a circuit are given by V = 150 ⁄⁄̲ 30° volt and I = 2 ⁄⁄̲ -15° Ampere. If
circuit works on a 50 Hz supply, determine, (i) Impedance, (ii) Resistance, (iii) Reactance, (iv)
Power factor, (v) Power loss
 An ac supply voltage of 230 volts, 50 Hz is given to the circuit containing 10Ω and 20Ω in series.
Find equivalent resistance, total current, and voltage drop across each resistance, active power,
reactive power, power factor.
 A 10 ohm resistor is connected to 200 Volt sinusoidal 50 Hz supply. Find the peak, rms and
average values of the current and also find power dissipated in resistor.
Assignment Page 5
1. Prove that power in a 3-phase balanced circuit can be deduced from the readings of two wattmeter.
Draw the relevant connection and phasor diagrams. Discuss the nature of power factor (i) when two
readings are equal and positive (ii) when two readings are equal but opposite in sign (iii) when one
wattmeter reads zero.
2. Write down the line value and phase value relationship of voltages and currents in 3 phase star and
delta connected systems.
3. Derive an expression for the total power for a balanced 3 phase star OR delta connected load in terms
of line voltage line current and power factor.
4. Establish relationship between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced delta connection.
Draw complete phasor diagram of voltages and currents.
5. Explain the method of measuring 3-Φ power by two wattmeters.
6. What is the phasor sum of the line currents? Why does it have this value?

Assignment Page 6
7. Explain the variations of watt-meter readings for 3-phase power measurement by two
watt-meter method as power factor takes the valuesof unity, 0.5, between 0.5 & 0 and 0.
8. A balanced three phase supply is given to a star connected load. Give proof of two
wattmeter method for this system. State demerits of this method.
9. Balanced three phase power supply is connected to a balanced load. Derive the
expression of instantaneous power of phase A , pa(t). Obtain expression of p(t), where
p(t) is summation of instantaneous powers of all three phases. assume that va(t)=Vmsinωt
and ia (t)=I msin(ωt-Φ).
10. The following expressions represent the instantaneous values of e.m.f. in
three coils connected in series
e1 = 50 sin ωt
e2 = 40 sin(ωt+60°)
e3 = 60 sin (ωt-30°)
Find an expression for the resultant e.m.f. when coils are connected to
give the sum of e.m.f.s.
11. Establish relationship between line and phase voltages and currents in
balanced delta connection. Draw complete phasor diagram of voltages
and currents.
12. Established relationship between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced
delta connection. Draw complete phasor diagram of voltages and currents.
13. Show that the power input to the three phase circuit can be measured by two
wattmeters connected properly in the circuit.
Derive the voltage and current relationship in delta and star connected load.
How can we measure the power with the help of two watt meter method in
three phase system with star connected load?
Establish relation between line voltage & phase voltage and current relation in
3-phase star connection. Draw phasor diagram.
Explain two wattmeter method for 3-phase power measurement.
Establish relationship between line and phase voltages and currents in balanced
delta connection. Draw complete phasor diagram of voltages and currents.
Derive an expression for the total power for a balanced 3 phase star connected
load in terms of line voltage, line current and power factor.
State relation between line value and phase value of voltage and current for
(i) balanced star connected load.
(ii) balanced delta connected load.

 The input power to a 3 phase load is measured by two wattmeter method. The ratio of the
readings of the two wattmeters connected for 3 phase balanced load is 4 1‫׃‬. The load is inductive.
Find the load power factor.
 Three identical coil each having resistance of 10 and reactance of 10 are connected in (i) star
and (ii) delta across 400V, 3 phase supply. Find in each case line current and the reading of each
of the two watt meters connected to measure the power.
Assignment Page 7
 A delta connected load having branch impedances of (15 +j20) 5 is connected to a 220V, 3 phase
AC supply. Find 1. Line currents. 2. Per phase power consumed.
 A balanced star connected load of (4+j3) Ω per phase is connected to a balance 3 phase 400V
supply. Fine the line current, power factor, active power and reactive power.
 A 3-phase load consists of three similar inductive coils of resistances of 50 Ω and inductance 0.3
H. The supply is 415 V 50 Hz. Calculate:(i) the line current (ii)the power factor and the total
power when the load is star connected.
 Two wattmeter’s connected to measure three phase power for star connected loads read 10.37 Kw
and 5.185 Kw. The line current is 10 Amp. Calculate (i) Line and phase voltage. (ii) Resistance
and reactance per phase.
 Three identical coils each of (4.2 +j5.6) 5 are connected in star across a 415 V, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC
supply. Find 1. Phase voltage. 2. Phase current. 3. Readings of two wattmeter’s W1 and W2 when
they are connected to measure the total power.

 A delta connected load having branch impedances of (15 +j20) is connected to a220V, 3
phase AC supply. Find a. Line currents. b. Per phase power consumed. c. What is the
phasor sum of the line currents? Why does it have this value?

Assignment Page 8

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