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List of all Characters :-

1. Cinderella - The main Character.

2. Jaq and Gus - Cinderella's mice who were her friends
3. Lady Tremaine - Cinderella's wicked Stepmother.
4. Anastasia Tremaine - Younger daughter of Lady
5. Drizella Tremaine - Older daughter of Lady
6. Prince Charming - Cinderella's love interest.
8. Lucifer - Tremaines' pet cat.
9. Fairy Godmother - Fairy who helped Cinderella
attend the ball party.
My Favourite Character :-
Nemo and his father, Marlin lived underwater. They were clownfish and
because they were clownfish they were small in size but there were
other big fishes in the water.
Marlin was scared of the big fishes so he always kept Nemo close to
him, tucked safely inside their little home.
But today was Nemo's first day of school! He was very excited. Mr Ray
the science teacher, took Nemo's class on a field trip. Nemo and his
friends sneaked away and swam to the really deep water, Marlin chased
after Nemo and scolded him.
Nemo was angry that his father had embarrassed him in front of his
friends so he swam way up to the surface of the ocean until a diver
appeared behind him and then Nemo got caught!

"Daddy!" cried Nemo

"Nemo!" cried Marlin

Nemo was taken away in the boat. Marlin tried to save his son, but the
boat sped away so fast it soon disappeared. Nemo was gone.
But Marlin would not give up. The only thing on his mind now was finding
Nemo. Looking for help, Marlin swam into all sorts of fish. They pushed
him and shoved him. Soon Marlin was knocked aside. One friendly blue
fish named Dory swam down to see if Marlin was okay. She was a little
bit silly, and she couldn't remember very much, but she was happy to
help Marlin.
Meanwhile, in a dentist's office overlooking Sydney Harbor, Nemo has
landed in a fish tank that is home to a colorful group of characters.
The leader is a tough moorish idol named Gill, who also came from the
ocean and dreams of one day returning. The other tank-mates include:
a starfish named Peach; a temperamental blowfish named Bloat;
Bubbles, a bubble-obsessed yellow tang; a germophobic royal gramma
named Gurgle; a compulsive cleaner shrimp named Jacques; and Deb, a
black & white humbug damsel fish who believes that the reflection in
the tank glass is her identical twin sister, Flo. When Nemo is officially
initiated into the gang, he rekindles Gill's dormant desire to escape.
Together, Dory and Marlin met 3 sharks namely- Bruce, Anchor and
Chum in an old minefield. Marlin was scared! But Dory thought it was
very nice of the sharks to invite them to a party.

The party was for sharks who were trying not to eat fish. Luckily, they
did not intended to eat Marlin and Dory but Marlin gets into an
argument with Dory and accidentally gives her a nosebleed, the blood
scent causes Bruce to enter a feeding frenzy. The pair escape from
Bruce but get into deep waters.
Marlin kept searching for Nemo. He and Dory found a scuba mask that
belonged to the diver who had taken Nemo. They swam down into a very
deep, dark place to get it. Then there was a light. The light was
attached to a mean anglerfish! But it helped Dory read an address
written on the mask.
Then the two friends swam away before the anglerfish could eat them!
Now Marlin knew where to find Nemo: 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. Dory
was so excited that she repeated the address over and over. Next
Marlin and Dory saw some moonfish. The moonfish made funny shapes.
They pointed towards 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney.
After receiving directions to Sydney from a school of moonfish Marlin
and Dory carried on with their search. They encountered a bloom
of jellyfish that nearly killed them. Marlin lost consciousness and woke
up to see a sea turtle named Crush, who took Dory and him on the East
Australian Current. Marlin shared the details of his journey with a
group of young sea turtles, and his story was spread across the ocean.
Even Nemo heard about it at 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney. He was very
excited! He wanted to escape from the fish tank where he was
trapped. The fish learn that Sherman plans to give Nemo to his niece,
Darla, who once killed a fish by constantly shaking its bag. Gill reveals
his escape plan, which involves jamming the tank's filter, forcing the
dentist to remove the fish in order to clean it. The fish would be
placed in plastic bags, and they would roll out the window and into the
harbor. After an attempt at the escape goes wrong, Nemo successfully
jams the filter after a second try, but the dentist installs a new high-
tech filter.
Upon leaving the East Australian current, Marlin and Dory were
engulfed by a whale. Inside the whale's mouth, Dory communicated
with the whale. She carried them to the Port Jackson on their request
and expelled them through her blowhole. They are then met by a
seagull named Nigel who recognised Marlin from the stories he had
heard. Nigel took them in his beak and carried them to the dentist's
Darla has arrived at the dentist's place on the other hand and the
dentist is giving Nemo to her. Nemo tried to act as if she is dead to
save herself from being given away to Darla when Nigel arrived with
Marlin and Dory. Marlin saw Nemo and thought he is dead. Gill helps
Nemo escape into a drain. In despair, Marlin left Dory and started
swimming back home.
Dory lost her memory and became confused, but met Nemo who had
reached the ocean. Dory's memory was restored after she read the
word "Sydney" on a nearby drainpipe. She guided Nemo to Marlin and
they reunited. Dory got caught in fishing net with a school of grouper
when Nemo entered the net and directed the group to swim downward
to break the net, enabling them to escape. After returning home, Nemo
leaves for school and Marlin, no longer overprotective proudly watches
Nemo swim away!

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