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CSOP FountainCap China Selection Fund

CSOP Investment Funds p.l.c.

All information as of 31 January 2018

This material is solely issued to Professional Investors only, as defined in respective jurisdictions.
This fund is not authorized by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) and is not available for Hong Kong Public Investors.

Investment Objective Cumulative Performance(%)1

The Fund is a long only equity fund that aims to achieve long-term Share Class 1 Month 6 Month 20162 2017 YTD ITD2
capital appreciation for its investors, while emphasizing asset
Class I – USD (Acc) 7.28 25.00 4.52 52.03 7.28 70.47
protection and preservation.
Class A – USD
7.23 24.68 4.21 51.46 7.23 69.25
Fund Information Index 3 12.49 27.47 6.51 54.07 12.49 84.59
Legal Structure Ireland UCITS Opened-ended Fund
Investment Manager CSOP Asset Management Limited Country Allocation6
FountainCap Research & Investment 2.2%
Sub-Investment Manager 1.9%
(Hong Kong) Co., Limited.
3.6% China-HK Listed
Fund Size USD 23.89 million

Base Currency USD Hong Kong

Dealing Frequency Daily
Dealing Deadline 10.59a.m. (Dublin time) on the relevant China-US Listed
Dealing Day 48.4%
HSBC Institutional Trust Services 17.5% China
(Ireland) Limited
HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) South Korea

17.9% US
Portfolio Characteristics
Total Equity Exposure4 98.14% Cash and Others
Large Cap 82.50%
Mid Cap 14.67%
Sector Allocation
Small Cap 0.98%
Number of Holdings 37 Information Technology 29.48%
2018E Dividend Yield5
(Note: The forecasts shall not be regarded as a 2.01% Consumer Discretionary 27.72%
reliable indicator of the actual dividend yield.)
Consumer Staples 10.18%
Top 5 Holdings Energy 7.39%
Financials 5.36%
Security Name Sector % of NAV
Utilities 5.10%
Tencent Holdings Ltd Information Technology 9.08
China Gas Holdings Ltd Utilities 5.10 Industrials 4.64%
Sunny Optical Technology Group Materials 4.38%
Information Technology 4.64
Co Ltd
Health Care 3.90%
Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd Consumer Discretionary 4.30
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd Information Technology 3.93 Cash and Others 1.86%

2018 Monthly Performance(%)1

Share Class Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 YTD

Class I –
7.28 - - - - - - - - - - - 7.28
USD (Acc)
Class A –
7.23 - - - - - - - - - - - 7.23
USD (Acc)
Index3 12.49 - - - - - - - - - - - 12.49

1. NAV to NAV performance with dividends (if any) reinvested.
2. Calculated since the inception date of each share class.
3. The Fund uses MSCI Daily TR Net China USD Index for performance comparison only, not for benchmark, Bloomberg ticker: NDEUCHF Index.
4. Definition of market capitalization: Large Cap: >10bn USD; Mid Cap: 3bn≤ x ≤10bn USD; Small Cap:<3bn USD
5. Calculation based on current portfolio weighting and Bloomberg consensus – 2017E Dividend Yield
6. The breakdown is based on country of risk and exchange country provided by Bloomberg. An exchange country will be added after the country of risk when the country of risk and the country in which the stock is listed
are different.

CSOP Asset Management Limited ; 2801-2803 Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong SAR;
Tel: (852) 3406-5688 ; Website:; Email:
CSOP FountainCap China Selection Fund
CSOP Investment Funds p.l.c.

All information as of 31 January 2018

2017 Monthly Performance(%)1

Share Class Jan-17 Feb-17 Mar-17 Apr-17 May-17 Jun-17 Jul-17 Aug-17 Sep-17 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 2017

Class I – 6.75 2.12 2.62 0.81 3.72 4.82 6.41 3.39 4.28 3.33 2.80 1.74 52.03
USD (Acc)
Class A – 6.76 2.13 2.61 0.77 3.69 4.77 6.37 3.34 4.23 3.29 2.75 1.71 51.46
USD (Acc)
Index3 6.79 3.54 2.13 2.67 5.28 2.30 8.89 4.22 1.04 3.97 1.56 1.91 54.07

2016 Monthly Performance(%)1

Share Class Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Jul-16 Aug-16 Sep-16 Oct-16 Nov-16 Dec-16 20162

Class I – 0.99 1.33 3.98 4.06 1.67 -1.18 -3.36 -2.77 4.52
- - - -
USD (Acc)
Class A – 0.95 1.28 3.94 4.02 1.63 -1.22 -3.42 -2.77 4.21
- - - -
USD (Acc)
Index3 - - - - -0.46 1.07 3.49 7.37 2.53 -1.94 -1.20 -4.09 6.51

Share Class Information

Minimum Investment
NAV per Inception Bloomberg Repurchase Performance
Share Class ISIN Code Initial Management
share Date4 Code Charge Fee
Investment Fee

Class I – USD (Acc) 170.47 3 May 2016 IE00BYVT8J87 CSFNIUA ID USD 1,000,000 1.5%p.a. 1.5% during the first Nil
year following the
Class I – USD (Dist) #N/A 3 May 2016 IE00BYVT8L00 CSFNIUD ID USD 1,000,000 1.5%p.a. date of subscription Nil
Class A – USD (Acc) 169.25 3 May 2016 IE00BYVT8N24 CSFNAUA ID USD 100,000 2.0%p.a. Nil Nil
Class A– USD (Dist) #N/A 3 May 2016 IE00BYVT8R61 CSFNAUD ID USD 100,000 2.0%p.a. Nil Nil

Manager’s Comment
“Far more money has been lost by investors preparing for corrections, or trying to anticipate corrections, than has been lost in corrections
themselves.” – Peter Lynch

I. Fund Review

It was an extraordinary start to the year for China equities, with a 12.5% jump for the MSCI China Index in January. The strong
southbound flow to Hong Kong (net inflows of HK$77bn year to date) reached two-year highs and the market rotated towards the
long-underperforming China’s financials sector, driving an 18% gain for the sector in the month. In January, the CSOP FountainCap
China Selection Fund appreciate 7.3% but underperformed the major China indices primarily due to underweighting of the financial

Over the twenty-five years of our team’s investment career, we witnessed the markets rally and correct from time to time, sectors
rotate from one to the others, and low-quality-company stocks outperform high quality names occasionally. All these might result in
an underperformance for an equity fund for months or even for quarters especially during a bull-market phase. However, our
investment philosophy will remain unchanged. The best China investment strategy, in our view, is to identify long-term winners at an
early stage, research and select fundamentally strong companies, buy at reasonable prices and hold them for the long term. We will
stick to that investment philosophy even though our fund might experience underperformance in short term.

II. Why do we remain bullish on China equities in 2018?

Entering February, the sudden market decline wiped out almost all the gain in January and caused many market participants to
question the durability of this bull run. Many investors asked us, have we seen the top? Or, was this a much needed correction of a
market advance with the further bull market still ahead?

We do not have the crystal ball to accurately predict the future. In this newsletter, however, we would like to briefly elaborate our
thoughts on the current market correction and the likely developments going forward.

1. NAV to NAV performance with dividends (if any) reinvested.
2. Calculated since the inception date of each share class.
3. The Fund uses MSCI Daily TR Net China USD Index for performance comparison only, not for benchmark, Bloomberg ticker: NDEUCHF Index.
4. The fund began its operations since 3 May 2016.

CSOP Asset Management Limited ; 2801-2803 Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong SAR;
Tel: (852) 3406-5688 ; Website:; Email:
CSOP FountainCap China Selection Fund
CSOP Investment Funds p.l.c.

All information as of 31 January 2018

Manager’s Comment
II. Why do we remain bullish on China equities in 2018? (Continued)

First, we believe that China equities, after appreciating by nearly 100% over the past two years, are experiencing a much-
needed healthy adjustment. With consecutive 13 months of smooth appreciation for China equities since January 2017 and a new
record of 33000 points for Hang Seng Index, a correction is overdue.

Second, there are more fundamental reasons to warrant our bullish stance. The underlying strength of the economy and
improving financial system should support a continuous bull market going forward. Consider the following macroeconomic
1. We see a synchronized global growth for the first time since 2007 with inflation heading higher;
2. Emerging economies are in a better shape than ever with turnaround of economic growth, reduced current account deficits and
improving government debts;
3. China’s economy grew 6.9% YoY in 2017, making the first increase in GDP growth since 2010;
4. After years of restructuring, Chinese companies are making robust profits with sustained quality growth ahead.

Third, Hong Kong market remains attractively valued despite appreciating nearly 80% from the market bottom of February
2016. Trading at a current P/E of 13.7x and a P/B of 1.4x, and with dividend yield standing at 3.5%, the Hang Seng Index compares
favorably against S&P500 which is trading at a P/E of 21.2x and a P/B of 3.2x, and dividend yield standing at only 2.0%.

Fourth, global capital reallocation into the long-depressed EM markets like Hong Kong and China is poised to accelerate
further. Global capital is likely to have multi-year one-direction flow into Hong Kong/China given that global investors have
significantly underweighted China equities for many years.

The market movements in January and February set a tone of a highly volatile and unpredictable market in the Chinese Year of the
Dog. As always, China markets, like many other emerging markets, normally amplify the interaction of greed and fear, with markets
rising fast, falling more suddenly, and overshooting in both directions. Following Buffett’s famous quote “volatility is a long-term
investor’s best friend”, we take advantage of this market volatility by investing in high-quality companies smartly at bargain

Important Notes:
 This document is only distributed to Professional Investors in Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and Ireland at the investors’ request. Any person who receives this document is
required to make themselves aware of their respective jurisdictions regulations and observe any restrictions. This document cannot be further distributed to other people unless
you have obtained our written approval.
 No action should be taken or omitted to be taken based on this document. Tax treatment depends on personal circumstances and may change. This document is not advice on
legal, taxation or investment matters so investors must rely on their own examination of such matters or seek advice. Before making any investment (new or continuous), please
consult a professional and/or investment adviser as to its suitability. Investment involves risk. The value of investments and income from them may go down as well as up, and
you may not get back the original amount invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results and targets are not guaranteed. Please read the offering
documents for further details (including risk factors). Investors should not invest in the fund solely base on this material.
 Further information on the Sub-fund and any associated risks can be found in the Sub-fund’s Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), the Prospectus, the articles of
association and the annual and semi-annual reports. These documents are available free of charge at HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Limited at 1 Grand Canal Square,
Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland. These can also be found on
 CSOP Asset Management Limited (“CSOP”) is the Investment Manager and Promoter of CSOP Investment Funds plc - an open-ended investment company with variable
capital and with segregated liability between its sub-funds - incorporated in Ireland. Authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland. CSOP is the Investment Manager for the Fund
providing the investment platform and access to managers’ trade ideas via their RQFII quota.
 CSOP is licensed to carry out Type 1 (Dealing in Securities), Type 4 (Advising on Securities) and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities under Securities and Futures
Ordinance and is regulated by the SFC in Hong Kong. FountainCap Research & Investment (Hong Kong) Co., Limited is licensed to carry out Type 9 (Asset Management)
regulated activities under Securities and Futures Ordinance and is regulated by the SFC in Hong Kong. This material has not been reviewed by the SFC in Hong Kong.

Swiss Disclaimer:
CSOP Investment Funds plc (the “Company”) is domiciled in Ireland. This document may only be distributed in or from Switzerland to qualified investors within the meaning of Art. 10
Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter CISA. The Company’s Representative in Switzerland is Acolin Fund Services AG, Affolternstrasse 56, CH-8050 Zurich, whilst the Company’s Paying Agent is
NPB Neue Privat Bank AG, Limmatquai 1/am Bellevue, P.O.Box, CH-8024 Zurich. The basic documents of the Company as well as the annual and semi-annual report may be
obtained free of charge at the registered office of the Swiss Representative.

Issuer: CSOP Asset Management Limited

CSOP Asset Management Limited ; 2801-2803 Two Exchange Square, 8 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong SAR;
Tel: (852) 3406-5688 ; Website:; Email:



投資目標 累積表現(%)1
股份類別 1個月 6個月 2016年2 2017年 今年至今 成立至今2
調資產保護和保值。 I類-美元 7.28 25.00 4.52 52.03 7.28 70.47
A類-美元 7.23 24.68 4.21 51.46 7.23 69.25
指數3 12.49 27.47 6.51 54.07 12.49 84.59
投資經理 南方東英資産管理有限公司
子投資經理 方瀛研究與投資(香港)有限公司
基金規模 2,389 萬美元 3.6% 2.2%
基本貨幣 美元
交易頻率 每日
8.5% 香港
交易截止時間 有關交易日的都柏林時間上午10時59分
託管人 匯豐機構信託服務(愛爾蘭)有限公司 中國-美國上市
行政管理人 匯豐證券服務(愛爾蘭)有限公司 48.4%
17.5% 中國
總股票權重4 98.14%
大盤股 82.50% 美國
小盤股 0.98%
投資項目數量 37
信息技術 29.48%
非必需消費品 27.72%
必需消費品 10.18%
項目名稱 行業 佔資產淨值 (%)
能源 7.39%
騰訊控股 信息技術 9.08 金融 5.36%
中國燃氣 公共事業 5.10 公共事業 5.10%
工業 4.64%
舜宇光學科技 信息技術 4.64
原材料 4.38%
吉利汽車 非必需消費品 4.30
醫療保健 3.90%
阿里巴巴集團控股有限公司 信息技術 3.93
現金及其他 1.86%

2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年 2018年
股份類別 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

I類-美元(累積) 7.28 - - - - - - - - - - - 7.28

A類-美元(累積) 7.23 - - - - - - - - - - - 7.23

指數3 12.49 - - - - - - - - - - - 12.49

1. 按單位資產淨值計算,包括股息再投資。
2. 從各個股份類別的成立日算起。
3. MSCI Daily TR Net China USD Index , Bloomberg ticker: NDEUCHF Index 指數只作為基金表現的參考,並非基準。
4. 市值定義 - 大盤:>100億美金:中盤:30億美金≤ x ≤100億美金;小盤:<30億美金
5. 計算基準為目前投資組合之權重配置以及彭博所提供2018預計股息收益率。
6. 按目前投資組合中的股票,根據彭博提供的國家風險指標及上市國家分類。如國家風險指標及上市國家爲不同國家, 會在國家風險後面加上上市國家

南方東英資產管理有限公司; 香港中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場二期2801-2803室
電話:(852) 3406-5688; 網址:; 電郵:


2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年 2017年
股份類別 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

I類-美元(累積) 6.75 2.12 2.62 0.81 3.72 4.82 6.41 3.39 4.28 3.33 2.80 1.74 52.03

A類-美元(累積) 6.76 2.13 2.61 0.77 3.69 4.77 6.37 3.34 4.23 3.29 2.75 1.71 51.46

指數3 6.79 3.54 2.13 2.67 5.28 2.30 8.89 4.22 1.04 3.97 1.56 1.91 54.07

2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年 2016年
股份類別 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月

I類-美元(累積) - - - - 0.99 1.33 3.98 4.06 1.67 -1.18 -3.36 -2.77 4.52

A類-美元(累積) - - - - 0.95 1.28 3.94 4.02 1.63 -1.22 -3.42 -2.77 4.21

指數3 - - - - -0.46 1.07 3.49 7.37 2.53 -1.94 -1.20 -4.09 6.51

最低初始 投資
股份類別 每股淨值 發行日期4 ISIN編碼 彭博代碼 贖回費 表現費
申購金額 管理費
I類-美元 (累積) 170.47 2016年5月3日 IE00BYVT8J87 CSFNIUA ID 1,000,000 美元 每年1.5% 認購後一年之內贖回 無
I類-美元 (派息) #N/A 2016年5月3日 IE00BYVT8L00 CSFNIUD ID 1,000,000 美元 每年1.5% 將收取1.5%贖回費 無
A類-美元 (累積) 169.25 2016年5月3日 IE00BYVT8N24 CSFNAUA ID 100,000 美元 每年2.0% 無 無
A類-美元 (派息) #N/A 2016年5月3日 IE00BYVT8R61 CSFNAUD ID 100,000 美元 每年2.0% 無 無

“投資者在防範市場回調或者試圖預期市場回調上所導致的虧損,遠大於市場回調本身的虧損。” –彼得.林奇

I. 基金業績回顧



II. 為何我們對2018年的中國股票市場仍保持樂觀?




1. 按單位資產淨值計算,包括股息再投資。
2. 從各個股份類別的成立日算起。
3. MSCI Daily TR Net China USD Index , Bloomberg ticker: NDEUCHF Index 指數只作為基金表現的參考,並非基準。
4. 基金自2016年5月3日起開始運作。

南方東英資產管理有限公司; 香港中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場二期2801-2803室
電話:(852) 3406-5688; 網址:; 電郵:


II. 為何我們對2018年的中國股票市場仍保持樂觀?(續)

1. 全球經濟自2007年以來首次出現的同步增長、通脹率回升;
2. 新興經濟體發展如日中天,體現在經濟回暖,貿易逆差及政府債務雙雙下降;
3. 中國經濟在2017年增長了6.9%,這是自2010年以來首次GDP增長提速;
4. 經過多年的重組和整合,中國企業正實現利潤質與量雙重的持續增長。




新投資或再次投資) ,請諮詢專業人士及/或投資顧問該項投資是否適合閣下。投資涉及風險。基金價值及收入可升可跌,投資者可能有機會損失全數投資金額。過往的業績數據並不是
關於子基金及其風險,投資者可參閱主要投資資訊檔(KIID),招股說明書,公司章程以及半年度報告和年度報告。這些檔均可在HSBC Securities Services (Ireland) Limited 辦事處
南方東英資產管理有限公司(「南方東英」)為CSOP Investment Funds plc之投資經理及推廣者。CSOP Investment Funds plc是一家註冊地點位於愛爾蘭,有可變資本的開放式投資公
司,其子基金的債務是獨立分開,獲Central Bank of Ireland認可。南方東英為本子基金之投資經理,通過人民幣境外合格機構投資者政策,提供投資平臺,並就A股投資子顧問之建議
南方東英受香港證監會規管,並獲發牌進行根據<<證券及期貨條例>>附表五內定義之第1類(證券交易) 、第4類(就證券提供意見)及第9類(提供資產管理)受規管活動。方瀛研究與投資
(香港)有限公司受香港證監會規管,並獲發牌進行根據<<證券及期貨條例>>附表五內定義之第9類(提供資產管理)受規管活動。 本材料未經香港證監會審閱。

CSOP Investment Funds plc (“本公司”) 於愛爾蘭註冊。本公司的檔在瑞士只提供予按Art. 10 Para. 3, 3bis and 3ter CISA所示的合資格投資者。本公司在瑞士的代表辦事處為Acolin
Fund Services AG, 其地址為Affolternstrasse 56, CH-8050 Zurich, 而付款代理人為NPB Neue Privat Bank AG,其地址為 Limmatquai 1/am Bellevue, P.O. Box, CH-8024 Zurich。本公


南方東英資產管理有限公司; 香港中環康樂廣場8號交易廣場二期2801-2803室
電話:(852) 3406-5688; 網址:; 電郵:

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