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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Maintenance Strategy

Table of Contents
Maintenance Strategy ............................................................................................................................. 2
Maintenance Strategy Structure .............................................................................................................. 4
Comparing Maintenance Strategy to Plan ................................................................................................ 7
Components of a Maintenance Strategy .................................................................................................. 8
Maintenance Packages .......................................................................................................................... 11

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Maintenance Strategy
Maintenance Strategies includes different cycles named packages (time,
working hours, produced pieces)

• Maintenance Strategies are created on a central point, you can use

maintenance strategies on task lists.

• If you have allocated one strategy to the task list, than you can
select one or more packages to one operation.

• Maintenance Strategies can have values for scheduling.

 With the hierarchy you can fix which servicing package has precedence
if several servicing packages are at the same time due.

Should several servicing packages be at the same time due, they

must have the same hierarchy.

Should a package overstep other packages at due-date, it must have

a higher hierarchy.

If two packages with the same hierarchy are due at the same time,
both packages are explained.

If both packages have a different hierarchy, only the package with the
higher hierarchy is explained.

A maintenance strategy defines the rules for the sequence and frequency of
maintenance activities. The strategy does not provide any details about the
activity, object or date.

 Maintenance strategies are assigned to a task list and also a

maintenance plan. Task lists built with a maintenance strategy can
only be used on maintenance plans utilizing that same strategy –
these are called strategy plans.

 You create a maintenance strategy and strategy plans when you have
to perform maintenance activities that are based on each other or

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
supersede each other.

 Strategies contain maintenance packages which define the duration in

time (e.g. weeks) or level of performance (e.g. operating hours) at
which maintenance work is repeatedly performed. Therefore,
Strategies are used in both time-based and performance-based
maintenance and represent the maintenance “cycle”.

 You create a maintenance strategy and strategy plans when you have
to perform maintenance activities that are based on each other or
supersede each other.

 Strategies contain maintenance packages which define the duration in

time (e.g. weeks) or level of performance (e.g. operating hours) at
which maintenance work is repeatedly performed. Therefore,
strategies are used in both time-based and performance-based
maintenance and represent the maintenance “cycle”.

 Each strategy that is created should have a common unit of

measure (e.g. weeks, months, hours, miles) – you should never
mix the units of measure within a given strategy.

 Maintenance packages are assigned to task list operations – and

define the frequency and sequence in which task list operations
will appear as work order operations.

 Maintenance packages are organized into a maintenance

package hierarchy that determines which maintenance
packages are performed if several maintenance packages are
due at one time. The hierarchy can either be:

 Single-level hierarchy
 Multi-level hierarchy

Maintenance Strategy contains the scheduling parameters that control the

sequences and frequency of maintenance activities for a technical object.

Transaction IP11 is used when dealing with maintenance strategies.

Time-based strategy

Contains maintenance packages that are used repeatedly to perform

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
maintenance activities at a set interval (e.g., Hours, days, weeks, months,

Maintenance Strategy Structure

The maintenance strategy structure includes the scheduling parameters
needed to execute any planned maintenance activity; in the following
sections we will discuss the components of a maintenance strategy as well
as maintenance packages.

Transaction IP11 - Change

Logistic Plant Maintenance Preventive Maintenance Maintenance Planning
Maintenance Strategies IP11 – Change

SAP Easy Access Menu For Maintenance In Strategy

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Click on:
You can create new strategies.

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Comparing Maintenance Strategy to Plan

Sl No Strategy Field Changeable or Fixed in Plan

1 Scheduling Indicator Limited (can change between 3 types
(Type) of time based) (Cannot change
between time based and performance
2 Strategy Unit Fixed – No changes on Plan
3 Call Horizon Changeable on Plan
4 Shift Factors Changeable on Plan
5 Shift Tolerances Changeable on Plan
6 Factory Calendar Changeable on Plan

Time Based Strategy Packages

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP

Components of a Maintenance Strategy

Settings can be established at the strategy level and they will carry over to
each individual maintenance plan when it is created.

The main components of a maintenance strategy are:

 Name
The name of maintenance strategy (maximum 6 characters).

 Description
A short description that describes the strategy (maximum 30

 Strategy Code
The most important parameter in the maintenance strategy structure,
this defines the type of strategy you will create. Four main scheduling
indicators are available:

 Scheduling Indicator (Type)

The most important parameter in the maintenance strategy structure,
this defines the type of strategy you will create. Four main scheduling
indicators are available:

 Strategy Unit
Each strategy can use only one unit type; it is defined based on what
type of scheduling will be calculated.

Unit defines time basis on which scheduling calculations are made.

Use same Unit within a Strategy. Once the strategy unit is created
it can’t be changed.

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
 Call Horizon
This field determines the time when the call object (order and/or
notification) will be generated. The calculation is based on the
completion date/start date and the next planned date.

Call horizon is defined in percentage ( % )terms on Strategy or

individual Maintenance Plan.

If the duration of the cycle is 360 days and the call horizon is 0 %,
80%, or 100%, the system creates the order after the following
number of days:

• 0% -> Immediate call (order created 360 days BEFORE plan date)

• 80% -> Call after 288 days, that is 80% of 360 days or creation of
order 72 days before plan date.

• 100% -> Call after 360 days, on the planned date (can work well if
coordinated with IP30 Call Interval)

For a maintenance plan (run on a monthly basis), if the next planned date is
27-May-2018, then the call date will be calculated as per the Table.

Call Horizon Category Value (Example) Call Date

Percentage 80% 21-May-2018

Number of calendar days 5 days 22-May-2018
Number of factory calendar days (US) 5 days 20-May-2018

Table Call Dates with Call Horizons

 Shift Factor for Late Completion ( %)

When the completion date is out of late tolerance, the shift factor for
late completion will determine the period that will shift forward the

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
subsequent schedules for a maintenance plan as a result of late

Tolerance defines the period within which late or early completion impacts subsequent
scheduling of Plan. (+)

Tolerance is set for late completion and (–) Tolerance for early completion.

If completion is within Tolerance period it is not considered late or early and does not
impact schedule.

If completion is out-with Tolerance period it will impact schedule taking account of Shift
Factor values.

 Tolerance for Late Completion ( %)

The accepted period that will not affect the next planned date for a
maintenance plan. Tolerance for late completion is calculated as the
difference between the actual completion date and the current planned
date, when the completion date is after the current planned date.

For a maintenance plan (run on a monthly basis), if the late tolerance

is 20%, the current planned date is 28-April-2018, and the actual
completion date is 10-May-2018, subsequent schedules will be shifted
forward as a result of the different shift factors for late completion.

 Shift Factor for Early Completion ( % )

When the completion date is out of late tolerance, the shift factor for
late completion will determine the period that will shift forward the
subsequent schedules for a maintenance plan as a result of late

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
When the completion date is out of early tolerance, then the shift
factor for early completion will determine the period that will revise a
maintenance plan’s subsequent schedules as a result of early

 Tolerance for Early Completion ( %)

The accepted period that will not affect the next planned date for a
maintenance plan. Tolerance for early completion is calculated as the
difference between the actual completion date and the current planned
date, when the completion date is before the current planned date.

 Factory Calendar

Maintenance Packages
Maintenance packages contain information regarding a period of time or a
performance condition under which maintenance activity is due to be

The most important elements of the maintenance package screen can be

described as follows (see Figure 1):

Figure 1 Maintenance Strategy Package Structures

Numbers for the packages created within a maintenance strategy (

Length of a maintenance activity cycle ( Example 1, 3, 6, 12
Months, 1,2,3,4,5, ….10 Years)
Maintenance package unit should be same as the maintenance
strategy main unit. ( Example DAY, WK, MON, YR)

Set appropriate abbreviation for maintenance cycle ( Example 15D,
1M., 1Y )

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Maintenance Strategy in SAP
Prioritize the scheduling of the maintenance packages by arranging
call dates in relation to other packages within a maintenance
strategy. ( Example 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).


Assign a short code to the hierarchy you are going to create. This can
be either a multilevel hierarchy or a single-level hierarchy ( Example
H1,H2,H3,H4,H5 etc.).


Control the basic start date of the generated planned maintenance
work order; it will define how many days this date will be before the
due date.

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