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1. ostracize v. to exclude from a group by common consent

2. academic adj. having to do with studies or school
3. qualm n. a feeling of uncertainty about a decision
4. liberate v. to set free or grant greater freedom to
5. monotonous adj. boring or tediously uniform
6. unscrupulous adj. not honest or fair
7. gripe v. to complain about something
8. conscientious adj. careful about doing something completely and correctly
9. unanimous adj. agreed to by everyone
10. snub v. to deliberately ignore in an insulting way
11. nonchalant adj. relaxed and calm due to being unconcerned or indifferent
12. spendthrift n. a person who wastes money
13. bourgeois adj. relating or belonging to the middle class; concerned with material
things and respectability
14. mutiny n. a rebellion by a group against authority, resulting in the group’s taking
15. blasé adj. showing a lack of excitement or interest in something that is overly
16. inane adj. very silly or stupid
17. boisterous adj. extremely noisy or active
18. digress v. to turn away from the main topic of discussion
19. pedagogical adj. of or relating to teachers or education
20. harrowing adj. very distressing

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