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MICROWAVE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIERS Analysis and Design Guillermo Gonzolez, Ph.D. ery of Compre Ctr x Pein Date Riwtiz69 a aetss aa tire Solr emigre Can {© tty Pein Hl ne, Engen Ci, New ey S12 Abr ot tk ne ‘Rs yor yan) ea ‘Tica erm igh oh non he Une inte of Aone IS@N 0-23-5824 ei Ha Iteration ok emo al ura By Line ey ‘is Priel J rai, ‘real ta rt ne New Ds Pre al of Shut hn Pe, Share ‘Weal ks ito Walon on Zot CONTENTS uw 12 3 1 15 1s 17 1s 19 io a Be 22 23 -4- PREFACE REPRESENTATIONS. (OF TWO-PORT NETWORKS Invrodustion ‘The Impadance, Admitance, Hybrid, and ABCD Matrices ‘Traveling Waves and Transsion Line Concepts six and the Chui Scattering Matix Planes Properties of Scattering Parameters Generalized Seatring Parameters “Two-Port Network Parameters Conver Seatering Parameters of Transistors (Characteritin of Microwave Transistors MATCHING NETWORKS. = 2 — i sina. iow onsens Introduction “The Smith Chart ‘The Normalized Impedance and Admittance Smith Chart 2 2 2 a5 6 ar a a ul 2 ag Fr] as 36 37 as 39 Impedance Matching Networks Microseip Matching Networks Signal Flow Graph Applications of Signal Flow Graphs MICROWAVE TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER DESIGN Invrodustion omer Gaia Equations Sability Considerations Constan-Guin Citeles Unilateral Case Unilateral Figure of Merit Simultaneous Conjugate Match—Biatral Case Consiat-Gain Czcles—Biatral Case ‘Operating and Available Power Gain Circ DE Bias Networks HIGH-POWER DESIGN METHODS { NOISE, BROADBAND, AND 4 a a 4a 4 46 a an Inieodction [Noise in Two-Port Neworks Constant Noise Figure Cir Broadband Amplifier Design AAmplier Toning Bandwidth Analyse High-Power Amplir Dexian Two-Stage Ampliler Dein 5 MICROWAVE TRANSISTOR st 33 sa 55 OSCILLATOR DESIGN Invrodustion (One:Port Negative Resistance Oscllators ‘Two-Port Negative-Resitance Oseilators ‘Owsiltor Design Using Large-Signal Measurements Oscillator Configurations or 2 95 woz m 12 iM Bs 139 19 10 a 14 i mm a 194 we 134 9 ay COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN. COMPACT AND SUPER.COMPACT UM-MAAD INDEX a7 ‘This book presents une trstment ofthe analysis and design of miro- “wave (ansisor ampliirs using scattering parameters techniques. The tem frequencies is wsed to rele to those fequences whose wavelengths Inthe centimeter range i, 1to 100 em) However, he design procedaret land analyses prescated in the book are not limita to the miccowave fe Infact, they can be wed in any frequency rungs where the seateing ofa ranstor are given, “The lamsistors used in microwave amplifiers are the bipolar junction ste (BIT) and the gallium arsenide feldafest transistor (GAs FET) BST performs very well up 10 approximasly 4 GHz. In ths frequency ‘the BUTs are reliable, low cos (sual) unconditionally stable have 2 in, ad alow noise fgure, “The GaAS FET performance shove, approximately 4 GHz i superior 0 ofthe BIT. For ctample, wth a Gaks FET a nose gue of 1S dB witha ain cas be obained 24 GHz, and a nie gure of 27 dB with 1-4 ‘in be obained at 18 GHz. Power GaAs FETs are capable of several: operation above 4 GHz. A the preseal tine, GaAs FET amplfer are {o take the next step in requency trom 20 10 40 GHz [1 Ne ansnors ate represented by two-port networks and are boy scaring parameters. The scterng parameters ae popula they are easy to measure with modern netvork analyzers ths use in © trnssor amplifier design is conceptually simple, and they provide Assign information. Furthermare, flow graph tory is ead ap Chapters 1 to 5 present the basic principles and technigues used in ‘microwave transit amplifier analysis and design These chapters provide the oundation for a well-dsgned microwave transstor amplier, An introdue- tion to computer-aided design (CAD) wing large-scale programs is given in [Aprendix A Ic is only after the problem fly understood that CAD tech- ‘iio should be used. Otherwise, the natural human tendency to be et Toueoun and inefent eon substantially increase the cost of design, The Tange scale CAD programs wsed in Appendix A are COMPACT and SUPER: COMPACT, trademarks af Compt Software ne. (2 Tn Append Ba sing ofthe program UEMAAD (Univesity of Miami Microwave Amplifiers Amaljsis tnd Design) is given. This CAD pro ram, written in FORTRAN-7, i simple to use and understand, Tt can be ‘rad inthe analysis and design of some microwave transistor ampiers The ‘eadet wl ind tis progam very tefl inthe solution of the examples and problems in the book, expecially those from Chapters to ‘Another inexpensive se of CAD programs is avaiable in the txt Micro save Cheat Design Using Prograrmable Caleulators by Allen and Meley Ta} Als, CAD programs slab for min-computers and programmable cal: {ators are aval from Compact Software ne. [2 “Ths book was Based onthe notes developed for «senior aradutefvel course in msrowave transistor amplifies atthe Univesity of Miami. The Srignal st of nots was ated mainly on the Hewlett-Packard Applicaton Note 154 [i] and the txt by Carson (3), Subsequent, these notes were realy expondod using the vast source of informatio tht appeared in eb and profesional journals The veference sections Ist the pencpal refer nce ws Ths book i intended to be wed ia a seniorgraduate fvel course in nicrowave tansntor ampliiets or by practising microwave engineer tis ‘ound tht the reader hes completed the undergraduate network theory, ‘Gesronics "and. cctromagnetic coures, or equialent courses, The {eannmlsiontine theory needed sully covered in the book, expeily the we bof the Smith chart as desig tok “The problems a the end of cach chapter form an integra part ofthe ext, and even they are not solved, they shoul be read T nish to thank Me. Les Bester for itroducing me to COMPACT aad foc providing the Deparinent of Pletal Engineering at the University of ‘Minn! witha cop) of COMPACT for teaching and research purposes. Fut- thermore T thank Me. Bever for working the example in Appendis A using SUPER:COMPACT aso wish to thank all of my former stents fr thei elf comments, especialy, te invaluable suggestions and constructive eisms from Avanic Banko. Wiliam Sante, Deniz Ergener, Ching Y. Kung, Claudio J. Trasla- lnmund Levent ¥. Esbora, The contributions of Avan Branko tothe sol Tons ofthe chaper problems were very heipfl. The support that 1 have {nuys exc ffom Dt. Kamal Yacoub, Chairman ofthe Depatnent of Blotrcal and Computer Engineering at the Univenity of Miami i rely Appreciated. To my callepucs, Profesors Manel A. Huerta, James ©: Nest ing, and Tsay Young my sincere pratt for their lp in many areas of sSeoce and most of al fr their endship. Finally, my deepest apprecition may wife Pa, my children Donpa and Alt, and my parents Ricardo and Raquel for tei love, encouragement, nd patience “The peaceful surroundings of Fleetwood Fall, Ashe County, North ‘Carolina provided the neaded serenity to complete this book, Guillermo Gonzales, PLD REFERENCES 10) Rote. ay an KO “GaAs FET Arpt Reh 1 COMPACT and SUPER-COMPACT (campuses roprams, Comput Software nos 131 Son Antonio Roa, Plo A, Cfo 488. [BLL Alen and M-W. Medley Jr Mirowae Cot Design Using Proyrmmale Cott, nt Hof, Bata, Meet [f)°S Parameter Doig" Heviet PakaréAppcton Noe 154 Api 1972 IS). Carson Highregeny Angier, Wiley Inerscecs New York, 1975 1 REPRESENTATIONS OF TWO-PORT NETWORKS 44 intRopucrion In order to characterize the behavior of two-port network, measured data of oth its tanser and impedance faptions must be oblaiod. At ow fe- quencies the s,s, o¢ ABCD parame are examples of network faetons ‘ied n the description of tworport networks Thee parameters cannot be Imessurod accurately at higher fequences Because the require short: and ‘open-circuit est are dificult to achieve over a broadband range of microwave Frequencies, [hse of parameters that i very uel inthe microwave range ate the scattering parameters S parameters). These parameters are defined i ems of Iraeling waves and completly characterize the Behavior of two-port net- ‘Works at microwave frequencies, nthe 1970: the popularity ofS parameters increased because of the appeacance of new network analyer, which performed S-parameler measure ‘ments with eae. The $ parameters are simple to ane in anaes, and BOW araph theory is directly applicable. Although the principal us of § parameters inthis tex sin the characterization of two-pot networks, they can a0 Be ‘ed in he characterization ofmportnetorks- ‘1.2 THE IMPEDANCE, ADMITTANCE, HYBRID, AND ABCD MATRICES AL low frequencies the tworport etwork shown in Fig. 121 can be 1 ehled in several ways, The fot common eepesattions ne he imped 2 usaon Tw Part Wants Ch. \, = 3, Mame 121 Troe mtr roe mati (2 parameters the admitance mattis ( parameters the hybrid matrix Uhpuranetesh and the chain of ABCD matrix chain or ABCD parameter) "These parameter are dened 35 llows - Parameter: fa ‘in mates form men bs sed Eel-fts mI[e] fe-(é 2-2] : because the parameters are Feily measured using shor and open-circuit {tts the ermal of the two-portneework. For example, ‘simeasurod with ne open cic at port 2(.e. p= Ob “The and ABCD paruncters are also ws inthe computer analysis ofits When tworport networks are connected ia series as shown in Fig 152, me ean fd the overall = parameters by adding the individoa = parame a pamely eae 4] fete tats ate teh yi sl Lard i Lita eels, When two-port networks are connected in shunt, as shown in Fig, 123 an find the overly paramsters by adding the individual y parameters, I-EM-Datk 22210) Tes ee nt ec CD so ()-Cil-[e olL-2-[é oé SIL] Iecause #2 =e) and ‘The ration (121) shows that the overall ABCD matrix i equal to the rode! (ve, mates malipletion) ofthe indi ideal ABCD matics, => * Figwe 123, Shot comcon ies ptners aya pln Figwe 124 Case comsion wing ABCD prawesan21pal ee [At microwave fequences the 2 yh or ABCD parameters are ery cult ff not impossbe) to measure. The reason is that short and open circus € ac signals are ficult to inplement over a broadband, a micro: wave frequencies. Als, an active two-port (eg, a microwave transistor) might mcilate under short or open-circut conditions. Therefore, anew Tepe~ fntation of the fwo-port network at microwave frequencies i needed, The appropriate representation i called the searteing manic and the seattering parameters are defined i ems of traveling waves, 1.3 TRAVELING WAVES AND TRANSMISSI UNE CONCEPTS. The voltage and cortent slong 4 transmission line ae factions of position ad ime. For snusodal excitation, the istantancous voltage and current can be expressed inthe form ef) Re [VO] Hs. = Re Eve where Re means eal prt. The complex guaniies Ve) and 1b) are Pasors and express the variations ofthe voltage and current as a function of poston along the transmis ine The poat forms of a complex number re” {nd 1D ate both used inthis book. ‘The diferent equations satisfied by the phasors V(x) and Ix) along a ($e.1.3 Traveling Woves ond Transmiasion-Line Concepts * uniform tansmision lie are Problem 1) eM) He ave) <0 as) and #10) ong ete) = a2) ‘whore the complex propagation constant is given by MOF FOIE TIO) ‘he attenuation constant 2 is given in nepes per meter andthe propagation constant fin radians pee meter The parameters R, Gy Land Cate the Fesstnce, conductance inductance, and capacitance per anit length of the teansmision ie. They are assumed tobe constant along the tranemision line (Ge, the transmission line user) ‘The general solations of 1.3.1) and (2) are Via) = Ae“ + Be 33) and «349 Js known asthe complex characterise impedance ofthe transmission tne. The Constants 4 apd B ate i gnoral complex quantities. Equations (133) and (1.34 represen the voltage and current along the ‘eansmision ine asa pair of waves traveling in opposite directions, with phase velocity ry = 0/9 and decreasing ia amplitude according toe "ore The wave ¢-! =e eH" alld the tnident wave (outgoing wave) and the wave 2 = ee ie calle the refleted wate Gnomsing wave The quantity [sown a the eletica length ofthe ne ’ ansmision line of characteristic impedance Z, terminated a load Z is showa in Fig. 31. The efletion ceficent Ts) defied as «3g ° Py 484 mi Ine se “Therefore, the refs wave can be writen as AF ye and (33) and (134) cam be expressed in the form omer ae ie roBem-roen “The input impedance of the transson tine at any postion x is defined Ye cette tian Pali) = 9) 2 Tae ere the constant can be evaluated sing the contin 29l0)= 2 Then tate Bem 2e Ty ee 2% cas nya ” Equation (38) shows that Py =O when 2, = Z,. That i there tno ree tion in & properly terminated oF matched (ke, 2, = Z,) transmission line. ‘Substituting (38) into (1.37 and eng x= —d wes 2.4 Ztanh yd aa as: Poll) ~ 26707, anh rd ” “The change x = —d is normaly doae in tansmisiomtine problems inorder {fo mature postive distances ns one moves fom the lad toward the source, "At microwave frequencies R and G are usualy negligible and the tran ‘ison ln i sid to be lossless. tn losess transmission fine Vide de Blt bem 2am wan few 2. and Observe that 2, is real Als, from (1.39) the input impedance in a losess transmission ine canbe expressed inthe form Zp stan fb * Zia 0 Bb 2nd) (a9) Unless otherwise speci, all ransmison line inthis Book are as sumed tobe lossless and uniform The two waves taveing in opposite dictions ina transmission ioe rode a standing wave patter. Prom (136) the nhsimumvaloe of the ollage along the tne ha the vale [Pan =LAlU + LTD nd the minimum Value of the voltage is 10a = LAI ~ IF Thos values ae wd to eine the soage sadigrnate rato (VSWR), namely asa . ‘eorecentavons of Two:Por Networks Chap. te.a properly trminated or matched transmision line we obtain from (138) (1310h and 1:11 that Py 0, Zgdd) = Zand VSWR = | Tn 2 shorted wansmisson tine (Z, ~0) it follows that Ty ‘e, andthe input impedance calle 2,0 given by Zaldh = 30 Bb In an operciruited transmission line 2, = co) it follows that Fy = I [VSWR sn and the input impedance, called Zid. given by Zl) = i240 6 Another important case ithe quarter-wave transmission line (also known a the guacternave transformer) With d = 2/4 (13.10) gives vswi al)-2 - Equation (1212) shows that in order to transform a real impodance Z, 10 nother sl impedance given by Zia line with characteristic impedance a+ fale cam be wie, 1 THE SCATTERING MATRIX AND THE CHAIN SCATTERING MATRIX Inicodcing the notation Vit) = de™ nd VU) = Be where y= f for losis transmison ine, We can write (13.3) and (134) in the fort Ye) = 014 1b) oan se) 1) =) 1 = 10) 0) =" 043) Z, [Aso the refeston coin between the incident and reflected wave can be ‘See 14 The Searing Matox andthe Chan Seating Mar ° v0) ree 14 = ry (a3) where Ty = 10) = ¥ (0/0) isthe load refestioncotiet. Inirodueing the normalized notation Wey= V%, 109) PG) 4-8 Ve snd rw vz be we can write (14.1), (142) and (143) the form man +49) tes) ) ad ko =n ass Minted of on pot ransmion ine we have th two port network son in Fig with net wae yan ened wate by pot oad nce wave and reesed wave bya port 2, we can peeralie (4) and by Sue) + Sa and by Sn +50 gee VAL ide andre 0 ‘Representations of Two-Part Networks Chap. BBS SIC] os Cheeta tb db a of ni need a orig tn nas Sern ease Be ree ees tele ante eae Soni RIGA. Sats Tmt ices mma er eae eon [3s] Isc the saterig mat ‘h parumcers arson (0 rp retin o anion cc ck Fr (hte ar dtd low apa eftion cote wih utp peop terminated) or mates form, (forward transmission coefiient with outpat properly terminated) (outpotreetion coetiient With inp prope terminated) (reverse transmission coeticient with inet pope terminated) “The advantage of using S parameter is lea fom thei defitions. They sc measured ung u matched (erlontion le, cling oj = Oot oy =O) For ‘rampl to measure Sy, me meusre the rato yl atte np port wih he ‘utpat port property terminated, that i with ay ~0. Terminus the output ‘ort with an impedance equal to the characteristic impedance ofthe transmis: ‘Son lie produces y= 0, boca traveling wave indent On the load will ‘bo toly absorb and no energy wil be fetuned to tbe output port Ths sSivaton i illostatd in Fig 142 ‘Observe tht the network output impedance Zour doesnot ave to be snatched 10 Zp. Tn fc 8 rare that Zaye = Zar DUC with Zz = Ze ‘Sondtion 2; 0 said, Similar considerations ‘apy to measurements at the input por Also, the characteristic ienpedances of he transmision lines ae sally dential eZ, = Zab Using mnched resistive terminations to measure the § parameters of a transistor has the advamage thatthe teas docs not esi Tn contas ifwe were fo use shor or opon-ieit tes, the tagsisor could become vrstable Pili _ ora a ie a Fler 142 Pose meme, The rr ingen \wansmnisson lines are Za Z,». = “The chan satering parameters als called the scattering ranger parame: ters ot T parameters, are used when cascading networks. They are debt s Such a way thatthe input waves ay and By in Fig 1A) are the dependent ‘tables and the ouput waves a and bya the independent yaribles, That is a] pt Tabs bl Lt Tallos tas The seatiomip betwen the Sand parameter can be develope rom (1.4) and (1.4.6), namely os Tie Tas Ty Ts an and Sia Suv Su Su)” "he T parameters are uel in the analysis of cascade connections of two-port networks Figue 143 shows thatthe output waves of the fis nee Work are identical to the input waves ofthe second aetwork, namely ole: Pe SS ep} L aay alls wl] + ges 03. Corie cio fpr meta ” Aepmeeinions ot Two-Part Networs Chip 1 “Treor, the chain scattering matrix of the cascade connection canbe writen in terms ofthe individual cha ealtering male as lls: Le RIE) (e-Ee RIE) RE: RI RIE] Equation (149) ful in the analysis and design of microwave amplifiers swing compar sided dsin lecaigucs. and {U5 SHIFTING REFERENCE PLANES In practice we olen nee to attach transmission lines tothe two-port network: Sine the S parameters ae measured using aveling waves, we need fo specify the potions where the measurements re made The postions are called reference planes. For exampl, in Fig 11 me ean measre the § parameters at ‘he reference planes Iocated a¢ port” and port 2 apd relate them tothe S parameters at port I and port 2 ofthe tw- port network. ‘At the reference planes at port I and port 2 in Fig. 1.5.1, we write the — (ele (e: S21) on (-F S14) esa ge 1 Mode rang roe a ‘56218 Proarins of Seating Parameters a “The angles 0, and 8 are the clic lengths of the transmision line be: {wean the pried and unpried reference planes, rom our Knowledge of taveling waves on a loses transmission line sod whore the factor e* account forthe phase dlifernce of the waves atthe tlerent elerence planes Subsituing the previous rations nto (131) gives [eJHLsieseme ese") as ‘Comparing (153) with (15.2) gves the relations Equations (14) and (1.55) provide the relationship between S parameters st fo eso ference planes 16 PROPERTIES OF SCATTERING PARAMETERS Consider the woport network shown in Fig. 1.61, where the transmission lies are astumed to be lossless and the characteritie impedances are red “This the tpl situation at micronave frequencies where 50 transmission lines and SO-D terminations are commoniy used, From (Ut) aad (142) the iter TR 2a hed eee . ‘Resezeniaions of Two-Ror Networks Chap. -yolages and curentsn the two-port network can be writen as vas) = VC) + VIE (st) aad Vite) _ vet 1.62) Za Ba ca 1s) = 1-H) = where = Lor 2, and the voltages and currents are assumed to be scaled 10 oo mcan-uare ems) als. rom (14) and (182) we can express the normalized incident and ‘eft voltages atthe ith prt in the form vito) a(x) = 28 = Zr =e ted + Zutd 163) i) — ID JE) = 5a + Zaid and wip 2i = t= Zale) 089 “The average power asocatd wit te incident waves on the primed ith port Gaara, = Cand x, =O} Leto? Za P= (Oa) = Lado (65) nd the average reflected power is 70) = HOE - praypo) = 16/0 69) Since the tne i loses Cue. PO) — Ph) and, P/ (0) ~ Pry) (165) and (Wise) show that the quantities [4° and |b)? represent the power assci- ‘ted wth he incdent and retested waves, respectively. "Now consider the nctwork in Fig 162.10 which port texte bythe senerator Ey LO" V ams having impedance Z,, and port is terminated ints be tie bres Figwe 142. Twos ivr ns hy ptr EV wit nto (Sf 2,0 smn atte 2 ‘See. 1.6 Properties of Scettering Parameters. 6 impedance Z, (Li, matched impedance). Aguins we point ot that Practice Zy. and Zs ate pure tesstors (ually 50 0} Since port 2 is terminated ints normalizing impedance, we can wsite 0 = 2.210) sn and rom (163) it allows that 4,0) ‘Ate, =O,.we have ° WO) =F — 21,0) (sg) ‘Sobstttng (1.68 into (1.6.3) gives 4,0) lao (169) Equation (169) shows that a0) represents the power avalble fom the Sours F, with internal resistance Z,,. We call his quantity Pyy, Since the Tine i Toss (a0? = 2()P) [2,0 represents the power avaiable at ort I. The power availble fom the source i independent ofthe it Iimpedance ofthe two-port network ‘Sabstoting (68) nc (1.69) ives eyo? = Bit _ CO + Zt OOK + 2140)" OKO + Z1OVI0)+ 2. ONNO) +2117] (6.10) Similar, rom (1464) we obtain or On F248 24M4OK0--251101) su Subtracting (1.611 from (1.6.10) gives [ey — 16,00 = AELOPEO + FRO = Re 0700) Which represents the power delivered to port I off port 1 since the ine is Toes. We cll his quantity Py The. Py =|? ~ [bOI Therefor, follows that [BOP = Para Py sz) ” ‘Representations of Two:Port Networks Chap, + “The quantity dO)? represents the rected power rom port 1 or pot From (L67)and (1.64) we obtain b= -V7Zi 0 Then (eyo)? = 214018 sere the power dlr fo th ond Zc iP, = [607 ‘Equations (1.69) and (1.6.12) show that the generator sends the available one tt) toward tenet ps1 port npn fh np FS, tribe np pence Zahedi ansnisin ne Ge 7p enh eed pow mao However 2, 4 Za Pr ewe ng eee beck othe generator. The ete we en by 10) and oe mt poner eed pat 810,07 (Hs gedr wo exten the parame of the torpor network at te opted rece plane ey at po tana) we ele thet a Pi Teac equi tert show Fig 163 The eu network te Bakcs'oy tdag he Tele cele’ at prs and 2 The Thon lage nce aut ge 43.‘ eter ith Thine a por and “The satering parameter S,, i gven by 1613 $0 Ganson YUM ven hich fom (38) tcan be exposed as 50 2za si) Ori Equation (16.13) (L614 shows that Ss the refctoncoeicent of port 1 wrth por 2 terminated in is normalizing impedance Zp (be, as ~ 0 Tre cont the quantity [S| we fom (169) and (612) chat teh (146s) (Be 18 Propenion of Seating Pram, 7 Equation (1.615) shows that [represents the ratio ofthe power rete from por 1a the power aaa at port I If|Sy.|> the power rete I larger than the power available at por, Therefore inthis ease port Fac 5a source of power and ositions can osu “The evaluation ofS i lows CASA] Be Eas = Ea tat (1616) V2 HO) hansen because 1) = ~15 (flex a) = £5) = 0} Since Fugu nia~ a ¥4l) = 2.21) ve can write (1.616}in the form 2a val Zs Yl) L617 Tie Eas ean Equation (14617) shows that S,y represents a forward voltage tansmision fceficient fram pot to pot 2 The analysis |S ves Su LslaZap Tela, uation (1618) shows that |S represents the ratio of the power deliver to the load Z,. (ie, ,) the power available from the source es Pau). The Fao Pays own a8 the transducer power gan. i've analyze the network shown In Fig. in which the exciton 46,10" ¥ rms'is placed in por 2, and port 1 tenminated in ts normaliring Jmpedanc Z,, we find that ISP (68) bala “lbdlaws Su (1619) Zita and buy) 2/5 vn San” Se Ba Inhere yy the Thévenas vollage at port 2 Equation (1619) shows that S,z the Feetion coeticient of port 2 with port I txminated int arma: * Reprmanatons of To-Pon Natwonis Chap. 1 —, mth OS Fre 14 Toor twa ead yh pn 0 ma ith ite Ips 2, and rae ae gan Za ining impedance Za, (ty 4 =O) and S,, represents a reverse voltage tans ‘issioncoeBcen tr port 2c por. "The quantity [represents the rato ofthe power elected fom por 2 to the power avalable at port 2 If|Sza\> the power reflected is larger than the power avaiable at port 2 and oii can ovcut. The quantity [Sra epreons reverse ranaducse power gai. T et, MZ sal = sample 64 vate he Spates seri ipedtanc Zand shan aditanceY. Salton, The twoport network of ein ipa shown in Fi 14658 andthe ‘Riverhead bys sure and terminated inte slg pede 2, SON Fie LAS) Two ston fasting From (1.4614) fd at where y= 2-4 2, Theos 56017 Golan Seannong Pate: . Sie irae ‘8 tnd om (1.617 hat Fram spent, we oere tt 3,3 ~ 8208S, = Sy The tmoportpetmor of «cht admits shown in Fig, L668, ad the emia network shown in Fig. thie and (61) Since we obi fom 1617 “17. GENERALIZED SCATTERING PARAMETERS ‘The tpl situation that oes at microwave frequencies, where 80-0 teas. risson lines and S02 terminations are commonly used to measure the S rameters of tworport network, was analyzed inthe preceding section, In thissection we consider the ease ofthe m-pot network shown ia Fig 1.74. The = ersrton of Twe:Pon Nato Chap. 1 wed Annprt nance snerators £0" and the impedances Z,, represent the Thévenin equivalent Cents seen bythe Ah ports The impedances Z,, (al called normalising impedances ar assumed to havea postive eal pat. Inthe mport network the noemaied incdent and reflected waves are etn a8 ay HERMON + 2,000 any and oo 2. a7) where o 0 oo 4 snd (eZ. 0 ° eee a te 0 (Reza) o Re 21-8 [e) (8}, [17 and (7 are column matrices ‘The dfintions (71) and (1.72) ae generalizations of (143) and (164 56017 Genoa Scaming Pome a aca prt can write a, ARIA + 2a) ory and 8 ARS 2) ors ad he lation been Yan 16 or Substaing (1.75 ao (173 gv 75) las: 039 ‘which is ecognized asthe power availble rom Eat port 1. Also from (17.3) and (L74)weobtin IasP m= go + Zeinrt +72 1 FE ANAT = 2) =e (VT) arn ‘which i recognized a the power delivered to port Equations (1.74 (110, and (1.77) show that the generator E sends the svilable power [a "toward port 1, When port 1 is matched (is, when Z = Vill, = (2,1 the power |, is completely absorbed by Zy. When port 1 isnot matched the power absorbed by the port Tis [a [8,7 where |b isthe efi power. Soltng (17.1) and (.72} foe [7] and [7 eats in m=ws+07 wn=01-0-74 where wed tzza07 we tz,a007 ey 1ST a Pepresacaion of Two-Pon Nawors Chap 4 and a= (RSF “The generaiodscttering matrix ofthe port otwork i defined as (= (51ta1 ass) ‘The dfniton (1.78) of the scattering matrix shows that diferent nor- saliing impedances Z,, produce dere values of the generalized sateing Dorameers Thesfre, the generalize scaring parameter are defied in {ems of specie normalizing innpedanoes If the normalring impedances are ‘ure restances, the rests n Section 16 forthe two-port network follow. From (1738 the elements of [5] are given by aod ‘Seis ocognized as the input refestion coffent at poet 1 wit all ther ors matched (ie, = Owen H,= ~ Zl, A #0 Observing that Waah ‘hen rom the th uation in (1.71) and (1.7.2 we obsain oh VaZhby_ Zi— 23, aacones HA Zale” 242 “The quantity [Sy can be shown tobe the transducer power gain fom port to port kwith a =O, 1.8 TWO-PORT NETWORK PARAMETERS CONVERSIONS. AC piven frequency a two-port network can be desrbod im terms of several parameters. Therefore is desirable to have relations to convert fom one set (of parameters to another. For example, the = parameters of @ tWorport ne work are dined by w w-[%] o-[i) ran as where and ey > Dell In terms of indent and elected waves, me obtain fom (18.1) 0140-10) -(2a001 es err te ats ma (178) rs urn i nn . (+00 where , is ssumed tobe real and (2 1] tS caste 182) and solving for [), we obtain ZeNEH + (SINCH)~ ES) (us) Where [1] i the unit diagonal matix. Equations (182) and (L83) give the conversion relations between the and = parameters, These conversions 38 Wall as others among the =, ABCD, and § parameters, are tabulated in Fig 184 119 SCATTERING PARAMETERS OF TRANSISTORS. ‘The S paramuters of micromave transistors ae wally available for the tan sistor in chip and puckagod frm. Transistors i cip form ate used when the best performance in gain, bandwidth, and nose is desired. Packaged rane ‘Stor are very poplar because they come scaled enlonares and aoe) 10 work with, The parasitic tment introduced bythe package pode a Jeg ation nthe transistor ae performance. Manufacturers usually measure and provide commosemiter or com: ‘mom souece $ parameters of transistors at 3 function of fequsncy at ven de bas Since the minimum nose figure, tinea output power, and maximum ‘in require diferent de bias stings, tbe manufactures usually provide two ‘or thee sof S parameters Conversion ram common-smiter to common-base parameters canbe ‘done using the conversion relations in Fig... For example, to comer from ‘commoner to common-base S parameters, we ist cower the commen: co epresatations ef Two-Por Networks Chap. ices Dine Peed Vice and Fhua= “Oat Find = —Oine aa Jna= "Vine had Cine Pend Jhur= ics Faed= “Gis miter $ parameters 10 commosemitier y parameters then convert the fommon-nitter y parameters to common-base parameters and then con ‘ert the common-base y parameters to common-base § purameiers The frequency charuteiatice ofa nctwork can be represented aa Gon: tinuous impeanes or reocton cofcicat pot ia the Smith chart (ce So. tions 22 and 23} For example, the seri RC network shown in Fig. 19.8 has the impedance or reflection coefficient plot shown in Fig. 19.1B. AS the fe- ‘queney increases, the capacitive reactance decreases, and the impedance plot moves clockwise slong constant resance ce ae 9 Frog roomie fai Cntr ‘Sec, 19) Scamering Paramecers of Tans a Atypical pt of Sy. fora transitr in the common-emiter configu ation Is shown in Fig, 19. The plot of Sy, ix given forthe tanto In hip form and in package form, The Biss conditions are also shown. cis observed that Sy for this transistor in chip form follows 4 constan-resstance cic, vith capacitive eacance atthe lower frequencies and an indoctive reactance ithe higher feguencier The equivalent ici for this tanto chip form ‘ohich entitle the bshavior of Sy, is shown in Fig. 19.38, The restance R Tepresents the base-Lo-emiler resistance plus any contact resistanee, The ci pctance C is duc to the junction capacitance fom base to emits. The Inductance L is due to the reflection propertis of transistor where the filer resstance, whe fo) is complex, produces an inductive reactance cro e baseto-emiter temas. ee 925, oCacommancmiter teria ci apse n “The equivalent cruit or the transistor in package form is shown i Fig 1.9.3 fn this cae, the package inductance (Ly) an the package expe anos (jy) contribute to the reflection cousin variations the Ngher Reguencc panama ews 194 Sof communi erin ipa pgm Atypical 5, plot fr chip and packaged transistor in the common- ‘emitter configuration is shown in Fig. 19.4 For this tansior the chip characteristic follows u constant conductance curve ie, a shunt RC equivalent rework). gw 195 5,66 + commoner ‘tec cip'nd wages orm. in clp ates {Fr Ret [I couresy of Hens: (Fram Re lf sy of He te Prt “The forward and rovers transmission coeficintsS,, and Se wtally ven in polar plot as shown in Figs 19.5 and 198 "The parameter [S| is constant for Frequencies below the beta eutot™ frequen fi, fj) and then decays at 6 dBjoctave. The transducer eutolfe- qency (8 the fequeney whe [Sz equal to 1. The parameter [5,3] Min 19, rt ter oh hen Som RC Increases at approximately 6 dBoetave, lvls off around J, and docays a higher frequents, A typical Bode plot of | 83, |Szl» and the product [128,11 shown in Fig 197. “The common-mitierS parameters ofa transistor are shown in Fi. 198 "This gore ilusates some ofthe information ipl provided by manuf "A transistor can be considered to be a three-part device a shown in Fig 199. In this case the scattering matrix, aso called the indfite seater ae ee ‘The mame “indefinite scattering matix™ is wed because no deft hoje is made to ground a particular pot The meaning of Syn 1.8.1) 192) | That ig to measure Sy, rfrene resistances of 50 ae we at ports 2 and 3 Ta two-port common-emiter configuration, Sis measured with the emit ‘grounded: Thetfoe, the vale of yin (1.9.2) wil be diferent from te vale {FS fa Swo-porl common-emitie coniguration. Silay, the parameter Sia, Sys aid Sy in (1.91) wil be diferent from the Sys, Syy and Sayin ‘¥o-pot common-emiter configuration. = LOS ree stern 4,0 CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROWAVE TRANSISTORS Most microwave bipolar juetion transistors (BITS) are planar in orm and sade from sion in the np type. Thee dimensions are very smal to permit ‘pention at microwave frequen. For example the bas thickness i f the forde of tenth ofa micron, eo ieee ; ~ oo | The equivalent hybid-r model of thei 110, In the mictomave rang, Son to the rte of tance of Ci ustally smaller ‘model shown in Fig. 1102 follows, BIT is shown in Fig, sry aml a compar: Tatge. Als, the face ‘Therefore the implied 2 eoresentatons of Two-Part Necworks Chap. * Inthe actual (or extrinsic) microwave transistor, alitionl parasite restanees infucanoes and capacitance apper (aswell ae other distibuted ‘ements and mst be cluded inthe node One uch model i shown ia Fig 1103. The meuning ofthe parasitic elements, Lp, Lys Le, Cyr 3 Cig 3 seikexplanatry eae & & . nit wa 2c “There re two gues of merit that are commonly used by mamufactrers of microwave BITs to describe the tansstor performance. THES ar: 1. fe: the pan- bandwidth frequency, Is the ragueney where the shor ‘leu gain |] approximates nity, 2 Jom: the asim frequency of osilation. Is the Frequeney where the ‘aim availble power Buin ofthe tranitor (led Gy) is equa Gama fons S2N b6 msasred by conjuzaely matching the source Impedance the transistor input impedance andthe load 1 the transistor ‘utput impedance. OF couse the tamisior must be unconditionally stable {ies no onions) Gaus higher thas the transducer gain [Sy |? Be ‘aus of the matching conditions These concepts are discussed in d Chapter “The requency dependence of ho) is sien by (o) nae hh ere, i the In-fequency shortcut corent gain and fy is the beta 10.130 Chace of Micon Tasos = ut frequency, namely 1 1 ts dCve + God) Brno “Te frequencies fy AN fn forthe intrnsc BIT model shown in Fig 1102, are ven by (1a and 102) ‘Als, fg and fare related by fe arr (1103) “The fequeney fy cam ao be expressed in tems of the toa signal tine lay from emir to collector (12) 1 in, ‘whore the emitero-oletor ime dey, namely “The parameter sy represents the base delay time and the has-1o-olletor Aepletion-layer daytime. Figure 1.104 Mastrates the meaning ff nd fgg: Ob he gain roll athe rate of 6 dBloctave Fa gee L404 Fee arti f C a4 a” ratte fT Pat News Chap. ‘Two sources of ein a microwave BIT are thermal nove and shot oie. Thermal nse i caused y the thermal aptaton af the cari i the ‘hmic resistance ofthe emitter, bass and collector. Shot mane a curteat pendent fst caused By actuation: in the els and hole currents due tobias conditions "The glum arene (GaAs) eld-eet transistors (FETS) are commonly sade in the metal semiconductor fleet tramsisior structure (MESFET) “That the gate terial is constructed using 4 Schottky barrier gate. How- ‘ver, the other FET stuctures, such asthe junction eldest transistor UUFET) the meaL-orde semiconductor f-fect transistor (MOSFET) and the inslated ate elf transistor (IGFET) have also been usd Te microwave FETs ae made with GaAs bectse the elton mobility is greater than tht of sallcon The high elcton mobility resus in excellent Frequency response and nots performance, espacilly above 4 GHz “The high-frequency mode of the intrinsic GaAs FET in a common sours configaration i shown in Fig. 1105, The capacitor C,repesnts the fstotosouree capacitance and the resistor ri the small gate-tosource ‘hannel resistance, An extrinsic GaAs FET hgh-requency model which in ‘Seder prac elements shown in ig. 1-106, The meaning ofthe paste hemes Ry R, Ray fy and Ly seFexplanatory. fe ES oe ge LMS Guts FET Ahequnymoel rhe ommansoane ei When the GaAs FET is unconditionally stable in the frequency range of interest the edback capacitances very small and can Be neglced. That, there Is no overs tamsmision Irom the output {0 the inp port of the transistor and the transistor becomes unilateral fe, Siz = 0. The simplied ‘unilateral high‘requeney model for the intrinsic GaAs FET is shown in Fig 100. “The short length ofthe gate determines the fequency response of the GaAs FET. For the mode! shown in Fig. L107, the fequencis fy and fy 16 ‘ven by D nc, fe (104) 110 Corsini of Misowae Tanne gly Te gas cont 09 Ty ee in Fig LM. Aowvne Gite FE snes os hin and fn (4105) Since fis imited by the electron fan be expressed inthe fore [1.2] 1) through the chao fi ‘where Here isthe gate length ands, i the lston stration drt velo, Another expression Fr fo, fund experimental i[1.2] Le cher ne ‘Spied una ik oqey Wot fr x amano souce ‘The intrinsic nose sources in a Gus FET are the thermal-geerated channel nose andthe induced noise at he gate. The induced noise atthe ate is produced by the channel noise voltage. The extrinsic noise sources (e Fig 110.6 are asocated with the resitanesR, aad Ry andthe gate bonding pd resntaner, In adtion, the GaAs FET elhibits intervalley scattering noe rodoed by string of eletrons between energy bands, PROBLEMS. 1. Astin 4 of form transmit lies shown in Fig. (@) Using Kiet lage and current show ta = (Show tat and, i he gutione ite + 1a) nega 1c PH eu Es on ‘nwo estan show tht the phasors Vs) and Is) ais 1.52, spectively (4 en he ener sation fr Vs an) (1.1) a (24, (© Show that oss renin Ine the wllag VU) sien se f= 0 /TE: Write the ener salation for Vs). 12. Vey the equatcas or Zin (33) and (3.10, 1. Vey the Sand T-parameter conversions given a (147 and (145, (Chepet Pobten oo _ 14 ind he ARCD mai ot as pete Za stot aac Yo se ist coment the ARCDpaunctreoind inp a 1 $ © rum, Compas arte wih erin ape 15 Fed bsg wai nd cla easing nis ein Se ting aed christine 2 1 Fad the ting as an th chin cating mati of (Gash sum th ong nd racer neta {© Anosecheted hens cg a arctic pears 3 12. Fd heparan ee tua usorme shown Fg PL at pow had : > 5 3 rarer 1&, Show thatthe overall Sy parame of two aca two-ortsetwoHS ith ‘Suterig mars [5] and [Sh eps gen by Sue 19. tne wort mr sn nF (a find, 1 Ff bya, thant {0 tuned haan {2 nc dg nt pws, ~O snd te itp a aoe «9 Shr ther rm {2 Fateh ne egh eine be once Geagerone tee | ema geen 10. (a) Find the valu ofthe sure impedance that celts in maximum power ‘Scinered tothe oad in Fig PLO. Eat the maximum power delved 1 theo (Using he ve fZ rom pact ah Bad he Then equalent cuit at ‘heload ead and eal the pone ever 1 theload z 0a ow 11 Show thin the port network of Fig 7, the ranaduser power in om pat to port Sliven by re (Pay) the mannan ase power a port and he power ‘everday 1 In Fig 11 vi the comersions between Gz ted ypranees (@) Fd NCD parameters 11) Shon that in and 01 +004) 1) b= Dam -(spen +9" oa-[i ene ica cir pe feta pe fe ett eres eran eed eee are aa 118 Thecommon-emiter prams ofa GaAs FET Sone Su 1RE Sy, 00S ULE 55-0752 Determine tb common. and comman- 4 Sut = 10) syd Syn ABU DiS D4 S080 = —FSikt —FuSsa)—F,PSiS0) ‘hes parame ar norma to 1 2, ‘Note: This eile oben tat oles some mati manipulations to obtain [Tosa fnction of 5 REFERENCES (1177S Parameter Desipn Hewlet-Packard Applicaton Note 14 Ape 1972, [12] D. ¥. Morgan and M3. Howes, editor, Arona Sod State Dees and “Anolon, Pete Pepin Lise New Yr, 1980

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