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Manning willJqepp seat on Sea Bright cound _.-..«.

I tav • "t


EATONTOWN Vice president hunt Liberty Cup races
LONG BRANCH Mondale says Ferraro Jobson enters final
Today's Forecast:
definitely a contender. day with slim lead.
Party sunny, warm Page A 3 , Page B2
Complete weather on A2

VOL. 106 NO. 309

The Daily Register YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER , SINCE" 187ft TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1984 . 2 5 CENTS

Reagan drops
conditions for
talks on space
WASHINGTON (AP) - The (strategic arms reduction talks)
and nuclear weapons in Europe is
He said U.S. arms control
Reagan administration has agreed
unconditionally to talks with the too Important of an issue not to specialists were under instruction
Soviet Union in September about raise at these talks and we will do to have an analysis of anti-satellite
curbing weapons in outer space, it." he said weapons ready for President Re-
US. officials said yesterday But In a speech in Moscow, agan's consideration in August
The administration asserted its Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko The principal point of the study
unqualified readiness to meet with repeated his government's rejec- Is to determine which weapons
the Soviets after Moscow rejected tion of the earlier U.S. proposal to might be difficult to verify under an
as "totally unsatisfactory" a U.S. merge talks on space weapons and agreement.
proposal to broaden the talks to nuclear.- missiles, calling it a Soviet President Kenstantin V.
include other nuclear weapons. "sucked deck" against the Soviets Chernenko formally proposed the
It was not immediately clear Gromyko said the nuclear miss- negotiations last week Earlier
whether the Soviets would take the iles issue has "no relation to the proposals by him and his prede-
administration up on its latest problem" of space weapons. cessor, Yuri V. Andropov, were
approach. "We regret that Washington gave rejected by the administration
Larry Speakes, the White House a negative reply permeated with Two reasons were given: that it
spokesman, underscored U.S. the spirit of stepping up the arms would be virtually impossible to
readiness to meet with the Soviets race and spreading it to outer
guard against cheating and that the
But referring to the nuclear space. As a precondition, a demand
is made to merge negotiations on Soviets were trying to maintain an
weapons, he stressed that "we will edge in space weapons by negotiat-
also raise these other issues." outer space with talks on (nuclear
weapons)," he said. ing a halt to U.S. research efforts
Even if Moscow maintains its
position that it does not want to talk A U.S. official, who spoke only on The administration responded to
about them, Speakes said, "we plan condition he not be identified, said the latest Soviet proposal last week
to raise it." the negotiations would be held in by saying it was prepared to
"We think INF (intermediate Vienna, as suffested by the Sov- negotiate, but wanted to broaden
nuclear force talks) and START iets, or at "any mutually agreeable See Reagan, page Aid

SIGNERS MEMORIAL — The nation's only

permanent memorial to the men who created the
Memorial" and s m West Potomac Park. The
names, occupations and hometowns ot the 56
Refuse strike affecting
Declaration of independence was dedicated yes-
terday in Washington. The site is called "Signers
signers of the document are engraved in pink
granite stones
non-union contractors
Shore towns prepare BY USA R. KRUSE
The strike by 1,100 sanitation
workers entered its second day
yesterday, amid signs that the
Update on strike
for Independence Day
BY TED LOUD Parkway Traffic Division officials
walkout was spreading to non-
union contractors who were re-
ceiving threats not to cross the
picket lines. -
Meanwhile, the affected munici-
Town affected by strike
The following municipalities
will have no garbage collection
service today because of a strike
by Teamsters Local MS, West
Reclamation Center. Tinton Falls
Precautions to take
County residents in the affected
communities are urged to follow
this advice:
are not expecting a significantly palities were making contingency Paterson: • Keep garbage stored in heavy
The typical work week routine
will be broken for most area
Holiday events greater volume of traffic tomor- plans to get residents through the Aberdeen. Asbury Park, Free-
hold, Hazlet. Keansburg, Keyport,
duty plastic bags, preferably
row strike. And in Trenton, Gov. double-bagged.
residents tomorrow as the county in your town, BIO Because this year's holiday is Thomas H Kean appointed five Little Silver. MaUwan. Middle-
town, Oceanport, Sea Bright,
• Keep bags out of direct
prepares to celebrate Indepen- cabinet officers to a Solid Waste sunlight and away from heat
dence Day. not part of a long weekend, no Shrewsbury Township, Union • Do not place garbage at curb
specific statistics or projections Emergency Task Force to coordi-
National weather forecasters Towns all over the county are nate all state actions in response Beach, and West Long Branch. • Separate food garbage from
planning family days, picnics, live have been made, according to a Other area muncipallties, paper and other trash.
say we should be prepared for a Parkway spokesman. to the job action.
"doggy" Independence Day with music, shows, craft fairs, and. of At least 14 municipalities are though not affected directly, may • Put ammonia or lime in bags.
course, fireworks displays to light The spokesman said the encounter problems if their con-
high humidity, temperatures near without garbage collection today, to prevent odors and bacterial
up the evening skies throughout parkway expects to collect 1290.000 tractors and municipal garbage
80 and evening thunder-showers and there were no signs that the growth, and to keep animals away
the area. in tolls on tomorrow. The number collectors refuse to cross picket
that might clash with the fire- strike would be a short one. No • Recycle whatever materials
of cars is expected to total 1 16 lines at the Monmouth County
works displays. But for those who do their negotiations were scheduled be- possible.
million, not a significant increase
But midday picnics won't be biggest business on holiday's, this over typical Wednesday traffic. tween the hauling firms and mem-
rained out anywhere in the Garden year's mid-week Independence "We really have nothing to base bers of Teamsters Local 945. who proposed contract. discarding to keep down odors,
State, said Harry Woodworth, Day might not be as profitable as a projection on, and can only make walked off their jobs at midnight lids should be kept on pails and all
NWS weather specialist at Newark in previous years when the holiday Each of. the affected munici-
an educated guess." the spokes- Saturday. palities recommended its resi- garbage bags should be tightly
International Airport. was observed at the beginning or man said He said the division is The workers struck after reject- tied; all plastic bags should be of
the end of a long weekend. dents follow these guidelines: all
"It might be muggy, very warm expecting most people to stay ing a management proposal for a perishable wastes should be kept the heaviest grade possible, or
and humid." said Woodworth. The weather forecast for tomor- home for family barbecues or six-day workweek and 820-per- separate; newspapers, tin cans double bagged; keep all garbage in
"The dog days." row calls for a sunny and warm hometown celebrations. week raises that would have and glass bottles should be recycle shaded areas; sprinkle lime aromg
Temperatures tomorrow are ex- day with high in the 80s Bill Shiel. manager of the Long brought salaries to f&25 in the last when possible; all liquid residue be bags to keep away animals and
pected to reach the 90s. he said H o w e v e r , Garden S t a t e See Shore, page AM of the three years covered by the rinsed from containers before See Refute, page AIO

Bog cleanup set to begin Index

MARLBORO (AP) — Thr state cleanup is estimated at more than Staples said the cleanup will in- Advice
this week will begin the first phase 17 million. volve about 80 acres of the site. Arts B9
of a massive cleanup at Burnt Fly During the first phase of the The DEP and the federal En- Business B7
Bog — considered one of the worst cleanup, expected to take 90 days vironmental Protection Agency Classified B1'
toxic waste sites in the country — and cost about S2.3 million, workers commissioned a $354,000 study of Comics . Bf!
but environmental officials said will remove an undetermined Burnt Fly Bog in 1981. Tests pits Lifestyle AH
yesterday it will be the end of IMS number of K-gallon drums contain- were dug at the dump to determine Movies
before the project is completed. ing waste oils, clear a mound of the amount of contamination and 12 People K-
The 1,700-acre Monmouth County sludge called an "asphalt pile" and Obituaries A7
wells were excavated to test water
dump, used during the 1950s and clean up one of seven lagoons Opinion /•'j
samples. The study recommended
1980s to store waste oils, is ranked containing cancer-causing the removal of all waste oils and Sports
Mo. 8 among the 85 New Jersey chemicals. Television 39
sites on the list of waste facilities "It's been a problem for a long Your Town
eligible for money from the federal The lagoons contain several
time and it will take a while to known carcinogens, including Lottery
superfund program The cost of the clean it up," said James Staples, a Winning numbers m the N e * J.'"
benzene and other cleaning sol- sey lottery appear on page A 7
spokesman for the state Depart-
ment of Environmental Protection. vents. Staples said.
"We hope to have it completed by This week, crews from a
No Register tomorrow the end of 1M5 ' Fanwood company that signed a Foarta of July
contract with the jiate to clean up Enjoy dinner & fireworks at The
The Daily Register will not be Seven lagoons containing waste Olde Union House Resv. 842 757S
oils and toxic chemicals are on the the dump will begin working on
published tomorrow, Indepen-
dence Day. and its business offices site, along with a lJ.OOO-cubic-yard roads leading to the site. Actual
cleanup operations will begin in Ladies' Night I I Driaii
will be closed Publication will sludge pile and drums of waste oils. LOADING UP — Litlle Silver borough employee Raymond Williams Wed lr Thurs Sonny Bennett Coun-
resume Thursday with a complete about two weeks. try By-the-Sea. Long Branch
throws another load of garbage onto a truck at the commuter parking
report of state, national, world and "Fireworki'VSUtM of Liberty See Bag, page Alt lot. At least 14 municipalities have been affected by the walkout ol
sports news as well as details of July 4 Board the "Fisherman" 7 Caa Mr. Auto Insaraare
local happenings. pm At. Highlands Yacht Harbor Teamsters Local 945, and no new talks are scheduled Save You Money?''1 Call 747-4000
Mike & Jay'i serving Saa. Breach
120 per person 291-43M. menu. 7 a m -2 p m July 4th Ser- Richard's Pub - July 4th ('••ola Farm Markets now opea! Wide-width shoe sale July 4th
CkrisMaa's Samnwr Clearaace Tower Hill Clare* Ammul Meeting ving dinner 4:30 to 8:30. reser- Happy Hour. 4-8 Music. Dive Fresh fruits and vegetables Rt 34. Wk off reg priced shoes plus
Beg. 7,7-803 River Rd Fair Haven Family Picnic. July 8. 10 30 am vations suggested. Crowton, 9-1 Colts Neck 946488S Specials' Nanan s-Rl 35-Oakhurjt
A2 The Dairy Re«is4er TUESDAY JU.Y 3. 1984
Ship sunk by Iraqi missiles
SEOLL (API — Iraqi air-fired on Sunday, injuring four crew Iraq did not describe the objects
missiles destroyed a South Korean members It said all those aboard of its attacks, but the term "nival
cargo ship that was carrying 9,000 were picked up by Iranian rescuers. targets" frequently has meant oil
tons of steel from Japan to Iran, The ministry said the ship was tankers.

Cagney released South Korea's Foreign Ministry

said yesterday Meanwhile, the
supertanker Tiburon, hit by Iraqi
hit in the engine room and set
An Iraqi military spokesman said
There has been no independent
confirmation of the attacks, but
Bahrain-based shipping sources
rockets last week, was towed to the
from hospital so-called "ships graveyard" off the
coast of Bahrain where its S50
million crude oil cargo was to be
Sunday on Baghdad radio that
Iraq's forces had destroyed five
"naval targets" in the Kbor
have said the Khor Moussa Canal is
too shallow for large or medium-
size tankers to sail through
BOOTHBAY HARBOR. Maine (AP) - A limou- transferred to other vessels. Moussa Canal leading from the The Swiss-owned, 260,500-ton
sine whisked actor James Cagney from this coastal Persian Gulf to the Iranian oil port Tiburon was crippled by a missile
resort to his New York state farm yesterday, about Fighting along the 730-mile Iran- of Bandar Khomeini. The spokes- fired by an Iraqi jetfighter in a raid
Iraq war front continued Monday, ma#said two other ships were near Iran's Kharg Island oil ter-
two weeks after he entered a hospital following a
with both sides claiming to nave
heart ^attack damaged by mines they hit while minal Wednesday.
killed enemy soldiers and de-
\ Cagney, 84. his wife, Willy, and a paramedic fleeing. Eight crewmen, one West Ger-
stroyed infantry bunkers.
attendant left the Fisherman's Wharf Inn and Motel Iraqi jets also showdown one of man and seven Spaniards, were
yesterday morning, according to the Boothbay The South Korean Foreign Minis-
try said in a statement issued in Iran's U.S.-made F-14 jets that killed when the missile set fire to
Register, a local newspaper. A motel spokesman scrambled in response to the at- the Tiburon's engine room and
Seoul that two missiles struck the
confirmed Cagney had checked out. tack, the spokesman said gutted its superstructure.
10,205-ton cargo vessel Wonjin-ho
He was released Saturday from St. Andrew's
Hospital, said his agent, Marge Zlmmermann. He
had entered the hospital June 16.
The Cagneys headed for Verney Farm, their 700-
acre retreat near Stanfordville, N Y .
Cagney won an Academy Award for his portrayal
me," he instructed, "tell em I just drank too much
U.S. hopes for regional solution
of my favorite beverage — cranberry juice "
of song-and-dance man George M. Cohan in the 1942 SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) - visit Panama to meet with Presi- pres, reported Monday that he was
Acuff, known as "the king of country music, had
movie "Yankee Doodle Dandy" but is also re- U.S. special envoy Harry dent Jorge Illueca and Foreign scheduled to go to Caracas Tuesday
been scheduled to perform at the Opry on Sunday,
membered for roles as a tough-talking gangster in but said he wasn't feeling well and drove to Edgefield Shlaudeman said yesterday he told Minister Oyden Ortega Duran from Panama.
such films as "Public Enemy." The actor suffered Hospital, said Opry spokesman Jerry Strobel. President Luis Alberto Monge that On Sunday, Shlaudeman was in Shlaudeman is working with the
a mild stroke in 1977 "We're going to take some X-rays of his stomach the United States continues to hope Honduras, where he. meU with ConUdora Group, which seeks to
and chest to find out what the trouble is." said Dr for a regional solution to the President Roberto Suazo Cordova end the civil strife in El Salvador
Central American strife. for two hours, according to a U.S. and prevent war between Honduras
Convention role for Cronkite Clarence Woodcock "We'll probably keep Roy here
Shlaudeman. making his third Embassy official in Tegucigalpa and leftist-ruled Nicaragua. The
a couple of days until we examine the X-rays."
NEW YORK (AP) - CBS newsman Walter Acuff, famous for songs such as "The Wabash visit to Central America since The official, who did not want to Contadora members are Mexico,
Cronkite, who has been at the television anchor desk Cannonball " and "The Great Speckled Bird," has becoming President Reagan's en- be identified for security reasons, Venezuela, Colombia and Panama
for every Republican and Democratic national sung and played his fiddle on the Opry's live country voy to the region in March, met for said Shlaudeman also talked with Venpres said that during
convention but one since 1952, will report as a special music radio show since 1938 and is a regular on the about two hours with Monge. Gen. Walter Lopez Reyes, chief of Shlaudeman's visit to Caracas he is
correspondent at this summer's gatherings, the syndicated television show "Hee Haw " He suffered He said the United States wants the armed forces, and other Hon- expected to meet with President
network announced yesterday. a heart attack in 1976 to keep abreast of the situation and duran officials. He would not say Jaime Lusinchi and Foreign Minis-
Cronkite. who stepped down' from the "CBS that he is visiting the countries to what was discussed. ter Isidro Morawes Paul.
Evening News" anchor job in 1962, will provide Aborigine on speaking lour find out the opinion there Shlaudeman's schedule is closely Shlaudeman, a career diplomat,
"insights and perspectives" with occasional appear- SEATTLE lAPi A 75-year-old Australian The U S Embassy in Panama guarded for security reasons. Ven- was ambassador to Venezuela in
ances from the anchor booth with his successor, Dan aborigine is touring the United States and Canada City said Shlaudeman would next ezuela's state news agency, Ven- 1975-78
Rather, the announcement said. this summer to talk to North American Indians about
Rather, who will be presiding over his first
convention when the Democrats meet in San
Francisco July 16, said before the CBS an-
the preservation of their native cultures
"They lose their culture because of the white
man's ways and go from good to bad," said Guboo
Bolivia holds over 100 in kidnapping
nouncement that Cronkite could do "whatever he Ted Thomas, speaking of most of Australia's 160.000
wants to do " Rather said he was leaving the aborigine natives LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - Two guarantee for their safety, the six ible destination. Efforts were con-
discussions with Cronkite up to top management former Cabinet ministers and abut young men surrendered and were tinuing to find a country to accept
Economic need has forced the Australian
Asked if the negotiations had been sticky, a 100 right-wing military officers, taken to the Argentine am- them.
aborigines to become urbanized, said Thomas. Only
spokeswoman at CBS News said, "they took a long 200 of the 3,500 members of his tribe, the Yuins, policemen and politicians have bassador's residence where they Three other men apparently in-
time." remain on the Mumballa Mountain about 300 miles been arrested in the coup attempt were accepted as "lodgers." The volved in the plotting took refuge in
south of Sydney in the lush, mountainous coast of that began with the kidnapping of six, who said they were hired by the Uruguay's embassy Monday but
President Hernan Sites Zuazo, of- those plotting the coup, sur- have not been given asylum.
A cuff i* hospitalized New South Wales, he added
ficials said yesterday. rendered to Bolivian police Monday Foreign Ministry officials said.'
Thomas and the Yum tribe have led the way in
NASHVILLE, Tenn (AP) - Eighty-year-old at the residence
winning claim to 400 acres of sacred tribal lands on The 70-year-old president was Gustavo Sanchez, under-
Grand Ole Opry star Roy Acuff underwent tests the mountain, he said "We were the first aboriginal resting at his home after hospital The Foreign Ministry announced secretary of the interior, said
yesterday after being hospitalized with chest and tribe to get title to the land, he said, adding that treatment for a hairline rib frac- their surrender after two days of Bolivia's powerful cocaine traf-
stomach pains, but he was well enough to joke with the Yuins' success has prompted other tribes living ture suffered in a struggle with his unsuccessful efforts to find a fickers were not directly linked to
hospital staffers. on government-controllfd reservations to try to win captors as they tied him to a bed country which would give them the attempted coup. But he added
"If anybody wants to know what's wrong with land rights. ' • in a vacant La Paz warehouse asylum. The announcement said "There could have been cocaine
the six received guarantees of a money, or involvement by some
He was seized from his bedroom fair trial. officers linked with narcotics
in the presidential palace Saturday trade."
morning by a group of armed men Five other suspects sought ref-
THE WEATHER and freed 10 hours later after tense
negotiations between his aides and
uge in the embassy of Venezuela,
which refused their request for
Bolivia produces at least half the
world's illegal cocaine, and some
six of his captors who held a pistol asylum. Paraguay, ruled for many members of Bolivia's previous
to the president's head while de- years by rightist dictator Gen. military governments were active-
Jersey s h o r e
The Forecast/8 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, July 3 manding safe passage abroad. Alfredo Stroessner, has been the ly engaged in the billion-dollar
With Siles Zuazo s personal only country named as their poss- trade
Partly sunny with chance of a 80
thundershower late today. Highs in
the lower 80s. Winds southwesterly
at around 10 mph becoming onshore
during the afternoon. Fair tonight.
Lows around 70. Sunny and warm
THE WORLD The Sunday Register
Independence Day. Highs in the Pupnanad Sunctay Dv ' f a Rao Bai •
lower 80s. Chance of rain is 30 ("flafiynrl n '8/R

percent this afternoon otherwise 10 9 die in plane crash 51 diejn battle Ely Jonn H COOt and Ma"'» C rti

Mam O'lce
percent Ocean water On*
P'Ua Si'fMsh ,»y \ U7* '
PORT HARDY, British Col- MANAGUA. Nicaragua -
temperatures are in the upper 60s. IK) 11 b4?4000
umbia — A twin-engine plane Troops fought rebels who attacked
Brand O'l Lei.
crashed in flames yesterday just the towr, of El Tortuguero in a 10- Mnr," t.v
Marine forecast after taking off from this northern hour battle that cost the lives of at N. 0777H
Watch Hill. R.I. to Manasquan, High 1 10 Vancouver Island community, kill- least IS soldiers and 36 insurgents, Members '•' ">* AMocia'K] r''«s-. ' •*• *
N.J. Temperatures ing all nine people aboard, the government radio reported Prats •i endued e«i .svev H " " *• '
new* p""t«d it !M- •»-«.[ .in" H *• '
Winds southerly to southwesterly authorities said Fire Chief Peter yesterday The Sandinista govern-
at five to 12 knots today westerly at Spencer said the plane — believed ment's official Voice of Nicaragua McnDe' O1 'ne Ame'Ca' N- * M .,; •
five to 10 knots tonight. Partly to be carrying some Americans — said more than 150 rebels operating Awtciation tne A,,o t f) .rea.. o* C ' i . i
J a ' M y Pratt A5Vu .r .'
cloudy with considerable haze and FRONTS: had gained about 100 feet of altitude from bases in Honduras attacked
morning fog also scattered thunder- when it nose-dived into the tarmac the small town Sunday. Sacond Class nosing*1 p a d fll '•<•••
Warm ^ » . ^ ^ at the end of the runway and
0 7 7 0 ' PutJisneo * M « y Wa . t . • [
showers possible this afternoon and E l Tortuguero is in the advance
evening Fair tonight Visibility one Showers Ram Flumes Snow Occluded - v - v Stationary i burned southeastern part of the country
to three miles in haze improving to about 204 miles east of Managua Mai1 Rates TJa , ft
National w e t * *
three to five miles tonight. Average NO*» u S Dec-' - C W ' Centrists take lead and six miles west of the Caribbean lafrn
I I? •
t 70' —*• •|,

seas tiKHjo't or less Fair with Weather rU port city of Bluefield. The govern- «s ' til
1 year 1 45 *we- 6b * r —
southwesterly winds around 10 GUATEMALA CITY - A new, ment broadcast said the rebels Mail ratal lor conege sL.oi'r •• d> i:-• •.,-,
knots tomorrow slickly promoted centrist party presumably were from the nai - ••) ol above rales
Home delivery by Carr«r - (Ja.iy •>'••: S ,r tt.i,
took a strong lead yesterday in the Nicaraguan Democratic Force, $t 35 a vreen Sunday Only 35 cents U" . *
0? coy Single copy at Counter - Da-y Sh "
which receives aid from the U.S.
Tides Amu KII
voting for delegates to the Consti-
tuent Assembly, an election that Central Intelligence Agency.
40 cenl*
POSTMASTER Sand sdd'ett cneflDH • . '•••
'0 68 cdy Daily Heoiller P O Bo* 520 Red Ban* N ^ 0770'
Sand> Hook Atlantic City so 38 03 could be a preview for a presiden-
•1 M coy tial race next year. With tabulation
All times Eastern Standard Austin
Baltimore completed from Sunday's voting in
TODAY High 12:19 a m . and Billing* c«y
12:27 p.m. and low: 6:04 a.m. and 75 68 COy the Guatemala City metropolitan
6:16 p.m.
* TOMORROW High 1 14 a m
64 M
area, the Union of the National
Center received 88,563 votes or
25 12 percent of the total
Feel the Spirit
ind xxxxx p in and low: 6:56 a.m.
and 7:18 p in
12 cOy
with y
; For Red Bank and Rumson
bridge add two hours, Sea Bright,
ieduct 10 minutes; Long Branch,
CnaiwtNXi S C
Chanealon w V
Cnanooe N C
Cheyenne 1050 Ocean Ave. HABAND'S
feduct 15 minutes: Highlands
bridge, add 40 minutes
Coiumbia.S C
Sea Bright
4th ofJuly
Sun, Moon

CoAcord.N M
O a l l a t F l Won*
All times Eastern Standard Dayton
TODAY: Sunrise 5:29 a m :
sunset 8:31 p.m. Oera
TOMORROW Sunrise5 3 0 a m . Ei Pare
sunset 8:31 p.m.

* SALE *
^ r
. Last quarter July 21; first quar- OPEN July 4th
Party Kegs
ter July 5; full moon July 13; new riaoslat

moon July 28.

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Burford bounces back into environmental scene

WASHINGTON — President Reagan yesterday keep her job. said the controversy surrounding her had William Brewster a representative »l the salmon
named Anne M Burford to head a national advisory Word of Ihe appointment caught Washington en- crippled the agency and prevented her colleagues from fishing industry, of Plymouth. Mass . Prof Lee C
committee on the environment, more than a year after vironmental lobbyists by surprise doing their jobs. Gerhard of the Colorado School nf Mines Judith Kildnw
she quit under fire after two stormy years as "I'm flabbergasted.' said .lohi McComb. chief The Justice Department announced last August it had of Cambridge. Mas:- . an associate professor at the
administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency lobbyist lor the Sierra Club found insufficient evidence to prosecute her or five of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In a routine announcement, the White House said Liz Raisbeck. the lobbyist handling ocean issues for her aides after looking into a host of allegations Also, Mary Kllen McCaffree. a former Senate aide
Mrs Burford. who had been Anne M Gorsuch until her Friends of the Earth, said "It s incomprehensible that including perjury, conflicts of interest, making sweet- now of Hansville. Wash . Nathan SonrnKhein of Global
marriage three weeks before resigning, would be a person who left in disgrace over her ethical conduct heart deals with industry, political manipulation, Marine Development Ine in Newport Reach, Calif . ami
designated chairman of the National Advisory Commit- should get a presidential appointment I'm shocked and blacklisting of agency employees and removal and Gordon Snow of the California Resources Agency IP
tee on Oceans and Atmosphere, a panel attached to the . aghast It shows (his administration is totally in-' destruction of subpoenaed documents. Sacramento
National Oceanic and Atmosperheric Administration in sensitive to the environment." Rep. James Scheuer. D-N.Y . chairman of one of the
the Commerce Department. House subcommittees that probed the Superfund Steven N Anaslasion. executive director of thi
Mrs. Burford resigned March 9, 1983, climaxing Charges thai the Superfund had been mishandled and dealings, charged the Justice Department report was a advisory pane>. said the IB-member body advises thi
months of turbulent relations between the EPA. manipulated for political reasons were al the center of politically motivated whitewash president and Congress on marine and atmospherx
Congress, the Justice Department and the White House. the storm over Mrs Burford s stewardship of her One Burford aide, Rita Lavelle, who was fired by policy and programs ranging from defense navigatior
The previous December, she had been cited for agency Reagan in the midst of the storm, later was convicted systems to wetlands protection and from subsea mininf
contempt of Congress for her refusal, under orders from When she finally surrendered her post. Reagan told and sentenced last December to six months in prison of scarce minerals to nuclear waste management
Reagan, to give a House subcommittee documents her in a letter she had been unjustly attacked" and and fined $10,000 for lying to Congress. Members do not receive salaries (or their part-time
concerning the management of a $16 billion Superfund called her departure an occasion of sorrow for us all " Others named to the advisory committee were retired work but are reimbursed for expenses involved In
that was established to clean up hazardous waste dump But Mrs Burford. who had fought long and hard to Navy Capt. John E Bennett of Solana Beach, Calif ; attending meetings

Court says suspect drivers

need not be read rights
WASHINGTON (AP) - The ruled that the Miranda doctrine and Indiana
Supreme Court, in a potential boost applied only when felony suspects -Decided. 5-4, that public radio
for the growing crackdown on were being questioned. But the high and television stations receiving
drunken driving, said yesterday court said it applies to misde- federal aid may not be barred from
that motorists stopped and ques- meanor suspects as well. airing editorials. The ruling de-
tioned by police for traffic offenses The justices rejected arguments clared unconstitutional a law im-
generally do not have to be warned that police will abuse Monday's posing such as ban.
of their right against self-in- decision by simply delaying the -Refused to help St. Louis
crimination arrests of detained motorists so newspaper editorial writer Richard
The justice! ruled unanimously they can question them without Hargraves. who faces a jail stay in
that police warnings required by its giving the Miranda warnings. Illinois for not disclosing who gave
controversial Miranda decision 18 "We are confident that.., will not him information for an editorial
years ago do not apply when come to pass," Marshall wrote for that sparked a libel lawsuit.
officers question motorists before the court. "If a motorist who has In the case involving motorists,
formally arresting them. been detained pursuant to a traffic the court said a driver who is pulled
But the court said that once a stop thereafter is subjected to over, asked to get out of the car and
motorist is formally arrested or treatment that renders him 'in is questioned by police is not "in
otherwise put "in custody," he or custody' for practical purposes he custody" — and therefore is not
she must be told about the right to will be entitled to the full panoply entitled to any Miranda warning.
remain silent and to have a lawyer of protections prescribed by Miran- "The vast majority of roadside
present, and that anything said da." detentions last only a few
could be used as Incriminating As it sped toward the conclusion minutes," Marshall said. "A Rep. Geraldine Ferraro poses wilh Waller Mondale al Minnesota meeting
evidence. or its 1983-84 term, expected later motorist's expectations, when he
The court, led by Justice this week, the court also: sees a policeman's light flashing
Thurgood Marshall, also ruled that
anyone questioned while in police
custody — not Just someone
charged with a serious crime — is
-Ruled, by a 6-3 vote, that
judges have the power to impose
death sentences for convicted
murderers after juries recommend
behind him, are that he ... most
likely will be allowed to continue."
Marshall added that traffic stops
occur "in public," and that "cir-
Mondale: Ferraro qualified
entitled to receive Miranda warn-
ings i
Federal and state courts had
been split on that point. Some had
life in prison as the appropriate
punishment. The decision upheld
Florida's death penalty law and. by
cumstances associated with the
typical traffic stop are not such
that the motorist feels completely
in contention for veep spot
By DAVID KSPO candidate that the vice president
extension, similar laws in Alabama at the mercy of the police." the president among both men
Associated Press Writer picks," she said and women
Walter F Mondale inter- Mondale met with Ms Ferraro The poll said Reagan leads
viewed Rep. Geraldine Ferraro - the fifth vice presidential Mondale 50 percent to 35 percent,
THE NATION for the No 2 spot on the
Democratic ticket yesterday and
pronounced her as qualified to be
contender he has interviewed and
the second woman — after a
morning spent attacking Presi-
up from a 12 percentage point
margin Reagan held over Mon
dale in the same poll conducted
requested package of $21 million in vice president and "clearly in dent Reagan in February The latest sample of
Dogs quell riot covert aid to Nicaraguan rebels
stones of a building, recall each of
the men who helped lay the contention" for the job, while the "Our choice Is ... between two 1.600 people has a margin of
The $14 billion measure also foundation of the United States "It Rev. Jesse Jackson announced futures, between a Reagan future error plus or minus 3 percentage
WALPOLE, Mass - Visitors globe-trotting missions to Africa and a better future." the Demo- points Among women, the poll
were barred and work and rec- contains $82 million in aid for El is a grand occasion in which we
Salvador, $60 million for African recognize these 56 individuals who and the Soviet Union cratic presidential nominee-in- said Reagan led 45-37. among
reation programs were canceled at Mondale dismissed growing waiting told the National Educa- men, Reagan led 55-32
drought relief and emergency funds rose above personal concerns to
Massachusetts' only maximum-se- unite — as the colonies themselves pressure to name a female tion Association in Minneapolis A Gallup poll released Satur-
curity prison yesterday, after of- for a variety of domestic programs
that are running out of cash These would unite — to achieve a common running mate as "politics," and "It is a choice between expedi- day showed Reagan with a 19
ficials used dogs and tear gas to goal based in untested principles of repeated his determination to ency and excellence. It is a point lead, 56-37
quell a four-hour rampage by 400 include $545 5 million for school
lunch and breakfast programs and liberty, equality and justice to all." select the most qualified vice choice between social
inmates. "We don't want to com- said Mary Lou Grier. deputy direc- presidential contender, regard- Darwinism and social decency It half a continent away. Sen
ment on a possible cause at this $300 million to provide food for Gary Hart also attacked Reagan,
pregnant poor women and im- tor of the National Park Service. less of sex. is a choice between salesmanship
time," Correction Department "These men lived up to their Among Ms. Ferraros sup- and leadership." declaring that federal budget
spokesman Joseph Landolfi said poverished children The Re- deficits of $200 billion a year are
publican-eontrolled Senate voted to promise and many suffered the porters for the job are House Mondale also renewed his at-
about the melee Sunday night at consequences in loss of fortune, Speaker Thomas P O'Neill Jr., a tack on Reagan for not accepting the prsident s "economic Viet-
Walpole state prison. strip the controversial Nicaraguan nam " Hart, who battled Mon
aid from the bill, and Reagan went loss of health and loss of life, but million-member labor union, a Soviet offer to begin talks on
"We have no idea what sparked never in loss of honor." added Sen nearly 10 percent of the Demo- space weapons "In my opinion, dale all through the Democratic
it," he said. "It erupted spon- along with it reluctantly Demo- presidential primary season and
John Warner. R-Va cratic National Convention del- the Soviet offer was a positive
taneously almost. ' "We are still crats had made an issue of the fact officially remains a contender
that the Nicaraguan aid was in the egates and three prominent development and I would have
assessing the damage and the women colleagues in the House accepted it, along with a proposal for the presidential nomination,
same bill as the money for summer
cause. " Landolfi said Monday.
"The inmates will remained locked jobs for youth, saying it was new 'Dunce' act costly of Representatives. for a temporary moratorium on made no mention of his rival in
prepared remarks
evidence of Reagan's insensitivity The t h i r d - t e r m con- deployment (of the weapons I
in pending the outcome of the TUCSON. Ariz - A jury yester- gresswoman emerged from a What are they afraid of?" he said "Ronald Reagan, the can-
investigation " to the poor — especially since the
summer has already begun day ordered a school district and three-hour meeting backtracking of the Reagan administration, didate, could run in 1980 on a
teacher to pay $42,000 to the mother on last week's statement that she which is trying to fold nuclear platform calling for a balanced
teagan under fire Memorial dedicaled
of a learning^disabled boy who wai
forced three times to wear a dress,
might allow her name to be
placed in nomination "as a
weapons negotiations into the
Soviet offer on space
budget, but Ronald Reagan the
candidate can't run in 1984 on
)KANSAS CITY. Mo. - A Demo- wig and dunce cap In front of his statement" if Mondale selects a A CBS-New York Times poll anything but red ink." the Colo-
cratic congressman charged yes- WASHINGTON - The courage of fourth-grade classmates. The Su- man. "I would not in any way released Monday shows Mondale rado senator said m a speech at
ay that the Reagan adminis- 56 men who risked everything to perior Court jury found the allow my name to be put in trailing President Reagan by IS Columbia University * in New
tration is jeopardizing civil rights, start America on the journey to Sunnyside Unified School District nomination as a challenge to the percentage points and losing to York
ut the president's representative freedom was commemorated yes- and teacher Ben Escandon liable
the NAACP convention said terday by the dedication of a new for $38,000 in compensatory damag-
blacks have made gains during his memorial to the signers of the es. An additional.$4,000 In punitive
term in office. "Civil rights are Declaration of Independence. damages was assessed against
under siege and they have been Granite blocks, like the foundation Escandon.
under sieg* since the beginning of
this administration," Rep. Peter
W. Rodino Jr., D-N.J., chairman of
the House Judiciary Committee,
told delegates to the organization's
75tn annual convention.
Rodino- criticized the Justice
Department for "acting on selec-
tive cases where they believe they LJ «F F\UM5*N \J
can question the intent of Con-
gress." Rodino said 55 percent
fewer civil rights suits have been
(Mebntt 4th of July With Us
filed by Reagan's Department of
Justice than under former Presi-
dent Jimmy Carter. And he said
only two of 143 federal judgeships
have been filled by blacks during
the Reagan administration.

Last seal clubbing?

Aleuts wielding five-foot hickory Blackpoint Inn Rd. • Rumton
clubs began yesterday what may be 842-2131
one »f the last large II S -sanc-
tioned harvests of fur seals vital to
the economy of this treeless Bering
Sea island Animal protection
groups had fought unsuccessful
court battles to stop the hunt on St
Paul, one of five tiny islands in the
Pribilofs 900 miles southwest of
For the next four weeks, sealers
working under a contract with the
U.S. Commerce Department will
herd about 22.000 young male seals
to grassy killing grounds and club
them, then kill the stunned animals
with a quick flick of a knife The
sealers killed 792 seals on Monday,
said Larry Merculieff. president of
the Tanadgusix Corp.. the St Paul
native corporation.

Jobs bill signed

WASHINGTON - President Re-
agan signed an emergency spend-
ing bill yesterday that contains $100
million for summer youth jobs, but
was stripped of an administration-
A4 T h e Daily Register TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984
Agents: No Matthews coercion
Shirts NEWARK (APi — Government
attorneys and FBI agents told a
federal judge yesterday that there
charges he extorted $11,000 from
businesses in the resort area
Officials with the US attorney's
Government attorneys contend
that the statements were given
after Matthews agreed to cooper-

cause was no coercion when former

Atlantic City Mayor Michael Mat-
thews allegedly confessed' to
selling his office to an organized
office have said Matthews detailed
his involvement leading up to the
first indictment in the December
meeting, during which he allegedly
ate and therefore could be admitted
at trial. They also said Matthews
was told the information he dis-
closed could be used against him if

dispute crime family in return for payoffs

Executive Assistant U.S. At-
torney Peter Bennett testified
before U.S. District Judge Harold
agreed to plead guilty to a lesser
charge in the scheme, wear a
recording device, testify against
others and enter the government's
he backed out of the deal.
Ackerman reserved decision on
the issue, which Frank Lopez.
Matthews' attorney, said is critical
CHERRY HILL IAPI - Offlciils Ackerman that Matthews was free witness protection program
to the defense strategy
of the New Jersey chapter o( the to leave the session with govern- A few days later, government
Sons of Italy said yesterday they ment attorneys and FBI agents on attorneys said, Matthews backed If the statements are not per-
will try to persuade a department Dec. 6 and Dec. 7 but chose not to. out of the deal because he feared mitted, Lopez said. Matthews will
store to stop selling a shirt with a Bennett also said Matthews was retaliation by men authorities have not take the stand so government
label that says "The Italian Mob" "in absolute control of himself" linked to organized crime figures. attorneys do not have the op-
and a pattern of grommeti the during the meeting portunity to cross-examine him.
group claims is suggestive of bullet Matthews was indicted March 27 Matthews' attorney had asked
. holes on charges of selling his influence that the December statements be Matthews, who sat pensively
"We're tired of this image of the to members of the reputed or- suppressed at the trial, scheduled through the hearing, originally was
gangster," said John Maroccia, ganiiad crime family authorities for Sept. 24. He said statements barred from returning to southern
' chairman of the chapter's social have alleged is headed by given during plea negotiations, New Jersey because federal
' justice commission. Nicodemo "Little Nicky" Scarfo. when a plea is not entered, are not authorities said his life was in
But the president of the company He was indicted again on May IS on admissible at trial. danger.
marketing the shirt - Little Liu
Ltd in New York City, of which
Radio /hack
The Italian Mob is a division — said
its products are not meant to offend
"We don't make any shirts that COMPUTER
look like they have bullet holes in
it. I can't imagine what they're
talking about," said Jack Polat-
nick. who added his company had
been using The Italian Mob as a
FLAG MAKER — Natalie Scgedi is hard at work on making an
American flag (or the holidayat a plant >n Bloomlield She's been
brand name for about 14 years.
"Nothing that we do is meant to
sewing them for 18 years and the demand this year has been high.
degrade anybody's name and we're
not looking to hurt anyone," Polat-
nick said.
Fireworks companies BEST-SELLING PORTABLE
Sons or Italy state president
Dante Sarubbi said his wife spotted
the shirt In the Bamberger's de-
'; partment store here earlier this
set for holiday week COMPUTER REDUCED '200
month He described it as a NEWARK ( A P I - popular. Everybody wants fire-
Pyrotechnists across New Jersey works We're busy all year
sleeveless pullover with a pattern
have been working 20-hour days round. ' said Girone. "You can't TRS-80® Model 100
of grommets — metal rings sur-
rounding holes — across the front. for weeks in preparation for the wait for (the season) to get here, Comes Ready to Use!
"Across the back in the neckband season when their sales sky- and then you can't wait for it to
is a very Urge and prominent label rocket, as an increasing number get done '
of communities sponsor fire- He said this season has been • Personal Word Processor
(saying) "The Italian Mob.'" Sarub-
bi said, adding that the group works displays for the July one of his busiest in years. • Auto-Dial Telecommunication*
Fourth holiday. "We'll be winding down next
considered the label itself objec- weekend and then we go right • Addreaa and Phone Directory
' tionable. The state prohibits the retail
sale of fireworks but allows back to work manufacturing for • Data and Appointment Scheduler
"As an afterthought somebody next year, said Girone, a mem- • BASIC Programming Language
said those (grommet) holes, maybe companies to manufacture aerial
they're supposed to look like bullet rockets for displays, said Wil- ber of the 11th generation of his
liam J. Clark, director of the family to run the company that
holes," Sarubbi said. AS l£W AS
Maroccia said he wrote to
Bamberger's asking that they stop
selling the shirt. He received a
letter Monday from the chain's vice
state Labor Department s started during the 18th century in
division of workplace standards,

Italy and moved to this southern
which licenses fireworks manu- New Jersey community in 1910.
Girone said the number of
Was I7W.00 In Cat. RSC-11
24K TRS-80 Modal KM Now Only S 7 M
(M6-3S03, W H SM9.00 In Cat. RSC-11)
president for public relations, Bud Five New Jersey firms have manufacturing firms in the fl
Pomeranz, which he said gavt no permits to make fireworks, billion fireworks industry has
mainly for sale out of state, said Don't be misledl The TRS-80 Model 100 Is the IntovVorkf* ami Portable 100» magazines! Fits in
indication the store intended to pull dwindled, mainly because put- only battery-operated portable computer with your briefcase with room to spare, and teahirea
the shirt. Clark ling together aerial rockets is
Felix Girone. 41, manager of five management programs and a direct- an Wine by 40-character display and fuH-stee
"We do not believe it is our role verv difficult. typewriter-style keyboard. Communicates by
the Vineland Fireworks Co.. said connact telephone modem built inl It was even
to act as censors for our cus- U s not as easy as people may selected "Hardware Product of the Year" by phone with information networks.
tomers." Maroccia quoted the let- he has been working from 6 30
ter as saying "Our customers are a.m. until after midnight for a think, he said, noting that the
best able to make their own value week getting ready for the problems of handling dangerous
explosives are compounded by
Summer Computer Camps for Ages 8-15 Now In Session
judgments." shows. Girone said his firm
presents up to 150 shows a year, the crowds that gather to watch • t Nearby Radio Shack Computer Centers—Enroll Today!
Pomeranz was not in his office in Ihe displays
Newark Monday, but Edward Gold- but 50 of them are concentrated
during the first two weeks of "You've got thousands of CHECK YOUR PHONE SOON K M THE PARTICIPATING /hack slow COMPUTER CEHTIR OR DEALER NUMST YOU
berg. Bamberger's vice president people's lives in your hand." he
firm's position was reflected in the
Maroccia said his social justice
commission would "get together
and talk about discouraging others
from shopping at Bamberger's "
He said he would propose publi-


cizing the issue in the Sons, of
Italy's state newsletter, and that he
would notify his counterparts in the
New York. Pennsylvania and na-
tional organizations

Polatnick said he wished the
organization had contacted him
before taking action
He said the company name was
chosen at a time when its designer
and most of its employees were
- Italian or of Italian descent, and
"they were the ones who picked the
name '
Polatnick said the label gener-
' ated few objections over the years.
but that if controversey grew he
might have to consider changing
the name

State OKs
car options
TRENTON 1 API - The state
Insurance Department has given
final approval for new automobile
insurance cost-saving options filed
by Prudential Property and Casu-
alty Insurance Co.. Acting Com-
missioner Kenneth D. Merin said
The rates will enable more than
225,000 New Jersey motorists in-
sured by Prudential to reduce their
auto insurance premiums by an
average of 30 percent.
By selecting some of the new
options available as a result of
recently enacted auto Insurance
reforms, the company has esti-
mated that the average motorist
can save $219 per car on an average
annual policy of 9678.
just the way you want it!
Now a whole new world of personal banking convenience is yours at What's more, you can use your Shadow Lawn TREASURER card to
The options Include a higher Shadow Lawn Savings, with our new TREASURER card and Auto- gain access to your account at more than 200 other TREASURER
threshold on lawsuits for pain and matic Teller Machine locations! Use The TREASURER to make the
suffering resulting from auto acci- locations at participating financial institutions throughout New
dents and higher deductible most of your routine banking transactions (usually in less than one Jersey and neighboring states. Because wherever you find a
amounts for medical expenses. minute) with pushbutton ease, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year: TREASURER location . . . you can bank at Shadow Lawn Savings!
In May. Merin tentatively ap-
proved rates filed by all New • make withdrawals from your NOW Checking
Jersey auto insurance carriers and To qualify for your Shadow Lawn TREASURER card, all you need Is a
announced that he would analyze Account and Insured Money Fund. Shadow Lawn NOW Checking Account or a combination of an Insured
the rates during the summer and Money Fund and NOW Checking Account. If you don't have either of
order refunds or credits In cases • make deposits to your NOW Checking these accounts, yisit any Shadow Lawn office and open
where they are justified. Account and Insured Money Fund. one. Then Just fill out a TREASURER application
Merin said he is still analyzing-
proposals by four other major
i — i y g j ^ a je a S y A n ( j o n c e y 0 U receive your
carriers and the Insurance Services • transfer funds between these accounts. ' use it as often as you wish.
Organization, a rating group that
represents more than 200 insurance
firms. The organization serves 3
million drivers or SO percent of the
market, he said. Shadow Lawn TREASURER locations: Middletown, Mystic Islands, Ocean Township,
Belmar, Fair Haven, Manalapan (Yorktowne), & Loan Association ^^ and West Long Branch.
If approved, the organization's
rates would allow an average Member FSLIC
premium saving of 25 percent or
$168 on an average $770 policy.
TUESDAY, JULY a. 1984 The Daily Register AS
Experts say fish
not running as well
NEWARK <AP> - Heavy spring
rains and unusually
temperatures have delayed the

migration of many species of fish

to New Jerseys coastal waters,
Figley said the strange water
conditions appear to be scaring off
some sport fish that usually thrive
in clean, dear water, such as blue
shark, albacore and yellow fin tuna
An Investment in Health, Happiness & Physical Fitness
cutting into the lucrative com- and marlin.
mercial and (sports fishing busi- He said anglers in the Cape May
ness, experts'said yesterday. Shark Tournament, held in mid- EXTRUDED ALUMINUM 18* ROUND
Many types of fish are up to two June, caught 200 blue sharks last SAFETY FENCE 4 DECK
weeks behind schedule, said Wil-
liam Figley, a marine biologist in
the state Department of En-
"This year they didn't catch
"Swim Club Pool"
vironmental Protection.
"This Is an abnormal year en-
vironmentally," said Figley.
one," he said.
Bruce Hajgren. another marine
biologist at Nacote Creek, said the
"There could be two factors at unusual conditions have caused
problems for fishermen in the TOTAL RECREATION POOL
work. One, for sure, is it's been
abnormally cold and several speci- Delaware Bay as well as for those 24'ROUND
who fish the Atlantic. • Rela» on the • CARPETED
es have been delayed in arriving." SWIM CLUB POOL Sun Deck SUN DECK
He cited the blue fish, mackerel "They upset everybody's sched- . Aluminum SUN
and mako shark as examples.
"I also think it is due perhaps to
large amounts of runoff. There's a
ules," said Halgren.
He said anglers are only now
beginning to report good weakfish
Visit our lira* pool » hot water spa display today and take
advantage of our sal* price* and eavel
*1595. • COOL OFF
in the DECK AND EN-

very green, turpid water offshore, " catches in the Delaware Bay,
SIM Figley. who works at the where the animals normally thrive is-
DEP's Nacote Creek research sta- in mid- to late June. Complete Package SEA SPRITE
The discoloration, extending to
about 30 miles offshore, occurs
when fresh water running into the
Atlantic Ocean mixes with salt
"It was detrimental to the com-
mercial industry. It didn't hurt the
fish any, but it hurt the fishing,"
said Halgren.
He estimated that the state's
Including Entrance Ladder
*« HP Sand Filter System

water, he said. commercial and sports fishing ROUND SIZES
But Figley said he was not sure industry is worth about $1 billion, I I ' ROUND .$459. t79|M
whether the color was caused by including processing plants. 24' ROUND $579. •449. /
algae growth or by silt from the He said many fishermen could .'549. 24\ •688.
rivers. make up their losses once the
"It doesn't have the clarity that weather gets better. Complete package available • Pools • Filters 21\ ..•599. 27\ •849
Is normally here," he said, adding
that the murky color does not
"I think that by the end of the • Accessories* Installation • Financing End patio pictured or ude palm, decks & lancing are available options
not Included in above prices
year, it will not have been an
indicate pollution unusually bad year," he said.

Lautenberg surprised FAMOUS "LOMART" Hayward Perflex

by drink bill success LOMART
e For Pool* up to
20,000 Gallons.
• V. HP Motor
WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen. Lautenberg's legislation. r o V. HP. Pump • * • . • 1 H P Pump For Pool* up lo 8,000
Frank Lautenberg, D-N J . said "The president read the hand- o For Pools up •I « • For Poola up • High Spaed Pump e No Corrosive
yesterday he did not anticipate that
the minimum drinking age bill
approved by Congress last week
writing on the election wall,"
Lautenberg said.
President Reagan's trip to a high _
^ \ to 21.000
LJ-- Gallons
a. . N o Ruat
C: S 3 ] 3> to 20.000 Qal-
, Ions
. , I • « Way Valve
' •' • • No Run Tank •
• StaWaMSreal

• Motor Cover
Tank, Pump &

• Cnnicnn Hoaant
would be his first major legislative school in Oradell. N.J., to observe • aaohvam Vehe
• 10 Veer Tank
The former business executive,
who became a senator It months
a drunken driving program also
provided impetus to the measure,
said Lautenberg.
'249. •299.
ago after winning in his first
campaign, said the measure took
But then, while maneuvering the
measure through the Republican-
Model S0-S7I0 •269.
an unexpected "fast turn" as controlled Senate, roadblocks de-
support grew and eventually was
endorsed by the Reagan adminis-
veloped as various lawmakers de-
cided to try to tack onto the bill
their own approaches for cracking

The bill, the first of six that down on drunken driving.

Lautenberg has introduced to be Lautenberg said those difficult C » ROUND « M | net. HOUND
passed by Congress, would penalize final days before Senate approval 5 Gallons $ A 9 5 •» S 48' DEEP # y l\ 48 DEEP
•tales that do not raise their taught him lessons about the legis-
drinking ages to 21 by withholding lative process. ONLY " Ce jaw ROUND B A < | l ROUND | « KM
4«" DEEP I Am
somo of their federal highway aid. "I learned that at times, you I B 48" DEEP O V
"It wasn't p r e d i c t a b l e , " can't be as stubborn as I was," NEW 5 OAL. CONTAINERS OVAL SIZES ALSO AVAILABLE
Lattenberg said of the success of Lautenberg said "I wanted to pass • • • » IA AT DISCOUNT PRICES
the measure, which passed the a pure bill, but I found there were
Senate Tuesday, received House other Interests as well."
approval shortly afterward and was Lautenberg said he "learned an
iHnrWWaent Reagan's desk awful lot about the midnight oil" at
"If you asked me three or four he and aids labored late al night,
months ago if this was likely to trying to find ways to convince
happen, I would have said I doubted other senators to support the
it," the senator added. measure.
Introduced last February, the bill "One senator told me that the bill Savo ' e e l : ftugged blue polyethylene DubMee
was one of three designed to cut might go through without my name transmit and hold the tun's heat In your pool, day
and night, raising the temperature 10' and more In
down on teen-age drinking in order on it," said Lautenberg. "And that eeeeon You can actually save up lo 70% of your
to reduce the number of traffic was preceded with, 'Let me be fuel coats
fatalities. perfectly blunt with you.'" Save Water The Solar-Cell Sunblanket cult evapo-
Citizens groups pressed steadily Lautenberg said he threatened to ration 00% So you don't have to pay lor replace-
for the bill, and a measure similar make his measure an amendment ment water, and you don't have to pay lo heel it
to Lautenberg's was passed by the
House on June 7. It was introduced
to other important pieces of legis-
lation being considered by the
S e w C h i m H i l i With the attractive Sunblankot on
your pool dirt, leaves and debris don I fall in So
you Mva on chemicals and cleaning The century
by Rep. James Howard, D-N.J , the Senate Just before it adjourned last Soler-Cefl Sunblanfcel is kghtweighi and easy lo
influential chairman of the House Friday. UM It floats on top 01 your pool without cumber
some liedowns
SUE Granular Tablets
Public Works and Transportation In its final form, the legislation
Committee. included an amendment that would Come ses how Century can Mva you money this
But Lautenberg said the real offer the states extra highway
• Mil. Blanket ^ ^
100 Lb. 108.95 3 * M £ STOC°KF
spark for his measure came on funds if they enact mandatory 75 Lb. 82.95 84.95
June 12, when the he received a penalties for drunken driving,
Sale Prices «~
telephone call from Transporation
Secretary Elizabeth H Dole. She
wording designed to gain the sup-
port of legislators who preferred Row i d Pools Rectangle Pool*
. 50 Lb. 60.95 — * § > * a f " OUT OF
told the senator that after months
of contending the states should set
the incentive approach.
"I'll know now to hold back a
ir IHffff
35 Lb. 44.95 46.95
their own drinking ages, the admin'
istration would now support
couple fa trump cards in the
future," Lautenberg said.
asse 25 Lb. 34.95 35.95
Oval M U M Atoo AtraUabw

Reduces Chlorine
proposed by commission <fc.
* * .
Use by 75%.
Reg. 8.99
Shock Treatment Cleans up
Green or Cloudy Water 50 POUND

4 99
The casinos would have to obtain • All
— The Casino Control Commission the name, address, business, bank- ^ ^99 •AU
today proposed changes to tighten ing and credit history as well as a SALE
casino credit regulations to make physical description of the appli-
them more "bank-like" and to cant, under the proposals. The
"reduce the danger to compulsive gaming halls would be required to Tim*~r*l«ja*e concentrated pool chlorinating agent with a built-in stabilizer
gamblers." The proposals would verify the information and to check • Protects pool water longer than ordinary chlorine... last* for daysl • Control* bacteria
require gaming halls to obtain and the applicant's credit line at other and algae • Keeps pool clean longer • Easy to use e Dissolves 100% — leaves no white
verify more information before casinos and consumer and credit or brown chlorine residue.
providing credit to patrons, accord- bureaus. lOrcanliatedRXJlChlonrotar
Pec* r Giant
ing to Tom Flynn, a spokesman for The panel also proposed that no
the five-member commission. gambler can receive an extension ~"- ••» at Chlorinating ToeUtt
of credit on a temporary basis U»l—j I U M on* I tatow (Mr • TriM Jar
The changes, some of which will (Mr 10.0 ,0 000 gMon. M I • ' • » • • »
more than twice in a 30-day period 10 found Jar 3» 95 MJt on* 23 Tabu Jar
require the Legislature to amend and that the increase cannot be pool MPounnj. N gS * . M i too*
the Casino Control Act, also re- WTa
more than 10 percent of a player's ,,, 24 Pound Pel M95 7»J» > UM In PMI M m
quires the gaming halls to keep approved line of credit. '.=. .' 9
information on their patrons who
have been granted, credit. The The change is aimed at prevent-
changes would require that casinos
conduct credit checks on their
ing gamblers from repeatedly bor-
rowing money in a single visit to a
customers every six months in- casino in order to win back his r t
stead of only once, which is now the losses, said Carl Zeitz, a cotnission "^ ^HH ^SSS' •# i LADDER T
practice. member.

WHh awing up Mfety •»*p ^

121 C u t River Rd. Rumaofl
V &X<~Z.
^S..«i»»*- I
now fHi afotvana Unit* tor gaa qrlllal 1

The Finest Meat LEAN GROUND

Cut to Order
I A.M-4 PJ».
6 to 6 Daily-1 to t Sunday SATURDAY
SUNDAY 129 HIGHWAY 36 787-4060
842-0560 S A.H.-3 PH. MIDDLETOWN T W P . I P O H T MONMO
The Daily Register Soviet war games sound alarm •J Soviets hive
Soviet* have three
three ooentional
operational SS-16
WASHINGTON - What President Re- regiments, with 12 launchers *ach, at
Established in 1178 - Published by The Red Bank Register agan dismissed in early April as "regular Plesetsk right now.
A Capital Cities Communications lac Newspaper and routine maneuvers" by the Soviets BOONDOGGLE OF THE WEEK:
turned out to have been a massive, These are hard times indeed for American
JAMES K McKEARNEY. JR unprecedented exercise that included the farmers. But the Washington officials who
Prttidenl and Pubiufter launching of six nuclear missiles toward should be helping them are living high off
Arthur Z. K«min Herbert H Thorpe. Jr Charles C Trlblehorn
the United States. They were presumably
JACK the bog.
According to agriculture experts, about
J«ne Foderaro
Sunday Editor
Dorii Kulman
Published reports described the great
number of Soviet warships that left Arctic
ANDERSO SO family farms go broke every day. One
Ruuell P Riuch cause of their demise is the restrictive
Nl«kl » HllliT Edliunol Poor Editor and Baltic seaports for war games in the loan policies of banks regulated by the
Thonuii C Donahue Lawrence C Newman Michael J Pellefrino North Atlantic. Secret Pentagon tallies Farm Credit Administration. And while
Dtrtctor of Markiumg rirrululHtn IHrtctor Controtllr showed just how huge the flotilla was: at farm after term is going on the auction
«nri Advnumg Frank J Allocca least 13S surface ships and 70 submarines, block, the Farm Credit bureaucrats have
\ SS-20 may have to be counted as an ICBM
I'roduclwm Manauir including nuclear-missile subs in their just moved their swivel chain into a
largest deployment ever. What changed the agency's mind was that luxurious, S2S million new headquarters in
TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984 Now my associate Dale Van Atta has the Soviets launched six of the missiles one of the most expensive commercial
A6 learned from intelligence sources and from the western town of Yurya on a areas of suburban Washington
highly classified reports that the exercise northern trajectory — that is, on the polar Located in what was once the rolling
was more ominous than even the numbers route toward the United States. farmland of McLean, Vs., now the home
suggest One source said it appeared to be The missiles, presumably armed with of senators, cabinet secretaries and
part of a combined conventional-nuclear ony dummy warheads, were destroyed assorted millionaires - the Farm Credit
war plan after they reached outer space. But the Administration's 12 8-acre site cost a cool
For one thing, the CIA discovered that . very fact of their launching demonstrates $8 million (If bankrupt farmers could get
an entire Soviet city was evacuated during
. l i a > O n _ i i««ft MB 4 • • • • • A A ^m • A «**• A ft J*-jJI tti • *• h M a"t
that hundreds
"** 4V L _. A L
more nuclear missiles may
— J — * 1^ •• a « h n ^ A • 1 I B A 1 A A l " VY\ I • fl 1 I A t f H i A 1/
1*25,000 an acre for their land, their
the exercise, in a test of civil defense be aimed at the U.S. mainland than had troubles would be over.)
measures that would accompany a nuclear previously been thought. No expense was spared to nuke the
strike Here's why: Top-secret estimates put headquarters building elegant and comfy
Even more significantly, the exercise the number of mobile SS-20 launchers at for its occupants: two levels of under-
supported the Pentagon's suspicion that more than 400. Each launcher is believed ground parking; four stories for office
the Soviets' supposedly intermediate- to have five missiles, and each SS-JO space; more than $1 million worth of
range SS-20 missiles may now have to be carries three independently targeted war- custom-made mahogany furniture and
counted as intercontinental missiles heads capable of a half-megaton nuclear trim work; 135,000 worth of plants and an
capable of hitting targets in the United blast. That means a total of more than equal outlay for water colors and prints
States. It was the SS-20's massive deploy- 6,ooo warheads. (some idyllic farm scenes, no depressing
ment in Eastern Europe that prompted The SS-20's efficiency is frightening depictions of foreclosure sales); an
the decision to arm NATO with new U.S. The Defense Intelligence Agency esti- atrium with massive skylights; and a
Euro-missiles. mates that the missile's warheads can hit glass-and-mahogany trimmed entrance
The Defense Intelligence Agency had within 285 meters (about 314 yards) of bridge.
spotted something peculiar — and alarm- their targets more than half the time, and Farm Credit officials proudly showed
ing — about some of the mobile S£-20s that its launch reliability is 85 percent, its off their new digs to my reporter Joel
located In northern Russia early in 1981 in-flight reliability 07 percent, and its Bernstein, and repeatedly claimed that it
The launchers appeared to be aimed at the warhead reliability 87 percent. The belonged to the American farmers. Their
United States, not Western Europe. reasoning is that farmers support the
weapon system's overall reliability is It
The CIA pointed out that the SS-20's percent. banks that are members of the building
range was believed to be 5.000 kilometers association of the Farm Credit System.
maximum (about 3,100 miles) — not great Even those who still question whether
the two-stage SS-20 could be an inter- The Farm Credit Administration is the
enough to reach important U.S. targets. administrative arm of the Farm Credit
The CIA suggested the missiles might be continental missile must concede that its
three-stage version — the SS-16 — is a System. This theory suggests that farm
designed to "roll over" after launching families who are dispossessed by the
and head toward Europe. This argument tested ICBM. And top-secret reports point
out that the Soviets have more than 400 banks can seek refuge in the classy new
won the day. building. Just don't track mud on the
But after April's large-scale Soviet war SS-16s that can be loaded onto SS-20
launchers. In fact, they estimate that the carpets.
game, the CIA is now conceding that the

Every fact is double-checked with one of the fact-checkers because I

There was a bit of a scandal at "The said that the military was buying $7 50
New Yorker" magazine. It appears one of hammers for fttt. A red flag Immediately
their writers, Alastair Reid, admitted to went up, and the checker came charging
a Wall Street Journal reporter that he had upstairs yelling. "Who are you trying to
created composite characters, rearranged kid? Nobody is going to pay $4» for a |7.50
scenes and fabricated dialogue for nonflc- hammer." I calmly dialed A. Ernest
tion pieces he had written over the past
25 years. ART Fitzgerald at the Pentagon, who not only
confirmed It, but gave me a list of other
This surprised many people in the
- . . . • • •

journalistic world because the "New BUCHWALD tools that cost the taxpayer millions of
, dollars more than they were worth. Since
Yorker" has the foremost reputation for then I've never had a problem with my
meticulously checking facts, even those in fact-checkers over any story I've written
poems and short stories. about waste in the military.
Mr. Reid justified his method of writing
nonfiction by saying that when he played he probably had, and therefore she let the Recently I wrote a column about talking

With pomp and parade with facts he was creating a reality that
was more accurate than what actually
took place. Bill Shawn, his'editor, de-
column go through.
On many occasions I have written about
private meetings between President Re-
to God, who angrily refuted President
Reagan's contention that God has been
driven out of the public schools. One of the
fended Mr. Reid. agan and various members of the White more skeptical checkers said he doubted
He was two days off on the date, but Trollope wrote, suggesting that were While not wanting to judge the "New I had spoken to God. I told him the next
House staff, quoting complete conversa-
otherwtM John Adams was right on it not for the orations with their Yorker" one way or the other, I thought time he went to church to ask Him. The
tions that took place in the Oval Office. checker came back on the Monday
the button "unvarying abuse of the mother the reader might be interested in bow this Whenever one of the checkers calls me
column deals with facts and the standards morning and apologised. He said, "I read
It M l on a sweltering July day 208 country" and their citations of the on this I say, "If you don't believe me why the column to God and he admitted he did
applied before It gets into print.
years tgo today that Adams, in Declaration of Independence, "our don't you call the White House?" talk to you, and was only disappointed you
•Philadelphia attending the Continen- My highly paid staff consists of my When the checker does call the presi- didn't use the full text of His remarks In
gracious king himself might look upon
assistant, Cathy Crary, and an eight- dent's press secretary, he is invariably the article."
tal Congress, wrote to his beloved the scone and say that it was good; person fact-checking team who work on told, "I have no comment on that," which
wife, Abigail: "Yesterday, the nay, even rejoice, that twelve millions the floor Just below me. Is just as good as a confirmation as far as The only reason I am pointing out how
greatest question was debated which of bustling bodies, at four thousand When I write a column it is immediately Washington is concerned. vigorous we are in making sure that all the
ever was debated in America, and a sent down to the fact-checking office to The least of my problems has to do with facts in my column are correct is not to
miles distance from his throne and his make sure everything I have said is true. gloat over the "New Yorker" embarrass-
greater, perhaps, never was nor will the CIA, which will never confirm or deny
altars, should make their own laws, ment, but to assure the reader that
Last week, for example, I wrote a piece a story no matter how wild it hi.
be decided among men." and drink their own tea, after the everything he or she reads In my column
saying that Walter Mondale interviewed Therefore, while I Insist every fact in a
Adams told his wife that on the fashion that pleased them best." CIA column is true, and since the Agency Is checked and double-checked before it U
me to be his vice president. One of the disseminated to the public.
previous day, July 2, the Congress had checkers called Mr. Mondale to verify if won't say otherwise, the fact-checkers
Tomorrow, "with pomp and par- it was true. Mr. Mondale, who has have no choice but to permit the piece to If I ever had to resort to fabricating
approved a resolution declaring the 13
ade," with fireworks, music and Interviewed so many people for the job, stand as it Is. dialogue or playing loose with the truth,
United Colonies "free and indepen- The Pentagon, on the other hand, will I would never be able to look at myself In
orations, "from one end of the was afraid to admit he couldn't remember
dent states." And that date, he if he had or hadn't. So he told my checker deny everything I write. Once I had a fight the mirror in the morning again
predicted, "will be celebrated by continent to the other," we pay
succeeding generations as, the great tribute to the 56 men who signed the
Declaration of Independence. We
anniversary festival...It ought to be
solemnized with pomp and parade, celebrate our national birthday mind-
ful of their great courage as they
with shows, games, sports, guns,
bells, bonfires and illuminations, pledged all and risked all - "our are offset by the burden. given me by members of my staff and » y
from one end of the continent to the
other, from this time forward for-
lives, our fortunes, and our sacred
honor" — in freedom's name. We pay
' on airport With Philadelphia, Newark. LaGuardia
and Kennedy within reasonable driving
fellow officers.
William Zadorozny
tribute tomorrow, too, to those who Manasquan distance from most of our county, Allaire Chief of Police
evermore." offers little or no attraction to the vast
To the Editor: Borough of Eatontown
fought and suffered through the number of users necessary to make the
The Congress, however, didn't for- Despite the "rosy" report of the Allaire
Revolutionary War to make the Airport advisory panel, I am still resol- airport successful. This is a special
mally approve the Declaration of
Independence until two days later,
dream of a new nation a reality.
This 208th anniversary celebration
utely opposed to Monmouth County buying1
the Allaire Airport in southern Wall
expensive deal with benefits limited to
very few. I urge all taxpayers to write or Good stories
and so it is tomorrow that we Township. call your freeholders and local officials
celebrate "as the great anniversary finds the United States wrestling with The committee is crystal-balling the and express your opposition to this Red Bank
future of the airport predicated on vague expensive takeover. To the Editor:
festival." serious problems at home and abroad. Thanks for bringing us good feature
assumptions and pie-in-the-sky dreams. James P. Clark
Fifty-five years after Adams' wrote But we are a nation founded in the stories in your Monmouth Magazine.
They talk about years from now, but here
that letter, the Englishwoman
prances Trollope, chronicling the
belief that a free people will forge
triumph out of trial. On this July 4, let
and now the taxpayers of Monmouth
County are going to be burdened with
Chief's 'thanks' I liked the May 13 consierge evaluation
story by Jane McCosker, Rumson. She has
terrific costs and a huge debt. a descriptive way with words that makes
three years she had just spent in the us rededicate ourselves once again to Eaton town
The committee does not elaborate on To the Editor: entertaining and very interesting reading
New World, related: "On the 4th of the noble ideals to which this nation how it will affect county and local taxes on her travels. I hope that she gives you
My wife Anna and I want to say thanks
July the hearts of the people seem to was commited by the extraordinary They readily admit the county would have many more.
to everyone who took time out to attend
awaken from a three hundred and document that gave it birth. To the to operate the airport at a net loss for the and participate in my retirement dinner Also we cannot thank Hannah Johnson
sixty-four days' sleep; they appear full realization of- the dream of a next five years. Twenty-five years more on June 22 at Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth. enough for the story she did (pictures by
likely. All subsidized by the taxpayers — This was one of the finest days of my life Don Lordi) on Richard A. Kirby, the Red
high-spirited, gay, animated, social, nation made great by its dedication to senior citizens on fixed incomes, low Bank harness and saddle man in the
generous, or at least liberal in and one I shall always remember.
liberty, justice and equality, let us income home owners, young families To the residents of Eatontown, a special March 11 issue. He mil receives compli-
expense; and would they but refrain "mutually pledge to each other our trying to get started. The benefits, if any, thanks for your cooperation and support in ments from your readers.
from spitting on that hallowed day, I lives, our fortunes, and our sacred all my 37 years as a police officer. It was And you did one on Ray Boyd, Fair
should say, that on the 4th of July at honor." We are a people who make your concern and suport that enabled me Haven. I can rattle off names of familiar
least, they appeared to be an amiable to meet the needs of the borough. people on whom you have given us stories
our own laws, and drink our own tea, There are no words to express how Thank You!
people." after the fashion that pleases us best thankful I am for the complete support Mrs. Richard A. Kirby
It was "indeed a glorious sight to — come, let us celebrate the glory of
behold a jubilee so heartfelt," that

A safe and sane Fourth BY The Associated Press the union.
In 18(8. the U.S. Navy defeated a
Traditionally, the shore resort ditional patrols of state and local Today is Tuesday, July 3, the 185th day Spanish fleet in the harbor at Santiago
of 1964. There are 181 days left in the year. Cuba, during the Spanish-American Wsr
season swings into high gear on the police will be keeping a sharp lookout Today's highlight in history: In 1990, American and North Korean
July 4 holiday. We expect that the for drunk drivers and that New Jersey On July 3, 1863, the Civil War Battle of forces clashed for the first time in the
roads will be jammed tonight and has the toughest drunk driving laws in Gettysburg ended after Confederate Gen- Korean Conflict.
tomorrow with holiday traffic, and, the country. eral George Pickett's troops suffered In 19(2, Algeria became independent
severe losses in his famous charge. after 132 years of French rule.
with the least encouragement from Communities throughout the county On this date: Ten yean ago: President Richard
the weather, the beaches will be have scheduled Independence Day In 1608, the city of Quebec was founded Nixon and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev
crowded. celebrations — parades, picnics, and by Samuel de Champlain. ended their third summit meeting by
Please, we urge, ^rive carefully. dazzling displays of fireworks, so In 1775, General George Washington signing a communique in which they said
took command of the Continental Army at their countries would seek a new interim
Buckle up your seat belt. If you drink, enjoy! We wish our readers a happy 'Another droplet for our h u m a n Cambridge, Mass. accord on limiting offensive nuclear
don't drive - and know that ad- and a safe holiday. In 1890. Idaho became the 43rd state of WBsipOfU.
OBITUARIES Jeanne E. Kerbs, 88, was TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1984 The D»ily Register A7

founder of Vermont hospital State provides $250,000

Ernest F. Beanie, OLD GRKENW1CH. CONN -
Jeanne E. Kerbs, who donated the
money to build Kerbs Memorial
Hall at the Memorial Sloan Keller-
Memorial Hospital. St. Albans, V't
after her son John lost a leg in a
shooting accident. The hospital,
now part of the Northwestern
for homemaker programs
employment in some cases
owner of car wash ing Cancer Center and founded a
hospital in Vermont, died Friday at
her summer home She was 88 and
Vermont Medical Center, was a
tribute to the doctor who treated
TRENTON (API - Gov Thomas
H. Kean said yesterday that
$250,000 has been allocated to 11
displaced homemaker programs
Grants for the programs arc
administered by the state Division
of Women in the Department oi
FAIR HAVEN - Ernest F resided in Manhatten She was a member of the Central statewide Community Affairs
Beattie, S3. owner of Butchi Car A son. Edward Kerbs resides in Jersey Conservancy and donated According to Kean, the money
the money to build the Model Yacht Programs to receive $22,727 2'
Wash in Red Bank, died suddenly Rumson. N.J. represents a substantial increase in
Mrs Kerbs was born in New York Boathouse at Conservatory Pond each include Hunterdon Count >
yesterday at home here. . state spending for displaced home- Education Services Commission
Mr. Beattie owned Butch's Car City and attended what is now the Surviving are another son. John maker programs
Calhoun School. She inherited a of Old Greenwich; a daughter, Warren County Adult Educatior
Wash on Newman Springs Road "The money enables the pro-
fortune from her father. Edward A. Carlee Walker of North Caldwell, Project; Asbury Park School Dis
since 1970. grams to continue providing ser-
Kerbs, a cigar manufacturer 14 grandchildren and 11 great- trict; Brookdale Community Col
Active in community af fairs here vices to women whose lives as
Mrs Kerbs founded the Kerbs grandchildren. lege Learning Center: Trentoi
for many years. Mr. Beattie was a homemakers have been disrupted
former councilman and member of YWCA Women's Center; Famih
due to marital separation or
the Planning Board and the Rec- Arthur McNamara divorce, or the death, disablement
Services of Morris County: Burl-
reation Commission or unemployment of their hus- ington County College; Gloucester
Born in New York City, he had RED BANK - Arthur member of Club M, Matawan, The bands," the governor said. County College; Bergen County
lived in Rumaon before moving McNamara. 82. of the Naveslnk Old Guard, here, and a volunteer at Vocational Technical School;
here 25 years ago. House, died Sunday at home. Riverview Medical Center. The programs provide education, Passaic County Technical aad
Mr. Beattie was a member of St. Mr MoNamara was born in Surviving are his wife, Vera counseling and training in addition Vocational High School; add
George's By The River Episcopal Brooklyn. N Y , and resided in Bailey McNamara; a son, Arthur Middlesex County College
to job referrals. They also provide
Church, Rumson, a member of the Aberdeen before moving here 13 M. of Northport.Tong Island, NY.;
years ago a daughter, Mrs. Marilyn
Sea Bright Beach Club, and a
director of the Red Bank Area
Chamber of Commerce.
He was an accountant with the
National Cold Storage Co.,
Nunziante of Aberdeen; a brother,
Edward, and sister, Catherine
Man hurt as cycle, cop car crash
He also served as secretary of Brooklyn, for 15 years before Donovan both of Bay Ridge, DOVER TOWNSHIP (AP) - A Alverado's motorcycle hit the car's
the Juvenile Conference Commit- retiring in 1966. Brooklyn; 12 grandchildren and 11 48-year-old Wall Township man was front fender, said Sgt. John Ever-
tee, here, and was a member of the He was a communicant at St. great-granchildren critically injured yesterday when ett •;
Board of Director! of the Phelps ERNEST B. BEATTIE Clement Roman Catholic Church. The Waitt Funeral Home, his motorcycle crashed into a "The police car had the red light
School In Malvern, Pa. He was a Lincroft, and Miss Sandra Beattie. Matawawn. and a member of its Morganville, is in charge of ar- marked police car that had run a but all the other vehicles war*
member and past president of the Holy Name Society. He also was a rangements. red light en route to the scene of an stopped except Mr. Alverado's.''
at home; his mother, Mrs. Mildred
Car Wash Operators of New Jersey, accident, police said. Alverado was taken to Communi-
F. Beattie of Rumson; a brother. Celina Iber
and was a past president of the Red Township patrolman Bruce ty Memorial Hospital in Toms
Charles R. Beattie Jr. of Katona. River, where a spokeswoman said
Bank Jaycees. tion Sons of Israel, Lakewood. Florko was crouing an intersection
NY.; a sister, Miss Mildred H HAZLET - Celina Iber. 76. died he was in critical condition wits •
Mrs. Iber is survived by two with emergency lights flashing and
Beattie of New York City, and four yesterday at the Brookdale Nursing head injury.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. daughters, Lucia Schapiro of sirens walling when Miguel
grandchildren. Home.
Florence Johnson Beattie; three The Worden Funeral Home, Red Bom in Warsaw. Poland, she Elberon and Ruth Millman of
daughters, Mrs. Alison Horsman of Bank, is in charge of arrange- came to this country in 1947. She Middletown; five grandchildren, Annette P. Carotenuto
Locust, Mrs. Leigh Siebert of ments. lived in Bradley Beach and and one great-grandchild.
Lakewood prior to entering the The Bloomfield-Cooper Jewish TOMS RIVER - Annette T. Carotenuto of Howell. and Philip S
nursing home in 1980. Funeral Chapel, Ocean Township, Carotenuto, 60, of Riverwood Vil- Carotenuto of Toms River; a
Loretta E. Best She was a member of Congrega- is in charge of arrangements. lage, here, died Sunday at home. daughter, Mrs. Darlene A. Nichols
Born in the Bronx, N Y . she of Pompton Plains; her mother
LONG BRANCH - Loretta of Woodbridge, Clifford or Margueritef T. Oberlander lived in River Plaza before moving Mrs. Olinda D'Auria of the Bronx.
Ensely Best, 71. of died yesterday Brooklyn, N Y and Russell of here nine years ago. N Y . ; two brothers, Michael
in Monfnouth Medical Center, Long Washington, DC ; five daughters. MIDDLETOWN - Marguerite T Church, the Middletownm Womens D'Auria of the Bronx. N Y , and
Mrs. Carotenuto worked as a
Branch. Mrs. Lydla Stathum Jr of Red Oberlander died Sunday at Medi- Club, and was a life member of secretary at the Lakehurst Naval Dominick D'Auria of Nanuet, N Y :
Born in Long Branch, Mrs. Best Bank, «M« Dorothea Wilson of Center. Red Bank Deborah Air Station since 1981 three sisters, Mrs. Linda Musullo ol
was a lifelong shore area resident. Long Branch, Mrs. Eunice Fisher She was born in Belmar. ande Surviving are a brother, Willard She was a communicant of St. Rhode Island. Mrs Edith Procac-
She was a retired nurse's aide at of Long Branch, Mrs Magaret had lived in Keansburg before Tilton of Port Murray; a sister Anthony's Roman Catholic Church. cino of Yonkers. N Y . and Miss
the former Hazard Hospital and at McPherson of Ocean and Mrs. moving here in 1957 Aleta Shibla of Spring Lake Red Bank Marge D'Auria of Denver. Colo .
Monmouth Medical Center. Justine Wyatt of Long Branch: a She was the wife of the late Heights, and 11 nieces and Mrs. Carotenuto was prede- and five grandchildren.
She was a member of Trinity brother, Peter Ensley of Brooklyn: Edson Oberlander. nephews. ceased by her husband, Michael, The John E. Day Funeral Home.
AME Church. Long Branch, where two sisters, Mrs. Cordelia Cooper Mrs Oberlander was a member The Worden Funeral Home. Red who died In 1877 Red Bank, is in charge of arrange-
she was a charter member of the of Asbury and Rosella Clark of of the New Monmouth Baptist bank, is in charge of arrangements. ments.
Surviving are two sons, Gary M.
the Stewardess Board. She also was Newark; 39 grandchildren and 16
a member of the Sun Light Order great-grandchildren.
of the Reindeers. The Coffer Memorial Funeral
Surviving are her husband, Irv- Home, Red Bank, is in charge of

Now 2 ways
ing Best Sr ; three sons, Irving Jr. arrangements.

Mildred L. Holmes
LAKEWOOD - Mildred L She was a member of the
HoUpes. 77. of 901-A Dumbarton Holmdel Baptist Church, where she
Drive. Leisure Village East, died sang in the church choir and served

to win a million
yesterday in Paul Kimball Medical on the Ladies Aid Society.
Center, Lakewood. Surviving are her husband
Mrs. Holmes was born in Harold T. Holmes; two daughters.
Brooklyn, and lived in the Mrs. Nancy Lambornof Richadson.
Marlboro-Holmdel area from 1029 Tex. and Mrs. Judith Van Schaick
itMil moving here in 1977 of Wayne, Pa. and five grandsons
She was a 1929 graduate of the The Bedle Funeral Home.

when you play

former Trenton State Teacher's Matawan. is In charge of arrange-
College ments.

202 Death Notices

B E A T T I E — Ernaat F J l n F a r Havan. on Jury
2. 1M4. Huaband of Floranea i SaatiM fattiar of
Aliaon Horaman. lalgn Swoart and Sandra BaMtta, TRENTON - The winning
aonMiwradf Saattia. bfothar of Cnariai R flaattia number drawn yesterday in New
Jr and Mitdrad H Baatlia and grandfathar of tour
Funaral atrvica Wadnaaday. July 4 at 10 a m at St.
Jersey's Pick-It Lottery was 843 A
Oaoroa • i y Tha Btvaf Eplaoopa) Church Rumaon straight bet pays $265 50. box pays
NovWUIion Thoaa •nirnnfl lo may maha donauona M4 and pairs pay $26.50
• « M > V M M a t t e * Cartar
The Pick 4 number was 9324 A
OBERLANDER - Marguarlla ( . , « , ,
itaa. 01 MMdlaiewn Wrta of tha lata Coaon
straight bet pays 13.469 and box
Oearlanoar. aatar of WHttrd Inton and AMU pays 1144.50 ALBANY. NY - T h e
SNWa Funaral aarvtca on Ttiufaday. July 5 at 10 winning number picked yesterday
• m at tha Wordan funaral Homa 60 E From st in New York's Daily Number
• • a tank Tha fm. OonaM ScohaM officiating
Inlarmani Fair Vlaw Camatary, MIOdWOTn Vlana-
lottery game was 9-1-6. The "Win-
' r »•• p f» Four" number was 44-6-2.

Onan hMai 111

m 11111 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i MIII HIM 1111
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A8 The Daily ReKisier TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984

'Junior partners' take over medical practice

BY ELLEN GOODMAN best and brightest of the young apprentices were also to his explanations, she tried to recap the pros and
less willing to pretend omniscience. cons. "So," she said, "the worst that can happen ...."
My friend went to the doctor's office expecting to And so we have now entered the era of the Junior "Oh no," he interrupted. "The worst that can happen
find God The doctors she knew always played God, Partner in Health Care. is that you'll die from the anesthesia." After peeling
except on Wednesday afternoons, when they played What are the characteristics of a junior partner? her off the floor, he admitted that this possibility was
golf First of all, an aura of humility. You can tell a junior fairly remote, one in 30,000. This is called over-
But what she discovered was that Doctor-God-Sir,
the professional keeper of the Temple of the Body, was
AT partner by precisely how many times he or she uses
the expression: "We really don't know ,..." Junior
informed consent.
The most basic thing to remember for your next
not available Instead a new doctor sat down before
her. opened up her chart, met her eyes sincerely, and
LARGE partners believe in sharing, especially in sharing
encounter with a J.P. is that he or she will not tell
you what to do. Gods give commandments, but J.P.s
asked her to think of him as her "junior partner in You can also identify junior partners by their only lay out options. It is up to you, the Senior Partner,
health care." passion for education This friend called her J P to take responsibility for your health decisions (This
This somewhat abrupt transfer from God to the recently when a bee sting had blown her arm up to fact is on a poster in the J.P.'s waiting room, near
junior partner had a startling effect on my friend's the size of a large thigh. "What do I do?" she asked. stacks of pamphlets on fiber in the diet.)
blood pressure But she had discovered the latest trend He answered, "First let me tell you something about It is still possible, of course, to rind God But he is
of the medical profession: God is dead, or at least bee stings." likely to be (1) he, (2) older, or (3) a specialist in heart
dying out. required to have faith, hope and a little something to All junior partners have been educated by the full or brain surgery. The life-and-death stuff still seems
The whole history of Doctor-as-God began way back put on the plate when it was passed. disclosure, informed consent school of medicine. Gods to fall into the hands of you-know-Who.
when medicine men were merely priests. Eventually, We were expected to submit to such rituals as the give out proclamations; J.P.s give odds. The odds that Should we be surprised by the takeover of the junior
they got academic degrees, and demanded a promo- knife and to such magic as pills Few of us ever saw you will get better, the odds that you will get worse partners? After all, isn't this what we all wanted? We
tion — although there were some who thought that God the appendix that was removed or understood how Along with every prescription comes a description of wanted doctors to stop treating us like children. We
was a little high. antibiotics work But we took penicillin as a kind of side effects. If just one Manchurian lost an ear lobe wanted them to talk to us, tell us the whole story We
Medicine still remained a profound mystery to the oral penance for illness: Four times a day for 10 days, or a belly button from this cream, you will hear about wanted them to stop acting like gods. We wanted them
laity. Such is the way with all religions It was and bow to the east three times. it. to admit their fallibility.
conducted in Latin or Medicalese, which was Greek Somewhere along the way in this skeptical, secular Consider the true story of a woman who discussed Isn't that right? Absolutely. Positively. I swear to
to the average person The patient-supplicant was era, the medical laity became less worshipful. The the possibility of surgery with her J.P. After listening God.

Plumbing is key to peace

BY ERMA BOMBECK water tank. My main concern (as
with all mothers), however, was the
It is of no comfort to me toilet.
whatsoever that NASA has put five "How does it work?" I asked.
years of research and (12 million "Just like any other toilet, say on
worth of engineering into a space the airlines," I was told.
shuttle toilet that does not work. That was not altogether true.
If the right stuff has the wrong Toilets on airlines do not have seat
parts, we're all lost. belts to hold you in, head and foot
What chance do I have with a restraints and look like a death
husband who reseated ours with chair. I didn't even want to know
Play-Doh and then instructed me to who cleaned it and how
"jiggle it after you use It"?
The way it stands now, toilets are
What hope is there for earthlings
programmed to function a five-day
to have an efficient plumbing sys-
week, gurgling, gasping and backing
tem when an astronaut who has a I once toured the interior of the up on Saturdays and Sundays
doctorate in civil engineering had space shuttle in Houston to see what
toilet malfunctions on 10 out of the our future would hold. I found it the They go on overload when there
last 11 missions? are more than five people in the
closest to primitive camping I want house.
As far as I'm concerned, plumb- to get. The area where the
Bending something under the tank
ing is the key to peace throughout astronauts live is no bigger than a
top will make you feel better, but it
the world It's the universal table at the Las Vegas dinner show.
will accomplish nothing.
language that needs no interpreter, The food was packaged and con-
the one ethic that binds us all tained in boxes on the wall. At night, I would like to think the United
together, the common denominator you were restrained from floating States would lead the world in
that is shared by us all. building a better toilet. As for the
around by hanging in a sack from moon, we could put a toilet out there
Can you possibly imagine the the wall (we once did that in
tomorrow if we wanted to But first,
adulation due the nation that finally Michigan), and every time you
we have to find a plumber who
perfects a system that works? moved, you bumped your leg on the works Sundays.

WELL-DESERVED BREAK — Celebrating their

progress in preparing lor a new day-care center
— The Lmcroft Center For Children (T.L.C.), to
pholo by Larry Parrta
from left. Los Ga'pem, H giiand Park; Bob
Irvine, Eng!ish!own; Mani Sub'amanian, Fair
Haven, and Susan Archer. FaT Haven, chair-
Tall woman can look regal
Dear Ana Landers: I am writing letters were all the same: "Dear
open m September at the Unitarian Church of man. Hos'ess o1 the even! was committee on behalf ol all the unuiually tall Mom: How is everything in Florida?
Monmouth County — are committee members, membe r Gre'c h en B'p*/er, Littll Silver. women In America. C'mon, folk*, Have you bought a new car yet?
we have known lor a very long time Nothing new up here. Love, Ken-
thai we are "dlllertnt." It doein't neth."

Day-care center planned

MIDDLETOWN - A years teacher ratio, according to Aman- Dandy. Fair Haven; the Rev.
make as leel better to be reminded A N N
°'l>m sick ol hearing "My God,
you re really up there. How tall are
After a few months WE received
a letter. II read: "Dear Kenneth and
Mary: Please ask Mary lo atari
you anyway?" If I were obese I writing to me again. You never say
worth of planning and theorizing da Dandy, Fair Haven, publicity ll.iroid Dean. Lincroft. and Lois
can't Imagine anyone saying to me, one darned thing In your letters. I
by a committee of 14 will be put chairperson. Galpern. Highland Park
Findings made by Lois Gal- "My God, you're fat. How much do am anxious lo hear what is going on.
into action on Sept. 4, the day Also. Doris lierber. Shady
pern, an education consultant you weigh?" Love to you both."
preschoolers will first come to Oaks: Fred Hertrich. Freehold;
play and learn at The Lincroft from Highland Park, indicate that Kenneth Huber. Middletown: Thai was 30 years ago and my
Center for Children (T.L.C ) The such a center has long been Robert Irvine, r'nghshtown; I do not enjoy hovering over comballs who ask dumb questions. mother-in-law has never failed lo
center will operate in facilities needed in the county. Dandy Winifred Lamont. Lincroft. Wil- people, especially shorter men who Most of them are probably runts thank me for each and every letter
that have been occupied by Oak stated liam McFarland. Holmdel: Mani are embarrassed by my height. who wish the good Lord had given since I went on strike. — Ap-
Hill Academy at the Unitarian Subramanian, Fair Haven, and They move away quickly at cocktail them more height. , preciated In Indiana
Church of Monmouth County, 1475 The center will accommodate Marsha Znsel. Red Bank. parties and of coarse they never ask Dear Ann: I'll tell you bow I Dear Appreciated: Great solu-
W. Front St., Lincroft. full-time students from 7 a m to Interested persons, including me lo dance handled the problem of a mother-in- tion. Thanks for sharing
6pm., Mondays through Fridays employees of area companies and Being tall has other disadvan- law who showed no appreciation for
The intent of planning commit- tages. It is difficult lo find slacks the letters I wrote to her every week Dear Ann: My grandfather (age
Half-day, full-week programs will area residents, may attend 11
tee members, all of whom have long enough or dresses with waist- for two years (of course, my 63) married a woman who is 30. She
also be available a m to 2 p in open nouses at the
been involved with child educa- lines where they belong. Most husband never wrote a line). is pregnant. What relation will the
Committee members include , center on Aug. 15. 16. 17, 20 and
tion, is to provide top-quality, full- pantyhose are loo short. Same goes I put a great deal of effort into baby be to me? I am 20. —
Susan Archer. Fair Haven, chafr- 21 Registration of students will
day programs for children in a person; Patti Sickens. Point lake place at these events. for nighties and housecoats. those letters. I MM her bow the Srollidale
loving, family-type of at- Pleasant Beach: Gretchen Details may also be obtained by business was going, what the chil- Dear Scot: The baby will be your
mosphere, with a high student- Brewer. Little Silver. Amanda calling the center, at the church I'm writing Ibis In the nope your dren were doing and saying- ' uncle or aunt, depending on whether
readers will be more sympathetic to reported on the rest of the family. It'a a boy or girl. Congratulations.
our plight. We know we are a bit My letters were long and newsy.
freakish and we don't appreciate Her only response was, "Dear Son, Is alcoholism raining your life?
BIRTHS being reminded. In (act, the next
person who asks, "How's the
weather up there?" may get
why don't you ever write?"
Finally I told my husband I would
not write to hti mother anymore
Know the danger signals and what to
do. Read the booklet, "Alcoholism
— Hope and Help," by Ann Landers.
punched out. — Long Jean In since it was obvloui thai she didn't Enclose 50 cents with your request
Longview appreciate my letters and wanted and a long, stamped, self-addressed
Mr and Mrs. Gary Rividock only to hear from him. He said that envelope lo Ann Landers, P.O. Box
iBrenda i. 193 Park Ave . Dear Jean: Not all tall women was fine. He wrote every month. His
Keansburg. son, June 27 Massachusetts feel as you do. Some delight in being
Long Branch statuesque. No one looks more regal
Toni Renee Reed, 53 River St., Karen Denise Williams. 373 W.
Columbus Place. Long Branch, than a very tall female who carries
Red Bank, daughter, June 25 her head high, moves with grace and
Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Simonelli daughter. June 27. Mr. and Mrs Robert A. Faiella
(Lydia A. Walter), 331 Poole Ave..
Long Branch, daughter, June 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Candrea (Meg
Marilyn Rivera. 40 Cooper Ave .
Apt. 24, Long Branch, daughter.
June 27.
iJoAnne Many), A Lantern Lane,
Medfield, Mass., son, June 20.
appears to be extremely com-
fortable with people of all sizes.
Forget about punching out the
Galloway), 160 Lake Ave., Fair
Haven, son, June 26.
Kenneth Barrow and Carrie
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Elio (Lisa
Davis). 173B Joline Ave.. Long
Wlb ©rrijari Jinn
Jones, 227 Garfield Court. Long Branch, son, June 28.
Branch, daughter, June 26. Mr. and Mrs. Harold La Voie
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGinnis (Kitty M. Morningwake). Group
(Patricia Shrewsbury), 711 S. Sandy Hook, Highlands, daughter.
Edgemere Dr., West Allenhurst, June 28.
daughter, June 26.
Mr. and Mrs Jeffrey Ging
(Audrey O. OUagnon), 247 Rockwell ST. PETERS
Ave., Long Branch, daughter, June MEDICAL CENTER
26 New Brunswick
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Cable (Pa- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sembler
tricia Jarvis), 916 Pine St., Union iMary Wotton). Stale St.. Union
Beach, daughter, June 27 Beach, daughter, June 23. Another delightful innovation by the New
Management* of a Landmark Restaurant.

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flaatauranf in Saa Bnght
dune grocery prices slightly higher
BV COTTEN TIMBERLAKE inflation rates we were seeing a few The price of milk tended upward, available on March 1, 1973, a
TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984 T h e Daily Register A9

AP hasiaess writer months ago but that is to be too The Agriculture Department comparable substitute was selected.
expected since we no longer have said last month that milk prices Items temporarily out of stock on
Grocery prices rose 0 65 percent the advantages of falling meat
during June, primarily because of a prices that we had at the end of the may increase this summer as a one of the survey dates being
rite in the cost of detergent and year" result of a rise in comaumer demand compared were not included in the
sugar, and prices lor the fint six and a decline in overall production overall total.
Michael K Evans, an economist The AP did not try to compare
months of the year have risen 16 who heads his own forecasting firm
percent, according to a monthly in Washington, D C , said, "It looks EGGS, MEANWHILE, fell an actual prices from city to city — to
Associated Press marketbasket like the 0 85 increase is just about average of 2 95 percent, after drop- say, for example, that eggs cost
survey. ping 16 percent in May "I think it's more in one area than another The
the mirror increase of the 0 8
Milk also was more expensive in decline in May so it would appear a further wind-down we had with the only comparisons were made in
June. Egg prices continued their that food price inflation is still under problem of avian flu," Evans said. terms of percentages of increase or
decline, but less dramatically Flocks that were killed have been decrease — saying a particular item
control." replaced and production is back up went up 10 percent in one city and
Economists said the June in- He added, "It appears that the
crease indicated moderate inflation. overall inflation is stabilizing and A look at the overall number of 6 percent in another
The marketbasket bill rose in five will remain in the 4 to 5 percent items in the AP survey showed more
cities an average of 5 3 percent. It range for the rest of the year." items rose than fell during June. The USDA marketbasket issued
The Associated Press drew up a
decreased in seven cities an average In 1M4, he said, food prices random list of IS commonly each month is based on a complex
of 2 IS percent. The bill in New York probably will accelerate modestly, set of statistics. It is used to keep
purchased food and non-food items,
City remained unchanged hand-in-hand with the rale if infla- checked the price at one super- track of changes in the proportion of
In the first six months of the year, tion. the food dollar received by the
market in each of 13 cities on March
the tab rose 0.14 percent, if New The price of detergent, which had 1, 1973, and has rechecked on or farmer, wholesaler and retailer and
York is included. That city's bill fell been steady, climbed an average 3 5 does not correspond to actual family
13 25 percent since January, primar- percent. A about the start of each succeeding spending
ily because of a switch in April to a month. One item, chocolate chip
Jack L. Salzman. a cosmetics and cookies, was dropped from the list
cheaper store. household products analyst for the because the manufacturer discon- The items on the AP checklist
Discounting New York, the aver- investment firm Smith Barney, EGGS SUGAR DETERGENT
tinued the package size used in the were: chopped chuck, center cut
age bill so far this year has risen 1.6 Harris Upham and Co., and Hugh pork chops, frozen orange juice
percent. survey
Zurkuhlen, an analyst at Salomon concentrate, coffee, paper towels,
Brothers Inc., said detergent No attempt was made to weight butter. Grade-A • medium white
THE YEAR-TO-DATE tabrosein producers had not increased prices the AP survey results according to eggs, creamy peanut butter, laundry
eight cities an average of 1.2 percent or decreased promotions and they population density or in terms of detergent, fabric softener, tomato
and fell in five cities an average of had no ready explanation for the what percent of a family's actual sauce, milk, frankfurters and granu-
3 8 percent. jump. grocery outlay each Item rep- lated sugar.
"The 0 65 percent increase is an Sugar turned upward an average resents The cities checked were: Albu-
indication that inflation rates re- of 1.6 percent. The day of the week on which the querque, N.M., Atlanta. Boston.
main moderate," said David A. Pamela Rockley, an analyst with check was made varied depending Chicago, Dallas, Detroit. Los An-
Wyss, an economist with Data Penning Futures in New York, on the month Standard brands and geles, Miami. New York, Philadel- MARKETBASKET COMPARISON - This Associated PreM
Resources Inc. in Lexington, Mass attributed the rise to a smaller sizes were used when available. If phia. Providence, R.I, Salt Lake graphic illustrates the price ot eggs, sugar and detergent lor varioiu)
i t is somewhat higher than the harvest and to import curbs. the requested size and brand was not City and SeatUe. cities areound the U.S. (or the month ot June.

Formula stains must not be allowed to set

DEAR HELOISE: best advice I can give is not to let aluminum. Soak the garments about polyester fabrics Is to use one of tion her mother was accustomed to,
I have a baby u d recently threw the stain set in the clothes. If 34 minutes, then wash as usual. If those little aeedle-tkreaders. and she was aware that her daugh-
away many of Us sew clothes possible, soak the stain in cold water your clothes can be washed in cold laser! tke needle-threader from ter was thinking of her. — Fay*
because of all of the formula stalls if you cannot wash it right away. water only, let the water cool before
Ike wrong side of the fabric aad pull Kershner
that were oa them. Could you please
print your formula for removing the
The best formula I know of for putting the clothes in the solution
white washable clothing that can be
Ike snagged thread through tke loop HINTS What a wonderful story. I hop*
of tke threader. Thro pall the
If, after you've tried this solution, this encourages others to do the
stalas? — Jolyoe Egglesloo bleached is a soaking solution of any stains still remain, you may
Formula stains are some of the one-fourth cup household chlorine have to try another treatment. Don't
threader down, bringing the saag to
the wrong side of tke fabric! Volla! FROM same Heloise
toughest stains to remove Some- bleach and one cup automatic give up, something is bound to work. — Maude Fenstermaker
times an enzyme presoak will
remove this type of stain or a spray-
dishwasher detergent mixed in one - Hugs Heloise
gallon of hot water. SNAG REPAIR
If you have a dog or cat around
who likes to "greet" you can really
HELIOSE Dear Heloise: I found a great use
and-wash solution sprayed immedi- Use the sink or a plastic container get a lot of practice in repairing for those fabric softener sheets you
Dear Heloise: The quick, easy,
ately on the stain will work. The to mix the solution, Do not usesafest way to repair saags hi these little snags - Heloise throw In your dryer. They "shine"
FOLDING PATTERNS off Ike dusl and water spots on
lives In a nearby retirement home. faucets, stainless steel or ceramic
Dear Heloise: When refolding a Louise Is In constant touch with her sinks, couaterlops, mirrors, etc.

Marijuana harms lungs

BY LESTER L. COLEMAN, M.D. whether or not to smoke mari-
pattern which may be used again,
fold each piece so the u m and
number are easily visible.
Then you won't have lo unfold
mother and, when she announced Dampen and scrub or use dry and
that she and her husband were about polish.
lo take a three-week trip lo China, So — next time you unload your
her mother was agitated. She felt dryer, don'l throw that sheet away
juana." each piece lo choose the ones you she would be lost without her - shine, shine, shine! - S.M. Vlcbd
I smoke cigarettes. On weekend!
Dr. James A Swomley, of the waal lo ase when you want to cut out daughter's dally phone calls and
I smoke marijuana. Would you know I never do! There are still lots of
American Lung Association, said, an article using Ikal paltera again. visita.
if there Is any ipecial danger to Ibis good uses left in those little sheets.
"It is to reach children before that ll saves lime and nerves. — Fraaces My friend prepared a huge box - Heloise
combination? - Mr. L.R., Wash.
Dear Mr. H Kecent hearings
YOUR time - the 8-. 10- and 11-year-old, Holdea
fourth- and fifth-graders who still LETTER OF LOVE
which she left with her mother's
neighbor. In ll were notes and
before the Subcommittee on the HEALTH respond to parental and teacher Dear Heloise: There are so many
guidance - that the educational stories of elderly people being
letters for each day she was lo be Send your favorite kitchen hint lo
gone plus imall gifts for each day. Heloise, P.O. Box UMt. San Aa-
Judiciary, United States Senate,
surveyed the health consequences of program is targeted." forgotleo or mistreated. I want to For example, a book of crossword tonlo, TX, 7H21C. She can't answer
marijuana. tell of Ike keartwarmlng action by puzzlri, cookies, needlepoint can- your letter.personally bul will print
The report, quoted exactly, would Present medical research in- a friend ol mine, Louise. vas. So each day there was a the best hints received In her
interest you and other users of dicates that people who smoke both She has a mother In her Mi who •ubitiiuir for the dally communica- column
tobacco and marijuana. manufacturers. Not so with mari- cigarettes and marijuana are com-
bining harmful effects that are
"Most smokers inhale the smoke juana.
deeply, hold it in as long as possible, Since it is a "street drug." it is additive and undoubtedly will prove
to interfere with normal lung func-
and exhale only when another breath not only inconsistent in its content
must be drawn. This method in- but is also subject to contamination

creases the time of contact with the Filters are not usually used by The American Lung Association
bronchial lining In order to get a marijuana smokers. Consequently, plans to disperse information show-
maximal absorption and maximum the addition of the contaminants in ing that marijuana definitely affects
psychological effect. marijuana and the tars and nicotine the ability to learn, reduces memory
and perception, and interferes with
"It is disturbing to predict that can play havoc with the lungs.
the frequency of smoking marijuana The American Lung Association is judgment.

will increase over the coming years. embarking on a huge educational Parents and teachers must
Even more disturbing is the campaign to emphasize the threat of amplify the teachings of the Ameri- EACH WAY
preliminary evidence that combined marijuana on the health of smokers can Lung Association if our children
tobacco and marijuana smoking is of the substance. are to be spared the threats to
more harmful than when either The magnitude of the problem is health and accomplishment that are
substance is used alone." emphasized by their statement that caused by marijuana.
Filters may protect some tobacco "virtually every child in the United Dr. Coleman welcomes ajaeslhms
smokers The tars and filters are States between the ages of 12 and 14 from readers. Please write to Urn la
known and are measured by the is faced with the challenge of care of this newspaper.

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A10 T h e Dftrily Register TUEEDAY. JULY 3. 1984

Refuse strike affecting non-union contractors refrigerators will be accepted. out there all day long, to avoid
I continued I Asbury Park No municipal be announced today a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. and M p.m.
Monday through Saturday No Residents are asked to place trouble." >
minimize odors: and grass clip- pick-ups are scheduled, however Keansburg: Emergency plans newspapers and perishables in County residents who wish to
the city will decide Thursday should be announced today loose trash or debris will be
pings brush and other such resi- accepted. The borough asks resi- separata bags. deposit trash can do so between 7
due should be kept separate. whether to place dumpsters Keyport No municipal pick-ups Sea Bright: Highlands has a m. to 3:30 p.m. weekdays, and
throughout the municipality. No scheduled through this week. How- dents to hold all bottles, cans and
As of last night, these contingen- papers until after the duration. agreed to help the borough out from 7 a m to 2 p.m. Saturday.
cy plans had been made by the trash should be placed on the curb ever, contingency plans may be during the strike, and exact plans In response to the strike. Gov
affected municipalities: in the meantime made as the strike continues No Matawan: The borough will will be determined. Kean named Robert E. Hughey.
Aberdeen: No municipal pick- Freehold No municipal pick- trash should be placed at the determine today whether it can
curbs Union Beach: Borough workers comisiioner of the Department of
ups are scheduled, however cont- ups are scheduled, however cont- receive dumpsters to place' will pick up perishable garbage on Environmental Protection; Dr. J.
ingency plans may be made as the ingency plans may be made as the Little Silver: A public works throughout town. Grass clippings, each district's normal day of Richard Goldstein, health com-
strike continues No trash should strike continues truck will be placed in the railroad ' brush and similar debris should be collection. Newspapers and other missioner; John P. Renna. com-
be placed on curbs. Hazlet: Emergency plans should commuter parking lot, from 7 3D taken to the Gravelly Brook Park recyclables should be held. missioner of the Department of
Composting Site off upper Main West Long Branch: Residents Community Affairs; Attorney
Street. Newspapers should be

Reagan willing to talk

should separate perishable trash General Irwin I. Kimmelman; and
saved for the third Saturday of the from recyclable garbage, and Barbara Curran, president of the
month as part of the borough's bring both to the Borough Garage, Board of Public Utilities, to his
recycling program. located on Monmouth Road behind Solid Waste Advisory Panel.
open." he said. chicken and cherry pie Middletown: Starting Thursday, the firehouse, and placed in clearly "I am acutely aware of the
(continued) marked containers. potential hazard to health and
the talks to cover other arms issues After months of icy distance. Senior U.S. officials have met dumpsters will be placed from S
daily at the White House since a.m. to noon Monday through Sano Carting, Tetro and Sons, safety involved in the current work
as well Chernenko's proposal set off a stoppage," Kean said. "The task
flurry of diplomacy between the Dobrynin delivered Chernenko's Friday, and S a.m. • 10 a.m. and DeLiaa Disposal, all private
U.S.-Soviet negotiations over In- contractors, have decided not to force named today will move in a
termediate-range and strategic nu- superpowers, much of it in the message to Shultz on Friday. Saturday at the following lo-
cations: Middletown High School cross picket lines set up at the number of areas to help New
clear weapons were halted late last public arena. Jerseyans cope with the work
The session yesterday morning North, railroad commuter parking county Reclamation Center re-
year as Moscow protested NATO's Soviet ambassador Anatoly T stoppage until a resolution of the
was directed by John M. Poindex- lot no. 2, Navesink School, portedly due to threats made.
deployment of new American miss- Dobrynin delivered the offer Fri- dispute is reached."
ter. deputy U.S. national security Leonardo Bayshore Junior High "We are not union," one Sano
iles in Western Europe. day to Secretary of State George P.
adviser, and brought together nu- School, Bayview School in Belford, official said. "But we sent our A labor department spokesman
The Soviets have insisted they Shultz. Within hours, the adminis-
clear weapons specialists from the , Port Monmouth School, East trucks out this morning, and said it was unlikely that the two
would reopen discussions of tration replied it was willing to
State Department and other gov- Keansburg School, Thome Junior threats were made. We figured it sides would be talking for a day or
Euromissiles in Geneva only if meet, but on a broader basis —
ernment offices. High School, Middletown Village wasn't worth the men, or the two. Federal mediator John Bello
NATO reversed the deployment. namely, that nuclear weapons also
School, Fairview School, River trucks, to cross the picket lines." has said both sides needed several
Ruling out a missile withdrawal, be discussed Briefing reporters, White House Plaza School, Nutswamp Grade But John Gray, superintendent days to re-evaluate their positions.
the administration has refused to Robert C. McFarlane, the presi- spokesman Speakes said "we will of the Reclamation Center, said Tesauro was expected to meet
offer Moscow an inducement to School, and Uncroft Grade School.
dent's national security adviser. be there in September." He said he No newspapers or grass clippings although pickets ware marching with union leaders, and "hopefully
return to the table. told reporters Friday night the U.S. did not consider U.S. efforts to take outside the Asbury Avenue en- he will have some suggestions,"
will be accepted.
At this point, said the U.S. aim was "to discuss and define" up other weapons with the Soviets Oceanport: The borough will trance, all was peaceful at the Lohman said.
official who spoke on condition of arrangements for resuming the a precondition. pick up the western section of landfill site. The strike has affected some 200
anonymity, the only way space stalled nuclear weapons talks. "We don't say, 'If you don't town, from Myrtle Avenue West, Things were orderly, and municipalities in Bergen, Essex.
weapons negotiations would be On Sunday, the diplomacy ap- discuss this, we're not going to on Thursdays, and the eastern or people were allowed in and out," Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth.
called off is if the Soviets withdrew parently continued at a White show.' We're saying, 'We're going Port-au-Peck lection on Tuesdays. Gray said. "We have two Mon- Morris, Ocean, Passalc and Union
Chernenko's offer to talk or try to House barbecue hosted by Reagan to show,'" Speakes said No big items such as washers and mouth County sheriffs stationed counties.
prohibit in advance the United for Washington's diplomatic corps.
States' raising the nuclear weapons Shultz met privately with
issue Dobrynin, the Soviet envoy, and
"We think their proposal is still Reagan then joined them over beef.
Shore set for holiday
"We expect the Fourth to be a


{continued) knock-out day," Reid said. "His-
Branch pier and Haunted Mansion, torically it's a great day and we're
said he had "mixed emotions" all geared up for it"
about the type of holiday he Ried said the pier was expecting
expects. Since the Fourth is not a crowd of approximately 25.000
part of a three-day weekend, He said crowds would be boosted
business might not be as strong as by the soggy weekend weather, as


in previous years. well as a half-price kiddie day
"If we get the good weather, today.
we'll get the good crowds," Shiel Even if the weather is not good.
said. Reid expects Keansburg s public
But Shiel added that last week- fireworks display on the beach to
end's soggy weather might boost help bring out the crowds
the holiday turnout. Monmouth Mall is one place

"People have money to spend where inclement weather will help
and they're sick of sitting home business.
and watching the rain." he said Richard C Weisman. General
Gateway National Park officials Manager of the Mall, said the
expecting crowds of approximate- Fourth is not traditionally a good
ly 30.000 — weather permitting. A shopping day. and the mall will
good crowd for a Saturday or only be open from 10 a m to6p m
Sunday is usually around 35.(XX),
according to a park spokesman.
If it's a hot. sunny day. I don t
expect much of a crowd at all."
Today & Tomorrow Only! Save on Today's Best Carpet Styles!
An official at Sea Bright s public
beach said it would be a funny
kind of week." and that if the
Weisman said "If it's raining. I
expect we'll be mobbed, like we
were this past weekend"
200,000 Square Yards at
weather was good tomorrow,
many people might take the re-
mainder of the week off
Every municipality in the area
is planning some sort of event.
Fireworks displays will be held in
Unbelievable Savings!
But Al Reid, owner of the Colts Neck. Freehold. Keansburg.
Keansburg Amusement Pier was Long Branch. Middletown. Red
not so noncommital Bank and Union Beach

Bog cleanup set to begin

i continued i vironmental officials) have told us
Staples said the state will seek that our lives are threatened by
another 15 million from the super- living so close to the bog. " she said
fund at the end of this year to pay "Now when they plan to clean up
for completion of the cleanup He it and disturb the area, it's safe for
said he expects the second phase to us to stay here."
begin next spring and be finished Mrs Sisco said she believes the
within six months. state and federal governments
Meanwhile, residents who live should pay to move the residents
near Burnt Fly Bog say they are for the months it takes for the
worried about monitoring of the cleanup
cleanup. Dr. Marw;n Sadat, director of
Frances Sisco and her husband, the DEP's Division of Waste Man-
Donald, who raise horses on Whis- agement, said workers will use
pering Pines Farm, said she has "extreme precautions" in the
written to EPA Administrator Wil- cleanup. He said federal, state and
liam Ruckelshaus and DEP Com- county officials will monitor the
missioner Robert E. Hughey to operations.
voice her concerns. "I wouldn't be concerned if I was
living next to the site," Sadat said.
"For five years, they (en-

Dr. Barbara K. Ctirrie,nsN.D.c.

and Mr. Leslie Rosen, M>..B.D.
Join the staff at die
SISC Center •

Dr. Curne will be in the Mr. Rosen holds a

practice of Chiropractic. Dr. Masters Degree in
Curne also holds a degree Nutrition from a New
of Bachelor of Science in York University. Mr.
Nursing prior to her Rosen has been a
Chiropractic education. Dr. consultant at Sloan
Curne held a Nursing Ketiering Hospital. Mr.
position at Riverveiw Rosen is a registered
Hospital. She is a graduate dietician and has been a
of Cleveland Chiropractic clinical nutritionist at Special July 4th Hours 11 to 5
College in Kansas City, and Nassau-Queens Medical
has passed the New Jersey Center lor 3 years. Mr. Most Colors Ready for Immediate Delivery.
State Medical Board Rosen will also maintain
Examination. She is also his private practice in
T i n WMtond Sav. ?0-55<h, Cxi
licensed to practice New York City. Persian Rug Coftecions Now
Chiropractic m Florida. m SpringtwU TEMOM* Flvnvnyton
C«M Plau E«on»»n
B«rnafd*vilte and M m h f i
Mr. Rosen will be the in-
house nutritionist for the Carpeting and Oriental Rugs We Ship Rugs Anywhere'
SISC CENTER as Of July 5,
1984 He will be at the SISC
CENTER on Thursday from
10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. V. <2O1| 236-M00
Ht 36 Traffic Ores*
Call for an appointment at (mow-Mao
(201) 37»MOO Opp Monmouti » M
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Ml Broad K m t I2O1) * • M M 542-2200
Red Bank, N. J. 07701 (2S1| SM-1427
(201)747-4441 (2OII MC-1400
The Daily Register



Girl, 9, tells court about sex attacks impossibility that Cusick could
BY JO ASTRID GLADING her step-frandfatber assaulted her motion asking to admit testimony during these assaults, were brought until she left for school
have assaulted the girl because of
with a yard-long stick. from one of the victims of the 1MB out during cross-examination. It "Did you know you were not
FREEHOLD - A solemn-faoed the system of controls that had
The girl's descriptions of the offense, to which Cusick pleaded was unclear, however, whether supposed to be alone with Grand-
nine-year-old in a pale blue dren been placed around Cusick.
alleged assaults provided the state guilty they were contradictions in a false pa?" Smith asked. He also had the
told a crowded courtroom yester- story or simply childish recollec- Smith said during his opening
with its key testimony against The child, who turned nine last girl describe how she was in- argument that there was no op-
day how her (2-year-old step- Cusick, who was arrested in March month, also described witnessing a tions in which some details are structed to wait for her aunt,
grandfather repeatedly auaulted more clearly remembered than portunity for Cusick to have as-
and later indicted for assaulting the sexual assault against her three- Darcy, when she got home from saulted the girl after his release
4 her sexually. nine-year-old and her three-year- others. school so she would not be alone in
year-old sister in the kitchen. She from prison because "that house
The child said John T. Quick old lister between November and said Cusick fondled the toddler. Thomas Smith, who is rep- the house with her grandfather.
committed the offenses in the was turned into a police depart-
March. Under questioning by both Assis- resenting John Cusick, questioned The girl told how her grandfather ment."
basement recreation room of his The alleged assaults occurred the girl closely on the sequence of often went out at night to his "AA
Port Monmouth home and in the tant Prosecutor John Wblpple and Both Smith and Waldman have
while Cusick was on parole for events during a normal morning at meeting." When she was in the
kitchen, both before she left for the attorneys representing John the Cusick house. She told him she said the girl fabricated her story
assaulting the girl and two of her kitchen, she said, her grandmother
school and after she came home. playmates in l t d . He U being tried and Myrtle Cusick, the child was would get up at 7 a.m. and come Judith Byrne, the girl's teacher
vague about the dates of the watched television in the living at Bay view Elementary School,
She described in detail how with his wife, Myrtle, who is down to breakfast, and sometime
offenses and none of the ques- room in a chair from which she testified yesterday that she notified
Cusick wotttd of ten lay on lop of her charged with knowing about the Cusick was up by then.
tioners could establish any time could see into the kitchen. authorities after the girl came to
while she wai watching afternoon assaults and failing to do anything. She would then go up and get
cartoons and "move around in frames through her testimony. Daniel Waldman, who is rep- her with her story of bad dreams
Superior Court Judge John A. dressed for school but she was
circles" or would fondle her in the Contradictions in her story, such resenting Myrtle Cusick, pointed and an account of what her grand
Ricciardl, who is bearing the case, unclear as to whether her grand-
kitchen. On one occasion, she said as the location of her grandmother his questions also at the practical father did to her on March 16
will decide today on a prosecution mother was still In the bouse up

Manning to keep seat

BY SARAH FERGUSON with the mayor and council several repairs to the seawall, and would
times a week," Manning said. "My continue work on the projects if the
SEA BRIGHT - Andrew B. dedication to the council remains borough could afford to help with
Manning can remain a member of the same." the funding.
the Borough Council, according to In other business, Furlong sub-
, the slate attorney general. mitted preliminary guidelines for No figures have yet been drawn
\ Maaning's position was question- the activation of the Sea Bright up for the cost of the repairs
ed at the last council meeting by Emergency Management System. Norton said she would attend a
Councilman Robert Furlong, who As part of this program, four meeting today with Rep. James J.
said Manning was no longer a sirens will be placed in the north Howard. D-N.J., and the mayors of
borough resident. Furlong alleged end of Sea Bright, three on the all the towns hit by the March 20
that Manning had left his Island south end, and two additional ones nor'easter to review applications
View home in favor of a house in in the center of town. Federal funds for relief and reconstruction funds.
Farmingdale. a n available for their acquisition The meeting will be held at 9:10
However, Borough Attorney and installation. a.m. at The Mooring In Point
Thomas Smith announced last night Furlong recommended that an Pleasant.
that the state attorney general's electric generator be installed to
office has confirmed Manning's ensure the operation of the warning In other matters, the council
residency in this borough. system and communication center requested that William Weil, who It
Manning had applied to the during a loss of power. He also renovating the old Weisman build-
county superintendent of elections recommended that the borough ing, 1070 Ocean Ave , board up the
for dual residency based on the fact acquire a Vton fully-covered truck windows of the building to prevent
that he votes in Sea Bright and was to remove road debris and expedite possible safety hazards from falling
issued a driver's license here. the evacuation of residents during debris.
"Sea Bright is in my blood. It's an emergency. Magno said he had inspected the
, my town and it's where I live," In addition, Furlong said that building, and is concerned with the
Mantling said. He added that he has there should be at least two drills loose brickwork on the outside of
been a summer resident in Sea a year to familiarize emergency the building.
Bright since 1936 and a full-time personnel with their duties.
resident since 1947. In other business, Borough Engi- Councllwomtn Teresa A.
Manning said that although he neer David Magno requested that McGuire pointed oat that the
resides part-time at his horse farm the council pass a formal resolution barrier* which have been set up on
in Farmingdale. the farm Is a of its intention to participate In the sidewalk to protect pedestrians
commercial business, and not his future seawall repair projects. would pose problems during the
official residence Magno said he had contacted the Food Festival Saturday, when ALL THEIR EQQ8 IN ONE BASKET? - Mildred home. According to Mancle, thp same b:'dc.
^ "I'm in Borough Hall two to state Department of Environmen- people would have to walk In the Mancle peers up at a family of birds nesting in a returned to nest in her plant lor tho pasl
three tames • week and in touch u l Protection about additional street hanging basket on the porch of her Tinton Falls years

Pyrotechnics planned
BY DANIEL LOWENTHAL show. Others realized something borough's Parks and Recreations
was wrong. Department Funding ( o n u s
RED BANK - The borough's The next day, Rlccio said the from donations, and the borough
July 4th fireworks show will not borough would consider hiring a provides the services ol its public
be a repeat of last year's aborted different company this year But utilities, fire, first aid <ind police
event, borough officials say. after being promised 100 extra departments
Instead, It will be a 45-mlnute fireworks for the same cost, the The council of the senior
extravaganza featuring 100 more borough decided to take its citizens' Riverview House
explosions than planned last year, chances again with Garden State donated 1100 to the cause For the
when the show was halted after 15 Fireworks, Milllngton. last two weekends. Boy Scouts in
minutes because fireworks re- "The (company spokesman) the borough and Middletown havt
served for the grand finale ignited admitted his people fouled up," conducted lag days to raise
prematurely. Ricclo said "We'll have oper- money for the fireworks
This time, borough fire ators this year with a minimum "It's not simply a Red Bank
marshal Stanley Sickels will ride five years of experience. They affair," Riccio said "We know
on the barge during the show to know what they're doing " our neighbors in Middletown
help avoid any repeat of last One safeguard this year will be across the river and in Fair
year's problems the use of a flat barge rather than Haven and Rumson" like to
Borough police are preparing one with scaffolding. The two-tier watch. "I think it's only proper
for a record crowd. design made It especially difficult that fund-raising is an area-wide
"I think people will be satisfied for the operators to control the type of thing."
this year, particularly after last show, Garden State president Mary Ann Gaul, parks and
year," Borough Administrator Nunzio Santore said. recreation director, has sought
Lawrence Ricclo said. "That "This year, we won't have all the cooperation of various groups
could have become a tragic that stuff to work around," he to make the fireworks a success
situation." said. Naval Weapons Station • Karle
Investigators blamed the prob- The show will Include 212 single provided the barge for the show
lem on loose embers from shell explosions and another 16S The barge was set in the river
already-discharged fireworks in the grand finale Because of the yesterday and inspected, Riccio
which landed fireworks for the 100 extra fireworks, the show Is said. The fireworks are scheduled
finale located on a scaffold above. scheduled to last 45 minutes, to arrive tomorrow afternoon A
After the unexpected ex- rather than the usual 30 minutes police escort will lead Garden
plosions, the two operators Garden State also has agreed to State's operators to the river, and
aboard the fireworks barge in the charge 13,500 this year, with 1500 members of the fire department
Navesink River decided to discon- of that going towards insurance. will oversee the installation of the
FIREWORKS FLASHBACK — Mike Anderson, short by technical difficulties, but officials are tinue the show. The company was to get the same fireworks.
left, and Eddie Allen, both of Fair Haven, enjoy taking steps to make sure tomorrow night's Many of the 15,000 spectators amount last year, but only re- Tomorrow's show Is scheduled
the 1982 fireworks display at Marine Park in this program is a success. went away perplexed and disap- ceived 11,500, Including in- to start at 1 p.m. with music in
superimposed view. Last year's show was cut pointed. Some thought the surance, because of the problem. Marine Park. The fireworks
borough had scheduled a short The show Is run by the should begin by t p.m.

Council says borough hall bids are too high

BY TREVOR THOMAS plans or to float a bigger bond issue consuming alcoholic beverages as to buy the land. the streets during the shutdown but
to pay for the addition and then go they waited to be served tt the The council also heard Silverside that he has yet to hear* from the
LITTLE SILVER - The Borough out for new bids. The administrator town's three restaurants. Avenue resident Theodore Wheeler county on the request.
Council last night rejected as too noted the council might opt to The council alto learned that ask for action on the "horrendous"
high all four bids received from expand only one side of the building work on a new nature trail through commuting traffic on his street Bruno noted the county also has
contractors for the planned ad- and fund the remaining addition at Little Silver Park, near Point Bruno told Wheeler there wasn't yet to provide the additional traffic
dition to borough hall a later date. Road, would be postponed at least much the town could do because of signals promised this year for
The lowest bid, from Roger Cruz The council also voted unani- a month because the state has the limited size of iU police force. Rumson Road and Branch Avenue
Construction of Holmdel, was for mously to change parking regu- notified the town the proposal was He said the installation of the
1247,000. well in excess of the lations on Ayers Lane and adopt a in technical violation of wetlands Councilman Henry A. Pope signals was set back when the
$191,000 appropriated for ibe pro- new ordinance forbidding public regulations. added, however, that he and rep- county found actual traffic volume
ject last year. Other bids were consumption of alcohol near res- Borough Attorney Chester Apy resentatives of other boroughs met on the two streets was much higher
$249,000 from Circle A Construc- taurants said the proposed walkway infr- with county officials in May to talk than the state had estimated,
tion, Neptune, $279,000 from The new traffic ordinance forbids inges on wetlands adjoining the about the severe traffic problems requiring a rettudy of signal re-
Charles Hembling It Son. Red parking, standing, and stopping on brook running through the park and on Silverside and other streets, quirements.
Bank, and $349,000 from RGS both sides of Ayers from Sycamore into the Shrewsbury River. State which are expected to be consider-
Construction, Red Bank. Avenue to the entrance of the law requires the borough to get a Councilwoman Suzanne
ably worsened when the bridge in
The bids, which were opened by railroad station parking tot Council state permit before using the Castleman also reported that the
members have said the move was Oceanport is closed this fall for
Borough Administrator Stephen wetlands, Apy said. repairs. bankrupt Little Silver Racquet Cub
Greenwood on June 21. involved the needed to smooth traffic flow in a The council also approved $4,500 has been sold to a syndicate and
expansion of police headquarters on frequently congested area. for two homeowners who involun- He said the closing would cause that three years of back taxes on
the east side of the Prospect The other ordinance makes it a tarily lost part of their property to overwhelming 'problems for the the property be paid today
Avenue building and of other misdemeanor to consume alcoholic the nature trail. One resident on borough in rerouting traffic down
borough offices on its west side. beverages within 200 feet of a Prospect and another on Point Silverside as well as Rumson and More than tW.000 In property
According to Greenwood, the restaurant. The move was in Road lost the land in condemnation Seven Bridget roads. taxes was owed by the club when it
council's next move will be to response to complaints from resi- proceedings lest year after they was finally sold last week,
dents that diners were openly Pope said he asked the county for
either scale down its expansion rejected the borough's initial offer Castleman uid.
funds to increase traffic control on HENRY A. POPE
B2 T h e Daily Register 'UESDAV. JULY

Shrewsbury reviewing
zoning and subdivisions that they conform to changes in the the adoption of a revised zoning
newly adopted master plan This map. the establishment of regu-
SHREWSBURY - The borough process might take from four to six lations (or newly created zones, and
Planning Board last night reviewed months. Iadanza added the modification of requirements
changes to portions of the The council must then approve for preliminary and final sub-
borough's zoning and subdivision all recommendations made by division approval.
ordinances, presently under con- Thomas and the planners Last night, the board discussed
sideration by the Borough Council However, under the boards further amendments to the revised
The board is only looking at those direction, the council is now acting . - ordinances currently before the
areas it feels require immediate on certain sections of the ordi council.
changes. Board Attorney Eugene nances. V^ The board recommended a larger
Iadanza said On Wednesday, the council in- scale size requirement on site plan
Thomas A Thomas, borough troduced amendments to portions and subdivision plats The previous
planner, will be revising all the of the zoning and subdivision ordi- subdivision ordinance called for a
borough's land use ordinances so nances The changes will provide scale size of 1 inch to 100 feet.
The board said a l-inch-to-50-foot

Zoners turn down scale requirement would be easier

to follow
However, the board also sug-
gested applicants submit one over-

chiropractor's plea all plat showing the entire site at a

smaller scale if necessary.
The board further amended the
subdivision ordinance so that appli-
EATONTOWN - The Zoning motion by Irwin H. Kizel to approve
Board of Adjustment last night Strauss' application cants seeking preliminary approval
rejected an application by a can now be required to provide soil
"There is no way I can allow her
chiropractor to open an office in a test borings in areas subject to
to take good residential space when
residentially-zoned district. seasonal high water table.
there is perfectly good office space
Dr. Kathleen M. Strauss, Ridge- Under the former ordinance, the
available in the borough.'' zoner H A I L T O T H E C H I E F — Retired Eatontown police Looking on are, from left, new Police Chief Joseph
field, applied for a use variance to board could not force developers to
John J. Collins said while casting chief William Zadorozny, right, accepts a copy of Pelella and Councilman Gene J. Anthony. The
incorporate her office and resi- comply with such a requirement at
his negative vote. the preliminary approval stage. a resolution recognizing his many years ol service presentation was made at a dinner held if
dence into a 1' > story brick house
In another matter, zoners grant- The board also recommended from Mayor J. Joseph Frankel, second from right. Zadorozny's honor at Gibbs Hall, Fort Monmouth
at the comer of Broad Street and
ed sign variances to Sebastiano developers be required to delineate
Brook Avenue
Siino for three neon signs and one 100-year and 500-year flood plain
Strauss said that she wanted to
incorporate the office with her
residence to allow her to be near
her family while she worked and to
facade sign at his newly opened
pizzeria at 17 Broad Street.
Slim said that the signs were
areas on their plats.
The council will review the
board's recommendations at a
Line Drive opens free concert series
promote a comfortable atmosphere required because of the pizzeria has special meeting on July 23. At that
a distant set back and low visibility time, the council can decide to R E D BANK - The contemporary sounds of the "For the fourth consecutive summer, we extend an
for her patients.
from the street. The building was adopt the revised ordinances as popular local nightspot band, "Line Drive," will kick invitation to the community to come out and join us for
Several residents of Broad Street
a residence, then a law office they were originally introduced or off Riverview Medical Center's fourth annual, free a healthy afternoon of fresh air, sunshine and good
who attended the meeting, how-
before becoming a pizzeria, he it may opt to incorporate the Summertime Concerts in the Park Friday from 12 noon music on the banks of the picturesque Navesink River.
ever, argued that the lot was too
board's suggested amendments. until 2 p.m. Administrator John K Pawlowski said.
small to accommodate parking the said. Borough zoning regulations
If the council changes the revised This is the second time that Riverview has featured The medical center's dietary department will once
office would generate. Residents don't allow neon signs, according to
ordinances substantially, it may "Line Drive" in its popular event held at Marine Park, again provide free popcorn to concertgoers. and concert
also maintained that the addition of zoning office Peggy Ciok.
have to postpone the public hearing Wharf Avenue. balloons will be distributed
the office would ruin the residential White Castle was also denied a
and adoption of the ordinances on Previous concert artists included Tim McLoone, Pete As in previous years, this year's events will be held
character of their neighborhood. variance for additional signs last
July 23 and readvertise, Iadanza Seeger and "Deuces R Wild." in cooperation with borough officials.
Dorothy Schulze, a West Long night, according to the board's
Branch real estate broker, argued administrative secretary, Patricia said.
in turn that Broad Street was Parent. Once adopted by the council,
destined to become a business area. Zoners argued that business at these amended ordinances will
It was just a matter of time, he the new hamburger stand was grant the board jurisdiction to hear
said already booming and that the applications in areas currently not BUY A U YOUR
zoned in accordance with the
The board did not agree. additional signs were therefore COMPARE
In a 4—3 vote, zoners rejected a unnecessary. revised master plan.


the post as soon as a new person could be hired.
Sheriffs recuperate The committee voted 4-1 in favor of hiring Cella,

FREEHOLD - County Sheriff William M Lanzaro

and Undersheriff Edward R English are both at home,
recuperating Irom recent surgery.
formerly an employee of Chase Manhatten Bank.
Democratic Committeeman Richard V Kelly cast the
only dissenting vote, and explained that he felt the
candidate was not "the best man for the clerk position."
English, also an Asbury Park city councilman, was T v e reviewed his credentials and this man does not BT as EATONTOWN, NEW JERSEY
released from the hospital Wednesday - less than a have enough experience in municipal government or in
week after surgeons removed a gallstone Lanzaro the community." Kelly said
underwent coronary bypass surgery June 4 But Committeeman Richard D McKean disagreed.
English will be back to work by the end of July or
early August
While Lanzaro recuperated. English and Richard V
"Cella is definitely the most qualified man for the job,"'
he said after the meeting Cella was chosen from four
persons interviewed for the position.
Cottrell ran the department Cottrell is now heading up
the operation alone Delays seen for high school WHOLESALE!
Lanzaro reportedly will work at his Aberdeen car
dealership in August and resume his sheriff's duties in
MIDDLETOWN - Middletown High School North's
renovations will not be completed in time for the
school's opening next fall, a district administrator told
Cottrell. hired April 1. was a member and former
chief of the Neptune City Police Department for 31
the Board of Education last night. Paul W. Bennett,
assistant superintendent for business said the reno- JULY

Middletown hires new clerk

vations will probably not be finished until mid-
" I ' m not happy with the way the job is running now,"
MIDDLETOWN The Township Committee last
night hired Lawrence J Cella of Belford as township
clerk Cella will replace Frank Gleason. who notified
Bennett commented He said the architects for the
project — Armstrong. Jordan. Pease Inc., Somerville
— were responsible For an August 31 completion date,
the committee in May that he would be resigning from
and would have to give an explanation to the board if
the deadline is not met. UNHfUT!
Ocean police declined to say if Blasco was arrested
Chase leads to arrest after his release from the medical center
TINTON FALLS After a lengthy chase by Ocean
Township police, w resident of that township rammed
House burglar sought
his motorcycle into the rear of a car slopped in traffic
TINTON FALLS - Borough police are investigating
at the corner ol Shafto and Hope roads Sunday
a break-in and burglary of a Sycamore Avenue home.
ufternoon. police sjul
The home of Benjamin and Lome Bowden, 106
Anthony Blasco, 18. of 2904 Willow Drive, was Sycamore Ave was robbed sometime between 11:45
"ejected from his motorcycle when it struck the rear
of the car, driven by Theodora Kenoff, 37. 9 Terence
a m and 1 30 p m Sunday, according to Police
Dispatcher Mary Colyer. t?Tfi STAIN!
Drive. Knglishtown. according to Police Dispatcher "Some jewelry was removed from the master
Mary Colyer. bedroom, and a video recorder unit in the living room
was taken." Colyer said The suspect entered through
Ocean police^were pursuing Blasco "for various the rear yard by cutting a bedroom screen window, and
motor vehicle violations." Colyer said. is believed to have entered all rooms in the house,
according to Colyer.
Blasco was taken to Monmouth Medical Center. Long "We do have physical evidence pertaining to a
Branch, for emergency treatment and was released possible suspect," according to the Investigating
: later that afternoon According to a hospital source. officer. Patrolman Wayne Petersen. But as of
Blasco suffered only minor injuries. yesterday, it was still "an open investigation," he said. SUPER LATEX LATEX

sumiot WASMASJurr W to a customer)
• ONi COAT H O M O rown
• CSMCX a n a S • DUtAMITV

' A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organizations Rates S3 75 for three lines for 1 day ( I I 00 each
additional linei. 15 00 for three lines for two days 111 50 each additional line). W 50 for three lines for three days
($2 00 each additional line) XI 50 for three lines for four or five days (VI25 each additional linei, 19.00 for three line*
for six to eight davs (»2 50 each additional linei. $10 50 for three lines for nine to ten days i»3 00 each additional line).
$13 50 for three lines for eleven days Each additional day $1 00. each additional line S3 00 Deadline 11 A.M. two days
before publication Call The Dally Register. 542-4000. ask for The Date Secretary
»6 gal.
••tail V.l.i'U! mini ValM'4 IS
Parents Without Partners. ing accepted by the Monmouth Old Fashioned Breakfast, spon-
Bayshore Chapter 644 Open House County Parks System. Class meets 2 sored by River Plasa How Co. 1,
Fund Raiser Open to the public Live
Band The Cookbooks" CockUil
hours a day. once a week for 8 weeks
AC studio at Thompson Park. Lin-
Colonial Room, River Plaia Fire-
house 8 a m -12p.m. Adulu 14,1 chil-
party and dance Town It Country.
Hwy 35. Heyport 8 45-12 45 Mem-
croft From July t-Aug 30 Fee $40
for either class To register or Info,
dren (under 10) $2 NO SECONDS
bers $5. nun members H Chapter
phone 747-3464
call 042-4000 SEPTEMBER t*-M -
Summer Chinese Auction, spon- St Agnes Church. Atlantic High-
JULY 7 - SATURDAY sored by Our Lady or Perpetual Help AS PAST OF A NATIONWIDE
lands, will have a trip to the New DISTRIBUTOR WE CAN SELL IT
Family Fun Day i Carnival, held PTA in the School Hall. Miller St.. Orleans World's Fair Deluie bus 10 FOR LESS THAN YOUR UNCLE IN
at St. Paul's Baptist Church. 196 Highlands Doors open 6 p m Calling meals A lew reservations left Call THE BUSINESS CAN BUY IT'
River ST . 9 to 6 p m Space & table at 8 p m. Free refreshments Over 291-0876 or 291-0271.
reservations Call 747-0826 200 prizes including a Coleco Cabbage
Community Fire Co is sponsoring
an Outdoor Monthly Flea Market. 8
a.m. to 4 p m Location Fair
Patch Doll. For more information
clal 872-0286

S I N G A P O R E . JAPAN - the
LENAPE Business It Professional
Grounds. Hwy 36 4 Appleton Ave .
Leonardo 17 a space 291-2438
Mid-Atlantic Trip to Caesar's Women's Club of Monmouth County PLAZA 35 RT. 35. EATOHTOWM, M.J. 201-544-9050
Casino Cost 115. rebate $30.110 cash. is sponsoring a 17-day group tour.
(5 deferred It 115 Roman Food Festi- Price is all inclusive: Air. Meals. (1/3 •!!» S—Hi •* Mil - i t H Pfty U—)
val Leaves MiddletownHazlet. 5 30 Land Information call 741-!
REGISTRATION FOR POTTERY p m 787-4921 or 566-3812
The Daily Register

Your Town

Girl testifies in open court

BY JO ASTRID GLADING The alleged assaults occurred during these assaults, were brought often went out at night to his "AA
while Cusick was on parole for out during cross-examination It meeting." When she was In the
FREEHOLD - A solemn-faced assaulting the girl and two of her was unclear, however, whether kitchen, she said, her grandmother
nine-year-old in a pale blue dreis playmates in 1982 He U being tried they were contradictions in a false watched television in the living
told a crowded courtroom yester- with Us wife, Myrtle, who Is story or simply childish recollec- room in a chair from which she
day how her 61-year-old step- charged with knowing about the tions in which some details arc could see into the kitchen.
grandfather repeatedly assaulted assaults and failing to do anything. more clearly remembered than
her sexually. Daniel Waldman, who Is rep-
Superior Court Jadge John A. others. resenting Myrtle Cusick, pointed
The child said John T. Cuiick Ricciardi, who is hearing the case, Thomas Smith, who is rep- his questions also st the practical
committed the offenses in the will decide today on a prosecution resenting John Cusick, questioned impossibility that Cusick could
basement recreation room of bis motion asking to admit testimony the girl closely on the sequence of have assaulted the girl because of
Port Monmouth home and in the from one of the victims of the 1M2 events during a normal morning at the system of controls that had
kitchen, both before she left for offense, to which Cusick pleaded the Cusick house. She told him she been placed around Cusick.
school and after she came home. guilty would get up at 7 a.m. and come
down to breakfast, and sometime Smith said during his opening
She described in detail bow The child, who turned nine last argument that there was no op-
Cusicfc would often lay on top of her month, also described witnessing a Cusick was up by then.
portunity for Cusick to have as-
while she was watching afternoon sexual assault against her three- She would then go up and get saulted the girl after hia release
cartoons and "move around in year-old sister in the kitchen. She dressed for school but she was from prison because "that house
circles" or would fondle her in the said Cusick fondled the toddler. unclear as to whether her grand- was turned into a police depart-
kitchen. On one occasion, she said mother was still in the bouse UD ment."
her step-grandfather assaulted her Under questioning by both Assis- until she left for school.
with a yard-long stick. tant Prosecutor John Whlpple and "Did you know you were not Both Smith and Waldman have NEW MEN IN TOWN HALL - A change in government was
the attorneys representing John supposed to be alone with Grand- said the girl fabricated her story made yesterday, and tour of the live borough councilman shook
The girl's descriptions of the pa?" Smith asked. He also had the
alleged aasaulu provided the state and Myrtle Cusick, the child was Judith Byrne, the girl's teacher hands alter the* swearing-in ceremony From left to right.
vague about the dales of the girl describe bow she was In- at Bayview Elementary School, Councilman Stephen Cosgrifi Jr. greets new Councilman Edward | .
with its key testimony against structed to wait for her aunt,
Cusick, who was arrested in March offenses and none of the ques- testified yesterday that she notified Halter. Mayor Walter Farley, and Deputy Mayor Alan Laloe. t >
tioners could establish any time Darcy, when she got home from authorities after the girl came to
and later indicted for assaulting the school so she would not be alone In
frames through her testimony. her with her story of bad dreams
nine-year-old and her three-year-
old sister between November and
Contradictions In her story, such
as the location of her grandmother
the bouse with her grandfather.
The girl told bow her grandfather
and an account of what her grand-
father did to her on March 16. New Keansburg
Township council sworn in
committee BY USA R. KRUSE "It's a different idea, but we
think it's a good one," Farley
KEANSBURG - Seven months said. "Weigand will be Mr. In-

hires clerk of KTCA-controlled government side, and Kauffmann will be Mr

ended at noon yesterday, as three Outside He will answer all
new council members were sworn complaints, oversee all the
BY KATHLEEN STANLEY into office and Walter Farley was borough workers. George will go
renamed mayor — three years out riding around, and if Mr
MIDDLETOWN - The Township after he surrendered the post In Weigand has trouble, George will
Committee last night hired Law- an electoral defeat. get the call.
rence J. Cella of Bel/ord as At noon yesterday, Farley, "George Is the right man for
township clerk. Alan LaFoe, and Edward Halter the Job," Farley added. "And we
Cella will replace Prank took the oath of office, to Join think it will work out well for us
Gleason, who notified the commit- Keansburg Taxpayers and Civic Farley said his goals were
tee In May that he would be Association councllmen Stephen "mainly to clean the town up."
resigning from the post as soon as Cosgriff Jr. and Sister Connie Hugh Gallagher and John McCool
a new person could be bind. Karl! on the five-member council. will be named as two full-time
Farley was named mayor, and code enforcement officers to
The committee voted 4-1 In favor LaFoe was named deputy mayor. "strictly enforce the laws "
of hiring Cella, formerly an em- Former mayor Sal Rinaldl was "We're going to make people
ployee of Chase Manhattan Bank. defeated in his bid for re-election, clean up their property," Farley
along with fellow KTCA coun- said. "It doesn't matter who they
Democratic Committeeman cilman Jamea Shaw. Coun- are. Our second priority is to
Richard V. Kelly cast the only cilwoman Ann Roese decided not make sure the roads are re-
dissenting vote, and explained that to seek reelction. payed."
he felt the candidate was not "the Borough manager Edward C. Other appointments announced
best man for the clerk position." Weigand will retain his post, but yesterday were Mort Kramer as
(here will soon be a deputy borough attorney, and also us
"I've reviewed his credentials manager on the Job. Farley acting prosecutor until a per-
and this man does not have enough announced last night that former manent man is named
experience in municipal govern- mayor George Kauffmann will be Carl Struck and John Coffey
ment or in the community," Kelly named as deputy borough man- were named to the Zoning Board
said. ager at the July 16 borough of Adjustment, and T4M As-
meeting. Kauffmann will serve in sociates of Middletown was
But Committeeman Richard D. the capacity without salary.
McKean disagreed. "Cella la defi- named borough engineer
nitely the most qualified man for ALL THEIR EQQ8 I N O N I BASKET? - Mildred same birds have come back to nest In her plant for
the Job," he said after the meeting. Mancle. Tinton Falls, looks at family ol birds nesting the past lew years,

Cella was chosen from four

in a hanging basket on her porch. She believes the
Council requests
persons interviewed for the pos-
Gleason, who has held the title of
clerk for a year, has agreed to
High school renovations engineers restore
continue working for the township
on a consulting basis in order to
brief Cella on his responsibilities
and help him get started in the Job.
may not be ready for fall road bed levels
MIDDLETOWN - Middletown following year. needed help In basic skills.
Cella will begin working in lot
High School North's renovations In other The resolution for the funding UNION BEACH - Responding to The residents brought their com-
township offices on July IS. His will not be completed in time for
salary has been set at 18,000 a year Superintendent Dr. William applications was approved. complaints from residents, the plaints before the council last
the school's opening next fall, a Gillcrist said that M.I percent of The board Issued a press releise Borough Council last night resolved Thursday, prompting the council to
and he will have a 90-<Jay trial district administrator told the
period, according to Township At- the district's ninth graders had at the meeting announcing that the to direct its engineers to restore the call last night's special meeting
Board of Education last night. passed the state's Minimum Basic road beds on Center, Pinr and Fifth Kosinski last night expressed hia
torney Peter Carton. new district superintendent. Dr
Speaking at the board's regular Skills Test (MBS) in reading while Guy M. Scenso, had been nomi- Streets to the same level they were preference for a project to replace
Gleason has given no reason for meeting, Paul W. Bennett, assis- 96.7 percent pasaed the mathemat- nated for candidacy as one of the before repair work began several the aging water mains before
tant superintendent for business ics test. Students must pass Ike test top 100 North American school months ago. making repairs on the road.
resigning. said the renovations will probably to graduate from high school. administrators Involved In school Richard Kosinskl of T&M As- "The mains being as old as they
Prior to being hired as township not be finished until mid-Decem- Gillchnst asked the board to management for 10 years of less. A sociates, borough engineers, said are, replacement might be a more
clerk, Gleason served as a captain ber. approve applications for *34».s70 repairs on the streets were halted prudent approach," Kosinski said
Virginia publication. "The Ex-
on the township police force. He "I'm not happy with the way the from the state and 1114,166 'rom ecutive Educator," Is conducting s two weeks ago because the work But he noted that a project to
was commander of the depart- Job is running now," Bennett the federal government for work in search for candidates and will posed a danger to aging water replace the mains and repair the
ment's patrol division. commented. He said the architects basic skills with students who had announce the 100 names selected by mains beneath the streets. streets would cost nearly $200,000
for the project — Armstrong, a panel of educators In Its winter The work on the streets, funded In addition, the borough would have
Jordan, Pease Inc., Somerville — failed the MBS teat in the 9th grade
In other business, the committee or those whose elementary school 1966 Issue. by a county community develop- to apply for a modification to the
discussed ways to arrange af- were responsible for an August Jl ment loan, was Intended to improve community development project
completion date, and would have to tests Indicated they might fall the Sconxo attended his first board
fordable housing units for low- and test. Gillchrlst said there were meeting as superlntendant last drainage from area properties. originally mandated by the county,
moderate-income families. give an explanation to the board if But the council stopped the work resulting in s delay of several
the deadline is not met. 1,500 students In the district who night.
when it was discovered that the months.
Specifically, the Hillside Park Bennett suggested thai the board grades were being cut too low. The Several residents said last night
Civic League has acquired four
pieces of property and wants to
begin building a home on one of the
asked the architects to "make a
report to the board face to face"
around August IS. August 31 Is " the
day of accounting here," he said.
School board OKs 40-year ok) pipes would have been the Inconvenience posed by the
left too close to the surface, unfinished work, and the prospect
Kosinski said, increasing the risks of going through winter with the
tracts. of the mains freezing in winter. roads in their present condition,
In conjunction with the town-
ship's Housing Authority, an
eligible applicant will be chosen
According to Bennett, the work
done after school opens will be
"mostly cleanup." He said he
thought the new school windows
new vice principal By the time the contractors, Dick was of greater concern than replac-
Williams and Co of Matawan. ing the water mains.
stopped work, the road had already Mayor Carmen Stopplello sug-
KEYPORT - The Board of that a replacement was "badly been lowered to the point where gested the council adopt the stop-
and the family can pay for the would be installed, but the gym Education last night approved the needed," according to Super- residents were unable to use their gap measure after hearing the
home with mortgage payments to "may not be ready." hiring of John Dumford as the new intendent Douglas Fredericks. driveways. residents' concerns
the township. Bennett said the general contrac- Keyport High School vice principal
Under the plan, the money will Dumford will replace Dwight
tor - Soldo Inc , Middletown - had after a 2Vt hoar closed-door
then be used to build a second, third
and fourth house.
But there are still loopholes in
encountered problems with subcon-
tractors Soldo was slated to com-
plete (2,970.000 of work at the
Dumford's salary was set at
Pfennig, who took over as principal
of the Keyport Central School last
Two sheriffs recuperate
09,500, a M.500 Increase. The board also hired two faculty FREEHOLD - County Sheriff
the plan. The cominitteemen said school, but after changes the Neptune City Police Department
Board member Robert Schneider members for the elementsry William M. Lanzaro and Under for 11 years
they are afraid a person could buy amount stands at B.M0.MO. Ben- said he strongly opposed the de-
the home and then resell the schools sheriff Edward R. English are both
nett said after the meeting. cision because of the close to Susan Prank will become an
structure at a profit. at home, recuperating from recent
Board President Julia Arm Nagy twenty percent salary Increase. elementary school librarian for the surgery
The contract will not be signed read Bennett's resignation from his "An Increase of close to 66000.
until the Hillside Park Civic League 1964-85 school year st s salary of
position as the board's secretary at with negotiations, is totally in- 114,000. English, sun an Asbury Park
approves the agreement. the beginning of the meeting but sane," Schneider said.
"We want to keep people out who Claire Brerman. filling a newly councilman, was released from the
said be would continue to function The motion was approved 5-2. created position, will be the new hospital Wednesday - less than a
are interested in making a quick ai the business administrator under Dumford will fill the position
buck," said William Hogan, the Basic Skills teacher (BSD at a week after surgeons removed s
his new title of assistant super- immediately, as the board agreed salary of 113,100 gsllstone. Lansaro underwent cor-
township's director of community intendent of business.
development. onary bypass surgery June 4
Bennett said after the meeting
Meanwhile, Township Planner
Richard Cramer said the af-
fordable housing plan will be help
that his move came because of the
board's decision to change from a
dual control system, where the
Councilman vindicated
SEA BRIGHT - Andrew B.
English will be back to work by
the end of July or early August
While Lanzaro recuperated, Eng-
the municipality meet its low- and superintendent and the business Manning can remain a member of However, Borough Attorney lish and Richard F. Cottrell ran the
moderate-income housing require- administrator each had different the Borough Council, according to Thomas Smith announced last night department. Cottrell is now head-
ments, as dictated by last year's responsibilities, to a unit control the state attorney general. that the state attorney general's ing up the operation alone.
Mount Laurel II decision. system, where the superintendent Manning's position was question- office has confirmed Manning's
The next step is to establish a was the chief administrator for the M a t the last council meeting by residency in this borough. Lanzaro reportedly will work at
permanent set of guidelines, which district. Councilman Robert Furlong, who Manning had applied to the his Aberdeen car dealership in
allow the boosing authority to Bennett was named as district said Manning was no longer a county superintendent of elections August and resume his sheriff's
monitor the homes and make sure business administrator in July 1974 borough resident. Furlong alleged for dual residency based on the fact duties in September.
the occupants abide by the agree- and became board secretary the that Maiming had left his Island that he votes in Sea Bright and was Cottrell, hired April 1, was a
View home in favor of a bouse in Issued a driver's license here. member and former chief of the WILLIAM LANZARO
B2 IIH- ' U € S D A V . JULY 3 '984 ••


Red Bank promises fireworks Recital held at Lutheran church
operates R E D BANK - The borough's July 4th fireworks show MIDDLETOWN - A recital for piano voice and
will not be a repeat of last year's aborted event, borough guitar was recently presented •>> students of Nancy
on dolls officials say
Instead, it will be a 45-minute extravaganza featuring
Scharff, New MonmouLh. at King of Kings Lutheran
100 more explosions than planned last year, when the Students participating were Karen Posser. Moira Fit/
MATAWAN The emergency show was halted after 15 minutes because fireworks Maurice. Brad Daddis, Aimee and Alice Palumbo. Ka'i-
ward was the Presbyterian Church reserved for the grand finale ignited prematurely. and Ben Spang, William Walton, Lisa Qumn Richard
kitchen 11 admitted only kids, no This time, borough fire marshal Stanley Sickels will DePazio, Jennifer Myers Janet McGrame. Mand}
longer than a foot, fat and so ugly ride on the barge during the show to help avoid any Winter, Susie Miller, Terry Ward and Ma> S;i^-
they were cute repeat of last year's problems. Kristina Bodnar. guest student <>' Judith Dunghert)'
The mamas wore mostly little Borough police are preparing for a record turn-out. also performed.
girls worried about rips, tears and
Investigators blamed the problem on loose embers
grime on their cabbage patch dolls
The staff were the Matawan
from already-discharged fireworks which landed fire-
works for the finale located on a scaffold above.
St. Clement's holds bag sale
radetle senior Girl Scouts Each
After the unexpected explosions, the two operators MIDDLETOWN - St. Clements Episcopal Church"
was trained personally by pro-
aboard the fireworks barge in the Navesink River Thrift Shoppe. Highway 36 and Church Street. Belfnrd
fessional dollmaker Barbara DeVil-
decided to discontinue the show. will hold a bag sale on Wednesday, and Saturday
biss to sew the various stitches
needed to repair joints, fingers, Many of the 15,000 spectators went away perplexed during July and August to make room for fall and winter
wrist, elbows, toes and belly button and disappointed. Some thought the borough had clothes Hours are 9 a m to noon.
of cabbage patch dolls scheduled a short show Others realized something was In addition to clothing, the shop offers other
More than 50 dolls were repaired wrong. merchandise such as gifts, jewelry and household item*
Wednesday at the Scout cabbage both new and almost new
Tomorrow's show is scheduled to start at I p.m. with
patch hospital Afterward, .each
music in Marine Park. The fireworks should begin by Correction
was washed by hand, wrapped in a
9 p.m. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - Although the Fourth of
beach towel with a nylon stocking
The show will include 212 single shell explosions and July activities in the borough will include a banaconrert
to protect the dolls hair, placed in
another, 165 in the grand finale. Because of the 100 extra at S p.m. Wednesday, followed by a fireworks display
a pillow case and set in the washing
fireworks, the show is scheduled to last 45 minutes, no barbeque is being provided for children as stated in
machine on the spin cycle The The Sunday Register.
dolls were then hung and fan dried. n rather than the usual 30 minutes.
The mothers returned Thursday D O L L S B Y T H E B A S K E T — O d y Roeme-. left, 14. scout leader
to reclaim their naked babies Diane Andrews, and scoi,! l e a c e ' and cJcTmaker Barbara DeVilbiss
The hospital and bath will reopen
in August
display the cabbage patch doi's ready 'or surgery at the
cadette/senior Girl Scout hospi'a! Wednesday a! First Presbyterian
Church m Matawan.
C h a s e resuI
L i b r a r y p r o g r a m s Set f o r S u m m e r ts in accident Police investigate break-in
TINTON FALLS - After a lengthy chase by Ocean TINTON FALLS - Borough police are investigate
Township police, a resident of that township rammed a break-in and burglary of a Sycamore Avenue home
MIDDLETOWN - A series of Giraffe" preschool craft for chil- Wednesday. July 18. 11:30-12:30 his motorcycle into the rear of a car stopped in traffic The home of Benjamin and Lorrie Bowden. 106
summer library programs for chil- dren ages 3-5 and their parents - School-age picnic storytime for at the corner of Shafto and Hope roads Sunday Sycamore Ave , was robbed sometime between 11 45
dren will be held during the month Friday, July 13, 10 30-11 15 a m grades 1-4. afternoon, police said. a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to Police
of July in the Middletown Township Anthony Blasco, 18, of 2904 Willow Drive, was Dispatcher Mary Colyer.
— "be a clown" crafts for school Monday. July 23.10:30-11:15a.m.
Public Library as follows: "ejected from his motorcycle when it struck the rear "Some jewelry was removed from the master
children grades 1-4, children will - " F l y Catching Frog' preschool
Thursday .' the "Hop to It, of the car, driven by Theodora Kenoff, 37, 9 Terence bedroom, and a video recorder unit in the living room
Froggy, vacation reading club wear clown hat and makeup and craft, preschoolers aged 3-5 and was taken," Colyer said. The suspect allegedly entered
Drive, F.nglishtown, according to Police Dispatcher
begins Ask the children's librarian have pictures taken parents through the rear yard by cutting a bedroom screen
Mary Colyer.
for details Monday, July 18. 10:30-11 K.a rn Monday. July 30.10.30-11 15 p.m. Ocean police were pursuing Blasco "for various window, and is believed to have entered all rooms in
Wednesday. July 11. 10 30-11 — Preschool movies for children - Make a ' F r o g g y ' game school- motor vehicle violations," Colyer said. the house, according to Colyer.
a m . — "Make a Paper Towel Tube aged 3-5 and their parents age craft, grades 1-4. Blasco was taken to Monmouth Medical Center, Long "We do have physical evidence pertaining to a
Branch, for emergency treatment and was released possible suspect," according to the investigating
later that afternoon. According to a hospital source, officer, Patrolman Wayne Petersen. But as of
Blasco suffered only minor injuries. yesterday, it was still "an open investigation." he said
parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol
TODA Y abusers and children with behavorial problems, will
HAZI.ET — The Rantan Bay Town Criers Chapter of
llic Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of
Barber Shop (Quartet Singing in America will have
meet at 7 30 p m in Riverview Medical Center's East
rehearsals each Tuesday at 8 p m at Raritan High
School, Middle Road Hazlet FHIDA Y WHOLESALE!
LONG BRANCH - Families Anonymous, a fellow- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Atlantic Highlands
ship for parents relatives and friends of drug and Historical Society will hold its 5th annual outdoor flea
alcohol abusers and children with behavioral problems market from 10 a m to 4 p m at the Yacht Harbor.
will meet .it 7 31) p.m at the Chemical Dependency
Center. Chelsea Avenue
KATONTOWN - Families Anonymous, a fellowship
New. sei<pml-time-a round and collectible items
including furniture, antique jewelry and glassware will
be sold by more than 70 dealers
fin parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol
abunera and children with behavonalvproblems. will MOM) I V
meet from 1 to Z X p m at the Firsf Presbyterian
Church 7H Wyckoll Road ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - The Over 55 Club of
Atlantic Highlands will meet at 1 p m at Firemen's

Field House. West Washington Avenue and Avenue C
A movie, "Reflections of New Jersey." will be shown
by a representative of N J Bell
RED BANK — Families Anonymous, a fellowship for



I N T H E S W I M — John Heckle, Monmouth Beach,

demonstrates the Red Bank Community YMCA's
new "Easy Ladder, ' which provides easy pool
pj'chased " v o ^ g n a c o' 'he New Jersey Chapter
o1 ft e Arthr • B FO .-tin' or 's ecu Dped with chrome'
handra^s and graduated steps with non-skid.
access tor the arlhr tic, handicapped, overweight plast'C pads The :adc!e' will also be used by
. and those enrolled in masectomy classes. The participants in 'he Special Olympics training
which was designed tor the Y M C A and classes planned 'or the 'all.
<* to o customer)
A paid directory of coming events for non-profit organizations Rates 13 75 for three linn for 1 day 111 00 each
.iilditmnjl Inn' 15 00 for three lines for two days i l l 50 each additional Imei. IS 50 for three linn for three days
i $2 00 each additional line i 17 50 for three lines for four or five days 112 25 each additional line>. 19 00 for three lines
for M \ 11> right da VM 12 501 arh additional line 1.110 50 for three lines for nine to ten days i S3 00 each additional line I
113 50 (or three lines for eleven days Kach additional day I I 00. each additional line S3 00 Deadline 11 A M two days
before publication Call The Daily Register. 542-4000. ask for The Date Secretary
JULY 3 - Tl'ESDAV | n g accepted by the Monmouth JULY IS - SUNDAY
Parents Without Partners. County Parks System Class meets 2 Old Fashioned Breakfast, spon-

Bavshurr Chapter 644 Open House hours a day. once • week for 8 weeks sored by River P U u Hose Co 1.
Fund Raiser Open to the public Live AC studio at Thompson Park. Lin- Colonial Room. River P U u Fire-
Band "The Cookbooks Cocktail
party and dance Town & Country.
rroft From July 9-Aug. 30 Fee MO
for either class To -egisler or info,
house 8 a m -12 p m Adults M.I chil-
dren (under 101 S3.
Hwv 36. Keyporl IT 45-12 45 Mem-
bers 15. non-members 16 Chapter
call 842-4000
phone 747-3464
Summer Chinese Auction, spon-
St Agnes Church. Atlantic High
sored by Our Lady or Perpetual Help lands will have a trip to the New
Family Kun Day It Carnival, held A i faUl Ol A NAtKlf/Wllil
ITA in the School Hall. Miller St Orleans World s Fair Deluxe bus 10
at St Paul's Baptist Church. 196 DISIBIBUIOU Wl ' AN M i l ir
Highlands Doors open 6 p m Calling meals A few reservation! lelt Call K>» ifSS 1HAN Vfjup IJNf I I m
River ST 9 In 6 p m Space It table
at 8 p m Free refreshments Over 291-0876 or 2S1-O272 THI B I K I N I ' . ' , f AN BUY ||
reservations Call 747-0826
200 prizes including a Coleco Cabbage

Community Fire Co is sponsoring Patch Doll For more information
an Outdoor Monthly Flea Market. 8 clal 872-0246. _ ^ OCTOBER M - FRIDAY
a.m. to 4 p in Location Fair HONG KONG. BANGKOK
Grounds. Hwy 36 & Appleton Ave . JULY It - THURSDAY S I N G A P O R E . JAPAN - the
Mid-Atlantic Trip to Caesar s
Leonardo 17 a space 291-2438
Casino Cost 115. rebate 130.110 cash.
15 Seferred & 115 Roman Food Festi-
LENAPE Business 4 Professional
Women s Club of Monmouth County PLAZA 35 RT. 35, EATONTOWN, N J . 201-544-9050
I - MONDAY is sponsoring a 17-day group tour
TION FOR POTTKRY val Leaves Middletown-Hazlet. 5 30
p m 787 4921 or 566-3812
Price is all inclusive: Air. Meals. (1/5 mM,Um+*t**m*H fwty Urn)
OR CKRAMICS CLASSES is now be Land Information call 741-SOM
The Daily Register




Girl testifies in open court The alleged assaults occurred durlng these assaults, were brought
BY JO ASTRID GLADING often went out at night to his " AA
while Cuslck was on parole for out during cross-examination. It meeting." When she was in the
FREEHOLD - A Mima-faced assaulting the girl and two of her was unclear, however, whether kitchen, she said, her grandmother
nine-year-old la • pale blue d m * playmates in 1982 He is being tried they were contradictions in a false watched television In the living
tow a crowded courtroom yester- with his wife, Myrtle, who is story or simply childish recollec- room In a chair from which she
day how her 0-year-old step- charged with, knowing about the tions In which some detail* are could see Into the kitchen.
grandfather repeatedly a w a i t e d assaults and (ailing to do anything. more clearly remembered than
her sexually Daniel Waldman, who la rep-
Superior Court Judge John A others
resenting Myrtle Cuslck, pointed
The child u l d John T. Cuitck Ricdardl, who la hearing the case, Thomas Smith, who la rep- his questions also at the practical
committed the offeaaea In the will decide today on a prosecution resenting John Cuslck, questioned impossibility that Cusick could
baaement recreation room of hli motion asking to admit testimony the girl closely on the sequence of have assaulted the girl because of
Port Monmouth home and In the from one of the victims of the 1982 events during a normal morning at the system of controls that had
kitchen, both before the left for offense, to which Cuaick pleaded the Cusick bouse She told him she bean placed around Cusick.
school and after the came borne. guilty would get up at 7 a.m. and come
down to breakfast, and sometime Smith said during his opening
She deacrlbed In detail how The child, who turned nine last argument that there was no op-
Cuiick would often lay on top of her month, also described witnessing a Cuslck was up by than.
portunity for Cusick to have as-
while the m wstching afternoon sexual assault against her three- She would then go up and gat saulted the girl after his release
cartoons and "move around in year-old sister In the kitchen. She dressed for school but she was from prison because "that bouse
clrclei" or would fondle her In the said Cuaick fondled the toddler unclear as to whether her grand- w u turned Into a police depart-
kitchen On one occasion, she said mother was still In the bouse an ment."
her step-grandfather assaulted her Under questioning by both Assis- until she left for school.
with a yard-long stick. tant Prosecutor John Whlpple and "DM you know you were not Both Smith and Waldman have NEW MEN IN TOWN HALL - A change in government was
the attorneys representing John supposed to be alone with Grand- said the girl fabricated her story made yesterday, and lour of the five borough councilman shook
The girl's descriptions of the pa?" Smith asked. He also had Ike
alleged assaults provided the state and Myrtle Cuaick, the child was Judith Byrne, the girl's teacher hands after the swearing-in ceremony. From left to right,
vague about the data* of the girl describe how she was in- at Bayview Elementary School, Councilman Stephen Cosgriff Jr. greets new Councilman Edward
with its key testimony against structed to wait for her aunt,
Cuslck, who was arrested In March offenses and none of the ques- testified yesterday that she notified Halter, Mayor Walter Farley, and Deputy Mayor Alan Lafoe.
tioners could establish any time Darcjr, when she got home from authorities after the girl came to
and later indicted for assaulting the school so the would not be alone in
frames through her testimony. her with her story of bad dreams
nine-year-old and her three-year-
old slater between November and
Contradictions in her story, such
as the location of her grandmother
the house with her grandfather.
The girl told how her grandfather
and an account of what her grand-
father did to her on March II New Keansburg
ownship council sworn in
cbmmittee BY USA R. KRUSE "It's a different idea, but we
think It's a good one," Farley
KEANSBURG - Seven months said. "Weigand will be Mr. In-
of KTCA-controlled government side, and Kauffmann will be Mr.
hires clerk ended at noon yesterday, as three Outside He will answer all
new council members were sworn complaints, oversee all the
BY KATHLEEN STANLEY into office and Walter Farley was borough workers. George will go
renamed mayor — three years out riding around, and If Mr
MIDDLETOWN - The Township after he surrendered the post In Weigand has trouble, George will
Committee last night hired Law- an electoral defeat. get the call.
\ rence J. Cella of Belford as At noon yesterday, Farley, "George Is the right man for
township clerk. Alan LaFos, and Edward Halter the Job," Farley added "And we
took the oath of office, to Join think It will work out well (or us "
Cella will replace Frank Keansburg Taxpayer* and Civic
Gleason, who notified the commit Farley said hi* goals were
Association councilman Stephen "mainly to clean the town up."
tee In May that he would be Cosgriff Jr. and Sister Connie Hugh Gallagher and John McCool
resigning from the post as soon u Karll on the five-member council. will he named as two full-time
mid be hired. Farley w u named mayor, and code enforcement officers to
LaFoe was named deputy mayor "strictly enforce the laws."
The committee voted 4-1 In favor Former mayor Sal Rlnaldi was
of hiring Cclla, formerly an em- "We're going to make people
defeated in his bid for re-election, clean up their property," Farley
ployee of Chase Manhattan Bank. along with fellow KTCA coun- said. "It doesn't matter who they
Democratic Commltteeman cilman James Shaw. Coun- are. Our second priority Is to
Richard V. Kelly cast the only cilwoman Ann Roese decided not make sure the roads are re-
dissenting vote, and explained that to seek reelction. paved."
be felt the candidate was not "the Borough manager Edward C. Other appointments announced
best mat for the clerk position." Weigand will retain his post, but yesterday were Mort Kramer as
• *> there will soon be a deputy borough attorney, and also as
I've reviewed his credentials manager on the Jab. Farley acting prosecutor until a per-
ftd this man does not have enough announced last night that former manent man 1* named.
experience in municipal govern- mayor George Kauffmann will be Carl Struck and John Coffey
ment or in the community," Kelly named as deputy borough man- were named to the Zoning Board
•aid. ager at the July II borough of Adjustment, and T4M As-
meeting. Kauffmann will serve In sociates of Middletown was
But Commltteeman Richard D. the capacity without salary. named borough engineer
McKean disagreed. "Cella is defi-
nitely the most qualified man for ALL THEIR EQQ8 IN O N I BASKET? — Mildred same birds have come back to neat In her plant lor
the job," he said after the meeting. Mancle, Tinton Fails, looks at family of bird* nesting the paat few years.

• Cella was chosen from four Council requests

In a hanging basket on her porch. She believes the

persons Interviewed for the pos-

Gleason, who has held the title of
clerk for a year, has agreed to
High school renovations engineers restore
continue working for the township
on a consulting basis in order to
brief Cella on his responsibilities
and help him get started In the Job.
may not be ready for fall road bed levels
MIDDLETOWN - Middletown following year. needed help In basic i
Cella will begin working In the High School North's renovations In other business, Assistant UNION BEACH - Responding to The residents brought their com-
township offices on July 12. His The resolution tor the funding
will not be completed in time for Superintendent Dr. William applications waa approved. complaints from resident*, the plaint* before the council but
•alary has bean set at $24,000 a year the school's opening next fall, a Glllcrist said that M l percent of Borough Council last night resolved Thursday, prompting the council to
and he will have a M-day trial The board Issued a press release
district administrator told the the district's ninth graders had at the meeting announcing that the to direct Its engineers to restore the call last night's special meeting.
period, according to Township At- Board of Education last night. passed the state's Minimum Basic road beds on Center. Pine and Fifth Koslnskl last night expressed his
torney Peter Carton. new district superintendent, Dr.
Speaking at the board's regular Skills Teat (MBS) In reading while Guy M. Sconzo, had been nomi- Streets to the same level they were preference for a project to replace
meeting, Paul W. Bennett, assis- "8.7 percent passed the mathemat- nated for candidacy as one of the before repair work began several the aging water mains before
Gleason has given no reason for tant superintendent for business months ago. making repairs on the road.
assigning. ics test. Students must pas* the test top 100 North American school
said the renovations will probably to graduate from high school. administrator! Involved In school Richard Koslnskl of TiiM As- "The mains being as old as they
not be finished until mid-Decem- Gillchrist asked the board to management for 10 years of less. A sociates, borough engineers, u l d are, replacement might be a more
Prior to being hired as township ber. prudent approach," Koslnskl uld
approve applications for 8348,170 Virginia publication, "The Ex- repairs on the streets were halted
clerk, Gleason served as a captain But he noted that a project to
"I'm not happy with the way the from the state and $314,995 from ecutive Educator," Is conducting a two weeks ago because the work
en the township police force. He replace the mains and repair the
Job Is running now," Bennett the federal govern lent for work In search for candidates and will posed a danger to aging water
was commander of the depart- streets would cost nearly 8300,000
commented. He said the architects basic skills with students who had announce the 100 names selected by mains beneath the streets.
ment « patrol division. In addition, the borough would have-
for the project — Armstrong, a panel of educators In Its winter The work on the streets, funded
failed the MBS test in the 9th grade to apply for a modification to the
In other business, the committee Jordan, Pease Inc.. SotnervlUe — 1M6 issue by a county community develop-
were responsible for sa August Jl or those whose elementary school ment loan, was intended to Improve community development project
lscussed ways to arrange af- tests indicated they might (aU the Sconzo attended his first board
•rdable housing units for low- and completion date, and would have to drainage from area properties originally mandated by the county,
give an explanation to the board If test. Gillchrist said mere were meeting aa superintendant last But the council stopped the work resulting in a delay of several
noderate-income families. 1.900 students in the.district who night.
the deadline is not met. when It w u discovered that the months.
Specifically, the Hillside Park Bennett suggested that the board grades were being cut too low. The Several residents u l d last night
rivic League has acquired four
deces of property and wants to
tegin building a home on one of the
asked the architects to "make a
report to the board face to face"
around August IS. August 31 is " the
day of accounting here," he said.
School board OKs 40-year old pipes would have been
left too close to the surface,
Koslnskl u l d . Increasing the risks
of the mains (reeling in winter
the inconvenience posed by the
unfinished work, and the prospect
of going through winter with the
roads In their present condition,
• In conjunction with the town-
ship's Housing Authority, an
eligible applicant will be chosen
According to Bennett, the work
done after school opens will be
"mostly cleanup." He said be
new vice principal By the time the contractors, Dick
Williams and Co. of Matawan,
stopped work, the road had already
was of greater concern than replac-
ing the water mains
Mayor Carmen Stoppiello sug-
thought the new school windows KEYPORT - The Board of that a replacement was "badly been lowered to the point where gested the council adopt the stop-
and the family can pay for the would be installed, but the gym Education last night approved the according to Super- residents were unable to use their gap measure after hearing the
home with mortgage payments to "may not be ready." hiring of John Dumford as the new intendent Douglas Frederick*. driveways. residents' concerns
the township. Bennett said the general contrac- Keyport High School vice principal Dumford will replace Dwlght
Under the plan, the money will
then be used to build a second, third
and fourth house.
But there are still loopholes in
tor - Soldo Inc.. Middletown - had
encountered problems with subcon-
tractors Soldo was slated to com-
after a IVfc hour closed-door
Dumford's salary w u set at
Pfennig, who took over as principal
of the Keyport Central School last
Two sheriffs recuperate
plete $2,970,000 of work at the 8»,SO0, a 14.500 Increase The board also hired two faculty FREEHOLD - County Sheriff Neptune City Police Department
the plan. The committeemen said school, but after changes the Board member Robert Schneider members for the elementary
they are afraid a person could buy William M. Lanraro and Under- for 31 years.
amount stands at ft.OM.OOO, Ben- Mid be itrongly opposed the de- schools sheriff Edward R English are both
the home and then resell the nett said after the meeting. ei«ion became of the cloM to Susan Prank will become an
structure at a profit. at home, recuperating from recent
Board President Julia Ann Nagy twenty percent MUTT incretwe. elementary school librarian for the surgery.
Toe contract will not be signed read Bennett's resignation from his "An increase of close to SMOO. 19M-M school year at a salary of
until the Hillside Park Civic League position ss the board's secretary at with negotiations, Is totally In- 114.000 English, also an Asbury Park
approves the agreement. the beginning of the meeting but sane," Schneider said. Claire Brennan, filling a newly councilman, w u released from the
"We want to keep people out who said be would continue to function The motion was approved 5-1 created position, will be the new hospital Wednesday - l e u than a
are interested in making a quick as the business administrator under Dumford will fill the position Basic Skills teacher (BSD at a week after surgeons removed a
buck," said William Hogan, the his new title of assistant super- Immediately, as the board agreed salary of 111,100. gallstone Lanzaro underwent cor-
township's director of community intendent of business onary bypass surgery June 4
Meanwhile, Township Planner
Richard Cramer said the af-
fordable housing plan wU) be help
Bennett said after the meeting
that his move came becaaae of the
board's decision to change from a
dual control system, what* the
Councilman vindicated
SEA BRIGHT - Andrew B. Parmlngdale
English will be back to work by
the end of July or early August
While Lanuro recuperated, Eng-
the municipality meet its low- and superintendent and the business Manning can remain a member of However, Borough Attorney lish and Richard F Cottrell ran the
moderate-income housing require- administrator each had different the Borough Council, according to Thomas Smith announced last night department. Cottrell 1* now head-
ments, as dictated by last year's responsibilities, to a unit control the state attorney general. that the state attorney general's ing up the operation alone
Mount Laurel II decision system, where the superintendent Manning's position was question- office has confirmed Manning's
The next step is to establish a was the chief administrator for the ed at the last council meeting by (esidency in this borough. Lanuro reportedly will work at -
permanent set of guidelines, which district Councilman Robert Furlong, who Manning had applied to the his Aberdeen car dealership in
allow the bousing authority to said Manning was no longer s county superintendent of elections August and resume his sheriff's
Bennett was Mined as district duties in September.
monitor the homes and make sure business administrator in July 1974 borough resident. Furlong alleged for dual residency based on the fact
the Aceupants abide by the agree- that Manning had left has Island that he votes in Sea Bright and was Cottrell, hired April 1, was a
and became board secretary the member and former chief of the WILLIAM LANZARO
View home in favor of a house HI Issued a driver's license here.
B2 TUESDAY. JULY 3. 1984
Red Bank promises fireworks
Hospital RED BANK - The boroughs
July 4th fireworks show will not be
Many of the 15.000 spectators
went away perplexed and disap-
extra fireworks, the show is sched-
uled to last 45 minites. rather than

operates a repeat of last year's aborted

event, borough officials say.
Instead, it will be a 45-minute
pointed. Some thought the borough
had scheduled a short show. Others
realized something was wrong.
the usual 30 minutes.
Garden State also has agreed to
charge $3,500 this year, with 1500 of

on dolls extravaganza featuring 100 more

explosions than planned last year,
when the show was halted after IS
The next day, Riccio said the
borough would consider hiring a
different company this year. But
that going towards insurance The
company was to get the same
amount last year, but onlyreceived
minutes because fireworks re- after being promised 100 extra 11,500, including insurance, be-
MATAWAN - The emergency
served for the, grand finale ignited fireworks for the same coat, the cause of the problem.
ward was the Presbyterian Church
kitchen. It admitted only kids, no prematurely < borough decided to take its chances The show is run by the borough's
longer than a foot, fat and to ugly This time, borough fire marshal again with Garden State fire- Parks and Recreations Depart-
they were cute. Stanley Sickels will ride on the works, MUlington. ment. Funding comes from dona-
barge during the show to help avoid "The (company spokesman) ad- tions, and the borough provides the
The "mamas" were mostly little
any repeat of last year's problems mitted his people fouled up," services of its public utilities, fire,
girls worried about rips, tears and
Borough police are preparing for Riccio said. "We'll have operators first aid and police departments.
grime on their cabbage patch dolls
a record turn-out. The council of the senior citizens'
The staff were the Matawan this year with a minimum five
"I think people will be satisfied Riverview House donated $100 to
cadette senior Girl Scouts Each years of experience. They know
this year, particularly after last the cause
was trained personally by pro- what they're doing."
year," borough administrator Law-
fessional dollmaker Barbara DeVil- One safeguard this year will be "It's not simply a Red Bank
rence Riccio said "That could have
biss to sew the various stitches the use of a flat barge rather than affair," Riccio said. "We know our
become a tragic situation."
needed to repair joints, fingers, one with scaffolding. The two-tier neighbors in Middletown across the
Investigators blamed the prob-
wrist, elbows, toes and belly button design made it especially difficult river and in Pair Haven and
lem on loose embers from already-
of cabbage patch dolls. for the operators to control the Rumson" like to watch. "I think
discharged fireworks which landed
More than SO dolls were repaired fireworks for the finale located on show, Garden State president it's only proper that fund-raising is
Wednesday at the Scout cabbage a scaffold above. Nunzio Santore said. an area-wide type of thing."
patch hospital Afterward, each After the unexpected explosions, "This year, we won't have all
Tomorrow's show is scheduled to
was washed by hand, wrapped in a the two operators aboard the that stuff to work around," be said.
fireworks barge in the Navesink start at 8 p.m. with music in
beach towel with a nylon stocking The show will include 213 single
River decided to discontinue the Marine Park. The fireworks should
to protect the doll's hair, placed In shell explosions and another IK in
show begin by 9 p.m.
a pillow case and set in the washing the grand finale. Because of the 100
machine on the spin cycle. The
dolls were then hung and fan dried. DOLLS BY THE BASKET — Cindy Roemer, left, 14, scout leader
The mothers returned Thursday
to reclaim their naked babies.
The hospital and bath will reopen
Diane Andrews, and scout leader and dollmaker Barbara DeVilbiss
display the cabbage patch dolls ready for surgery at the POLICE BEAT
cadette/senior Girl Scout hospital Wednesday at First Presbyterian
in August
Church in Matawan.
Police investigate break-in Chase results in accident
Girl Scout leaders give dinner TINTON FALLS - Borough police are investigating
a break-In and burglary of a Sycamore Avenue Dome.
The home of Benjamin and Lorrie Bowden, 10*
TINTON FALLS - After a lengthy chase by Ocean
Township police. * resident of that township rammed
his motorcycle into the rear of a car stopped in traffic
The following leaders received pins for years of Sycamore Ave., was robbed sometime between 1145 at the corner of Shafto and Hope roads Sunday
HAZLET - At the annual "To Leaders With Love"
a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to Police afternoon, police said.
dinner given by Hazlet Neighborhood Girl Scout service: Eileen Pearson and Gisela Jobin, 10 years; Dispatcher Mary Colyer. Anthony Blasco, 18, of SO* Willow Drive, was
Leaders, recognition was given to Catherine Kllnsky, Linda Geisser, Carol Testai. and Lanette Payne, S
Teresa Klinsky. Debra Lemp and Debbie Smith who
"Some Jewelry was removed from the muter "ejected'1 from his motorcycle when It struck the rear
years. bedroom, and a video recorder unit in the living room of the car, driven by Theodora Kenoff, 37, 9 Terence
received their Gold Awards, the highest award In Girl The new team for Hazlet Neighborhood Girl Scouts was taken," Colyer said. The suspect allegedly entered Drive. Englishtown, according to Police Dispatcher
Scouting was announced They are Helen Vincent, neighborhood through the rear yard by cutting a bedroom screen Mary Colyer.
Present were Freeholder Tom Powers who offered
chairwoman; Margaret Klinsky. cadette and senior window, and is believed to have entered all rooms in Ocean police were pursuing Blasco "for various
certificates of recognition and Mayor Paul Stallone who
coordinator; Mary Wnukowski, junior coordinator; the house, according to Colyer. motor vehicle violations," Colyer said.
gave the welcoming address. The girls received
certificates from Congressman Howard, As- Dorothy Kolodjiez and Ruth Pearson. Brownie coordi- "We do have physical evidence pertaining to I Blasco was taken to Monmouth Medical Center, Long
•emblypersons Flynn and Walker, Senator VanWagner nators; Nora Rosetta. cookie coordinator; and Paul possible suspect," according to the investigating Branch, for emergency treatment and was released
and Mayor Stallone and the Township Committee Stallone, publicity coordinator. officer, Patrolman Wayne Petersen But as of later that afternoon. According to a hospital source,
yesterday. It was still "an open investigation," be said. Blasco suffered only minor Injuries.

programs WALLPAPER
scheduled WHOLESALE
MIDDLETOWN - A series of
summer library programs for chil-
dren will be held during the month
of July in the Middletown Township
Public Library as follows:
Thursday , the "Hop to It,
Froggy, ' vacation reading club
begins. Ask the children's librarian
for details.
Wednesday. July 11. 1030-11
a.m. — "Make a Paper Towel Tube
Giraffe" preschool craft for chil-
dren ages 3-5 and their parents.
Friday, July 13, 10:30-11:15 a.m.
— "be a clown" crafts for school
children grades 1-4; children will
wear clown hat and makeup and
have pictures taken.
DANTE SCHOLARS — Steven Fanto, left, and Eric Bruno, right,
Monday, July 16,1030-11 15a m
— Preschool movies for children 19B4 Dante Scholarship winners display the plaques awarded to
aged 3-5 and their parents. them by the Oante Society of Central New Jersey on June 15 as
Wednesday. July 18. 11:30-12 30 Elaine Zagarola, chairman of the scholarship committee, looks on.
— School-age picnic storytlme for
grades 1-4.

TODAY Kings Highway East For further information, call
Antonia Malone at Glenmary Farm.
HAZLET - The Raritan Bay Town Criers Chapter of
RED BANK — Families Anonymous, a fellowship for
the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of
Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America will have parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol MUSE PAIIT
rehearsals each Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Raritan High -abusers and children with behavorial problems, will
School. Middle Road, Hazlet meet at 7:30 p m in Riverview Medical Center's East
LONG BRANCH - Families Anonymous, a fellow- Wing.
ship for parents, relatives and friends of drug and OLD BRIDGE - The bus to Kutztown Folk Festival,
alcohol abusers and children with behavioral problems, Kutztown, Pa., leaves the Civic Center, 1 Old Bridge
will meet at 730 pm at the Chemical Dependency Plaza, at 8 a.m. and returns at 7:30 p.m.
Center. Chelsea Avenue. Registration for non-residents for the trip to the U.S.
EATONTOWN - Families Anonymous, a fellowship Military Academy at West Point scheduled for Aug. SO
for parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol begins from 8 30 a m to 4 p.m. at the recreation
abusers and children with behavorial problems, will department office.
meet from 1 to 230 p.m. at the First Presbyterian ABERDEEN - The parks and recreation department
Church. 76 Wyckoff Road will meet at 8 p.m. at township hall to organise a
women's Softball league. For further information, call
THURSDA Y the recreation department office.
MIDDLETOWN - The Rev. James Sinnott, a
Maryknoll educator, will speak on "Personal Con- FRIDA Y
version: A Call to See the Problems in Central America HAZLET - Al Anon meets at » p.m. at St. John
as Our Problems," at 8:30 p.m. at Glenmary Farm, Methodist Church. Florence Ave.



/t Vote

A paid directory of coming events for nonprofit organisations Rates t ] 7 9 for three lines for 1 day 111 00 each
additional line). *5 00 for three lines for two days (II 50 each additional line). 18.90 for three lines for three days
(K 00 each additional line). 17 50 for three lines for four or five days i C 25 each additional line). (9 00 for three lines
for ail to eight days 112 50 each additional line). 110.30 for three lines lor nine to ten days (W 00 each additional line I.
$13 50 for three lines for eleven days Each addlUonal day 11.00. each additional line W 00 Deadline 11AM two days
before publication Call The Daily Register. 5U-4000. ask for The Date Secretary
I UM Vstsi'4 M
P a r e n t s Without P a r t n e r s , ing accepted by the Monmouth Old Fashioned Breakfast, spon-

Bayshore Chapter M4 Open House County Parks System. Class meets 2 sored by River Plata How Co. 1,
Fund Raiser Open to the public Live hours a day, once a week for i weeks Colonial Room, River Plata Fire-
Band "The Cookbooks" Cocktail
party and dance Town It Country.
AC studio at Thompson Park, Lin-
croft From July t-Aug. JO Fee M0
house • a m -12 p m Adults M.l chil-
dren (under 101 tz.
Hwy » . Keyport « 45-12 45 Mem-
bers 19. non-members K Chapter
for either class To register or Info,
call 842-4000
phone 747 MM SEPTEMBER tS-M -

Summer Chines* Auction, spon- THURSDAY-SUNDAY
JULY 7 - SATURDAY sored by Our Lady or Perpetual Help St Agnes Church, Atlantic High-
Family Fun Day L Carnival, held PTA in the School Hall. Miller S t . lands, will have a trip to the New AS PART OF A NATIONWlOf
Orleans World's Fair Deluxe bus. 10 DI5IBIBUTOB WE CAN Sill
at SI Paul's Baptist Church. 196 Highlands Doors open 6 p m Calling FOP USS THAN YOUKUNCIF IN
River ST . > to 6 p m Space * table at 8 p m Free refreshments Over meals A few reservations left Call THE BUSINESS CAN BUY IT
reservations Call 747-OOS 200 prizes Including a Coleco Cabbage 2914876 or 291-0272.

Patch Doll For more Information
Community Fire Co la sponsoring rial 872-0286 OCTOBER M - FRIDAY
an Outdoor Monthly Flea Market. 8 HONG KONG, BANGKOK.
a.m. to 4 p m Location Fair JULY It - THURSDAY S I N G A P O R E . JAPAN - the
Grounds. Hwy X L Appleton Ave , Mid-Atlantic Trip to Caesar's LENAPE Business k Professional
Leonardo 17 a space 2SV24J8 Casino Cost I IS. rebate 130.110 cash.
SS deferred 1115 Roman Food Festi-
Women's Hub of Monmouth County
Is sponsoring a 17-day group tour.
PLAZA 35 RT. 35, EATONTOWN, NJ. 20M44-9050
JULY I - MONDAY val Leaves MlddletownHailet. 5 SO Price is all inclusive: Air. Meals. (1/S mtk Imtk sjliUI 8wrt H Party Ug»)
REGISTRATION FOR POTTERY p m 787-4921 or 5*6-3812 Land Information call 741-5086
The Daily Register




ARC to build despite Freehold's protests

BY TERRY MOORE resident, the association members Although the group borne would cation, a fear of the group borne with taxes." we have to operate a group home. '
remained firm in their decision. have a tax-exempt status because having a detrimental effect on the Baron Fits. M E. Main St., said Donoghue said
FREEHOLD - Despite objec- ARC is a non-profit organisation, value of neighboring properties and he is worried about the safety of his William Belgard, who presented
tion* from resident! i t Borough With funding from the federal the welfare of both the mentally Donoghue with the petition, said he
ARC representatives said an "on- two small children and the other
Hall last night, representatives Department of Housing and Urban retarded adults and the communi- is afraid the value of his own
going " fee would be paid to the youngsters in the neighborhood.
from the Association of Retarded Development, ARC purchased the ty's children property would depreciate because
borough. Donoghue said the amount "Who's going to monitor these
Cititens said the construction of a property for $18,000 from Dr. Peter of the group home.
of the fee his not yet been Joan Webb, a Broadway resident, six people in the home on the
group home for six mentally re- Friedman, EngUsatown, two weeks
determined. said the group borne should be built weekends and In the evenings?"
tarded adults will begin here In the ago, said John J. Donogboc, ex- "What recourse (would) I have
ecutive director of the Monmouth Under state law, the borough has on land with open space instead of Fits asked. to recapture that property value'
faU. •w authority over where ARC builds Donoghue told him the six men
Nearly 90 residents attended the Unit of ARC. ARC win receive the L-shsped tract measuring ap- Belgard asked.
state funds for the operation of the s group home. . proximately 110 feet by JM feet. tally retarded adults would be
Borough Council meeting, listening Several members of the council under the constant supervision of However, Donoghue assured him
as ARC representatives discussed group home, Dsnogbne said.
and residents in the audience raised "I think these people do deserve suffers in the house He also said that a study done by Princeton
their plans to build the 10-raom ARC already baa similar group concerns about the construction a nice place to live." Webb said they arc required to attend day University has shown that the
house st 83 E. Main St. on Route homes in Tin Ion Falli, Long Branch and operation of the group home. Hut she said tbey should not reside programs throughout the week. construction of such group homes
S37. In spite of a 121-signsture and Shrewsbury. Another is These Included a possible safety in "an overdeveloped small "The day they don't, the state has no affect upon the value ol
petition presented to ARC by one planned for Manilapsn. haxard posed by the home's lo- borough that Is already burdened would take away any certification neighboring properties.

O'Brien Child testifies

to run in open court
FREEHOLD - A solemn-faced
during these assaults, were brought
out during cross-examination. It
was unclear, however, whether
FREEHOLD - Louis J. O'Brien nine-year-old In a pile blue dress tbey were contradictions in a false
Jr., Jackson Terrace, has an- told i crowded courtroom yester- story or simply childish recollec-
nounced he is replacing Eugene R. day how her 83-year-old step- tions in which some details are
Qjiinn as a Republican candidate grandfather repeatedly assaulted more clearly remembered than
for the Borough Council. her sexually. others.
Republicans Gersldine Wille and The child said John T. Custck Thomas Smith, who is rep-
O'Brien, who filled an unexpirad committed the offenses in the resenting John Cusick, questioned
term on the council last year, were basement recreation room of his the girl closely on the sequence of
defeated in the November election Port Monmouth home and in the events during a normal morning at
by Democrats Susan Sweetman and kitchen, both before she left for the Cusick house She told him she
John Ballew. school and after she came home. would get up at 7 a.m. and come
O'Brien was chosen by the dis- She described in detail how down to breakfast, and sometime
trict committee June 6 to replace Cuslck would often lay on top of her Cuslck waa up by then.
Quinn as Republican Constance while she was watching afternoon
Rosseel's running mate in the cartoons and "move around in She would then go up and get
upcoming election. Quinn "found it circles" or would fondle her in the dressed for school but she was
impossible to run," for personal kitchen. On one occasion, she said unclear as to whether her grand-
reasons, for one of the two avail- her step-grandfather assaulted her mother waa still in the house up
able council seats, O'Brien said with • yard-long stick. until she left for school.
yesterday. "Did you know you were not
The girl's descriptions of the
O'Brien said he is "confident that alleged assaults provided lbs state supposed to be alone with Grand-
we're going to take the two seata with its key testimony against pa?" Smith asked He also had the
away from the incumbents." He Cuslck, who was arrested in March girl describe how she wss in-
said his and his partner's goal is to and later Indicted for assaulting the structed to wait for her aunt.
"reach out to the Independent and nine-year-old and her three-year- Darcy, when she got home from
Democratic voters at the local old sister between November and school so she would not be alone in
level and remind them they can March. the house with her grandfather
cross over and vote Republican "
The alleged assaults occurred The girl told how her grandfather
O'Brien, the controller and a ALL THEIR V M S IN ONI BASKET? - She believes the same birds have come back to while Cuslck was on parole for often went out at night to hla "AA
corporate officer of Pa-Wells * Mildred Mancle. Tinton Falls, look* at family o! nest in her plant each season tor the p u t lew assaulting the girl and two of her meeting." When she was in the
jCo., Inc., a New York Cite textile birds nesting In a hanging basket on her porcti. playmates in l t d He Is being tried kitchen, she said, her grandmother
• firm, also was recently selected to years.
with his wife, Myrtle, who Is watched television In the living
serve as the borough's Republican charged with knowing about the room In a chair from which she
municipal chairman, replacing assaults and falling to do anything could see into the kitchen.
Monmouth County surrogate and
former Mayor J. William Boyle.
O'Brien has been involved as a
commuter activist since 1074
His running-mate. Rosseel, is a
Middletown mulls plan Superior Court Judge John A
Ricclardl, who is hearing the case,
will decide today on a prosecution
motion asking to admit testimony
Daniel Waldman, who la rep-
resenting Myrtle Cuslck, pointed
his questions also at the practical
impossibility that Cuslck could
have assaulted the girl because of
homemaker who has served on the
St. Rose of Lima School Parent-
Teacher Association executive
committee. Rosseel, the president
for low-income housing from one of the victims of the 1911
offense, to which Cuslck pleaded
The child, who turned nine last
the system of controls that had
been placed around Cusick.
Smith said during his opening
of the borough's Republican Club, BY KATHLEEN STANLEY home on one of the tracts. Belford as township clerk. month, also described witnessing a argument that there was no op-
is a psst president of the Freehold Township Plsnner Richard Cella will replace Frank sexual sssault against her three- portunity for Cusick to have as-
MIDDLETOWN - The Township Cramer said the league's af- Gleason, who notified the commit-
Junior Women's Club and a mem- year-old sister in the kitchen. She saulted the girl after his release
Committee last night discussed fordable housing plan will be help tee in May that he would be
ber of the Planning Board. She said Cusick fondled the toddler. from prison because "that house
ways to arrange affordable housing the municipality meet its low- and resigning from the post as soon as
resides at 91 Broadway. was turned into a police depart-
units for low- and moderate-Income moderate-income housing require- a new person could be hired. Under questioning by both Assis- ment."
O'Brien and Rosseel are up families. ments, as dictated by last year's The committee voted 4-1 in favor tant Prosecutor John Whlpple and
against Lynn Reich and Michael The Hillside Psrk Civic League Mount Laurel II decision of hiring Cella, formerly an em- Both Smith and Waldman have
the attorneys representing John
Wilson, both Incumbents. The two has acquired four pieces of prop- In conjunction with the town- ployee of Chase Manhattan Bank said the girl fabricated her story.
and Myrtle Cusick, the child was
vacancies are for three-year terms. erty and wants to begin building a ship's Housing Authority, the Democratic Commltleeman vague about the dates of the Judith Byrne, the girl's teacher
league will choose an eligible Richard V. Kelly cast the only offenses and none of the ques- at Bayview Elementary School,
applicant. The family can pay for dissenting vote, and explained that
Sheriffs recovering the home with mortgage payments
to the township.
Under the proposal, the money
he felt the candidate was not "the
best man for the clerk position."
"I've reviewed his credentials
tioners could establish any time
frames through her testimony
Contradictions in her story, such
testified yesterday that she notified
authorities after the girl came to
her with her story of bed dreams
and an account of what her grand-,
FREEHOLD - County Sheriff will then be used to build s second, and this man does not have enough as the location of her grandmother father did to her on March 16
" William M. Lanxaro and Under- third and fourth bouse. experience hi municipal govern-
sheriff Edward R English are both But there are still loopholes in ment or in the community," Kelly
at home, recuperating from recent

English, also an Asbury Park

the plan. The commltteemen said
they are afraid a person could buy
the home and then resell the
structure at a profit.
But Committaeman Richard D.
McKean disagreed "Cella Is defi-
nitely the most qualified man for
Health department
councilman, was released from the
hospital Wednesday - l e u thin •
week after surgeons removed •
The contract will not be signed
until the Hillside Part Civic League
approves the agreement.
"We want to keep people out who
the Job,' he said after the meeting
Cella was chosen from four
persons Interviewed for the pos-
joins computer age
Laniaro underwent coronary
bypass surgery June 4. are interested in making a quick Gleason, who has held the title of FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - The He said the township health
English will be back to work by buck," said William Hogan, the qlert for a year, has agreed to township Health Department will records as well as services con-
the end of July or early August. township's director of community continue working for the township computenie its operations by year- tracted with Upper Freehold Town-
development on s consulting bssis In order to end, according to Township Admin- ship, Millstone snd Freehold
While Lanzaro recuperated, Eng-
lish and Richard F. Cottrell ran the The next step Is to establish a brief Cella on his responsibilities istrator Frederick Jahn. Borough will be entered Into the
department Cottrell is now head- permanent set of guidelines, which and help him get started in the Job. The micro computer will cost computer.
ing up the operation alone. will allow the housing authority to Cella will begin working in the between *6,ooo and 17,000, and will
Lanzaro reportedly will work at monitor the homes and make sure township offices on July IS. His be entirely funded by the state Date on private wells, septic
his Aberdeen car dealership In the occupants abide by the agree- salary bis bean set i t OS.000 a year Public Health Priority Funding tanks, restaurant inspections snd
August and resume his sheriff's ment. and he will have a 10-day trial Act, Jahn announced at last night's licenses, snd soil conditions will
duties in September. In other business, committee last period, according to Township At- Township Committee meeting. also be stored in computer files
WILUAM LANZARO night hired Lawrence J. Cells of torney Peter Carton.

Manning's residency OKM with Farmingdale farm

BY SARAH FERGUSON my town and it's where I live," are available for their acquisition continue wort on the projects If the ing, 1070 Ocean Ave.. board up the
Manning said He added that he has and installation. borough could afford to help with windows of the building to prevent
SEA BRIGHT - Andrew B. been a summer resident in Sea Furlong recommended that an the funding possible safety hasards from falling
Manning can remain a member of Bright since ltW and a full-time electric generator be Installed to "I'm sore we have enough debris.
the Borough Council, according to resident since 1*47. ensure the operation of the warning money," Mayor Cecile Norton said, Magno said he had inspected the
the state attorney general. Manning said that although he system and communication center estimating that the borough would building, and Is concerned with the
Manning's position was question- resides part-time i t his horse farm during a loss of power. He also probably be required to pay 10 loose brickwork on the outside of
ed at the last council meeting by in Farmingdale, the farm Is a a •nnsisusi i i n r l i rt •kakl »k. li ne n n sail percent of the cost for toe projects, the building.
Councilman Robert Furlong, woo commercial business, and not his rcconunenacu uui ux ooruugn with possible funding coming from Councilwoman T e r e s i A.
•aid Manning waa no longer a acquire a *i-ton fully-covered truck the state and from the county McGulrc pointed oat that the
borough resident. Furlong alleged to remove road debris and expedite Board of Freeholders. barriers which have been set up on
that Manning had left his Island "I'm in Borough Hall two to the evacuation of residents during
three times s week snd In touch No figures have yet been drawn the sidewalk to protect pedestrians
View home in favor of a house In e\n emergency. would pose problems during the
Farmingdale. with the mayor snd council several In addition. Furlong said that up for the cost of the repairs.
times a week," Manning said: "My Norton said she would attend a Food Festival Saturday, when
there should be at least two drills people would have to walk In the
However, Borough Attorney dedication to the council remains s year to familiarise emergency meeting today with Rep. James J.
Howard, D-N J . and the mayors of street.
Thomas Smith announced last night the same." personnel with their duties.
that the stele attorney general's In other business, Furlong sub- aU the towns bit by the March 10 In other business, Smith said that
In other business, Borough Engi- a liquor license granted to Mazu
office has confirmed Manning's mitud preliminary guidelines for neer David Magno requested that nor faster to review applications
residency In this borough. the activation of the Sea Bright for relief and reconstruction funds. Inc., who owns Mlrtmar Italian
the council pass a formal resolution restaurant, Ocean Avenue, would
Manning had applied to the Emergency Management System. of Its Intention to participate In The meeting will be held at » JO
county superintendent of elections a.m. at The Mooring In Point remain lnoperstive until the Fair-
As part of this program, four future seawall repair protects. banks Motel was reconstructed
for dual residency based on the fact sirens will be placed in the north Pleasant. ANDREW MANNING
Magno said he had contacted the The license was granted prior to
that be votes in Sea Bright and was end of Sea Bright, three on the state Department of In other matters, the council building inspector's regulations and
issued a driver's license here. the June II tire which gutted the U-
south end, and two additional ones tal Protection al requested that William Weil, who is room motel. Smith said that the safety requirement! before the
"Sea Bright Is in my Wood It's in the center of town. Federal funds repairs to the seawall, and would renovating the old Weisman build- motel would have to meet the license could be reinstated
B2 T h e Duly Register TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1984

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Youngest band takes 3rd

The club holds its regular luncheon meeting every COLTS NECK - The 8th-to (th-
TODAY Thursday; new members are welcome. graders were the youngest in the
LONG BRANCH - Families Anonymous, a fellow- competition, and their band the
ship for parents, relatives and friends of drug and EATONTOWN - The Volunteer First Aid Squad will smallest, but their performance
alcohol abusers and children with behavioral problems, hold a seminar on summer-related emergencies at 7:30 ranked higher than most of thote
will meet at 7 30 p m at the Chemical Dependency p.m. in Memorial School. Topics include whit to do
Center, Chelsea Avenue. of the high-school ensembles com-
before the squad arrives. Everyone is invited. First Aid
peting and earned the third-highest
HAZLET — The Raritan Bay Town Criers Chapter of Capt. Dale Bennett can provide more information
the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of overall score.
Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America will rehearse RED BANK - Families Anonymous, a fellowship for The Cedar Drive School Band
each Tuesday at 8 p.m. at BariUn High School. Middle parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol
Road. Hazlel won 1st place in its class at the
abusers and children with behaviorial problems, will
meet at 7:30 p.m. in Rivervlew Medical Center's East recent "Music in the Parks"
EATONTOWN - Families Anonymous, a fellowship
lor parents, relatives and friends of drug and alcohol Wing competition at Lebanon Valley
abusers and children with behaviorlal problems, will College in AnnvUle, Pa.
meet from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian MIDDLETOWN - The Rev. James Slnnott, a
Maryknoll educator, will speak on "Personal Con- Its 44 students rehearsed, volun-
Church, 76 Wyckoff Road tarily, twice weekly during the
version: A Call to See the Problems in Central America
II HUSH 4 Y as our Problems" at 8:30 p.m. at Glenmary Farm, school year, said their conductors,
Kings Highway East. Further information Is available to sharpen .(heir musical skills.
FREEHOLD — The Exchange Cub of Greater
Freehold will meet at 12:30 p m at the American Hotel. from AntonU Malone at the farm. Contending were elementary, jun-
ior high, and high school bands
from New Jersey, New York,
AAUW honors top graduates Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Weft
Virginia. HOW SWEET IT 18 — Kristen Oe Pol, Slh-grade drummer, top,
shows off a stuffed animal she won at Hershey Park during a Cedar
FREEHOLD - Five of this College to major in music history this year's Marlboro High School The young musicians won the
Drive School Band trip to Pennsylvania, as conductor Arden Hubbard
year's graduates, each the top- or English. graduation, will major in law or competition with their selections
business at the University of Penn- looks on. Below, conductors Richard Frankle and Hubbard hold the
ranking female member of her Miriam Garber, valedictorian of of "A Spiritual Jubilee," directed
class In one of the five high schools her class at Manalapan High sylvania. first place trophy the Colts Neck band won in competition at Lebanon
by Arden S. Hubbard, and "Rondo
of the Freehold Regional High School, will major in electrical Installed at the dinner were Valley College.
For Winds and Percussion." led by
School District, were honored re- engineering at Princeton Univer- Phyllis Edwards, treasurer; Vlasta Richard B. Frankle.
cently by the American Association sity, with a minor In Russian Loxton, corresponding secretary;
studies. and Libby Teller, recording sec- Co-conductors Frankle and Hub-
of University Women, Freehold
Area Branch Michelle Lewites. salutatorian at retary. bard were particularly pleased
The five were guests at the with the superior rating awarded

Church turned to 'hospital9

branch's recent installation dinner, by the two college band directors
where each was introduced and who were acting as Judges for the
presented with an unabridged dic- contest.
tionary to take with her to college MATAWAN - The emergency wrist, elbows, toes and belly button Hubbard said the event gave the
Each honoree revealed her plans ward was the Presbyterian Church of cabbage patch dolls. students an opportunity to com-
for future education. kitchen. It admitted only kids, no More than SO dolls were repaired pete against other bands, and also
Amy Stern, valedictorian of longer than a foot, fat and to ugly Wednesday at the Scout cabbage to enjoy a day at Hershey Park —
Freehold Township High School's they were cute. patch hospital. Afterward, each
"something positive that the band
c l a n of 84, will attend Cornell was washed by hand, wrapped in a
The "mamas" were mostly little members will remember for a
University with her major still girls worried about rips, tears and beach towel with a nylon stocking
undecided. to protect the doll's hair, placed in long time."
grime on their cabbage patch dolls. "The kids had a blast!" Frankle
Alison Redmond, salutatorian of a pillow case and set in the washing
her class at Freehold High School, The staff were the Matawan machine on the spin cycle. The said "They certainly did not sleep
will major in biochemical engineer- cadette/senior Girl Scouts. Each dolls were then hung and fan dried. enough, and probably ate far too
ing at Rutgers University, College was trained personally by pro- The mothers returned Thursday much Junk food. They came back
of Engineering fessional dollmaker Barbara DeVil- to reclaim their naked babies. totally excited and exhausted, Just
Laura Hailet, graduate of Howell biss to sew the various stitches The hospital and bath will reopen like their conductors "
High School, will go to Connecticut needed to repair joints, fingers, in August.

Camperships help a tremendous difference in their
emotional states. Many simply
ease the transition required when
each child enters nursery school or WALLPAPER
need to relax after being involved kindergarten.
ASBURY PARK - Fifteen Mon in almost-chronic conditions of
mouth County youngsters and older
adults will be attending overnight
stress," said Hess.
JF&CS is a constituent of the
Used book sale set
camp — some for the first time —
Jewish Federation of Greater Mon- FREEHOLD - A used book sale,
through a Camp Scholarship Pro-
mouth County, supported through sponsored by the Friends of Free-
gram set up by the Jewish Family

the United Jewish Appeal and hold Public Library, will be part of
and Children's Service of Greater
United Way campaigns here. the borough's Sidewalk Sale on July
Monmouth County.
"Through our board, area syn- It, 20, and 21.
agogues and community groups and Parent-tot class All types of books will be sold,
including children's and adult fic-
kind individuals in our community,
tion, biography, hobbies and crafts, rJMJfY
we have raised more than M.O00 for MIDDLETOWN - The Red Oak
our 1964 camp program, which we Cooperative Nursery School, 68 reference material, and much
have distributed in the form of Kings Highway, will offer a parent- more.
Books will be displayed in front
scholarships to the families in-
volved," said Cynthia Hess, Free-
hold, agency president
child playschool for two-year-olds
and their parents beginning this
fall. Each child's mother or father
of the library, a v i East Main
Street, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. WALLPAPER
Hess said the youngsters and
seniors will be attending camps in
the Pennsylvania Poconos, each
may attend, and will remain with
the child The school will meet once
a week from early October through
during the sale.

Bible class to meet WHOLESA

administered by the New Jersey
Association of YM-YWHAs. Sessions will be led by a teacher TENNENT - Vacation Bible
Prospective campers are ident-
ified by agency caseworkers and
trained to work with this age group.
Activities will include large-muscle
School, with "The Wonder Fair" aa
its theme, will be held at Old JULY
selected on the basis of financial
and psychological criteria, she
play, art, music, movement and
group time structured for the
developmental level X)f the age
Tennent Church from Monday
through Friday. School hours are
from 9:30 a.m. to noon, with a
"For many of these individuals, group. \ picnic to end the week's session,
a summer away at camp can make The program is designed to help beginning at 12 15 p.m. Friday.

Thief enters through screen Chased motorcycle hits car
TINTON FALLS - Borough police are investigating TINTON FALLS - After a lengthy chase by Ocean
a break-in and burglary of a Sycamore Avenue home. police, a resident of that township rammed his
motorcycle into the rear of a car stopped in traffic at
The home of Benjamin and Lorrle Bowden, 106 the corner of Shafto and Hope roads Sunday afternoon,
Sycamore Ave., was robbed sometime between 11 45 police said.
a m and 1:30 p.m. Sunday, according to Police Anthony Blasco, 18, of 2904 Willow Drive, was
Dispatcher Mary Colyer. "ejected" from his motorcycle when It struck the rear
ofthe car, driven by Theodora Kenoff, 37, 9 Terence
, "Some' Jewelry was removed from the master Drive, Englishtown, according to Police Dispatcher
bedroom, and a video recorder unit in the living room
was taken," Colyer said. The suspect entered through
Mary Colyer.
Ocean police were pursuing Blasco "for various
the rear yard by cutting a bedroom screen window, and motor vehicle violations," Colyer said.
is believed to have entered all rooms in the house, Blasco was taken to Monmouth Medical Center, Long
according to Colyer. Branch, for emergency treatment and was released
"We do have physical evidence pertaining to a later that afternoon. According to a hospital source,
possible suspect," according to the investigating Blasco suffered only minor injuries.
officer, Patrolman Wayne Petaraen. But as of Ocean police declined to say if Blasco was arrested
ay. it was. still "an open investigation," he said. after his release from the medical center.


PAINT M to a customer)

A paid directory ol coming eventi for non-profit organlutloni. Rate* 13 79 lor three U n a for 1 day HI 00 each
additional line). 15 00 tor three lines lor two days (II 50 each additional line), te 50 lor three lines lor three d a n
(POO each additional line). 17 50 lor three linn for lour or live days ( C 25 each additional line), t» 00 lor three Una
lor six to eight dayi (12 50 each additional line), 110 50 lor three Una lor nine to ten days (SJ 00 each additional line)
119.90 lor three Una lor eleven dayi Each additional day 11.00, each additional line SJ 00 Deadline 11 AM. two d a n
before publication Call The Daily Register, 542-4000. aak lor The Date Secretary
P a r e n t s Without P a r t n e r s , ing accepted by the Monmouth Old Fashioned Breakfast, spon-
Bayshore Chapter M4 Open House County Parks System. Class meets 2 sored by River Plan Hose Co. 1,
Fund Raiser Open to the public. Live hours a day, once a week lor 8 weeks Colonial Room, River Plaza Fire-
Band "The Cookbooks" Cocktail
party and dance. Town 1 Country.
AC. studio at Thompson Park, Lin-
croft. From July *-Aug. 90. Fee 140
house ( a m 12p.m. Adults(4.1 chil-
dren (under 10) «2 QUALITY!
Hwy J5, Keyport S 45-12 45 Mem-
bers 15. non-members ft Chapter
for either class. To register or info,
call 842-4000.

phone 747-J464 Summer Chinese Auction, spon- THURSDAY-SUNDAY
JULY 7 - SATURDAY sored by Our Lady or Perpetual Help St Agnes Church. Atlantic High-
Family Fun Day !• Carnival, held PTA in the School Hall, Miller S t , lands, will nave a trip to the New AS PART OF A NATIONWIDE
Highlands Doon open 6 p.m. Calling Orleans World's Fair. Deluxe bus. 10 DISTBIBUIOB WE CAN SEU ,T
at St Paul's Baptist Church, 1(8 K3B LESS THAN VOUB UNCLE IS
River ST., « to 6 p.m Space I table at S p.m. Free refreshmenta. Over meals. A lew reservations left. Call
291-0878 or 2*1-0272 THE BUSINESS CAN BJY IT'
reservations Call 747-0826 200 p r i i a including a Coleco Cabbage

Patch Doll. For more tnlormatton
Community Fire Co. Is sponsoring OCTOBER M - FRIDAY
an Outdoor Monthly Flea Market. 8
clal 872-02M
am to 4 p m. Location Fair
Grounds, Hwy 98 It Appleton Ave .
Mid-Atlantic Trip to Caesar's
S I N G A P O R E , JAPAN - t h e
LENAPE Business 4 Professional
Leonardo 17 a space 291-2438 Casino. Cost 115. rebate 190.110 cash.
15 deferred 4 115 Roman Food Festi-
Women's Club of Monmouth County
is sponsoring a 17-day group lour.
PLAZA 35 I I . 35. EATONTOWN, N J . 201-544-9050
val Leaves MtddletownHailet. 5 »
p.m 787-4921 or 566-J812
Price is aU Inclusive: Air. Meals.
Land. Information call 741-50*
(l/S • * tm**t HWI - « t H rS*r Urn)
Sports The Daily Register B3

Big Three of tennis roll

to Wimbledon quarters
WIMBLEDON. England i API — Top-seeded Martina Navratilova, McEnroe, who defeated Scanlon lured the opening set against
The B.g T h r e e ' of men's tennis — seeking her third consecutive in the fourth round here last year ' Connors and had a 2-1 lead in the
John McEnroe. Ivan Lend I and Wimbledon singles crown, ad- but lost to him in the fourth round second Connors, the veteran left-
Jimmy Connors — took dilferent vanced to the quarterfinals when at the'1983 U.S. Open, took only 1 hander, moved his game up a notch
routes to the quarterfinals at her opponent, Australia's Elizabeth hour, 43 minutes to crush the Dallas or maybe even more and
Wimbledon yesterday, where they Sayers, had to retire because of right-hander 6-3,., 6-3. 61 swept through the next I I games
found unexpected company illness Also advancing were No. 3 After Scanlon broke McEnroes and 18 ol the last IB
McEnroe breezed past 14th-seed- Hana Mandlikova. No 4 Pam service in the sixth game of the Davis, a 21-year-old t'aliforman.
ed rival Bill Sranlon 6-3. 6-3. 6-1. Shriver, No. 6 Kathy Jordan. No 7 second set to pull even at 3-3. the won the fourth set to knot his match
and Connors came on strong after Manuela Maleeva and No. 10 Jo No. 1 seed from New York ripped with Lendl when the Czech double-
a stumbling start for a 6-7 14-71.6-2. Dune off the next eight games, taking a faulted at set point The two then
6-0. 6-2 victory over No 16 T i m Chris Evert Lloyd, a three-time 2-0 lead in sets and a 5-0 advantage traded service breaks in the second
Mayotte. and Lend! struggled champion who is seeded No. 2, was in the final stanza and third sets before I^-ndl broke at
through five sets before outlasting unable to play because of a delay "Once I broke back. I really 15 in the 11th game, aided by two
unseeded Scott Davis 4-6. 6-4. 6-4, caused by the rain. She will face dominated the m a t c h . " said unforced lorehand volley errors
5-7. 7-5. No. 12 Claudia Kohde-Kilsch of McEnroe, who again followed his Davis, scrapping Irom the
West Germany today. own advice and let his racket do bawline and the not. broke right
But they all won. which is more
Meanwhile, qualifier Carina the talking " hack to knot the score at 5-5 Hut
than can be said for fifth-seeded
Karlsson of Sweden continued her "It's a matter of me being ready Lendl took the next two games in
Jimmy Arias. No 11 Kevin Curren
surprising fortnight by upsetting to play every point, he said clow OBI the match
of South Africa. No. 12 Johan Kriek
and No 15 Vitas Gerulaitis 15th-seeded Andrea Temesvari of afterward.
Hungary 6-4, 7-5 "When Lendl broke me at five-
Instead, joining the top three Even Scanlon had nothing but till. 1 don't think I could have served
seeds in the quarters are qualifier The men's quarter-final pairings praise for the left-hander, although much better," Davis said "He
Paul Annacone of East-Hampton. will send McEnroe against Sadri, last weekend both players healed proved to me why lie is-No 1 or No
N Y : two unseeded players. John Cash against Gomez, Annacone up their rivalry in comments to the '.' in the world When it was on the
Sadri of Charlotte. N.C., and Aus- against Connors and Smid against press. line, he came up with the shots
tralian Pal Cash: No 6 Andres his Czechoslovaks Davis Cup "When he plays like that, there s
Gomez of Ecuador: and No. 13 teammate, Lendl nothing you can do, ' Scanlon Annacone and Karlsson have
Tomas Smid of Czechoslovakia. In the women's quarters, marvelled "He hit a lot past me boon the shocking darlings ol the
Women's singles play on the Navratilova will take on Maleeva, from every direction, shots I'm just tournament, moving past their
LEVITATION — Jimmy Connors of the U.S. leaves the ground to 100th anniversary of the women's Shriver will play Jordan, Durie will not used to " higher-ranked foes Annacone ad-
return a two-'isted backhand to fellow countryman Tim Mayotte during tournament at the All-England face Mandlikova and Karlsson will Mayotte, a right-handed serve vanced with a 6-3. 6-2, 6-4 victory
•ie men's singles match on court No. 1 at Wimbledon yesterday Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, meet the winner of the Lloyd-Kohde and-volleyer who has always done over Kriek after earlier knocking
Conncs advanced to the quarterfinals with a victory. went more according to form match. well on these grass courts, cap- out Britain'! Jonathan Smith.

Rookie Gooden strikes out 12 in Mets victory

NEW YORK ( A P I - At age 19, which he allowed a leadoff triple to over the New York Yankees.
a lot of kids are out now enjoying Bill Doran, Craig Reynolds' RBI Reliever Dickie Noles. acquired
their summer. And so is Dwight grounder and a double by Cruz. from the Chicago Cubs on Sunday,
Gpodtn. Houston had been averaging picked up the win in his American
Gooden is spending part of his more than seven runs per game in League debut. Noles allowed one
summer at Shea Stadium, where, its last 12 outings. unearned run and two hits in 4 1-3
as the New York Mets' prized The Mets tied it 1-1 in the second innings and retired 11 batters in a
rookie pitcher, he cooled off the inning when Darryl Strawberry row at one stretch. Dave Schmidt
Houston Astros 4-2 last* night. tripled off the left field wall and pitched the final 1 2-3 innings for his
That was one of my better scored when Hubie Brooks hit a third save.
games." said Gooden, who struck chopper that shortstop Reynolds Buddy Bell opened the Rangers'
out 12 to take over the National tried to short-hop but misplayed for fifth with a double off Yankee
League lead iihstrikeouts with 125, a two-base error. reliever Jose Rijo. 2-8, and scored
one more than Los Angeles' In the fifth inning. New York the tying run on Pete O'Brien's
Fernando Valenzuela " I ' m getting scored twice against Mike Scott. single. After pinch-hitter Tommy
it all back together and getting my 4-6, without hitting the ball out, of Dunbar walked. Sample doubled off
rythym the infield. Ron Hodges reached on the left-field wall to give the
Gooden. 7-5. took a six-hitter and first baseman Cabell s error. Ron Rangers a 7-5 lead
4-1 lead into the ninth, but left after Gardenhire followed with a single The Yankees scored an unearned
giving up singles to Jose Cruz and that Reynolds knocked down in the run in the eighth on Don Baylor's
Jo Enos Cabell with one out. Jesse bole, and Gooden beat out a bunt double and an error by Texas
Orosco came on to get the final two hit, Wally Backman, who drove in shortstop Curtis Wilkerson before
outs, one of them an RBI grounder three runs, lined a single to center Schmidt ended the threat.
by pinch-hitter Jim Pankovits. for to make it 3-1. The first seven New York batters
his 15th save The Mets added a run in the produced five singles, a homer and
"He had had trouble in his last seventh when Gardenhire led off a double but the Yankees only
two starts so I didn't want to take with a single and continued to managed three runs out of all that.
any chances, said Mets Manager second when rightfielder Terry All five batters in the first inning
Davey Johnson "I knew I was Puhl misplayed the hit. Gooden singled, but all three outs were
going to get booed. I'm sure he sacrificed Gardenhire to third and made on the basepaths.
wanted to stay in " Backman laid down a suicide- Singles by Willie Randolph.
Said Gooden: It was a good squeeze bunt that he beat out lor a Butch Wynegar and Don Mattingly
move and we won." single produced a run. but Wynegar was
Cabell had two hits, but also Three of Houston's hits were by thrown out by right fielder Larry
struck out swinging at a blazing Cruz, who has gone 18 for his last Parrish when he tried to score from OUT AT HOME — New York Yankees Butch during la: • • . Wynprjnr wa<.
fastball. He doesn't pitch like he's 31. second on a single by Baylor The Wynegar is called out at home plateatter Texas trying to •.(.!»»• " " a "v. . hit by Don Bay'O'
nineteen. " Cabell said " H e should Rangers 7, Yankees I runners moved up on the throw Rangers catcher Donnie Scott applies the tag • ••oculad * • • • P»»
go back to high school " ARLINGTON. Texas - Billy home and Mattingly scored on
Gooden. 7-5. who struck out 10 or Sample's tie-breaking two-run Dave Winlield's smash off third then caught stealing. followed with a double, but was liaylor walked and Winfield home-
more batters for the sixth time this double in the fifth inning cap a baseman Bells glove, but Baylor The Yankees made it 3-0 in the stranded New York tagged red his ninth
season, walked only one. He settled Texas comeback from a 5-0 deficit was trapped off second on the play second on Steve Kemp's leadoff Rangers starter Danny Darwin for The Hangers picked up two runs
down after a shaky first inning in and gave the Rangers a victory for the second out and Winfield was homer, his fifth, and Ken Griffey two more runs in the third when in the third off Dennis Kasmussen

Tired Jobson leads in battle for Liberty Cup

BY JONNI FALK points to Treharne s 21 and Cud- Jobson said last night after a late after each race The Richmond boosted his score to 17 vesterdav
mores 20. based on two points for finish caused by a four-hour delay County Yacht Club is the base for with lour wins Prance, Italy and
NEW YORK - Gary Jobson was a win and one for a loss. Cudmore in the start of yesterday's races. the competition and the actual Canada are also out of the running
a tired sailor after four Liberty CUD. lost one point yesterday when he races are run on a windward-
"This type of racing is actually "This is a very exciting type ol
races yesterday, but he was looking was disqualified after a protest leeward course in Lower New York
more demanding in many ways racing," Jobson said I know my
forward to today with the eager- Jobson split with Treharne yes- Bay and Raritan Bay.
than America's Cup racing. There big d i y is coming up. and I'm
ness of a boxer going for the terday, losing the first and then
is so much more maneuvering to looking forward to it This is very
knockout. coming from behind to win in the Jobson a former college All-
do. We are more involved in important to me It's an Inter-
Jobson, the former Toms River day's most exciting race. He scored American sailor who now makes
position relative to another boat national series and will prove just
resident, carries a one-point lead two wins over Sweden's Pelle his home in Annapolis, was Ted
Sometimes we have to go to a what we can do I didn't do too well
into today's final races and can get Petterson. who is only two points Turner's tactician on Courageous
slowdown to protect our position in Australia and New Zealand, and
that knockout with a double win. H e back with 20. Treharne and Pet- when that yacht won the America s
and advantage." I got buried in England, so I'm glad
sails both races today against terson race against each other Cup in 1977 Ironically. Turner is
to be doing well here
Harold Cudmore df Great Britain, twice in today's finale. In the Liberty Cup, the first the skipper of the second American
and Cudmore is two points behind "After four races, it's like two major yacht races In New York in entry in the Liberty Cup competi- "I'm tired now, but when the bell
Jobson. However, Australia's Hugh fighters who can't raise their arms 64 years, each five-man crew tion He has been eliminated from rings for the last two races, I'll be
GARY JOBSON Treharne is only one Jobson has 22 or get their breath anymore." switches identical 30-foot sloops any chance of winning although he ready to go all out for the win "


Highway 35 At Parkway Exit 117
2644500 264-4000
B4 T h e Daily Register TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984

MAJOR LEAGUE Murphy hits 25

a»«YC4av »! CWCAOOO)
for Headliner
A i d M 4*.hU abrhb. NEPTUNE - Mark Murphy pulled down 10 rebounds for
PjtdV* % 5 i 20 « * 4 n M 4 100 Dfwct 4 1 7 0 *»j(^«i 2>j 3> 1 0 tossed in 25 points and Roy Hinson Phoenix (3-2). John Kelly scored 17
Wynagarc S 0 i 0 Wart » 4 0 12 Snob'') 2b 4 0 1 0 tjayyin-i 4 0? ' ;tnd Kelvin Troy scored 22 points and Tom Broderick IS.
4 1 1 1 B6*3t. 3 1 t0 Manrwti' 4 0 < 0 GtVtVr It) 4 110
BayWdh 3 2 2 0 L A P * fl 4 00 0 Uortnd IB 4 0 0 1 Nan«i 3b 4 0 11 each to lead the unbeaten Headliner Tonight's doubleheader at the
WttMrl 4 1 2 3 OBr»n Ib 3 22 1 JOOMC 4 0 0 0 rUnr-nJy C 3 0 10 (5-0) to a 118-103 victory over Headliner has Forrest Avenue Bar
Kampn 3 1 1 1 Saj^an 12 1 0 Qoytt 2 0 0 0 Me"*" d 4 0 11
Qrrftay c' 4 0 1 0 Dufltw <Jh 10 0 0 MMdBf. 3 0 0 0 MofcuH 4 00 0 Larson Ford last night in the Jersey meeting Hollywood School of
Macnmai 3 0 0 0 Stvnptc* 4 0 12 F'WBB> p 0 0 0 0 T"W*- M 4 13 0 Shore Summer Basketball League Bartending at 7:30 and Coca Cola
Qar«»ap« 1 0 0 0 Scone 4 0 10 BOMH, 3 0 1 0 t>avc«rP t 00 0
HajwnSt 0 0 0 0 TatMri 2b 4 12 1 tautKhWP 2 C 0 0 LDtLtonp 0 00 0 RKE (4-1) downed Phoenix Busi- playing Birch Hill at 9:15.
M a 2 0 00 •Moyn 0 0 0 0 r*inriry £>ri
0 10 0 ness Systems. 95-86, in the first
SKaWyai 100 0 10 0 0 Lt*)r« p 10 0 0
Taaaa M • 10 1 TaMo at 7 t o IMOfel 11 1 0 1 T t M at o i o i game
Ha* tart M M0 t i l - 0 OHOMt 0M on ooo- i The Headliner led almost from Boatic 8 5 21. McKaavar i 4 6. Haftfww 12 6 30,
Taaaa Hungrocka* 3 2 0 BapWIe 4 0 8. Laimora 3 4 10,
M W Ma- 7
Oaata a u m i M i - l . m . m 04WM WtlM
100 ooi a o i - »
the start in defeating Larson Ford Jackaon 1 0 2, Vaanay 5 0 10 TOTALS 37 21 86
"•"•• - " J J J * * (T)OP-CMcafa and led, 52-39 at the half. Troy
i. ifrt rtmiin 4, I M ot«t* ' Largoy 13 9 30. BfOdarick 6 3 15. Taytw 2 0 4.
SaVM. Santa*. Sayrai. s s - a M HIl-IUMp (11 added six steals and Clint Wheeler Katty 0 1 17. Was 5 0 10. KaMan 1 0 2. Para* 1 0
TtMpMM. «-t>*«*ckT
Will It) IP H HHHM added 10 assists. 2 TOTALS 3ft 13 66
6 7 3 2 t 2
Jim Spanarkel scored 20 points * M » 17 16 - 69
Ma Mat
3 4 4 for Larson Ford (2-3) while Tom 3-pom, goal La/goy
tvTTi 3 4 3 3 1 3 'lunDmt Seaman had 16 points and 10 MlliMi 116
1 0 0 0 1 0 [>a«*Kaiy W.5 4 6 4 t 1 1 7 Hmaon 6 6 22, Troy 11 0 22, Murphy 10 8 26.
1 t 0 0 0 0 LOOLkW t 0 0 0 0 i rebounds. Whaaio. 4 3 11. Prat 4 4 12. Damby 1 2 4. Jonaa
TMMt itKtm 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 3, Aiaton 3 0 12. Paaraon 1 0 2. UcCann 2 1 S
Dave Hankins poured in 30 points TOTALS 46 26 116
DWM 3 »S 5 1 0 tawtcn*. piici * d to 1 bant- fl me 7m
NMMW.I-0 413 2 i 0 0 2 PB-JClt« ' ' - 2 15 A-13444 as R K E pulled away from Phoenix
Sct""^f S 3 12-3 0 0 0 1 0 in the third quarter. Jim Bostic had ftpana/hai 10 0 20. Caiandnio 4 6 14. Stout 6 i
ruiiTinii1 prtC-»fl to 2 D M n A 4lh mmmiu 13. LaCont 3 5 11. Saaman ft 6 16. Ootan 0 1 1,
MB-*—f* by *4om r - 2 2 3 A-ifl.142 CMCAOOIT) 21 points and grabbed 10 rebounds K u n n 1 4 6. PaMmo 6 4 lO.'Canar t 0 2, Roman
•k'hw 1 0 2. Bortngari 1 0 2 TOTALS 38 27 103
MrfeH for the winners.
1 MMotvA 4 00 0 BlWtc' 3 0C 0 MNMU-1II
HE w vomt (4) 3 02 0 f-fienr u 4 2 * 0 Mike Largey scored 36 points and
OtrfeH G»b«v ib 4 00 0 Baintt '• 3 12 2
Dory 2b 4 1 1 0 6CMT>n2b 4 02 3 LNPrtri c 3 10 0 G W i . ' Ib 4 21 0
•AaV • , 3t>

M L J J * ^ C'
4 0 2 1* c'
3 0 0 0 Hrnrxu ib
4 1 3 0 StnrtKy "
4 0 0 0 Foakif t

0 1 0
02 0
1 1 0
0 10
LDfnon Cl

0 00 0
4 0 10
4 01 '
3 0 0 0
Sfli,.ut» 'ti
SttQrnaV ll
i -i<"W a^
0 00 0
3 ?2 2
0 00 0
3 01 2
Former N.Y. Knicks star
pleads guilty to robbery
UMMB 4 0 2 0 fttoo-» 31 3 00 1 Bfotvx 3b 4 0 10 V.i«3b 2 00 0
3 0 0 0 Hodgt* c 3 t 1 0 lOHTH 3 00 0 wa 'tin pf> t o i l

i 0 0 I O'0^ n ' * * 3 22 0 0 00 0
• M M on
B*#yc 3 0 0 0 Ooodtflp 2 0 10 MM.II C 4 00 0
KMMpIl l D 0 0 O'OKOp 0 00 0 4 00 0
MSconp 2 00 0 TMBfe H i l t TOUM ii 7o r MINEOLA. N.Y. ( A P I - For- count of criminal possession of
Ri,hlt p 0 00 0
• a * an
000 001 000- 1 mer New York Knicks basketball stolen property before Nassau
10 0 0 OMOOM NO MJ OOl- 7
DtPinop 0 0 0 0 •• Owna Wlnnt rtf M l - M M M ( l |
toward Luther " T i c k y Burden County Court Judge Edward Baker,
TaMf* M i l l Tot* JO 4 t i 4 1-PXMcHw. WMttfetM, LatMt. tV-DMatt ] . pleaded guilty yesterday to pos- spokesman Ed Grilli said.
M M TOM m BM Ite- 4
L O I - O f l t r * H 7, Chlca«o S. 1 0 -
H H - ••tn«t ( i n . W O M no
sessing $400 in money stolen from Sentencing- was scheduled for
•Hint M l - i N t m w010
(J) IP H HMMM the Guardian National Bank of Aug. 6, Grilli said
I--CH*yn •Ms), Ci4nH PuM DP- " . . , _» - - A
•1M MOMl M 0, Now' Vart 4 M - Cnu 1.
4 5 i
Hempstead. N.Y. four years ago, Burden w a i convicted of being M g m U l l l atLa»TT»«««a
4 2 2
IB-O*'aft , Otrawkacff • • - C » b » l l 1 (!) LOpt/ 2 2 3 0 i 0 according to a spokesman for the part of a four-man gang that robbed FAILED BLOCK — Phoenix Business Systems' Tom Brodderick (24)
1 Of—* Hongi 2 1 0 0 2 0 Nassau County District Attorney. $18,000 from the Guardian National fails to block a layup by Peewee Jackson (under basket) of RKE
HMMM •atTiitlr W 5 6 9 5 1 ' 3 6 Burden. 30. pleaded guilty to one Bank on July 3, I960 Bullets. Moving in on the play is RKE's Joe McGarvey.
MScotl 1.4-0 4 13 0 3 2 i i T-OOO A - :12760
Null* 223 4 t t 0 l
r>P,no i i 0 0 0 0 OAKLANOft)
G o c W W M
O'MCoS 15
• - 2 3 3 A-21823
8 < 3 B 2
23 0 0
i t2
0 1

5 2 3 1 Bogga 3b
6 1 2 2 Dw6«ntfi
6 0 1 1 fire* il
a * r (i W
5 04 2
5 t 2 1
6 00 0
Aaron blasts asNL Old Timers win, 9-4
MOIVTMAUI) Kiijmri rjh 5 1 1 2 AiinMcf 6 < i i WASHINGTON IAP) - National for the NL which took a 2-1 lead in run king with 755, splintered his bat Killebrew pulled the AL within
ATLANTA (4) •ntha 30 5 0 1 0 Eaa«f d * 5 23 1
«*rhM •ferhW Bocnit Ib 4 1 0 0 BuCknf Ib 3 00 0
League Old Timers, turning back the third renewal of the series. as he drove a pitch from Bob Feller two as he greeted former Dodger
RatftMd 4 2 2 1 BBfo.i u 5 02 t 5 1 1 2 Qw)mar>c 5 110 the hands of time, uncorked a The American League scored on some 300 feet into the left field great Sandy Koufax with a lower-
ROM <P 4 t - i OM*M0 3D 2 0 10 Noons 5 1 1 0 BarrtflPb 3 t 2 1
DMOni 4 1 1 1 Royftff 'It. 3 110 3 2 1 0 Nichotipri 10 0 0
barrage of four home runs last solo home run by H a r m o n seats for a 2-0 National League lead ing home run to center field
GCttWC 3 0 0 ' W«rigtr<r1 5 12 1 0 0 0 0 Jura* 2b 0 0 00 night to rout their American Killebrew, a new member of after one inning.
WIMC" 3D 4 0 < 0 IVMpfty C 4 02 1 2 00 0 Quonoi
'Scof 'I 4 0 0 0 Crimp* ib 4 00 0
League counterparts 9-4 in the Baseball's Hall of Fame, and Bench, who retired last year Koufax, who also was touched by
10 0 0
UMtt 4 0 0 0 »H|.'p- 0 00 0 Moflrnnu 10 0 0 annual Cracker Jack Old Timers former catcher Andy Etchebarren after 17 seasons in a Cincinnati Etchebarren for a home run In the
Fiytv> 2b 0 0 0 0 P«t'y i' 4 00 0
VMM 44 0 11 t Tatata (111)1 Baseball Classic The five-inning game, which now uniform and after hitting more inning, retired the side striking out
MtMTM 2 0 0 0 M u t*'fl ?b 4 23 0 ON W M 0) 1
OHMtf both Mickey Vernon and Jerry
Pam*p 1 0 1 0 t't¥"K>C 4 02 0 linn 101 01 11 I M 00— 0 Henry Aaron. Johnny Bench. serves to both open and clow home runs than any catcher in
1 t i 0 PPf'tr p 2 00 0 OMWWUM tot M M - mm. Tom Haller and Billy Williams, Washington's baseball season, at- baseball history, sent a pitch from Coleman
McOWp ' 0 0 0 G*'Dt' p 0 00 0 fl-amitri • 1, Osdiwan, • • • « ( . • • a d i t .
RsWdonp 0 0 0 0 . ' • • ' # ! pn 10 0 0 " until f a, ftaa*M 1. IO» OaMiai 7. • • • M H ignoring a steady rain, all homered tracted a crowd of 29,698 fans Whitey Ford into the left field The National League put the
0 00 0 despite the inclement weather.
Kmnth pb
stands for 3-0 lead after two game away in the third with a five-
10 1 0 »aa, Baaja,lUatar. IW HOaXi (4|. UaaraaK 111).

Moonp 0 00 0 0«t laaa 1141. I - (14). M - Aaron, baseball's all-time home innings. run outburst.
T«tfB M • 7 4 Tatfa M 4 14 J 4 (Ml. Lati.tara (9). MN0O-) (T)
Mill*) M l 100 1104 000— B
MUM 000 1110 0 1 1 - 4 S-Ptaalaa. • IP H HUNK


O»m« WMftlnf U ) - D m * * |7) OaatJM
f-Dawt-wi D f - M e n i r t a l 1. L O t -MwtUMl 1, McCairy fl 6 1 4 3 1

(J). WHhtofllM (10). M - ••Kjvkr (•).

02) SP-OCwMt
? 2
0 0 stakes set NEW YORK (AP) - Tha raaulla 04 h a AflMrlcan
laagua An Slar DaHoung by lam Kx ma I M 4 Aa.
DatrM. SI3 197 K O M I Yount. U M u U a . 4M.W3:
Alfraoo arrinn. Toronto. 203.304. u L Waanmgun.
Lou* 101 7»l. B. Da" Driaaun Cincinnati M.398

P » m r vv 3 3
HtHOor 5 U

ppf« L a 3 •
M 3 2

7 2
5 1

7 5 5

0 3
CWW L 5-2
• •

• 3
• 2 1 ;

0 0 t

McCiny p>K M O to i Oaiw fl 7m Aitvorttx o-ict>»a K>

n C w pitcnao K> 4 b«iuI'l If" 111*
' - 3 3* * -17
- 679
: .

at track Star Qama, lo ba ptayad Tuaaday MgM, July 10. al

San Franoaco • Can daw—ell " i r k Raautta uadalad
Kanaaa cay. m w . Tim Foa. Noo Yon. 137 1501'
&c« 6cno«OU. CaHoma. 109.702 JiAo Franco'
Clavaiand. U . 3 W

n a g g * Jacloon. CaMoMa IDHI. 633.470. Dava

1 Alan Wiggtna. San D«go 600669 2 SMva Sa.
Loa Angaraa. 550.746. 3. Ryna Sandtarg Cmcago
605.744: 4. Manny TrrW. San FrarmKo 455 096 4
QMjnn Huboard Atlanta. 322 112 6. Tommy Harr SI
Louri. 2*0.901 7 Johnny Bar. Piaourgh. 143661
Gtybt' 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Lanca Parrtan. Oatrot 7 7 » n o . Carton Fan. WmMd. mm York. 611.113. CKa Lamon. DatrM. S. 8*1 Doran. Houaion. 106.28?
2 0 0 0 i 2 Pkataama
BY JOE H1NTELMANN Owago. 4 l ! . 6 7 t . Bat Boona CaMorna. 377 142 5M.739; Frad Lynn. CaWorraa. 526.1U. Ron K m . TMMIaaa
MOO'S t 0 0 0 0? •tea Oampaay. Bammora 273.403. Tad Smvnona. Chicago 496.040. J M Rica. BoaOn. 467.176. Kckay I M * a SchmKtl PhilaOalph'4. 1.019.OO7 2. Orwg
RANtAt CITtlt,
•3 Fitavati' BK- McG4'<i Jff> T_?50 CIIVILAND (1) OCEANPORT - Kattegat's Mirwaukaa (DM) 162.902. Jtfn Sundbarg Mirwaufcaa. Handanon. Oakland. 466.660. Lloyd Moaaby. Tor Natlaa. San O»oo 694 725. 3 Ron Cay Chicago
akrhW M rhM 154.Ml. John Watian. Kanaal City 116 554 Mma onto. 325.977. Larry Hamdon. DMnri. 366.007 Ban 333.390. 4. Kan ODarhtan Aiiania 747 946 5 Padro
»Vt»or C' 3 2 20 BuW c< 3 00 0
Pride and Queen of Song head a Haath Oakland. 87.704 OgkvM). Mltwaukaa. 356.696. Brian Downing. Cab- Ouarraro. Loa Angakn. 196904. 6. *i> Madioci>
P1TT0MAQH|4) 10 10 B#tn/rd2b 4 02 ' field of 12 in tomorrow's $100,000 •Mate roma. 354.663. Orag Lunnaki. Cntcago IDH|
344.733. DogM Evana. Boaan 192.708. Tony
PnaCurgn. 177.640. 7. Tim Wslacn Uonlraai
LOI A M I Lt (1) WOav i •' 4 0i ; '-ancou * 0 '0 Bod Caraw. California. 773.456. ElKW Murray. 142.345. 6. Phil Qamar HoutlO" 67.563
4 * f DM
Molly Pitcher Handicap at Mon- Armaa. Boaton. 167.633; Jaaaa BarHaW, Toronto.
M f II M Br>f1 3b 4 1 1 3 '"iitn 0"> 4 00 0 Barlrmcn. 535.725 Darraa Evana Datrot 355 111
Mfynnool 5 0t 0 5a> 2b 5 0 11 BaVXln ?b 0 0 00 CCail"i f< 4 0 10 mouth Park. Cacil Coopar. Mirwaukaa. 267.925. Wiflia Upanaw . 166.676. John LoaranaWn. Sa»mcrl. 161.737
1. O t » Smith. SI LOUII 956300 2 Garry
fia*2t> 5 0 1 0 BRbWiir.' 5 130 5 120 T
a b f ib 4 I monk). 242 429 BK Bucknar. Boaton. 175.402. Kant TampkHon San D«go 635 393. 3 Dava Concaocion
iMdicx 3b 5 0 0 0 Outf'*' 3b i 12 2
M C R M d"
4 ?20 HgiMf

a JO 0
1 1
The Molly Pitcher, a one-mile Hrbak. Mmnaaola. 154.043. Tom Pactorak, Chcago. MfW YORK (API - T M raauh. 04 Hia Naaonal Cmcinnan. 286.714 4. Ralaal Ramirar. Atlanta
jThptn ID 5 0 2 0 HOfM ' 2 0 10 9tboni ttl 5 12 2 Jacob* 3D 3 110 and one-sixteenth event for fillies 115.276 Laaeua AH Star aaaMng by tana lor I M 16S4 All 364.573. 5. Bill Ruiaan 230.327 6 'van Dajavu
L K f P' 0 0 0 0 LfXln N 0 00 0 Phuadalphia. 162 540 7 Jonnny L a M M t * Sar
TP«n« C 3 3 1 0 M'dnOO rl
4 012 Banco c 3 i i i
and mares. 3-year-olds and up, is a Star Oama. to ba playad Tuaaday « O M July 10. at
'4011 P'yO' ?b 5 ' l 0 Lou Whttakar. Datron. 673.776. BobDV Orich. San Frandaoo'a Canal Part. r t o u M updarad Franoaco. 163.665. 6. Dan Barra. P
v •/,' H 4 1 1 0 VMfP'C 4 00 0 4 13 0 Grade I I event which also carries CaHtorma. 375.091. Oamaao Garcia. Toronto through juna 26: 116.092
FrotW't , 3 0 i i SIL.MW ib 4 13 0 Tout* 10 0 10 0 Taw* Ji i i J $50,000 in Breeders' Cup Premium 301.052. Julio C m . Chicago. 255.172. Frank WMa
B«j".i s 4 0 3 ? A"<Jtin*i ? ' 1 1 Kanaaa City. 249.609. WMa ftandolpri. Naw York.
2 0 0 0 *P«' J D
M 121 0 1 2 - 0
Awards. 220.563. Jim Oantnar Mttwaukaa 236.213. Rich
1 Oary Canar. Moraraat. 711910. 2. Tarry 1. Darryt Slrawbarry. tvaiv York 966.267 2. Daw
3 i2 0 002 000 0 0 1 - ) Kannady. San Dtago. 603.246 S.Darraa Ponar. 81 Murphy, Atlanta 870.649. 3. Tony Ovrynn San D«go

sr*** °
1 0 0 0-NrtO"^'P
0 00 0
t O ' l
0 00 0 rg "H - ADa* t • Ii
E- CC.WI...Ci 'JP -C*»»>tnd 2 L O B - KafiaUC'v 11
Cutvtliftf * ?B BaVOo UWMrimglr M o r i , «R • B'»"
Kattegat's Pride won an allow-
ance race here recently against
Oauar. Baltrmora. 111.196

Oaorga Bran. Kanaaa City. 927.939. Ooug OaCi

Loura. 427.736; 4. Stava Yaagar. Loa Angaraa.
359.612. 5. Tony Pana. Paiburgn. 370.767: 6. Jooy
Dana. Chicago. 356.666. 7. Bruca BanarKCI. ABanla.
710.400, 4. Pata Roaa. Monnaai. 507 144. b Andra
Oawaon. Momraal 376.036 6 Laon Durharr
Chicago. 376.673. 7. Tim Rainaa. Monl'aal. 366.563
e« »• p 0 00 0 stakes-caliber competition. "That ncaa. CaMorna. 531.961. Wada Bogga. Boaun. 162.916. 9. Bo DM!. PhaarMphia 136.756 8. Jack Clark. San Franoaco 359.710 9 Ciaudan
jjMji M 4 11 4 Total* M B14 1 tjuri^^' 296.676. Buddy Ban. Taua 214.517. vanca La». Pka4taaa Wainington Atlanta. 348 689. 10, Mme MamMii Lot
010 100 0 M - 4 IP M HIP. M tO
was one of the best races she's ever Chicago 114.063; Camay Lanalord. Oakland. 1 Stava Oarvay. San Dtago. 1.133.601. 3. Kaan Angavaa. 334.195. l l . Oaorga Mananck SI Lou*
I 000 400 l O i - B
KMWM Cft run. " her trainer. Joe Devereux. 107.410. Jonn Caaano. Mmnaaola. 61,3a* Toby Harnandai. Nao York. 650.353. 3. AI Odvar. tan ' 393361 13. W i M McOaa. Si L e w 360.971 13
Oom* WlntUnfl M i - Ouo.rato <J) Harrati. Naw York. 56.471 Dava Parkar. Cincinnati. 376.838. 14, Kan Landraaui
9 7 3 3 03 said. "She won easiy and was only Francaoo. 344.530. 4. O v a CnamWaa. Aaaraa.
OP PWaatHQh 2. LOO- PHtrttKo* 1 t 0 , L M ArV 396 390. 6. Ray Knghl. Houaton. 144.190. 6. Jaaon LOB Angataa. 269 665 15 Gary Maflhawn,
§ato» 11. » - • • " • 1. Pro**)-. TPa 4 13 9 i i i a three-fifths off the track record." Cal Riokan. BaOmora. 766541 Alan Tramman. Thomoaon. PHtaburglt. 134.043; 7. O a M Oraan St 358.664. 16. Lonnra Smith. SI Loua, 256.343
Mildomto APtna 10-ltubbi
22 3 3 2 i ' 3 Kattegat's Pride h a t won
tP-Aitfw MH fnf«
IP H P. IR M tO $377,746 and will be trying for her
POMwih f8-B*v^o t~2 34 tenth career stakes triumph. Ac-
1-7 6 II 1<4 4 6
I 2 Ucond Qami cording to her trainer, she follows

On July 4, wear
Gbtnw 1 1 0 0
r - , . •<•

a carefully-planned training sched-
AFV 7 13 6 ibihb< H i h M ule.
If-J ) ' • V i t o " <.' 51 1 0 Butkn c< 51 3 1 "I don't actually work her be-

something with
bn«f.<jn rt 4i 2< ''mcou 40 1 1
•ALTMOM(4| B-»VT 3b 4 0 11 Htrgrv Ib 3 00 0 tween her races if they are close
WNNI8OTA (8) P'yO' 3t) 0 00 0 '"rn(n a" 3 00 0 together. " he revealed. " I give her
aainw at Ota a" 5 03 0 CCatW H 4 00 0
strong miles at a two-minute lick.

bis pockets.
5 I i u Puckanct * M0l*y ' 4 0 10 lb* H 2 010
5 2 2 0 DB'ovrn 'I 4 Baibo^ it> 3 i ] f NM it 2 0 2 0 When she was three and four, she
4 0 22 Hrtja* Ib 4 I 2' 4 i i i had seven wins with this pattern."
EMu'ry Ib
3 000 Gain. 3b 40 2 1 m2b 2 1 1 0 Don Miller rides Kattegat's Pride,
G I O H 36 3 000 T
a u !al 26 41 I i Vuhvc*> t 00 0
jtd 2t> 00 0 0 who. at 120 pounds, is the co-
ORonc« it
Sakata 2D
40 2 0
4 00 0
30 0 0
Mrai n
Laudnar c
4 00 0
402 1
30 0 0 37 4 is 4 Tu
10 0 0 highweight.
Queen of Song, in at 117 pounds
Win the $2,500 Early
Dwyar p* 1 1 1 0
36416 1 Tatah
16 9 1 1 9
000 m - 4
011 801 0 8 1 - *
881 010 0 0 1 - 1
Ganva Winning Rfli - UWMhingtri (1)
with Sam Maple up, shipped in
from Churchill Downs in Kentucky
Bird Pot of Gold.
F-Waltim Hv,%mtr<n D P - K a o m C-iy 2. C*tv*»n<]
611 M i - 6
1 1.OB—KamvM C.ty 9 Cltwttana 0 2 B ~ 8 c i i f 2. for the race. She has career Come to Monmouth Park before 1 p.m. and
1. Sh#i,dan Balbom. B<tf! 38-W-iion, FiKnim H R -
earnings of $534,804. Among her
fiaibort. (t2). WiHara (0) SB-BoHtf (25). Ffi«CO l«) you'll be eligible to win $2,500 worth of
S - J K 0 6 y SF-Sr«ftK)an stakes triumphs this year are the
H Rift H tO Sixty Sails Handicap at Sports- gold. There's lots morefanif you get here
t 413 ! 2 2 3 I man's Park and the Shuvee Handi- early: the Yalcsvilic Jr. Ancient Fife and
22 3 2 0 0 0 t cap at Belmont Park.
2 2 1 1 0 0 Drum Corps and a Dixieland Band from
QmtntKyS.22 Claude R. "Snug " McGaughey,
IM 9 3 3 24 trainer of Queen of Song, had first 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. And, of course, the
T - 2 11 A-12.081
1 - 2 42 A - 0 0 8 7
313 4 I I 02 considered shipping Try Something feature race is the $100,000 added Molly
New and Queen of Song in for the Pitcher Handicap. If that isn't enough,
race,, but changed his mind.
we're having an old fashioned barbecue
MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS "Queen of Song is a litle better
right now." he said, "and more today and tomorrow with hamburgers,
suited for the distance of the Molly giant hot dogs, corn on the cob, water-
Pitcher." melon, draft beer and soft drinks. Come
IA6T DIVISION IA6T P4VIUON Nany, trained by Richard Root,
W L Pat W L Jr., could be the main challenger on out and help us celebrate.
NawYork 41 33 564 DatroR 56 23 705 -
Chicago 43 35 551 .-- 46 32 590 9 for the top two. She has won seven
36 551
39 494
. 43
36 42
of 12 starts including the Schenec- First race: 1:30 p.m.
tady Stakes at Aqueduct. "She ran
St Loula
46 365
41 ai
• York
36 49
33 43
456 191
434 21 a real decent race when she won a
Racing through September 1.
WIST DIVISION 32 44 421 22
46 31 597 W I S T DIVISION restricted New York-bred race last
43 36 531 Cautomia 43 37 536 - week." Root said. "We'll come to
LoaAngaM 42 40 512 600 3
Houaton 36 42 475 Chicago 36 40 467 Monmouth. give her a good shot

Cincinnati 37 43 443 Oakland 39 42 4V, and see how she does." Nany gets
San Francraco 31 46 406 KanaaaCJty 36 40 5
Saanta 36 44 in at 114 pounds with no rider
Monmal 5. AHama 4 Taaaa 36 45 named.
Maw York 4. Houaton 2
ptMadaiphia 4. Cincinnati 0 CaMomia 6. Toronto 3 Heatherten, the original high-
San Dtago S. Chicago I Kanaaa City 9. Clavaiand 3. lal gama weight at 122, skipped the Molly
Loa Angataa 5. PiRabuigh 4
Only gamaa acnadukrd
Kanaaa City 4. Clavaiand 3. 2nd gama
MAaauUa 3. Saama 2 'at gama Pitcher in favor of the Fleur de Lis P A R K
Taaay'a Oaaaaa MiMukaa 6. Saana 4. 2nd gama Stakes at Churchill Downs, a race Occanpori, New |ency 077S7
St Laua) (Aaan 3-1) at San Franoaco (Krukow 3-7). Oakland 9. Boaton 6. 11 mnmga
3:06 p m Chicago 7. Datrott i she won on Saturday. (201) 222-5100
Houaion (Ryan 7 2| ai Na« «ork iBaranyl 4 VI 7 35 Taxaa 7. N a * York 6 Others entered in the Molly
p.m Mwmaaota 6. Bantmora 4
Cincinnati (Pulao O-l) at Ptwadatphia IKooaman
6 4 ) . 7 36 p m Kanaaa City (Black 9-5) at Clavaiand (Btytavan 6-3). Byrnes; Quixotic Lady, 118. Eddie FREE GRANDSTAND ADMISSION. nm
Mormal (Qukckaon 4-5) at AJanM (McMurtry 6-6). Maple; Sultry Sun, 116, Mickey Trtis coupon it good any day thru SapMmonr 1. 1964
7 40 p m . Baramora (Flanagan 6-5) al Mmnaacaj (Smrtrwon Tha coupon it good any day tnm Saptambar i i g u
Chicago (Trout 6-3) at San Otago (Thurmond 6-3). 6-7). 7 35 p m Solomone, Amanti. 115, Vince Fill in and presort! at Grandstand Coupon Gals
Oakland (Conroy t-31 al Boaton {Hum 6-5). 7 38 Fin in and prase* a i Grandstand Coupon Gate
1O06 p m Bracciale, Jr.; Mademoiselle For-
prajimrgn |Ca d.iina M l at Loa Angataa
IManNaar 3-3). 10 35 p m California (John 4-6) at Toronto (Ootl 4 2 ) . 7 3$ li. 114, G r e g g McCarron;
T . i k i n a i i ' 4 Oaatai pm Thinghatab. 113, Craig Perret;
St Louat at San Francaco. 2. I 36 p.m Datrorl IMorra 12-4) at Chicago (Saavar 6-6). 6 30
Houaion at Naw York 7 35 P m Lady Norcliffe, 113. Nick San-
Oncmnaa at Pniladalpnia. T 35 p m Saana (Young 4 si al Mitaaukaa IQCaon 0-21.6 30 tagata; Lying Lady, 110, no rider
Monnaal at Atjanta 7 40 p m pm Coupon musttofilkMt out This coupon cannot M otftrM lor
Chrcago at San Diago 9 08 p m Nav. York (Byatrom 0-0) at Taiaa (Tanana 6-7) and Owned by All, UO. Danny sala or convenad to cash
Coupon must ba Mad out This coupon cannot ba ottered to,
6.16 pm; sala or converted to cash
PWiurgn al Loa Angaraa 10 35 p m •Wright
The Daily Register B 5

Lewit named MYP at Green and Gold cage camp

RED BANK - Bill Lewit was compete in the National Cham- ented with his club's Coaches FARC, P O Box 934, Freehold, a two mile run for beginning
named Most Valuable Player fol- pionships to be held in San Jose. Award for outstanding play and 07'28
lowing the opening week of the
annual Green and Gold Basketball
Cal July 21-22. . COUNTY BRIEFS leadership. Dtckerson to speak
runners It will start at 8 45 a m
and the feature race will follow
Corporations nationwide partici- Over 800 entries have been
Camp at the Red Bank Catholic pate in the event, which consists of ''Light'' series opens WESTFIELD - Marianne received thus far for the race which
gym. Mike Maryanaki was named a aeries of relay running races. ^knocked in nine runs for the Lady FREEHOLD - The 19(4 Natural Dickerson of Michigan, who placed attracted a field over over 2.000
Best Defensive Player. Jersey Shore Medical Center re- Braves who finished with a 19-8 Light Summer Series organized by second in the first World Cham- runners last year
Named to the All-Star team were corded a time in a 3-lap sprint event record the Freehold Area Running Club pionship women's marathon in The race culminates Women's
Maryanski. Lewit, Kim Boulmetis, (two 220s and two 44Osi at the Helsinki. Finland last summer, will Running Week in New Jersey as
Lee Jupinka and Sean Sweeney. Local stars earn 'A'' will get underway July 11 and
Regionals which was five seconds continue every Wednesday though be the featured speaker and com- designated by Gov Thomas Kean
Age group winners of the foul short of a national record UNION - Dan DeBenedetto and Aug 15 at Monmouth Battlefield petitor at the Fourth Annual and free rlinirs on running and
shooting conteit were: Dave DeFilippis starts Joe McDonald of Middletown, and State Park. Women on the Run 5-Mile Road fitness will be given in Belmar
Kretzmer (8-10), Jeff Cuozzo Al Smith of Keyport earned varsity A Fun Run will start at 6:30 and Race to be held July 22 al (July 15) and Tinton Falls (July
111-12). Mike Connelly (13), and HAMDEN, Conn - Jean De- letters as members of the Kean will be followed by a 5-kilometer Tamaques Park 17)
Greg Calt (14-16). One-on-one age Filippis, a freshman first baseman College varsity lacrosse team. run at 7. Awards will be given out The race, which is the largest all- For more Information or appli-
group winners were: Jim Kristofik from Elberon, was a starter on the DeBenedetto was a midfielder to the top three finishers overall women's sporting event in the slate cations, contact race director Pa-
(8-10), Cuozzo (11-12), Mike Quinnipiac College Softball team and received All-Knickerbocker (men and women) and age groups and the largest all-women's five tricia Goias, P O Box 513, West-
Sweeney (13) and Lewit (14-18). this season She had 11 hits and Conference honors He was pres- For further information, contact mile race in the country, has added field 07O91
JSMC wins relay cup
NEPTUNE - The Jersey Shore
Medical Center won the Eastern
Regional Class 'A' championship of
the Runner's World Magazine Cor-
porate Cup Relays at Montclair
State College recently The victory
qualifies the team of runners to

Wall oval
sets shows
Stadium will end the big Fourth of
July weekend with two big shows
Saturday and Sunday nights. Cm
Saturday night it will be a complete
show of stock car racing, while on
Sunday it will be the second
demolition derby of the season.
Saturday nights all stock car
program will feature the modi-
fieds, sportsman, modern stocks,
and strictly street stocks. The
powerful modifieds will compete in
a series of qualifying races trying
to make the 35-lap feature at the
end of the night. The sportsman and
modem stocks will also participate
in qualifying races as the sports-
man will go 30 laps in their feature
while the modern stocks will com-
pete in a 25-lap main event. The
strictly street stock or rookie
division will compete in a 10-lap
featute only. For those interested
in joining this low budget division,
rules are available at the Speedway
office which Is open daily from 2
p.m. to 8 p.m.
Sunday's show will be quite a bit
different from SatuYday's, but
equally as exciting as the Stadium
presents the second demolition
derby of the season. Close to 100
cars are expected to be on hand to
try to take home a piece of the $1500
posted purse. The open competition
event will begin at 7 p.m. and carry
with it a Sunday, July 15 rain date.
Wall Stadium's street stock give-
away contest will be announced
soon. The car has been and will be
on display at the Stadium in weeks
to come. The major sponsors of the
car include Bob Emmons of MNO,
Clint Osborn fo Osborn's Auto
Wreckers, and Dan McLaughlin of
McLaughlin Automotive Engineer-
Saturday night's stock racing
program will begin at 7 p m with
the gates and stock car warmup
action scheduled for 5 p.m. For
further information on this week's
shows or upcoming events, contact
the Speedway office at 201-681-6400.

Kelly is
voted tops
Jim Kelly of the Houston Gam-
blers, a rookie who put together the
Marclay Colonial sofa and chair
most productive season ever by a
professional quarterback, was
named the United States Football
Starting Our Annual in natural and grey plaid family" cover
Wings trimmed with dark pine
> M
Thomatvlllo Replica Clattlci.
SHet t <herr* veneers and solid* 68
lighted breahfront double pedestal Dun
(.an Ptyle table I I I solid Queen Anne
Thomatville. SoM moiiogany un-,
I A\ (,„ lorn .- nntun redui lion sale In
pie -i"".'.*-i- with bevelled glass mttttn
host full oi quten thairbat t>
League's Player of the Year yester- voiuc sm. SALE 699
day by The Associated Press
The 6-foot-3. 215-pound rookie out
of the University of Miami, who
spurned the Buffalo Bills of the
SUMMER SALE Young Hlnkle Pin*. Triple drami
with Martha Wathin|ton twin mirror
louvred door chest, cannonball head
Value $5995 8ALE ' 3 7 0 0 ° °
Solid Pln« by Hlntotd H e fuita with
bO dutch tubboard thai features .i
lighted lop plus serving area Extension
bed iw(^ n(ghi i ibics

ValurUMO SALE I 2 6 9 5 ° °

with a BANG on
board, one night Hand Apt. Size Sofa. King Hickory
table and si* turned spindle (hairs coin
National Football League to sign plete the group p Traditional, i . ushion > t r,,,iv Hi
with the expansion Gamblers, re- Value $1899 8ALE M 2 9 5 ° ° Dofftkin btige \.t[,*-\ui fuUy skirted
Value $2195 8ALE
ceived 30 of a possible 36 votes in Valurtm 8ALE I 4 8 9 0 0
Manor HOUM Pin*. Massive dining French Provincial bV a*™hQrdt

the balloting by reporters from
: each USFL city. He led Houston to
a 13-5 regular season record and a
Wednesday, July 4 room suite by Singer 68 lighted br«at<
front with cane accented doors, e Mention
trestle table four heavy spindle side and
lighted breahfront with brass grill oval
extension table two tanebarh arm •nd
tour side chairs • . **«__„ Marclay Transitional. Sofa and
USFL playoff berth by passing for twd arm chairs I 80 lovesaat •> Ian ttripi Neatly Inmmecl ,n
5,219 yards and 44 touchdowns in We have selected hundreds of voiueum SALE 1895 walnut and shulprl h i t any der.oi
SALE M595" Dark Antique Pine bV Singer be
the quick-striking "run and shoot" SPECIAL SALE items for this occasion. SALE I 6 9 9 e o
offense installed by offensive coor- closed (hind heavy trestle table ui high
Traditional Oak. Four-piece bedroom bach 9feybrook chairs
dinator Mouse Davis Be sure to stop in, examine and compare our group by Singer Triple dresser with in
told mirror chest on-chest queen bow Value $2395 SALE I 1 6 9 9 ° ° Flex Steel. 86" tofa d txttaw
The touchdown total, ac- prices.. You'll find 20% to 60% reductions on bach bed, night stand I, ,n k tin,-,- .„..,,„„. ..I,.,,,,,| i,, , I,,,,,,
complished in the 18-game USFL BRAND NAMES such as, STIFFEL • THOMAS- Value $i629 SALE >
1095°° Thomatvllle Contemporary bod-
-trir] rust iir.r.ii lapestry r.^vr>r
season, was an all-time pro record, VILLE • DIXIE • SEALY • SIMMONS • BROYHILL room. The Imperial group'Brown oak VaiurSim SALE ' S g g 0 0
four more than Pete Liske's 40 TD Manor HoutO washed Coiomai laquered and trimmed with brass five
passes for Calgary of the Canadian • CLAYTON • MARCUS • SINGER • KINCAID • Triple dresser with pediment mirror 40 pic cs mr iijrJe triple dresser and mirror Contemporary Sofa »•
rhest, cant headboard for queen or full
Football League in 1967 and eight HALLAGAN • LANE • BASSETT, to name a chest, chairbach headboard and one night two door n<ght stands
SW...-I chair I.,,, rnri..)/ lerl . " :
i more than the NFL record of 36 set stand Chevron * w .
by Y.A. Tittle in a 12-game season few. Value $1800. SALE * 1 2 7 5 M SALE '1095°° VclurSm SALE ' 5 9 5 0 0
in 1963.
Just to whet your appetite, here are BatMtt Mapla Bedroom. Double Taylor-Ramsey, four pwc* comem
Kelly's nine 300-yard games porary m walnut and selected hardwood*
Clayton Marcus. 8 0 " Camel
just a few of the items reduced for dresser with slam resistant top mirror, Back Sofa. . . . ...
surpassed the record of eight set by chest of drawers, panel .headboard and Triple rJrtUtr and mirror, chest panel ton prir.l '••!,* ;,.ii', jv-. if .;
Dan Fouts during a 16-game NFL night stand headboard and two-drawer night stand •.tinfo'] Mint
season in 1980 And the yardage this STOREWIDE SALE... M
Value $9SO SALE * 6 9 9 * * Value S149S SALE * 8 9 9 SALE
mark is second to Warren Moon's
5,648 for Edmonton of the CFL in
198) BEDDING Twin Mattresses or Box Springs
Jones quartet ALL REDUCED A fine tradition since 1869 [1 SETUP t DELIVERY
of Florence Jones. Suzan McLay, (EVEN BEAUTYREST)
Mary Carney and Lil Davidson
captured the team-offour first
place honors in the Florida
Scramble 9-hole title with a score
Seofy... No Charge For Delivery
of 41 Four teams tied for second
(EVEN POSTUREPEDIC) Front & Church Sts.
with the team of Mary Turner, June Open Monday & Friday
Wheeler. Jane Murray and Betty
Shelley taking the top spot with a
47 Patsy Fair won the closest-to-
pin prize
Evening until 9 P.M.
All Items Subject to Prior Sole FURNITURE CO. 264-0181
B6 T h e Daily Register TUESDAY, JULY 3, 1984

MONMOUTH PARK Brigham ties

S Dev.i*n Piaaaure tB>acc*m, i-i 1 Courteoui ua«niy (&watuKi ft-2
in Nissan
1W M . M t , CW»i , 1 ye • v» M M . , 8 Coerce C M M [Otiw«rt| 20-
g ring (imparaioi 20-1 2 J u m p S h o t I * , " ! • y
1 S«iar> • C M » X > (SHvi"o) 9 W>rx)y C«ntH (Gomeil 20
7 O W i l U I Way <Wi><*rr«l M* Al IPernai 4-1 fl 13 A Nabwa Vank (Penan
2 B0 n u I D• , I CO n 2 M : M O M C M - , . I r . « Hp. , M ft « V *
fl Her Bat' Vat fVe<ea> 9 Du«y» DouDta (No Rideij 20-1 4 Her Pw (Metenoei)
2 0 '3 Ciitty * i d« i C 1 Autumn C u n g n (W»fd| 7
9 Emo'tW N < y m (Connan 9 Gienmore Caafle (Swaluk) 20-1 5 MOunte.neer Joe (Penney)
<6 <4 K<M»y ' U [W|i(J! 2 My Money Mec^ne (Antteyj 4
Sr«: M O M Ctant, I * • I NB, • Pw.
5 O f Tn« Be" (Amvyi 3 P P * (Anl%y) 3
1 BmiMt Ff*nd (Goalie/)
Snare a Lot (Miner) 10-1 fl D e e p F r e a i e t W LAKEWOOD - Rurruon Country
Proven Proud (Ward) '0 1 7 27 Aiwayi Beat (AnOey)
6 Cove'ed Win R O M * if«i'«-i
7 Crafty Gi'i (Santagat*)
«•• H»ui ( V M I )
'than (fmtf)
2 Dav.i Danca [&acc<aw> 2 Guew Rco (Pvrei) , , e-t 19ft: M . M 0 , Omi , » » • • • » . »' Club head professional Don
3 PuM Away fWrcti
4 S'"'*r Sera (Antteyi
AE Benioni (he Bold (Ferrer) . 12-1 1 Noreddm (Ferrer) Brigham tied two other golfers
E Knigpiri Slona ( N o Rid»r ) 2 T o r o n t o * Smile ( A n
& Forever fha'e 'MaMndeD
10 I AEa My fr«nd Snep (Ward) 5-2 9 > 3 FUmnymaade (SamagoM)
yesterday in the qualifying round of
6 V*h and T M ' (Fa>rar|
T Da^ca MafOa* (Penn«y)
ouv i t a . M o . A h * , i r i i u#. I M i n v « a 4a Hammer Stone (Ward) the Nissan Classic at WoodLake
Or*nUI Splendor (Miller) 4-1 5 Bengorowe (Conner)
Country Club.
Monmouth Selections 8 Ouaan Bkrana (Annayi
4th; I 1 1 . S M , e*a* . > r « I fm
1 Saucy Cna»angef (Satviftol
Faraway Pnnceaa iTtvornburg)
3 B'eveat Girl (Antley)
Perky Roee (Thomaa)
. 8-1
6 Mcnaal R (Thomae)
7 Nireoo (Ferrer)
S Rattan (verge)
. .

by Reggie Ster 2 Wont Wind (No RiOari

3 H,Q»I Taa (Oonwij
4 Bnart).M (No fi-oa')
Cancan Madame (Ward)
Notnmg Sweeter (Anttey)
LOdy On lea tPtfVH
9 Radio New* (Mena)

* (Penney)
Brigham carded 35-35-70 to tie
Mike Gray of Arcola who came in
b Da'Dy Ouaan (UcCauiay)
12 AOeeto (Anney) with the same round scores, and
1 — Klassy F l u , Crafty Girl, Satan's Cailno 6 Tiuta Tauw (Annay)
S o u r D a n c a ( W a r d )
H I M : I t O . O M . A M * . , 1 ye * H » . 1M • 1/1« AEa For The Lead (Ward) Gary Ostrega of Colonia who came
2 — My Money Machine, Madame Chlng, Autumn Change* 7 f oo i Flora
. & IB '•*» N a (Farrar)
I S i n i i Q i
in with 34-36-70.
3 — Dance Harder, Queen Blretta, Putt Away 0 itiand Victory (Ward)
4 — Bltterblte, Darby Queen, Trade Name
5 — My Tara, Hundred Trumpets, No Arrangement ,
0 (Pyai
Q i t C H n g
10-11? CoK>nia> Ouaan (Thomatr
(a MONMOUTH PARK RESULTS Jim Ulozas of Crescent Fairways
6 — Empress Jackie, LaUma, Sweet Teens AEa Eiiant Sa>enade iPecati came in with a 71. tying five others.
• A : 14 OOO C r m , , > y . 4 ya I >
7 — Bentonl the Bold, Trader Al, Arthur'* Turn 1 Jadaio (Conrw)
IM H,NC CMf.. IMa.. I n
3 0u«C4 (Anit«y|
8 20 4 00 2 BO
6 L i lI Brtaih D Or
12 60 7 204 ANo (Farrar}
2 60 They were Ed Heuser of
8 — Oriental Splendor, Lady on Ice, Northing Sweeter 2 Sprvntai (imoa'tV)) S S o w Mr ( M m n d w . 4 go 3 00 ••M 14 MM
3 My ' • ' • (Farre'l
• — Mountaineer Joe, Jump Shot, Courteous Majesty 2 F u r t l l u a ( V • g • | nn. I 1 6 . 6 M , • « • . . > m • aa), 6 • » . Tamarack, Pat Maglione Jr, of
* Tipay't Sacond 'Anney) IF 4 Ann* Wmga (Hocco) 5 20 3 40 2 60
10 — Sandaw, Vanishing Prince, Abeato i Hundrad Trumpata ( M H W I 7 QalKnl Wina |Tno>nDu'g| . S 20 3.60 2 40 3 Eachaal (Vaga) f 60 3 60 Plainfield West. Jim Jewel of
t Maryt M o U (Parna)
BEST BET: Mountaineer Joe (9th) 7 No Arrangamani ( F a
3 A Max Snon ivagal 4 W 2 «0 $ Mnaaa WaM OrM OrM (Tho(Thomaa) 3 20
/I D—t
D nnuuaa ll l 1-4 614.46
Spring Lake, Jamie Howell of
Yesterday'* Winners: SlillUh Gal (380); Annie Wings (5.20) 5-10 B«apa Aoaacha (Ward)
t (UCU4 4-1 a u a a
«*>. t i V0«4). M a * . . 3 T». • fy
1 Sa>ly W<nO« (No RiOar) .2-1
Suett 7 1 IMM . .o u
m, r w . Newton and Steve Sieg of Mount
a (No ) 5 2
M: I7.M0. Cta(.. I «*, • *m. 2 Doutua HoM IThomturgl 25 00 7 60 4 00
3 BfKM IO Ba IRoooo) 4 00 2 6 0
3 Nania (No «'aeri 8
4 Ban a K>ng (Fa»a>l
1 L4CM Spaa lAntayl
1200 5 00 3 40
3 «0 2 1 0 B Partaa Paaa (Anaay) 2 60
4 Hvrr% Monay i Mafia i 12

2 Btav* Mitw ivaga) 3.00 I U M l-» I16T.M
& Parpaiuai W^nar (Qomaij —>: IH.a». •*».. ) | > l « . l h r
l a a a u 4-1 t n at
6 Empfeaa Jack* (Pfief)
7 Code* R O M (Ward)
« k : M.OOO. CWf . I M a . , I n l ' x 7 Oaa/a DWul IHcCaulay) 15 40 6 60 4 60 Tom Ulozas, former Bamm
3 SU«n Oal IParMI 3 JO 3 00 3 00 4 Li i U a l i i i ( P arra II
0 Marco Baach (Triorftburg) 6 m U U IKocco) 22 00 7 00 260 2 603 Hyraa Baal (Oaagarn 4 40
Hollow County Club pro, now out of
101: Peee, M.M0 . 4-13 Married Men (inakoi 0
9 [n//y Dutle' (Pya) S-Sna LiUa Don flEsvaHa) B 00 Saaata 7-4 146.46 Battleground, fired 73. tying two
10 Fata Rumor (Aniiay) TiHaaw «-«-• t n f ea 1 6 * : MJMS, CMaa,, I M a . , I » 1 « 4 F »
1 Glamour Cruet lO<gania) 20-1 4 Practical Joker (O'DonneiJ „ 3
11 S*eat T e«ni (Antlay) •aa: H.OM. CM,., l r . l v . l f . 12 Ouaal Houaa (WHkaraotl 16 16 6.20 7 20
others, including Larry Mullin of
2 OaNwood IL| (O'DonneU) 0-1 5 A/mbro Cum (depart') 5
3 Son of Account (Hefnert ••1 B Wayward Kind (Mann, 6
i? Te«t snot (Ward) a AcconpMtunanI iB-«cc«.i 22 W 7 20 3 K 3 lagal Dagraa IVaga) 13 40 7 00 Hollywood
* Hydro l ighi (LeudterM 92 7th: 411.000. CtHtf., 1 ya. I M • 1 / 1 * 9 Ectiopon lAnaayl 3 00 2 1 0 4 Kat Owcomo (Bracctala) 5 20
7 Flying Faanton (Long) 20
* Haaiy Cannonade iMiiian 5 Pnnca ol Spon (Famjc) 2(0 Tntaeta 164-4 r.176.66
5 SemaneM (Herman) M 8 Mucho Happy Q * (Wafceter) 20
B Keyttone Sherlock (Fi*i 4-1 9 TruMtood ( 0 OonneU) |
2 A i t i u ' i Turo (Antlay)
(•am M M M » l « 6 l » l l : t,6W The tournament opens July 31
3 U I I M U H (Varga)
7 FKMIirvg Ben (Salerno) 10-1 10 F t ftouge (Re>g*ti 4a R<h (Ward) M>: til.m. •«•., 1 r> a a*. I" 1/lt lianaii: t i . a n . n * with a two-day pro-am.
B Phase On (McNicrxX) »M : Pace, I M M Gar* (Sotomoiw) 5 40 3 40 2 60
a c o i i o i c a ' t> on o ) t Edward Merv* (O'DonnaH)
15-110 WoodniM John (Davia) 1S-1 2 Nevi Dance (CampbaH) 3
AE I B o w i n Hanover (Long) 3 Baanfui Bunny (pevqj , 4-
• i t a d : Tre*. I l l , M O 4 Tebeichntco (WHHama) * 5-
i Hralonc F<e*ght iWeOeier)
? ftoydon Boy (Miller)
3 Peintirvrjer iDanta)
* Hap Bob Bobby (DeCampo)

5 Ala Tamp* Bay (Webater)
fl Ala Boba Bomber (Da«a|
7 Famer John L (Dav>a)
B MoAae foWy (L) (Parker)
' i
b Sam Newton (Herman) 92 S Harebrained (Mann) '0
e Befhanite Buddy (Campbell) a -i 10 H H Sentne> (Mann) iO t19ft: Tre*, 9 1 4 . 0 M
7 Record Bowi (Haughion) 01 1 P A SCOP Iron (Bchwtnd) 8-
2 Hoty Aoaege-(Korp.) 10-
12-19 Wee Hop (Webeter) . MM 3 B a n * Star (Story, . . . >-
10 Keyttone Edmund (McNichoi) 7-2 4 Ptuiarco Koamoe (No Driver) 12-
*fd Pece H O 0 « 5 Anrfciai Ban (M>l<er) . . '0
1 Madagascar ( M a w ) 9-2 6 LaVuM" (Vercruytaa) 20-

2 Winging il (Haughlon) 5-1 7 Kaena Rodney (DoherTy) fl
3 Whirled (ODonnell) 20-1 8 Perfect Lflht (Haugntor.)
4 Weal Oaie Count (King) .10-1 9 O'Omi Free 8 p
"i Termac (Ceae) . 3-1 9 - 2 1 0 O o o Whit i R t i g i t l
6 ittand Oanatar (Procmo) 20-1 h H t l : Pe*e. 911.070. C1m«.
7 Corporate Power (McNicnol) . 10-1 1 Or « N • y ( H F i l i o n
B Stonebndge Snipper (Breenehen) 4-1 . 3-12 Paved with Odd (Oagl*rd<) 8
9 Tr, Nnro (Raigiei <0-> 3 B Be Brotner (L| iCoUaiO) If-
10 Suitcaaa (Poptingerj 20-1 4 Saundert Wiuard (Daupiaiee) '0
eft: Pec.. M O M 5 valiant Way A (Oeghardi) . . If-
1 Inventor (Scrtwind) . (-1 6 Lando (Lancaaw) >2-
2 L*uienent Shipper (Monn) . ( < 7 Radar Lobeli (L) (0'DonneN) , '5
8 DeWo (Maml) .. &•
8 14 0<ba Q U O H (Copeiand) 12-1 9 Qutai Win (CampbeH) 4-
5 Boafd o' Directort (inaho) tot 10 Mark B Time (L) (O'CfonneH) 5
6 Pear Time (Bal*.ntj 20-1
7 Marks &<it>aay (Mann) lft-1
B Young Haydan (O'Donneii)
0 Pilgrims Rainbow (SlOtttfut)
. 9 2
' 0 Vanslon Hanover (Lonmeyeo 31 1 — Samt>n«B», K»y«ton«
M l : Pace. M H O
1 Bo Scot* Sonata (Perry,*—-v
Sh«nock, Oakwood
2 Dee La Sock fSiaybeck) X 10 1 2 — Record Bowl, Roydon Boy,
3 Fancy LObaii (Campbell)
4 Coriol Lady
A e1
' C a m pb a n )
— Tarmac, Corporate Power,
8 15 Adi Luanne (Davla)
6 Miaa No No (O'Donneii)
12-1 StonebrWge Skipper I Gat Your Car Ready For Summer Driving
7 Tebakji (Qagitardi)
8 Punch Line lO'Donnel")
tO-1 4 - Pilgrim* Rainbow, Marks With Tire Bargains Uke These. Step Up
9 Woodmont M«ay (Williama) 10-1 Birthday, Voung Hayden
10 Loat in Love iDohenyl
ftfi Trot, MO.000
fl 1
5 — Adi Luanne, Lost In Love, To Goodyear And Savel Now Through July 14.
1 f d o Daiaray ( 0 Mara) TebaMI
2 Mr Drew (Jonnaon)
* 3 Herringbone (King)
8 - Limbo Joe, Graduate Stu-
4 Mita Be"* F (DuBcxae) dent, FalrtleM County
3-1« Fairfietd County (O'OonnaO) 9-1
7 - Topeka Hanover, H H
7 Limbo Joe (Procmo) . 5-1 Lehlgh, Whata Dud*
I Graduate Student inaugmon) 0'
S — Trueblood, Jttfy Baron,
7th Pece. 110,090. Clmf
1 Ragai Dancer (Gtorgianm)
? Panda* Byrd (Ceae)
Flying Fashion
9 - Next Dance, Edward Marval,
Fantastic savings on
3 H H Lenign (Vumbaca)
4 Snangnai ROM (O'Donneii)
5 Cham Gang (Ll lODOnnellJ
• • '
, .. 12-1
IS - Perfect Light, Laiulll,
Tiempo radial whitewalls
9 Topako Hanover (Campoaii) 9-2
Bahla Star • All-season traction with
over 10,000 biting edges
1511} B B Happy (W a b i t e r ) 11 - Lando, Mark B Time., Oulet
6-19 Racing Banner (SiolttitMt » 1
Win • Saves you gas with staal •
•0 What a Dude (Remmen) 10-1 belted radial construction
• f t : * M I , 110,000 BEST BET: TOpeka Hanover
1 J'tty Baton (Dohetty) 12-1 • Helps protect sidewalis
2 Jickion Hmo.ii (D My)
(7th) with a scuff rib that really
• Steel and polyester don't
MEADOWLANDS RESULTS settle for anything less

i l l M,000, »act. mil* tllCUHIHW

3 FattQutit (Dohertv)
7 Bat Freight iBmion}
1S.WB.004 20
Mh»it,m, aact. mlt.
*-Ont For All (Loontv V l t a l t ) 13.40 BOO S.W
Bias P l y Power Streak BidS Belted Cushion Belt
• Ablt Scol N iQuartarolo) .- f.20 SMtrg»r*Cooiln(C#ta) „ 4 40130
I M 11.000. MCa, mlla ' 1 Escape Marval ( M a n i l ) »» Sii> PIIICI

i Easy ElgMIt First (CaM) i.00 3 40 J B0
• Poor Waalthy Girl (Manil) 7*04*0 F78»14 137 25
6-Flrii AoriHPopfing«r) f.00 t l h |iB,MB,Mca.mila.all: 1B:H
Daukla 1-1 U1 00 I i a c U 1-4 U l M i HarlevsEagie(Oaailardl) «.MS.B03.40 G78>15
Jrd 110,000, M e t , milt • Harov A i m . h u r s i ( D a v r l ) 4.20300 H78«15 •43 15
I Tum)1onChlp((Caw> 5.M400M0 4-PuncnCoillns(Qulnn) 2. BO
J-Mtrry Amber (Doharlvi 5.003.40 )M«t4 L78«15 14500 B78.13
• Smooth Skipper N (Connor) 3.20 »1h|l,000,Mie,mllt.a«: 11:1) No trade needed
liKUMtll.M 1 MvPaiomar (Webstar) S.S03.003-M No trade needed
4th, Mca. milt VEnlohas(DauplaJu) 5.403.00
1-WirmOtm iPlulmol 18 K 7 B0 i 20 4 Bvt ByeHtllofRtrnmant 2.40
f. Whiley'sSk<potr (Rtmmtnl .. 4 20 3.00 Da«Wan-l)MM|41.4«

1 DKIon Fovle (Sloltifutr 7.40 •ia<«l(IS)MMUi.M.
T r l l t t U 1-4-1I9M.49 iBM-»ll.B8t.iratmlla.aff: i i . u
Stti i t i , 1*6, Mca, mlla to Waena VincMOagiiardl) J 204 203 K
4-Tallv HoHanovtr (Lartnlt) 7 M* 10300 } Precocious Lad N ( C a i a ) 4.40300
6 Jay D Hanover (King) 4.40 3.00 B PairadlceAngtMGlbton) 4.40
VSchilfli David (Dohertv) 4.00 •
MIkMB.Mca.mlta.aH: M:U
• tt
• ' • 4lh 1M.0J0, Pact, mile S-CFM4gnum(Alttfi)
7 Prtclaux M l r a g e ( D o n t r t v )
23.4011. BOB. 00
• 4>Varthtt Prtdalor (Dohtrtv) ..; S.«O3BO3.2O
• '|>Neil Hanover (Richardson) 1.60 5 20 4 Emarald J a v ( M a n t i ) 3.40
• V T v Vanhta (Haughton) 4.40 TrHtcto ( I M ) N M | M 4 W
Han«aU.I».fU ANMMMCa 14.144

Yanks activate Righetti
NEW YORK (AP) - The New on his left thumb sustained In a
York Yankees announced yester- bullpen accident last month. Prior
day they have activated left-handed to that he had a 21 record with nine
relief pitcher Dave Righetti from saves and an ERA of 1.54. wwwam PKICi
the 15-day disabled list and op- SIM PRICE S i n art Oaaartaoaa MM
tioned pitcher Clay Christiansen to Christiansen, sent to Columbus P185/80R13 (48.2S P185/70R13 * 53.00 FTOl'WimgMlRWl tat
Columbus of the International the day before Righetti was hurt PZ15/75R14 181.00 P195/70R14 165.70 9191taci6iAT0Wll.*.e STSJt
League. and recalled the day after, was 2-3 P225/75R14 164.15 P225/7OR15 10 IS D u n At M i u t g • Mlt
*7S.0O 1 H 66
with a 4.88 ERA with the Yankees P225/7OR15 »69.W> 311150 15*r.t!Q!arflTflWl I R I
Righetti had been out with a cut No trade needed 331290-IS Wiaglat M mm LR C • 18SIS
No trade needed No trade needed

Long Branch still unbeaten Get Your Car Ready

For Vocation Driving!
• Lube, Oil Change A Filter • Wheel Alignment • Transmission Service
• Brake Service • Air Conditioning Service • Radiator Protection
LONG BRANCH - Unbeaten Muh scattered eight hiu and fanned GUARANTEED
Long Branch (4-0) moved into first eight. GOODYEAR
place in the National North 12-MONTH TUNE-UP 40" BATTERY
Athlete's Alley 4, Ram BOD 2
o Tir $
Division of the Ed Carleton League
with an 11-4 rout of previously
unbeaten Oceanport (5-1) yester-
RUMSON - Rob Lukachyk's
three-run homer was the big hit as
Athlete's Alley (3-2) scored all four Arefypsln • includes 3 tree engine anal
menu within one year ~
edjuitmenti m d M i l n
ung. Hart ing engine lystem*
day. of their runs in the third inning to
_ ' Adiuit carburetor wt>9n
applicable I Extra
Ira charge
charge if removal n necessary]
ramovil ta n . riltrffil J installed
defeat Rumson (1-3) in the Ameri-
Long Branch scored seven runs can East yesterday.
in the fifth inning to break it open Glenn Misson's sacrifice fly
with winning pitcher Steve Muh and
John Wells both knocking in three
runs with bases-loaded doubles.
preceded Lukachk's home run and
winning pitcher Shawn Goode scat-
tered 10 hits and struck out three
Credit card convenience for
automotive needs. Ptek up an
application now at your nearby
Goodyear retailer

• Use The Silver Card hattonwide al participating

Goodyear retail outlets You may alto use these other
Summer 1984 ways to buy American Express. Carte Blanche. Diners
Club, MasterCard. Visa
July 9-13 Owned h Oparalad By The Goodyear Tire a Rubber Company
U S and import can and HflM trucks and vena toaulro wKh Store Mat
Stilt accepting mnrolimmnt
Camp Staff
Head Coach, ^rddrmax County College Gregg Anastasides 671-2415
JOHN DEMARCO Store Manager
ACADEMY Head coach Toms River South H S Mon.-Frl. 7 *.m.-6 p.m.
(Take downs and upperbody) Sat. 7 a.m.-5 p.m.
Call Larry Perna OREO DEMARCO
1030 Hwy. 35
571-9170 mornings
for Information
Assistant coach at East Brunswick, H S
(Srt back series) Middletown Goodyear

Business The Daily Register B7

NY STOCK EXCHANGE Construction spending

surged 1.8 pet. in May
NEW YORK (API Monday's Mltcttd Comdre 4 4941 27*. 17* 1] 7S 7S*.
national p r i c n lor Ntw York Cm»E 3 S IMS 12'. i *4 1} 4040 34
Stoch Eacham It litUM Cmsal s I 20 I 441 22 . 1144 4 104 7 7 ' :
AMF SO — 216 l*< i 1* l»Vj + ' • ConsEO 2 12 4 1274 IS 1 *
AMR Co i *4*0 » t * 2*4* I t 1 ! - 4* ConFd s I 30 < 117 2I>.
ASA l a — I M i n stta s»*«- v. CnsNG 2 14 11158 H I
ADtLato 110 IS Wt <!'. U • ] > - 14 ConsPo 3 2044 4 ' . •) 2400 24*i 34 24'. *
Aartlca 12 14 I I * * 12'* 12**» '/a CntlCp IK 4 141 17', _ 10S7 13*» 13 13 - *»
AMnLI I64 is iut » H ) • ' . IMt— va CntlOr i i as 14 11117 uSS . 9 1S16 4 6 1 . 4 5 ' . «* . t ' • WASHINGTON I A P I - Spending
AirPrd I tO 4 7 * 41' > 4 t ' 4 41'« Contlll 21117 S 1 17 19 34 j
Alt.Air I 71 11' . l l ' 4 11>4— '.a ConlTn I 72 111** on new construction, led by a surge
• Han 120 11 104» 17 la>a J . ' a - * . ClDala 7 417 ] in industrial building activity, rose
Aiglnl MO 4* 3*4 I I ' ) TO** 2 1 * 1 + V* Coopr 20 1*0 I I '
AligPo 2.U 7 542 IS J J »* 1 4 ' , + ' • CornG 14 110 41*4 1 8 percent in May. reversing a one,
AIIOCC il.M • 1J12 32 31'j 3 1 * . CrockN _ 97 i f .
AS 437 4 I ' a 4 1 ' . 4 2 * * * 4* CrwnCk 10 17 40
month decline, the governmenl
Cr«2al 12 440 1 0 ' . reported yesterday.
CumEn 11 412 I I * .
The Commerce Department said
AmHei total construction climbed to an
Dana s 1 20 9 22*
DertKr 4 24 10 414
annual rate of $310.4 billion in May.
DaIGn s 24 1 1 * 1 following a drop of 1 5 percent in
t 171
AC van W
11 nil April
AEIPw 2»
4 7|* Analysts saic' the greatest
AEw i 121 U nil IS'. II1141
AFam,i U f 37 17*4 _ 1M6 48
AHom. 13 2307 5 1 ' .
IS 143* 14 6-1 33 strength was shown in industrial
14 137
1011*0 31 i 4 2452
6 1044 21 construction, which was up 109
4 401 6S'4 4 1001
— 4*3 4 1 *
93 1195 percent to an annual rate of $15.2
17 4423
4 2S1 1 1 ' . 214110 billion. This was seen as good news
141221 1 6 * * 15 77 1979 7 I W 77*» 2 1 ' * - *»
OctiPcl 2 50 for the overall economy with
12 12540 174, l . On.oEd 184 4 1111 1 0 ' . 9 ' . 1 0 ' . *• .
17 3200 32 ll OhlaGE i 97 7 6S7 20 . 20 20 a expanded production facilities
_ 414 2 H 2 2044 14', 19 9 60 V .• 7 7 . * 2 7 ; + .
i 745 2* . 21
414. 4S 45 ij 7 22'. 72'. 27'' translating into future jobs.
7 1 12>. I J v , I 2 H — >*
14 383 17^4 17'4 I 7 H - V4
24V* 24** 24 8 74 28*^ 28*i 7 1 ^ + ' . Robert Ortner, chief economist
2 1144 12 5 434 76** 76 * 2 6 ' . + .
5 S17 1 7 ' . I 7 ' l 1 7 ' 1 + >« 13 1076 37%1 3 6 ' - V . + . at the Commerce Department, said
_ 3*3 1S«« 11 I 1 ' 4 - <* 6 76 .13*. 13'J 13**
1.94 !5'i 15 this activity should continue for
— 120 2344 my 1 234*— , some lime as industries working
• t s * n .ail', 2 l « 4 - «•
• 477 Sit. S3X S3H- • II 14lil 4 9 ' .
close to top capacity move to
' 2M0 4*1,
_ 7
9 97| 4 1 ' . expand their facilities
tO 331 2 2 ' j
20 217 30 !»>* » * . - '-. 14 4 I S Ut.
7 2*4 2*Vt 2«'i 14*. 4* 14 ST3 » .
10 1 IS'i IS'i I S ' . * ',4 14 ISO 19' ,
Private construction rose 1.8
11 41 IS 1 2444 14»— 4. 9 113 l l ' a 2 1 * . percent in May to a rate of 1255 2
14 3»4 33V* 33 33 • + » _ 10 5 ' , 5*4
10 33** 22 ll'a 2 1 ' * - '/. 9 201 11'. »'. II' billion, including a 2 5 percent
. 4 1 4 * 41 4 0 * * 40*4 increase in home building to a rate
10 1392 114*
mass 42 of $105.3 billion, the department
17 477 1 1 ' . said
11 1334 3 1 ' .
_ 14S4 17'4
S 417 l l ' i
9 1437 694* Construction of apartments was
7 1411 I V . up a robust 7 9 percent while
10 1811 3 7 ' i
spending on single-family homes

Factory orders
14 1314 It'*
14 iai 14',
_ 1U II", posted a slight 0 5 percent improve-
FB1.H* ment
Flntst* Michael Sumichrast, chief econ-
omist of the National Association of

rebound in May
14 , FllgtSI
it 1l*a FlaPL
27V> 374 FlaPrg Home Builders, said home con-
21*4 2J'4 PIviGtn struction was beginning to feel the
34J4. 39H Fluor
4344 43'. FordM pinch of higher interest rates
14'. 14 . FrptMC
S7'. 5 7 ' . Fruahl He said home building already WASHINGTON (AP> - Orders o( 5 7 percent for the economy (roni
begun would keep the spending In U S factories climbed 19 per- April UiroUKh June would be re
figures up through the summer but cent in May. reversing a sharp vised upward to more than i.
OAF _ 352 II
GTE 7 771 37** that a significant downturn would April decline and giving further percent This would (ollow the
Ganell 17 SOI 42 occur by September. proof that the U.S. economy is torrid pace of 9 7 percent set in thr
GnCofP 12 777 3 7 ' .
GnDvn 4 1210 S2'i booming along first three months of this year
GanEI I I 1251 II*. In the non-residential sector, There can t be much doubt in
GnFdS 4 430 M ' 1 The Commerce Department re-
OnHous I II I4'4 spending on industrial plants was ported yesterday that new orders peoples' minds thai we have a very
On 1 nil 115 137 2 1 ' .
SnMIIIS 10 141 S3
up 10 9 percent while office building increased $3 5 billion in May to a vital and robust economy," w l
GMol 4 J*7S 45'a construction and other commencal total of $193 2 billion, following a 3 4 Handcll Moore, an i-iiinonnsl will]
GPU 7 1331 4>4
GnSignl 13 312 44** construction, such aa shopping percent decline in April Econemlci, a WashinRtdii
Gentco centers, both rose 6 percent. forecast ing firm, who a l n predi(
GaPac In addition, the report said.
inventories rose a strong 1 5 per- ted an upward revision in the
Spending for public construction estimate for economic Kr°wth this
Gillattf 10 ISS3 cent, the fourth straight month that
GldNug 11 540 11, 7 4* climbed 1 7 percent in May to a rate quarter
Gdnch 18 1IS4 2 7 ' . IS 127 manufacturers have increased
of $55 2 billion following a slight The increase in new orders had
Goodvr 8 2029 2 4 > . S3' U22 stockpiles at a pace over 1 percent
Gould 17 1412 24** 4 1414 decline of 0 9 percent the month been anticipated in hKhl ill u recent
Gract 12 820 4 3 * 4 22« Analysts found this news particu-
GIAIPc 19 211 I S ' . before The increase was paced by advance report showing orders lot
larly significant, saying the inven-
GIWFin I 454 1 7 ' . a 23 percent jump in spending for
Grtvh 13 752 2 2 ' , tory rebuilding would provide durable KCMHIN prodtictl expected
7 301 2 5 * . 11 32 39>« conservation projects and a 18 to lasl Ihree or more ye.iis
GltWtt I 4014 2 9 1 further fuel to keep the nation's
7 SS7 23 « percent rise in housing redevelop- climbed back sharply from an April
GlfStUt S 1434 1 0 ' . 71 S99 31 recovery from the 1981-82 recession
i Ittf 22H ment activity sol back
11 377 3 9 ' . steaming ahead
12 7761 4S . The total construction figure was "This is jusl one more piece of bumble goods orders increased
_ 14 <•• <, t 10 244 }I'i
11 72«2 1 1 * . 31 33 9 731 3 3 ' . up 21 8 percent above the level one very positive information for the HB percent in May the Commerce
21 1271 4 5 ' ,
year earlier when the industry was near term outlook for the economy Department s.nil the biggetl in
12391 3 1 * .
10 239 17'4 climbing out of the recession This There is not much question that we crease since a 7 4 percent rise ill
6 10 3 4 ' . June IWS.
11 4690 28 . amount takes into account normal are going to have clear sailing
_ Vi through election day." said Robert The Improvement came from tin
seasonal variations in building but
n 171
3 1045 does not adjust for price increases Wescott. economist for Wharton machinery industries, which hail
14 282
Taking inflation into account, con- Kconometrics. a forecasting firm shown a 10 2 percent decline in
5 47J3
10 1933 struction spending rose 2 5 percent in Philadelphia April, Orders for electrical machm
29 121
5 2031 last month to a level 18.2 percent Wescott said it was very likely ery were up IH H percent, wilh over
9 290
above May 1983 the initial estimate of a growth rate half the increase coming in the
S 1342 S161B
14 1B45 b 1113 category of communication e<|uip
_ 375 9 1991
10 1754 17 797 3 7 ' .
men! Orders for nonelectrical
10 l i t
10 140
t 74S
14 1010 4 * .
I 3170 S7 <
7 7491 4 3 ' .
LOCAL SECURITIES machinery rose I I H percent, with
much uf (he improvement coming
it n _ 568 17>4 in office equipment and computers
17 1S41 2 6 ' .
14 108 2 0 H Banks & Industrial quotations Predawn Opiict
9 334 4 3 ' .
courtesy Fafineslock 4 Co . Kobnn As- Ray Coffin. Ind tnc Orders tor primary metals such
17 576 SO'. IVKO0
19 1643 4 7 ' . sociates. E F Hutton * Company Inc . i i/ia \
as steel were down 10 4 percent
NEWVORK (API Monday •, Floaa Eiploralion
national p r i c . i tor Amtncan _ 1H2 U47'. and American Securities SCA Sarvicci 20*. 20'» marking the fifth decline in the last
Stock E.cnang. n*u*4 _ 37 t l Spiral Metet
Alton I _ 1* 6' I t'l t'l t O i 10't— 10 1069 43V»
Ctmtral J t r H y Stuff V* Face 1% I S six months and the largest since a
d39 »'» 15 6 0 3 0 * . H H
AdRull I 10 I I I I <S» I I ' . I S * * - >.
21'1 22 *
Crwmicai Bum. Sunlite En«rgy 14 1 percent drop in March IXH.I
Aooo. 14 13 IS5 I S ' . IS*4 I S ' - * - * C1 tii»«t S U M Bank Supermarhaia Oenarai 24 24-.
AtgitCD 11 43 4'* 4 4 . 4 . 10 10'if Fidelity Untoo B«nh Corp 39'^ 3 8 * . Syntrek. B 5'* Orders in the transportation mdus
80 IS i 44 44 44 Thomat Induiinaa 150 15S
At, 1 Pub
I3 1»2» " ' a H a ! ! * * • ' .
« J«rwy National 23 7 1 " ' .
TriargH induilMsM 11'* 13*. try were also off 4 3 percent in
Amdani .20 tt NCItOnai Slat* Xh M
AMttl I It 10 2S ' < ' . I 4 ' i 14'i— '4 Firit Paopiw Nan N J S 10 Untied Tateconto' t't 7 May. following a 138 percent
3 20 10 S U 40 W - '4 Hwitaga t a n c o r p Mvt KfV. Univartal Marina * Ir-art.
Ale IE _ S3 3V* d 3' a 3'**— ''. 3*. 34 >•*
Hornon Bancorp 18*4 JO U 3 Home* plunge in April
3 24 2 . 2 1 *7H *!•*-
Arnt.l 04 36'. 3 * ' . * M<4)tan1)c Band 22% 22%
) 11 4** 44. • 2'» 44
10'a 1 0 ' . * ' . ffa 27,+ National Community Bank
National StaM ISS 20%
10 1 ' 0 ' . - 'a mm Ja<aay National Corp 18 It*.
14. 244
Shrawtburv Stata Banh IM
State WiOa Bancorp ISV. 20V.

Certificates and
Jonnjn 110 12 14S7 10X » JO ; -. i
JonLog s 54 10 'SO 2S'< flVi 21'.* . umtad Counttaa Truai Co 24/. 25
JOM«n I II 10 70 IS'4 IS IS - . unrt»d National Band IS 44
JoyM.g 1 40 4' H 1 1 ' . 1 1 ' * II . , . m 27'.
- 10 1

Investment Account Rates

_ 54 •
13 194 2''. 24- 1>~-
— 4» 1»* IV B«rg
_ 4* 10'« • Kmirt 1.24 8 3014 30*. X* »'•- Brochway IB"*.
- ' . 10 K«itrAI .60 _ 707 14H 14 4 14i Buck £nt)inae*ing 10
120 11 •>' 24 K*n*b 1.04 9
C O A Computar AaaOC 11 %
S J4 2*«t 2"7 2 -> 2 3* 4 1243 O H 13 C R O Corporation 11'*
1 * 120 »<• 6 V* <«nPLt 2.7* i SCM 3 0 ' ) » • 30' Data Many

Oome P
W «
14 643 Iftfc

_ H73 2 3 1* 2 - 2 »•
1 21 21 V
i r « 1O»* t
'*»« " Katvln
1 68
12 SO 2''4 O 21 21

7 79* 11 dlO*- 11
9 41 31H 31
34 3 d 7»*
I tO 12 294 3 1 ' * 31 31
Dan ft Craft induatrtaa
O* Tomaao inOuairtM
D^rawpmani Corp ol Amar
ANNUAL YIELD 9.00* m 9.00*
EchoB 10 _ 121 I ' - •' 12 ID 10 7'8 * 0 H 40 EAC induMrWa
EtactronK' Aaaociat#a Simple tntfimt $?.500 minimum deposit
27 37*» +
FluHtJ 1 271 * * 2 i i124*- 24 M 39 171 1* 1IW If * Fooda'ama
FroolHd 2t» _ *2 1 1 ' . 1 1 * - 11 2 12 2790 3 3 ' . 3 2 ' . 3 2 ' . - Qibaor-Homana
Gntvi g — 31 17H 17 17 -
inatfumant ftyttama
Gl«tfl > M 10 4*i 20 * 19*« W +
King jamaa Ert Ca'«
Latau'* Technology
id Fid
IL. s 31
52 — 470 1 2 ' *12*.
17 317
3111 1 1 ' . d l l
10 94 194* 14 • 19
9 ISS 41
14 64 It**
>1 I t -
Metai'u'g-cal Ini
Monmouth Capital
MonmOuth Paik 29
I*. 7%
ANNUAL YIELD 11.01V10.55*
14 19 M ' I X 11 l 1 1 V * * ' * 21*. 2 1 * * - Monmouih Real Eaiata 8 * T-A,
H.gOTr 1.1k _ 1?: 7 7 - "a
_ 127 14** 1 4 . 1 4 4 * N J Kaaourca Corp 22% 27*. Interest compounded quarterly S500 minimum deposit
g IS
01 40 n I . I " 10 »4 ,
10 87 44'. 44*1
Ocein Airway! . M i/3? 3/32
14 12) 24 • I t i t 4* PennwaM CorporaKon . 34V. 34%
9 784 40'4 S9H PEl 71 21 •'•
ntBKnt OS. — 1 7 StS 31 » » *
P» s <t 23 5» <1 4''4 4 ' . * '.
10 491 73'-a 73** 71'
«,ro» - 3Sa ' ll'a I2*«

9 441S 1 9 . 3 1 » M
wco na 7 I M S I ' . SO SO Market In Bri«f — EFFFCTIVE
MCO Ri _ 3
_ 117 20 19 i 19
MSA jn 2 17S3 S . 1 !
_ 37 * 4 4 Repurchase Agreement' terms from 15 to 89 days
»I2 IS
_ 5 2 1 ' ^ 2 1 ' i 2V>— 10 119 194* » * • 2
12 no i l v . i l . ' I
ConsoMated Trading INVESTMENT
11 U » ' * • 2 3 ' * 23'-* Monday. July 2 Minimum investment of $2,500 Simple interest No penalty
Mr shin
MrdiaC 10 *4 S4 S 7t1 U*» I t 1 . FUND ,
MtcnlE 13 Jt9 19") for early redemption
MlPsinl 14 231 IS'* IS** !*'/»— Volume Snares
9 7J
8.70*««8.35 %
13 10
*3em _ 13 I I 1 * IS 1$ — EFFECTIVE
NoCdO _ U 17 12 12 Issues Traded
NunMC _ 11000 7V» 7 ^ T ' l ANNUAL YIELD
14 243 S . I • + 1,962 UNITED
21 12* 3 3 " . 33H 3 3 H 45*. 45"> 45*. . Earn this rate on funds ovtjr $2,000 which are swept weekly
I 20 14i 1*» 1 * * 22 21*4 23 — * INVESTMENT
41 , 40'. 4 I " , » '.. Up from the NOW Account portion into a Repurchase
o.Mwav 10 11 12 t l H SI**— M 24'. 24*. 24'..* ''. CHECKING 1 Agreement • Interest compounded monthly and credited
11 St 4 I " 1 42>» 4J - '«
_ 91 1 5 l
!'» 904 31 — 4«
618 monthly to the NOW Account portion funds below $2,000
evtA It 141 1SX It*. 1t*» lt*4« '4 are insured by the FDIC
12. II 47 I]
12 21 ft'*
11 •
31 .
1IH— ' i
3 Unchanged
'A Repurchase Agreement s not an account or a deposit and is not insured
Sundnc 8 3"S*
ii'. 2ix
n " . - '->
437 by the FDIC or any oiner government agency
TIE WcDnid IS I M S 17 lt'/> 17 • ''4
TchAm McDnO • 54< I9H 111 14 - .
TcnSvm 14 12 1 * McGCd i 1157 IS*. I I * '!*-+ 4 SuDsUMiai penally I w early
Ttiicn _ 97 4 ' * Mc&rH 8 141 26' i
14. 2 4 . . 4
» * • 24K4. >.
Down FOR DETAILS CALL •jiinrnayai on cemlicaies
11 Jl
,! M 10*4 4 ' , 10 - . 907 Rates subject K> cnange
_ 57 13-16
19 119 3 * .
u 3» 2 *
14** 14 , 4*
174* 174*j— '« 931-6845 MriThoul pr-or oolite
17 10
•NYSE Index
7H m 71+
17 211 10'* 9»» 10'%
12 2J7 13'* 13 13 —
MWE I 32 23*. 4 171S I S X 37i. » . _ 88.33 -
20 1SS4 2T4 27** 2 7 * » - MMM 13 S87 77H - l - l - • S f t P Comp
_ 111 2H

_ - 10 4 H 4 H 4*%—
M<nPL I 70 2 5 ' .
7 1758 76*-
_ 1974 13-H
I 2404 44 1
1 1 14*. 24*. 2 4 ' .
ID 190 14 • 1 3 * 74 . . *<
The Aitotiatrd P r « l 19S4
153.20 •
•Dow Jones Ind
7 J1 29
3S I 1 * 4 H d W !*!*>
f A*«Xi«ltd
1,130.08- 2.32
TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984 T h e D a i l y R e g i s t e r B8


rtOUP AFTER EATIW& 21 Potalo
51 Nola
YOU EAT. rtlrti ullon52 Cartaln aula
a Wala .»ay Iwata.loc 23 Air M,
2» - - « « ihort 25 - M m
day..." M Wratllinfl 26 Adam I
10 "TlMSkln hold grandaon
of Our - St Favorlta 27 Punch or
12 B»i« city St A mailing Judy
IS Aetix R» 62 Allow 26 Placaol
IT Placo •3 Ordain worahlp
N Slouan 64 Avar 31 Social
40 CKHWM. 65 Van* • flair
lor avampla (aiding 33 " H i g h - "
42 Tally 66 Vaaming 34 Camping
•ounda Ham
BEETLE BAILEY 44 Sltlpwalgh!
67 Sail 16 T»angy
oranga aataam 36 Typa of
WHO'* you A O A I N , BUT i 49 Kalatad oo DOWN board
thatathar i 1 — lof ona •
Sid PRO8LEM6 FOR WERE LI6TEN/IM© 2 Skillful 46 Caalorand
3 Mar Pollun
4 Droop 48 f-raia
5 Eilal 49 Granny
iiiuuM I1III.IM I Track Smith. • {
HLLIHMII aclmly 50 Naiva
7 Onl city 53 Obalacla
6 Pouring 55 Parly lor
9 Ramakln man
ralalwa 56 Pramlngar
Mfl. WILSON , WHAT OO MJU DO WITH ALL O F ijuui1uiil 10 Oul ol or Graham
Una 57 Wadding
.iiiili iimiiJ announca
HAIRCUT MONEY ? ' 11 Waadioul
mant word
12 Mao — lung

13 Moalarld 60 Halmjt •
FAMILY CIRCUS 17 Unltaltor word ol woa
a apacillc 61 "— i t m a l l
purpoaa world"

• •


P = Ip

rr •d
THE WIZARD OF ID Bom today, you are by nature CANCER (Juna 21-July 22) - CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jan. 1 9 ) -
conservative, sincere, reserved. Today's exciting scenario may Emphasize communication Tele-
You have your own value system include an element of danger phone, write, pay a personal call
which may or may not fit In with Remain on guard against physical Much depends upon getting through
that of your companions at any giv- injury. to another
en time. But whether it does or not, LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Person- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fab. 18) -
you keep to it, even if it means al magnetism enables you to Until you are ready to return a
gaining a reputation for being out- accomplish what others cannot. favor recently granted you, you
landish or uncooperative or Depend upon your own ability to would do well to avoid other people.
unresponsive You demand that life please the opposition. PISCES (Fab. 19-March 20) -
be interesting. Should a particular VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) - The Take measures to secure your repu-
activity prove dull, dissatisfying, quieter you can be about starting a tation for work well done Where
you do not hesitate to abandon it. new project, the more chance you mistakes occur, correct them
You possess artistic taste and are have of succeeding with it in its immediately!
better suited to the intellectual than
early stages.
the athletic. An excellent speaker, ARIES (March 21 April 19) -
LIBRA (Sapt. 23-Oct. 22) - Take part in any competition that
MARY WORTH you are able to persuade logically, Articulate your views on the cen- brings you face to face with old
DREAMS YOU HAVE consistently and In any direction tral point of family argument, or problems, whether of character,
you wish. You have an unexpected forever hold your peace! Now's the design or action.
fondness for the young. time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) - Program yourself for real personal
Alto born on this data arn There will be considerable opposi- success at evening Rearrange your
Qaorga Sandart, actor; John tion to your present plan of action, schedule to accommodate
Maton Brown, author, critic. but only at first Stick to it; things "surprise."
To find what is in store for you change. GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) - Spe-
tomorrow, find your birthday and SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dac. cial activities usually associated
read the corresponding paragraph. 21) - A change of direction is not with ending, not starting, endeavors
Let your birthday star be your daily necessarily a change in goal. Con- take your time today Welcome
guide. cern yourself with now things look change in p.m.

way of a diamond, opened the eight interfere with the enemy's bidding
if ALFRED SHEINWOLD without unduly encouraging pan
of diamonds. Steve Wood, of Aus-
Today's hand, played last March tin, Tex., correctly decided that it
in the North American Champion- couldn't cost him anything to cover
•hlpa in San Antonio, provides an the eight of diamonds with the South dealer
example of cloae defense as the nine. East-West vulnerable
experts practice it.
When the nine won, Bast knew NORTH
West wanted to get to his part- why his partner had underled the
ner's hand in order to ruff a heart • K97
A-K-Q-J of diamonds. Clearly, VAJ532
return. An easy task if West were West wanted a ruff. West would
declarer, but an almost unsolvable have led his lowest diamond if he 07
problem when West couldn't see wanted a ruff in the lowest suit. • AK86
Gait's hand and couldn't instruct West's lead of a high spot-card
East to return a heart surely meant that he could ruff in
GOOD SURMISE the higher side suit. • 1063 • S4
<?None <7Q764
Jim Gugleta. of Wichita. Kans., B u t therefore returned a heart,
OAKQJ862 O1094
correctly surmising that he could defeating the slam. AQJ102
reach his partner's hand only by • 754
You hold: * 8 4 < 7 Q 7 6 4 O 109 4 SOUTH
(Would jrau Ilkt lo have Alfred 4> Q J 10 2. With neither side • AQJ52
Shetnwold taack you haw I* play vulnerable, partner bids one heart, <9K1098
b.rkiammon? A lZ-leuon booklal and the next player doubles. What 053
will be OD the way la you whea you do you say? *93
Mad $1.00 plus • •lamp*., aalf-ad- ANSWER: Bid hree hearts. If
duanal Na. 10 ovelop* lo Back- there had been no double you South West North Eaal
HI AND LOIS famraon, la can of tab nawaaa- would bid only two hearts. After a Pass 30 Dbl Pass
per, P.O. Bax 1000, La* Aafalaa, double, you would redouble with 4* Pass 4NT Pass
THiSWiLLV POYOU POES THE SUPER CUTS VOU A R E NEW CA400U.) any good hand; the Jump raise 50 Pass 6* All Pass
BE OUI? 1 MAV^ AHY LIVE THE GRASS? AT THIS, promises four-card trump support
FIRST ) QUESTIONS WHO DO WE WHO WASHES APEN'T and very little else. You hope to Opening lead - 0 8

N0TTt>uN6 VET!

The Arts The Daily Register B9

7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 900 1 9:30 10:00 10:30
ag CS8NSM •MM McMa'aansiTuMIl
stars of loday Scott
JULY 3. 1M4 is abducted by a pan ol con ffiSOAP
NBC K M " FaMyFaud THoA-Taasi KpMs ftam«gttn SfcMt*
E»pos at Atlanta Braves FRIENDS I D U S - S O V I E T RELA-
II'ITH AlFan* PUUaa CknM UanGrmi KM
Tunnel z r { I B S I . D»ama) Tie results ol a magazine YEAR8 On the 50th anmver AJCNsas Ej« 1,«V>I FX-ups JiCo H0M HtvtToHirt
0 00 O Q O CD NEWS Swamp Thing" (10B2. Fan
Richard Thomas. Horsl sary of diplomatic relations lasy) Adnanne Barbeau.
O THE A TEAM The team
whvihtjr Janet or Tern is in
love with him (R) i;
between the two nations. Louis Jourdan
Harrison E Salisbury hosts 1 1 M B MCOARRETT MrGanell
vagat NSM MoM'HiABlgCaiMTir"
(D SOLID OOLD HITS 1 Marions MNsas Hanas Baiabal War Vork YMsas al Taaa Dsnon
attempts to rescue a Viet Q MOVIE * * * it s A Big a review ol the super- tnea lo diaauade a police
(D ALICE namese man targeted lor Country (i9S2. Drama) MatMa/Lamr VMnan U S -SovkM fWaboM
powers relationship, former mans grieving widow Irom NDM
ffl BUCK ROGERS assassination by dope GaryCuoper Janet Leigh President Richard M Nixon
USA CARTOONS waging a risky personal FMsyMM M M "TteNaudPrar" BoilklQ Ay#ri M 8l«V*0fd
smugglers (R) <D BASEBALL New York IB featured . crusade lo tmd her hua-
TMC MOVIE • * ' . Melan O P.M. MAGAZINE An Yankees at Texas Rangers
10' 0982. Drama) Burton ( D ROWAN ft MARTINS band'a murderers (R) MM I l l l t l l MonlnslEipoiilAlliuBrs— COTWnal
American who became a TV 9 0 0 Q RIPTIDE Nick Boi and LAUGH IN O WIMBLEDON UPDATE A
Cumminga Glynmt O Con- star m France, an Bl-yaar
Walker (198? Fantasy)
old hang gliding pilot
BLUNDERS Featured Deb
Cody uncover Ihe plan of a
rock n1 roll record producer
to defraud a popular singing
U8A OOLF International
HUTCH look
at today's maior


• M SpoCtr
C County Moma '1 Wak Thi Uns"
Boung CanosTnan OomtLaLonda
Slarshy And Hutoti

Htdroplans Racing
group (R) TMC MOVIE * * * ' , O ABC NEWS NK3HTLME MO WMIsdaiTaiMConl't MOMS -Ottopm,- Matmm
Ban Murphy. Kavin Brophy bie Reynolds blunders O MERV QRifFIN Guests Moonlighting ' ( 1982. (DNEWS
6 06 Ml ANOY ORIFFITH while shooting her video Dick Cavetl Mary Martin UtA •Molto » _ . W~l«ng ! M
exercises, outtakes ol Eiu Comedy) Jeremy liona. I B MOVIE * * • Stele 01
« 30 O ONE DAY AT A TIME comedian Fred Travalena Eugene Lipinski
( D SANFORO AND SON abeth Taylor, Julia Child The Union' (1948. Comedy) TMC MMsCMd Moxa 'SavanmnSMW'' « M O M 'MooMgwrii
O HOTEL Peter is stunned 10 3 0 Q ROWAN 4 MARTIN'S Spencer Tracy. Katharine
I D BUSINESS REPORT and the Pittsburgh Steelers to learn he is the lather ot a
(R) LAUQHIN Hepburn M M MOM J M » a i In Tha HM II MOM •urrs
I D WKRP IN CINCINNATI 4 year old boy a singer
kicks a drug habit and Julie
( D 0 0 0 COUPLE
has a secret admirer (R) t j 10:36 17 CENTENNIAL The Yel
Johnny Carson
Walker" (1082. Jiamasy)
Ben Murphy. Kevin Brophy
ma) Humphrey Bogart. Ann
Sheridan 3 16 O BOB NEWHART
low Apron Pasguinel (Rob Charles Nelson Reilly. Gary 12:36 (in MOVC * * * "Not As A
O NBC NEWS ule to movie heroes mciud SION HISTORY Roots 01 A FORUM
>ng Gary Cooper (High
Noon"), George C Scott
War Despite cordial rela
lions between American
erl Conrad) leaves hia bride
(Sally Kellerman) in St Lou-
Neenan (R)
Audne J Stranger" (1956.
Robert Mitchum, Frank
Guests Danny Cookaey
U MOVIE * • Asylum
Pol A Spy ( t 9 6 / . Mystery)
is and returns to the wilder TMC MOVIE • * Spasms"
QVEGAl ("Patron). Bruce Lee intelligence oll.rers and Ho ness where he takes a ("Dill rent Strokes ). R Robarl Sim k. Felicia Farr
(1983. Suapenaa) Oliver 12:40 O COLUMBO Columbo
I D THE JEFFERSONS Chi Mmh at Ihe end ol
("Enter The Dragon ) and
Mark Hamill ("Star Wars )
( D NOVA A Field Guide To
World War II. French and
British hostility to ihe Viet
second wile. Clay Basket

she can lead him lo gold

Reed. Peter Fonda
(Barbara Carrara) hoping 12 00 O EYE ON HOLLYWOOD
12 4 6
investigates e murder al a
winery (R)
Court Hay. comedienne Lois
Bromlield. James Darren
("TJ Hooker ) artreas
I D THREE'S COMPANY Roger Tory Peterson A namese revolution laid the HAWAII FIVEO i'y And The Bnndil Perl 3'
unwittingly diacovered by DAVO LETTERMAN Gueals Linda Hopkins (R)
USA RADIO I S M portrait ol the man whose groundwork lor a new con ODD COUPLE USA MOVIE • • Woman (IMS, Aflvftntum) Jarkrr
her late lather (Pan ? ot HOT Bill Coaby. tuggler Michael
7:06 37) SANFORD AND SON best selling guidebooks on ihet ( H ) : ; Heler" (1948. Comedy) Gluason Jmry Reed
7:30 O WHEEL OF FORTUNE ornithology have made bird SHOW MOVIE * * Smok 1100QOONEWS Slewert Granger Fdwige 4 00(DLIFEOFRILEY
O FAMILY FEUD watching a popular sport I 2 3 0 O TMCKE OF THE NKkHT 1 0 0 S MOVIE * • Bikini
ay And The Bandit Part 3 QTAXI Queats Danny Cookaey Beach' (1964. Comedy) USA MOVIE • * * Teen
O ALL IN THE FAMILY (R)p (1963. Adventure) Jackie age Rebel (I9bfl. Drama)
Q ENTERTAINMENT O BOXING ( "Dilt'ranl Strokes"). R Frankte Avalon. Annette SHOW MOVIE * *
<D MOVIE * * ' , The Gieason Jerry Reed (D INDEPENDENT NEWS Coun Hay. comedienne Lois Fumcallo Squeete Play" ( 1 9 8 1 . Qingai Rogers. Michael
TONIGHT Featured n e . s t O O O Q REMWQTON STEELE A Henme
Naked Prey (1966, Adven I B (MEAT CONFRONT* Bromlield. James Darren THE SAINT Comedy) Jim Harris Jenni
man Walter Cronkile
ture) Cornet Wilde. Gert Van
Der Berg
murderer attends a dental
convention to steal a
DEBATES Edwin Newman
Hooker"), actreaa
Hopkins (R) 130TMC
MOVK * * * A Fare 2 18
TMC MOVIE « • ' > Sevan
nah Smiles H9B2 Adven
ffi MOVIE * * * I Walk speaker's prop which could hosts a look al the Oilord • ENTERTAINMENT well To Arms" (1957. Dra 2 : 3 0 0 MOVIE • * ' , Sim.,, hint) Mark Milu-i Dnnnven
J CARTER COUNTRY The Line' (1970. Drama) expose him as the perpe Union Society, featuring TONrOHT Feetured newe ma) Rock Hudson. Jennifer walker' (\9'5. Myslery) SLOtl
USA DRAQNET Gregory Peck, Tuesda/ tralor. nol the victim, ot an highlights ol a debate man Waller Cronkite Jonea Darlaen Carr. Robert Beat 406BSURQSAT
SHOW JAMBOREE IN THE Weld arson death (R) between u S Delenaa Sec 4: I t Q MORE REAL PEOPLE
HK.L8 II A concert of coun-
try music including Jerry
Lee Lewis. Ronnie Milsap
and other country music
nah Smiles' (1982, Adven
Hans help Ma. tmd his
retary Casper Weinberger
and British historian E P
MOVK * * * Bocoac
cio '70" (1962. Comedy)
Sophia Lor en. Anita Ekberg

MOVIE * * * "They
3 : 0 0 9 MOVIE • * • Ah. w.i

dernesst" (I93&. Comedy) 4:36 O EYE SAT


ture) Mark Miller. Donovan wealthy girlfriend after she IB VIDEO ROCK SHOW MOVC • * Time Drive By Night (1040. Dra Wallace Beery. Mickey 4 46 O WIMBLEDON UPDATE

Information, (or the movi* limatftbla >M FREEHOLD CINEMA • - IO iO 1200 Wad 100 3 tft 5 30 7 45 10 10 MIDDLItROOK I - R U T Q i R S PLAZA C I N I M A I I -
provided by in«ai«' operator! Sine* moviaa «r» Tuaa ft Wad , Oramlina (P<3) Ham Mat 1 DO UA MIODLETOWN III — Tuaa 4 Wad . Spiaah (PO) Ram Mai 1 00. Tuaa A Wad , Oremllna (PQl i 15. 3 30. & 40.
•ubject lo change n >• recommended thai ra«d- 800 1000 TUf>f/ Barheior Party ( R ) 2 0 0 4 0 0 BOO. BOO 7 20. 0 30 7 50 10 00
art { » I I tha theater lo confirm correct tlm«a FREEHOLD CINEMA • — 1000 1200 W a d . 2 0 0 4 00 6 00 8 00 1 0 0 0 MIDDLHHOOK II RUTQIRS PLAZA C I N I M A I I I -
MONMOUTH COUNTY Tuaa ft Wad , Romancing tha tlona |PQ| UA MIDOLETOWN IV — Tuaa * Wad The Natural |PO) Rain Mai 100. Tuaa ft Wad . Karate Kid (PQl 2 00 4 30 T 20.
ABEHDeiN TOWNtHtP Rain mat 1 00. 7 30, t 31 Tuea Conan lha Deairoyer |PQ) 1 30. 3 30. 7 20. 0 45 0 40
tTPIATHMORE CINEMA I — FREEHOLD CINEMA • - S 30 7 30 B 30 1 ? 30 Wad 1 30 3 30. S 30 RID BANK R U T O I R a PLAZA CINKMA IV -
Tuea , Spiftah (PQ) ? 15,9 20. Wad . 2 00. 7 15. Tuaa 4 Wad Indiana Joneft & tha Tampla ot UAT MIDJLETOWN V • MONMOUTH ANT C I N T M - Tuea ft Wad . Qhoet Suiter* (PQ) t 40. 3 4ft
0 20 Doom (PQ| Ram Mat 1 00 J 30 9 50 uaa Indiana Jo«e* A tha Tampte of Doom Tuaa. Tha Natural <»O> 7 10. 0 30. Wad 5 48 BOO. 10 10
STP.ATHMOHE CINEMA II - HT 9 CINEMA t — (POI 12 30 3 00, 5 30 0 00 10 15, 12 15. Wad . Spiaah (PQ) 7 20 9 20 RUTQIRS PLAZA CIHBMA V -
' U M Tha Natural (PO) 7 00. S 30. Wad 2 00 Tuaa 1 Wad Pope of Greenwich Village iflj 12 30 3 00, 5 30 B 00 10 15 M D BANK M O V M I - Tuaa ft Wad . Cannonbail Run ll |PQ) l 00.
7 00. 9 30 Ram Mat 1 00 7 25 9 45 UAT MIODLETOWN VI - Tuaa A Wad . Karate Kid (POl Rain Mai 1 00. 3 06. 5 10, 7 30, 9 40
ASIURV PARK RT 9 CINEMA II - uea Star T.oh III |PQ) 12 40 2 45. 5 OS, 7 20. 7 20, 9 45 RUTQCRt PLAZA CINBMA V I -
LYRIC T H I A T R I — Tuaa A Wad Conan tha Dattroyer 1PQ1 Ram 9 35 1 1 4S Wnd 1?4O 2 45 5 05 7 20 9 35 HID BANK M O V M II - Tuaa ft Wad . Conan the Daairoyei (PQ| 1 30.
Tua* A Wad AH Mala Adult films I X X X I con- Mai 1 00 8 00. 10 00 UA MIODLETOWN VII — Tuaa 1 Wad Cannonbail Run tl (PQ) Rain 3 30. 6 30. 7 30, 9 30
tinuout from noon through 11 30 p m PARK RT • CINEMA III - ' U M I'npe ol Greenwich Village (R) 1 * S Mel i 00. 7 M IMS MPAA R A T I N O t
CINEMA — Tuea 4 Wad Ohoal Buttart |PQ| Ram Mai 4 15 6 45 9 15. 1130 Wed 145 4 15 8 45 •HMWtBUflY O — Q«ii*ral audience*
Tuet Priwtit*, School Qirla |XXX| 12 05, 2 30 1 00 7 30 9 45 9 15 •HHCWBBUflV PLAZA CINIMA I — PO — All * g * t (Parental guidance euagaatad)
5 00 7 30. 10 00 Summar Camp Qirla (XXX) RT 9 CINEMA IV - OCEAN TOWNSHIP Tuaa * W*d . Oramiina (PQ) 12 00 2 30 4 %t R — Raalftcied (Perettna untfaf I T not ed-
Tuas > W a d . Cannonbail Run ll |PG| Ram SEAVIEW SQUARE CINEMA I - 7 20 9.40 mrned unlaaa accompanied by parent or
1 IS 3 45. 6 15 S 45, Wad . Tafcing it io Ihe Maa adult guardian)
IXXX) 12 05 2 30 5 00 7 30 10 00 Charlie Mat 1 00 7 20 9 30 Tjea A Wad Indiana Jonaa 4 tha Temple of •HfJIWSBURV PLAZA CINIMA H -
LONQ BRANCH D O D T rPGl 1 00 3 15 5 30 7 45 10 00 Tuaa l Wad Rhmaalona (PO> 12 30. 3 00 X - AduHa only
IXXX) 1 15 345 6 15. 8 45
ATLANTIC CINEMA I - Qramlma (PO) Ram Mat 1 00 7 20 9 10 f u e l 4 Wftd fji(i»t Buaiart (PQl 1 0 0 3 00. SHREWSBURY PLAZA OINIMA HI —
Tuea & Mad. Spiaah <PQ| 2 00 7 15. 9 15 LONG BRANCH MOVIES II - *, 10 7 30 9 40 Tuaa 1 Wad . Star T«ak IK (PO) 1 00. 3 10. "ATLANTIC CINKMA*
ATLANTIC CINEMA II - Cannonbail Run II fPQl Rain Mat 1 00 7 30 5 30, 7 41. B 60 ATLANTIC MIOHLANDB M l 014B
Tuaa A Wad Tha Natural |PQ| 2 00 7 20.
Space available MINLO PARK CINIMA I -
tDISON ALL SKATS $2.00 _ 583-4141-.
COMMUNITY I - Tuaa A Wad Cannonbail Run II |PQ| 9 00 i » M * Wad . Indiana Jonea 4 the Tampla of Strathmore I win
Tuaa 4 Wad Cc.nan t n . Oaiiroyar (PQj Ram
Mat 1 00 7 30 B 50
RilMy B u i i n a n (Rj 11 0 0
HOWELL in summer ramp Doom (PQi 1 00. 3 10. 6 M 7 30. • 40
T U M ft Wad Rhineetone (PQ) 1 90. 3 30.
Tuaa t Wed P.-na Ot Qraanmwich Vitlaga (R) Tu*a ft Wad Spiaah I P G I Ram Mai t oo 5 40 7 50 10 00 ALL SEATS «2.00
Rain Mai 1 00 7 25 9 45 7 20. 9 30 MIDDl.KTOWN - Space is still WOOOBRIOQI
Tuaa A Wad Baat Suaat (POi Ram Mat 1 00 available in several of Rrookdale Tua* 4 Wad Or'amlina (PQl 12 4ft 3 00ft10.
Tuat « Wad KB<BI« Kid rPQi Ram Mat 1 00 7 35. 9 40 Community College's summer 7 30. 0 30
FREEHOLD CINEMA § - UA MIDPLETOWN I — c;inip^ jr<'nrding Ut Marie l.ucier, Tuaa A Wad Qhoal Buaiara (PQ) 1 30, l 35
Tuaa & Wad Star Ttan III (PQ| Rain Mai 100. Tuaa Ohoit Buaiara IPO) ' 30 3 45 6 00 program administrator 5 40 S 00 10 00 eviHYOAY AT 1 7:U 7:15.9:20 ™
7 30. 9 45 8 15, 10 10 12 00. Wad , 1 30. 3 45. 8 00 R ''. • O M t R M T COUNTY
FREEHOLD CINEMA 6 - 10 10 Campi with openings include a •OMIHMT Sal., Sun., 1 Wad Mallnaa al 1
Tu«a Qramlma (PO| 1 00. 3 15 5 30 7 45 new program. Ocean Adventures at Tuaa i Wad , Indiana Jonea A ihe Temple ot
7 30 9 30 Doom |PQ) 1 00. 3 tO. 8 20, 7 40, 0 BO
Sand) Hook, the computer camps.
.intl the spurts readiness program
u live and i l l year olds There is NARJPAI NATUML
also room lor more campers in the h» wo>lh» b*U 7:00 ft 9:30
Sunglasnei Seminars for high W H ttwy d «v«r I H « Sal., Sun. i Wad. Mallnaa at 2
•chool students, including work- tVERVOAV AT J • 7:10 • 1 4 1
shops in computers, claywork.
dance. Spanish and French
HOFBRAUHAUS Interested persons should contact
Hrookdale s Community Services
//{fifth "/
Wtinv Schnilitl
ban 1 WMIHnultuM0WtllK«tns snvtNjsritLBiat.
1 vm inxKxn i"aiiMil filow omt

FRIDAY — ChooM B«*l or S««tood

Prime Rib
TUinVof DOOM Kl r u m • » i AIis Hint A.XTON
S T A B T K E K 111 mj unit HOI.MDAV raAM.ii 1.1 r. HUMH

All Specials Include »alad.

THE POPE OF • * n i IIVI Pliml u s * STKVf.nt SPIRUIKB
»>g»lBblB, potBio and coft— PBOMJICD BV MM HAff I r
I"«• B T !•>• I I I M I I

PO «••!• uauu ustint «•>


Mi,;. 11 m i •«l[W,»,«r
41.,' OtVXi i./i mm

Medical Center/ MUSIC MAKERS

Burt Reynolds
OAKLAND TWIN Dom Da Luise - Dean Martin - Sammy Davis, Jr.
The REDSTONE AMC Jamie Fan- • Marilu Henner Telly Savalas

PRESENTS A Karate KidIt's time for

and Shirley MacLaine jr.

Free Summertime
his moment of truth. y R O ROUTE 4
BLOOMriELD M R A M ,-, m >an

Concert In The Park

Featuring NATHAN




FOR* . f E !»0JW
RAMSEY l i l l t u LOEWS

Marine Park
T7>» popcorn* in the lobby. The nuts are on the acnen.
UNION itvun
WO CUNfMO Vim r v ^ j , 'MMP OUAD
Spontortd U> RIOCFWOOO 4 U I H 4 ,HA| N((0HAM'- ' ) , ^ I M DACX jACV'f itAN
:«ANfO«> TTHm tTATI TMPUU M U M D M I IHAM 'MAIM •- .— ... 'MH ' , « « " « . ^ Al ' i W l
in ton UM4J4
MOflfliSYOWNUSUII FREEHOtD 780 44")(, MMlE I ? M ?f)00 LONG BRANCH 8 ; 0 2/00 RED BANK 747 0333
B10 T h e Hairy Register TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984

July 4, 1964


7-00 730 6-00 I 8:30 MO I 1000 I 1030
EVENING 6:00 • CROSSROADS paraonal accompliahmanta LAUOKM look at loday'a major
0 REAL PEOPLE wara mlluancad by tha USA GRIFF event!
6:00 B O O O NEWS Mighlighla mcluda a raunion world t aocial. political, and TMC MOVK * • Jo.eph i OBARETTA
1 THREE'S COMPANY 01 parachutere who halpad acomomic condition! at tha Andrew. (1977. Comedy) O ABC NEWS MOHTLME
) S WAT defend Franca on D Day. a lima Ann Margral. Peter Firth O BURNS AND ALLEN
) ALICE pilora who Haw B-29e during JOB election to tha Langlay mer Camp " (1979, Comedy) O MOVK » • • "Cnarlie
9 BUCK ROGERS World War II, and a prolila School Board laada her to a Bubble! (1868. Drama) I NaaTaiaMrial Ha>*a> MMe
John C McLaughlin. Matt
k CARTOONS ol an Vietnam vataran who confrontation ovar acholar- Michael. Albert Fmnay, Liza Minnelli O*rM>neFeaM
•HOW LONE STAR BAR 4 la a Congraaaional Madal ol ahip lunda (R) • 10: IS O KMER'S KORNER OBOuoooLOHrrs
•Ml Honor wmnaf (R) • MERV OMFFM Sched
6:08 © A N D Y OfWFITM • P.M. MAGAZINE A viait ulad Dr Joyca Brolhera. Mery Shelley B story about
6:30 A ONE DAY AT A T M E with "Rhinaalona" co-alara author Suzanna Finalad an ambilioua doctor who
ffl 8ANFORO AND SON Sylvaatar Slallona and Dolly ( "Hair Nol Apparent '). Mol create! lite, atarnng Robert
(B BUSINESS REPORT Parton. an oil road raca in ly Rmgwald ("Sixteen Can Powell. David Warner, Car
10:18 © CENTENNUU. The Wag
(D WKBP IN CINCINNATI lha Nevada deaert dlaa"), amgar Patti Aualin ria Fiaher and John Qtelgud CCe»rey
on And Trje Elephant" Lavi
TMC MOVE • * • » Or. • THE FALL OUY Colt and • I MOVK * * Canl Slop
Zendt (Gregory Harnaon) •pen •OATo.
gory'. Girl" (1862. Com* Howia chaaa an allractiva Tha Muaic " (IB80. Muaical)
heed, weal with a young 11:46 O BEST OF CARSON Moal
dy) Gordon John Sinclair. bail-lumping cat burglar to Valene Parrina Tha Village
wile (Stephanie Zimbeliet) Johnny Caraon Gueata r> Sea) ai P a w l
D M Hapburn lha laland raaort ol Club People
where they become Samantha Smith (vmted tha
6 36 V CAROL BURNETT AND Aruba (R) • CELEBRATE THE involved with Cap! Maxwell Soviet Union), comadiana m i l l |Dn6M

"Live Al Tha Eaplanada"
FOURTHI Coverage ol
Macy'a July 4th dreworke
diaplay in New York aa wall
Mercy (Chad Everett).
Oliver Seccomf'M (Timothy
Dillon), and Sam Purchaa
' Bob and Ray. David Waiaa.
actraaa Jennifer Baal! (R)
TMC M O V * • # • * II •arCrxr, FerOMOi
• •M'A'S*H John Willlama and lha Boa aa holiday calebratione in (Donald Pleaaence). a mur (1968, Drama) Malcolm
OABCNEWSg ton Popa hoat a Fourth ol major ciliaa around tha daroua old mountain man McDowell. David Wood
5 NEWS July concart on tha bank, ol country who endanger, their livaa 12:00 O EYE ON HOLLYWOOD
ffl TME JEFFERSONS Boalon'a Charlaa River, USA EDO* CAPRA MY8 aa they approach a tragedy O HAWAII FIVE -O
S MACNEIL / L6 laaluriog muaic by TIMES which involve, them in the O STAR TREK
NtWSHOUR Tchaikovaky. Souaa and i l O O DUCK FACTORY Roland tile ol Allea.nder McKaeg SHOT DAVC LETTERMAN Fea- dy) Michael Palm. Maggie 3:00 O MOVK * * * » "Cuju
<B THREE'S COMPANY Brahma haa trouble explaining 10 hia (Richard Chamberlain) USA RADIO 1880 (R) tured Julia Child, viewer Smith die" (1943. Comedy) Doro
USA RADIO 1 M 0 • MOV* • * * "Whan lathar tha* real raaaon ha ( P a n a o l 12) 1 2 : 3 0 0 THCKE OF THE NIGHT mail. David Letterman tnaa 2:00 O CIS NEWS Ihy McGuice. Robert Young
70S SK 8ANFORO AND SON Evary Day Waa Tha Fourth gave up dentiatry lor car Quaala Bubba Smith and to catch a glimpee ol NMHTWATCH O DELAWARE VALLEY
11:00 • • ! • NEWS
Ol July" (1B78. Drama) tooninfl OTAXI Michael Winalow ('Police Sophia Loran in the hall (R) O MOVC * * • "Tha FORUM
O FAMILY FEUD Daan Jonaa. Katy Kurtzman • A CAPITOL FOURTH: Academy"), comedian Jack 1:000 MOVK * • * Advanturea 01 MarkTwain " 1 16 TMC MOVK * * "Joaaph
• MOVIE * • * "1776" 1BS4 E G Marahall hoala 0 1 0 0 0 COUPLE Carter. Welly George. Hall 1 Proud And Tha Prolana" (1944, Biogrephy) Fredric Andrew! (1(77. Comedy]
8 ENTERTAINMENT and Matialav Roatropovich Oatea <R) March, Alemi Smith Ann Margret, Peter Firth
(IB72, Muaical) William • MASTERPIECE THE- ( I B M . Drama) William Hoi
T0NMHT Featured aclor conducla tha National Sym- O ENTERTAINMENT JOf FRANKUN 3:30 O ONE STEP BEYOND
Daniala. Howard da Silva A T M "To Serve Them All dan. Deborah Kerr
Anthony Perkine phony Orchaatra lor tha • §HJ
USA SHANNON My Day. David marnea TONIGHT Featured actor BTHESAMT tMOVK * • W "Someone 1:46i LUCY
TMC MOVK * * » "Tha traditional Foulh ol July Beth, and ha raiaaa lha Anthony Perkina O TWKIOHT ZONE Al TIM Top Ol The Slake" 4 « ) O U F E O F R«JFY
Mala al Hoution Aatroa concart. aoloiata include O MOVK • • * Man On
Baal Lima Whorahouaa In hackle, ol the War Memon SHOW MOVK * Angel 01 (1973. Horror) Donna Mini. USA MOVK * * * "Rap
" I MDtFINDENT NEWS baritone Robert Merrill and A String" (1860. Drama)
T U B S " (1»S2. Muaical) el Committee when he H E A T " (1882. Adventure) Judy Came lure (1985. Drama) Melvyr
Bun Raynolda. Dolly Parton lluliat Jamaa Galway inaiata they build a gym Erneit Borgmna. Kerwm Marilyn Chamber! USA MOVK * "Marry Mat" DougMa. Dean Slockwell
J CARTER COUNTRY SHOW MOVK • ' , Jawa 1 0 0 0 O ST. ELSEWHERE An aid m.tead ol a alalue (Part 3 Malhewa 1.30 0 INDEPENDENT NEWS (1949. Drama) Derek Bond. 4:16 O MORE REAL PEOPLE
USA DRAQNET 3" (1883 Advantura) arly woman haa nightmarea 01 i 3 ) ( R ) n USA HOT SPOTS O THCKE OF THE NMHT SuianShew SHOW MOVK * * "Sum
SHOW A FAR OUT FOURTH Danma Ouald. Baaa Arm alter being raped. Dr Weet 12:36 ( B MOVK * * h "Embaa
A puppai ahow about a
young boy namad Carl who
phall eearchea lor a way to
daal with hia autiatic eon.
ay" (1972. Suapenaa) Rich
ard Roundlraa. Chuck Con
G u a m Bubba Smith and
Michaal Winalow (Police
Academy"), comedian Jack
2:30 ffl MOVK * * * Sword Of
Lancelot" (1963. Adven
mat Camp" (1979. Comedy:
John C McLaughlm. Mat'
ii kidnappad mat balora and Dr Craig ta tracked by PRESENTS Canar. Welly George. Mall t lura) Cornel Wilde. Jaan 4 : 3 0 0 A M 0 T T AND CO8TEL
July 4th by atiana who col an inlruaiva lalaviaion docu- Oataa (R)
• 00 Q AMERICA AT THE 1 1 : 3 0 0 THE NEW AVENGERS 12:40 0 MCCLOUD A kidnapper Wallace LO
lact apecie. Irom ditlarant OLYMPICS Tan Amancan mentary craw (R) planta a time bomb with a USA JAPAN TODAY (R) Q COMMUNITY UPDATE
Purday. Stead and Gambit
planet. Olympian! raturn to tha • NEWS wealthy aatrologer'a wile
confront cardboard target! 1 48 O MARY TYLER MOORE 2:40 SHOW LONE STAN M R * 4:46 O M r V H I X m UPDATE >
7:J8 E l BASEBALL Montraal ailaa ol Iheir original Iri- 9 ) INDEPENDENT NEWS thai fight back (R) and demand! ranaom (R) TMC MOVK * * * "The QRM.L took at today'a major
Enpoe at Atlanta Bravaa umphi. and racall how their (B ROWAN 1 MARTIN'S O WIMBLEDON UPDATE A 12:46 O LATE MIGHT WITH Miaaionary" (1882. Coma 2:4SOLADKSBOWLMQ event!

County prepares for gala Fourth of July celebrations

Towns throughout Monmouth day's events are sponsored by the at Scholer Park, at the end of Spruce Disco the Union Beach Recreation Com- p.m. tomorrow and ending at Frank-
County are celebrating the Fourth of township board of recreation com- Street. Food and beverages will be mittee, a lin Lake Park. There will be a string
July with activities to end Saturday missioners. Activities for children seven to 17 available at the snack stand Those band, floats, music for dancing and
with a Sea Bright festival including will be held 2 to .5 p.m., a dance planning to watch the fireworks games for children. Community
contest for all ages at 5 p.m and a should take their own chairs or
WEST LONG BRANCH groups will sell hot dogs, cotton
the opening of a 25-year-old time HOWELL.
capsule. ballroom dance contest for all ages. blankets. "Hometown Fourth of July" will candy, popcorn and soda at the lake.
"Howell Day" will be held on the 7 p.m. begin with a parade leaving from A fireworks display will begin at
Here is a roundup of activities
Municipal Complex grounds on Music will be supplied by Cisco The day's events are sponsored by Wall and Larchwood avenues at 6 dusk
around the county:
Preventorium Road from 2 to9 p.m.
tomorrow. The event includes a
A TLANT1C HIGHLANDS variety of attractions such as music,
ethnic foods, exhibits by township
A Dixieland Band concert will be
held at the harbor at 8 p.m. organizations, games, and a craft
tomorrow, followed by fireworks at show.
dusk. Both are free to all. Those There will also be a public auction
attending should take their own of assorted vehicles Groundbreak-
chairs or blankets ing for the new Howell Township
Library will begin at 5 p.m. Fire- New Jersey's
COLTS NECK works are scheduled to begin at

Most Highly Rated CD's

The fireworks display will be
at sundown tomorrow
FORT MONMOVTH The fireworks display will begin
at 9 p.m. today at the beach
Independence Day will be cel-
ebrated with a 50-gun salute to the
Union fired at noon tomorrow,
commemorating the adoption of the
Fireworks will begin at 9:30 p.m
Now...Limited Offer
Special 4 Year Rate
Declaration of Independence tomorrow on the beach at the north
The salute will be followed by a side of the Long Branch Amusement
concert by the combined 389th Army pier.
Band, Fort Monmouth. and the 19th

Army Band. Fort Dix, in Cowan MWDLETOWN
Park, in front of Russel Hall.
A 25-minute fireworks display at
At 8 p.m , the combined bands
will present a similar concert at
9:05 p.m. will highlight a full day of c .
activities at Ideal Beach. Kast
Fort Dix Both programs will fea-
Keansburg. sponsored by the town-
ture the "1812 Overture" by
ship Department of Parks and
Tchaikovsky, arranged for band by Act now and lock in today's high interest with City's Special 4-year rats . . only $100 qualifies!
May hew Lake. Vbur high rate is guaranteed lor 4 years and your deposit is insured by FSLIC It's that simple!
Daytime events include a Magic City's high rate is available tor a limited time only . . . so take advantage ol this special offer and
CWO 2 Aaron T Hill, commander
Act and Balloon Show by Bob Kras open your CD today!
of the Fort Monmouth band, sug-
at 2 p.m. and a Dixieland Band
gests that attendees at the outdoor
Concert at 3 p.m. under the direc- Plus City offers a wide-range of certificates to meet all your financial needs from 6-monihs
concert bring blankets, umbrellas to 10 years — or longer, even a one year tax deterred CD, you decide!
tion of Ira Brodsky.
and picnic baskets for an afternoon
in the park A Mr. Ideal I Beach) Contest will
be conducted at 5:30 p.m . open to
No tickets are required for the

other high rate CD's

all male township residents over 21
concert, which is free and open to
A $50 cash award will be presented
the public.
the winner.
Joe Racina and his Big Band
FREEHOLD Sound will perform at 7 p.m RATES EFFECTIVE THRU JULY 8th
Fireworks are scheduled to begin
at 9 p.m. tomorrow at Freehold OCEAN MINIMUM
A family day will be held at the
Community Pool, West Park Av-
Fireworks begin at dusk tomor-
enue, from 1 to 6 p.m. tomorrow.
There will be games for children
and adults, including darts, penny
36 Month CD $100 12 .35% 11 .70%
row at the Leocadia Court Sports
Complex on Laurel Avenue. At 6:30 pitch, a soccer kick and bean bag
p.m.. a two-hour musical show will
begin featuring disc jockey Michael
Stridacchio. The rain date is Satur- RED BANK
24 Month CD $100 12 .07% 11 .45%
The borough's annual Fourth of

July celebration will begin at 8 p.m.
tomorrow with a band concert in
Marine Park. The concert will be
12 Month CD $1,000 11. 68% 11 .10%
Childrens' games will be held
following a picnic lunch at the followed by a fireworks display
Community Center, part of the starting at approximately 9 p.m.
summer day camp program.
A free picnic lunch for senior SEA BRIGHT
6 Month CD $1,000 11. 13% 10 .60%
citizens will be held at the center Noted columnist Jim Bishop will
Thursday. mterew on Oty t Certificate* it compounded and cwJiMd mommy Simple >nt«fttl n c M i l i d it maturity on tha
be honored during the borough's i? month Tai D«ttrr«d C*rt.t<catM Th»»t •* • MJbMntial penallyto<early withdrawal on cenihcaie account*.
"July Celebration" on Saturday.
HOLMDEL Bishop, a former columnist for
A township-wide family picnic The Daily Register, will open a time
will be held from noon to ( p . m . capsule which was buried 25 years $20 IN CASH OR A FREE GIFT FOR DEPOSIT
tomorrow at the Farmers and ago. Mayor Cecile F. Norton will
Gardeners Association grounds off present Bishop with the "Key to the OF $10,000 OR MORE TO CITY'S 6 MONTH OR
Catbird Alley. A variety of games City."
and contests will be offered for Other events include a food 12 MONTH CERTIFICATE OR $5000 OR MORE
children and adults who reside in the festival, music and contests.
township and food and beverages TO CITY'S LONGER TERM CERTIFICATES
will be available. IN ION BEACH Gills «m be delivered by UPS Regulations prohibit a gill lor traosler ol Kinds already on deposit with the
Fireworks will be held at the high association One g,lt per depositor Gills are nol available lor IRA or Keogh Accounts
Fireworks at dusk will conclude a
school football field at 9 p.m The
family day of recreation tomorrow
For more details and the office nearest you . . .

Jazz festivnl drew well call our CITY Information Center toll free 1-800-492-4141

N E W YORK (API - George son and Benny Carter with Sun Ra

City Federal Savings • One of America s Largest Financial Services Companies
Wein, impresario of the 1984 Kool opening might be a dud. Dizzy.
Jazz Festival, which ended its 10- Benny and J J had been on
day run here Sunday night, said concerts earlier in the week and we
ticket sales were the highest in the thought Sun Ra might keep people
festival's 30 years. And he enjoyed away But the house was 65 to 70
the music so much he didn't start percent full, with^every seat taken
planning next year's festival before on the main floor, which makes for
it was over, the way he usually a nice concert."
does. Artistic highlights included the 120 Offices throughout Florida and New Jersey • Deposits Insured by FSLIC
"We didn't have a dead concert first festival appearances of the
and we've always had some dead Artie Shaw Band, rehearsed and
concerts, where we have 500 or 600 conducted by Shaw. 24-year-old
paid admissions.1' Wein said. "We guitarist Stanley Jordan from Mil-
were afraid the Friday night con- waukee and 18-year-old European
cert by Dizzy Gillespie. J J. John- gypsy guitarist Bireli Lagrene
Golf ball sarvea the rtghi to retect any and
UESDAV, 3. ^984 T h e Daily Register B11
hits plane mature at euch times aa may be
irmined by i n * Cht*f financial
proviooa that no note; BE ADVISED tf-ai the Town- • regular meet-
248 Monmouth County 248 Monmoulh County
one-hundred fon> ta*i 1140 J
246 Monmouth County
. ahall msfurs ist*r men on* year ship Committee of the Township 'ing of the governing body to be •MM Mun,cipaliiy Borough o- long
MELBOURNE. from its data The notes shall ol Mtddletown hs« retained Ju*y 2. 3. 5. {held on Thursday. July 12. 1M4 •H1NIITF 1 U U Rumion County and Slat* Neateet Cross Blreat Snuai*
i bear inter**) st aucn rate or rates SHORT A N D FORD Architect* I t 6 30 P M , at Borough Hall • UMHIOH COURT i Counry of Monmoul" Stata ol on th* Soul^'hr * i d * Of Bat
Australia lAPl - aiaua bk^ iji — ..*•*. B U B - - - _ . a-_ L _ . •* » W"a,/ ^ r (, iiEiaaai.1B
sst River Road, Rumson, N J at OF HIW J i M I T New Jersey, Street » Streai No Street dutent *pp.o»>me.teiv
112 Cathenng St which time and place all persona 144 Biackpomi Road Te« Block .two-hundred ••«> t**t i?t.O 1
Someone with a hor- Red Bank N.J.. 07701 Ing to b* heard will be given
ft Lot Block 72 Lol 6 Nort**a»t*rly trom lha NOMh
rendous hook has been ull opportunity. Dockal NO I 4 W M 1 Dimanaions ot Lol 21 35 fi • e*sl*riy side ol Avanua ot Two
739 62 ft IRivers Bumion New J*r»ay
playing havoc with air- connection with note* laauadiplus rMmburaebt* aipanaaa. as lJun* 21. 'B64 th* Zoning Board
purauant to Ihia ordinance, and asi forth in the reeoiulion and of Adiuslmeni ot the Borough ot
U j
1240 RuiTtSOO
J Gary Sam mon)
Borough Clerk'
CORPORATION. Pla.nltli va I . 117 35 fl a 1007 ft Naaraat T f l « appro.imala 1 mate amourM o'
planes landing and tak- tna Chiaf ftrtancial o*fkjar»
o» n ng* agreement which are evaiiabie *ad Bank granted approval Io
ttura upon ma notaa ah«ji ba oon- lor inspection ,n the office of . . . AN ORDINANCE FOR VARl-
Charles F Paterno. U D MICHAEL R STEWART, al aia , Croat Stravt Barlav Poinl !ma tjdornam , o ha aal'ttad •
Mayor -alaf.dar.1. | Tna apprcimala amounl ol inah urn ol »2a 077 00 looal-.
ing off at Morabbin cluaiva avtdanoa aa io aH auoh Township Clark during regular
daMrminauona Ail nota* T i n I It bualrtaaa houra.
•ktlan tor premises
__ on Block 114, Lot S.
' O u 3 IMPROVEMENTS IN THE Re Capital improvements)
jBOROUQM Of7 f^JM*2IiijJi??' ury 3
By virlua ol a w-rit ol aMaculton m # ludgmani M ba unaKM by i»*it ma coata ol Ihia aaia
Airport. herounoer
h may be b renewed d FRANK G L E S
622 32 tna abowa auiao action to maiM W l t tha aum ol $17e«5OO Tna ShanH naraoy raaa'vaa
T niracwd I Bhaji anpoaa tor aaia] tooainar with tha coata ol thia tha right io adiourn ti
The Aviation De- provision* *" Mm* subtact to the
ol N.J.I.A 40 Jury 3
* "*cSrf S T S T i a n V T l " ' " **"" TKjSJor^S* CO.T'TM 24* Monmouth County public vendue. st the Court sale without further notice By pubn
M 46 Approval was- granted for bulk | BE J ouaa in tha Borough ot Fra*-
partment says it is : : Th* cruet financial of- variances tor a non-conforming t* n hoM. County of Monmouth. New
investigating a col- ftoer la hereby authorliad Io seN lot. to permit construction ot • SHERIFFS BALB J*r**y. on Monday, the 30ih day without further notto* by put)"- |D*t*d May 6 ' » M
panoras l i o l t h *» notaa from urna 236 MkkJialown S U M M O I I COURT ol July. 1*64, at 2 o'clock P M catton Kiaishy ft Kiatahy
lision yesterday be- to Km* at public or private *eie Hy reetdeoc* in the RA Zone O - NSW J t M I V prevailing time WILLIAM M LANZARO Sh*rl(1 Attorney*
tween a plane and a and to dattvav tham to tna A N N I H O BOARD The ••solution is filed in the malt* the following improve- CHANCERY DIVISION The proparty to be sold is Dated May 11. 1 W me 20 27. July 3 676 3
purcft***.*, tharaot upon receipt OF T H t offic* of th* Board Secretary, th* HtJi MONMOUTH COUNTY located In the Township of Haslet William M E Powers Jr
golf ball over the air- of payment ot me purchase price TOWNSHIP Municipal Building. 32 Mon- Install vinyl siding and new Daofcet Ho. F-.4S6-B4 the County of Monmouln and 32 tSS
plua accrued Intareat from tnetr mouth Street. Red Bank, and la garage doora on the Borough SOUTHEAST M O R T Q A O E Stata ot New Jersey
port. A department data* to th* data of delivery P nuKHjrrow
NOTICS OF HCARINO «vaHab4* tor public inspection ]*r ages located on Carton Street COMPANY. Plaintiff va
Jun* 27, July 4. 11. IS SS336 - SHERIFF 8 SALE
md Install chain link t*notng Commonly known as 17 Molly kUFERIOR COURT
spokesman said the th*r*ot Th* chief financial of- PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that
float la dlractad Io report in writ- tha Board at Ad|u*tm*nt ot the
L A Chebookj.en
where naadad
MARKEE OMAR KHAYYAM, at Pitcher Drive Hajlal. N*w J*r-
147 South St ale Defendants aay Tax Lot No 56 in Block No CHANCERY DIVISION
plane was landing at ing to th* gowning body at th* Township of MlddkMown wHI hold Red Bank.N J 07701 2 Said Improvements be By virtu* of a writ ot execution -T4-1 SHERIFF'S S A L !
meettng next succeeding the a p u b l i c i s i n g on Monday. Jury Jury 3 U 64 mad* for a aum not to eaoeed suFsnicm COURT
the airport when it was data when any eal* or delivery of 16, 18*4 at 1 0 0 p m in the main SEVENTEEN THOUSAND FIVE
the *bov* stated action to me Dimension* ot Lot {Approx-
directed I shall *apo** tor sale imately) front — SO te*t wld*. CHANCERY DIVISION pockel No. F-1463-S3
hit by a golf ball which tha notaa purauant to this ordi- Maevng Room in the MKKMMown PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on HDOLLARS UNDRED (Si 7.800 00)
aftOCatM at toHow*
al public vendue. at the Court raar — 1SS. side* 100 teat end
la mad*. Such report mum* Townehlp Municipal Building 115 fe*t
dented the paintwork. nanc*
mctud* me amount, ma deacrlp- located at Klnga Highway and lha i»tn day ot July 1M4 at tha Installation Ot vinyl skiing
I O U M in the Borough of Free-
hold, County ot Monmouth. N*w FIRST FAMILY MORTGAGE P l a i n t i f f va
Nearest Cross Street Situat* CORPORATION O
Rad Bank Municipal Building. 32 garag* doora and Cham link OF FLO
FLORIDA CARHART el UK. *t ••. D*f*n
Hon. tha inter*** rat* and tha N J 8 U » Highway So Mtddta- J*raey on Monday the 30th day danta
Monmouth Straat. Rad Bank lancing S176.S00.OO P * RRO OB BERT
Probe shooting maturity acnedule of the notaa
•old. ihe prto* obtained arm lha
town TownahTp. Naw Jaraay to
conatdar an appuoatton by Sun
Naw Jaraoy, iha Board of Ad|uat- 3 The sum ol 8EVENTTEN
of Jury. 1664. at 2 o'clock P M
prevailing Urn*
x, el al. Defendant! By virtue of a writ ot execution
• m e ot m* purcha**r Caaaa Homaa, tnc rApplicant")
mant will hotd a haartng on tha THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED The property to be *oid <a
s writ ot execution in the above stated action to me
ELIZABETH (AP) application of tha unoaraignad. (617.60000) DOLLARS or *O ctad. l ahall enposa for sai*
Sactlon 6 The capital budgat th* City ot Asbury
at which fima and ptaoa all much ttxraof as may b* nsces* «t public vendu* at the Cour*
— Police were continu- Borough- o of Keensburg is
intarastad paraona will ba gtvan ary to carry out th* terms of mi* In tne Counry ot Monmouth House m the Borough of Free-
_ _ d to oonform wtth
•n opponuniry to ba haard. Said ordinance ba and the earn* i* and State ot Naw j*ra*y. com- hold. County Of Monmoulh New
ing to question wit- t
th* provisions of thl* ordlnanca
maattng win taita piaoa at • 00 haraby appropriated and dedi- monly known as 1026 Third Av- J*r**y on Monday the 16th day
to m * artant of any lnconatae>noy cated from t h * Capital improva- enue. Aabury Park. New Jersey. of July, 1664. at 2 o'clock P M
nesses today connec- herewith The resolution In me r*» Lot NO 7 in Block No 17 Prevailing Tim*
Tna location ot lha pramiaa* in mant Fund for tho purpoaa of
tion with the death of form promulgated by the Local
quaatlon la in tha RB toning duj- making tha aforesaid improve- ^mensioni ot Lot (Appro*- the " lunicipslity Borough o'
Finance Board showing tuN "
Yovana Ramirez. 8, rl trtci aa ahown on tha tax map. ments end paying tha ampan*** mateiy) 25 fa*t wide by 140 fe*t without lurth*r nottc* by publi Muntcipellty Borough ot Un K**nstiurg. County of Mon-
of the an M ng of an ag Hock 90 Lotcat i8 and mora long. Haaissl Croaa Street Situ- cation moulh Street address 133
and capital program 1 connection therewith wach
who was UUed in her proved by t h * Director of the
graoat* total of approidmawy
p p y commonly known aa 1SS ata on the northeasterly *ld* ot
4. Tht* ordlnanoa shaH take Third Avanu*. 132 teet from me
County and Stata County ot
Seeley Avenue Tai Lot *no
2S.0O0 aquara faatt known
k aa Srwawabury Ava . Rad Bank Dated May IT, 1964 Block Lol 19, Block 113. Appro-
sleep when a stray DMaMn ot Local Government Sun Caatta Protaaaional Park"
effvet upon na psaeaga and pub
Tna applicant la taaklng a Uaa Itcatton to law. rttereectton ot the southeasterly Zuckar. Ooidbarg, BacHar Monmouth. Stale ot N*w Jersey imat* dimensions » i 66 X 22 >
Services is on fit* with the Clerk (iha P •Ide ot Cometock Street Wei** Slraol t street No 610 Col- 76 Nearest croaa siraat Qill*t
bullet tor* through the and is available thor* tor public
Variant* lor tha purpo** ot Con- PUBLIC NOTICE The epproHimct* amount of Attorneys umbia Avenue
vaning • nonconformlng Sarbar The toregotn) treat
floor of her second- inspection Shop Into • Protaaaional Law- h * Judgment to b* sslistied by July 3. 11. 16, SS S74 Ten Block ft Lor Block 188. Lol
2 Dimensions ot Lol .08 3d ft » Th* *ppro<iimate amount o'
Sactlon a The toHowtng *d- MKMkatown Tax Map No. 101. « i OMica aaia is the aum of 843.800 00
story bedroom, police — ar* haraby de- raadlng at * ragular maating of ooathor with tha coata of thie
4001 ti » 11031 fi 40 00 fi the Judoment to b* eatialied by
AH documant* ratatmg to thia tha Mayor and Council of lha Nearest Cross Slreat 374 82 sat* I* th* *um ot ( 3 1 3 0 0 00
said. Tne shot was ed recrtad and Sprlnga Road and
teal from Union Avenue toostriar with Ihe costs ol this
lated bounded on tha aaat by lha Oar- Tha Sheriff haraby raeerve* SUPERIOR COURT 6M
fired from the La Isla (a) The improvement or dan Stata Parkway (lha Sub|act tha right to edtourn thie aale OF N t W JERBCV
The approximate amounl Ot
Tha Sheriff hereby reserves
purpoaa described in Sectin 3 ot he ludgmeni to be satisfied by
Club, located directly Ihia bond ordinance are not a
Proparty") Tha Subjact Propany
la oomprlaad ol 3 »1 aoraa and la
without further notice by pubJI-.
hetion 1
CHANCERY DIVISION •«ia I* ih* Bum ol 64&726 00 the right to adjourn this sal*
underneath the apart- 240 Rumaon WILLIAM M LANZARO, Shartfl
MONMOUTH COUNTY ooat he. with the cost* of thia without luriher noltoa by publi-
currant * x p * n * * It Is an im- ourrantty tocatad in Ota R-22 240 Humson Docket No. F 3s*J S J cation • .
ment of the victim's provement or purpoaa thai tha Dated May IT, 16S4 FIDELITY BOND AND MORT-
Borough may lawfully undertake buHdmga ara not NOTICS Zuchar. Qoidberg Becker a QAQE COMPANY. Plaintiff vs The Sharitf hereby reaervea WILLIAM M IAN2ARO. Sheriff
family, police said. aa a ganaral improvement, and Tha Prozac! aa AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER VIII, WetM
the right to ad|outn ihi* sal* Daiad Msy 6. 1964
FRANKLIN T MATTHEWS et u« without 1ulh*r nolle* by publi- Alvln D Millar
no part of t h * coat tharaof haa rnaot lha toHowtng raquiramanta SacfOn 8 13 OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE Attorney* el *la, D*f*ndanta
or ahaii ba specially BuMmg Covaraga: 22,a«i at. BOROUGH OF RuMSON. NEW JERSEY Jury 3. 11. IB. 26 S70 66 cation -i Anoi
It or 14S ot Subtact Proparty By virtu* of a writ 01 execution WILLIAM M LANZARO Sh*rlft', Jun* 20. 27. July 3. 11 ISO 46
ad on property specialty BE IT ORDAINED by tha Mayor and Council of tha Borough ot
220 Atlantle WgWiiKta banafltad thereby Opan Spaoa: SS.T10 aq ft or Rumaon County of Monmouth and Stata of Now Jaraay that D*1*d May M 1064
(b) The period of usefulness of M H Of Sub|aC1 Proparty 1 Saction 8-1 3 ol Chaptor VIII of t h * Raviaad Ganaral Or-
M C " 32-4M
NOTICS •HIRIFF • BALI •t public vandua at the Court SHERIFF'S SALS
th* improvamant or purpoaa Par King Spaoa Provtdad: 140 d>an*ncaa of t h * Borough of Rumaon. Naw Jaraay. ba and tha aama in* Borough ot Free- June 37. July 4. 11. IS U 3 M
PUBLIC NOTICE la haraby wtthln m * rtmrtanone of the Local Tha Profract haa baan daaignad ta haraby amandad and auppiamantod to raad aa toHowa SUPERIOR COURT
given to aH parson* that a public to aubaavmatty comply wltti tha hold. County of Monmouth. New OF NSW JERSEY
Bond Law. according to t h * 6-1 3F*aSchadut* Thalaahv a conatructton parmit shall ba tha CHAMCIHV DIVISION J*r**y. on Monday t h * 30th day 2 4 8 Monmouth County
hearing waa hastt on Juna 20. reasonable nf* thereof com- raquiramanta
a q u a t a ot o tha B B-3 Bual- aum of th* aubcod* faa naiad m A through D haraof and shall ba CHANCERY DIVISON
1604 at which hearing an appli- MONMOUTH COUNTY of July, 1B64, at 2 oclock P M MONMOUTH COUNTY
puted from i h * dat* of Ihe bond* naaa Z Zona of f th
tha Land { and paid bator* ma parmit i* Isauad aa datarmlnad by tha Construction Docket No F U S S4 prevailing time MJH
cation (or a variance to construct autnrolttd by thl* ordinance, is Regulation a to* tha ' Official Docket No F-436-61
a one family realdanoa on under MAROARETTEN S COMPANY. Property is located In Town- SHBHIFPS SALS NEW JERSEY MORTCiAOE
Mlddtatown (I A Tha building aubcod* laa* shall ba: NC. Pismtin va: ship of Metawan. County of Mon
6 b * lot (front*-*, eideyerda and _ jppksmantaJ _ _ Ordlnano*) 1 Now conduction. Faaa for now conatrucvon ahaH ba baaad WAYNE C CARHART, SR . at us, mouth. N J Tha correct sddrasa • UPERIOR COURT FINANCE A.»I.N(. • Plamlift va
ar*a) on BMock 1, tot S. com- Statement required o> the Local Applicant Maka tha following upo upon tha OF NEW JENSSV LESTfcRj JENNINGS et al. De-
a votuma a of lha structur* * Tha a n«w« conatruction c o parmit
pa fa*
a * Defendants of tha property Is 224 Center St, CHANCSRV DIVISION
monly known a* 144 B*y*ld* Or , Bond LIST he* be»n duly vartanoaa from lha Ordlnanca in h l l ba
b S S 009
009 • it at*t par
p cubicc b i footf t ott voium*i f buildings
bld d fendants
shall for and Ciirtwood Beech, N J MONMOUTH COUNTY
Borough of Atlantic Highland*. prepared snd filed In the oftvc* of conjunction with Ha application By virtue ot a writ of execution
s tucual
structu u— g p * and typos
— group* ypos of o conatructton o as claaaMad
caaaa Th* Lot and Block Number is Docket No. F-7106-61
Naw Jaraay. waa haard, th* Clark, and • complete ex- for preliminary mafor alto plan and dafinad >n Aitici* i t h * abov* listed *ct>on to m*
i 2 ott th* th Building
Bildi Subcoda
S b d Tha
Th minimum ii faa
f lot No 20. Block No 313 EAST JERSEY SAVINGS AND directed, I shall expose lo> e * i *
SaW appHoaiton waa nrantad ecuted duplicate thereof haa approval of tha Protaci shall ba twanty (S20 00) doHars
wMoh d*ci*lon la on til* and boan fiksd In th* ofttoe of t h * p Deminalona 75' M 100' LOAN ASSOCIATION Plaintiff public vendue. at Ihe Court
(a) Uaa vvlanoa. purauant to 2 Ranovadona Faa* for ranovatlon* altarattona. rapalra and th*
awafabta 1 Director of t h * Dfvlelon of Local N J S A 40:680-70(0) to parmit building ot structure* ahall b* baaad upon lha aatimatad cost of th* House In in* Borough ol ot Free- N*ere*t Cross Street Keypon House in t h * Borougn of liee<
Borough H Government Service* in the De- tha davalopmant of tha Projact m | wort, Tha faa shall ba oemputod aa a unit rata par SVOOO of hold. County ol Monmouth. f" Av*nu« DONALD F PHILIPP. * i us. at hold. CouYity Jf Monmouln New
Borough of Atlantic Highland*. partment of Community Affair* lha R-22 raaldantfl mn*. con- I aalimatad coat Twarva (S12 00) dollars for t h * flrat 11,000 or pan The *ppro«lmal* amount of •ii. Defendant* Jersay on Monday th* Iflth day
New J*rs*y of th* Stats of Naw Jaraay Such traryto Sactlon la-10 HA) of th* tharaot Thaaatim*l*d cost will r*n*ct labor and malarial coau ot July. 1664 at 2 oclotM P M
~ shows that the groaa Ordlnanca prevailing time Prevailing Time
Edwe/d 6 MHdred Orant
• Borough a* defined
3 Additions For additiona. SOOOS pf cubic toot of building or Property to be sold i* located iog*th*r wtlh th* costs of tM* directed. I shall expo** lor sal*
(b) Aaaociatad variancas structure volume lor tha added ponton provtdad that lha minimum Th* property to ba sold <»
Data* IMS ITtti day 01 Juna. 1 K 4 creased the Local Bond Law It in- in the Townahip of Middletown at public vendu*, at the Court located in th* City ot Aabu'y
p u r s u a n t I o N . J . S - A . f a a shall ba thirty l$30 00) dollars County ol Monmouth. State of
July» S T . t l lha bondabyand th*lauthortiakon of
not** provided in 4OS6D-7O4C) io parmit:
Th* Sheriff h*r*by
4 Ranovai-orii and Addition F**a for combination ranovallons N*wJ*r**y Premise* commonly ihe right to adfourn thl* aale. hold. County ot Monmouth New Park in |he County ol Monmout"
reserve* louee m t h * Borough of Free-
• within tan HO) and addmona shall ba ( mputad a* t h * sum of the f a * * for the known • • 17& Main S i . Port without further nolle* by publi- Jera*y. on Monday, t h * 23rd d*y and Slat* ot New Jersey
thia bond ordinance by 6332.500
and lha obligation* aumortiad fa*t ot tha eaatorty proparty Una addition! and altarationa computed ___ Commonly k nown as 504
ti* Ktantburg Monmouth. New J*ra*y. Tea Lot cation ot July. 1064. at 2 o'clock. P M Albury Avenu* Aibury Perk
herein will b* within all debt limi- of tha Subject Proparty along 9 Fences The minimum tee for tanoa* will b * ten (|1O 00) dollan • I S . M . 21, S 22. In Stock f 7 M
preecribed by that Law Garden SUM Parkway proparty; t Wall! Such as retaining walla, maaonary walla, Ibrick walla Tha Olmanalona (approximately, WILLIAM M
iry wslla.
LANZARO Sheriff prevailing time New Jersey
(II) parking area* in the front ta* ahaH be (waive (*12<56) dollars for th* flrat one thousand Si 5' front by ISO a side by 103 OatodDMay IT, 1664 Municipality City of Long TaaLoiNo 10 in Block No 140
Tha _
a a M a a and approvad upon <d| An aggfMata amoum not * v o area of the Subject Proparty (Si.000, or part tharaot and ttva (So 00) dollars for each additional back by 21S side Nearest croaa John Attorney
Wilson •ranch, Slreet a n d Street
lumbar 14 WlMI*m Street. Lot
I ol Lot (Approx
B2.S00 for nama of oontrary to Sactlon 16-6.26<N>; imataly) 34 teat wid* by flfl fee.
aacond and final raadlng and aaoaadlng thousand (Si,000) or part thereof Criteria uead by tha construction ateet Situete at t h * intersection Jury July 3. 11.
1 16. 26 643 36 md Block Number Lot BA S 7 t
upon its public haartog by Inaoxpanaa Ttatod m and parminod (III) parking 1
*ra*S along t h * official m determining wall a* opposed to t*nc« a r * T h * material of tha Southwest tide of Carter
undar N.JS.A 40A2-20 la in- fifty ISO ) feat of a raatdantiai jeed m conairuotton, type of conatructton. purpoaa. and wheth*r or Avenu* with (he Southeast aids Block 24S. Dimension* it • 56 » N*areBl Cro i t Street Situi M
Municipal Counoll ol t h a dudad S4-2T 22 m 64 . 70 116 « 36 • 132 * 100. on the southei Bid* of Asbb
Borough or Kaanaourg. Na» Jar- dtcatad in lha aatimatad coal m- tone a * required by Section not t h * finished structure could be ***tiy moved without damaging of Main Street
haraln tor tha purpoaa or 1S-6.2SI.Sr4 Ot t h * Ordinance. ita component pans SHERIFF 6 6 A L I Neareat e Croaa Straat McLsln Avenue 6ft feel om the west* , 1 ,
•ay on Juna 2S. 1 M 4 and waaImprovarnani The approximate amount ot • UFIRIOF1 COURT Plac*
and Sheda Any prefabricated, praasaamblod or Or praci •cut shad 41 the )udgment to be satisfied by sid* ot Grand .*>nue
arad adapWd Bacuon 7 Tha full faith and (rv) an entrance drive lea* than equ*r* leet or und*< itending seven feat or le*a and measuring I OF N I W JERSEY The approximate amount a p p o m at* amount l i t
Th** appiom
T pub»ca<on r. raquvad by law cradlt •ale la t h * sum D f S64.337 00 LAW 0IV1SIOM the ludamenl d t to
t be b satisfied
t i f i d by ins lodgment to ba aanalied <•
ot lha Borough ara haraby o n * hundred < 100) feet in length cubic t**i or l**a wilI r*quire a tw«lv* (|12 00) dollar chad permit AH
Luna sniawi ptadgad to tha punctual paymant a* required by Section 16-6 2 f of, other sheds. Out b< Idinga. els . win coma undar iA-1) of Ihtt section together with t h * coal* of this MONMOUTH COUNTY sale is t h * sum of S38 326 00 the •Km of 33&2SSOO logeth*.
Borough d a r n of tha principal and tha intaraat the Ordinance Docket No OJ-17SOS-SI togather with tne costs ul this
• 6 State Trait id g Fe*a T h * Slat* late of Naw •*?—*y training t a g fee ot Tha Sheriff hereby reserve* Wllh the i oat* of inn l a l *
STATEMENT of t t a obdgattona auihomad by Applicant aleo eaek* waivers SO ' 0006 per cubic Toot ot volume will be applied to all permit* baaed th* right to adtourn this asle MIDLANTIC NATIONAL • Sherilt hereby iM'vii
Tha bond ordlnanca pubHahad mta bond ordlnanca Tha obii- ot requirements for (I) an en- on volume BANK/MEF1CHANTS Plaintiff va The Sheriff hereby re**rv*a ighi to adjourn thia sate
harawwh haa Baan luiiy adaplad gauona anaM ba diract, unllmltad vironmental impact *tatement wtthoul further notice by publi- KATHER.INE RICHARDS Defen- « right to adjourn |hi* sal*
9 Demolition Th* f a * for a parmit of demolition of a building or cation ut further notic* by pub'1
and tha 20-day panod ol S m .obligation* of iha Borough, and and (II) on sit* detention and structure snail be 10 0045 par cubic toot ot volume, provided mat dants wrlthout further nottc* by publl- cstion
tatlon wttMn which a Wilt, ectlor lha iorough ahaM ba obiigatad to ad ()
tha minimum tee ahall be twelve <»i? 00) dollars A certificate ot WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff By virule to a writ ol enacuiion ;atlon WILLIAM M IAN2AR0 Sheriff
or prooMtfrM queetJoning tne lavy ad vatoram H I M upon ail further needs • delay In conduct- completion ( | i 2 00l will be required wtlh all demolition permit* Dated Msy 17. i g * 4 In tha sbove stated action to m * WILLIAM M LANZARO Sheriff Dat*d May S 1984
Zucker. OoUbarg. Backar t directed. I shall • • p o a * for sale DstOd May I I 1884
validity ot euch ordinance oan ba trta BUabta raal proparty within
oomnwnofd, M provtd*d m thelha Borough for tha paymant ot architectural plan* tor tha Pro I Official "T alto plan and ecnemattc; encept lha minimum permita aa approvad by the Construction
at public vendue at the Court Oagliano Tucn
Zucker O<jldb*rg Becker a
Local t e n d Law w u begun I * tha obligation* and tha mtaraat l*ct have bean filed with th* sp-' 10 Moving Structure* The l a * for a permit for moving ot • House In the Borough of Free- ladania S R*i*n*r
run from t h * date ol the tvsi tharaon Mthout Itmltation of rata plication In the office ot the Sec- bunding or etructure. from one lot to another or to • new location on Jury 3. | 1 . 16. 25 670 56 hold. County ol Monmouth. New Attorneys 7. July 3, i t 172 00
publication ot tMe *u.l*m*nt or amount ratary of t h * Board of Adjust- the same w , Shall bo at • unit rat* (A2) par |1,000 of the sum ot tha J*reey, on Monday, the 30th day Juna 21. July 4. i t . 18 8«3 36 ,
BOND ORDINANCE PROVID- Thia bond ordi ment o l the Townahip ot Middle-. following The estimated cost ot moving, plus the coal of naw U - S M of July. i » M , at 2 (jclock P M
INO FOR THE ACQUISITION OF nance *htH take effect 20 days town and are available tor public foundations and all work necessary to pieca the building or structure 8H8IRIFF 8 6 A L I prevailing tlma. 34-161 ia-461
FIRE TRUCKS FOP AND BY THE after the Mrat publication thereof inspection during reguarl bu*l- in >t* completed condition in it* n*w location Tha minimum parmit SUPERIOR COURT NAME OF SALE MIDLANTIC SHERIFF'S SALS SHERIFF'S S * t B
BOROUGH OF KEANSaUAO, after final adoption, as provided neat hours , laa than ba twanty ($20 00) dollar* A certiftcato of occupancy or O f N i W JtRSSV NATIONAL BANK SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COUR*
Thl* notice i* grvan pursuant to; completion will o* required MONMOUTH COUNTY CHANCERV OIVlSON
JERSEY. A P P R O P R I A T I N G ADOPTED R S. 4 0 5 5 O - i 2 ( * t A n y 11 Signs T h * tea Io* a permit to con struct/install s sign ahall bo RICHARDS STREET NUMBER* LAW DIVISION
intaraatad paraon. or through h i * ! a ttat fa* of Twetv* ( * i 2 00) doiian A canniest* of completion is Docket N o L-7ST Docket No F-1398-63
AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE attornav or designated agent at required NEW JERSEY MORTQAOE Beimar. New Jersey TAX LOTS
OF S3J2.S00 0O BONDS OR the aforesaid public hearing at 12 Plan Review Plan review less shall be computed • • a FINANCE AQENCY Plaintiff va AND BLOCK Lot 20 and 21 CARVER FEDERAL St* VINOS
NOTES OF THE BOROUOH FOR 234 MsflbofO thawtime and piece herein Mated,. percentage of t h * faa to ba charged for the construction parmit Ti LAWRENCE NOWELL M al*. De Block 146 on th* Tan Map of Ih* M A BRUOEP) & SONS INC AND LOAN ASSOCIATION
FINANCING PART OF T H E Borough ot Balmer NUMBER •nd YVONNE L RUSSELL as- Plaintiff VB S Y L V E S T E R
NOTfCC OF DECISION ' * ° * heard on this application percentage Shall, to the extent possible approximate the ectuai fendants
WILSON * l u*. *t ala. ' > • ' • '
COST THEREOF at thia tn vitles, but, m any case *h*n be not By virtu* of a wrrt ot eiecutton OF FEET TO NEAREST CROSS sign**. Plaintiff vi
BE IT 0R0AINEO BY THE M U - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thai BUN CASTLE HOMES. INC lea* than live percent nor mor* than 2SH of th* amount that would in t h * sbove stated action 10 mm STREET Al the intersection of WILBEP.T C R U S S E L ft dantB
NICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE the Red Bank Planning Board ("Applicant") be charged for the construction p*rmrt For protects which do not dlractad, I shall eapoee for a*i* ISth Avenu* With Highway 71 NATHANIEL RUSSEL, Indv ft as By virtue of a wfit nf enaculion
BOROUGH OF KEAN8BURG. did. at a rogulir public meeting By GIORDANO HALLERAtv 1 requir* plan review for *n subcode*, Ihe le* shall be me appropriate al public vandua, at the Court FULL DESCRIPTION Deed Book partner*, e t . et aia. Defendants In Ihe abov* stated action to m*
MONMOUTH COUNTY. NEW new on June » . 1SS4. grant Houee in tha Borough ot Free-
CiESLA percentage ot the subcode fee which is applicable Tha minimum hold County ot Monmouth. Naw 3647 at Pag* 203 recorded m the By virtue of a writ of execution •t public ventJue at the Cour'
directed. I ihall *npDB* 'or •• •.
JERSEY (not less than rwo-lnirds miner sn* plan approval to A Profeeeionel Corporation pier- review fee shsll be twenty-tive (125 00) dollars for aach review J*r**v. Monmouth County Clerk's OHica i h * above elated action to me
of an member* thereof •'- Christine Pile for the purpose of Attorney* lor Applicant requested prior to formal application to I h * Building Department of Jury. on July 16. 1 6 M regarding Lot 21 directed. I shall eHpos* tor sale House m the Borough ol Free
flrmatlvety concurring) AS FOL' opening a email raauurant, saai- Block 146 Dead Book M 7 7 at st public, vendue. at lha Court hold. County ot Monmoulh Naw
ing approximately 20 By JOHN R HALLERAN Planning Bosrrj or Zoning Board Pl*n review t o * * ara not refun- prevailing tfm*
LOWS Page 203 recorded In tha Mon- liou** irr ihe Borough of Free- Jeraey on Monday t h * 16th day
Section 1 Tha improvement* Th* premises in question ar* July 3. 1664 dable
Munclpallty Township ot Neo- moulh County Clerk B Offie* hold. County of Monmouth ol July. 1064 al 2 o'clock P M
July 3 842 46 13 Inspections All work „
described m Sactlon 3 ot this located st B Linden Place. Block accordsnee with N J A C Seci 33-2 16 in tha event the in lun*. County of Monmouln January 27. 1070 regarding Lot Jaraey on Monday I h * 23rd day **'»v«H'ng Time
bond ordinance 47. LOt 1 Street Addreaa 1216 Ninth Av- 20 Block 146 of July. 1964. al 2 o'clock P M ' lunicipnty - Borough of Free-
autrKKiiad to ba und*n*k*n by Copy ot said resolution is on 236 Mlddlslown •pecnon to be/w*s performed does not fall within the required The apprommste amount ot prevailing tim* hold
rt schedule, the permit holder and/or t h * subcode official
tha Borough of K**naburg. Mon- Ale with the Secretary ot the •hall apply >n writing for special inspection tees to be approved by the Judgment to be **tl*ii*d by ie~d*t*ndsnt B right, litle. | Straei and Siraal Number • 17
mouth County. New Jartay • • * Planning Board and is available NOTICS aata is the aum of 82 404 0 0 itereet. if any In *nd to t h * : Lloyd
the Construction Official lock 1SS
general improvamant For tna for inspection during her busi- Separate sealed bida for (he 14 Certificate* T h * for a certificate ot occupancy, s oertlflcat* of
ApproMimata dimension* 50 together with the coet of Ihl* sal*
inn I Block nnd Lol Number • Btoc*
improvement or puri ness hours following will be received by the continued The Sheriff hereby Street Address ?80 Florence 77. Lot 35
Dated Juna JO Middleiown Townahip Board of occupancy shall be twelve (812 00) dollars
acrlaed in Baction 3, B The Plumbing Subcode Fee shall be. Nearest croe* atreet Ridge Av- the right d|our> ihia sale Avanu*. Long Branch. Naw Jar Dimension* • 45 • 100
hereby appropriated tha turn of Chrteiin* Pile | Education up to 1 1 0 0 * m 1 The tea 'or a pi u mbmg permit ahaH be the sum ot tha individual e n u * say 07740. T i t Lot 6 - Block Nesrust Cross Street • Ford
8360,000 00 including lha sum of Charge! p*r Imtuf* aa follows The cpproMimat* amount of Number Lot 3. Block 360. Ts« Avenue p~^
I17JJ00 00 a* tha down payment Bank N J 07701
00 ration Building, St T.n- • Water oloeei, btdet. urinal, bathtub, lavatory, sink, shower, floor the (udgment to ba satisiied by WILLIAM M LANZARO Sheriff M e p City of Long Branch The approMimai* amount o>
required by tha Local bond Law • 7 8 dall Row). MiddMown. N J . dram waahmg waahmg dishweeher. water he*t*rs, water utility SSMI la tha aum ot SSO.S60 0 0 Dated March 26. 1004 Number of Feel To Neareat e |udgm*ni to be aansiied <*
Tha down paymani is now avail- 1 Tlr*a connection, noaa bibb, water coolers garbage disposal, indirect together with tha coata ot thia Blankanhorn ft Regan rommatal Ih* aum ol S13.375OO I
sbie by virtu* of provision (or 236 Mlddlatown connection, bat*(km device, v*nt stack (par story) Attorneys Way Fui with Ih* cosis of IH.B M l * "
down paymant or for capital im- 3 Community Evening School Th* Bh*rlff hereby raaarvaa JulyS. 11 IS, 28 S76 2O crtptlon Dead Booh 3415 * t T h * Sharift hereby reacrvaa
provamant purpoeee In ona or N O T I C I OF HIARINQ Brochure b 8*w*r utility connection . $29 fJO Men th* right to edtoum thia aaia eg* 1*6 Recorded m the Mon- i* right io adioum thie s*'a
m o r a pravloualy a d o p t e d Pie*** take notioa that tha 4 Medical Supplies c S*w*r elector grease trap Intarcaptor, commercial dish- cation wHhout further notice by publi- JJH mouth County Clerk s Ottic* on Wllhoul further notic* by pubH
budgets undersign**) ha* applied to tha 5 Duplicating Supplies June 30. I M S
Sactlon 2 In ordaf to tinanca B d f Adjustment of tha Bidders are required to com- wa*h*r d
and like d*vic*
Furnaces, boiler, central air
... .
conditioning, solar
... S3000 each
tystems and like WILLIAM M LANZARO, Sheriff SHERIFF'S SALS Tha approximate amount o* WILLIAM M LANZARO Sheriff
ina ooat of tna improvamant or f M d d l e t o n tor a "" the requirements of installations Tne fee Bhili be computed al • unit r«te par | i .000 of Dated November 21. 1 B U
OF NSW JBHSSV ha judgment to be sstietiad by Dat*d May 8. 1064
purpoaa not covarad by appll i*t* cost Tan i$iO 00) dotlera tor t h * flrat 81.000 or part tharaof Atvin D Miller CHANCERY DIVISION B*l« IB th* *um of 17.804 00 Oaglicno Tucci ladant* A R*-
catton of tha down paymont MONMOUTH COUNTY ogether with the coata of this ian*r
t bond* ara harob Jury iTii. 16. 26 Sai 92 Atlorneye
• u i o r t i a d to ba >Muad In th Docket No F-7164-M Sheriff hereby reearvaa J u n # 20*. *'• July 3. 11 6 4 0 *H
principal amount of S332.SO0.0O JOHN C VA8TA and RUTH E haTh*right to adlourn thl* sal*
purauant to tha Local Bond Law M-471 VA8TA. hi* wife. Plaintiff vs
In anticipation of lha latuanca of SHflRIFF a SALS MARK T W O M A N Single, et without IBM!)
further notice by pubn 33-486
equlred SUPtNIOR COURT • I * Defendants
tha bonda. nasotiabia bond an- :h*dul*. the permit holder and/or the Subcode Official By virtu* of • writ of execution Dated WILLIAM M LANZARO Sheriff SUPERIOR COURT
ticipation notaa a r a haraby OP NSW JERSEY May 17. 1864 OF NEW J I R 8 I Y ,
shall apply >n writing for apeciai inspection tees to be approved by CHANCERY DIVISION In th* above stated action to ma P*tei A Efroe CHANCERV OIVlSON
authorttad io ba ittuad pur man (he Construction Official MOMMOUTH COUNTY directed, i ahali expos* for sal* Attorney
to and within tha limitation*, Middletown ("Monmou s) C The Eieciricai Subcode Fee ahaH ba aa touowa MONMOUTH COUNTY
praacribad by tha Local Bond siso known *s Block 146* Lot 1 ft 241 %•• •fight al public vandua. at the Court 127. .July 4. 11. 16 S74SS Docket NO. F-B13-84 .
1 Roughing Outlets An switching outlets lighting outlet* to be INVESTORS AND LENDERS House in the Borough of Free- CRESTMONT FEDERAL SAV-
' Law. 14 on tna Tax Map counted • • Outlets LTD., Plaintiff v* JOSEPH hold County of Monmouth. Now
Baction 3 (ft) Thalmprovaman INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA
A copy of tha appllcaiion haa TRANSPORTATION Fee SO 25 each Minimum SIS 00 MALVSKO and MARIETTA Jersey, on Monday the 30ih day 248 Monmoulh County TION, Plaintiff vs THUR8TON K
haraby aulhorliad and t m baan (lied m the OtAoe ot me FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2 Finish Ouiiais All switch outlets, lighting outsets and reoaptada MALY8KO husband and wrla. Ot Jury. 1M4 i t i o'clock P M BUTLER, ai UK at a n , Defen-
purpoaa lor lha financing 0 Board Secretary and may ba in- 1M4-1MI outlets io b* counted as outlets Defendants prevailing tlma 34-171 dants
which iha bonda ara to ba isauad spected Seeled propoaals for t h * trane- Fee SO 25 each Minimum U S 00 By virtue ot a writ of execution All t h * following tract or parcel SHERIFF'S SALS
conaitt of tha acquiarUon of nra Tha public haaring will be held ponanon of pupiia wtH ba ra- 3 Meeting cooking equipment and similar appii in the above ataiad action to me ot land and the premises herein- SUPERIOR COURT By virtue ot a writ of execution
lruckt In and for tha Swoufln of on Monday evening, tha 1S day oetvadby me Board of Education '• Faa Outlet for single unit of 20 K W or lees .... , . 110 00 directed, i shall *Mpoe* for sale after particularly described, »Uu OF NSW JER6EV th* sbov* slated action to ma
Kaansburg. Monmoutti County ot July 1M4 at 1 0 0 p.m al of lha School District of the Each additional unit or outlet ot 20 K.W or laaa I •t public vandua, at the Court • t * LAW DIVISION directed I (hall expos* for sale
Naw Jaraay. lying and being in Ihe st public v*ndu*. at lha Couri
Township Hall. Mlddlatown, New Borough ot See Bright. New jer- 3 0 0 Houee in the Borough of Free- Borough of Bradley Beach, in the MONMOUTH COUNTY
(b) Tha aalimalad m u i m u m Jaraay. at whleh time you may sey at 4 30 P M (Local Time) ma , 4 A\r conait'Onere. motor*, generators, transformer* F** 1 H P hold, County of Monmouth, New County of Monmouth and State D o c k e t N o . L 2 8 1 1 J 8 3 House In the Borough of f 'ee
amount of bond* or notaa to t>a app*ar either i person or by iSth day of July. tSS4 at to 20 H P . K W or KVA each S10 00 Jaraay. on Monday, the 30th day J.I 7782-63 iold. County of Monmoulh New
laauad for lha improvamant or •gont or attorney snd preeent Borough Hall. Ooaen Av*.. Sea CAPITAL RESOURCES CORP ot lorsey on Monday the i t t h day
Ovs< 20 M P io 40 H P K W or KVA each *15 00 ot July. 1664. at 2 o'clock P M July, 1884. at i O'clock P M
purpoaa l* aa atatad m Sactton 2 any obtodion which you may B'ight Over 40 H P io 75 M p K W or KVA each prevailing time FIRST TRACT Known and Plaintiff vs
haraof Prevailing Tim*
nave to granting thia application Specmeatton* and bid forma 5 Swimming Pool The proparty to be *old la designated on t h * map of Ocean COASTAL TRANSPORT INC . * The property to be sold is
(c) Tha a*nmatad coat ot tha Lloyd f Kateher tor tha route* and a standard Faa bonding | i 0 00. pool aqulpmont SS.00 each >cal*d in the Borough ot Brad- Park property made for M S N J Corp . el *la. Defendants cited in t h * Borough ot Free-
improvamant or purpoaa la Hazatton Ftaetty form of queatlonaire io b* Minimum )*e *nd bonding t«* ley Beech In the County ot Mon- Oouid. J H Osborne and H C By virtue of a wril ot execution hold In me County ot M o n m o u t
aquai to iha amount of tna ap- 13 W River Rd answered by the bidder may ba | 6 Servic* equipment *nd fi mouth. and State of New Jersey Winter, by F H Kennedy* Bom, the above elated action to m * a n d fitata of Naw Jaraey
propriation haram mada thara- Rumson secured from Ooorge E Convey \ Meter Pramlaea are commonly Surveyors a* Lot Number 1S2, directed. I shell expo** for sal* Premise* are commonly known
for. July 3 S13.SS Board Seeratary Fe* Not over 100 amp* Sift 00 known aa 316 Main Street mora particularly described at it public vendue. * l Ihe Court aa 104 Canter Street. Fr**hoid.
Section 4 All bond anticipation Th* Board of Educstton re- ' 150 to 22s sw so Tax Lot No 11 in Block No SO foHowa House in t h * Borough of Freo- N*w Jersey Ten Lot No* 1 and 2
280 to 400 S22S0 Dimension* of Lot (Appro*- BEQINNINO at a point In thenold. County of Monmoutr in Block No 00 Dimensions o*
*25 to 000 127*0 latery) 25' K 11V southerly line of Newark Avenu* Lot 80 ft • 136 ft Nearest Cro**
over SO0 amps 140 00 Neereet cro*s Straat Fourth distant 100 leei weeterty from the Street Situate on t h * southerly
Ail sub meters l i s o o Avanua southwest corner ot Newark and 'Slllng time sid* ot Canter Sir eel al t h * inter-
7 Pirmary Transformers, w The approKimtt* amount of Hatcher Lake Avenues, thenoe ii ihe defendants right, title, section with the eeateriy eid* ot
233 Long Branch 2 M Long Branch 233 Long Irsnch Fee Not over 200 K V A 115 00 t h * Judgment to ba taiieftod by 111 Westerly along t h e and intorast. if any, m and to t h * Third Street
CAPITAL BUDGET A M I N D M C N T 20010 MO K V A 1 eat* M the aum of 643.034 00 southerly line ot Newerk Avenue allowing
Municipality H u l t i . County The approximate amount of
Whereas, the local capita' budgat for the ya*r 1»S4 waa adopted on th* 27th d*y of March ia*4. and.I Over W O K V A together wtlh the coat* of thia 50 feel 2'A inches, theno*
Whereas >\ is de*ir*d to amend said sdopkKt capital budgat section. Above apoii** to aach bank of tranetormara (2| Southerly parallel with and State Monmouth County th* [uogment to b * satisfied <•
Now Therefore Se H R*sotv*d. by the City Council ot the City of Long Branch. County of Monmouth.. S Electric signs The Sheriff herebyy reaarvaa Fletcher Lake Avenue 96 feet and Slat* of New Jersey Street the Bum of Si4.470 00 together
wtth t h * coata ot this sal*
that Fe* Divide t*e total i r of socket* by 4 applying C i achad- tha right to edlo * M h 7 inches Io the division i m * and Street Number Stanford
all tha
i n a j lfollowing
L amendment!*)
U . ' U W • u ajr T .ar. .LJ. - < V '\K al ItoI Uthe
.' *wadopted
v ^ u c n v capita'
v»»a^"i™' budget
i r w v g * . section
a ^ v i r v i r otv . the
I . T V1M4
. aa^pv Budget
g u u u i I baaaaja rriaajaj mtepubli-
aaia oWKe block, thence Drive and No 6. Tan Lot and Th* Sheriff hereby raeerve*
wrmout further notto* by
Recorded vote Aye* Hayes, Psiione. Walling. Coler Woollay. Nays Nona Abstain Nona. Abaant I "'• j ' J J * ^ D ' ^ n a r D tSUM a cation (3) Eaatariy along said d'vtaton Block Numbers Ta« Lot No SO the right to adjourn thl* a*i*
Faa to ba baaad ._ on A I J P Irating of ) *acr* sign
n AMP ; WILLIAM M. LANZARO, Sheriff Una and at right angle* to said and Block No 161 Dimensions
without further notic* by publi
CAPITAL BUDOCT (Currarrl Year Aottan)
0 W 10 AMP / S10 00 D«ted May 2». 16*4 Fietonor Lax* Avenue SO f**t. 70 it 100 Neereet Croee 8lra*t laiton
E*ch addlttonai 5 AMP or fraction' I W 0 0 J * y p O*un Flaetwood Drive. (Number of WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff
10 Radio and Television tri ling Attorney (4) Northerly again parallel feet) 234 Deled May 6. 1004
Servtoaa for Fa* Minimum ls*« 13) - 125 00 Jury 3. 1 1 . 1 6 . 26 66624 wtth eatd Fletcher l a k e Avanu* The epproiimate amount of Cr*lg j Ooattter
11 Smok» elarma 100 f**t to i h * point and piso* ot th* judgment io be satisfied by Attornay
Current "Tmrnr
112.00 BEGINNING sat* la the Bum Of 6*4.144 00 J u n e K . 27. JulyS. t i 167 M
1SS4 F«* First station
M Each additional station U.00 Bs BEINO known ana designated together with the coata ot this
2 Oranta In 12 Miscellaneous al equipment SUPIRIOR COURT on the Tan Map ot th* Borough 250 Othtr Public Notices
Proraet Aid and Fe* Special servic* and/or condrtton* not provtdad tor in thia OF NSW M R S S V of Bradley Beech u Lot 10 In The Sheriff haraby reserves
schedule *.n be determined by the Electrical Subcode Office! and CHANCERY DIVISION block IS th* right Io ad|Ourn Ihia sals NOTICI
Number O*>ar Funda th* Take notice that F W LANO-
Pu»ehaee VahlcH* - Various dapertment and aound Construction Official MONMOUTH COUNTY Bid premise* being mor* without further nolle* by publi- OUTH WINES. INC . trading aa
' 11 000 1 3 ln
«P**«on« All won requiring permits wit, b * Inepocted m Docket Ne. F-7014-43 commonly known a* No SOft cation
recording syetam — Municipal Court.
accordance with H J A C BecfeonS 2»-2 16 m t h e a y n t m*in*p*c- THE RICHARD QtLL COMPANY, Newark Avenue. Bradley Beach, WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff F W LANOOUTH WINES.has
I tion to b*/w*a performed does not fail within t h * required inspection Plaintiff va Ne* jersey Dated Msy w 1064 applied to th* Director of the
S YEAH CAPITAL PROOAAM schedule, t h * permit holder *nd/or me subcode off-cei shaH appty In JAMES A BONDS at UK, et aia Th* approximate amount of Fischer, Kagan ft Cheat** DMMon of Alcoholic B*v*r*ge
Ml PROJtCT " •ming (or special inspection f**a to ba approvad by the Construe- Dwfendanta Control tor a wine wholesale* I
• n a Pundtn* W a y t ihe ludgmeni to be satisfied by Atiornvyi license for the premise* situated
t«>n f5fflCiS1 By virtue of a writ of esecutton sat* i* m * sum of 642.377 oo Jun* 27, July 4, M . 1 | S M 12 120 CA*t Mth Strew New
Funding Amounts P*r Year 14 The minimum atectric f a * shook) b * S2O 00 the above elated action to m * ether with in* costs ol this York. NV 10022 The offload *nfl
D Fir* Protection Subcode Fa* enatt be at follow* dlractad. I shall evpoee tor sal* director! pr* sa follows
( Project E»timat*d 1 Sprinkkars at public vendu*. al the Court Th* Sheriff haraby 6HIRIFF a BALI
Fa* S1 00 eech head. Mrnlmum S H O O House in tr>* Borough ot Free- the right to adjourn nws awe RICHARD C FUNNILL. Pr**i-
Protect Number Total Coat SUPiniOR COURT d*nt 45 We*t f30ir> Si N*W Vork,
Purchase vehicles — 2 Stand pipes hold, Counry of Monmouth, New wtthoul further notic* by publl' OF NSW J l R M V
Fes S2ft 00 eech floor outet Jorasy. on Monday, the 3Oih day cation NV 10023 FRITZ WEINSCHCNK,
Venous departments and of Jury. 1M4 at 2 o'clock P M CHANCtP-Y DtVISOH CSO. SecreUry. 3051 Or*nt)
aound recording *veiem 3 )p*citi 3uppr***ton ayatams WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sh*riff MONMOUTH COUNTY
Fat- «i2 00 for first 81.000. S6 0O each addWona. • 1.000 or pmn Dated May 17. 1064 Av* Baldwin. NY 1 1510
— Municipal Court...... S BLOW Dae 3V DOOM Na F <8SS 61 HElNRlCH BAROIS. Traasurar
Municipality Township of Nap- Bennett W»**ersVum FIDELITY UNION BANK. N A . B a r g a t r 16. T r a b e n •
Total* AH Protect* .000 515.000 300.000 390.000 tune. County and Slat* Mon- Attorney Ptamuft v* RALPH A TROlSI. Trarbach/Moeei W Oarmany
Fas Smoke/ 612 00, 12 00 a mouth County. N*w Jersey July 3. ii. 16. » |ii3 « FELICIA A TROlSI. at aia. Darne- JOHANN W I ANOOUTM. Direc-
6UMBIAP.T OP ANTIClPATiD FUNWNO a O U R C I t AND AMOUNTS 5 Suppression for cooking tacWrtia*; Street ft Street No 110 Anetv* danta tor irnet Spie* Alia* 2. Traben-
S Fee 612 00 for ftrat 11,000. M O O each *ddr»onal S1.000 or pan Avenu*. Tax Block and Lot 32-462 By virtue ot a wrn ot eaecutton Trarbech/MoMf W O*rm*ny.
Block 230. Lol 3e. Dimensions ot SHERIFF'S SALE m th Ihe abov* stated d action io me OUENTHER F4OESNCR. Director
AW and Lot 40 00 feel « 150 00 teet SUPERIOR COURT directed. I *h*ii espoae for *a>* WUhaiminofaiiee 67 Krefetd W
Protect Total Coat Oth«r Fund* worn requiring oarmrtt mm ww be mepected m N*4re*t Croe* Street 210 00 f*et OF NEW JBHSCV • t puMtc vandua. at the Court Oermamy Kenerel FW langguth
• 6 •1.000 '•1,000 ) aocordanc* with N J . .AC
, Section 5 23-2 i« In th* evenl th* I trom Munro* Av*nwe IHouaa In t h * Borough ol Free arban QmbM ft CO. K0. Tr*ban-
bond piocaatl* *nP * c ' * d l 0 ba'waa performed doe* not tail within the required The approxmata amount ot MONMOUTH COUNTY hold. County ol Monmouth Naw Trarb*ch/Mo*el W**t Oorrrieny.
2.B3S.000 143.500 2,711 500 ' *pact-or> echedute tha permit ftotdar and/or the subcode omciai me luogment to be satisfied by Deckel Ne P-10»**M Uereey. en Morttfa* ' th* tSih day
If ay
shall app'y m writing for special mapecwon f*** to be spproved by e*J* ta the aum of S3* 302 00 WESTAMEFIICA ue Btockhoidei
CAPTTAJL BUOOaTT AIMNOaJCNT UORTQAQE Of July. uy. lOfM.« . at 2 o dock P M 0b|ad>ons if any, should be
I. in accordance wHh the prmrtaions ot NJAC »"• Cortstrwciion Official together with th* coata of mte COMPANY Piaintin va Prevailing Time
2 This O'd'nsnc* shall U k * made In writing to the Director erf
R U S S E L L D I E F F E N B A C H ai u, Th* property to b* sold Division of A-eohonc
i cop»e* ot this reeoiutton b* tuad lorthwtth n th* Ofhc* of the catwn according to law h*reby Defendant* located m Ihe Borough Beverage Control Juanoa Com-
PUSHJC •tones edRx-rn By virtu* of a writ of execution Rumeon. eo In Ih* County y of Mon- PW* Ch 067. Trenton NJ 06629
Hta haraby o* « _ la a tru* copy of a raaohraon amending tha caprta. budget **ction r^ loregcxng ordinance waa introduced and paaaad i of the I lurtt>*r nope* by pu > the sbove staled action to me mouth and S t t ott N
Stat* New jersey j e FW LANOOUTH WINES INC
adopted by govarning body oen lha a«Wi day of June. 10S4. id<rtg at • regular of the Mayor and Council
y the
'•* directed i ah*n *<poee tor sale Commonly known ss 10 Bay 120 EAST WTH STREET SUITE
C d b by Borough of Rumeo" heid on Thursday July 12. 1*64 at S 30 p WILLIAM M LANZ
me at public vendu*, si the Cour. Straat Rumson, New Jersey Ta« 1220
B c o j g " He'i East River Road. Rumson. N J M which time and SM Houaa m t h * Borougn ot Free- Lot NO 16. m Block No 70
196* Jennie C D* Favw ° " c * • " • ) t r w n * deeiring to ba heard wUl be o«v*n full opportunity Dated May 17. i » 4 NEW VORK NV 10022
hold County of Monmouth New Dirtienm»oni ot Lot f*ppfO«-
Muntcipei Cie*« J P i f > 3*' William M E PowerB. Jr Monday, t h * 23»d d*y <mat*ty) Fifty feel ( 5 0 ) wld* by Jeffrey J Hene*
TRtMTOW. NCW JERSEY APPROVED DIRECTOR OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES Borough Clerk Attorney Of July. 1664 st 2 o dock P M on*-hundr*d forty f**t f 1*0) Operations Manege*
JS S61 Ju'y 3 1136 36 July 3. 11. 16. 25 I orevaillng time long by firry feel (SO*) wld* by June 77. Jury 3 136 80
B12 The Daily Register TUESDAY JULV 3, 1984 248 Monmoulh County
>• »Ou1h«vly line Of Foui
248 Monmouth County 248 Monmouth County
above ttated action to me . mouth County. New Jertey and

Pnona 5 4 - 1 7 0 0 D i n , l 3 0 » U TC5 P M 6al-'<-l> 1 3 0 > M T o l . M P M

51 Help Wantod
Lost and Found Male or Female
tltorneys t long , (10O) to tha ee»lerly Una Of LOt'town County of Monmoi...., LOST — Small black cat, mature.
June 20. 27. July 3, 11 •"* * ° N M ' H I Croaa Sireei Sii.ete No Twenty-one (21) ihanca;Suia ot New Jertey mora par- as shown on Ihe Tax Map of the 6 Lost and Found white flea collar
'ould like to meet Professional
coilai Vicinity ot So | middle-eged gentleman P O
ion the Northerly aide ot Watt northerly and along tha aaatarly licuiaMy described as loliowe Borough of Engllshtown. said 1100 REWARD — 11 mo. 0M St. Red BankBank. _, June 19 a^,, Q 414. The Daily Register.
point distant
Columbus Place, 000 leal from line ol lot No Twenty Ona (21) BEGINNING ai an iron plpa courses from North Main Street pray A wftIM kmmn loaf In vtcln- 747-8024 ( Answers lo Buff ) the following two
Docket Ne. F 3.17 §3 32-448
tha Westerly aid* ot Seventh Aw- twenty-five (2S) fast to tha eouttv I driven m tha aoutherly line of aSaid point of North Mam Street Ity ot Mh t Pin* Stt.. union LOAT — June 18. MaHat-
LOAN ASSOCIATION Plaintiff anua west corn*' of Lot No N-neteen proposed Street acid iron pipe B a c h Pto-M call M l 2 M 7 12 Travel-
SUP8RIOP. COURT being at the northeasterly corner Keansborg area Medium sue
va TWIN CITIES OF MAN The •ppfommaie i m o j n l o i | i S | thence Eaaiariy and along b«mg distant two hundred and of
A L A P A N ai als. Defendants
the judgement to be satisfied by, the southerly line of Lot No Nine-1 fifty-eight 3/10 leal from a stone
Lot 15 Block 4 as shown on the
FREE FOUND ADS Transportation
white male dog with large brown
sale is the sum of t 1 2 . i t i 00, teen (19) one hundred (100) feei|>n Ihe said southerly line of Jhe
Tax Map and being premises de- Aa • •arvloa to our community spot on beck, 4 brown markings
• y virtue of a writ ot execution MONMOUTH COUNTY
together with the coal of this tale ; to the westerly line of Shore' proposed street and tha north-
scribed in Deed Book 3116, page The Deity Regjeter is offering a on face. Answers to tha name GOOD DAY SAILING • full and
in ihe above iieied action to ma Docket Ne. F 7807 6>
Trie Sheriff hereby reserves Road the point and place of BE-1 easterly FREE 3-llne > O U N 0 ad for 4 Brandy Call 787-6831 or half day charters. 33 ft. stoop, all
directed I enall expoae 'or aaie HORIZON CREDITCORP . e*c . • t e y corner
c o e of o tha
t e property
p p y 264-3134 REWARD! convenience Call 255-4986
et public vendue. at tne Court Plaintiff va MELVIN A HOOD, et ight to adjourn this sale GINNING inow w owned by Grace Strong, diBtancs of 288 55 teal along me days under our Loet 8 Found
House) In the Borough tha > at el. Detendanu without further notice by publi-! TRACT VI [them nce (1). . two hundred and six claeerftcatKn. LOST CAT — dray/Mack striped VAN POOL FORMING — Fair
By virtue of e writ of execution cation ' BEING known and designated ,taet (208 ft J lo an iron pipe
northerly line of Lot 15 to a point. The Register appreciate* your tabby, nee collar and red collar Haven area to Midtown Naw
Borough of Freehold. County ol thence (b) north 12 degrees 24 honesty 4 will do Its part In find- with ball Vicinity Lekeeide Dr . York Working hours ft-5 Save
Monmoulh. New Jersey, on in the above stated action to m*> WiLLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff! as as Lol
Lot Number
N u b e Twenty-one
wentyo ihence 12)
(21 ).| thence (2) soothweet.
s o u t e s t , MMs u hun-
Moriday the 16th day of July. directed I shall expose for seie M a y f . __ aiock Q G M >nown o n - ored and forty-six 5/100 feel lo minutes 02 seconds eaat. a dis- Thousand Oaks Apis . Navealnk money and ride in comfort. Call
1884. al 2 0 Clock P M Prevailing ai public vandue. at me Court Zucker, Goldberg. Becker 4 | Union Beach, B RRaman Township. p, en iron pipe thence (3) northeast tance of 106 37 feet to the begin- Reward! Please call 872-1312. 842-6787 or 642-8264
Houae m the Borough of Free- ning point, thence from ihe be-
Waiaa " " " ""
hold, County of Monmoulh. New Attorneys ginmg point (1) south 64 degrees FOUND — in Keansburg grsy LOST — Matawan vicinity Croaa 15 Instruction
Premises located m the Town- I Richard Heuser. CE.". 6 " 0 feel (336 5 ) to a post for a08 minutes 52 seconds wesl. a fluffy kitten Very pretty Owner Ada. eve. June 25.large smoke
Jersey, on Mondsy the 9ih day ot
ahip ot Manalapan, County of
July. 1984. at 2 o'clock, P M June 13. 20 27, July 3 $72 00; BEOtNMNO at a point In the corner, inence (4) northeast two distance of 338 63 feet lo a point, or good home Can not keep. gray female cat. white on face 8 LEARN TO SAIL - On Our Free-
Monmouth. State of New Jeraey
Prevailing Time. thence (2) north 35 degrees 07 HUSBAND HATES CATS. Call paws, anewere to the name dom 21 Private I S M one or
commonly known and desig- The premieee to be sold is 12-44$ , Street, distant one hundred (10O) 1248 b) to an • pipe, ihence minutea 45 seconds west, a dis- after 6 p m 787-7957 Morris REWARD) Call M 3 - 2 & U Soup, wtth qualified instructors
nated as Lots 1 2 3 4 3,6 7.8.9 mprlsed of Lol 11 In Block 3 2 SHERIFF • B A L I I feel Westerly from the Westerly i northeast two hundred and
tance of 315 feet to a point. FOUND DOG — Light tan 4 LOST — Small gray eat. blue ft ceflitcetee avail Sandy Hook
and 10 Block 1W3 Lots 39. 38. BUPtRIOR COURT , line of Shore Road measured twenty five 3/10 feat (225 5 ) to
37. 39. 34. Bloc* 1904. Lot!
shown on the Tax Map of the
O f NEW JERSEY , along Ihe Southerly line of Four- the place ol beginning Contain-
Ihence (3) north 40 degrees 22 white Possibly part Corkle collar, vicinity ot Kings Hwy East. Yacht Salea. 281-2730.
Township of Neptune, having a
i teenin Street said point also be- ing three acres ot land, be ihe
minutes 46 seconds weat. a dis- Female, wearing collar CaH Chapel Hill, on June 27 Cell,7.8,9.10,11.12.13. street addreea of 610 Stanford CHANCERY DIVISION tance of 95 feet to a point, thence
1 4 . 1 8 . 1 8 . 1 7 . 1 8 . 1 9 . 2 0 . 2 1 . 2 2 . Drive Tha dimensions are ap- MONMOUTH COUNTY i ing Iha Northwest corner of Lotsame more er lees
Number Twenty (20). thence (4) north 79 degreea weat, a die
• l o c k 180B. L o t s propriately 126 i 67 77 i t 9 1 - M M Docket NO. P-7467-S3 BEINO tha tame premieee
tence of 95 leet to a point, thence FOUND — Tan 8 whits young MiSSiNQ — Taken from my 105 17 feet Tha lot is located THE LOMAS ft NETTLETON Southerly and along the Westerly nveyed to Leila O Strong by
(4) north 79 degrees 42 minutea cat. wearing flea ooHar. vary driveway on Washington S t .
15.16.17 18 19 20 21 22. In Block OMPANY Plaintiff
COMPANY. P f i vs OS JOSEPH , line of Lot Number'Twenty (20). | Deed from Forman D Suydam.
12 seconds east, s distance of friendly Calf anytime B4S-M4B.
1808. Lois 6, 11 snd 13 Block "*" ARDIZ2ONE.
W " at als. Number Nineteen (18). Number »t ua dated October 6. 1941.
410 feet to a point, thence (5) LOST — Gold Charm bracelet M bicycle, cotor (Mack. ipaar 51 Holp Wantod
1 gear only,
1904, all as shown on a final plot n Ihe curve lorming the inter- Defendants eighteen (18) and Number Bev-1 recorded In tha Monmouth
south 25 degrees 18 minutea 56 wtth yellow child carr ler on beck
of Twin Gates Section ill and IV lion of Ihe eaaterly line of By virtue of a writ of execution enteen (17). one hundred (lOO)'County Clerk's Office in Deed seconds eaat. s distance ot vicinity of Trade Winds Parking REWARD 741-7620 Mala or Fomalo
situated in Manalpan Townahlp. Chadwell Court with the north- the above stated action to me feat to the Northweet corner of i Book 1873 al Page 296. lot or lounge REWARD! Pleaae
406 12 feet to tha point and place call 747-1586 20 PEOPLE NEEDED — To loee
Monmouth County New Jefeey. erly line of Stanford Drive
duty filed in the Monmouth
directed. I shall expose for sale
at public vandue, at the Oou
teen (13).
e Westerly and along Ihe l Iron rod In if Beginning.
9 Spoclal Wotlcoa weight. A make money. OJT.
B E I N G also known a a LOST — 1 yr otd email mixed 842-8630
County Clerk • Office March 21.
1978. Case i.B J6 and August on the Tax Map of the Townehlp hold, County
Houae In the Boroug
— of **"
ee- , Northerly l line
Mom jtn New Twelve 112). twenty-five (2S) feet
li off Lot
Lt NumberNb Ihe southerly line of tha ex-
tension of Dey Street the west-
Proposed L01 u 01 Block 4 aa breed Mostly Mack with tan 4
white Mother of 7 pupptee. weak 2 LABORERS - 83 50 an h r 18
13. 1980 Case 188 16 Nearest of Neptune, and does not con-Je onM Monday the 9ih day of lo the Northeasl corner of lot erly side of Main Street In the
Proposed Minor Subdivision'
MRS. SYLVIA A 17 year oWa must have or
ir.tereecnon Tennent Road stitute a full legal description of 1984. at 2 o'clock P M Number Eleven (11), thence Borough ot Engllshtown and the Thompson Ave, E READER 8 ADVISOR obtain working papers CaM be-
j Northerly and along the Easterly northwesterly comer tha three
dated May 15, 1891 a n d
The) approximate amount of the premieee and any exceptions Prevailing Time. y g y acre tract belonging to Leila G prepared by T 8 M Associates Answers to Star On AH Prowems of Life tween 5 8 7 p m . 842-8868 or
tha Judgment to be M l it tied is thereto That description may be Property to be sold is located Im 405-9436 RfcWARDI 201-3666
tha sum ol 11,810.142 00 found al the Office of the Sheriff the' Township of Middteiown l(22|. one I Lot Number(100)
hundred Twenty-two
!___. ._ Strong and Irom thence running
The approximate amount ot
the judgment to be satisfied by LOST — Gray female cat, gray
the- with the coats of this of Monmouth County In the County of Monmouth and State the Southerly line of fourteenth (1) north sixty one degrees and
1TC Court House. Freehold. New Jer- ew Jesey • Street thence E a s t e r l y forty minutes west seventy seven
sale is the sum of S10.030.00 wllh black stripes 51 Help Wanted
Vicinity 51 Help Wanted
toget iher with the costs of tNs Rumson/Blngham Wearing col-
The Sheriff hereby •M Premises is known as 20 Man- , measured along tha Southerly feat (77 | to a post and corner ot
the right to adjourn ihn sals property belonging to the lar. 741-4838.
The approximate amount of ning Street line of Fourteenth Streeet,
The Sheriff hereby
without further notice by publi- Attorney's File (16020 Twenty-five J25| feet lo Ihe point iugh of Ei iglithiown. thence
LOST — One gotd. flower
cation tha judgment to be satisfied d by T L l i f t ft
Tani Lot'#16 16 Block
8 1*8. B #269 or place of BEGINNING (2) by The same south forty eight Ihe right to ad|ourn thla sale
shaped eerring 7 petals Greet
WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff sale la the turn ot 886.8377 00 Approx Dimensions 30 • 100 Excepting therefrom the follow i and thirty mlnuiee weet wlhtoul further notice by publi-
sentimental value Red Bank. Lit-

Dated May 6. 1864 t t h
together wit
ith the coals of this pg dred and forty feet (140 ) cation
Neareat Croaa Street West tle Silver. Eaiontown area Re-
maple trea. thence (3) still by WILLIAM M LANZARO, Sheriff
Robert W Schwankert The S
T Ont Street ' Parcels 84A. 84B and 1*7, as ward 741-8086 before 10 am
Attorney Sheriff hereby
The approximate amount of ndiceted ap entitled same south eighty etghl Dated May 17, 1984
. the right to adiourn this sale Francis C Acciseno and after 9 pm
J u M 20. 27. Jury 3. 11 without further notice by publl-
the judgment to be satisfied by Jersey Stete Highway De-! degrees west ninety seven feat
•eie I* the surr of MB.51OO6 partment GENERAL PROPERTY j (97 ) lo a stake, thence (4) Mill by
LOST — Sport Yak II Dingy 7(1
June 27. July 4. 11. 16 82*8 82 long Orange Plastic Rhrervtew
wllh tha costs of this PARCEL MAP.ROUTE 36 (1933)1 the same north fourteen degrees
32-455 SECTION 1 From Route 36 to wast ona hundred and sixty two Ave, Little Silver REWARD) CaH
S M I f l l r r t 8ALE
rl A £££
Mon". armann


f r t h
right lo edtourn
«' -bv

without further nonce by publi- ; Be Acquired In The

Palmar Avariue. Showing Exist-' f
* * t (162)
ing Right ot Way and Parcels To I still by the seme north seventy
The Boroughs ol of I " « v
24$ Monmouth County
to a stake:

degrees and fifty five

thence (8)

LOST — Change puree with
6 Hour Shift
Docket No. F-84O0-S1
Alter t —*•— •*
JuneT? 20. 27, July S $#3 62 WILLIAM M LANZARO Sheriff i Kaensburg and Township of hirteen feet ( U S ' ) to a
* " - • — • ' -nmutes weet one hundred and

flarltan, County of Monmouth hence (6) still by the tame north

keya. vicinity of Shoprlla In
13-480 Dated April 30, 1983 W* ata currently accepting application, and
LOST — All white lemaJe cat,
SCCURITY PACIFIC FINANCE Edward Caaei Scale as indicated, March, hlrty tour degrees and fifteen CHANCIRV DIVISION
CORP, Plaintiff vs:
Attorney 1962 .tea wesl one hundred end MONMOUTH COUNTY •crwdullng Interview* lor light production
blue eyes short hair. REWARD!
FRANK M MAZZlLLI el ux, el
OP N I W JERSEY June t3. 20. 27. July 3 884 80 Parcels 94A and 187, Including twenty lour teet (124') to a stake, Docket No M 02-84 work at our Hoimd«l facility W* anticipate
Call 568-1380 or 609-393-4846
als. Defendants specifically all the land and thence (7) still by the same north CARTERET SAVINGS AND openlnga for the following thin
By virtue of a writ of execution
MONMOUTH COUNTY 13-448 Premises located al about Sta- nine degrees and twenty ftve LOAN ASSOCIATION. F. A . 51 Htlp Wanted
In the above stated action to ma
directed. I shall expoee for sale
Docket no. F 780241
tion 125^-40 (Base Line Station- minuiee eaat thirty nine feet (39') Plaintiff
I >ng), bounded on tha east by the lo a Pin Oak tree and a corner ot CALAMINICl, etc . et ala. Defen ,
• 12 Noon - 6 PM
at public vandue, at the Court
INGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION. OP N I W J I R B I V westerly line of Shore Road, on tna property belonging to El dents Applications will be accepted at any time and
Houae in the Borough of Free-
Plaintiff vs CHANCIRY DIVISION iha South by the existing north- iwood Suydam. thence (8) by hi By virtue of a writ ot execution
hold, County of Monmoulh. New erly right of way line of Slate ima. north seventy five degrees in the above stated action to me intervitwi will be scheduled Monday Lhroufh
Jersey on Monday tha 16lh day JOSEPH P TRIANO. el ux. s t a l l .
Docket NO. P-17M-8S Hlghwey Route 36 (1953). and on i and and thirtythirty Hi MOTOR ROUTE
five minutea weal fifty directed. I shall expose for sale Friday (AM-4PM
of July 1964 at 2 o'clock P M he northweet by the
the proposed
proposed |! five leet • * (59( 9 ,) to ap poet and cor- at public vendue, at the Court
JOYCE DAVIS, at ala. Plaintiff the northwest by
Prevailing Time
Lot No 8. Slock No 183A of
By virtue of a writ of execution
the above slated action to ma I . REDYN8. INC , at als. Detan ight of way line of State Highway I ' • ' o ( E'rwod Suydam. thence (8) House in iha Borough ot Free-
Route 36 (1053) Section i, as laid ' •"" by his
ollowtng the post hold, County of Monmouth. New Celeste Bontempo
directed, i shall expose for sale
the map ot the Townahlp of Hai* »re fence south fourteen Jersey, on Monday, the 23rd d
al public vendue. at the Court By virtue of a writ ol execution jdow
Wanted for (201) 671-3000

let Being commonly known a t i the above staled action lo me • • show degrees and fifty minutea weat. of July. 1S84. al 3 o'clock. P
Houae m tha Borough ot Free-
21 Dartmouth Drive. Hajlet. New
hold County ol Monmouth, Naw directed. I shall expose for sale containing a total area of about
three hundred and seventy eight •availing time
Matawan — Cliffwoodj
feet (378') to a white Oak free The properly

at public vendue. at the Court 3*0 square feet;
innately 88' x 199 and being of Jersey, on Monday the 9ih day of
July. 1984, at 2 o'clock, P M Houae in the Borough of Free- ? • ' « • ' M B . including epecltl- and a corner of Ell wood Suydam. localed in the T area. Approx. 20
ownship of Hai-
irregulsr shape, iha cross-elreet
hold. County of Monmoulh. New caliy all the Jand and premises ihence (10) following tha poet let. In the County of Monmouth,
being Middle Road, distance lo Prevailing Time and wire fence along the north- and State of New Jersey The hours a week.
The property to be sold is Jersey, on Monday the 8ih day of 'ocated at about Station 128 • 50
nearest cross street being un- erly edge of Ihe meadow, south premises are commonly known
known located in Ihe Townahlp of July 1964 ai 2 o'clock, P M (base line Stationing), bounded
forty four degree* and thirty as 18 Stonehurst Terrace H a i - Reliable car a must.
Middletown. in (he County ot -. - o n | h # north by Ihe southerly Una
The approximate amount of i tracts. Iota or of Washington Avenue, on the minuies eael seventy feet (70 ). let. New Jersey. Tax Lot Noftin Contact:
the ludgmant to be satisfied by
imoulh and Stale of New Jer-
Pramiaea are commonly Jparoela of lands and premises, aest by the westerly Una 0
thence (11) still by the aame Block No 166-F Dimensions ot Route 35 & Laurel Avenue
•ale is tha sum of 814.883 06
51 Byrv
Sylvia Terrace.
de- Road 'on the southwaat by the j south thirty seven degrees and Lot (Approximately) 120 Nwt Ms. Jane Yoder Holmdel, New Jersey 07733
together with the coats of thia
» Naw Jarrsey Ta [scribed, situate, lying and being proposed right of way line of I 'itteen minutea eaat, ona hun-wide by 128 feat long Nearest
No 24 BI( o 787 1 m the Borough of Union Beach m Stete Highway Route 36 (1953) dred and ninety one teat (181',
542-4000 ext. 287
'oes street Oalewood Drive An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
The Sheriff hereby rooervea
the right lo Mt|Ourn this sale
_ "\ ?\? the County of Monmouth and Section 1, as laid down on the thence (12) still by live same A fuH legal description is avail-
State of New Jersey, being more eloreseid map, all as shown on south thirty two degrei able at the Monmouth County
without further notice by publi- particularly described as follows the aforesaid map. containing three hundred and fifteen leet Sheriffs office
cation 43 27 feat
Nearest Cross Street Situate
TRACT I about 50 square feet. (315') lo a iron pipe, the south- The approximate amount of
WILLIAM M LANZARO, Sheriff • E I N O KNOWN westerly y corner ot the threecre acre the judgment to be satisfied by
on Ihe northerly side of Syrvla BEING KNOWN and and dealg-
desq 1017 Highway g 36. Unloi
Dated May 6. 1964
Terrace at tha inter section with nated es Lots Nos Nineteen (18) Beach, N J ct belonging to Leila Q sale is the sum of SM.060 56
Sodowtck. Richmond 6 Crecca the aaatarly side of Elinor Street • n d Twenty (20), Block GO. as The approximate amount of , thence (13) by her west wtth tha costs of this

Attorneys The approximate amount ol shown on Map ot Union Beach, the judgement to be satisfied by erly Tine north twenty eight
June 20. 37. Jury 3. 11 883 36 the Judgement lo be satisfied by JRarltan Townahlp. Monmouth M l e <s the sum of 179.048 06 degrees and thirty mlnutee east. The Sheriff hereby
i is tha sum of $24,885.00 " ity,
* New
" Jersey, Richard
— — —• logalr. - — Nth the cost of this s I six hundred forty BIN and five the right to adlourn this sale
M»3 er, C E " . tentha feel 48 5 to tha place ot without further notice by publi-
The Sheriff hereby reserves ,i beginning cation

• H t R I F F * BALI BEGINNING al a point In _
The Sheriff hereby
lUPIRlOP. COURT ! the right to adlourn this sale Southerly of Fou •laenth the right to adjourn thla sale Containing five and thirty five WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff
OP N I W JERSEY Street where Ihe same la inter- without further notice by publi- I hundreths acres ot land, be the Dated May t t . 1884
CHANCMV DIVISION sected by the westerly line of cation I same more or less Sterns, Herbert 6 Welnroth
MONMOUTH COUNTY WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff IShore Road, the said point also WILLIAM M LANZARO, Sheriff conveyed lo Leila O Strong by Attorneys
• - - — — ' BEINO the same premieee
Docket No, P-1678-e2
r ( * i s i v n i ^ « n u t i L u and Craig J Goetttef
FANNIE RICCARDELLO, Plaintiff Attorney
tkum LOPEZ .nd DOtOflH » ~ * » W. * » t $7056
. May 7. being tne northeast corner of Lot Dated April 30. 1984
No Twenty ( 2 0 ) , thence Madden ft Holobmko
southerly and along the westerly Attorneys
June ot Shore Road, fifty (50) leet J u n # 13. 20. 27. July 3 1434 68

Deed from Forman D Suydam,
ei. u« dated the 10th day ot
41 Buslntu
November. 1944, recorded Mon-
June 27 Juty 4. 11. 11 170 56

moulh County Clerk's Office In
to the northeast corner of Lot No Deed Book 1961-381
LOPEZ, el al. Defendanta- eighteen (1$), ihenoe westerly 32-449
By virtue Of a writ ot axecutlon and along the northerly line of SAID premises being also
In the above slated action to me BUMRIOR COURT Lot No eighteen (18), one hun- S U f l R I O R COURT OF N I W known as Lot 14 Block 4 aa | America's oldest Hcensor
shown on tha Tax Map of Ihe

directed. I shall expose for sale OP N I W JERSEY dred (100) feet to the easterly JIRIIV ol k_ cream shops
Borough of Engllsntown, Mon-
at public vendue. at the Court CHANCIRY DIVISION line of lot no. twenty-one (2i). CHANCERY DIVISION needs qualified UmMIci
House In the Borough of Free- MONMOUTH COUNTY thence northerly and along the MONMOUTH COUNTY to opataet ihcl; own
hold. County of Monmouth. New Docket No M " {easterly
( 2 1
f l v
( B
no twenty-one
< 0 m
Docket No F-M29-63 15 Initructlon
Jersey, on Moi

nday the tSlh day; C I T Y F E D E R A L SAVINGS A N D ' " >' • • ' * THE NEW YORK GUARDIAN
ailing Time
at 2 o'clock P M L O A N ASSOCIATION, ale l*°"'"«' f v line of Fourteenth St
iPlanttffva WILLIE F FOSTER el Ihence easterly and along the Piamiift
All the following tract or psrcei u * . at als. Defendants
of land and premises hereinafter By virtue of a writ of axecui
southerly line of Fourteenth St
one hundred (100) feet to thefsndsnta
JULIOUS C. BINGHAM, el al. De- MEN ft WOMEN. 17-62
Ccmtd. You gel around to earning that extra money
you want. Being a Register carrier means
prizes and incentives too. Right now, we're
and forty-five minutes west, tenl i the above stated action lo ma riy line of Shore Road the By virtue of a writ of execution | TRAIN NOW F M Ux Cream Factory Carrier* Needed looking tor carriers. It's easy and it's tun Join
chains and twenty links directed. I shall expose for sale snd place of BEGINNING m ihe above stated action to ma Carvel rep<.sen—tiv?s the Register carrier staff today and get around!
2 South twenty-seven degi t public vandue. al Ihe Court TRACT II direcied I shall expose 'or sale I rVo High School Meceasarp will be in
and thirty minutes east, twelve! BEING KNOWN and desig at public vendue, al Ihe Court i eaamal O..--1 M. ana
orvalns and fifty links. hold, County of Monmouth. New ated aa Lota No. twelve (12), House in the Borough of Free-
3 North llfty-eight degrees and Jersey, on Monday the 81h day of Ihirteen (13) and fourteen (14|. hold County of Monmouth, New ' Eaat Keanaburg Centervlite Road
lour minutes east ten chains and July.
r nnki lo said Perrlne's land.
et 2 B
Block QGas shown on Map
QG M of
Union Beach, Rarilan Townahlp. j U I y 19s-
f j a rsey. on Monday Iha 9th day of I
-* 2'ociock.~p'M
- — •—•
$ 1 0 . " HOUR Kharalon Inn
Port Monmoulh
Mount Ortve area

ng Time 984, at |' LITTLE SILVER

4 North twenty-seven d.greea Prevei All thai tract or parcel of land Monmouth County, Naw Jarsey. ,. .. nQ
J Pp w l ling -B70H'way «35
and thirty minutes weal. lying and being In Ihe City ot made by Richard Heuser C E T " ! " " ° . Time • • ? Call Angela Campo Porn* Road area
The property to be sold la July H I M I5lh
Chains and ninety Hnka I Aabury Park. County ot Mon BbGlNNING at a point in the ,
place Of BEGINNING containing m o u , Slate of New Jereey p rManl Job While
P r . p . . , - , At Mom. f o . » « .
twenty nine acres and finy-hun

The ReS« stcr

drediha of an acre. In the two Isaii Third Ave (formerly srnrweni KKSinS Vrrfte e In- To matte an appointment
mefly ki known as
a bove described tracts of wood- 1318 Third Aves ) Aabury Park.
BEING Iha same premises premises, T o L o , i n d B ) o c l l ^ Known
elude Phone Ne. Ta:
Masai T r * * IN., m
Conveyed to Frank THE REGISTER
deed dated Novambei• 1_?**._»?« • •L o W ' • B n d ' • • e < o c k M o n P.O. BOX N432
? « - . * 'ha currant tan map p of the cCity ot
* r t u r y Park (Formerly kn
ifv o
SHMWBBUNV. N.J. 07701 Equal Opoonun-ty M,f
land s ing theI eaatertyl> line ol Lot N M f # t , Cross Street Situate
" ".. _ _
d i 16.
a BBlock
i k 30,
* on jSirT ^t__r%fM. 'Ti^^'Tkn^ 'tiT>n_ir_Mi * • • ' • • ' Cross Street Situate
• * • "to( the1 U o n #h u n d f a on
- -the southerly side of Cherry
KNOWN AS Lola 10 A 18 ...he tax map oflhe City of Asbury I I'00) * ° - - * feat aouthwest coi »
Street 162 feel from the westerly
Block 38 on tna official Tax Map 140' x l n s r ot l 0 1 f * ° twenty-one (21)
«f tha Townahlp of Millstone

Business Directory
The approximate amount of
the ludgmant to be satisfied by
eel* la the eum of S1OO.974 00
r with Ihe costs of this
, The Sheriff hereby
• f i e right to adjourn tms sale
'if-lthout further notice by publl-
plaint riled in Ihl* cause
; t W l l LIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff Tha avproKimate amount ot
Slated May 8. 1984 the judgment to be aatiafied by
'.John A Oonnelta aald t a l e i t t h e l u m ot
;A nor ney
'June 20. 27. JulyS. 11 866.63B00 together with MM and seventeen I Lot.
(17). Block GG as '
441 B_by8IHIng 600 Sf5 Homi 1635 Light Hauling MO Painting *
coete ot thit tale RED BANK WOMAN — WouM
The Sheriff hereby raeervee shown on M a p of Union Beech.
32-447 Ilk* lo baby alt In ha* noma s
CUSTOM BUILT DECKS Improvamant. l HOUSES - daiagaa. yam a P«parh«ntlnt
Rerltsn Township Monmouth Any alia, any ttyte
the right to adjourn tftla eeie County, New Jereey, Richard ' SHERIFF 8 %L— Days a a a l . »-B • 4 2 M 7 4
SHERIFF'S 8 A L I without further notice by publi- Hauaar. c E.". SUPERIOR COURT AFFOROABLE - Moma rapalra gutiar- claanatt out A haulad
SUPERIOR COURT cation 444 Bathroom CaH 496-3067 or 741-8871. a ramodallno Lioanaa A inaurad away. Mini d l l l
BEGINNING at a point in the I OF N I W JERSEY Iraa aat DUNCAN CONSTRUC- 747-S12S
CHANCIRV DIVISION Sheriff tant seventy-five (78) teet MONMOUTH COUNTY
R» mods ling I K a K ConatrucKOfi With avary TION CO 9 U - M M BEN'S INDUSTRIAL - Raaldan-
MONMOUTH COUNTY Dated April 25. 1M4 southerly from iha southerly line Docket No. Ceramic Til* <W0k bum • f RIE a' cuatom pK- JOHN ROESINO ti_i A Buainaaa claan-out aarvtoa
Quick. dapandatx aamoa.
DOCKET No. F-1617-80 Tanner. McOovern 6 Verge of fourteenth S t , measured I nk: u b M Can M l M I S Inlarlor/axMrlOf horn* rapalr*
ESLA SERVICE CORPOR- Attorney. along the easterly line of Shore j CarWKaia ol Occupancy work boll«f A furnaoa ramoval Fraa
ON. a New Jersey Corpor- June 13.. 20.i 27. Juty 9 J7B4 Road, said point also being the | J Q pjisA .1 u. «Tu_ DECKS/84 S»8 eq ft
CHRIS HANLON CONSTRUC- Preee M M lumber Fraa aallmataa
an. Plaintiff vs JOSEPH E - — corner *" ' " *" No (ob too small CLEANING YAROS — CaNvs,
**TAUFFER. at UH. at ala. Deten 32-461 TION — CwnpMH bathroom ra- throughout Fraa aaomataa. CaH
alghwan n « ) . Ihanca Soullwriy | ^y v.-lua ot • —ril ot ..acution „„<,«,„„
dl . i ^ n
L l d * a ^ l a 7«7-O*71 416-MM amca A earaoaa. fra* aaom
SHERIFF 8 ftALl CU 9M-M2T or MM-4.4a
By virtue of s writ ot execution
B •UPIRIOR COURT a n d along t h a aaalarly Una e l I ______S___P^?*____!_f*_____*_*?__B__J_B*_____ bullda* Call a « 4 - S 7 7
n the ebove stated action to me Of N I W J I R M V
Shore Road l expose tor sale
I the Court
I snail expose for sele CHANCIRV DIVISION
twenty-five (126) feet to the
I public vendue, si the Court MONMOUTH COUNTY
northerly line of Stone Road, I Callara. anca A garaaaa
thence Weaterty and along thai .i M . Fraa aatlmataa
•use in tha Borough of Free- Docket No. F-J487-M • prwaa 7 4 1 - M M Fraa aatlmataa
northerly line ot Stone Road.
•» 2 0clock. P M "*•*—• 741.214a RESUMES PREPARED
Monday Ihe 18lh day LOAN ASSOCIATION, F A.. twenty-five (28) feat to the
July. 1984. at 2 o'clock P M Plaintiff va southeast corner ot Lot No fif- Sy A Prnlmiunall
evening Time i AUSTIN F CROSBIE. et ux, De-
I. County of
«ew Jersey
oersmtc tile, new
a SAM AND SONS DflYWALL - 596 Homa 650 Masonry AWW UO-7U7
Premises situate in thai fendanta
fifteen l i s t one'hundred (1001 B E I N a
«nown and designate! 280-0N7 Maintenance Sarvlca
& trough of Matawan. County of. By virtue of a writ of execution 710 Rocking OJ'»
onmouth and Slate of Naw Jer-; in the above staled action to me Pano. a Puu
My described as follows:
directed. I shall expose for sate
I h el st public vendue, at the Court
southeasterly and of the curve Houae In the Borough of Free-
Lot No. fifteen (18); thenoe Weet-1 M * P o f 9 « c « ° n ' Salem Hill
erly and along the northerly II
of lota No. fifteen1(11
. fourts
Lend-0 -Pines Howell Town-
ship. Monmoulh County, N.J
JW Seaman A Sons. Pro-
447 Caiyntry
525 Drlvaway
Avoid aapanaiva mliuhaal
Wa. M i 4477 -
walk ConcraM. b r u
S^aS-US,,?* °-
(14) and thirteen (13), seventy.
connectlng the Southwesterly hold, County ol Monmouth. New fessions! Engineers A Land RETIRED CARPENTER — Small 741-7425
line ot Poet Drive with the Jersey, on Monday the 9th day of
Southeasterly line of N J State July. 1984. at 2 o'clock. P.M.
five (78) feei to the northeaal
corner ol Lot No twerve (12),
Surveyors. Scale 1-100'. dated medium sited fobe 8 decks
thence Northerly end along the July 10. 1961 revised Juty 26. , ! ? , auriaoad-rapaJrad. -aatcoatlna 71S Roofing
Highway Route No 79. thence Prevailing Time
easterly line of Lot No twenty 1961 and filed In the Monmouth Work Quirinttfld CHARLES 625 Landscaping
(1) Extending Southeastwardly The property to be add is County Clerk's Office on August
^long the Southwesterly curved located in the Township of Hai- one (21), twenty-five (25) feet to 23, 1961 in Caae No 19-27
STANLIY Jr. 7 4 1 4 M 3 ft Lawn Care t\ 8ldlnq
line ot PoeiDrlve curving to Ihe let, In the County of Monmouth. the south weal corner ot lot No
left wtlh e radius ot 1 345 feel an and State of Naw Jeraey, corn- eighteen (18): thence Easterly
BEING a portion of the same 450 Carp#t Cleaning ALS LAWN • LANDSCAPE fnarcial Inaurad
arc distance of 65 06 feet to Ihe monly known as 23 Bortck Av- and along the southerty line of lol
lands snd premises conveyed to
A-i EXPERT Carpet Cleaning — SERVICE - Oardani rontllWd 660 Miacallanaoua Iraa aat —
dlvieion line between Lots 1 and anue Hajlet. New Jereey. Tax No eighteen <18), one hundred
the said parly of Ihe first pan by 530 Elactrlcal Comptata lawn and landacapa M3«m
S. Block 123-D on plan herein- Lot No 2-A. In Block No 127-B (100) feet to the eesterly line of Deed from Land-O'-Plnee De-
Dimensions of lot (Approx- Shore Road, the point and place velopment Corp , a Naw Jeraey I —
•let Morrlt Hoffman, 747-0209 Sarvlca* blflgi . garaga*. mlnl-damotitlon
after mentioned. Ihence
corporation, dated October 11. ELECTRIC - Lie no Prompt. ratiatMa a a n ' /30 Special
. (21 South 26 degrees 08 imalely) 40 feet wide by 90 feel Ot BEGINNING, •71-1216 Dock Edwarda Jr
1961, recorded October 13 1B61 3»rvlc«a
fninutes 50 seconds West elong long
BEING known and deelgnated
in Book 3103 ol Deeds tor Mon- JIM'S CARPET INSTALLATION rtaaaonabia rataa. Fra a a t i m U M A ZEEK CONT . INC — Lawna
adad A aaadad. anrubtoary. RR
* the division line between Lota 1 Nearest Cross Street Situate
- a n d 2, Block 123-D on said plsn in the northerly side ot Borlck aa Lot No fifteen (15, in Block
mouth County, pagee 558 t c — Salee. Cleaning re-lays, re
SUBJECT to restrictions and stretches A repairs. 264-6177
i. want aod. a adglnga. * —*~ 665 Moving a
s distance ot 147 52 feet to a Avenue 400 17 real from tha QG as shown on "Map of Union
easements of record. 101
cord. loning or- Z^Z—__TT"; Z 565 Flr»pl_c«a 4 I Stona Stor«g» mananny gain oonlManw. M m
' point, thence easterly side ot Laurel Avenue Beech. Raritan Township. Mon-
ances and sucl aan-nypnMa. Caa 747-ateS.
(3) North 71 degrees 42 The approximate amount of mouth Co . N.J . Richard Heuser.
shown on survey
ch state ot facts 46S ChlmiTy SWMpI Woodatovas | TEACHERS MOVING INC —
or amall Licanaad and inaurwT TELIPHOm SILLS T A O M H K S
minutes 10 second! West e dn ihe |udgement to be satisfied by C E " An™L_nna"d"pi5 AUTHENTIC CHIMNEY SWEEP Fraa aapmataa Storaga Fair CALL COMMUNDC - »7l-«O0
lance of 111 04 feet to a point in sale is Iha sum of S8.677.00 BEGINNING at a point in the
• r ° n . B . 7 ™ : - » Humidttv oromotta rust In LAND- Mavan 530-133] or mall M M M lo P.O. So. M a .
_ the Southeasterly line ol N j together with the cost of this sale northerly line of Stone Road dis-
State Highway Route No 79 The Sheriff reeervea the right tant twenty-five (25) feet weeterty
dated November 5 1M2 the an ewers 741-5680 Chlmnaya. bflck haartha a «MMa. SCAPE — Hadgaa prunad. rock «nan»c mnianaa. N.J. «77H
thence lo adlourn this sale without from the weeterly tine ot Stone snea. atona. Mow. oonooa gardana. railroad tta work. Com. 880 Painting ft
COMMONLY KNOWN AS 6 736 T.l»phon«
(4) North 28 degrses 0B further notice by publication Road, measured along the north-
Darien Roed. Ho wall N J 475 Concrete Raoalri J Black, m - 0 0 3 7 . "Mire.
minutes 50 seconds Esst along WILLIAM M LANZARO. Sheriff erly line of Stone Road, thence
Tha approximate amount of
Paparhanglng S»rvlc«
- t h e Southeasterly line of N j May 7 1984 line ot Road, twenty-five
the lodgment to be satisfied by 575 Furnrlur* Rapalr LAWN BARON LAWN SERVICE A a L PAINTING — In.TELEPHONE SILLS TOO K
(25) feet to the southeast corner
Slate Highway Route No 79. a Caretle. Byrne. Bain 6 Glrtlllan
distance of 135 leet to the South Attorneys ol Lot No. fourteen (14); thence
sa>e is the sum of 841.692 00
together wtth ihe coats of this
* Haflnlihlng — CourMous A dapandabta Canlartor/axtaftor Fraa aatlmataa CALL COMMUNEX — m
RaalonaMa ralaa. Can loday or man w . M M lo P.O. Boi 2 M
' weeterly end of the curve con- June 13. 20, 27, July 3 987 88 Northerly and along the eaaterly work Br*ck/b*ock/tia*e pevert 2J2 7230
7414010 INSURED' ABarWc WgManda. N J . OTTia.
neellng the Southwesterly line of 1 ——'•* line of Lot No fourteen (14), one
The Sheriff hereby Free eat 222-3844. HAND STRIPPING A RaAnMnlno
Foel Drive with the Southeasterly hundred (100) »%%\ to the Of lurnWura. axpart al bedroom C M O LAWN SERVICE - Mow- A a L PAINTING — In.
' line of N J State Highway Route 33-461
southerly Una of lot No eever-
e right to adjourn this sate
ithoul further notice by publi- dining room aafa. Waaaonalili lanor'anarior Fraa aallmataa 740 Traa8arvtcaa
1 No 79. thence. teen (17), thence easterly end I cation RaaaonaMa ralaa Call lodayi WOOOTS TREE SERVICE -
(5) Northeastwardly m a SUPERIOR COURT 17). "
480 Construction MaWdKHU Mlmtura M1-S74S
OF NEW J E R M Y 1 Traa A ahrub trimmmg a r»-
above mentioned connecting
CHANCERY DIVISION ^JSrSTTftJKr&iS ' ^ ' S r . V S S r 595 Horn* A S T — Palnnng/paparlng.
moval Futy inaurad Fraa «a«
curve curving to Ihe right wllh -e Docket Ne. F - i i O i - w Additions, alternations. 8 tool Improvamanta im./an wom-raaaonawa prtoaa-
tadiuB of 25 Teel an arc dieter servlcee Call anytime 53O-0M9 Tuna-upa Inaurad _«1-aa41 ^ ^ 766 Window
of 39 27 feel lo the point and LOAN ASSOCIATION. F A , OAK OLEN BUILDERS—
piece of beginning Pisi hundred (100) teet to the north- CUSTOM BUILDING — Ad- SfMclailaa m addlHona ft LAWN MOWER SERVICE A DCH PAINTING A PAPER HANG- Washing
erly line ot Stone Road and the garagaa 30 yr* anp Fully REPAIR
• Final Plat Mare 71 ai Poet s FRED DIXON ei sis Defendants SHERIFF'S BALE maurad "Wa buiM It banar" ING - RaaaonabW ralaa. Iraa
— Dream, Borough of Maiawan. By viriue of s writ of execution point and place of BEGINNING repairs DEMCOR Inc . Fraa pick-up A dalivary aallmataa. inaurad Can OavM C
*" Township of Msrlboro. Mon- i n the sbove listed action to me TRACT V SUPERIOR COURT or 872-0050 3e734 Call 4M.3277o<2»i.1428 Haapt al 22V-4006
BEING known and deelgnated OF N I W JERSEY
mouth County New Jeraey. also directed 1 shsti enooee for sate LAW DIVISION
* being inown
owng shown as
• • Block
_ioc« 123D. Lot at public
n J U UO1«1 public vendue
vendue. St the Court
^ ^ as lot No eighteen
••'*""«» W i ' i m n <i 16)
i a, Block
T 1 on the Tax Map of Maiawan House In the Borouoh ol V , W " " h o w n ° " " M * P °* " nl <> f Docket No J-404-63
Also being known a* 1 Poet hold. County of Monmoulh N M .
Drtve. Matewan Jersey, on
Jeraey. onM Monde,
, the Whdsy^f
°m«o«u hl h. Rentan
C oou u
n ly .
V . New Jersey ESO Plaintiff vt ESTATE OF
82,'" """WENT ADULTS CAN 4 IMS-30 DAYS ONLY $ 4 9
R'chard Heuter. C E
mttt ot the j u | y 1994 el 2
0 >e wftited by said Prevailing Time BEGINNINQ el a point in the LEILA STRONG Dereeted etc SEE YOUR AD HERE EACH WEEK CALL 542-1700
tate is tha sum 01 | i ? 2 582 00 The property to be " • " • " v 'in* 91 Shore Roed. dit- Defendants
tani fifty (SO)teet toutherly from By virtue of e writ of execution
NUBBIN Si Htlp Wanted TUESDAY, JULV 3. 198^ T h e D o i l y ReRister B13
PORTER - Hoaptlal. *«P only.
| KK July I I - Aug. 10, lull I w 51 HtlpWintttl S3 Domestic Htlp 1 Buslntts
^WOULDN'T HAVE n a n » ' »» p*< !»»' Can Mr* Opportunity
K i l l Uon Fri U M W at SALESPERSON - Full urna
WE.LL- TD BKIW6- 542 -7*00 to. appokimianl yaar round tor inator* *al*a A HOUSEKEEPER - Full lima FAST FOOD RESTAURANT
PMP COOK/COOK - M *Nn* •lock Mual rujva car Apply in oaaibio iivo-ln Cook ci**n For Mia or leaaa
CX&AWIZED TUE M I M U T E 5 • paraon only Bonnia M W Unl- Sara tor children B-II-1S yra
j m a A photo EJ>0 Ft*f*r*n. Can 4*5 I?4A"
MEETlNGr forma. 319 Hwy 35. Eatonlown
ca* a muat Haply Box L 4S4 FOOD CONCESSION
SALES — Baa our ad under raaJ NO Dally R*gi*t*r Shr*wabury In pool area
aakata harp wanlod Cantury2l - N J 07701 all 495 1400
Coaana Agancy. MIDDLETOWN
fWOOCTIOH WORKERS — MOTHER'S HELPER — Yaar im pot*' and tuncti-
MuKWa a*ma. Fun ama i aum- TYPIST/RECEPTIONIST — For ound Flaxlbta hour* Oood lurnkay operation
mar. M M Airport Can Exc typMgakkHAaaa •alary Own trana CALL ONLY
Ml-M1<M40 lor lnlir»law aaw CPAItrm
phono akMa. Band Raa a A BETWEEN • A • P M Stato your
' ~ M 3 S eve* 741-KMi
- - Hart). urW
•alary raouk*m*nt» «vnan eati-
REPORTERS - llaadio kaoova. P.O. Boa ITS. Lma'silvar. N j ' ng iW-S4>7
munlokaai o u . i ant maaanga
tor Tha Daly HagkMar Soma a*- SECRETARY - Fun K M For 54 Situation. 2 Mortgages
is/llh DOOO aMOTSJlaVy tatlHal Wantad Fomala
paaa a to JanaJ n a Podararo,
Podaao, city y Edt- Contact Llay Owana ATI-All 1. • I Moftgao* rotinanclns. 72 hi
o . . Bo
Box O O-40S.
O400 SS. Tha Thai
Th OaaY O a Y FkkFkkgla-
Fkgla pprovala 2nd Mongaga* k
aar. ShraaabuiY.
S h b N
SI Help Wanted W a r * Equal Ooponunny Em- Pro^rsjsjsjflVf) OOCtOCal OfftOal. OOly - I am • Fair Haven ramar Flnl W-SOBe
MMncWHM n M d •poly Slrtcti who would lev* to car* 3 Mon»ytoLo«n
r w u m t BOM 1267. your cttiMI in my horn* «•*>..•
NEW CREDIT CAPtfM No ona ra- ESTATE SALES - you work or •hop. tie full or
In a rawardlno oaraar? A BETTER LOAN HATE
II1II AM M « making aeeewntant with at teeet — Minimum 2 year* experience nma. axparianoad. Ik a n m Can AH HaarK Car* Sar. 1 Co Haatlma. SERVICE tTTATlON ATTEND-
ANTS — Vswtou* tMtu* Wa •im on»f 13H govarnmant-
2 n w i puwtc *wp oppi-y 10 araa Carl 747-5M* I t King* Mr/y. I2-UO7 aokad monay Suainaaa loans
20 PEOPtE NEEDED — To toaaadvanoe to partnarahtp level in • NJ STI-Zuo tot sis ttoo ao avaiiabt* at low rataa wtin
.•IgW. a maa* monay OJT taet growing oftta* Send r**.im* PAUL ESTATE - uoanaad a BABYSITTING — My Union
MM"»30 4 Salary requirement* to C»A. CAKE FINISHER paopta tor Oantury 21 Suarama STORE CLERK - Cuh rtglaMr keecn home. meal*, larg* yard. itand*d pay baoka Wa t o n *
Muat havoaxp DOO OROOMER NEEDED - Im- NURSES ctoea lo park Certified emerg- njr tlnanoial probtorn*
P.O. B U 271. LrtM Stiver. N J laarty. HaiWt Aak tor Aoo aap Can S71-1313
O773B Can 741-1300 madlal* opening lor u p pro- RNS & LPN'S M/F Lrngar, T3S-4M0 or TWO Alt ency hrat aid, have r . yr gin COLONIAL
INDEX laaalnnal dog groomar. ox- _ SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR -
CAIIETAKCM HANOVPCMON lansiv* rapaal dlanlala. mual ba
numca AIMS M/F - HOME- — 2 to 3 day* par week Eatate capabl* ol unaupanrlaad artrartod
rater anoaa re- work. flaKlUa achadula. H a l -
hava 2 poaraona a.aHatll "~ for I Wad.,
oooaaranal m In WHI Iratn R*ady. wdtiog A able to clean
800-323-6566. Ext R88
(ISGALSl MAKER/HOME HEALTH AIDCS maintenance, qu—lad, ftapty to: Box A - 4 7 1 , M/Mlddl*«own araa Contact MUP TEACHERS ASSISTANT - For 4B6-37M Le*v*
your houea, apt.
- FuN or Part time 24 hr duty The DeMy RigfiliF Shrvwabury. Nancy al TS7-7OI4 or ml or part-tlma. naadad (or all day pre-eohool Haada pa
No t i p m c i i n y y Free traming N J 0T761 Normam MonmrMri A n a Htan tJant. tovmg. anthuataattc pereon, EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER
6 Lotl and found coufM. Earn hourly waflai • pay. no laa. Can tar aiarrtaai al Haa day* awanabt*. Mtddl*-
9 Spacm Noiicei «mo eftloye young cMdren. Muel
CARPET IN8TALCCR B HELPER ORAFTSPERONS - Senior paa- «opva C a n . IS4 Sroaal S i . Rad HOLMOtL be ratable 7 4 1 a m own/Hotmdol araa 1*0 par too
12 T r a i * Tranirjorlaaori CaM Famtty * ChU- S raon In upending Wooabrtdo* •ank. U 0 - 1 S M . o. aoo u n * Yea. wa ara twmg S71-SSS3 A days IS4-A230 H u rota, own Iran* 4M-2331
'5 I o». i » i Bath Aw*. Townanip tlrm MM 3 yra Exp.ln 71 Marchandls*
Lorn towel.. N j . 222-Bioo or dvil engineering A surveying Ay* . Rl 7 1 . SiHWa S*S-S*U. THaWHONf 8O4.ICITOB - Llfct EXPERT HOME ClCANINQ -
MRIMT CARPENTERS - SO. tranaper mandmory Inlarmidtala open- NURSE'S AIDES M/F c r t bal»-» p m oory •onabl* '•<«• CaM Mint lor 8«l»
uo-Ttt, latton
on notrtrjt naoaaaary. Mual M M nga aiao Exc banana mdudtng
? 1 Buttnatt Service ALARM SYSTEM BALES- p. Top pay. eaah ev«ry •vary Pti
Fri panaon Call J01.73A-4141 HOUMKSEMNO 0 IN RADIAL ARMtAW — | 1 7 i .
22 A m l C r a t n PERSON - PrMWua eatae amp. m M M day*. B » I-OMI or COOKS REAL ESTATE I TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED - HOME BUDDIES mall oompraator with ac-
Clean racord raqutrad. CaN 7i7.7t7< eftar > p-m OFIIVER'INSTALLER - FyH bma MAINTENANCE EXCLUSIVE AT HOME CHILD. ooaaorlaa t M . Formwa topa
animal 747-1400 CASHIErVWEBKINOS — Part but not naoaaaary 5SS-2M3
•ork Landaoapa aap. M M u l . Application* now bamg takan tor
jH and pan-km* amptoymant.
SALESPEOPLE halprul Sand brtal raauma to PET. A HOUSE SITTING SER- 3O»B0 SS *aoh, oar ramp* 6 ft
PO Box 254. Humaon, NJ 077SO VICE Providing bonded A H I K-1M4
51 Help Wanted M M or ASSISTANT MANAGER - E«C Dm*. Wtatog to Vain en NCPJ
opportunity artlli rapWy growrtna alataunll! oaah ragum ApaW M DRIVER — Mual bo aaparlantiad Apply In aaroon, Srookdat* < •>• TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS - *cr*en*d adulU (or quality baby 1 IN COLOR CONSOLE — Aak-
52 FteDysimng/CniKS C * e
•"•nt»»i Mrvloa aatabHahmant. paraon. t i l s Oaaan Ava. Baa on garbagja »uck Can »S4 I1SS Nuraing CaMar. I W Hwy M . portunltv In I Tankara Madloal kanama A va- pet. with
A houeeeiltlng Competancy ng $226 Queen alia bed mat-
TLC Call 11-7 M2-0AST
53 Domestic Help Long hour* and hard work wW Bright * a » tor Paaa. NJ lo* National ooaon Caa allar B p.m. Ma, b o i aprlng, frama A head-
54 Silualiona Wanted
DRIVERS WANTED — Deliver 4W-23H HOME HEALTH CARE A COM >ard, aafclng I1A0 S44-S1H7
pay oft for tomaona looking H U . K H • STIWARD — and eetaWlened n e i a t a p a t NURSERY SCHOOL TEACHER caopla Call Jarnt* PavHa tor P A N I O N — Lady In mid 40 » i*
Female toward* tha Krtura Oood suvitog CHIFS on motor Vacth U u M Iwra ra- route In your area. Earn monay A to May piano or rooking to take car* of you t HEATHKITSPEAKERS — Llka
55 S i l u t M M Wanted H a * —fry and trtnga* wtth rapid ad- hrkAan axp aa p«ap par- puaatbla bonua prttea tor part- guitar L_ . aauma to Baa day* a weak, live In or out. Iran* new, factory assembled. 2 M w
vanoamant. Apply In parson at aauranl Vary buay • » cnanara i m * work, it you Mv* near ona ot M I S Tha D a n , TRACTOR TRAILER DHVEHS
A reference* Call 73SVW8? or na» S3S0 for pair Call aner ft,
i t E w i Nawman Bprtnga Rd . aon
56 Sikialions W l n M TANKERS
Male/female Uva aboard lor aummar unw Iheaa ereaa call today: C o w Slmaabury. NJ 07701 ERA- JAMIE •71-.M 07 83-41M __^
57 Cnild Care/ Nureery CM WaHranaaa nitmay •lasen. Freehold. 'AINTERS - Euananoad oMy PAVLIS FULL MEDICAL BENEFITS NEW CUSTOM BARREL
.ocaiao jataay vnora. Appvy * . Ooaanport Lone HOUSECTEANINO CHAIRS - 1100 ea Dinette aet.
ATTENTION daya. »-». X)1-a70-1>7»
UP PERSON - 1 Ma par Holmdol.
B ac
o .
u a . "
A rYlckatunk. KayDOft
Sarjm'work Halmdal. Con* VACATIONS A PAID HOLIDAYS d reference* Call 431-1M7 oval walnut table with S chalra.
•*k tor Laanne iew. tleo chand*ller. 11*50
HI Willing MOUSEKttPlNO -
6 1 Business Opportunity
62 Mortgages
H.S. GRADS morning i
Pl Plaaaa rasry BOM S3, or M
Iraa or S77-4«H
• 0 0 - 2 4 j - 0 t 5 i ton Can 411 13SS.
PAINTER — WWi 3 yra axp Can
• raqukad M hak) Iraki to laarn antry work on our fcar- Mon. Wed. A Fri R*j*aonaW* Call 671-MB2
JEAN teat mmara. CRT Minimum 60 worn
6 3 Money To Loan
M Money Warned
- Typing S M u r a work Sand cRB aisi Apply ai afav
— •• * — * 4 d a a l
* "SB-".
Bio- aooururaoy. Pan tlma 4-A it** Highland*. &•• Bright
hour. daoV. Mon-Frl C M vicinity Reliable rHfereooaa 87-M34 after 4 p m
U H Fn Mult aaa Call
REAL ESTATE SALES H I 7500 from a 30 - 4:30.Mon- • 72-2*37 or W1-OP03
7 . MarcnanOH lor Sale
17 OR OVER aauma 10: Clark TypMt
EMctro imomaa. PO I
Kayport NJ Salwaan 1
Mon through Fri. PASTE-UP OrowMg oKHa aaakMg two (21
SOFAS - Qreal for rao room.
HOUSECLEANiNO — Small to ummer hom*. *tc Beat offer.
Do to anpanakin wa eurrantty Had Sank. NJ 07701 FARM HELP WANTED — Part Of i n i n a a i aatoa aaaocraaaa lojom TYPISTmECEPTIONIST madlum-alxad hom* ttfi-30 Al Stereo speaker*. Mcimoeh
72 Garage/Yard Sate full tlm* Call PERSON •larl M/F Fuk or pan-urn* Fia> irk HI mao) . towna con*.d*rMt Call now lo MLZC with env e q M » 0 pal*
73 M K M a r y For Sale
r* Hertui Service
&SK2f CLERK TYPIST - typing. MMg. •46-43M
oparata omoo maoMnaa. AH ban-
young bualrwaa group. All * » - ana H o r n t-aaO. <Vrt» M P O FULL-TIME — Malnl
tanuaaa. Conrvjankal WPM. NO atono
no. Mu.l
typo to
baat day* S 3 0 - M M Computer eoftwear. doian 0
ram* Tor Atart 400-B00 t 8 A
Inlarvlaw. Can Jan* at: ara a-a Mon-Frl.. wtti Blu* itO'Call «71-903S_
7b Farm Equipment panaaa paid during t waah paid Bo« 172. Long Sranoh. NJ aon Apply In paraon. SbManox SPINOHIFT REALTORS Croaa/Skia SIMM Salary S4 W
"•j Auction Sates training program, vuc. aarntnga 07740. Oardana. 12 South Atlantic Am 747-SBOO lar hour Sand raaum*to:M A H Ik your child u l o ? Cartiiwd awim 4AQAL - O » Q
7 ' Pan and Livtwor ' 1 with bonua NO EXP NECESS- Apt S9. Abardaan. rfaohantoal Contractora. P O inaiructor will loach In your pool S A a g a i
ARY, but taat toed COLLIDE STUOENTS — | ] | For ibto lo work aomo Haklgla hra
Sox < » HlglWnda N J 07732 Call MS 2745
wanraaa/waNar or any other pub- yard wrork immadiaf ooamrtg* HARDENER ON ESTATE -
7 t Aircraft convantono* CaH
Am Ann Maria No at your c o o *
79 Swap or Exchange He contact hatpfui AH trans paid XI A *bklty to work unaar M a t 747-4436 /171 4624-J.ll624Jll S PIECE TAMA DRUM SET —
60 8>cycM/Mini Bikes Must be Mngta. ambrttow*. and a Harbor. t Simon Lak* Df 14 in zndjian high hat. 18 in
81 Sports Equipment traa to atari today For mtarvtaw COMMUNICATION CENTER XL M1-S42-4000. am' 2T3, 10-4 REAL ESTATE WAITRESS/WAITER — Ovar 21
LOVINO MATURE RUMSON medium rod 2lld)ian. 18 In th|n
82 Swimming Pools call and aak for Linda Jortnaon mx OPERATOR/DISPATCHER - I O E/M/F you've ttiouaht •boul " L a f t MM Yaar round poaMon. fun A pan MOTHER - Would anjoy oarlr>| craah 7Md|ain, all Tama h*rw*r*
QAS STATION •bout n now Our ottoa M o n * af tor your child, d, in my y homo
o Fu Mint cond HftO or beat orf«r
776-8000 dalty 10 a.m.-8 p.m ATTENDANTS 'ART TrMI Apply In paraon. Howard li l h * *
83 CBs. Electronics tha lop 4 H I tha fWd -tank araa. ana. Tlo Hwy M Mlddla- part lima Hot lunch** 601> _^
84 Merchandise Wanted AUTOMOTIVE BOOKKEEPER - EmpkMmanl opportunraaa avaH DRIVERS llaadia tor Saw 4 W* ar« boty W« n«MKl you. t*C aa. honay am provided Tarrifle '•*• Can
85 Pr.ceBuswr
ft day waak. good aalery.
frlnga banaftta. asp prafarrad
Phona lor
S M arntl 747.1
Poiar T M R » M S ,
but mual apply now• M ardor to •raJnffvg, tftOttvatton m auloartOB town, NJ. No ohona
have) Noartee tor aaart ol'eerleBl 4>va44aDss> w a ourroftTly nav# T WAJTErVWAITRESS — Muat ba W - S T t Q .
IA 4 0 to SS.B9 par hr FuA ya*r ar mwion doaar n i o r l i l t * Naad 1 I t . Night* A waakanda Apply In NIT 11 v CARE — few agajd or

'01 Apvtnwitf 747-0200 Mogloin Bulck. Tlnton COOK - Firl • part- ABanbc Hlghlanda. moca. aVipatiarioOv or oaolnnari paraon oatwaan4ASpm, MM
102 H o u w i tot Bern
103 R t n i M to SfOft
Fane. Unw Inqulra «MMn Bataiaan 3 A OAS STATION ATTENDANTS waxtdaya. S - *.«£ phono data.
AUTO BODY REPAIR - MuM ba 5 SriooVa. 1JJ I RlKar Rd WANTED - Fun S f a n Urna
Murphy * u a Bawtoa. sao Rt M CENTUKY
Mauram. 2 U W**t Front
104 Wmief ftentili n p ' d with own too.* CaN Rumaon Appty In paraon birwraan S a m 1 *(Bp#tj)o WAREHOUSE POSITION — Furl Cac •W-5074
reference* Call anytime
COUNTER PERSONS t CHECK a > P.M. Atlantic Hlghlanda S1I Fkvar Rd opanlnga Cokaga atudat
105 fcmmw Remits 291-3201 M I - 7
ERS — Fun U n a work Ona who Shall, oornar ol lit Ava S Hwy am* Muat ba IB. Apply PRE -SCHOOL TEACHER — ibtee, solid oak drawer* E»c.
106 • u r AUTO AFTER MARKET quickly Mual ba naat a M C*f1lllAx3 end *«p Corrt*tlgr cond Modern oriental ttyi*
107 Nunmg 'Retirement STALLERS — Prograaatva auto laarn* HEAL ESTATE SALES
paraonaMa. Lima Suvar GENERAL CLEANERS NEEDED aaAArn MiaaBl n r n a n t l a a f i JLHEJLIM. a\aaam T * B o u n d r y RO. Marlboro at* orfefing untqua' leat •400- Call 741-3OS1
Homes artor mark** aarvtca I* In naad of Ckaanara.
anpartanoad tochnioiana to in- sot c a n o n A m . L M a — Pan tlma morntnaa, 7 a.m.-1< PART-TIME ptvtoo tor »tUt • a a o c . a i a i f o r center
program tor • pre- •0* SOFA~ A LOVsTstAT -
featuring mo
108 Commercial Rentals JettM radtoa. alarm*, cruiaa con- a.m.. lor local dapartmanl ator* NATIONAL MARKETING) FIRM _ _ IflOOftlMai HmjTlrtSjnrl'. PBajaaSJ WORK OVERSEAS jtlful. appllqued felour | 1 M
109 Building!'Garages wort a ACe MobHa at naw car COUNSELLORS — Part • m a OOfraM Oorry L M a Skvor RaW- SM.000 - MO.000 ueliied activity oentert, alphabet H ' white Prown'a oomb Itorm
•kin* raadineea dev't art. muato door >ao 7»7
HO Wanted to Rent ha»p Apply M paraon MMdMown TO F I U . POSITIONS IN OUP) ly. 140 Markhant PI.. L M a S a w
< Bonua For Into Can cooking B41-7»4A tor FaH T -0—a
M M 1 2*43 Swim Club. 140 Harmony Rd. OIRL/OUV PRIOAY — . PROMOTION OEPARTMINT (31 7) A M 1712, Exl M l 9.12 FRINOIO mta S PAD -
ULEtTATIFMUU hre typing, Ming, enowarlne let*- PROFESSIONAL TYPING — For
130 OpenHOutet AVON - Earn up to BOH. fkwlbta 52 Babysitting mar tagai corp aaeratary Can 1100. Hutch top AeO full • ' • •
131 Mouiei Fof S J * hour*, mauranoa CaH • 7 H 1 4 4 COUNTER HELP - P a n a m a phonee raqukad B.O.E. For ap- non M*mory typwrltor Raau D eat 173. lined drape* 120'
Of 7ST.B114. Daye/Evea. Apply « pereon polntmant A4I-AM1 LOCATION HOURS A THRU Child Car*
13? ConOom<niums/To«n
'33 income Property P. - Duncan Donuta LOOT.
PERSON — FuM k m * , paid va- BEFORE
• 30 A SAT M
A P.M.
O R H w
I N -
wok night Can
•jorracpondanoa*. brtaf> x M ' 120 dreeeen Afto each,
bike $10. portable electric
organ W 0 , portable electric
TUTOR - PfMdlng. Engllth haatera t i O each A72-1M7
CRT OPERATOR - poaMon cation and rtolldaya. Aiao k-ammg EOUAL OPPORTUNITY • am to 13 noon. 4B4JJB4I. aak Phonic* Math C*mfi*d taaehat
134 Farm Property opan Fun a n . aortam* Soma includad Call 747-tsti tor Kamy AAA SWIMMING POOL Dl»
r a m m e to produced PLOYER M/P QradM K-« Call 4M-131C. • 1 TRIBUTOR - Now ha* the f*n-
135 Commeioai Property •«p raqulrad Ability lo typa W p - HAIR DRESSER - Enp with fol- BABYSITTER 3« c. I B M . new 3V tamMy-tll*
136 induHtm Property tul Call (71.SOO0 « . i l i t ba- lowing Call Thura.. Fri., or Sat
'37 Lots ana Acreage
138 Motxte Homes
|Fraa unttorma P « d twaan a - i i o r a p p t - S71-«772 PART-TIME wurato win *>p
to: P.O. Box 3jfT
niohia Oot^aaional aflernoo^na,
cnUdren Uncroft are* CaN 55 Situations pool* in stock ready for Immedi-
ate delivery for only I M A 00
139 CemeWy Lots Thouaanda of vaoandaa muat ba - Oparator wantad. lull or part NEEDED complete wllh deck, fence. f»'l*f
140 Rea> Estate Warned •AMKAIO/IAIITtNOIH — "u» I dWMy 134,000- lima Call Mo-7111 IMMEDIATELY — E i p or ami k a m . C aTuaa * . A Wad 2 30-4 30 p r ABOUT ANYTHINO YOU NEED A warranty Can finance Can
SM.000 Can ratundabra. DONE — Artie* baaamania. ga Dave at AOO-223 0307
RfCKATWUL or pan thna owanrnaa. Wrrar — PART-TIME DESK CLERK — Matura-mmood maKtamal to 741-ASBI. id In my Shi AIR CONDITIONER — W W
M, «aa l>nm. Hittntc 3 I 3 - W S - 4 M 7 E . I C-1334 Cat •go* ctaarwd to cutting grata
15? Boait a M AcceiMrm Weakende only. 7-3. Eatontown RN - Fuk k m . or Part a m * tor 7 cloanlng yard* Aak for Dan. mghousa 8000 BTU. u*ed 30
BARTENDER M/F — Weak CUSTODIAN — Pun time Motor Lodge. MA Hwy 3A. Eaton to • p m Ptoa •rung , to S altm. Had Sank Maai Cantor A42-OS4A hr* R*g or ca**meni, |1(J0
153 Camptng Equipment
'54 Receaiionai i
Can . ilnaar 7 A A tor wtatodlel poaaon Cons Mech town. N J V I 3 . A I M CaaB41-3A0O •ABVSITTER N1IDCD — • a m ANY TYPE OF - Small ortgm** 310-2814
Two. PuMle School* Avail Sruewebury
Irnmed. Salary comrnaneureto RN M/F - 3-11 ahM. FuA-«ma to 2 p m every other 1*1 A aome
«.*, *tc fl«ad Ca AIR CONDITIONER - Carrl*..
22Q Winieo Auiomoiive
BEAUTY C U l T U t U INITRUC taHhaap. B.O.E Can 4 U - 1 1 M
Ton — uoanaad. banguai
H. S. GRADS tf»* perteot opening
laoklne to earn above anwaaj*
art-ttm* kioonv
tot efaoee
poraor. a-2 p m WoMwood Hal provM*
waakdey* I M pev
own uantponaiton
tfay Mual
Call 739-0382
?3Q Conttruction Equip 44jaoor DELIVERY PERSON — With van CONGRATULATIONS!! call Mr Frank. H i m S F i Long r M r a w Homo. 3S1 Barn A M 4SS-H11 FLOORS ONLY - Cup man to
lo daHvar to PA ft N Y . araaa Branch. NJ M O W M F T - ChHd wailng. buffing I AIR CONDITIONER - Sear*
MM •oOKKuran run T I M I — • P i l a u Can S71-71M A41-BBB0. E«ual Owaortenrft your hom* or bldg My aqulp or high arficiency hardly ever used,
?40 Auto Financing
NOW WHAT? Employer luf: naadad in the home Teacher
u n par araak. Had •ank DENTAL ASSISTANT — Charr- Won. RN OP. LPN la/F — 110 11 eMR. youra S30-M41 _ 12.ftOOBTU.l27S Cell 741-6082
?S0 Auto insurtnce Apply in parson or aarri - Slaning 17 H No *>D
ato*. axp In 4 handed flanlialry Mull b* l a Call 747-AA70 MOWiNd LAWNS — Saara Bt A LOW BUDGET?
?80 Auto Rent'Leate lo Midaa Mu«a.. m i tor large modem Red Sana araa PART TIME Bottvany Rd, Huio. Ivary Sun Shop tr.e Used Furniture Center
270 Auto Sewces/Pam A M . Napuria. 077U DENTAL HYOIENIST L » l 0a00 Mon mrouoh FM onry NEED OUALIFIID PERSON — during th* aummar 739-M7* o
private omc* Muat have x-rey A 10 4 bH ol Rad Sank
Part time 2S4-7137 197 ahrawaburyAva A42-144»
280 Moto»cyC*S lloanaa Cell A4»-4tlS ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS
Call I
CIRCULATION COUNSELOR to mjMBON - EnMrprlalng young mi- am
eaera warned You wta be running 7M-BA3A
l or day Can
56 Situations AMPLIFIER - Technlc* $96
anaclaWaaj onto*. Rod Bank arae. INSURANCE OFFICE daavar Tha Pi aaa to oarrtor* JVC ipeeker* Oood cond MO
300 Autot for Sate 7th thru 10th grades eap. preaarred wttn x-rey noana*. Paraonil Llnaa Undarwrtl van or larga oar iaa]ulrad. Waal your own Imalnaea whaa aarmrkj OUALITY FULL OR HALF DAY - W a n f d Malo/Fawala Saart AM/FM A-treck. *KC cond
WORK APTER SCHOOL A SAT but » « train alnoere capable aaaiatant Soma asp tor rtomamaaar. raaraa or M a i C aara. wRh h ~
quirad Typing a muat. Writa In ooaaaa atudant. with •paahtre H 2 6 or beat
KADVOUMD EASILY EARN M O TO H O pareon 741-SBIt I Famtty atmoeprtere VAN POOL FORMING - R*
WEEKLY NO TRANSPOR- auranc* P O V » SS7. Had Sank DELIVERY PERSON to dtatnbuaa you a n al laaal 11 yaara aid and Bank ara* lo MWtown NY Work oflar Call T41-10A8
m Finn DAY TATION NECESSARY. HOW- DENTAL ASSISTANTS - W a oopkka ot Tha Praaa to currant • r a raarfi ki work ing hour• 9-6 Sav* lav* monoy A ANDERSEN WINDOWS A
rue Ot«y Aegitter will not be EVER YOU MUST LIVE IN ara tooklng tor a law anargatlc KENNEL HELP - Apply a
KEANSSURO. PORT M O N . p*op» to |o*i our growing group Animal Hoapltal. R t
ouatomara in Thouaand Oaka.
To agn up. caa B4I-4OO0. Eat S3 DomasUc Halp
DOMESTIC HELP - FtoltaoH M2-92A4
in Comfort in 8*2 «>» DOORS
A Atrium door* I
'etponuWe lor more man one pradtoa S moa. - 1 yr X-Ray i-adO-B23-S707
MOUTH H M L E T AREAS. THIS Matawan M i l a»50 MRS SCHNBID. aoo-An->770 Plkj.*ra#jAjBrl 4V#B1 sajaBjffja arVOSM k>
•ncorrect mienmn ot any M IS NOT A PAPER ROUTE. POR Itoanaa. Apply at Monmoutri Dan- por I hr. watt CM M. Hro ANTIQUES. " ORIENTAL S
vertitemeni and only «rnen it MOP.E INFORMATION C ~ " Monmouth Mall. KITCHEN PANTRY ASSISTANT PART T I M I — ATTENTION OTHERS - Priced 10 *e« By
materially affects me value ot A41-AAM. M R TAYLOR *o phona oalia — Pan or full tlma. salary da- H O M I M A K V M : For atowhour*. i m a i d l a l a l , Pan AI4VAM7 HOMI HEALTH AIDE • To car* •ppointment only 2 # 4 - 1 f 1
BOV'S/OIRL'S-ii-ir - Moral panda on axp Call A 4 i - | t i 4 avawnaa par waak. ptua Bat for **d-*rty woman, Waak of Jury
tt« ad It it contains an error attornoon W . ODUW uaa you BALES MANAOER TRAINEES Stti Mon-Frl t - 1 . Rod Bank ANTIQUE FURNITUPlT- Burled
call classified DENTAL OFFICE RECEP- w a d - Sun Car n i m i a a PART TIME BVES M<F Coutd ba nuratna or coWagi etu veneer. Victorian vanity, I drew
Long Braneft, Had tank. Saa TIONIST ASSISTANT - Part
All ads are restricted to rhen 3in, fraarmw, Fraaltold T«rp urn* MlddkMwon E.p prafarrad LABORER - S3 90 an hr Caah aany 2S1-4A slant R«4a Own Iran* CaH> ere. beveled 3 way mirror orig-
proper ctetttficaiion and let Manalagan.
Tran*. a mual Caa a
PART A FULL-TIME — I i ii'V 741-MM 61 Busln«»B
inal copper hardware, a oeeuty
Additional Item* Beet offer*
10 me regular D*iy Registe* HOUSEKEEPER - PuN-ttma
ttyie ot type ftghi >s teserveo Malawan. Hauat. I Laonaroo LEQAL SECRETARY — E . Caa tor o*taa* A MHrvtaw. Mon • A L E S - We ara looking 1500*. otaan, I day*, raaum* A BRIDAL BUSINESS CaH 671-0111 or S42-S7M
Exc aarrtlnga. and a onanoo to DENTAL ASSISTANT — Or- Fri B a m -B p.m.. at aBE 0010. with • >
w edn ot reiect any copy or • p lor tun or p e r i l pnoto PO BWR 4 M . Tha Dolly location Larg* grow stock ANTIQUE WICKER CHAIR —
wtn prltaa and ttipa. CaN thodontic olflea. axp or acnool LIBRARIAN - SENIOR/PUBLIC paraon Surrey Liinaigi Wagifr, 1 RagHMr Plata. flHturaa Turn «4*y op*r*no Needs eome work, unuaual da-
ad •00-M2-0SS0 ton Iraa SERVICES - Immad Shrawatury. N JO7701 Ownor wMl train Call M2-013O •ign Call after 8 p m SM-MAi
•77-42» raaunta Scat S M 7 . Had Sank PART-TIME
MLS A auporvktory amp. ara r*.
qulrad Salary s u n * 118.200 NO EXP NECESSARY
I1 madical a «acaw>n banana. Cak
or writ* Fradarlck C. Paehman We're en efMMng mettle oom
Otraclor. Mlddlatwon PubM U- party In m tha
the aaraa
r * and we're lea*.
brary 201-O71-3700. Ing tor you TMa Tm pearnen ottara

•dood part-ama bteama.

the six dollar LIFEGUARDS- For

pool araa. Saaaonal
Can 4ar,.i400
ba oartmad Call A42-SAW tor
solution LIFE OUARD WANTED - For
rdan osmptox In Eatontown.
I-070B K
ttern care naadad. 3-lt Able
VIII* 747-JAOO otea* LrOHT
CARE - Naadad 3-tt Abk>
VWa 7I7-3SOO
pVopHcaQor** now tMlnQ takan tor addnaa a
full A part-ima omploymont saVraN-41
Apply I paraon. SrOOkaxW Tha Oaky R
J 07701
—' NJ Equal Oopty Emptovor M/F
MANtCUFKST - FuB or pan a m * PART-TIME - Work naar your
tor b u n aaton. Caa ASt-aMS
carrtara m tha aarty morning
MANICURIST - Exp or aarru hour* You wal ti'iiaraaa mm car
akparlanuad tor buoy atoan. Caa
ABB » H » or 1S4-A014

Can 4M-1400
KO-242-OBW ton Iraa
MATH TEACHER — Sacindki| •77-4222
a.m.-i p.m. and Tuaa. aiianaiiaa s BAXESPtfaSON
p.m.-g c m Band laayma to: WANTED - 3 day* a weal
Union Baaan Adurl Bohoot. Ptor- qotre at Ea«et*e • UnKorm I
anoa and Edmund* Ava Union 42 weel Front St.. Red Sank
Baach. NJ 07738 No phono oafla P A m - T I M t MfOlA»-«C — Te
eervtoa *m*« fleet ot csvt A want.
Fus H a . Aaary In paraonSJanxt rm RaMB* C a l t M S O O . |
/Wa. Com ol UK. Park A Cindy PART-TIME SUMMSW EMPLOY -
Lana. Oathurat MsWT - S day* par waak. 10
par waak. Ootng pra*K4»y

a neighbor
FuA-ama or Panama SS, MT
end ASCP eaaaaaa Serial rat-
io: Baa A-4A0, Tha " « ,
STAITT * & « S
p a .S
Free Oarage Sal* Kris
r i r i p i tiain, MS M. When you place your ad in The Register Classified
BTrfti ' Section you u n pick up your FREE garage sale kit
WHAT A BUY! during regular business hours You II get 1 sign, 2

to neighbor
•ma. flak bra. Bom* oxp Caa i FAm THME TYPIST - 01a- arrows, a helpful HOW TO sheet and an inventory
1 3 Caa 747-2104 taanana. a a akin* «71-AO4«
•aarr* anal A p m anrf. sheet that lets you keep track o< what you Mil and
for bu*y 2 man piauatia. aakadto- A m TAtN a i how much money you make (Additional kits are
wnaoaaaarv aaakar al narm partaa.
4 LINES . .J Box ISA.
STA. pat atiarilra). aam-
• . of reoe*i*e tnaa wtOataaT
available for 50- each)

classified ad
arn uptoStO
17-SBM or BB>-
HUHSE RN - Fua ama. Man -
Frt. 1 3 0 . 4:30. Can FaMry A
CraWran Barvtoa, D M I O a
tor h a W » a Bawiuiiaaj aaiin CaM


Ca* 7S7-<t41
PHYSICAL T H O U P t t T — Fu«

*300 Hn«
Weather Insurance
And The Register is giving you weather insurance too
If your sale is rained out. we'll run your ad again the
following week FREE (But you must call and request
a re-run).
rvuiiVL a r»iu» — r-n»vxw m m
29*p*r0ay So. II you've been thinking about having a garage
NEEDED ITEMS mat* p U K par hr Mon
4-11. Bat A-4. Sal araa 4 - u
sale, do it now and let The Register help make your
«tr w»«*py iharrgi
"*••••>"• FarCi i l l Ada Sun A-4. Sun eve* 4 - t l . Tak*
any aMI Caa Mon -Fri onry A-l
sale a success
NURSE RN or LPN M/F — tt:AO twiwnaat p M M warn
pm to 7 30 am 3 to 4 morn* par mot VFR S42-AM0
Come in or call
CALL The Register SATustwYS i a A at TO i» >a r •>
M M 700
NURSES AID M/F — 11 to 7
Haztet area Cm 7«T-«M7
Pormanant 3 nighta par waaa PLUMBER — Mtn 4 yr* asp m
WANTEO - M U M haw* own car
542-1700 The Register
Your Hometown N«wipsper Since 1878
HOUHS DAKT I » A H . TO I P.M. AB banofita Plliaant working roWMng A romrniating a muat
oondmona Caa A30-B4TB l l i H l wort COJH31.QSS4
B 14 The Daily Roister UESDAY JULY 3. 1984 , 71 Merchandise 71 Merchandise 73 Machinery lor
101 Apt. for Rent IM Commercial
for Sale . | ,
lor Sale Sal* RtnfU MONMOUTH BEACH - By
/1 Merchandise Merchandise 71 Merchandise owner Ranch 3 bedrooms liv-
for Sale for Sale lOr S a l t ' <•<"" S E A T HID-A-BED - 550 TV - HC.
FREEHOLD - Poet end I
ing room, dining room, modern
1 M>ac Ijrnilura Ramonabla Q £ $148 w» Village 1-bedrc
36. corner Ot Under. Ave . High-
kitchen 2 patios. Florida room,
cutting heed. tipa. large avaHapta H o t * attached garage Meny extras
land! Ideal tor attorney, doctor,
ANTIQUE CENTER ol Rad Bank ' COLOR TV - 2 V . l o N d o w con- ID.NINO ROOM SET - ' f/acTiS c^,-Mi""" stand Mint %*n
dentiet. etc $490 per mo., plus
Aaktng $110,000 Alee adja
97-0637 or 934-3090
22b Vv From Si 3 buiidmaa : H I * Vary good working ordar I1 with 2 (eaves A pads 4 chaira. utltmaa Benrs Reel Eatate.
: deck china, very good cond . TV - Zanith Rabuilt 26" color
IbOnaalara » « 4336 Cilii«.)/!M-IM! MAZLET — 2 bedroom condo
»300 CeM 942-7219 LUVE SEAT conaota $248 With tuil warranty
llama bought it» 'u' Gjy 2 matching chain 1 and talba
•.YTON PAVER - 1 % bath, aw AN utMa. except NEW MONMOUTH — 9
all Eatontown TV, 542-0400 reed, opens 9 to 1 7 width electric i 9 6 0 per mo 634-5699 RED BANK — New office. 300 at)
ANTlOUI CENTER of Had Bank ' COMPLETE LAW LIBRARY $75 Call 291-3953 V* -1 ^COrOR^isO^Food priv •500 Call 739-1969 between 9 ft bedrooms, older ootonteJ. 16x16
?2e « Front 31 -3 building! ; PLUS D I N I N G ROOM — Mediterranean
MEDITERRANEAN STYLE — 7' aaaar. $20 Spaattara. $15 5 pm CeN 942-0636 ttving room, den opens to petto &
ISO I n i > ' i > U H 3 < OFFICE FURNITURE china, huich, e padded cheira,
couch ft 2 efcStfa, $326 Ouaan- amara, tapaa ft mora Call KEANSSURG - » room apt 1 * inground pool ft lovery land
llama bought aefc tor Guy I 18 wallaca St. Rod Bank. NJ I, 3 IMVM 1780 Call
aiza brown valour watarbad 47-95T4 6330 • alec Couptea RED BANK — Broad S i . 2. 3. 6 4 scaped yard 2-car garage. Can
4 1 971-79*9 IDING LAWN MOWER — Hear CeM after 6 P.M office aultaa available Heal, air to see. 664,900 PAUL P BOVA
HAKERV OVENS - Bloo.-t. . « " ' complata $425 Baal offar atthaf
V - Sears 25 color Ptnecebi- ir. lika new. Beat offer CaM 797-9617 oondrttorung a perking included 671 -.1944-
delivered DININQ ROOM - ^ Cherry Penn- • lam Call 787-0936 29 " 2 9 0 4 after 6
Senaor touch 9150 Cell 747-1100
COUNTING - Star system. B sylvania Houee gate tag »able, 2 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS — NEW FAIR HAVEN LISTING
•r»i ledger * account! re- 71 1329 RED SUNK — 140 Broed Si
hAR — indoot /outdooi Woodan c . l - i b l . N # v f > , U M t f 8 v, or a
leave*, cuatom pads 2 piece
glaaa hutch. 4 side chaira. 2 arm
t v k blua A it graao btaiara
N BED — Box Spring ft mat-
Children OK. fenced yard $400 19.000 eq rt Prime office apace A house for ell seasons Vfcrt mis
Iza 46 long Lika naw Out-
i ontlructmn Solidly built 7 UMd on CP/M Appla,
• n d t . » d M p 37 tiign M 7 50 iBM. Epson Oaborne. ft much
chaira E«c cond I t w o or beat grown $25 aa 741-7187 aftar 5 a. Colonial pine headboard, Llvat-tock HOME RENTALS. Bkr 3 6 9 - 1 2 * will subdivide CaM 396-2020 lovery 4-oedroom, 2't batha
offer Call 946-4934 $60 Maple dreaaer with mirror ft RED BANK PROf EBSKWAL home on lovery wooded KM.
41-71&7 . . , . , •, Imotm C o # , I H O O Sew price BAD DOG IS NO FUN — Have
MI8C FURNITURE — Couch. twin bed. $100 Bedroom eat. Spacious rooms, den. furl day-
WASHERS — Portabta QE. ours trained In your home CeM furnlaned apt S276 mo., a* in- BLDQ — Broad St On atta park-
BARITONE - Conn t.t.sll.M I $375 F4H Motors, M2-1111 conventions style $150. oak cof- double, walnut cheet. dreaaer light basement, fenced yard
» 1 M W i m Kino Univereal. $60 "T-3431 cluded CaM after 6 p m ing,
. • • l o w martiet rental Cell
conoilton „p,,(,« Call I COMMODORE VIC-20 - With fee table MO. kitchen tabM wrth 2 with mirror, bed, box spring ft This 19 yr old home hea freehty
QE Stova ooM. 1100 Maple Robin Zegor. 201-469-9100
hairs SAO. wmte/gold bedroom
'"_• ° 3 tape 'ecorder. mini eond SUM in dreaaer. 926 M4-1473 resser ft night stand «i00 Cell
reas. $200 Wooden cheat of Advanced And ^ • e r . Inc painted interior and new well to
rawers $25 Antique steamer KEAN8BURO — 5 rooma. $ wall carpeting $137,000
BED SET BliMd whiieibo. ftt» Call 747-7313
DISPOSABLE DIAPERS - Big 530-1231 unka. nice (or rannianing. $46
Beginners bedrooms. $490 ptua iritttMa RED SANK - 2-room office m
tiraeaer chs. a das* uiha new
doubla COMMADORE VIC 20 - $88.
uvinga Factory aaconda Call MOVING SALE — Sear* Ken- enith TV with stand, $35 DOG TRAINING CeH 496-4636 after 7 p.m. office building, located 2 blocks RUMSON REALTY
S2M Also Dams*
Printer 1525 $175 cardco B $30.
rin,rt«rn clona/unguard $30. numerous
741-1269 more heavy duty washer e u
264-6466 Bayahora Dog Club. 741-6046
KEANSBURG — 2% rooms. 1
from Hospital 6260 mo CaH
636-6307. 9-ft
furr.Hi, ? chain. program! $40 All pariact. SeH DOG PEN — 20-11. 2 dog cond will accept any reaeonabte VPEWRITER - ISM, dual pitch IREDALE- tvt yra.. papers 5 plus t, wttea CeM
$175 o« bast otlari ^84 0240 separately or logathar for $278 rvouaaa, $280 or baal Offar Car, aetectrlc II, a»c cond . recently ookirvo for a good home CaM r t p.m RED SANK — Prolassiortal office
Adult Communtnee
9-11 a m • 72-1345 or 7B7-61«t efurblahed. $600 Cell euHea aveHebte tn wartoua 2n
5422113 MOVING OUT OF STATE — KEANSBURG - 1 bedroom ger- 341-6060
BED — Cnippandala Doutola. 4 verything must go Almost new
42-0656 ASSET HOUND PUPS - M/F. den apt-, prrvaie entrance, no
merer buMdtnga Unlta range
CONTENTS-LUXURY CON DO - KC. shots wormed 10 weeks Cell after 4 p m . 767-6360
from 1-3 rooms to 6000 aq ft, all OCEAN TWP — Luxury
po#te< Eiact copy o( bad m With larga dog houaa cotomal bedroom set. quean alia ISED SOFA — Kitchen aat!
irsior contemporary bed Colonial dining room aet. carpels Call 496-0468 after 7 30 tea pets Father's Day la com-
units are carpeted, air con- Ranches 2-story, 4-6 bedrooms
Philadatphia An Muwum Hand condition Vary aaey to aa-
c a t t e d SB y n ago by tine Euro-
Huw 222 2250 Of 229-7944 lustlc looking loveaeei A chair, or 467-6760. Exl 2234. g $260 667-426]
UXURY CONDOMINIUM - At ditioned * neve on-an* parking From $166,000 Byeppt Century
aambla $228 or Da«1 otfa« Call Bldg Co 5310606, 493-4477
- maker Solid
CONCERT TICKETS - sVHy 872-1348 wall hangings, lampa, unfinished
eatpotnte 2 bedroom, 2 bath, Rales range from (200 per mo -
Joel. Pretenders Roger Waters Male 9 months view. $960 includes an uHttttee. $11 per aq ft * uttrtUea CaM
1-662* atiar 5 hutiers a much more Cell up to OCEAN 6 BAY VIEW - HtgtV
Chicago, Elwla Coatatlo, YES. DOUBLE BED - BOM aorlno ft ICTORIAN LOVESEAT — Ckce 4 hr security, pool, lennkt etc owner, waller Zimmerer,
0 p m . 739-MM 640, walnut ft vervet In exc Behrs Agency. 972-1900 942-9696
ands Br area I M Bedroom Col-
Rod Stawart. Julio matiraaa. m*c cond $126 Call onial FP In llvMI rm. Dining rm,
BEDROOM SET - airfs 7 pc 572-9400 264-6182, attar 3. MOVING-MUST SELL — Oan- cond . $1,150 Csll 942-4019
EAUTIFUL HORSE - 4 yr old MATAWAN - HEAT PAID RED BANK - 56 Rector Zoned porch Family rm opens to
•vhita with gold accanls 1500 aral Elactric waahar. dryar ft ra-
DRUMS - B-ptaca Ludwig. plua Irlgarator. VIDEO CAMERA — Magnavoa hilly with whiw blaie ft 4 white 2 bedroom, nee/ trana , SeOtfa creative development. Ofttcee 2 redwood deck 6 Bendy Hook
Call 7B7 i.'rto DINETTE/DININQ ROOM SET — Ilrator. baat oftar Can
with large parking area Owner
aRtra baaa ft torn 2lld|lan cym- Asking $325 or beat offer Cell lockings Must sell to good HOME RENTALS. Bkr 399-1234 tew 2 car detached garage. FuH
CONTEMPORARY Oood con- 30-S228 942 5722 or 642-9106
BEDROOM SET - e piacaa. boia, cuatom anara. aaklng $860 47-0634 home only Worth $2000 win i Fenced yard Walk to
$350 or baai ofiar Ca« OOERN APT — Na«r trenepor-
i.onav CMlarad wood, marbla Qrag. 747-1672 MOVING — Llka naw conaoia sail $675 Please cell 266-2220 h. raataurants. b*a Oas HW
20 tarao $76. living room M l $400.
leNon. Beat time lo can betora s>Un/Furnrened
u e e Office Suites
haet 66*500
loped bed aid* cabinaia Call LACK MALE GERMAN W S A BServ
COPIER - Sharp modal 740 ENCYCLOPEDIA SET - Brttan- itchan M I A 0 chaira $100, din- eWlth Secy 6 Anewertng Be
291 3414 dryer, 1 yr old SHEPHERD — 6 yra old. free to 291-3641
Claan EHC cond 26.000 coptaa nksa 3. Llka naw. $396. fCoal g room aart $128 767-1699 ORT MONMOUTH — 3 rooms —rtra—bui-y. caM 741-STOP
BEDROOM SET full U N bad $946). Otctlona'taa. larga 3-vol dryer $150 Custom poniclea tor good home Cell 222-1414 RED BANK — Pflver Rd. Cuatom
" h I O I T K suppltaa ft 739-6344 days. 7I7-644t
<>>•>••«' m.rror. 3 piaca blond. •at. Engllah § • 7 foratgri MUST SELL - Living room. dm. drapea $260 AD in exc cond OCKATEIL — 9 moe Male, 6 pm. 110 Wanted to R*nt lH modern colonial 6 rooms.
t^OO ?fl» 3969 languagaa. $46 Waning candia ng room ft s i (rat exc. cond 671-2516
omplete with cage ft ac- UNION BEACH - Looking tor
baths, full basemeni 4 attic
holdara (2). 12-. I M aach Offer Cell 291 6293 ED BANK - LUXURY APART- Zoned central air/gee heat.
BFDS — 2 condition mat- OFFICE DESK — 5 lamps, buffet,
WASHER - Seer Kenmore laa 666 Call791-9091
2-3 bedroom houaa. 3 eduTta In
alarm syalem, auto lawn
iraaa 4 bo« spring $75 aach Many
a y taeturaa
taetua Only
y 1 year
a OW family. wWing to maintain prop-
matlc electric can opener, $10 sofa ft haaaock, sheets ft pillow MATIAN PUPPY - areas Some waterfront Some erly 6 do own decorating in ex- sprinklers, built-m vacuum sys
-'«4 V*97 ariai U COUNTRY COLONIAL - DoubM 260 Call
260 C l l aftar
ft 8 8 p 563
3 596
Bed headboarda. (2| maple twin caeea. king bed. oak chaira. onths old Papers 6 st with washer/dryer For more In- change lor reeeonabte rent Cell tern Attached wing, Meal tor
•aar Mrilh two mtfrora. oood WASHER/ DRYER
BLACKSTRAOOLE LINER RE- a $150 Inlaraatlng drum
$10 ea. Telephones. (2) deak A wicker headboards, dining room 129 666-1676 formation, call 630-7300. from 11 after 1 p m , 294 -416 perani/ln-law/axira bedrooms
CONING CHAIR — %?; QE wit\ wait modeta. $20 ea. 222-5719 table ft 4 chaira. racllner, 3 end $150
>OG — Keeehond. slrver-Weck,
to 8. 11-6 1235,000 Principals onlyt CeM
rlow A/L 8500 BTU 7 5 ampa . 2 tabia wllh booh ahaH. mapta LNLARUfcfi Mint 4X6 Omega tables upholstered chair. Ceil 291-006a moe , AKC regMtered Reluo- ED BANK — Pent Houee 1
v»art Old $?75 747 2799 $48 27 round-M" high
D2, 1 Oralab timer, 1 lime-o-lite hassock, Klrby vacuumftrugWASHERS - QE Rebuilt. $146 ft ntty selling to good home wrth bathe, dining
842-1435 RUMSON
BOXES CORRUGATED 1 aet of poly contrast filters, trays leaner Cell 671.3394 up with lull warranty Call Eaton is TLC due to move. HEART- oom, balcony, river view, pooT Lovary 12 yoar old 3 badroom
For Moving & Sloraga and tor CURTAIN RODS — Tranavataa A ft 3 * gal tanks. 1 9X10 eaael. i town TV. 542-0400 ROKEN lo say the leeal) Pup ft marina, covered garage $1200 anch In axe cond Supor lo-
industry A complete Una Ofcunalna. 3,-- flla 6' patio doora- 11X14 eaael i aet of negative OFFICE FURNITURE - UMd.
>- asking $300 tart cation Cloaa lo rlvar. baachaa.
packaging tupplias 462-4872 or • haar lamon. haavy lormksa carrier! from 36 mm to 4X6. 1 823 •hopping ft finaal achoda
M/-40W) RaaaonaMa 830-7789 I H H O 544-1400 or 542 23«*
mmer, 9X10. 4 REE PUPS - 8maH mixed
CURIO CABINET - $40. Lara* 120 Nikon film reals ft dark- OLD NEWSPAPERS - From
reed 7 weeks oM. Can
Waal Coaai truck mirrora. $50. room lights 1250 (or all One 25" $45
Prlea naootiabta Call WASHER — Maytag For handy-
man/mint a i l /working $25 Cell
glrla i e - biha. $18 ' Ecllpee reel engine with enow-
juud Lfintj Cua iticki ft ball! Boom « blade 6 garden plow. $2SO OLD FASHIONED MEA T GRIND 741-6r67/afier 6 p m REE LIGHT GRAY KITTENS - Adults onh/t inquire ba*waen S ft
at 79 Herbert St 2 FAMILY I
$25 Call brass ft glaaa fireplace - 1 h p motor Naw Hobart WATER SKIS — Bet Serene setting. absolutely
DARK PINE HUTCH — 8 veers ED BANK - Centrally located. Oft OarOan Parkway a«M 117. 2
enctoeure. 31X39', $35 2 bath- attachmani, ilainlaaa H a * faad New Ladders. $50 edorabte doll house Mint con-
old E«c cond $275 29 gal lea badrooma aach apt. Mod-
room sinks. 19'4X23r. $10 ea plaatlc iiumptf, i knit*ft3 Call 544-1611 FREE PUPPIES dition Private meater aulte. AC,
LABBAQE PATCH PREMIES - aquarium with accaaaortea A raon 930-0923 arnliad /baaaboard haat, ale In
Phone 741-7692 Plata* * aauaaga atlacrtmani 767-6666 •ovary screened porch. Catra
Bail offaf ovar $60 Boys and stand. 150 Console T V with WATERBED' - CaJIfornle King, autawjd 6 Donating Extra apt.
Call 741 -309) lt wtth expenelon
Stereo. |9D T V needs work ESTHER WILLIAMS" POOL — mirrored, padoaii baae, aH REE KITTEN — To good home, rants for 6376 a mo Tananl pay*
o.rla Call 071-1037 Asking $100 Mult take down gaa 6 aractrk; Your noma with
2-Cer oarage,
ORIENTAL RUGS — •leal Per-
CACTUS - '.I U iNti OUT! Larga dean. 128 Call 291-3714 youreeft Call 291-9949
all 264-6443 between 10 ft 9
375 a mo. to halp pay mortoaga
a roof A pteeeure lo
sian Qulm 4 R 6 Benin
•viiHai 201 Shore Blvd DESK — Antique wood~0ood a outlet price Call 3 Aakln« only 565 0O0
show 6136.900
Keansburg 787 5434 ETHAN ALLEN — 7'*' round,
braided rug 100% wool Qreen PA SYSTEMS - 970 acoualttc
WEDDING OOWN - While lace
ft silk S u t 12 Long aleevea
REE KITTENS - Cute, cuddly ft achooia 6 buaaa to RUMSON REALTY
CAMPING EQUIPMENT — adorable. 6 weeka otd ft littered . _ MS * good alanar
•laaping bags. Coleman DESK - 42 in . 3 draw, baautltul head. t70 w claan powar Boaa. I collar Veil/Strain Asklrtf ained Call 747-5332 anytime
homaor rallramant homo wrth 842-1894
9O0 apaakara with stand Baal 1160 After 4 30, 672-1269 376 mo Incorna for Iha axtra
ERMAN SHEPARD — Moving 5 rooms, heel paid, 1600 RUMSON WATERFRONT -
FIREWOOD - Sacrlflca Saial offar Call 671-199ft pt Walk to baach 736-3101 or
S200 Dinette table. 4 cuehtoned WHITE SCULPTURED — EM muat Mil Pure bred, sable 1'3 OME RENTALS. Bkr 369-1234 Nawtv createdftapproved bond-
chaira. 100H whlta Formica Agad oak Appro* 2 OOrda 73-4305 OO0D Buy | | |
PARSONS TABLE - 5 < 3 tened couch Two compllmen i old Great temperment. ng lot on quiet street m ktvety t
CARPETING - 20 N 13. Quid, 1200 36 in. rawood coctall table
EJIC tuna wilh padding. $75 2 draw tan file cabinet 975
Soma apllt %ll Call 671 0912
bulcrtar block, formica) with 4 tary chaira. like new, $300 12»3
nauoahyda diraclor chain. $275 Colecopool. 1 year, $60 (M 20".
leat offer 583-4740
02 Housa* for EAN6BURO - 6550 mo Buy 3
badroom ranch. 112.000 aa-
ac<s zone. 253 of bulk head wrth
very liberal rlparlen grant And,
D'Mpariai ivory opart waa<
•inaara. 2 pr $50 Braaa
Antique typewriter table
typwrlter $100 9l.ii saw 9 4 in
1 prlcaa Call Mlka aftar 4 130 ft ( 1 | 2*". Kke n
titans- Raiaed with TLC. •
Rant aumptlon. 13%. Klrwan Co.. wnat a vtewt Priced to sell at
bl girls
l bbicycle
i l Exc cond. 57 6000 I22S.OOO Offered by owner, bro-
r-.andanar $5p Call 7413106 $50 table lamp 125 Carl PIANOS Hurry! 531 0253
weeka. shots, wormed. CSA A-1 ABERDEEN TO RED BANK kers protected CaM 942-52.4
egtetarad TfcM-aw* Keanaburg. heel petd 1600
94s>W1* FLEA MARKET SPECIALS! — New. under $1000 Uaed. under
Golf ciub. 12 aa Floor lampa. 1500 Unlimited rentals from WICKER. RATTAN! PINE —
TTENS — Siameae, Liiec
Howeil. 4 bedroom only fteoo A NEW LISTING
0C8K8T FILES"- Tables crteJrY
POSE Of ENTIRE INVENTORY storage cabinets computer
$8 M M 50 Bantwood chaira.
$8 50 aa Col pma daak M S
.7 50 a month
ilture, baskets, hammocks
SALE Tha Wicker Basket RM luepoini ft eeeipoint $75 ea. KM Silver. 7 rooms only $#O0*s
Need a home? Carl us ftratt
Adult community. MMMtetOwn.
OF NEW BRAND NAME 100% 34, Cotls Neck all 495-9232 after S p u r OME RENTALS. Bkr 3*9-1234
Mara la a 0al>QhHul flrai homa lor NJ 24 hr guard security Oolt.
NYLON CARPET LIVING. DIN- Couchaa. $49-59-89 Doubla Freehold 462-4730 your family H la ahadad by tall
ITTEN8 - 3 male Free to good tennis 2 bedrooms, 2 baths
INO. BEDROOM ALL COLORS A A C DESK OUTLET. 1709 Rt door uin cabinet, $19 60 Oak PIANOS - O R G A N S WORLDS PASS - 2 couch GORGEOUS 3 BEDROOM - 1 * raaa. A ottara 1 badrooma. 2
home WiH pay for Spaying CaM ;omb living/din I no room
UP TO 375 SQ FT ONLY $188 odlca daak. $69 Mora ft moral seats Besl ortar C a H M i - 9 5 3 1 xth. dan, fenced back yard, batha. a tlraptaca. aundack ft a
35. Oakhurst 531-3990 All Musical Supplies and 91-0460 Kitchen Qarage By owner.
INCLUDES PADDING Ruacll'a, 25 E. Front St.. Rad 760 plua utHHIea. Call 797-4447. fancad raar yard lor Iha chlldran
DESK — Drop Ironl mahogany 4 Servtcee WROUGHT IRON CANOPY — 747-5996
i— n right away PrWad to MM al
drawers Call 741-9992
Bank 741-1993
FREEZER - 19 CU fi .
Our 99th Year
Approi 12 n Also wrought iron
plantar Call 970-1756 after 6
- From good field trialfthunting
S room,, haat paid t M O a
•MM. SHREWSBURY - Split (eve). 3
DESK — English style 44" vanity CENTURY 21 COZEN*, RaaMora bedrooms, 1 ' * balhs large fam-
?01 38631AB paid S1000.daa.ra. | f r Asbury Park 776-0664 nee. 7 wks old on July 3 Call HOME RENTALS. Bkr 3M-1234
desk Stained red with nice de- 530-1561 IndapandanVy Ownad §13 oom Vinyl aiding Oas heal
Open 9 k) 9
tail. Attractive m den or offtce WROUGHT IRON TABLE — Wllh EAN9BURG - 3 bedroom kv- Hrver wo . * air rieven. •ched garage Seeuttful
FURNITURE - Rosewood coffee PIANOB Organs. Quttars. 36" marbla top. 6 wrought iron PET BUNNIE8 ng room with fireplace, kitchen 741-7M4 neighborhood, cloaa to trans,
First 91S0. call 531-2162 Mull!-color/Final Clearance
table 9100. QE trash compactor _ ma NEW ft USED Name chaira. exc cond., beat offer $660 monthly rant. Option to schools ft shopping Principals
Pleeee ceil 739-6999
CHECK THIS OUT.. DININU ROOM FURNITURE — $100. chrome ft leather chairs Changs Beta Lowrey Organ
$29 ea. green leather club chair Center 542-6160
Call 264-349O, buy Call 496-2979 only CaH 747 7199 Of 949-9945
Oai Kfl raadart lo chach out Danish-modern. 0 chalrt. 2 leaf
YA8HICA CAMERA — 36 mm, IAME8E KITTENS — FeeJa ft 199.500
labla. opens to 7' China ci< $100. yellow ft white chlldrens EANSBURO - Lovely 1 * BY OWNER - Mint cond Capa
your ad wiih s CHECK al the top PINEWOOD LIVING ROOM SET 160 1 Pair solid brome Marine lues, perente on pramlaaa. SHREWSBURY - By Owne
6'Vf.necand 747-4914 dreaaea 925, whlta king wicker bedroom, modern kitchen, gee Cod 4 badrooma. complalary ra-
and'or bottom of your copy Call — Solid oak wood kitchen set. 2 ilocks, roller bearing, rope alia ibie Cell 774-7163. bedroom. 2 bath Ranch
headboard $25. natural wicker heal, carpeted, suitable working modtad ft ranovalad, dining
rue Daily Register Classified De- DINING ROOM SET — Hand dan couches Call after 5 p.m or
chair, yellow cushions $50 Call 222-6244 WEST HIGHLAND While Terrier couple or seniors No peta S400 beautHul acre lot on quiet cui-de-
carved walnut Circa 1920 weekenda 767-0487
Wrought iron barslools $26 ea. upptea - AKC. non shedding. rpal throughout Maln- •ec Parquet floors In entry Irving
Hutch, china cabinet, dry sink, TV — Zenilh 26 in Color con-
intern dressing table, white wood PINE WOOD LIVING ROOM SET health guaranteed Reasonable, fraa aluminum aiding room ft family room. Cathedral
table, cornea with cualom cut solo Great cond $96 Call EAN9BURG — 4 bedroom. weM
125 842 5992 — Couch, love aaet. chair wllh 767-3016 167-6631 garaga. larga lot. celling In living room/dlnlng
to weM carpeting, complesHy
llass top
Ashing 9360 Call
FURNITURE"— BrowrtTpc living
ottoman, coffee table with 2 end
WOMAN TO CARE FOR INFANT urnlahed, fenced In yard. ChH-
r7jj room Eat-In kitchen ft family.

CLOTHiNa RACKS - 2 •itfad room set, full s i i * head board

abiaa like new. $660 Kitchen
i. butcher block, 2 leawea
72 Garagt>/Y» ren ft peu welcome Patio, gar- CO-OP — 3 badrooma. ra-
both have adders to large
flagstone patio Central air, "re-
•uiih chroma nangraiit Com-
infrclal quality Pncad right Call Iruitwood *at Vary good cond
cheat of drawers deak. poliahed with
log coffee table 972-9467
8 chelra, $375 Call Sal*. Inning In Sept School holidays age $1,000 a mo.. 2 Mo aecur-
ft Non-amoker Dog lover Call Ity. CaM 642-7300.
modalad bathftkitchan Mova-ln
cond Eatra larga fancad yard.
place, oil heat, basement. 2 oar-
$1200 2 couchaa. 2 chaira 583-7764
•>4i-'6M FURNITURE-MOVING Old re ABERDEEN — Miac. sale Sal •had M . i t aaa. 541.500
cocktail labla Baal oftar
stored kitchen cabinet, fl modern PLYWOOD - Celling tilea. June 30. July t, ft Jury 4 10-6 MANCMESTEB/TOM8 RIVER — Shrowabury Twp 3 M - 2 M * . 1154 000 Cell 942-594* lor appl
671-6#IO Harrison Ave. (off Atlantic Ave ) WORKING MOTHER —
cana back dining room chaira. 3 doors, track lights, garage lights.
'««vy duty, partact condition ft R parking Weather per ull-tlme, reeponalbe day care for Cualom ranch. 3 badroom. Irving EXCELLENT T u Sharkar - 2 Taha Sttverbrook to 19 Mara Ct
D I N I N G ROOM SET - Olaaa a chrome clothes recks, brown sink, counter lops Soma never
$90 Call 671-0463 mining. mo old infant Red Bank/Fair i, family room, dining araa. akngka ramlry homoa In Rumaon ft No roeHora piaeae,
ama, 6 chalrt. $190 QE hide-a-bed couch, odd chaira. uaed Ceil 739-1106
LOLECO VISION - Brand ntw a van area Start July 16 Ingrotind pool. IMO mo . Fair Mavan LK" 1 yr SHREWSBURY — 4 bedroom. 2
doubla ovan $100 Mahogany white writing board, game table,
*upa» action controllara 7 POOL TABLE - 6x7. SlaM top, BELFORO — 3 family. July 7-6 3O-2717 leave measaoe a. In-O407 or M l 0407 nooma $2000 baih ranch Mint cond. gaa.
dining tabia $65 2 raclinara $25 metal shelves, peint. snow shov- aindata Jury 14-16 9-5 Garret!
cartridgaa Mini condition $195 ft $40. wood or coal burning els whole house FAN. IronrHe
very good cond , $300 firm Call
rllll Blvd off Leonerdvllle Rd MIDOLETOWN - 3 badrooma •03-277-O4U HWBB. 123 Garden Rd 199 500
496- B rtO Blova $90 Call 741-2692 ironer tisr stool, mist 747-0100
7393254 Pool table, baby items, and mlsc YELLOW LABRADOR PUPPIES walltowan. cantral air, $700 FAIR HAVEN — Baauirlul.. qqukM.. 7201
KC regiatared C HOME RENTALS. M r Ma.1234 d l h b h d
nalghborhood 3
smaller home. Muat sacrifice Convection oven, with wooden 591-9316
3 6 any ytime __ bath ranch. FuH
beautiful, traditional 9 pc dining table on wheels. $600 Grand BE LFORD — Baby acceaeorlea YELLOW LABRADOR dry baaamant. palk) gaa prut, Elegant center Hart eoJontel on
Mr rant 1 badroom 1 bath. «Wl
room $600 Large dreaaar ft mir- ather clock, $560 Stereo ft toys, clothing, frame ft mattress PUPPIES - AKC registered CeM oaniral air conditioning, axeriaveetnii Htver wrth Inground
ooaan Maw 6 pool. 6650 a mo 1
1 1 » B00 pool, dock. 4 bedrooms. 3'4
MAKE IT YOURSELF ror. $200 Secretary deak. $160 caaaette player $250 VCR 9375 sntlquaa Sat July 7, 9 - 1 . anytime weekenda achoota By ownor
Twelfth Si off Leonardvllle yr laaaa. 1 mo aacurtty Cal oaths, huge greet room, 2 car
Large metal office deak. $75 Radial arm aaw. 1200. Zenith 74I-75M
CXympia office typewriter. $150 COtor TV. $476 Call 739-1007 CONTENTS OF HOME -
SO Blcyclo* day. 369-3333. o a a 6 » '
GLORIA W L 8 0 N more stires $375,000.
Many other items All eic cond
946-9666 RAILROAD TIES — _._ is Sat July 7 Hwy 36 to Mini Blka» RED BANK - Naw lu«ury Raatlora EXCLUSIVE THROUGH
Navesink River Rd East to 99 Hwy 36. Shrawabury. BU-S00B
hand good shape. $4 a piece
ConovorPt Cell 530-9691 MOPED - NMda good UMMng badroom. rjaa haat. Mr VV/I REALTY BROKERAGE
Call 972-1766 after 7 p m — «oma part! HO or baal • 7 M a mo. M1-S7U
E KEANSBURG. — 102 Hwy 96 Call M 2 e S M aat lo. Tim
HA2LET — Now. 3 badroom .201-360-0100
RAILROAD TIES - 6»6xS. $8 40, RED BANK - 3 badroom. M Ranch. Andaraon wlndowa do 'am-
Happy Softy Baby! V 7.7.9 $7 90 Preesure-l/eated.
Q.S.a $7 76. 7M7M6. 99.46
next to Doell's Sporting Ctr Sal
Jury 7, 9to4 Mulu-tamlty Man MOPED8 - MAl/tOUTI 1I7( afKH Oaa rtaal Can. air. On Fair
H m n bordar MX par mo.
ity room with fir,aplaoa.
air haaal. 666.1 - -
132 Condo.ft
OAR0EN TRACTOR - Full gear 600-523-6707 Can deliver ""0 ml O Oarage k< pW .$«0i.
avail Call 767-3600
1 striping Aaklnlng MOO M 17M
drive, Jim Dandy 9 h p 50
LET — 4 badroom Col. A BADGE O« DISTINCTION — « child wiih i h f sort RASPBERRIES - $2 00 a quart RED BANK DUPLEX
snow plow blade mo MOTOBECANE - I 1 H Many batha 2 car garaga Oaa hot air Shadow Lake viHage r
doll ill Net dfeami fun to y j « ' spreader ft other attachmenta
Pick your own Aflernoona 2-6 GARAGE SALE - July 7 220 Chlldranftpatt OK. mova now WALKER 4 WALKKR.
h a d Family room with flrac*aoa
HippySoMyBaby (jboutl«"t Beat offer over $300 264-7139
No kids Call 542-1492 Harmony Ave . E Keanaburg. off Buv bom lot K0OI MOO $105,000 Financing avail Can 741-9212
nw\*eelinfltijfj(JI» MihFherof GAZEBO — t II 11, Orlglni
RA8BERRILS $1 60 • quart of Harmony Rd 10 lo 4 Pool
Call 747-6112 HOME RENTALS. Bkr 3SB-1234 Evae. Tom •tobtnaon
BLUEBERRIES - 6 2 00 Pick filter, flraplaca set, etc 7S7-35OO
knil libut se* ouilil ind ihon
Piltem 4SJ FiHue pattern for
Aaklng $200 Cat
four own. Aflernoona 2-6
103 Ranlalsto HIGHLAND* - By ownor" 2 lam

wfty doll, outfit and than m y M2-1492, William's Farm, 34ft

QE AIR CONDITIONER - 5.000 Weat Rlverdala Ave. Tlnlon
thing from awnings to woods lam condition
- Saelta E«cal
l C l Shar* My Exc location. '4 block K
baach Walk to buaoa ft atoraa
ABERDEEN — 3 bedroom
townhouae In RandeHwood All
'o(olio* directions included 636 Mornlngsida Ave. Unlen
BTU, like new. 1150. Falls HOME TO 8MAHE - I Now roof ft vinyl aiding. $72,500 tenn..°qun
appHanoea. garage ten
Beech Sat. July 7 from 9 to 6 . . jman Approi 6300 mo Can 291-2M6 aft 6 30 pm 999,500 CaH M « 2314
967-9142 after 6 p.m. MOPED - 2 PUCK. Magnum 2
_ . — Whirlpool Air cond, Sun.. July 9. 10 to 3 767-6661 or 212-631-7614
12 75 tor tach pattern Add QIRL8 BEDROOOM SET Pale
11000 BTU capacity E M cond. H A / L LT Small appliances S
IN* naav cond. S47&. Call HOLMDEL BEFORE YOU BUV — Rent or
bOI each pattern lot p o M . p •enow, 2 storage heedboard $176 Boa 162. Rumson. 07760. Benedict uniforms Furnrtura
717-MM EDWARD W COLLINS sett, cart a reaideni Shedow Lake
VHIege condo specialist June
and handling SaM t« >nofccate. <ia«k ft Chair. V»r or 842-0546
good cond $600 Boys oak
household goods Sat July
10-2 25 Tralee Rd
84 Merchandlae 104 Wintar Rantala AGENCY 94541
leadboard. deak. ft chair $150
Dark pine, student deak $60
RED BANK - 292 Spring St
Furnrtura, tools, hand mower
mouth Baach araa. ocaanfroni — 2 badroom "Independently Owned"
furnlahod. 1 badroom apt wWi capa. park aanlng. Hka now 813 Rlvar Rd Fair Haven
LAURA WHEELER 47-2366 dlahea. clothes ft many goodlea
LINCROFT — Multi-ramify re-
Caah paid Ona Ham or anura color TV. maid aarvtca ft utltmaa Muat aaal $ 4 * 500 Can 757-7730 Deys 741-7999
GIRL S WHITE BEDROOM SE July 6.7. 9-6. Call tor apodal wtnlar rataa by
modeling garage ft yard sale contanta Badroom aata dining LINCROFT — 4 Badroom Eves 530-9199
Needlecraft Dept. 61 BOB spring, mattreee, : REEL TO REEL TAPE DECK —
u.MSers. $150 Alao flute. $90 SONY TC660D. top of the line
dlahwaner. stove, dining room oom aala. Rllehan aau. ate day. waak
rM — ground POM. AC Nlca nalgh ENJOY OCEAN VIEW - And prt-
table * 9 chairs. TVs M 2 M 4 3 or •20-1321 borhood 1115.000 Call ownar t beech. Sea) Bright
Hardly uaed Call 797-6277 stereo No sound on sound bulcherblcok sols ft sewing 222-*47« 741-5462.
The Daily Register GOLF~CLUBS - wilaorvSam Needs work Muat sail immed chlnea. toys clothing, hoeuehoi ALL LIONEL TRAINS nhouae 2 bedrooma. 2'>.
Sneed. 3-9 irons PW Greelcon Firsi $90 tafcaa HI Call 531-2162 Items ft much more July 9ft7 Or Fiyar Top caah appraiaal 105 Summar LITTLE SILVER - Tha
of Iha houaa! E A Armatrong
Deths. Irving and dining room, full
n Rt handed $96 or bee
REFRIGERATOR — 2 dr, free
9-4 36 Engliah Lane. (Middle
town Llncroft Rd to Hill Rd '
Prlca no omaa. X O - 2 W 3
Rantal* Raallor. 855 Proapact Ava.. LUM storage
on bottom Good cond $100 MONMOOUTH HACH —2
Engliah Lane). wwi WWII, ale Unlfofma NEW Hompohlra oonaga — Laka
GUITAR Paavay P M Call 291-0216
Oaalppaa-mod. oomrarMai LITTLE SILVER — Foil
• a I I I , OM Ckahu SU, Km see good cond ., $176.
LINCROFT - 2 snow tires wit Mrorda. knnraa, bayonata
wkly -avail Jury 454-7021 carpet, mint cond-
avalry aaddlaa. an olhara Call Evaryona a favorlta location Do-
Ttrk. »< 10113. Prill riimi. 942-9141 after 9. Rebuilt, family aua $116 wllh lu\ rim. 736x14 AC 6000 BTU Small
Brrabta 3 badroom. 2 bath Capa • 76 »00 747-64O, aH
Mint. lit. ralttra K.mkt,
QUITARS — Hondo II L Paul ft
warranty Call Eatontown ~ oven/broiler, M / F clothea
household Items I486 W Fron
106 Furnl.hajd Cod with 4th badroom to flnlarl RED SANK RIVERFRONT — 1
MODI FOR 84' NEW 1984 Rooma aa you p<aaaa AtucKad garaga badroom. arm paMO on ma
91.. Thu F r l . Jury S.6. 9-5
WIOUCRAFICAWIOG- 0«f I ;o Ferflee organ UnrvoM rhythm REFRIGERATOR - Btcyciea
by colMcror Call altar 7 PM flraplaca. tormal dmrng room i»avee>nk. rtent WIITI op
dmfns liHHite crafts i ( I M pat MOVING — Little Silver, corner 02aV7222 ABERDEEN - Prrvata houaa and
unit 727-1105 aver blka, deak lamp World En buy $95,000 741-0619
kNchan * laundry room
terni punted insH» Cllitot 12 00 cyclopedia Baaelnet ft Xmea of Rustic Terr ft Rumson Rd F ANflQUES — All klnda. bougiT A daHnlta
prrvtadgaa 5*S-4MB ad 0:30
LAMP - 920 2 Llalen-N-Learn
GLASS S 671-3394 ft Sat. Jury 6 ft 7 10-4 Ping
Pong table, twin wprlngs ft
or lop caah Mary Jana $172,000 E A Armatrong Agon
cy. Raallor. 555 Proapact Ava
«lltabKI4 Ctttht-aM M . van Anllquaa. I M Eaal Rlvar Rd MIOfXETOWN/SHAOr OAKS —
Phonic seta, never uaed $15 ee. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT — col lection
Rumaon U ! 315» Mamoar Ap- ABERDEEN TO REO BANK Lima SUvar. 741-4500
lack lor paitait aM hM#a|. Baby swing set. automatic $6,1 Going out of buainesa Walk-In gamea. ciotrtea ft miac.
Adult community loeatad Ml Via
praiaars Aaaoclation ol Amarlca Rooma I aaudwa from I 4 0 I M
IliMhtCMhtiOiiParMt oek cheat of draws 960 or beat collar, stove ovens. Bain Msrte
LITTLE SILVER - Sat. July 7. HOME RENTALS. Bkr 3M-1234 MIDDLETOWN gloua PaeT S .
U4I4 Quick Mackiita Qvilh offer, 1 record player with 2 bar sinks, etc Can for appt ANTIQUES WANTED Oak HW a apackarty . toatunng SICUMTY. ohibrlouoa.
a m -3 p.m Moped-herdiy use» NAME VOUR PRICE FURNISHED BC0RROM FOR
IHQuilt O r b ipeakers. smallftWeek $10 Cell badroom, 2'/* bath, cantor han pool lannra courts Ml a trtondty
Bike, lawnftatereo equip. Ridln INT OALLEPIIE8. 747-S200 RENT - Ladkta proforrad 1
RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Colonial with gaa haat. cantral amnronmant IMMEDIATE OC-
mower Lota more NO EARL Saoond St. Kaypon 2*4-7107 air. family rm. dock, fun ba
HAVE — An unwanted item or Everything for "the beck of me CALLERS 333 Herding Rd. EfOHE_ YOU HAVE YOUR CUPAHCT Call for an
mont. 2-car garaga ft woo (201r-747-76O0. Mon to
two you'd like to aetlT An ed ihla — ie" inc. sinks, atovea
MIDDtETOWN — Uniforms fo
•ge, tables, bevarege dla- 2*44777 A I M S. 2*4-M16 — In Long Branch. 222-5411 prrvata) aamng S1S4.500 E to • p m
• l i e tor 10 days. |ust $8 Call The recepUonlst. nurse ft waltra Armatron Agancy. Roartor 55
penaers ft mora Everything Highaal prtcaa paid for aM ni LANDORAMA. M C
Register Ctaaamad. 542-1700 Plsntm, clothea. lota more KSANSBURO Proapact Ava Lima S
must go Sold aa is Whwa is antkluaa. ate For bargains, atop M McQraavay
HAY — Flrat cut. straightftmlaed Shown by appt only Ca i Joe Cherry Tree Farm Rd Frl ,8a Roomatorrani 741-4600
at 24 Broad S t , Kaypon.
Cafl 7 $ 7 . M M or 717-9
Walah 747-0026 6/29-30 10-5
CASH PAID - For 0M g
MIODLETOWN — Oak Hill. 93 OCEAN (WOVE — Matura-work By ownar Sacrffloa 600.600 ADULT. NOT fUTrinEMENT

u, nTfc,.— fc Simple Success HUMIDIFIER-SUNBEAM

Like new $26
SALE — Everything in our store
reduced K 0 Sharp's Furn
Dairy 1-9. Set 1-6 498-007F
porcaiam. Nippon. Llmooaa
Kingfisher Dr. July 7ftft.10- Alao Chrna doaata 4 othar an
rurnltura. blkea. mopeda. hard ttquaa. Call U2-49?i/day or
mg alnglo-ahara krtchan-batrt
room-laundry Fram $146 mo
Sltuaaad among w o 000 homaa
In daalrabla MUton Park 10 yr
Call 767-5158 ware, gamea, luooage. much 77$^741 Tudor on lOOuM Iraa arujdad lot
SAROUK BOKHARA - 9>12 3 badrooma. Aa la. Fkat coma 741-4030
IBM TYPEWRITERS Asking $950 Call 542-3469
MIODLETOWN — Furn., chl
EXERCISE SIKE 108 Commercial flral aarvad Won't Wat For Info
Evanmga ft waakanda
Printed Pattern RENTAL $22-629 per mo SCAMPER TRAILER —
fleni-pptton to buy 747-1661 4-8. Blova. sink. Icebox, lights
dren'a things Washer. drs(
Call U 3 - 3 M 3 a l w 7 30 p m
Ranlala 671-4456 aa* tor Camanna Holga Staarart
Homa opanavaa 7.10 p.m
Jaon Mlt
" ' ft suits t day only Sat J> ATLANTIC HIOMLANDS - 2.000 waakanda 1-7 p.m. Muat aaa
ITALIAN PROVINCIAL — Triple hard top. blua vinyl sldea Eic 30 8 - l p m 9 Rolling Hills Dr Quy Jonnaon
I h t simpltst ol all w » i n | « m
you tht piftt'est ot *n ikimnie"
dreaaer. mirror ft armolr $800 cond Call after 7 p m 948-6064 Mlddletown Llncroft Rd Buy a Buyt
aq tl 440/220 3 phaaa 5 garaga
doora. high claaranoa roof, mod
Dalawara Ava. on Hwy 136 Commercial
I n . parts no fining problems
Call 544-9166. SEARS COLONIAL - Living MIDDLETOWN — Something H
Singta itama-antlra rtouaaholda
Antlqua turnltura. MtwaJry. aWvar
arn orAca. Prtoa $00,000. CaM
Corn Huron ft Oala»»ia PfOpTty
whip this up m I matter ol noun ITEMS — 25 color T.V. Pr. of room couch Almost new. $300 everyonel Sat ft Sun, July 7ft9.
Immadlata caah 142-433* BUSINESS LOT — 50H150 ft
and sart dollais Send1 modarn lampa. booh shelves, pin Call 495-0610. - 5. 96 Swartxel Dr. ATTRACTIVE MODERN OFFICE Farmhouaa
P i i n n d P u l e r n W I Hall Sues
bell machine, miac lampa, diah- SEARS VIDEO DISC PLAYER — MOVING — Oak Hill. Middle- PIANO WANTED - Haari or Rad Bank. Broad St balha. larga Irving room, c parlor location Call 741-7616
washer, kitchen aal. Miac items, With 9 $360 Call town. Furn.. T V . atereo, ruga Any condition 4 t 3 - 4 a t i Haat ft prrvata on-ana parking room 6 kitchan. Oaa haat. t _
I C i ll'i 14'. 1 b'> IK 1 ' ?0"r
Mill 739-3926. anytime 739-0760 household items, books, game Mel »135 mo Call 741-1313 rront porch kM 222x166. 7 rm
2 2 ' , }»h ,'b'r Sin K ' t l b M l TURN YOUR DIAMONDS INTO Many protoaaional ft buaa
KITCHEN" TABLE - • Beige. much moral Frl ft Sat, Jury 6 ft from Sal
ih tales ? ' . in* 4 5 ' i a b » i SHOES - Genuine While DOLLARS - Convan Ok) Jaw- uaaa. FWduead to aall 675,
Wrought Iron. 6 chaira. good 9-3. 113 Pelican Rd 6124.000
Bucks, top m l g . red rubber airy to Caah DON PONS JEW COURTS OF REO BANK - Pn- ERA LINCROFT. ft
cond Bar — topI with 2 stools ft soles, worn once, a bargain at
MULTI-FAMILY OARAGE SAL ELERS •rill buy from prrvaha vata luiury apaoa. waa/waM 747-4706 T47-36J6. E»aa 747-4621
sink, black slat
ita Call 264-4179 $31.75 Call 741-4544
- 89 Burlington Ave . Leonardo ownara and aatataa ANTIQUE carpal Prrvata bath for $475 mo MI0OLETW0N
KITCHEN CABINETS - Approi SOFA BED - Print pattern. July 9ft7. I to 8 p.m. Caaaette CLOCKS REPAIRED AND JEW Can 741-21M. IN THE HEART OF OAK HILL
ELRY DESIGNED 7 M R M r Rd moum S I . Rod Bank Ak oon-
15' of kitchen cabinets. Including Queen size $125 Stratotounger. car player, etectrtc grass cutter PAIR HAVEN-MONMOUTM druonad. parking m roar. 2400
Send 52 n tor eatk pillem Fair Havan. N J M2-42S7. cent air. many upgraded
Add 5 « tor each pattern lor
electric wall oven ft counter top needs recovering $25 Bathroom
NAVESINK — 2 family. Evei COUNTY — 1000 aq. ft. m Kuay aa ft Call 542 5666
stove Double sink. hood, ex- space uver $10 Mapls double Acma ahopofng cantor, loeatad turea Owner offers ample dei
thing priced lo sell Women* USED UTILITY TRAILERS —
and handlini Sand to haust, fan with light, varnish bedroom set, 2 dreaeera $160.
natural finish Call 741-3191. 583-4722
site clothes, like new. House-
trailers and
inataHed. Can
_ at Rrvor Rd. Irnmad occupancy
Can 741-3U3 or 747-3*M
sting aWowenoa.
138 Industrial
KITCHEN — Complete includes
SOFA — Excellent condition
wares, booka, odda ft ends Frl
S a l 10-3. 7/6-7 Seers Ave. b> 294-2397
KEANSBURQ - Storatorran
GROUP. naaWora. 630-090 Property
solid oak MOVING. MUST SELL Mint rween Hwy 36 ft Monmouth Ave 1.000 aq t l . ID tha haan ot bual- MICKXETOWN/LINCnOFT — OCEAN TOWNSHIP MOUS-
NTED — Otd oriental ruga.
oven /microwave, dl. green 90" Call 7 4 i - g i 6 6 naaa dttvict 4 f M - 1 i i s . arlWr Froa air conditioning la voura TRIAL PARK - 16 a m aa uW-
MARIAN MARTIN sink $2000 Cell 747-6739 after 4
SOFA — Brown plaid, short
perfteld Ct off Main St UttHly 7S7-71M undar tha fuH grown foraat that ntaa at arta Orforad at 616.000
can ba vour homo Srtuatad In
matching drapes, and table with shelves 11X19 rug. Tiffany If WANTED - Q u m l will buy your KEYPORT PROFE98IONA tha rniddto of a haavlry vroodod
Pattern Dapt. 420 KNITTING MACHINE — New brown plaid skin, asking $200 tor flNturai. Toys Clothea BUILDINO - 1000 aa ft. aurka of acra Cul-da-aac mia >-4
double bed Paaaap 4 color all Matching chest, corner deak,
changer, weights ft combs War-
boots Sal July 7. 10 a m 3 p.m 5 rooma. adlacarn to larga part badroom 1 '4 bath oontomporary 137 Lou and
The Daily Register antae Free Instruction 661-5674
•halt ft chair, $125 2 Oriental
style rugs, coffee table, lamps.
Mattraaa ft frame, white tn
mo lot Sualnaaa or proftaalooal
uaa. 6400 mrjCaU J64-066*
ranch faaturaa a h t l h t t l
or 222-0905, after 8
ate 291-4369 dreaaer with mirror. 6SO L « . KEYPORT - Commonoal • outdoor barbecue MIDOLETOWN — 100*a100' root-
LADY KENMORtT 700 — Wash- STEREO EQUIPMENT — 2 clothes rack, kitchen table. $1 tor rani Can 727-1W1 porch, outdoor dantkM lot. All uwmaa. Fonood m
mg machine Data for $467, eak-
Phase Linear amplifier ft Pre- Mlsc Items 741-7206 •6aady la buad on 626.000
232 Waal l l t h S I , Ne« tori, lit mg $200 Subway slate pool
ampliflar. $1800 value. $900 for RED BANK — 179 Hudson Awe
MIDOLETOWN — $.000 aq It mont. now carponng. wo ft 671-66H
tabia. lists for $900: saking $300 lanoHum EnKry wHdWa vtowa ot
10011 Print h«M( UDOdisS
Jif, Slit and S m i flUWMtt
644-1067 altar 9 p m both Nsvar used Csll 53O-66O9 Frl July 8 9-4 MULTI-FAMIl 101 Apartment* Wrda. aoukTata.o.
urrrota or poaauma.
NEW r a w LAND SALE - S2O0
SWIMMING POOL - Z by 12 Somattring for Ampra parking Baarkng Thoma par aero and up All typaa of lane
A-1 ABERDEEN TO RED BANK woodchucka from yi
flesl oltei everi Gel an* V /•) LAWN TRACTOR — S e e n wllh titter. $65. Carpet. 17x12", with ownar financing, aa lift* aa
RUMSON — Mon -Sat Jury 1 Keyport 1 bedroom |usi $200 backvord
utteinFREf choose ani slvie in Craftsman LTV-10 (vary drive) gol0. $150 Call 563-2549 5300 down tor 10 acraa Can
10am indoor ft outdoors Gree K a r t t . Wta pa*d $400 t1S6.000 a 16
Pn Lika new, muat sell. 971-9476
buys on clothing" 30 Mdge freehold 1 bedroom ontv 6300
(5HISS1.MB0 for fraa brotfMm
CATALOG with sensational bonus Hoed Need en apt? CaH ua firatt RUMSON
service for t2. forced to diapcee of new on- Looking to aaM your homa?
coupon Over 100 s*)M Send MOI^E RENTALS, B*r 369-1834 avail 1225 aq ft aach Cant air 4 1 acraa. 600 ft waMarfram
Tuiedo beck ground 3V long pools compteta RUMSON — 11 Washington Lot ua nolp yom
S2 tor Cataloe nm* gaa haat. 61600 mo. + uturaaa Caa 642-0730 afaar 7 p m
loveaeat. $375 2 leather club with huge sundecks. fencing, hl- Ave.. corner of Watermen Ave. ATLANTIC HIOHLAND6 — _ CENTURY 21 ElnbkMor Raaraora
At««An»0O«S IIMoack ste filters, ladders, warranty. families Lots of goodieat Ma Occupancy approa Nov 1. 3 yr
12»Qaice n Eaq Iranafan
chairs, good tor den. $60 a pair
Call 642-6675 after 7 p.m on He Asking $968 COMPLETE son )ara. chandeliers. Set. 6 a m
floor ol Victorian home. Beautiful
apt suitable tor single adult or laaaa Call 642-6776 daya
1201) 671-3500
13a Moblla Homa.
IH-Tkntta Cram F i t n n Financing avail Call NEIL toll 670-6753 avaa. MIDOLETOWN - SMI nrna to
weekdays ft all day weekands UNION BEACH — Mutti tarn quiet working couple No peta 2 BEDROOM — Eat-In kltorwjn
maka your aalactiona for tMa
12iPetal (kill*
171 riHwar Snowath
9298 free 600-226-0021
Complete household items
mlsc Sal ft Sun. Jury 7-6. 9-
Loeatad on Brighton Ava. (pro-
tudor colonial undar conatruc-
larga Irving room 6x16 acraanad
paao a n atorm wlr '
SIZES orange, velvet sectional couch * Exc cond. $200 or bast orfar Call non o a baauuful woodad cul-da-
Bnols and Cjtiloc - add SO* 822 Jersey Ave faaaronal bunding) arr CaW 360-4326.
each tot postage and handling
2 tone matching chair. $150 871-2516 ALL LANDLORDS Waal E n d -
aac. 5 badrooma. 2% bath homa
•OR SALE — 10*50 2 badroom
Walnut color coffee tabia + 2 YARD SALE — 3 family. July WE SCREEN) YOU CHOOSEI In UncrorL many amanMaa In-
I t , tuny cluding flraplaoa. hardwood IraHar. waahar 6 outolda dock
matching and tables All In eic TOOLS — Automotive, wood- 10-4 Lou of stuff, new and uaed NEVER A COST TO YOU iral air ft haat Ampka parking In floor*. Don't wait. 6176.000
767-9646 or working, ft yard tools Beat of- 220 Central Ave . Union f Free lease* 6 tree credit checks
prrvata lot. MOO plua litaMhaa.
fers. Call 671-0111 or 642-6756 (off Poote Ave ) HOME RENTALS 369-1234 FOUR SEASONS. REALTORS nag Pino Traa. Eaapmown
Can 229-22SS t to 9 54I-6660
300 Autot for Salt 300jlutosjor 5 a l t _ _ 300 Autos tor Sale j 300^Autosfor S a l t _ _ | 300 Autoi for Sale TUESOAV. JULY 3. -984 T h e Dtoily Register B15
0 N l HARLEY DAVIDSON 1fil SUZUKI - OS 650 L. 1962 inalt CAMARO — 1977 6 M auto , 2S.OO0 mi with attended war-
drive under 1400 mi Eac cond Clean Runa well 264-1023 after ranty 5 sp AM/FM stereo E» 300 Autos lor Sale
Dodroowi AC "aw app 300 Autos for Salt
good cond Can 767-4*86 1
^ 300 Autos lor Sale
Mual sen SIMM 530-1066 after ;e cend^Caii 264-2312 aflat 3 30 HONDA CIVIC 1976 - Many new OLOSCUTLAaS 1976 - I H c .
SUMMER RETREAT - 1Q.«5O 2 BOAT SLIP FOR RENT - W.ll .•**-•»•» CAMARO 1979 — pa'Pb A/C. 'USD DATSUN 210 SL - Hatch- perls Runi hke a dreafn1 New in engme P f ' P B auto trans RENAULT R 1 / '_•/• -
Bad'DOm in trailer park on Custom carpel m m • • ; £4800 back Auto A C.AM.FW 40000 A M / F M tiareo cattene 79000 looks & runt ' OOC hrgh mutigr •"••ct-OFt 4 apeed »600 or
scenic St Lawrence Ri*e> accommodate upto39 boat ' SUZUKI — OS 400. 1977 towCall 671-2708 m m Eac cond Call 264-2305 mi .1750 671 j • Asking S600 Car 870-6827 oMPr Call &93-7616
Tnouund it . NV Boat oc age Highland! %$$Q
Martna at Sandy; HONDA CB160
,th elec t freehicond oaraoa aept low n ilaoe Jff r
* Can 544-0916 ,CAMARO 1967 — 327 4 .peed DATSUN 2602 - 1074 Runa HONDA ACCORD ifi. I960 - i OLDS O M E G A - i960 Loader'
• w»'i (3800 6 M o o k w
! . water Call 922-9027 ! Besi offer Can attar 5 291- >604 — rear good cond. new tire*. great Low mileage Needs ntue Speed, i m / t m caa|ene a>r, pa.4 Near lire! naw battery Biac* RlTTENHOUSE
i body wort. $2200 or beat otter a«c_cond Cam 7411669 M>tn red inlenor CsDfOet roO' LINCOLS-MEnCURY INC
139 Cemetery Lois BOA T~ TRAILER ^ l 6 ~ 7 Custom i HONDA XL t DOS 196O~ E n c r o , r ° * O ( * LANO CRUISER 1974 «»">fl «<200 946-2645 | Call Kevin 583-3683 aft 6 p m or HONDA ACCORD 1977 - A / C Priced to ten Phone 946-9554 900 m 35 Ocean T«p 77!. 1500
2 SINGLE GRAVES — At made a. heevy duty, Single . . . . , £ « condI ! 3 l S for luVon ' - " « " • »"O"0 " " »2300 Call CAMARO LT 1976 - 350 V6 4 609-462-9609 AM/FM radio, S -peed 75 000 an afte' 5 pm
Snoraland Memorial Gerdent. winchn white'reedy io go $3501 « 0 0 or uest offer Can 672 W57 - " e - b P m 747-SO42
*_ . r* _ . . * A - * • > « • ~
'apeed. P S / M / A C . AM FW
_•_•_«* kill _ A B * #<A*An n^^Ad L^rtlAi ' DATSUN NX NISSAN PULSAR 2»4 r>wy mil*. 1 driver Call OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME - Newmen Springs Hd Red Bank
Haiiet. m in laat tupper taction ._ HONDA 1972 350 — Eac— " 7 TOYOTA PICKUP — i960 4-
cond - 1983 Fully loaded. AC 9534 1077 2-Dr Aul(> 741 0910
Asking S300 • • 264 6424 MERCURY OUTBOARD - 4 5 600 m.. Beat offer Call \ Wneel drive 4 apd.
Trail Buateroff-road Urea I ; sunroof mini cond Call PS PB PW/AC 4-spkr A M / f M
h p 1992. used 1 season Like evenings 542-4232 ; 530-0706 eves * weekends or HONDA CIVIC 1977 - 99000 stereo cassetie 65.000 rrn Ask- STRAUB BUlCK OPEL
140 Real Estate <.•« Bestoflar_29i-2eO4aner_5 H O N D A 1963 ATC^MeTtTBio
ch.tpme rims KC lights on 'on CARS UNDER %2 000 773-7500 daya. ask for Michael mi Si200 Cell ing $3500 462 3619 NINE ACRES of NewftUsed
Wanted MORGAN 27 — Price lo aell E«c RED Won trader uka new Ask- „ KINGSLEY AUTO SALES Q 291-9009 OLDS 1976 CUTLASS SL1 Cars
s Lo mi Beige oiac«- ( 787-7867 JEEP WAQONEER — 1973 PREME - AC. PW. new paml Hwy 36 264-4000 Keyport
RUMSON W« warn to buy asa>< racer. crutaer In waier ready to mg $1200 Call 222-4146 or fuiiy caoeted E«c cond ! rar-rear OATSUN 200 SX
Full equipped Call 670-2274 kept $6200 Can after 5 CHARGER - .971. rune and Speed At* FU Aulo. PS. PB power tailgate eic cond . 91 000 mi 16 mpg . SUBARU - I960 4 wheel drive
nouee for undaf 170 000 Writ* window, rune well 9995 or beat like new. asking S2600 Cai' aft**' GL wagon etc cond Naw ires
10 Millar. 34 Laural C l . Beigen- 780-3621/780-2863 after 6 tooks greet Brand new mega An roof. 53.000
utter Call 671-6639 9 p m 747 6974 Loaded 54 000 m, $4995 or besi
round Crager/ 6 0 s $700or beat
fieid NJ 07621 PADDLE BOAT — Contour 10, Emc cond Oarage kept 2 000 'TRAILER evy duty utility offer Cell 787-5112/ader 5 p m 642-9352 JEEP CJ7 1979 — Hard » p . 2 offer 747-0515
eic condition teats 4 Beat mi 12600 Can 741-2297 after 6 ' T .4 with bi up ades 1250 DODGE VAN 1977 aoft lopa. rMtata. aluminum OLDS 1979 DELTA 86 - 260 Vrt
offer Call 671-4317 'CHEVY NOVA 1974 - 2 tfow. SUBARU - 1980 4 Dr Good
HONDA V 6S MAGNA - .I M. . ' Call 872-9264 MOM wheei* many e>iraa mini cono . 12960 1981 Cutlass. 3 B Vrt condition S33OO l<rm
72 SEA RAV - 20' long Ex 70 mi lea $3600 Call aher 4 p m , UTILITY TRAILER - Best offer PS. PB A/C.$1100 Cell 671 -03469-5 • •King 96200 747-1714 14500 A/C, full power 4 door
530 1 1 i&or 609 924-7397
cond inboard, out drive Ir 389-2310 ;Call after 4 3 0 p m . Call 747-1^12 high mltee, emc cond 842-4078
DODGE ASPEN 1977 -^~9~Cyl. KARMAN QHIA - 1987. OOOO after 7 or weekends SUBURBAN - 1973 runs we"
walar S3500 FIRM 291-3641 739-1395 CHEVV~CTTATlON 1961 — 4aulo Irani good cond 11950
HONDA 360 197b - j u at tuned body/motor away bar* OLDS 99 1973 - Fully equipped new battery Needa acme body
152 Boats and SEARS GAME FISHER i»83 - lew tires 8.000 mi manyeKiraa fAMAHA - 400 Special 2. eic i door
4 apeed
AM FM Aaking
manual. Call 264-7B47
troni/reer Poracha whaeia Cue- good cond Must aell *450 Call work S'OOO Call 291-9456
Accessories 7 6 HP. uaad once, with remote MOO or beat offer Call after 5. I ;ond 1500 mi Qerege DODGE CMARQER 1972 - AM torn mt Aatona 11400 or bee!attar 9 p m 294-0239 SUPIR BEETLE 1972 - Oood
tank Asking beet offer Mual aell 496-4190 'Helmet me Asking $ 11« 00 Call ™ $3300 671-0629
FM, PS/PB Neede work |7OO ottet 642-6737 cond CaH evenings
12' ALUMINUM JOHN — Call 563-4013 — 739-4932 CHEVY MONTE CARLO 1976 — riTNN PARK CHEVROLET
Rowboat Excailant condition. PS/PB, AC. AM FM 9-track tape. KARMANN QMIA — 1971 Con- Baiea-Laaaing-Service-Pana 741 9042
w\Vt\ oars t oar locus 2 ufa
•TO. $175 Call 495-9750
SAILBOATS HONDA YAMAHA - 360 197S O.rvroed 1*95-4779
: eac running cond 91300 call DODQE VAN 1977 — 49.000 ml mi S3000 747-6515
a/c Maxon auto . chair lift worth
vertible Blue 2 p<ua 2 99,000 R1 99. Neptune 776-1212 T BIRD 1960
YOUNG MARINE COMPANY NEW JERSEY S • 1 VOLUME b i k e . 4 6 0 0 o r g mi Win sacrlf>ca ! — —ZL~ - look S2950 Call 747 3473 PINTO 1974 •>5 000 mi Qood cond
14 FIBERGLASS BOAT — With 60 Concourse Neptune KITSON CHEVROLET CO New brakes a e»haust 9250 $3500
trailer, beet offer Can after 4 On (he Shark River
HONDA DEALER at $225 922-9023/9-5 .CHEW VEGA 1974 - flune DODQE COLT 1974 Call 642-SM2
Rt 9. Freehold suing 9750 CeH 2*4-6534
p m 264-3242 a>k for Mark ; 300 Autos for Sale Call 6 " 9450
462-4661 Call after 6, 494-0144 PINTO WAGON 1974 TOMS FORO
14 BAV SAILER — Uaed l 154 Recreational KAWASAKI 550 LTD 1962 rre- LABRIOLA MOTORS 8700 2O0 Hwy 35 KeypOrt
82105 EMC cond Vehicles Good cond $1,000
Call 261-1702
• 4apO AC. 4dr AMradVO
Good condition 93250 Call
DODOE DARTS 19*9 2 - 1 Iwo- Newman Springs Rd Red Bank
1 tour-dr . both care drive- 741 2433
Call 264 1600
1972 INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 1956 DOSOTO - 4 dr 392 Hemi Ma 6-cyl englnea 6JW A H 5 0 Lancia 1975 — Need! work or for 672-0993 TOYOTA COROLLA 1976 - 4
14 SMOKER CRAFT - 1976 BUS/CAMPER — Rune une well KAWASAKI 90CC 1979 — 6 i engine, 31.000 original mi. Great dr aulo P/B ai< good cond .
1964 Bimo traiWr With two T% Many M extras included Aaking *P*»«J CHEVY VEQA OT — 1974.
~rieln 81. Keanaburg part* Beat otter CaH after 5 PINTO 1972 - Runs good, good
body, needs brahea. 9100 Call 62 000 rni 11600 Must sell
n p Marcury motora. plut 2 $4000 For mlo call 739-4657 ^udjD , . I Hatchback New Engine DODGE OMNI — 1979. «ir. 767-5037 after 6 p m 996-0643 747-3148
•MIVW aaala 1 accassorias Call
n A a<de I,rebuilt in 1992 Aak for Lorie. 37.000 m l , aulo Irana, EX- LINCOLN — Mark IV, 2 d r .PLYMOUTH — 1990. Horlton, 4 TOVOTA COROLLA - 1962 4
a nOa
642-0956 TFtEMCLV CLEAN 62990 Call alereo. iealh«r mt PB. pow
3 leaps 4 $eso KAWASAKI 440 UTO — tEC ' P"P*. A»king |75O Call *9b-t»72 • 291-4t32/after 9 > ap , manual steering. P/B. airOf . aid trans red Very good
16' RUNABOUT — With 40 hp Call 496-2426 0 ; CHEVY MON2A 1975 2 * 2 •vmd . new brakee Needa minor rear window defrost AM Red'condition 94790 495-3326
Mercury Engine runs. n««ds a
nT '*'
i ma work New aianer Hull |ual CHEVROLET TRUCK - With aett KAWASAKI KZSSO 1991 * Mint , aulo PS/PB Good Urea Exc
| AMC WAOON 1971 - 9 cyl 4-apeed
cond DODGE TRADESMAN VAN 1976 work Aihiny |600 or trade tarala 96.000 mi Oood oond TOVOTA CORONA 1974
- Eac cond. 94.000 fflllea Call wan of equal value 291-1602
- 92960 747-3169 | cond good tires 80 000 mi
reconditioned New aeata contained slide-In camper
cond.. gerge kept, 1,000 mi j trans $350 Call 229-9254 CHEVY NOVA 1968 — 4 door 6
797-499* efler 6 p m LINCOLN CONTINENTAL " "all 741 1706
AM/FM atefeo Oaa tanks, bat- $3995 Call 542 9496 1962. Signature model Burgun- PLYMOUTH SATELLITE 1974 -
lenea water akis Many aitraa CORSAIR TRAVEL TRAILER — 11900 Call i A"MC~ J A V E I T N t1*69~~— E«c icyt-. rune, needs some carb. 4 DO0QE DART - 1174. 4 d r . dy 6 eltver 913.900 CaH 2 door. AC. new front brakesTOYOTA COROLLA 1976 - 4
M 5 0 or beat offer Can 671-93.8 1974. 23 FT, sleeps 6, full bath, O7I-U2O , , i mechanical cond stereo Must eKheusi work. * 2 M or beat Offer P/S, P/9). auto trena 9*00 Call 727-1691 body cond la good 9400 firm cly. 4 apeed, <une eac . 35 m p g
awning, hitch included Good SU8UKIOS 1100 E 1 9 9 0 - Exc see 9675 Call 747-9514 '942-9148 _ 747-1212 CaH 496-3730 AM/FM good tees. $1000 or
16 HOBYCAT — Gray hull, t cond Low m Very faat 12300 AMC CONCORD DL - 1991 4 CHEVY PICK UP C10 1977 - LOCALLY-DRIVEN USED CARS PLYMOUTH 1973 — 2 dr~Fury besi otter Call 787 7390
•ails E«c cond S25OO i cond $3600 Call 767-3116 - PRICED P.IQMT RA88A8 v-6 runa. aa la t i s o New tinted USED VOLKSWAOEN - EN-
671-2706 DO DOE - 1972. open roed, RV. Call 971-2709 Cyt 4 Spd 50 000 mi Good Moat factory options 9297ft CaM PONTIAC. 396 BROAD BT . RED windshield Celt after 9 p m OINES A TRANSMISSIONS
Bleeps 6 Stove, retrlg, bath SUZUKI ON400X - 1991 _ tirae One owner Oot rew car 946-9091. after 6 P M
16 FT SEA BREEZE - 60 I Good cond 30.000 mi $6000 condition Aaking 9650 or beet i List $4000 Will take 12850 CHEVY IMPALA - 1974 2 Door
Don't Settle For BANK 741-6190 767-1923 GUARANTEED OTHER USED
Johnson 4 H P Ewanrude li
mg motor 1982 Sea Lion i FIRM 767-2034 Otter Call 747-1*79 • 229-9254 I Black with white top 9 cyl 9190 W-H-O-L-E-S-A-L-E MARQUIS 1979 - Cleaetc type, PLYMOUTH 1979 CHAMP - PARTS
eefcing M 000 Cell 747-6936.
vanned trailer, bimlni top. I FORD CAMPER/VAN 1969 - 8 SUZUKI 1S74 - T(_ . To or beat o«er 294.9694 t«M your cer. truck or wan the Sttck-ehltt, deluxe mode), red CALL KENNY THEODORE
buill pump EHC for fishing J A STAR IS BORN... leaelonaJ way Can Lou eak for Mra. Meredith
exc cond 92.000 Call 291-3075 741-BMO
cyl . auto trans., fully equipped speed, not made anymore 2097 ""I CHEVELLE 1 6 cyl, 1 __ en. BUHLEfl 9 BITTER MARK IV 1B73~L>NCOLN CON- PLYMOUTH VOLARE 1977 -
.no $1050 Call after 6 p.m 1 orlgn ml, electric atari, very Irans, 2 dr. n UEGAGT 1074
-4574 good cond Collectors item Ask- two i C H R V S L E R - P L V M O U T H . TINENTiAL — 2 dr . full power Station Wagon 4-dr. A/C. PB Runs Good
797-7390 294-6000 AC. new urea $1000 firm CeN PS, good cond Call 741.4233
17' FIBERGLASS - 120 hp I/O NIMROD - Pop-up Camping
9760 licensed for 1994. Call * I CHEVROLET 1978 SCOOTER — NATIONWIO& AUTO BROKER 942-7300
-3699 Attract more r after 6 p m Call 544 1473
Full covers Coaat Guard equip trailer Good condition Needs 4 cyi, 4 speed. 49,000 ml, aaa
Ready to go Ashing K2900 Evea canvaa Only $300 671-0966 TRIUMPH - 1974 790 oc. 3 cyl , Ing a STAR i cond Grand daughter muat eett MAVERICK — 1974, light Wo VOLVO SOOES 1972 Eic
6 weekend! 229-4792/222-9667 Motor juat redone Have an re- bottom of your ad For data lo eettte estate 11600 229-6264 runs, neede work 9300 or be PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1973 - cond . 65 000 mi AC auto . «
TENT TRAILER-19ST teipta Must sell 9873 739-0931 ! call the Daily Register Ciaaaifi EL DORADO 197? - All wrtraa, offer Call after S or Thura Aulo trana. PS, 9 cyl. new carb
19' MINUET - wail made tioned sleeps 4 or 5. toe bo* 4 Department 642-1700 good oond white * red. 17.000 Sun all day. 388-1264 runs good 9290 firm. Cal owner beet offer Call 264-6696
beetiful imea, like new cond sink $675 Call 671-S42S after 5 YAMAHA XS 400 - 1M0 E»cel- mi Must aee ItOOO CeN MAZDA - 90, RX 7. 3900 ml.. 9 797-9609 VOLVO 164 1909 - Body good
Genoa, winchee. fully equipped tent condition Aaking U 5 0 Can 670 1977 runs QOOCI needs clulch ( 6 0 0
Free tessons muat aelll Make " :h 671-SM1 I CHEVY BEL AIR - 1667 3 Dr.. 4 ap, air, AM/PM. pin stripe, fac- PLYMOUTH SPORT «URY 1977 Call 942-B627
offer Can 671-4722 TRAVEL TRAILER - 1972 Erne FIAT BPYDEft — 1BB1 Con* tory aun $7200 or f a d e for van — PS/PB auto . 9 c y l , 79.000
cond. 17 ft. full oath, emh,YAMAHA NO 260 1674 - Runa ' . , lDn)l 1 o f t . . .e . „ n^* . , , j «P-I . • cyt 263 cu in Ruf verlbM 31.000 ml AM/FM 94t-0—3/797-t991 ml Exc oond Must eeel 92400 VOLVO- Naw 6 Used

18' FLEETCRAFT — All giaaa stove/oven, healer, sieepe6. Op- good,

many ecceeeoriee.
aooeeeoriee. new new *V. . I " ' > - . 2 ! ? - - 2 2 ? d ^ ? . ' Needs work S7M T41.MTI alerao 0 M M f H 6 apd Aaking MAZDA 1990 - f U . OLS, 9- or beat offer 264-7924 9alesparia-service-body shop
battery, asking $600 Can CHEVELLE LEOUNA 1674 — 7 SHORE MOTORS
115 Marc OB Trailer with power tional 1973 Chrysler with hitch •7000 Call 291 1936 PLYMOUTH FURY 1971 — 2Ri 3 5 Wan 326-7600
winch Exc cond m water. Ash- for lowing $2000. Call 871-6020 400 engine. 400 tranamlawon. door, hard top. am/fm. air. ps,
AUDI 5000 S 1B64 — PS/PB/AC
ing $5500 OF best otter Can after YAMAHA K8 1100 1990 - new AM FM slareo auto Irene PS. PB. A/C. buckets. AM/FM. FIAT BPVDCR COMVERTIBLI -
1976. A M / F M nareo. New top.
316, 80,000 original m l . first VOLVO PARTS SALE Na<w-
5, 741-2447 tlrea. axe cond. auras S12S0 Leather mi 6.000 mi Cell new tire* 1700 Call 767-7360 brakee Reoent paint 10b EMC
9500 or beai offer tafcee used, tor oldies, restorers
> Call 496-1298 anytime S1B.500 946-fM54 attar 6 * CHEVY CHEVELLE 1673 — 767-5O40 Cheap' RED BANK VOLVO
1961 OWENS BOAT — 27 oond in and out Celt 971-1278 MERCURY COMET - 1974 9
Sleeps 6. S n«w life jackets New YAMAHA VIRATO 1991 weekends Ps/pb aulo.. stereo ceasani, PLVMOUUTM VOLARE 1679 - 741-5866
750. With raring, 91500 FIAT — 1979. Bpon Wagon. 9660 cyt AC Oood tranaportatton 91.000
CBftrefrigerator Aaktng $3500 Call 797-9397 AUTO FOR SALE — 1971 ButCk . Not running Cell Beti offer Call 496 9235 attar 9 AM/FM ml.PS. PB, auto trans VOLKSWAGEN i960 BUG —
ceasetie Good cond Nice shape, good cond $990
Docked et Speakers Manna low mi , runa good. 94U-9BB2 after a/5. 893-4906 tfaHy pnr Aaking ItBOO or beat offer Con- Call 220-0045 attar R p m
Sea 6 ng h i C a I • 4 »5 2979 220 Wanted YAMAHA 1979 650 - Special li. • need, eahauat. first SfOO lekea FIREBIRD ESPRIT - 1960 1 MERCURY CAPR11979 tact Mr Raymond Hall. 996-3633
1977 26' CHRtS~CRAFT F/Q - enc. cond, under 4.000 mi Call Call 531-2162 VOLVO - 1979 242 DL auto
Mint cond Hoi showef. etec- Automotive • aee Den Dom at Dorn a Photo C H E W 1677 IMPALA WAOOM ner. garage kept, only 14.00 9 cyl. 4 apeed. SS96 att 9 p.m
BAJA BUG - EMC oond . 67.000 m l , newml. PW A M / F M alereo. new Call 641-9499 air elareo E>c cond 38 000 mi
irosan chargaf Call 642-0993 WE BUY USED CARS — TopShop. 747-2273 Beet offer PLYMOUTH DUSTER 1976~ "~ S68O0 Call 544-0465
li'ea. brahee a shocks AC, Vrat. rear defog Like naw MERCURY CAPRt 1993 — 4Org ml garaged, aid
1967 26 FT T~ROJ AN Cabin dollar patd Schwaru Chryeler- Mutt go this week
Cruiaer — Fresh water cooled Plymouth. 141 W Front S t . Red 290 Trucks A PS/PB. PW SHOO firm 844-19*8 or 870-1799 apead. 19.900 mi A M FM Good oond 11096
VW RABBIT C 1978 - 4 doo<
Cal auto trans. AC. AM FM EHC
Cell 747.76*4 ! 741-0610. after ft C4« 642 M i lFIREBIRD - 1992 VS. S / I in M. eumoof CaH 671-0229 499-9141
engine with Ford interceptors Benk 747-0767 Traitor* cond $2150 Cell 9 5 7 0 2 4 7
Many «»Ua» Can 496-3906 BUHLER 4"BITTER INC~ , aak lor Fred Of Sue tarter, fluaaam mage, auto MERCEDES 1991 2400 -
250 Auto Insurance I960 CHEVY PICK-UP - Deluxe Plymouth Chryslef-MO-Jegi ! CHEVY IMPALA 1970 — l-df., PS/PB/PW AC. AM/FM etarae 31.000 m l . 4 apd . AC. P9/PB, PONTIAC QRAND LE MANS VW RABBIT - 1976 4 dr aulo
1690 - Automatic, AM/FM. 9\ eir cond vary good cond Blue
1976 14 FT BATOU - Cuaiom 7 window cab. utility body In- 3290 Hwy 3ft 1 oasaam undarooatlng 27,000 navy Wue. red pin atripe. e u PB, A/C. wood grain, roof rack
400 engine, good running oond . $1300 or besi offer 747 " 0180
bulli. Seeman deaign varmthed ALL AUTOS cludee specially designed cap B U I C K LE6ABRE 1 M
many aMtrapana including hood limited edition
4 dr —19. 99996 CaM 691-1042
" " ejr, stereo tut. needs body work, as la. 9990 FIREBIRD 1970 - Oood cond cond . 916.300 Cell 747-3263 low milea £>c oond 96)96 Cal
wood, controlsftsteering rigged VW - Faet bac 1973 1
for outboard $1250 Call Mr. Auto Insurance *?* d d UMddil eac cond 30.000 ml 99960
Call 294-0926 after 9 p.m.
91900 or beat offer CaH after 6
MERCURV CAPRI - 1979.4 oyt. 671-7960
Rebuilt engine
20% down. 7 lew monthly pay- Muat eell $2300 747-3019 4 to . rune well Low ml AM/FM PONTIAC LE MANS 1971
677-0756 747.4112 daya/787-6617 evea p.m. S71-919t
menla immediate coverage 711 Good oond 86,000 ml. 4 new$790/264-662/
I960 ALL FIBERGLASS— 14 FT, Hwy 36. Shrewsbury ButCK LIMITED i very good oond Aaking |1200 FIREBIRD - IBBOTMO. 4 ep 11400 ilrea. AM/FM caaaette. 9960 Can VW 1970 - Rune well Clean
Phantom Sailboat Fully i Reeae hitcn, trailer 671-6827 maide 6 out. AM/FM cattail*
Call after 6/942-4974 Body needa minor repeir Have
equipped. aa»s Ntejackecta.
hitch. 6 trailer E-c cond $925 or
747-4000 brake, cap. S650 Can 842-50*6
INTERNATIONAL 1973 SCOUT ahape Must see to appreciate [CHEVROLET 1971 IMPALA
efl pesta for complete reeto
t n 747-9666
MERCURY MARQUIS PONTiAC" 1679 - Pnoenl* 2 deck 4 epaad Call 530 3072 or
74 7 4058 atler ( p m
best Ofar 291-4316 before 9 a m 9ROUQHAM - 1979. PS/PB. door. VB auto . air. 79.000 mi
or attar 6 p m I
ALL AUTOS ~ Mint oond.. AC, PS. full trailer 946-4590 dr . hard lop. ortg owner. 39.000
FiriffBIRO 1969 - Oood cond. pow windows pow locks Air PS/PB Clean Wall kept 92750 VWBUO1970 Reouill engine,
Mr. Auto Insurance hitch. 92,000 Ca" 797-7600, BUICK LA SABRE — 1076 4 dr ml 1605 £ali 747-6369 new 390 engine. PW. PS C MAM/FM stereo 74.000 mi Only Celt 747-0632 new Clulcn new eMheual megt
1960 22 5"BAYLINER - Merc 20% down. 7 low monthly pay- evea 291-5965 120K hwy ml engine good, body :' CHEVY CITATION - 1990, 4 ap efter 9 30 p m . 294-4996 11.300 972-9499 sunroof flared tende't 4 many
Cruiaer. freah w.iter cooled. ments Immediate coverage 711 BONANZA T R A V C L T R A I L E R~ - noi so good Mechanically P'B Beat offer FOND PINTO HATCHBACK - MERCURY CAPRI 1961 — 4 c y l . PONTIAC CATALINA 1970 6
feiler 6 equipment. $10,500 Hwy 36, Shrewsbury 197t 18. steeps 6. awnings Ask sound Bun. good AN power | 767-3011/799 4510 cyl. air oond, 6400 or beat offer entree Aaking I ' 100 787-7439
1976 49.000 ml AM/FM atereo ft speed, a/c. pb/pe. am/tm Can 767-87*9 VW BEETLE 1971 - Hum very
Call 670-0426 or 74-7640 mg S28O0 Call 642-6219 days, 1900 747-5536 C H E W IMPALA 1979 - 2 dr elfcaiaewa Qood running con- nasasm s*areo. 28 020 m l . eac well, naedt paint beat offer Can
1961 BAYLINER '5 - 60 John-
son, with trailer Call 787-0945
747-4000 571-0496 evenings BUICK CENTURY — 1060 4 dr 6 i cond , PS/PB. AM/FM radio, dition Neede breke work 9600 cond . 84796 CaH 223 4629
cyl Vinyl lop Ziabert New tires electric wheel window defogger firm 942-9499
PONTIAC VENTURA 1071 671-3456
Thla la e Chevy Nova In Ponliac
270 Auto Sarvlc**/ CHEVY PICK UP 1974
E « cond cond $375013750 CaJlCall 530-7523
530-7523 770.000 0 « » m i . S3600 CeH499-j479
MERCURV BOBCAT 1676 - trim. 2 dr. auto trans. PS alereo VW BUS 1970 - Rebuilt Irani
Part* •peed, irans. 350.2 BBL. 3% ion. E«c FORD PINTO Station Wagon - 4 Wagon Auto trana. new caaeetta Has been dependable 1000m. onnewheadt cleen A i
Crafl - 120 Me«cru<aer i'O with WOO Celt 739-6721 after 9 end B u l C K O P E L _ , 9 7 8 very good CHEVY 1991 CHEVETTE - 4- cyi, 4 apeed 9400 or beat otter shook a Mint condition 6 looks good 9660 Call daya cond $700 Call between 6-10
trailer $1600 Cal' 767-5448 1972 MONTE CARLO PARTS - ask for Don condition 70.000 mi Aaking dr.. 5-apd dteeel. with ruet proof- Call 797-6739 after 6 30 p m CaM 739-4069 496-3470 p m 78/ i(HM
20' 19731 MARK T W A I N . - T / 6 \ doora. aaatt trunk, a almost CHEVY PICK UP 19) I t 500 or beat offer Call , mg. many eatraa 923*0 CeN MOaVOT - 1967 Run*, we*)
168 h p . new outdrive, trailer,! avarvtning Call 4 H - 3 0 M Runs good $700 294-7366 291-H06(K byaineea ati-4190 FORO FAIRMONT 1990 - Oood engine & tlrea Ideal aee PONTIAC LEMANS WAGON VW PARTS New Wholesale
beat offer 741-4295 or S30-4116 Call after 4. 767-9946 Pb/pe A/C. 4 door, 2-tone gotd ond car Needa aome interior 6 price* lo public Sofei carbt
BUICK SKYLARK 1979 - Exc j CHEVY NOVA 1979 - PS. AC, 66.200 ml. eic cond. 94000 969 heater nonce $5? bump 1
20 OLASTRON - With 115 h p !CAMARO 67/99 — High per-1 CHEVY 1978 — Super custom cond. pa'pb A/C auto 92600 A M / F M Mereo caasews. new CeN 642-9490 after 6 p m and body work Beat offer over 9900 oond Low ml. M900 era $15 05 comoiete eihaun
Johnson motor Exc water akl or: formenceeMhauaiayatem. heed- van. many e-iree 62.000 m . . • Call 741-0453 after 5 p m lires. brakeejshocks.oerburetar weekends
I 12500 CtWI 971-7960 systems $39 Bfi running boards
tithing boet in the water. 1964 era. duala. for email block. 996 17,000 5 8 or beet offer Cai BUICK SKYLARK 1976 FORD MU8TANCi 1t«7 — Feet MO M l l l U l ! 1»;» AM'fU PONTIAC GRAND PRiK 187? - $12 95 Short block $4?ft Can
Slip paid Asking $2500 Call, Call eves
671-7714 daya. 264-8066 ' I ? : * * . •Her 9 pm
Ask for Warren 9 cyl Auto beck auto Iran*. PB. PB Exc excellent, garaged 92900 Call Rune well Firal 9250 laheeitl Cal 583 M 1 9 r Oatya
747-0469 CORSAIR TRAVEL ' Call 767-0070. alar 5 P M CHEVY - 1967 4-dr . good 2nd mini oond 91900 or beat offer 681-9650 days. 942-3433 evea 739-1690. after 4 30 VW RABBIT - 1S77 AM/FM
cer Runsw«i Good tlrea 9160 Call Mike 666-7537 9-7 p m or MUSTANG 1969 Rebuilt en- caaaelte Runa well Body yooti
2V MFG 1978 Merc'lTC 7 ! COSWORTM ENGINE - Com-l 1974. 23 FT. sleeps 6. full belh. aiijjck ELECTRA~LTD - 1971 4 787 2582 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE 1971-
Coast guard equip Electronics, [.iste with all EFI harness com. awning, hitch included Good O r , ut , p o w - , , o w n # , U2i o . 971-7943 gine 6 irenemiealon 9700 or beet P8/PB/AC good irena H 7 6 Athing$1ft00 2919429 9 9
woonng EKC cond $7900 Call CHRYSLER CORDOBA - 1992 F041D LTD - 1972 Runa good offer Call 739-6208 CaH 797-16M_^ VW RABBIT 1976 - 93K clea"
495 0055 10.000 mi on thla rebuilt steel DODGE VAN 1977 Fully loaded EnceUent condition Mtrateeli 9400 Call between 9 9 MUSTANO 1077 - 40 000
sieeied block Includes headers BUICK L I SABRE 186' - 4 door SeoOO Call 264-2994 1 battery end t
22 2 CARVER CAMPER 1976 - clutch, flywheel, bellhousing. 4 $3000 sedan Limited edition, air 9 pm 291-374S an new rediaia auto. AM/FM PONTIAC SAFARI WAOON 1979
- P8/AC. ml in exc cond . ext Call 291-3414
6 beam, sleeps 4. loada of ex- gold rime * decala to match Can Call_671.Q349. 9 a m . » p m Stereo, tilt E«c cond 30 000 mi CHRYSLER CORDOVA - 1076 FORO PINTO — 1S79 4 apd aaaaene e»c body 6 running haa ona email dent Trane needa VW RABBIT CUSTOM 1977
tras e»c cond Can 767-9323__ 264-5663 DODGE PICK-UP 1969 - Aulo $6650 747-4112. 797-6617. Sharp S14B6 or 9)eet Offer Original owner Excellent con- cond 12900 Call 971-9010 work Beet otter ovr 9400 Call 36.000 m l . am/tm caateiiu
eac cond but needs from end Cell 663-6714 dition New Urea 11400 or beat NOVA 1974 - 1 owner in good 971-4909 Stereo. 92000 Call 9670773
23 SAiLBOAT - " ODiy
Tempeat Fully equipped Sea- 9300 BUlCK ESTATE WAGON 1 0 7 8 - ' CHRYSLER 1879 CORDOBA - otter 747-9924 cond Beet offer Cell before 8.
PONTiAC" BUNBIP.D 1979 — 4
gull OB Ready to tail $6500 Special parte Call 294-6072 La 5 m In
" * * " m # «•»• '«• 9 passenger 74 000 m< e«c New trans. PS/PB.tiiSO Must FOND 1997~— With A/C. good 383-8500. after 6. 496-2996 cyl. auto . PS/PB AM FM, AC 00
D M , 946-2727 Eves, week- DODGE TRADESMAN 1878 - tOfia" 93200 Call 741-6621 or aee to appreciate Call 294 9914 engine 6 Urea, new radiator Juat recherged 93.000 mi Well
ends 946-8808 Newer eng installed 6/84 54.000 747-2064 CHRYSLER '073 NEWPORT - Needa heedttgM/fender work kepi Aeatng 91900 Cal'
23 MAKO — 1979 1960 MERC 3 L K ! '1t. "JS^JJSfi* BUCK ELECTRA - 1971.2 dr Custom
u runs good. 9300 Calf Sen ea -» 9296 or (or pane Can S30 3793 after 6
642-2113 ^_
225 S/S prop T Top Loran DF V8 89.000 mi fu n power and 291-3953 SUPREME PONTIAC VtNTURA 1974
VHF, 124 gal All covers Riggers
S/W temp 534-915'
reliable New brakes 9 rebuttt
engme Surfece rust but no de'nta
or holes Needs mu'fier Mutt
irewaDury Awe
741-3130 or beat offer CaH evea 642-7079
FORD I960 LTD - 4-dr eedan 1979 - Mag wtteela. AM FMNeeda engine work, new tirea A
Shrawebury 302 V9 PS/PB AC. auto 93900 stereo Nuns good 91200 CeH new battery 9300 or beet offer
Call 747-9*43
Fiberglaas fu" kiel. draws 3 ' 1430 Cell 741 6647 sell immed First $200 takes it 264 72*0
CONCORD OL 1990 — 9 cyl. OLDS 1977 CUTLASS — Su- PONTIAC FIREBIRD - 1971.
Evinrude 9 9 h p Electric start E'VAN 1974^- E«c cond" 631-21SJ OEOROEWALL preme Brougham, lull power SAO engine. PS auto 9900 or
Safety lines fully equipped, for!
I Sleep, Upper Room Spiritual
BUICK SKYLARK - 1969. 2 dr winda
aulo. PS/PB. air p/locks A
Shrewabuvy Ave at Sycamore
loaded eac cond 70.000 ml beet otter Call 971-3436 Young I
i 3546
671-1044 9-3 30. Mon -Fri
O t W O E O «
1991 Fully equipped Shoal _ 1974 Runs good ashing 1200. Call 291-3714
~ ~






TRAILER - i n |b o d y n # # d , _., n , ; 4 000 m


55i CORVETTE 1976 - Auto trans
eeklno 93700 CeH 261-4334 PONTIAC - U Mini, Safari
747-1400 after a p m
A/C. PW. 4 new tirea. 49.000 mi. work but runa good CeM 1673 — Oood running cond cyl Muat aarl/going beck 10
Wagon, 1973 Runa well 1200
SUP R EM I Alao, Plymouth Dutter 1973. 9
For Su\v
draft. E»c cond CaM 842-6992 9225 Call 229-6763 anytime i mint cond Call 399-2999 ewes 739-8993 8600 or b«et offer 797-7Q63 achool. 9900 Call 671-4769
32' ENDEAVOR 1077 — 20 h.p m 6 Cyl 222-6900 days aek for 'rank OLDS DELTA 9 9 - 1 9 9 ! PORSCHE IBM*— 914 2 liter
dleeel 5 Hood sent Electronic* V PARTS - Wholesale pncee o * Cyi thift pendabie auto 596-3502 QRAN TORINO 1173 - AM FM . ROY ALE
public Sole* cerbe. -»99 * 6 9 - 1 1 7 1 Weekends CORVETTE - 1976 L-46. Sting BR Aulo AC Lootae 4 rune vary clean CaM 47 ShrBwsbury * » •
Many extras New Imron Exc AC. new Urea A eaheual 9396 or PS/PB'PW/PL, C/C TH1. V 747-4613
«ier boaea. 962 Bumper* »newer. 942-9634
cond Sacrifice quich aale Make 915 95 Complete eahauat aya- : beat otter Can 49^.Q«IO Had Bank. 747-0301
ORD VAN 1970 — Work truck. v > haue! syi wipers Remote trunk look RE 11 BANK MOTORS INC
Offers 222-6977 tems 139 95 Running boards >eai offer Cell QREMLIN 1978 - Neede work. A M / F M atereo caiaetta 2-Torw
671-1329 131 Newman Springe. Red Bank
$12 05 Short block. 9425 Call 8721345 or 797-5169 but runa good 1300 Can Silver grey Sharp' Aeking 97796 Dodge-AMC Jeep- Rene ult
250 Auto Insurance 583-6619 7 daya STINGRAY 1971 — 4 H 2 U 2 Even 671 9266 747-0040
Ible black lop • in
280 Motorcycla*

a A/C. PS, PB, new
• BUdliFT BUDGFT *\ 1978 K2 400
9880 CAMARO — 1992 Grey Mint
3MCPICK-UP 1979 - SKI cond PS/PB/PW AC. AM/FM iighta a hood tiVOOOnag Altar
I BUDGET : Call 842 4546 •ng megs 30,000 ml 4 10 p m 201-294-9911
laat HONDA CM400 - CuaMm '41-6032 after
AUTO * 6291-1108
ipd too m i . a«c cond Can DATSUN 290 ZX 1979 - 49.000
or bualnaaa 291-4180
* 350 CC HONDA — Blue, many
l G d d 9400 b t
Needs no work
mi Brand naw tlraa. dutch.
V6 Yellow, auto anocka. luna-up • banwry 97900
or bwai oflar 997-0914 or (112)
tlflO PACIFICO - Full alia fair-
I mg. wtm tall windahleW Mini
I S275 787-0637 or 934-3060
1959 panhead Beat otter C a


I T E R 1000 1977 All chr
Red Bank I 5 000 original mites Beet
I 493-4576 after 5

300 Autos for Sale 300 Autos for Salt

One* a v*av, Voikewagan

buiMa tha Oarman-engt
rtaarad Wotfaburo umrtad
Edition Rabbit its loaoed wtth
VOLVO othar
special feat urea from o n * and lo tha
at a apaoial prtca) Baiter coma aavty
We axpaci loll of traffic
HAS f l i t CABS!
150 New Volvos in Stock! Tha I»S4 WoUlbur,
not • ea».
o Voltilwaa^n
SELECT. Don't Settle!
SALES BONANZA The Rabbit Diet* costs leu than any
NEW 1984 SUBARU DL WAQ0N other n«w Volkswagen What do you
St« «S938 4 cyl 8 apd man V a n . man rack ' got (Of so little? Very little Very little
t pmton ataar. P/aaaw (Mac orakaa. AM/FM
radio, lira manor carpal. Ml M l raMala LW fuel bills. Very little upkeep Test drive
Prna I72M the Diesel as soon as you can
OUR P R I C E : $6932


°F«NANCING! ' Praaant thla ad lor dtacount Offar «iowaa Ju*y 7. 1994


savia • rum • UASMG » SAUS t u r n CAM otALMH
SHORE MOTORS H I 1 U9CD CM U l l l • nuns • LUSM0 • Unmet


201/542-5900 mZSZ MOTOR CAR CO
528-7500 Se*Mt
Prloaa aiclyda U i a i 9 HV laaa
Pana RT. 9, FREEHOLD, N.J. 201 -462-5300
j n S I V ' S # 1, VOLVO AGIMCY Men Fri Man Fn I I . Sal »30 12)0
tWtWiifd Mtfceset-teiii Volkiwoqtn SALES - SERVICE - LEASING - PMITS

\ •
B16 TheDhilyRegtaier TUESDAY, JULY 3. 1984

June 28-July7: Wre Having a


VVr'n' bringing 'n a wave of the hottest Enjoy the heat by coming down to your local
Oldsmobiles in America.
The # 1 selling car, Olds Cutlass Supreme. Shore Olds Dealer: "
The #:$ selling car, Olds Cutlass (. iera.
The # 6 selling car, Olds Delta «8. FREE I C E C R E A M just for coining in.
The affordable. Olds Pirenza.
The practical Old* Oni' r K f c C I v E v l l H T l when you take a test drive.
AIR! the new luxurious I
Ninety Right. (A car so exciting
ahe K
Prom each of your Shore Olds Dealers,
Youi K I (ealei n you'll have a chance to \un a 15 cubic foot Magic
prices awa\ to iruike room foi zer.
Oldsmobili ill. They') So come on down and enjoy the heat wave...
nvilin ;unt! wlule it lasts! You get more at the Shore.

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