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EE211 | Electrical Machines

Tutorial: AC Fundamentals
1. Three circuit elements, R  10  , C  50  F , and L  140  H , are connected in series and
excited by a 60 Hz sinusoidal source. a) Sketch the circuit configuration; b) Identify and
find the value of two series-connected elements that could be substituted without change
in the source current.

2. For the circuit in P8, identify and find the value of two parallel-connected elements that
could be substituted without change in the source current.

3. The circuit configuration of P8 is now changed such that all components are connected in
parallel. a) Sketch the circuit configuration; b) Identify and find the value of two parallel-
connected elements that could be substituted without change in the source current.

4. For the network of Figure P4, the two loads are

Load 1: 20 kW @ 0.8 PF lagging
Load 2: 10 kW @ 0.707 PF leading
The loads are fed from the 50 Hz source VS through a feeder line with impedance
Z  j 0.2  .
a. Determine currents I1 , I S and source voltage VS if the load voltage is
VL  4800 V .
b. Describe a single equivalent load for the two loads.

IS Zli ne I1 I2

VS Load 1 Load 2

Figure P4

5. Determine the value of a capacitor C that if placed across the parallel-connected loads of
Problem 11 would correct the combined load PF to:
a. unity.
b. 0.95 leading

6. For the network of Figure P4, Load 1 is described by 10 kw @ 0.866 PF lagging and
Load 2 is a 6  resistor. Load voltage VL  2400 V . The feeder line has an impedance
Z  0.5  90  . Determine (a) the source current I S , (b) the average power PS
supplied by the source, and (c) the value of source voltage VS .
7. A single-phase load is supplied with a sinusoidal voltage v(t )  200 cos(377t ) . The
resulting instantaneous power is
p(t )  800  1000 cos(754t  36.87)
(a) Find the complex power supplied to the load. (Hint: Use trig identity to collate cosine
and sine terms and then convert it to phasor form).
(b) Find the instantaneous current i  t  and the rms value of the current supplied to the
(c) Find the load impedance

8. An inductive load consisting of R and X in series feeding from a 2400-V rms supply
absorbs 288 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. Determine R and X.

9. An inductive load consisting of R and X in parallel feeding from a 2400-Vrms supply

absorbs 288 kW at a lagging power factor of 0.8. Determine R and X.

10. Two loads connected in parallel are supplied from a single-phase 240-V rms source. The
two loads draw a total real power of 400 kW at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. One of the
loads draws 120 kW at a power factor of 0.96 leading. Find the complex power of the
other load.

11. The load shown in Figure P11 consists of a resistance R in parallel with a capacitor of
reactance X. The load is fed from a single-phase supply through a line of impedance
8.4  j11.2 . The rms voltage at the load terminal is 12000 V rms, and the load is
taking 30 kVA at 0.8 power factor leading.
(a) Find the values of R and X.
(b) Determine the supply voltage V.

Figure P11

12. Two impedances, Z1  0.8  j5.6 and Z 2  8  j16 , and a single phase motor are
connected in parallel across a 200-V rms, 60-Hz supply as shown in Figure P12. The
motor draws 5 kVA at 0.8 power factor lagging.

Figure P12
(a) Find the complex powers S1, S2 for the two impedances, and S3 for the motor.
(b) Determine the total power taken from the supply, the supply current, and the overall
power factor.
(c) A capacitor is connected in parallel with the loads. Find the kvar and the capacitance
in  F to improve the overall power factor to unity. What is the new line current?

13. Two single-phase ideal voltage sources are connected by a line of impedance of
0.7  j 2.4 as shown in Figure P13. V1  50016.26V and V2  5850V . Find the
complex power for each machine and determine whether they are delivering or receiving
real and reactive power. Also, find the real and the reactive power loss in the line.
(Hint: Find I12 and then S12 and S21

Figure P13

1. R  10; C  50 F
2. R  290.7; C  48.33 F
3. R  10; L  140.141 H
4. I1  52.083 A; I S  63.36  9.46 ; Peq  5000W @0.986 pf lagging
5. C  11.51 F; C  34.21 F
6. I S  85.13  16.4 ; PS  19.6kW ; VS  231.6  10.15 V
7. S  800  j 600 ; i(t )  10cos(377t  36.87 )A ; Z L  20 36.87
8. R  12.8; X  9.6
9. R  20; X  26.667
10. S2  280 kW  j335 k var
11. R  60; X  80;V  1250 16.26V
12. S1  1  j 7kVA; S2  1  j 2kVA; S3  4  j3kVA; I  50  53.13 A; C  530.5 F ; I  300 A
13. I12  7053.13 A; S12  28,000  j 21,000VA; S21  24,570  j32,760VA

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