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Improving the Quality of National Generation

For fulfil the Final Task

Course of Stages of Joint Preparation

Written by:
Refani Dwiyani (140410170094)



Education is an important factor in national development. The problems of the

improvement of the quality of education such as the low effectiveness and efficiency of
education implementation need to be solved properly by improving the quality of
education services such as schools, improving access to education in remote areas,
lowering the cost of education, providing a lot of educational assistance such as
scholarships, fixing the curriculum use, give the welfare of teachers so that teachers are
more competent as a teacher, and so on. Improving the quality of education needs a good
cooperation between the government and society so that the goals of education can be
achieved and make the successor generations of the nation more qualified, intelligent,
creative, and good in morally so it could reach various achievements that can make
Indonesia proud in the international world. Pancasila as the basis of state, nation guidance,
and ideology of the Indonesian also has a relationship with education in every principle
that can be used as the basis of a nation in carry out the education, for example, making
society always studying science based on religious teachings, gaining sense of humanity
from the science they have learn, unite together to produce achievements in the field of
education, implement a system of democracy and mutual respect in every activity of
science, and get justice in studying.


Praise gratitude to Allah SWT for His gift so that writer can finish the paper
entitled "Improving Quality Generation Nation" which arranged to fulfill final task of
Preparation Stage (TPB).
The writer hope this paper can add knowledge and experience for the readers. Lack
of knowledge and experience of writer might result many shortcomings in this paper,
therefore the authors are looking forward to suggestions and constructive criticism from
readers for the perfection of this paper and for the future improvement of this paper.
Last, the writer would like to say thank you. Hope that this paper can be useful
generally for the reader and especially for the writer herself.

Jatinangor, January 2018


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i
PREFACE ........................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... iii

1.1 Background ............................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problems ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purposes………………………………………………………………… 1

II. DISCUSSION………………………………………………………....... 2


3.1 Conclusions............................................................................................... 8
3.2 Suggestions ............................................................................................... 8

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 9


1.1 Background
Education is a factor that determines the quality of success or failure of a
country. In this era of globalization it needs to increase education in every country
especially for developing country like Indonesia, that need to improve education
quality as soon as possible to compete in international world. By improving education,
human resources in a country will be much better. Nowaday Indonesia itself is getting
lower quality of education, based on the surfey of United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the quality of education in
developing countries in Asia Pacific, Indonesia is ranked 10 out of 14 countries
(Suraya, 2015).
The low education problem is caused by the low quality of human resources
both students and teachers, the education is uneven of all area in this country that
resulted the remote areas socialy is still difficult to get education and attend school in a
decent place, the curriculum used is not appropriate, less effectiveness of education,
poor education management, inadequate education facilities, and the high cost of
education. Based on several problems that arise, it needs a solution to overcome it.
Some great solutions will be written in this paper, namely "Improving the Quality of
The National Generation".

1.2 Problems
1. What is the meaning and the importance mean of education in a nation?
2. How to solve educational problems?
3. What is the relationship between education and Pancasila?

1.3 Purposes
1. Know the importance of education in our life
2. Improving the quality of education in the community
3. Understanding the linkage between Pancasila and education.



Education is an attempt to developt all self potention for becoming a high quality
people, smart, have high moral standard, highly spiritual and have a good skill to live in
social life with good. The meaning of education in etimology is the process to develop self
skill and stregnth. However from Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, education is a process to
change human attitude and behavior of someone or community in order to be mature
person throught learning and training (Wedan, 2016).
The purpose of the education itself is contained in Law no. 2 Year 1985 which
reads that the purpose of education is to educate the life of the nation and develop a whole
human being who is faithful and devoted to God Almighty and virtuous noble character,
possessing knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, personality steady and
independent and sense of responsibility answer the nation's society. In addition, based on
MPRS No. 2 Year 1960 that the purpose of education is to become a person with true
Pancasial soul based on the provisions desired by the opening of the 1945 Constitution and
the content of the 1945 Constitution.
The purpose of National Education in the 1945 Constitution (version of the
Amendment), namely in article 31, verse 3 states, "The government seeks and organizes a
national education system, which enhances faith, piety and noble moral in order to educate
the life of the nation, which is regulated by law" . Then article 31, paragraph 5 states, "The
government advances science and technology by supporting the high values of religion and
national unity for the progress of civilization and the welfare of mankind." In addition the
educational objectives are also contained in the Act. No.20 of 2003 on National Education
System in article 3, that the goal of national education is to develop the potential of
students to become human beings who believe and cautious to God Almighty, have noble
character, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become democratic
and responsible citizens.
The importance of improving the quality of education is to provide knowledge.
Education gives us a lot of knowledge about every necessary thing in living everyday life
in society. Then with a good education we will easily get a job and our future will be more
secure. Education not only gives us knowledge but taught us to be polite, forming an adult

person, capable of planning the future, making the right decisions of life, and rise
humanity. Education becomes a nation-building factor because a nation will be safe if its
society is well educated, education is also an important factor for social development and
economic growth of the nation.
The purpose of advancing the quality of education itself have some problems that
become obstacles in the realization of these objectives, the problems are from each
individual alone that they must have a high awareness of the importance of education, have
the awareness that by demanding education we can get useful knowledge as a determinant
of personal and future person, often the awareness of learning is still low among rural and
remote communities this is because children or teenagers prefer to work directly and earn
money rather than studying to school and college, that work also has income which is
insufficient for his life.
The example of less efficiency of education in Indonesia is the expensive cost of
education. It is still get a lot of complaints by Indonesian although the actual price of
education in Indonesia is still relatively low compared with other countries but because the
economic level of Indonesian society is low so that this becomes a major problem for the
community. Efficiency in the service of educational facilities are still inadequate, the lack
of equity of education resulted in remote areas are still lack of school so the distance from
the settlement of remote communities to school is very far away and the terrain conditions
of the area is not good. Then the less efficiency of the teachers is their low qualified,
teachers are now largely limited to teaching but do not have a high dedication, low teacher
salary was one reason why teachers are currently less dedicated in the field of education,
the curriculum used in Indonesia for the learning process was still less appropriate or less
Lack effectiveness of educational in terms of targets when teaching resulted the
students do not have a clear picture of the lesson that they have so that the educational
process is not effective and does not provide an improvement of quality of education
quickly. The low effectiveness of education because the teaching staff and his students
pursue study that does not match their interests and talents.
The efforts to overcome the problems that become obstacles in the realization of a
good quality of education are the lack of self-awareness of education, the efficiency of
education in terms of teachers, education services including access to education and the

high cost of education, and the effectiveness of education as described above, is to increase
counseling about the importance of education to the community, especially people in
remote areas, generate the willingness to learn for the poor who are willing to send their
children to school, the students who are more achievement is given the appreciation so it
can improve they willing to continue their study.
Then in improving the efficiency of education by the government is with give the
schoolarship for teachers so they can continue to higher education, teachers also need to be
more appreciated in its performance as a unsung hero by giving higher salaries, and more
selective in the selection for enter the teacher school, it means that teachers should be
competent in a particular field as they teach their students, and provide training to improve
the quality of teachers. Improving education services, there are with government role to
provide funds to improve or add teaching aids for supporting learning and funds for
educational facilities that it can support the success of learning, in the world of school
learning must be cleaned from various fees such as LKS fees, book costs, fees uniforms,
cost of building money, extracurricular fees, and so on. And also provide scholarships for
underprivileged and outstanding students.
Improving the quality and quantity of subject matter to improve student
achievement including by improving the curriculum used to be more appropriate and
efficient can be easily accepted by the learning parties, each school needs to hold lesson
study or workshop that discusses how to teach intended in the curriculum so that teachers
can better understand, able to develop learning activities that can facilitate students to
observe the phenomena that occur related to the subject matter according to the curriculum.
According to Sudrajat (2008), lesson study is an effort to improve the process and learning
outcomes implemented collaboratively and continuously by a group of teachers by
collaborating teachers able to develop how students learn and how to teach students.
Through lesson study teachers can gain knowledge from other teachers or resource
persons, this is gained through feedback from lesson study members so that teachers'
ability is getting better by sampling and then critiquing or paying attention to examples and
then critiquing. Holding an inter-school meeting on the new curriculum that has been
implemented, this meeting is attended by representatives of each school to provide an early
evaluation of the application of learning patterns with the curriculum in the past month, so
that schools that have been able to apply the curriculum well can provide solutions or

exchanged exchange experiences about curriculum implementation and assisting schools
that have not been able to implement the learning in accordance with the curriculum.
One way to cope with access to education is to equitable population and
educational facilities by building more schools in remote areas and reapir road conditions
in remote areas. The community can also help the government by donating funds to the
construction of schools in remote areas and as a volunteer to give knowledge or as a
teacher of underprivileged children by making free schools.
Improving the effectiveness of education by means the pupils need more guidance
on what they interest and talent that appropriate to them so that in their learning will be
more effective especially in continuing higher education that is necessary to choose the
majors that match the interests and talents, make a better compilation potential students
through the diversity of study program types. Study time at school must also be improved
to be more effective learning and improving the effectiveness of education programmed.
Improving the quality of education is based on improving the quality of education
components and the mobility of these components. Efforts are expected to improve the
quality of the educational process, learners' learning experiences, and produce educational
The solutions that have been presented are expected to improve the quality of
education in Indonesia, can create new generations or human resources that are more
competent and able to compete internationally, can form a Pancasila sociaty and dignity,
Indonesia can be more recognized because produce various achievements that resulted
from the society who have smart and creative thinking and so as to further social and
economic development of the nation.
Education has a relationship with Pancasila as a basis of state, nation guidance, and
ideology of the Indonesian nation. Pancasila as the basis for the establishment of the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) must be inherited to the next generation
of Indonesian through education. Important cultural inheritance can be done through
pancasila education which is implemented in formal education (school). The government
also needs to be more consistent in carrying out these provisions, if the government is
consistent and realize the provisions contained in the Law and the Constitution and
Pancasila well then some of the problems about education in Indonesia would be resolved.

Pancasila as a system which every aspect covers the aspects of life and as the basis
of national education in Indonesia has a relationship with education that is in the first
precept "The One and Only God" in the first principle intends to carry out education in
accordance with the instructions of God. All human beings have a prophecy coming from
their Lord. Allah SWT lowered the revelation to man through his messenger that is to the
Prophet and the Apostle so that the revelation becomes a knowledge and truth to man. We
also in the study must be guided by the teachings of religion, studying with iklas, willing to
share knowledge to people in need and do with the intention of giving benefit to others.
The second precepts of "just and civilized humanity" means that every human
being should be given justice in all things including justice in studying and the teachers
need to have a sense of humanity in educating their students so that students can have a
high sense of humanity because if a person needs knowledge then he will gain knowledge
that can lead to good humanity.
The third precept of "Unity of Indonesia" From the precepts intends that the
community should have a sense of unity despite different religions, cultures, races, ethnic
groups and so on, but we remain the same that is citizens of Indonesia based on Pancasila
so as to improve student achievement boast Indonesia's name internationally. In terms of
education sila play a role in the way of teaching in school that every school whether the
school is in the city or in the village should be guided by the applicable curriculum, every
school should not deviate from the applicable curriculum. The curriculum that contains the
standard of competence and basic competence is what unites and equates the schools in
The fourth precept of "democracy led by the wisdom, that is wisdom in
deliberations of representation" This precept teaches us about democracy and deliberation
to reach consensus on this matter relating to education as a reference for decision making.
For example, when in the classroom, when the teacher assigns students to discuss, they
include democracy of the deliberative students about a problem so that in order to reach
consensus the students exchanged opinions, considered other opinions, and paid attention
to mutually agreed agreements. The election of OSIS chairman and organigram class
election conducted in school can also train the students to apply the democratic system.
Democracy is one way to gain knowledge.

The fifth precept of "social justice for all Indonesians" in this precept teaches that
all Indonesians are entitled to social justice. Every disciple should be treated fairly and
undifferentiated from one another. A teacher should behave equally to all his students. This
precepts teach that knowledge must be given equitably to all people, for example, a society
that has not been able to acquire knowledge in a good and undifferentiated manner and that
people in remote areas are entitled to a proper education with good school conditions.
Thus, the relationship between Pancasila and the Education System is reflected in
every precepts in Pancasila that has covered the course of an education so that it can be
done well because the sila contained a view of life for every individual that living in nation
and state. These precepts need to be examined so that we will get a deep thought regarding
the importance of Pancasila as the basis for the success of education in Indonesia.

3.1 Conclusions
Education is an attempt to develop the self potential in order to become a high
quality human resources. Education gives us a lot of knowledge about everything that
is necessary for living in a life in society and education becomes the nation building
factor because a nation will be secure if its societies are well educated, education is
also an important factor for social development and economic growth of the nation.
Improving the quality of education needs good cooperation between
government and people. Efforts to overcome problems in the field of education is by
building schools of appropriate quality, improving access to education in remote areas,
lowering education costs, providing many educational assistance such as scholarships,
improving the curriculum used, giving teachers welfare so that teachers are more
competent as a teacher, and so on. This can improve the effectiveness of education in
Pancasila also has a relationship with education in every precepts that can be
the basis of a nation in carrying out education, which is to make people always
studying based on the teachings of their religion, get a sense of humanity from the
knowledge they can, unite to produce achievements in the field of education, applying
a system of democracy and mutual respect in every activity of science, and get justice
in studying.

3.2 Suggestions
1. Education in Indonesia needs to be improved in order to be more efficient and
2. Pancasila needs to be applied its values in order to improve the quality of
3. Governments and communities should work together to improve the quality of


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