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“Farmakologi, bahan dan obat kedokteran

A. The summary of the topic
Pharmacology is derived from Greek (pharmacon = medicine) and logos =
science), so it means "the science of everything about medicine". Drugs are all
chemically, animal and vegetable substances that in a decent dose can heal, relieve,
prevent disease and its symptoms. The substance is solid, liquid, or gas. Medicinal
sources, ie Plants, Animals, Minerals, microorganisms, chemical synthesis, and
Drugs used in therapy can be divided into three classes, namely
pharmacodynamic drugs, chemotherapeutic drugs, and diagnostic drugs. Drugs
produce work by altering body fluids or cell membranes or by interacting with the
receptor site. A drug taken peroral will go through three phases, namely:
1. Pharmacetics (dissolution) is the first phase of drug action. In the
gastrointestinal tract, drugs need to be dissolved in order to be absorbed. Drugs
in solid form (tablets or pills) should be disintegrated into small particles to
dissolve into liquids, and this process is known as dissolution.
2. Pharmacokinetics is the science of the way a drug enters the body, reaches its
workplace, is metabolized, and out of the body. The four processes included are:
absorption, distribution, metabolism (biotransformation), and excretion
3. Pharmacodynamics studies the effects of drugs on physiology and cellular
biochemistry and the mechanism of action of drugs. Drug response can cause
primary or secondary physiological effects or both
In pharmacology known 2 (two) kinds of effects. The normal effects that
occur in large part. Side effects arise in a small number of individuals or groups of
individuals. Both of these can occur at the usual doses used in therapy. Toxic effects
are the effects that arise if the drug is used repeatedly and in high doses.
Classification of toxic effects related to the organ / system to which the drug is
Based on drug laws classified in 3 (three), namely drug free, hard drugs, and
psychotropic drugs. Free drugs are drugs that may be used without a doctor's
prescription (called OTC drugs = Over The Counter), consisting of over-the-counter
and over-the-counter drugs. Free Drugs This is a sign of the most "safe" drug. Free
drugs, which are drugs that can be purchased freely in pharmacies, even in stalls,
without a doctor's prescription, marked with a green circle striped black edges. This
free drug is used to treat symptoms of mild disease.
Hard drugs are harsh medicines which must be prescribed by a doctor's
prescription, hard drug marking with red round circles and black borders and K that
touches the edge.
Overall the method of drug administration is classified into 5, namely:
1. Peroral Is a drug that way of giving through the mouth with the aim of
preventing, treating, reducing pain in accordance with the therapeutic effects of
this type of drug.
2. Sublingual is a drug whose way of giving is placed under the tongue so that the
effect can be caused more quickly because the blood vessels under the tongue is
the center of the pain. 3. Parenteral is a method of giving the drug without
mouth (without going through the digestive tract) but directly to the blood
vessels. Parenterals include intracutaneous, subcutaneous, intarmuscule, and
3. Rectal is a method of administering drugs by introducing drugs through the anus
or rectum, with the aim of providing local and systemic effects.
4. Intra vaginal Is a way of giving drugs by entering the drug through the vagina,
which aims to get the effect of drug therapy and treat the vaginal or cervical
Outer medicine is divided into two, namely topical and inhalation. Topical is a
drug that way of giving is local, for example eye drops, ointment, ear drops and
others. Inhalation is a method of giving medicine by spraying it into the mouth.
In pharmaceutical dosage is the dose of drug which gives the right
pharmacological effect (efficacy) which is appropriate and safe when consumed by
patient. Thus the dosage of drug is the amount of drug given to the patient in units of
weight (grams, milligrams, micrograms) or units of content (liter, milliliter) or other
units (International Units).
Various doses of the drug consist of therapeutic dose, maximum dose, toxic
dose, lethal dose, initial dose, loading dose, and maintenance dose. The purpose of
dosing of these drugs is to get the therapeutic effect of a drug. But not all drugs are
really curing diseases, many of which only negate or alleviate the symptoms.
Therefore, drug therapy can be distinguished in three types of treatment namely
causal therapy, symptomatic, and substitution.
Antiseptic / germicide is a chemical compound used to kill or inhibit the
growth of microorganisms on living tissue, such as on the surface of the skin and
mucous membranes. Common types of antiseptics, namely etakridin lactate
(rivanol), alcohol, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, triclosan, and mercury salts.
Antiseptics in dental health, namely phenol (carbolic acid), sodium chloride, and
chlorhexidine gluconate. Antiseptics are mainly used to prevent and treat wound
infections. In addition, antiseptics can also be used for hand disinfection, pre-action
disinfection, mucous membrane disinfection, and disinfection of the mouth and
throat. Analgesics are substances that reduce pain without losing consciousness.
Analgesic drugs at risk for pregnancy, ie NSAIDs, opioid analgesics, and acetosal
Antipyretics are substances that can reduce body temperature. Anti-
inflammatory drugs are drugs or substances that can treat inflammation or swelling.
Paracetamol has no anti-inflammatory activity. Mefenamic acid includes one class
of analgesics and also non-steroidal anti-inflammatory groups. Side effects of
mefenamic acid are gastrointestinal (digestive) disorders, hypersensitive reactions
(on the skin and also airway narrowing which is bronchoconstricted medical terms)
and diarrhea. Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal analgesic and antipyretic drug
(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug). Ibuprofen can be used as a headache remedy,
relieves muscle pain, menstrual pain, flu and pain after surgery.
Principles of antibiotic use, ie based on the cause of infection and based on
patient factors. Groups of antibiotics, namely penicillin, aminoglycosides,
macrolides, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, and anti-fungi.

B. Crytical Analysis
In Pharmacology book, ingredients and medicine of dentistry
The advantages are:
1. Have a summary of each chapter
2. Explain the material in detail and complete
3. An interesting drawing at the core of the discussion
The drawbacks are:
1. Does not have a Glossary
2. The language is not easy to understand
3. The writing is less interesting
4. The book is too thick
On the book Basics of Pharmacology
The advantages are:
1. Have a list of Alphabetical (Glossary)
2. The language is easy to understand
3. The writing is more interesting
4. Book is not too thick
The drawbacks are:
1. Material is incomplete and less detailed
2. Not having a summary of each chapter
3. Images at the core of the discussion less interesting
C. Conclusion
Pharmacology is the science of everything about medicine. Drugs are all
chemically, animal and vegetable substances that in a decent dose can heal, relieve,
prevent disease and its symptoms. The substance is solid, liquid, or gas. Medicinal
sources, ie Plants, Animals, Minerals, microorganisms, chemical synthesis, and
biotechnology. A drug taken orally will go through three phases, namely:
1. Pharmacetics (dissolution) is the first phase of drug action.
2. Pharmacokinetics is the science of the way a drug enters the body, reaches its
workplace, is metabolized, and out of the body.
3. Pharmacodynamics studies the effects of drugs on cellular physiology and
biochemistry and the mechanism of action of drugs.
Toxic effects are the effects that arise if the drug is used repeatedly and in high
doses. Classification of toxic effects related to the organs / systems targeted by the
Based on drug laws classified in 3 (three), namely drug free, hard drugs, and
psychotropic drugs. Hard drug marking with rounded circles in red and black
borders and K marks touching the border.
Overall the method of drug administration is classified into 5, namely:
1. Peroral Is a drug that way of giving by mouth
2. Sublingual is a drug that way of giving is placed under the tongue.
3. Parenteral is a way of giving medicine without mouth (without going through
the digestive tract) tarmusculetetapi directly to the blood vessels.
4. Rectal is a way of administering drugs by introducing drugs through the anus or
5. Intra vaginal Is a way of giving drugs by entering the drug through the vagina
Outer medicine is divided into two, namely:
1. Topical is a drug that way of giving is local, for example eye drops, ointment,
ear drop and others.
2. Inhalation is a way of giving medicine by spraying it into the mouth.
Antiseptics or germicides are chemical compounds used to kill or inhibit the
growth of microorganisms in living tissue, such as on the surface of the skin and
mucous membranes. Analgesics are substances that reduce pain without losing
consciousness. Analgesic drugs at risk for pregnancy, ie NSAIDs, opioid analgesics,
and acetosal. Antipyretics are substances that can reduce body temperature. Anti-
inflammatory drugs are drugs or substances that can treat inflammation or swelling.
Principles of antibiotic use, ie based on the cause of infection and based on
patient factors. Groups of antibiotics, namely penicillin, aminoglycosides,
macrolides, cephalosporins, tetracyclines, and anti-fungi.

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