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GOUP NO: 1750
General Presentation

I am working in marketing department of EPHESUS Vitanta Moldova Brewery (EVMB), the largest producer
of beer in Republic of Moldova. I am responsible to promote “Chisinau” light beer on Romanian market. For
this promotional campaign I plan to use two Channels of Communication, display media and social media. In
addition to that I plan to use sales promotions and direct marketing as Promotional Tools. Thus, for advertising
techniques I plan to use colors and testimonials as psychological factors that influence the consumer. We will
have a target market created based on demographics. Based on its price on the market, the particular group
of consumers at which this product is aimed, is gendered by both feminine and masculine. Represented by
young adults (18-35 years) and middle-aged adults (ages 36-55 years). Both being middle or upper social class
and having a moderate or high income. In this presentation you can find also the expected outcomes, and a
budget proposal where I have identified all the costs related to the advertising campaign.

Channels of Communication

Display media “Billboards and Bus shelters”

Often big in size, outdoor advertising makes itself very visible at both close and large distances. In addition
to that, it is important to spend a biggest part from our budget on them because it represents great marketing
platform for brands or business that are trying to reach a broader audience. We can spend money on high-
traffic sites, by getting expensive units based on their size, and less of them in comparison to bus shelters. We
want to get as many eyeballs on our outdoor campaign as possible. We want to have billboards which are
aimed at drivers, bikers, cyclists, etc. Considering the fact that customers are on the move when read
billboards, they don’t have a lot of time to take them in, so we want to focus on a short message which would
be catchy for the consumer. We want to spend money on 10 billboards sized 5m2 each, and place them in the
central area of the city with high traffic. Speaking about Buss-shelter advertising, I decided to take that into
consideration due to the fact that it is an excellent medium because it's highly visible, and having a huge
audience, held at red lights or in slow-moving traffic. So, investing in 20 bus shelters each having 1.5m2
would be a great option. Speaking about collaboration, we can use the services of the company “Panouri
Publicitare”, which is recognized for a high variety of billboards and bus shelters options based on quality,
price and visibility. Although “Panouri Publicitare” works in collaboration with the Company “Media 90”
with whom we will collaborate on poster creation. They offer a discount for the customers who decide to use
the services of both companies, a reduction from 400 euros per project to 350 euros, allowing 5 to 7
modifications until final result.

Social Media “Facebook”

Generally speaking, Facebook page is a place where we will publicize the business name, address and contact
details, and briefly describe the product that we want to promote and its benefits which are likely to attract
other Facebook users and create interest in our product. I decided to use this one because businesses target
users with Facebook Ads by location, demographics, age, gender, interests, behavior, and connections. In
addition to that, it is very important for us to dive deep into the paid ads to see what is working. With the
sophisticated targeting options available, we will make sure your ads are seen by your specific target audience
know exactly what you’re getting out of it. Even though social media is a cheap, powerful and essential
business channel, it can typically be difficult to measure ROI for the time and resource invested into
maintaining a strong profile and community. However, with Facebook advertising you can clearly see what
you have spent and what results it has provided by tracking a huge range of performance metrics to help you
gauge performance and measure ROI. That being said, we want to do a marketing campaign which will be
intensive, and pay for ads, 10 €per day for 1 month in order to contribute to the overall awareness of our

Promotional Tools

Sales promotion “Street distribution - Flyers”

I believe that one of the major benefit of using a flyer to promote an event is its tangible nature. The fact that
our customers will physically hold the flyer means we’re half way to getting our message across. How your
flyer is designed and printed can impact on whether or not your customer decides to read on to find out more
information. This is why it’s important to make our flyer stand ou9t but also ensure that the main message is
clear and easy to see. Flyers also allows us to benefit from a quality print finish which can make a big
difference when it comes to your customer grabbing it to read. In addition to that we can create an incentive
for customers, and a flyer is a good solution which provides us with the space to include incentives such as
vouchers. We want to collaborate with printing service “Agrafa” for a number of 1000 flayers due to its
qualitative printing, accessible prices and high quality paper. We want to combine the use of flyers with e-
mail marketing. We can offer the consumers an opportunity to exchange one flyer per person for a reduction
of 50% for one beer if they want to provide us with their email in order to build an e-mail marketing list. This
sales promotion will continue for half a month. I think that this represents a great way to create some early
awareness in our product.

Direct Marketing “Newsletters”

Email marketing is important for building relationships with prospects, leads, current customers, and even
past customers because it gives us a chance to speak directly to them, in their inbox, at a time that is convenient
for them. Perhaps the biggest advantage of e-newsletter advertising is cost. While a traditional newsletter or
advertisement requires an investment for printing and mailing. The advertising in our e-newsletter is not that
expensive in comparison to other advertising techniques. We want to focus on the effectiveness of the email
newsletter and engage customers with our company and brand, in order to get them to pay attention to the
advertisement. We want to collaborate with “Conectoo”, a company which provides e-mail marketing support
for companies, at a price for 19 €per month. Conectoo.ro is recognized for collaboration with eMag in
Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria, and professional skills of promoting the product/service in a right way
through newsletters. They will offer us a good managing of the subscribers, of the campaign, marketing
automatization, reports and statistics, customization, security, and awareness monitoring. They will also
provide us services of creating the newsletter content with an additional tariff for 10 €per page. We plan to
continue this email campaign intensive for one month (sending 2 newsletters per week).

Advertising techniques

Color as a “Sense appeal”

Color is powerful because it can influence our buying mood. Choosing the right color in your design and
advertising projects plays a very important role in the success of our visual campaigns. Selecting the right
color requires a psychological understanding of how each shade affects our visual design. However, there is
no ideal or universally accepted color scheme for a general audience or even a specific socio-cultural group.
What is known–as far as studies are concerned–is that color affects the decision-making processes of buyers.
For our visual ads used on billboards and posters, we will focus on colors that are associated psychologically
with health power and nature, and will be mostly green. It was demonstrated that green color stimulates
harmony in consumer’s brain and encourages a balance leading to decisiveness. In addition to that we want to
focus on orange and yellow, cheerful colors which are the colors often associated with optimism by most of
consumers, and can lead users to feel more energetic.

Testimonial as a “Social Proof”

Testimonials build trust. Whether your customers are raving about what your product has done for them or
about the great service you gave, they tell the story of a positive experience with your products and business.
Testimonials allow your satisfied customers to step forward and address the questions and objections that fill
the minds of your prospective buyers for you. Then their anxious minds are put at ease, knowing that other
customers have been happy and satisfied after drinking your product. We all know that beer is often associated
with sports (football) activities. For that, I think that the most suitable person would be someone that inspires
people, and achieved good results in sports. It represents a high relevancy aspect who promotes your product
because sales messages are easier to believe when someone other than a sales representative shows the
customers how satisfied he is with that particular product.

Expected Outcomes
I believe that after the promotional campaign ends, the company should expect an increase in sales in
combination with a raise of the awareness of this particular product. The main aim is to boost sales, and also
receive a return of investment. I believe that these techniques used in combination, will contribute to the
development of a whole new brand image for Chisinau beer on the Romanian Market.
Advertisement Budget

Billboards Size: 5m² - 10 billboards

1 Assembling Price 2.5 €-1m² 2.5 €× 5m² 12.5 €
2 Printing: poliplan, front lit coated 6 €-1m² 6 €× 5m² 30 €
3 Rent 18 €-1m² 18 €× 5m² 90 €
4 Enlightenment 1 euro -1m² 1 euro × 5m² 5€
5 Local publicity tax -from the whole price of a billboard 4% Central Zone 5.5 €
6 Total price for one billboard 143 €
7 Price for a total of 10 billboards 1430 €

Bus Shelters Size: 1.5m² - 20 bus shelters

1 Assembling Price 2.5 €-1.5m² 2.5 €× 5m² 3.75 €
2 Printing 6 €-1.5m² 6 €× 5m² 9€
3 Rent 18 €-1.5m² 18 €× 5m² 27 €
4 Enlightenment 1 euro -1.5m² 1 euro × 5m² 1.5 €
5 Local publicity tax -from the whole price of a billboard 3% Central Zone 1.24 €
6 Total price for one Bus Shelter 42.49 €
7 Price for a total of 20 bus shelters 849.8 €

Graphic Creation of the posters

1 Price for a Project Discount 50 € 350 €

Flyers Size: 100 x 210mm - 1000 flyers

1 Unitary Price 0.0714 € 0.0714 €× 1000 flyers 142 €
2 Flyer distribution/price per hour ( ≈ 50 flyers per hour) 1.22 € 1.22 €× 20 hours 24 €
3 Total Price for 1000 flyers + distribution 166 €

Facebook Adds
1 Number of days 30 days
2 Total price for one month (Price per day× number of days) 10 €× 30 days 300 €

Email Marketing “Newsletters”

1 Business Option - Price per month 19 €
2 Monthly fee for Newsletter Creation (1 per week) 10€
3 Total Price per month 19 €+10 € 29€


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