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” If the notice of availability that the filer believes in good faith to be This benefit is not extended to any indi­
is provided by electronic mail, the forego­ the payee’s correct TIN. vidual, in whole or in part, for the acts or
ing statement must be on the subject line omissions of the organization that were the
of the electronic mail. ***** basis for revocation.
(2) Undeliverable electronic address. If
an electronic notice of availability is re­ Kevin M. Brown, The Brewer Family Foundation
turned as undeliverable, and the correct Deputy Commissioner for Orem, UT
electronic address cannot be obtained from Services and Enforcement. Keystone Grants, Inc.
the furnisher’s records or from the card­ Mesa, AZ
(Filed by the Office of the Federal Register on July 12, 2007,
holder/payor, then the furnisher must fur­ 8:45 a.m., and published in the issue of the Federal Register Jeffrey and Lisa Bowen Charitable
nish the notice by mail within 30 days after for July 13, 2007, 72 F.R. 38534) Supporting Organization
the electronic notice is returned. Greenville, DE
55 Whipple Street Housing
***** Development Fund Corporation
Deletions From Cumulative
Brooklyn, NY
PART 301—PROCEDURE AND List of Organizations The Champions Association, Inc.
ADMINISTRATION Contributions to Which Pittsburgh, PA
are Deductible Under Section The Horsestone Foundation
Par. 3. The authority citation for part
170 of the Code Sandy, UT
301 continues to read, in part, as follows:
Authority: 26 U.S.C. 7805. * * *
Par. 4. Section 301.6724–1 is amended Announcement 2007–69
Suspension of Tax-Exempt
by revising paragraph (e)(1)(vi)(H) to read
as follows: The names of organizations that no Status of an Organization
longer qualify as organizations described Identified With Terrorism
§301.6724–1 Reasonable cause. in section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Rev­
enue Code of 1986 are listed below. Announcement 2007–70
***** Generally, the Service will not disallow
(e) * * * deductions for contributions made to a I. Purpose
(1) * * * listed organization on or before the date
This announcement is a public notice of
(vi) * * * of announcement in the Internal Revenue
the suspension under section 501(p) of the
(H) In the case of information returns Bulletin that an organization no longer
Internal Revenue Code of the federal tax
required to be filed, and information re­ qualifies. However, the Service is not
exemption of a certain organization that
turns required to be furnished, after De­ precluded from disallowing a deduction
has been designated as supporting or en­
cember 31, 2005, the filer— for any contributions made after an or­
gaging in terrorist activity or supporting
(1) Satisfies the solicitation require­ ganization ceases to qualify under section
terrorism. Contributions made to an organ­
ment of paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section 170(c)(2) if the organization has not timely
ization during the period that the organiza­
with respect to a payment made through a filed a suit for declaratory judgment under
tion’s tax-exempt status is suspended are
QPCA if the filer relies in good faith on section 7428 and if the contributor (1) had
not deductible for federal tax purposes.
the QPCA to solicit, record, validate, and knowledge of the revocation of the ruling
furnish the payee’s TIN; or determination letter, (2) was aware that II. Background
(2) Satisfies the solicitation require­ such revocation was imminent, or (3) was
ment of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section in part responsible for or was aware of the The federal government has designated
with respect to a payment made through activities or omissions of the organization a number of organizations as supporting or
a QPCA if the filer relies in good faith that brought about this revocation. engaging in terrorist activity or supporting
on the QPCA to solicit, record, validate, If on the other hand a suit for declara­ terrorism under the Immigration and Na­
and furnish the payee’s TIN and does not tory judgment has been timely filed, con­ tionality Act, the International Emergency
receive notification that the payee is not a tributions from individuals and organiza­ Economic Powers Act, and the United Na­
participating payee more than 30 days be­ tions described in section 170(c)(2) that tions Participation Act of 1945. Federal
fore the last day of the annual solicitation are otherwise allowable will continue to law prohibits most contributions to orga­
period; and be deductible. Protection under section nizations that have been so designated.
(3) Satisfies the solicitation require­ 7428(c) would begin on August 13, 2007, Section 501(p) of the Code was enacted
ment of paragraph (e)(1)(iii) of this section and would end on the date the court first as part of the Military Family Tax Relief
with respect to a payment made through determines that the organization is not de­ Act of 2003 (P.L. 108–121), effective
a QPCA if, on or before December 31 of scribed in section 170(c)(2) as more partic­ November 11, 2003. Section 501(p)(1)
the year immediately succeeding the year ularly set forth in section 7428(c)(1). For suspends the exemption from tax un­
in which the payment is made, the filer individual contributors, the maximum de­ der section 501(a) of any organization
undertakes a solicitation of the payee’s duction protected is $1,000, with a hus­ described in section 501(p)(2). An organ­
TIN or receives from the QPCA a TIN band and wife treated as one contributor. ization is described in section 501(p)(2)

August 13, 2007 371 2007–33 I.R.B.

if the organization is designated or oth­ Property and Prohibiting Transactions Mortality Tables for
erwise individually identified (1) under With Persons Who Commit, Threaten To Determining Present Value;
certain provisions of the Immigration and Commit, or Support Terrorism.” Correction
Nationality Act as a terrorist organization
or foreign terrorist organization; (2) in or III. Notice of Suspension and
Non-deductibility of Contributions Announcement 2007–71
pursuant to an Executive Order which is
related to terrorism and issued under the AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service
The organization whose tax exemption
authority of the International Emergency (IRS), Treasury.
has been suspended under section 501(p)
Economic Powers Act or section 5 of the
and the effective date of such suspension
United Nations Participation Act of 1945 ACTION: Correction to notice of pro-
are listed below. Contributions made to
for the purpose of imposing on such or­ posed rulemaking.
this organization during the period of sus­
ganization an economic or other sanction;
pension are not deductible for federal tax SUMMARY: This document contains cor­
or (3) in or pursuant to an Executive Order
purposes. rections to notice of proposed rulemaking
issued under the authority of any federal
law, if the organization is designated or (REG–143601–06, 2007–24 I.R.B. 1398)
Goodwill Charitable Organization Inc
otherwise individually identified in or pur­ that was published in the Federal Register
f/k/a Al-Shahid Social Association
suant to the Executive Order as supporting on Tuesday, May 29, 2007 (72 FR 29456)
f/k/a Educational Development
or engaging in terrorist activity (as de­ providing mortality tables to be used in
fined in the Immigration and Nationality determining present value or making any
Dearborn, MI
Act) or supporting terrorism (as defined in computation for purposes of applying cer­
Effective date: 7–24–07
the Foreign Relations Authorization Act) tain pension funding requirements.
and the Executive Order refers to section IV. Federal Tax Filings
An organization whose exempt status CONTACT: Bruce Perlin,
Under section 501(p)(3) of the Code,
has been suspended under section 501(p) Lauson C. Green, or Linda S. F. Marshall
suspension of an organization’s tax ex­
does not file Form 990 and is required to at (202) 622–6090.
emption begins on the date of the first pub­
lication of a designation or identification file the appropriate Federal income tax re­
with respect to the organization, as de­ turns for the taxable periods beginning on
scribed above, or the date on which section the date of the suspension. The organi­ Background
501(p) was enacted, whichever is later. zation must continue to file all other ap­
This suspension continues until all desig­ propriate federal tax returns, including em­ The notice of proposed rulemaking
nations and identifications of the organiza­ ployment tax returns, and may also have to (REG–143601–06) that is the subject of
tion are rescinded under the law or Exec­ file federal unemployment tax returns. these corrections is under sections 412,
utive Order under which such designation 430, and 431 of the Internal Revenue
V. Contact Information Code.
or identification was made.
Under section 501(p)(4) of the Code, For additional information regarding
no deduction is allowed under any pro­ Need for Correction
the designation or identification of an or­
vision of the Internal Revenue Code for ganization described in section 501(p)(2), As published, the notice of proposed
any contribution to an organization during contact the Compliance Division at the Of­ rulemaking (REG–143601–06) contains
any period in which the organization’s fice of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. errors that may prove to be misleading and
tax exemption is suspended under section Treasury Department at 202–622–2490. are in need of clarification.
501(p). Thus, for example, no charitable Additional information is also avail­
contribution deduction is allowed under able for download from the Office’s Correction of Publication
section 170 (relating to the income tax), Internet Home Page at
section 545(b)(2) (relating to undistributed offices/eotffc/ofac/index.html Accordingly, the notice of proposed
personal holding company income), sec­ For additional information regarding rulemaking (REG–143601–06) that was
tion 556(b)(2) (relating to undistributed the suspension of the federal tax ex­ the subject of FR. Doc. 07–2631 is cor­
foreign personal holding company in­ emption of an organization under section rected as follows:
come), section 642(c) (relating to chari­ 501(p), contact Robert Fontenrose at (202) 1. On page 29457, column 3, in the
table set asides), section 2055 (relating to 283–9484 at the Internal Revenue Service. preamble, line 4 of footnote number 2, the
the estate tax), section 2106(a)(2) (relating language “XLVII (1995), p. 819. The
to the estate tax for nonresident aliens) RP–2000 Mortality Table” is corrected to
and section 2522 (relating to the gift tax) read “XLVII (1995), p. 819. The RP–2000
for contributions made to the organization Mortality Tables”.
during the suspension period. 2. On page 29460, column 3, in the pre­
On July 24, 2007, the organization amble, second full paragraph of the col­
listed below was designated under Ex­ umn, line 7 from the bottom of the para­
ecutive Order 13224, entitled “Blocking graph, the language “improvement factor

2007–33 I.R.B. 372

August 13, 2007

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