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DATE: 7th September 2017 REPORT NO.: 7


TIME: 10:00 A.M – 04:00 P.M AGENCY SUPERVISOR: Mr. Harinarayan


1- To visit the agency.

2- To conduct activities with the group of girls.
3- To form the group of boys.
4- To make arrangements for the Health Camp.
5- To go for a home visit in the community.


The worker reached the agency at 10:00 A.M in the morning. The group of girls was supposed
to come at 12:00 P.M. So, the worker spent that free time planning the activities that she could
conduct with the group. The worker searched through the internet and found several activities
that she liked and made notes of it. The worker also interacted with a few parents of the girls
who had come to the agency. They shared with the worker that how the girls go to both school
and tuitions, however, they still struggle with their studies as no proper attention is paid on
them. They told the worker that there is a huge gap between what the teachers teach the
children and what they actually absorb from those lectures. After they went back, the worker
resumed chalking out the plan of the activities.

At 12:00 P.M, the girls arrived at the agency. The worker asked them to gather and form a
circle. They all greeted the worker. The worker asked how their day had been and how they
were feeling. The girls responded that they were exhilarated to meet the worker and were
looking forward to their session with her. The worker began by making them play a game
called ‘Chinese Whisper’. The first person sitting in the circle had to whisper a word or phrase
into the ear of the person sitting to their right. The players had to whisper the phrase to their
neighbors until it reached the last player in line. The last player had to say the phrase out loud
so that everyone heard how much it had changed from the first whisper at the beginning of the
circle. The main purpose of the game was for the amusement of the girls. However, there were
some additional benefits too. It helped the girls understand how small misconceptions can end
up making a huge different. It also helped them develop their listening skills.

The next activity that the worker conducted with the group of girls was the ‘Dot Game’. In this
game, the worker distributed a plain sheet of paper to everyone present. Then the worker told
them the rules of the game that they will get 30 seconds to make as many dots on the paper as
possible. However, before beginning the activity they had to make an estimate as to how many
dots they think they’ll be able to make in 30 seconds. After they had guessed, the activity
started, and they quickly started making the dots. When the activity ended, the worker asked
the girls to count the number of dots they had made. They found that almost all of them had
made more dots than they had estimated. The purpose of this activity was to make the girls
realize that they shouldn’t underestimate themselves. They are much better than they think
they are.

Soon, the agency supervisor, Mr. Harinarayan along with Beena Ma’am arrived at the agency.
They came to make the necessary arrangements for the Health Camp that had to be organized
the next day. Everyone in the agency helped cleaning the premises and setting up the rooms
for the camp. The people from MCD were also called to fog the place to get rid of mosquitoes.
After all the arrangements were done, the agency supervisor asked the worker to report at
9:00 A.M. the next day. The worker was supposed to go for a home visit in the community.
However, as the agency supervisor was busy, so the worker left the agency at 04:00 P.M.


1- The worker observed that the girls were facing difficulties in their studies as they were
not paid proper attention upon. Their concepts were not clear and their exams are
approaching. So, the worker suggested the girls to join the Non Formal Education Centre
where the teachers of the agency would help clearing their doubts. The worker also
suggested the mothers’ of the girls to attend the parent-teacher meeting regularly.

2- The Health Camp’s preparation was completed. The agency was cleaned and prepared
for the Camp. A general physician, a child’s specialist, a gynecologist and a HIV testing
centre was asked to come for the Camp. As the people of the community were asking
for a health camp for a long time, the worker faced no problems in mobilizing the
residents of the nearby communities for the camp.

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