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the majority of the play’s characters are viewed and, as the play order to be happy, who is placed by Ibsen in opposition to Gregers
progresses, we gradually penetrate deeper and deeper into their past with his fanatical ‘‘claim of the ideal.’’ At the close of the play
and present lives. Hedvig is dead but Hjalmar and Gregers remain the same as they
The symbolism of the wild duck is primarily associated with the always were. The ironic comedy gives way to the sombre conclusion
Ekdal family, all of whom have in some manner been injured by old that idealism may not be the virtue that it may superficially appear.
Werle, a rich merchant and owner of the Hoidal works. Significantly
it was he who shot the wild duck. Werle’s first victim was Ekdal —D. Keith Peacock
senior who was, in the past, his business partner but was left by Werle
to take sole responsibility and suffer imprisonment for illegal tree-
felling. In consequence Ekdal has lost his status in society and is now
supported partially by clerical work provided by Werle. Ekdal spends
Meisters Lehrjahre)
much of his spare time hunting rabbits in the fantasy forest which he
Novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1795–96
and his son Hjalmar have created in their attic. Hjalmar and his wife
Gina have also been injured by Old Werle. As the play progresses we
learn that Gina had an affair with Old Werle which resulted in the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s novel, first published in 1795–96,
birth of Hedvig, who is now 14 years old. To mitigate the conse- is generally considered the epitome of the German Bildungsroman,
quences of his actions Old Werle encouraged Gina to marry Hjalmar although Goethe did not consciously write such a novel. The term
and set the couple up in a small photography business. Even Hedvig Bildungsroman was coined later in 1817 by Karl (von) Morgenstern
suffers from association with her natural father in that she has and popularized by Wilhelm Dilthey in 1870, but one strand of the
inherited from him a disease which will gradually lead to blindness. divided reception shows a reading of the novel in terms of Bildung,
Whereas Old Werle has at least attempted to provide recompense the successful self-cultivation of the protagonist, already between
for the injuries caused, his son Gregers, who has returned from a 1796–1800, although the term Bildungsroman was not yet available.
sojourn in the cold north bringing with him an equally cold logic, This reading was to become the dominant interpretation of Wilhelm
attempts to reveal the truth to his father’s victims. He is unshakeably Meister’s Apprenticeship for the next two centuries to come. There
certain that, as a result, his father will be forced to face his guilt and was, however, from the beginning also a reading which questioned
that the Ekdals will be happier for being relieved of the delusions the protagonist’s development into a mature and well-balanced
under which they live. human being in the sense of the humanist ideology of the 18th
As Ibsen himself employs the symbolism of the wild duck to reveal century, with its emphasis on the ideal of harmony.
the nature of the relationship that exists between the Ekdals and the The original version of the novel, entitled Wilhelm Meister’s
Werles, so also do a number of the characters themselves attempt to Theatralische Sendung [Wilhelm Meister’s Theatrical Mission], was
infuse their lives with significance, and define a pattern to their written between 1777 and 1785, but remained a fragment. The
mundane existence by describing themselves and their actions in original manuscript is lost, but a contemporary copy was discovered
terms of Romantic and at times sentimental imagery. Chief of these is in 1909 and published in 1911. This novel, divided into six books,
Gregers Werle who has decided that his over-tiding ‘‘task in life’’ is corresponds to the first four books of Wilhelm Meister’s Apprentice-
to unburden others of their illusions. From his arrival in the Ekdal ship, although the emphasis is on the theatre as a positive experience
household, to the incomprehension of Hjalmar, Gina, and Hedvig, he rather than a transition to other types of educational experience. If the
weaves his own symbolism around the wild duck. He compares title of the original version is not considered ironic, the Theatralische
himself firstly to the duck itself and then to the clever dog who Sendung is to be interpreted as an artist novel (Künstlerroman).
retrieved the duck from the bottom of the lake. The prosaic responses The story of Wilhelm Meister, the son of a middle-class merchant,
of Hjalmar and Hedvig provide a touch of comic irony intended by is set in the world of late 18th-century Germany. Wilhelm is not
Ibsen to reveal Gregers’s pretentiousness. By employing such ironic interested in entering his father’s business, but in becoming a poet,
undercutting Ibsen allows this phoniness to appear at first comic but playwright, and actor, if not the founder of a national German theatre.
gradually, through the interaction between Gregers, Hjalmar, and Falling in love with a young actress, he uses his business trips on
Hedwig, he begins to reveal how it can also inhibit and even destroy behalf of the family firm to acquaint himself with a travelling theatre
relationships with others. Hedvig has already been emotionally company. When the latter goes bankrupt, Wilhelm rescues it by
crippled by being confined, on account of her partial blindness, to the advancing funds from his father’s business. His financial involve-
apartment in which Hjalmar and his father live out their lives in self- ment makes him not only a business partner in the theatre company,
delusion. Indeed, she is portrayed as behaving like one much younger but also affords him an opportunity to write, act, and direct. After a
than her actual age. She is in consequence highly susceptible to brief engagement of the company at a nobleman’s castle, where
emotional pressure and it is under such pressure, exerted by Gregers, Wilhelm endears himself to the nobility as a well-educated member of
that she adopts his suggested ‘‘spirit of sacrifice,’’ and attempts to the bourgeoisie, he is invited to direct a production of Shakespeare’s
prove her love for her father by killing not her beloved wild duck, as Hamlet. This production reflects the development of professionalism
suggested by Gregers, but herself. among actors and the founding of a national theatre in Germany
Having cruelly rejected Hedvig when it is revealed by Gregers that during the 18th century. Playing the title role, Wilhelm is a success as
she may not be his child, Hjalmar’s self-dramatization keeps him actor and director, but soon actors and audience become tired of the
ignorant of the real reason for her death. He is unable to understand demands of literary drama on the stage, preferring opera and slapstick
her need to prove her love for him and, as the pragmatic realist Doctor farce. Frustrated in his ambitions on the stage, Wilhelm turns his
Relling points out, ‘‘Before the year is out little Hedvig will be interests toward the nobility, hoping to find his educational goals
nothing more to him than a fine subject to declaim on.’’ It is Relling, realized within the circles of the aristocracy. Reform-minded repre-
with his insistence that the average man needs his ‘‘saving lie’’ in sentatives of the nobility welcome Wilhelm as a member of the


bourgeoisie and acquaint him with their multinational enterprise of aphorisms, and factual documents connected by a frame narrative
emigration to America and acquisition of land abroad to avoid loss of with its own plot. This rudimentary plot shows Wilhelm Meister
property due to revolutionary upheaval in Europe. This union of the depositing his son Felix at a boarding school, while he himself is
reform-minded aristocracy and the progressive bourgeoisie is Goe- trained as a surgeon. Wilhelm’s application to this skill pays divi-
the’s response to the French Revolution. Favouring the American dends as he is able to save his son’s life. At the end of the novel,
Revolution, Goethe has Count Lothario, who distinguished himself in Wilhelm Meister is ready to depart from Europe to follow his wife and
the service of the revolutionary army, exclaim: ‘‘Here [in Germany], the rest of the ‘‘Gesellschaft vom Turm’’ to North America. In his
or nowhere, is America’’ (Book VII, Chapter 3). At the end of the essay ‘‘James Joyce und die Gegenwert’’ [James Joyce and the
novel, Wilhelm marries a countess and inherits not only his share of Present] of 1936, the Austrian novelist Hermann Broch identified
his father’s business, but also the estate of an Italian orphan of noble Wilhelm Meister’s Travels as the prototype of the modernist novel in
birth (Mignon). The end of the novel reflects the pervasive irony of German literature. Without doubt, Goethe’s last novel is, in the words
the work: instead of being cultivated, Wilhelm becomes married and of Jane K. Brown, ‘‘an experiment in narrative form’’ whose achieve-
rich. The irony of the ending is encapsulated in a quotation from the ments could only be appreciated in retrospect of Joyce’s Ulysses.
Bible: the protagonist feels ‘‘like Saul, the son of Kish, who went in
search of his father’s asses and found a kingdom’’ (Book VIII, —Ehrhard Bahr
Chapter 10).
Among the characters of the novel that need to be mentioned are
Felix, Wilhelm’s illegitimate son from his first love affair with an
actress, as well as Mignon and the Harper as tragically Romantic WILLEHALM
figures who accompany Wilhelm on his travels. Mignon, an immature Unfinished poem by Wolfram von Eschenbach, written c.
child-woman, representing the spirit of poetry, is an androgynous 1210–12
genius figure, while the Harper is the prototype of the oral poet of the
heroic past. Mignon turns out to be the daughter of the Harper by
Willehalm is an epic poem of almost 14,000 lines written by
incest. Secretly in love with Wilhelm, Mignon dies when his impend-
Wolfram von Eschenbach probably during the second decade of the
ing marriage is announced. The Harper kills himself, when his life
13th century, Wolfram von Eschenbach tells us that he acquired a
story and transgression are revealed. Finally, there is the life story of a
copy of his source from the Landgrave Hermann of Thuringia, to
pietist woman, entitled ‘‘Bekenntnisse einer schönen Seele’’ (‘‘Con-
whose death in 1217 he appears to refer towards the end of his work.
fessions of a Beautiful Soul’’), a kind of female Bildungsroman. The
Though structural analyses suggest that the work is substantially
‘‘Confessions’’ are inserted between Books V and VII to introduce
the reader to the aristocratic circles Wilhelm is about to enter after his complete, most critics agree that Wolfram von Eschenbach failed to
departure from the theatre. finish it. Although Wolfram von Eschenbach’s source is known to
Wilhelm and the reform-minded aristocrats are guided by a secret have been a version of a French ‘‘chanson de geste,’’ La Bataille
society, the ‘‘Gesellschaft vom Turm’’ (‘‘Society of the Tower’’), d’Aliscans, though not one identical with any extant text, it is
which is modelled after the Masonic societies of the 18th century. The nonetheless obvious that Wolfram von Eschenbach treated his source
‘‘Gesellschaft vom Turm’’ pronounces Wilhelm’s apprenticeship with such liberty that it provides only an unreliable guide to the
completed, when he has acknowledged his illegitimate son. Function- contents of his intended conclusion. This lack of a final ending,
ing as a ‘‘machinery of fate,’’ as Schiller called it, the ‘‘Gesellschaft coupled with the fact that the work does not fit comfortably into any
vom Turm’’ is, however, neither omniscient nor omnipotent. Wil- recognized medieval genre, hampers attempts to interpret the work,
helm is successful in protesting against its guidance in his marriage to though there is general agreement on a number of themes.
the countess, yet he is obedient when he is sent on the road again for A realistic work with a clear topical relevance, Wolfram von
further travel. It is part of the irony of the novel that chance and Eschenbach himself claimed that Willehalm, unlike Parzival or
coincidence constantly interfere with the rational planning of the Titurel, is true. Though the events it describes are essentially ficti-
‘‘Gesellschaft vom Turm.’’ tious, its hero can be identified with a cousin of Charlemagne, Count
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship had a great influence on the William of Toulouse, who after a military career spent fighting the
Romantics and the history of the German novel. It provided, so to Arabs in southwest France and Catalonia, founded and withdrew to
speak, the blueprint for all subsequent German novels from the 19th the monastery of Saint Guilhelm-du-Désert in the valley of Gellone.
to the 20th century. Among the first commentaries on the novel are He was canonized in 1066. The work, written at a time of almost
the correspondence between Friedrich Schiller and Goethe, the letters constant war in the Holy Land, owes its topical relevance to its
by Wilhelm von Humboldt and Christian Gottfried Körner, and discussion of the Holy Wars and the relationship between Christians
Friedrich Schlegel’s essay ‘‘Über Goethes Meister’’ (‘‘On Goe- and Muslims.
the’s Meister’’) of 1798. Goethe’s novel became the prime model The central question of the work is how to distinguish right and
for Romantic irony. It was translated into English by Thomas wrong when they are interwoven: how is one to act when traditionally
Carlyle in 1824. unquestionably virtuous modes of behaviour have clearly evil conse-
Goethe’s sequel to Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship was Wilhelm quences? This is the quandary in which the hero of the work and his
Meister’s Travels, published in 1821 and in a revised version in 1829. wife find themselves. Willehalm is married to Gyburc, the now
This novel marks the transition from Bildungsroman to archival baptized former wife of Tibatt, a heathen, and daughter of Terramer,
novel, a modernist prose narrative that functions as a fictional archive the heathen emperor. In the work what begins as a private feud
for a multitude of narrative texts. The narrator serves as editor who between two families over a woman, very soon, owing to the religious
presents the various texts stored in the archive of the novel to the difference, acquires the public aspect of a crusade. This becomes
reader. The basic structure consists of a loose collection of novellas, especially clear when, having suffered initial defeat, Willehalm is


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