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Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Go Set a Watchman: STUDY GUIDE

Essential Questions for Reading
 How should you deal with someone who has loved you when you find out that this person
is prejudiced?
 Is it wrong to revoke affection from someone who loves you because you hate something
they believe?
 How does our childhood impact our beliefs, opinions, and decisions later in life?
 As we get older, do we understand more?
Directions: For each chapter, answer the reading questions. When you finish the chapter,
respond to the Daily Reading Stem.
Chapter 1
Reading Where is Jean Louise coming from? Where is she headed?

3 – 8; 9 Why does she tell us about Cousin Joshua?

- 16

Who picks Jean Louise up at the station? Why doesn’t Atticus?

What are Jean Louise’s thoughts on love/marriage?

Daily Reading Stem: Based on what we know about Jean Louise and Henry, do you think that
they’re compatible or that they have too many differences?

Chapter 2
Reading How does Jean Louise act around her Aunt? Around Atticus?

17 - 25
What can we infer about the references to Mississippi, the NAACP, and the bus strikes?

Daily Reading Stem: What conflicts does Jean Louise face being from the South and moving
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Chapter 3
Reading How does Alexandria represent duty?

26 - 39 What do she and Jean Louise argue about?

Why does Alexandria consider Henry “trash”?

Daily Reading Stem: Describe the conflict between Jean Louise’s duties versus her desires.

Chapter 4 – Jean Louise and Henry go out to eat and discuss what they think marriage is
Chapter 5

Reading Where is Dill now? Who is left for Jean Louise to spend time with?

54 – 60; What happens in the flashback?

60 – 70;
70 - 81
Where do she and Henry go? What do they do?

How serious is Jean Louise about marrying Henry?

Daily Reading Stem: Why does Jean Louise think back to this flashback?

Chapter 6
Why is Alexandra upset?

85 - 91 Daily Reading Stem: How do Jean Louise’s different family members treat her?
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Chapter 7

Reading What change happens at church? Why is Jean Louise upset by it?

92 - 99 What does Uncle Jack convince Herbert to do? Why is this significant?

Daily Reading Stem: What does it mean to “go set a watchman”? Why do you think this is
important in the context of the novel so far?

Chapter 8
Reading What does Jean Louise find in the livingroom? Whom does it belong to? What is it about?

100 -
Why does it matter that Atticus is at a meeting with a guy like Willoughby?
107 -
What does Mr. O’Hanlon’s language tell us about his views?

Where does Jean Louise end up when she leaves the meeting?

Daily Reading Stem: How does this chapter’s revelation change the way you view Atticus and

Chapter 9
Reading What 3 words describe Atticus?

114 –
118 How does this chapter portray him?

Daily Reading Stem: How does Jean Louise’s perception of her father in chapter 9 contrast with
our new knowledge of him?
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Chapter 10
Reading How does Jean Louise react to knowing her father and Henry were at a Council Meeting?

119 –
How do you think she should have reacted?

Daily Reading Stem: Why does it matter that Jean Louise is “color blind”?

Chapter 11
What does Jean Louise think happened to her? What does she intend to do about it?

125- How does Calpurnia help?

130 -
140 Daily Reading Stem: How does this flashback help the reader understand Jean Louise’s
response to problems and her support system growing up?

Chapter 12
Reading Why does Jean Louise mow the lawn so early?

150; Describe Jean Louise’s interaction with Atticus: How is she acting? Why?
157- What case do Atticus and Henry discuss? What is their motivation for taking it?

What does Mr. Fred want Jean Louise to do?

How do the people at Calpurnia’s house act toward Jean Louise? Why?

Why does Jean Louise get upset with Calpurnia?

Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Daily Reading Stem: How has Jean Louise’s perception of the people in her life changed? What
are her feelings toward everything?

Chapter 13
Reading What does Aunt Alexandra’s talk reveal about her attitude toward African-Americans?
Chunks Why is this shocking to Jean Louise?
What do the different categories of women at the Coffee tell us about women’s roles in
Maycomb? Why does it make Jean Louise uncomfortable?
Why does Jean Louise say that she’s “losing her sense of humor”?

How does Jean Louise believe she was raised?

Daily Reading Stem: Describe the internal conflict Jean Louise has at the Coffee. Why is she
questioning her upbringing and her current views?

Chapter 14 – Jean Louise visits her Uncle Jack and tells him what she recently learned
about her father, Henry, and Aunt Alexandra. He tries to reason with her and ends by
Reading telling her to come to him when she can’t handle it anymore.
Daily Reading Stem: Does Uncle Jack seem to support or oppose equality in Maycomb? Explain
187- using evidence from the text.
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Chapter 15
Reading What is this flashback about?

206; How does Henry 1) deal with her falsies and 2) get her out of trouble with the principal?
Daily Reading Stem: What dimension does this flashback add to Jean Louise and Henry’s

Chapter 16
Reading What does Jean Louise tell Henry?

235 What does Henry reveal about Atticus?

What is Henry’s excuse for joining the Citizen’s Council?

At the end of the chapter, what does Jean Louise tell Henry?

Daily Reading Stem: Does this chapter give you any sympathy for Henry? Why or why not?
How do you perceive him now?

Chapter 17 – Jean Louise confronts Atticus. He tries to make her see his views, which are
Reading still against immediate equal opportunity for all races.
What does Jean Louise tell Atticus at the very end of the chapter? What does he tell her?
Daily Reading Stem: What do you think will happen to Jean Louise and Atticus’ relationship
now that they’ve fought?
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Chapters 18 & 19

Reading What is Jean Louise’s plan after confronting Atticus? How does Uncle Jack change it?

257- Uncle Jack tells Jean Louise that not running but turning around took “fantastic courage.”
267; What is he referring to?

Daily Reading Stem: Now that she’s talked with Uncle Jack, should Jean Louise stay in
Maycomb or go back to New York? Why?

What has Jean Louise decided about her relationship with Henry?

Why is Atticus proud of her? Why does she call him her “old enemy”?

Daily Reading Stem: Do you think that – after everything – Jean Louise is making the right
choices? Why or why not?
Name: Go Set a Watchman Unit

Essential Question: How does our childhood impact our beliefs, opinions, and
decisions later in life?
Events in the Past… …Impact on the Present
In To Kill a Mockingbird, Calpurnia worked
for Atticus to help raise Jem and Jean Louise.

On pages ______ , Jean Louise describes the

time she, Jem, and Dill put on a fake revival.
By doing so, they embarrass themselves in
front of a pastor.

The main conflict of To Kill a Mockingbird

was the trial in which Atticus defended Tom
Robinson, a black man accused of raping a
white woman; Atticus knew Tom was
innocent and wanted justice.

On pages __________, Jean Louise recalls

when she thought she was pregnant because a
boy kissed her. Henry stopped her from
taking her life.

Jean Louise moves to New York after


On pages _______, Jean Louise shares the

story of going to a dance with Henry, who
accidently throws her falsies on a statue; to
avoid trouble, they outwit the principal.

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