Vivian Pedicone 8-3 1

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Vivian 8-3

8 Ball Pool/ Applying Physics to the Game

What are number 3 ways an object can accelerate?

1. Speed up
2. Slow down
3. Change direction

1. Speed up

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When the pool stick hit the white ball it caused the ball to accelerate towards the red ball.

2. Slow down

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After the white ball hit the purple ball it started to slow down and then stops, decelerating.

3. Change direction

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When the pool stick hits the white ball it starts moving toward the red ball colliding with the red
ball causing them to hitting the sides of the pool table changing both balls direction.

General directions:
- Open firefox
- Google
- Search 8 ball pool miniclip
- Select first option

Choose screen recording tool of choice

Quicktime or KAP

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