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FIQH Questions & Answers 2010

Q1. Mention a hadith regarding the use of Siwak.

“The of a tooth-stick is a means of purifying the mouth and is pleasing

to the Lord as well.”

Q2. what is the ruling for wiping over the socks?

The socks must have been put on after performing ablution. This is allowed for 24
hours from the time of ablution, and for three days if the person is on journey.

Q3. Write down the procedure for Tayammum.

a. Make niyyah in the heart.

b. begin with the name of Allah.

c. Strike both palms of hand on clean sand, dust or anything containing these, e.g. wall or stone
etc. then blow into the palms. Pass the palms of both hands over the face once and then rub
your right hand with the left palm and left hand with the right palm.

d. Finish with the same Du’aa as given at the end of ablution.

Q4. Mention the timings of each salah: Fajr, Dhuhr, ‘ Asr, Maghrib, Isha.

Fajr Prayer: The time for Fajr or Morning prayer starts at dawn and ends at sunrise.

Dhuhr Prayer: It starts when the sun begins to decline from its Zenith and ends when the size
of an objects shadow is equal to the size of the object.

‘Asr prayer: It starts when the shadow of something is equal to itself and ends just before

Maghrib Prayer: It starts after just sunset and ends with twilight has disappeared.

Isha Prayer: it starts from the disappearance of twilight and ends just before midnight.

Q5. Mention the hadith regarding the forbidden times for Nafl Prayer.

Aboo S’aeed al Khudree(RA)reported Allah’s Messenger(pbuh)as saying,”No prayer is to be

said after the Fajr prayer until the sun rises, or after the Asr prayer until the sun sets.”

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FIQH Questions & Answers 2010

Q6. what are the things to be remembered while choosing a place for salah?

a. The place should be clean and pure.

b. The place should be free from danger.

c. A prayer place where the wirshipper might hinder movement of others should be avoided, e.g.
busy pavements, public roadways etc.

d. It is forbidden to pray on the roof of Baithullah(ka’bah)

e. It is forbidden to pray on top of or facing towards a grave.


a. When the sun began to rise until it was fully up,

b. When the sun was at its height at midday till it passed the meridian,
c. When the sun drew near to setting till it had set.” (Muslim)

Q8. write down a hadith which says about the dress for salah.

“None of you must pray in a single garment of which no part comes over the shoulder.”
(Bukhaaree & Muslim

Q9. write and explain the types of Salaah.

a. Fard or Obligatory Salaah Fard prayer is an obligatory prayer. Every believer is ordered by
Allaah to offer five obligatory prayers in a day. Failure to observe any one of the five obligatory
prayers is serious and punishable sin.
b. Nafl Prayer This is a voluntary prayer which the Prophet (pbuh) observed before or after
Fard at special and isolated occasions. It also includes those which he encouraged Muslims to
pray. The Nafl prayer can be divided into three categories.
c. Sunnah Mu’akkadah (Compulsory) That is those which are emphasized by the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) and offered regularly by him before or after the Fard prayer.
d.Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkaadah (Optional)
That is those offered only occasionally by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Q10. Explain Nafl prayer.

This is an extra prayer. There is a reward for praying it and no sin for leaving it. It can be offered
at any isolated instance according to the time and capacity of the believer. Prophet Muhammad
 encouraged the believers to pray nafl to help make up for any minor omissions or other
defects in the obligatory prayer.

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FIQH Questions & Answers 2010

Q11. write down the number of rakats for obligatory prayers

i) Fajr Prayer
2 Rakats Sunnah Mu‟akkadah and 2 Rakats Fard.

ii) Dhuhr Prayer

2 or 4 rakats Sunnah Mu‟akkadah, 4 rakats fard, 2 rakats Sunnah Mu‟akkadah and an
unspecified number of nafl as time and capacity allows. e number of rakats for obligatory

iii) ’Asr Prayer

2 or 4 rakats Sunnah ghair Mu‟akkadah, 4 rakats Fard.

iv) Maghrib Prayer

2 rakats nafl, 3 rakats fard, 2 rakats Sunnah Mu‟akkadah and an unspecified number of nafl as
time and capacity allows

v) ’Ishaa Prayer
An unspecified number of nafl Rakats according to the time and capacity, 4 rakats fard, 2 rakats
Sunnah Mu‟akkadah, unspecified number of nafl as time and capacity allows and 3 witr

Q12.who is a Mu’adhin and how should he pronounce the Adhan?

A person who calls people for the congregational prayer is called a Muadhin. Before saying the
Adhaan, he should stand facing Ka‟bah in Makkah. He should raise his hands to his ears
putting the tips of forefingers into his ears and call in a loud voice. When he says Hayya „alas
Salaah, he should turn his face to the right and when he says Hayya „alal falaah, he should turn
his face to the left.

Q13.What is the additional phrase added to the fajr adhan ?

An additional phrase is included in the Adhaan for the Fajr prayer after the second Hayya „alal
falaah Prayer is better than sleep.

Q14.What should a believer do on listening to the Adhan?

When the believers hear the Adhaan they should listen to it in silence and repeat each phrase of
the Adhaan in silence immediately after the Mua‟dhin has finished saying the phrase.

Q15.Write down the hadith which tells the importance of reciting the supplication after
Jaabir (ra) reported, Allaah‟s Messenger (pbuh) as saying, “If anyone says when he hears the
Adhaan, “O God, Lord of this perfect call and of the prayer which is established for all time,
grant Muhammad (pbuh) the Waseela and Excellency, and raise him up in a praiseworthy
position which You have promised”, he will be assured of my intercession.” (Bukhaaree)

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Q16. What is Sutra?

Before a person starts to pray, he should place something at a short distance in front of him of
the place where he prostrates (does Sajdah). Such an object is called Sutra and is used when
the person is praying alone. A person passing in front of the person in Salaah (prayer) should
pass on the outside of the Sutra. If someone is praying in congregation, then the Imam acts as
the Sutra. The Imam, however, must have his own individual Sutra in front of him

Q17.mention a hadith which state that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) used to place his
hands over his chest.
Halb Ataee(ra) reported: “I saw the Prophet (pbuh) placing his right hand over his left hand over
his chest.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhee)

Q18. Mention any one supplication to be recited before reciting Fatiha.

Glory be to you, O Allaah, and all praises are due unto You, and blessed is Your Name and
high is Your Majesty and none is worthy of worship but You.

Q19. Write down the translation for surah fatiha.

Praise is only for Allaah, Lord of the universe. The Most Kind, the Most Merciful. The Master of
the Day of Judgement. You Alone we worship and to You Alone we pray for help. Show us the
straight path. The way of those whom You have blessed. Who have not deserved Your Anger,
nor gone astray.

Q20. Mention the hadith which states the importance of recitation of surah Fatiha.
Aboo Hurayrah  reported that Allaah‟s Messenger  was saying that “anyone who prayed any
kind of Salaah (prayer) and did not read in that, Umm-ul-Qur‟an, (and in one version, Fatihah-
tul-Kitab), his prayer will be deficient, will be deficient, and not complete.” (Bukhaaree, Muslim,

Q21. Mention ahadith which proves prove that saying Aameen aloud is Sunnah of the
Prophet (pbuh) and it was the regular practice of the companions.

Na„eem Al Mujammar said: “I prayed behind Aboo Hurayrah (ra). He recited Bismillah hir-
Rahmanir-Raheem, then he recited Soorah Fatihah, and when he reached walad dal-leen, he
said, “Aameen” after it and the people behind said Aameen.” (Bukhaaree)

Q22. Write down the procedure to perform Rukoo.

The person praying should say “Allaahu Akbar” raising both his hands to shoulder level with
palms facing outwards and finger stretching to earlobes. He should then bend in Rukoo‟ so that
his trunk (i.e. from head to hips) becomes perpendicular to the rest of the body. His hands
should rest on his knees with fingers spread apart, taking care that his arms do not touch his

Q23. Complete the hadith:

“The worst thief is one who steals in his Salaah (prayer).”___________

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FIQH Questions & Answers 2010

Q24. During prostration what are the seven parts of the body that should touch the

(i) The forehead along with the tip of the nose

(ii) Both hands
(iii) Both knees
(iv) The bottom surface of the toes of both feet .

Q25. Write down the procedure for performing Tashahud.

After completing the last Sajdah of the second Rak„ah, the person should raise his head saying:
“Allaahu Akbar”. He should sit as he sat between the two Sajdah, putting his left hand on his left
knee and right hand on his right knee. The fist of the right hand is closed except for the index
finger which is protruded. It is protruded so that the right thumb is brought to the second division
of the index finger

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