Name: Thomas Franz Me 144L DSC Lab Date: 2/25/2018 Section: W 4-6 Ta: Namrata Nayar LE5

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Name: Thomas Franz ME 144L DSC Lab Date: 2/25/2018

Section: W 4-6 TA: Namrata Nayar

LE 5
In this lab, a two-can experiment is setup to be compared with a simulated model developed in
the pre-lab. First, the K coefficient for each can is estimated and compared with the ideal
values. Second, a specific initial top can volume is chosen and the peak volume of the bottom
can is compared between experimental and simulation runs to test and validate the simulation
model. Lastly, the model is evaluated by estimating the initial top can volume needed to
completely fill the bottom can without spilling and running a single experimental test run. The
results from our lab indicate that the estimated K coefficient values are close but rough
estimates, and is summarized by Table 1 below. Secondly, the peak volume of the bottom can
for a specific initial top can volume of 760 ml resulted in a value of 485.184 ml, a value that is
very close to the measured bottom can peak volume of 480 ml. Lastly, errors in calculating our
K values resulted in an initial top can volume that was too low, thus causing the bottom can to
be slightly underfilled in this experiment.

Ideal versus Experimental Can Constants

Table 1: Ideal and Experimental (Measured) K Values

Top Can Bottom Can

Ideal K 0.00154359 0.000501656
Measured K 0.001758 0.00058560

From Table 1, it can be seen that the measured K values for the cans are close to the
ideal value of K but include a significant amount of error. This discrepancy between the ideal
and measured makes sense given one of the assumptions made for the process of measuring K:
each can is treated as if there is only outflow. This is not the case for the real experiment; while
the top can is setup so that there is only outflow in the experiment, the bottom can has both
inflow coming in from the top can and outflow as it empties, and thus measuring K through the

use of a √𝑉𝑜 , vs Te plot will only yield a rough estimate of K. Furthermore, the top can in our set
up had a significantly faster outflow than the other lab students. This caused an even greater
room for error as a vortex was hard to prevent as well as finding the correct time the flow went
from laminar to turbulent.

Bottom Can Filling Experiment and Discrepancies

In contrast to the expected result of the filling experiment, the bottom can for our
experimental run ended up underfilled. The hole in the top can was large so it was difficult to
precisely calculate an accurate K1 value. The K1 value we calculated was most likely too high to
correctly predict the experiment. The higher the K1 value the lower initial volume you need in
the top can to completely fill the bottom can. Also, when doing the experiment, the water
splashed a little outside the can. These are both errors in the experiment that caused the
bottom can to be underfilled.

Discussion of Lab Procedures and Improving Results

The lab procedure for the first step of the lab, that of estimating the K value of each can

by plotting √𝑉𝑜 , vs Te and relating the slope of the linear trend-line to K/2, can be rewritten to
indicate that K can simply be read directly from the slope value of a linear trend-line for the plot

of 2√𝑉𝑜 versus Te. The only other update to the initial lab procedure submitted in the Pre-Lab is
the exact procedure for estimating the initial volume of the top can needed to completely fill
the bottom can without spilling. We found the total filled volume of the bottom can by filling it
to the top with a known quantity of water. The simulation is then adjusted with initial top can
volumes through guess and check until the simulation value for the bottom can peak volume
sufficiently matches the estimated total volume of the bottom can. The matching initial top can
volume is then used for the experimental test run to evaluate the model.

Results for the lab, particularly for last portion of the lab (that of estimating the initial
top can volume needed to completely fill the bottom can without spilling) could have been
improved with due diligence in the estimation of the bottom can volume and its matching with
the simulation.

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