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TEK fiantat 070-6017-00 Product Group 38 2445A/2455A OSCILLOSCOPES SERVICE THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. TO ‘AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO. REFER TO OPERATORS SAFETY SUMMARY AND SERVICE SAFETY SUM- MARY PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY SERVICE. First Printing DEC 1986 Tektronix. Copyright © 1986 Tektronix, Inc. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Tektronix, Inc. Products of Tektronix, Inc. and its subsidiaries are covered by U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patents. TEKTRONIX, TEK, SCOPE-MOBILE, and are registered trademarks of Tektronix, Inc. Printed in U.S.A. Specification and price change privileges are reserved SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 SECTION 4 SECTION 5 2445A/2455A Service TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .secacess il LIST OF TABLES... v OPERATORS SAFETY SUMMARY... v SERVICING SAFETY SUMMARY... vi ‘SPECIFICATION INTRODUCTION... PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS. OPERATING INFORMATION SAFETY LINE VOLTAGE SELECTION... LINE FUSE. POWER CORD INSTRUMENT COOLING. OPERATING INFORMATION.. STARTUP nn REPACKAGING FOR SHIPMENT peppy THEORY OF OPERATION PERFORMANCE CHECK AND FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION PREPARATION. VERTICAL. TRIGGERING HORIZONTAL : COUNTER/TIMER/TRIGGER CHECKS... HORIZONTAL (cont). CALIBRATOR, EXTERNAL. Z-AXIS AND GATE OUTPUTS, ‘ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONAL VERIFICATION. WORD RECOGNIZER CHECKS”. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE INTRODUCTION. 7 POWER SUPPLIES... 52 ‘CRT ADJUSTMENTS. SECTION 6 Page DAC REF. CH 1 AND CH 2 INPUT CAPACITANCE, AND VERTICAL READOUT JITTER ADJUSTMENTS... ‘AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION CONSTANTS, HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL GAIN, CENTERING, AND TRANSIENT RESPONSE ADJUSTMENTS. ‘CAL 01—HORIZONTAL, 5-10 5-10 CAL 02—VERTICAI 544 CAL 03—TRIGGERING . 515 ‘CAL 04—CH 2 DELAY ENABLE/DISABLE 516 GAL 05—Set HAS ON and PWR ONJOFF CYCLES... 817 CAL 06—VERTICAL ‘TRANSIENT RESPONSE... 5-17 CAL O7—READOUT CENTERING AND GAIN. 5:20 DYNAMIC CENTERING, DC BALANCE, AND. X-¥ PHAGE DIFFERENTIAL, ‘ADJUSTMENTS. MAINTENANCE, STATIC-SENSITIVE COMPONENTS... 6-1 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE... INTRODUCTION... GENERAL CARE. INSPECTION AND CLEANING. LUBRICATION, ‘SEMICONDUCTOR CHECKS... PERIODIC READJUSTMENT .. ‘TROUBLESHOOTING... INTRODUCTION 00 ‘TROUBLESHOOTING AIDS TROUBLESHOOTING EQUIPMENT. ‘TROUBLESHOOTING ‘TECHNIQUES. DIAGNOSTIC ROUTINE: CORRECTIVE MAINTENAN( INTRODUCTION. 5 MAINTENANCE PRECAUTIONS.... OBTAINING REPLACEMENT PARTS oes MAINTENANCE AIDS . 2445A/2455A Service SECTION 6 SECTION 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont) Page MAINTENANCE (cont) INTERCONNECTIONS... TRANSISTORS, INTEGI CIRCUITS, AND HYBRIO ciRcuITs SOLDERING TECHNIQUES... 6-22 REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS. OPTIONS: INTRODUCTION... POWER CORD OPTIONS. OPTION 1R.. OPTION 01 .. OPTION 06 . OPTIONS 08 and 08... OPTION 10 OPTION 11 SECTION 8 2445 REPLACEABLE ELECTRICAL PARTS SECTION 9 245A REPLACEABLE ELECTRICAL PARTS SECTION 10 DIAGRAMS ACRONYM DICTIONARY SECTION 11 2445A REPLACEABLE MECHANICAL PARTS SECTION 12 2455A REPLACEABLE MECHANICAL PARTS Figure 1 24 61 10-1 102 103 10.4 105 10.6 107 10-8 10.9 10-10 40-1 10412 10.43 2448A/2455A Service LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Dimensional drawing. 421 Line selector switch, ine fuse, and detachable power cord 22 Multipin Connector Orientation... Ribbon Cable Removal a zs 2 : vrs 6-26 Power Switch Push Button Disassembly Color codes for resistors and capacitors. ‘Semiconductor lead configurations. Locating components on schemcatic diagrams and circuit board illustrations. Instrument block diagram, ‘AS—Control board. ‘A6—Front Panel board. ‘A1—Main and A8—Scale Ilunination boards. ‘A15—Holdoff board. ‘A14—Dynamic Centering board. ‘A4—Readout board. ‘A9—2455A High Vollage boa. ‘A9—2445A High Voltage board. ‘A2—Regulator and A3—Inverter boards. 2445A/2455A Service Toble mI 12 13 14 16 16 7 24 gegegegereee LIST OF TABLES Electrical Characteristia .. ‘Option 06 (C/T/T) Electrical Characteristics. Resolution Selections... Resolution Selections Option 09 (WR) Electrical Characteristics nt 1.16 116 1417 118 1419 Power Cord and Voltage Data. Test Equipment Required... AcCUFAGY LIM. nen - ‘Accuracy Limits. : 4-10 CH 3 and CH 4 Accuracy Limits CH 1 of CH 2 Triggering Conditions. CH 3 or CH 4 Triggering Condition Settings for A and B Timing Accuracy Checks Horizontal Timing Accracy Checked Agint the Gratiade Deita Time Display Accuracy... Delayed Sweep Delta Time Accuracy Data Setup Time Checks Data Hold Time Checks Minimum Clock Pulse Width Checks... Delay From Selected Edge to WORD RECOG OUT Checks .. ‘Word Recognition Delay. Power Supply Voltage and Ripple Tolerances... Horizontal Timing Horizontal Timing Vertical Calibration Signals... Vertical Calibration Sighls...e.neunn Suscepteaty to Site Dachare Demag. = a4 External inspection Check List . Internal inspection Check List.. ‘Sequence of Diagnostic Tests Sequence of Exerciser Routines.. Kernel Test Failure Codes. Front-Panel LED Option Codes... Front-Panel LED Device Codes. Potentiometer Codes and Values (Exercise 01).. Pots and Switches Column and Row Code Definitions... NOP Test Dat Maintenance Aids. 6A 612 B13 6-13 614 6-16 617 619 621 ‘2445A/2455A Service OPERATORS SAFETY SUMMARY The general safety information in this part of the summary is for both operating and servicing personnel. ‘Specific warnings and cautions will be found throughout the manual where they apply and do not appear in this ‘summary. Terms in This Manual CAUTION statements identify conditions or practices that ‘could result in damage to the equipment or other property WARNING statements identify conditiors or practices that could result in personal injury or loss of ie. Terms as Marked on Equipment CAUTION indicates either a personal injury hazard that is rot immediately accessible as one reads the markings, or a hazard to property (including the equigment itset) DANGER indicates a personal injury hazard immediately accessible as one reads the marking. ‘Symbols in This Manual ‘This symbol indicates where applicable cau- tionary or oter mformation is 10 be found. For ZA maximum input votage see Table 1-1 ‘Symbols as Marked on Equipment 4H DANGER — High voltage. © _ Protective ground (earth teminal ZX ATTENTION — Reter to mawat Power Source ‘This product is intended to operate from a power source that will not apply more than 250 volts rms between the ‘supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ‘ground, A protective ground connection by way of the ‘grounding conductor in the power cord is essential for safe ‘operation, Grounding the Product This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electrical shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle before making any connections to the product input or output terminals. ‘A protective ground connection by way of the grounding ‘conductor in the power cord is essential for safe operation. Danger Arising from Loss of Ground Upon loss of the protective-ground connection, all accessi- ble conductive parts (inciucing knobs and controls that may appear to be insulated) can render an electric shock. Use the Proper Power Cord Use only the power cord and connector specified for your product, Use only a power cord that is in good condition, For detailed information on power cords and connectors, see Table 2-1 Use the Proper Fuse To avoid fire hazard, use only a fuse of the correct type, voltage rating and current rating as specified in the parts list for your product. Do Not Operate in Explosive Atmospheres To avoid explosion, do not operate this instrument in an explosive atmosphere unless it has been specifically certified for such operation, ‘Do Not Remove Covers or Panels ‘To avoid personal injury, do not remove the product cov- fs oF panels. Do not operate the instrument unless the covers and panels are propetly installed. ‘2445A/2455A Service SERVICING SAFETY SUMMARY FOR QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL ONLY Refer also to the preceding Operators Safety Summary. Do Not Service Alone Do not perform internal service or adjustment of this pro- ‘duct unless another person capable of rendering first aid and resuscitation is present. Use Care When Servicing With Power On Dangerous voltages exist at several ponts in this product. To avoid personal injury, do not touch exposed connec- tions or components while power is on. vi Disconnect power before removing protective panels, ‘soldering, or replacing components. Power Source This product is intended to operate from a power source that does not apply more than 250 volts rms between the supply conductors or between either supply conductor and ground. A protective grourd connection by way of the ‘grounding conductor in the power cord is essantial for safe operation. Section 1—2445A/2455A Service SPECIFICATION INTRODUCTION The TEKTRONIX 24458 and 2455A Oscilloscopes are portable 150-MHz and 250-MHz bandwidth instruments having four-channel vertical deflection systems. Channel 1 and Channel 2 provide calibrated defiection factors from 2 mV per division to 5 V per division. For each of these channels, input impedance is selectable between two values: either 1 MQ in parallel with 15 pF, or 50-0 internal termination. Input-signal coupling with 1-M® impedance can be selected as either AC or DC. Channel 3 and Chan- rel 4 have deflection factors of either 2.1 V oF 0.5 V per division. Each of these channels has an input impedance of 1 M® in parallel with 15 pF, wih DC input-signal ‘coupling. The trigger system works automatically for most sig- ‘nals. They operate in various modes, from any channel, with’ couplings for a wide range of sgnals. The 2445 trigger system gives stable displays fram dc to 250 MHz. ‘The 245SA trigger system gives stable displays from dc to 500 MHz. ‘The horizontal deflection system provides calibrated ‘sweep speeds from 1.5 s per division to 1 ns per division, Induding the effects of the X10 magnifier and the call brated variable between the 1-2-5 steps. Horizontal displays include A Sweep, 8 Sweep (dotyyed), A alternated with B, and CH 1 (for X/Y displays). ‘The AUTO, SAVE, and RECALL features save time and prevent errors. Pressing the AUTO Seiup button gives a ‘workable setup for almost any signal. For repetitive mea- ‘surements, the Save and Recall functions record and Immediately or sequentially restore as many as 30 instru- ‘ment setups. The SETUP buttons operate all instrument functions, including the extended function options. Direct, on-screen readouts of time measurements, vot- ‘age measurements, scale factors, trigger levels, and auxil- ary Information also save time and improve operator confidence. The instruments are shpped with the following stan- dard accessories: Probe packages ‘Snap-iock accessories pouch Zip-lock accessories pouch Operators manual Power cord (installed) 2A, 250-V fuse Clear plastic CRT fiter Blue plastic CRT fiter (installed) Front-panel cover Operators pocket reference card For part numbers and further information about both standard and optional acoessories, refer to "Options and ‘Accessories’ (Section 7) of the instrument's Operators manual or the Accessories information at the rear of this manual. Your Tektronix representative or local Tektronix Field Otfice can also provide accessories information and ‘ordering assistance. PERFORMANCE CONDITIONS The following electrical characteristics (Tables 1-1 through 1-5) are valid for the instrument when it has been adjusted at an ambient temperature between +20°C and +30°C, has had a warm-up period of at least 20 minutes, and is operating at an ambient temperature between 16°C and +55°C (unless otherwise noted). Items listed in the "Performance Requirements” column define the measurement capabilties of the instruments. ‘Supplementary measurement conditions may also be listed in the “Performance Requirements” column. Mechanical characteristics are listed in Table 1-6. Environmental characteristics are given in Table 1-7 ‘The oscilloscope meets the environmental requirements of MIL-T-28800C for Type Il, Class 3, Style C equipment, with the humidity and temperature requirements defined in paragraphs,, and WW Specitication—2445A/2455A Service Characteristics Pertormance Requirements VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM—CHANNEL 1 AND CHANNEL 2 Deflection Factor Range 2 mv/division to 5 Vidivsion ina 1-25 sequence of 11 steps. ‘Accuracy “1 Mi input, noninverted 415°C to +95°C (On-Graticule Accuracy Within +296 at any VOLTS/DIV setting for a four or five-vision signal centered on the soreen. AV Accuracy (using cursors over entire -+(1.25% of reading +.0.08 div + signal aberrations). ‘raticule area) =15°C to + 15°C and +35°C to +55% ‘Add 2% of reading.* 50 2 Coupling ‘Add 2.1% of reading. CH 2 Inverted ‘Add +1% of reading. AV Range £8 X VOLTSIDNV setting VIDIV VARiable, noninverted Frequency Response ‘Continuously variable between VOLTS/DIV settings. Extends Geflection factor to > 12.5 Vidivision. ‘Bandwidth is measured with a leveled, low distortion, 50-1 source, sing-wave generator, terminated in 509. The reference signal amplitude is set at the lesser of 6 divisions or the maximum leveled amplitude. Bandwidth with probe is checked using a probe-tip-to-GR (017- (0520-00) termination adapter. Bandwidth with external termination is checked using a BNC 60.0 feed.through terminator (011-0048.01) —3 48 Bandwicth Using standard accessory probe or internal 50-0 termination. 24558 +15°C to +95°C De to 250 MHz. =15°C to +15°C and +35°C to De to 200 MHz. +55°C 24458 De to 150 MHz. —4,7 dB Bandwidth Using 50-0 external termination on 1.Ma input. 24558 = 15°C to +35°C De to 250 MHz. 495°C to +55°C Dc to 200 MHz. 24458 De to 150 MHz. “Pertormance requirements not checked In manual, 1 Spocification—2445A/2455A Service Table 1-1 (cont) Characteristics Performance Requirements ‘AC Coupled, Lower —3 dB Frequency 10 Hz or less.* With Standard Accessory Probe 1Hz oF less. ‘Step Response Rise Time Calculated from T,=0.35/8W.* 24558 <1.4ns. 24458 2.33 ns. Channel Isolation 3100-1 attenuation of deselected channel at 100 MHz; 250:1 at Displayed Channel 2 Signal Delay with Respect 10 ‘Channel 1 Signal Input Rand C (1 Ma) Resistance Capactance Maxum input Votags 7A. 6, AC, oF GND Covnied 360 Miz, for an eight-dvision input signal trom 2 mV pr division {0 500 mV per division, with equal VOLTSIDIV settings on both channels. ‘Adjustable through a range of at least 500 ps to +500 ps. 1 MO £0.5% 15 pF +2 pF# 400 V (de + peak ac). 800 V pep ac at 10 kHz or less.* Input R60 2) Resistance 500 21% vswr “<1:3:1 for 6¢ to Nominal Bandwidth Maximum Input Votage 7), '5.V ims, averaged for 1 second; +50 V peak. ‘Cascaded Operation Deflection Factor MRR (ADD Mode with Channel 2 inverted) "Performance requirement not checked In manual. ‘Channel 2 Vertical Signal Output into Channel 1 input; DC coupled Using a 50 9 RG-S8C/U coaxial cable, terminated in 50 0 at the Channel 1 input. Channel 1 and Channel 2 VOLTSIDIV set at 2 mV and Bandwidth Limit On. 400 nV per division + 10%. ‘At least 20:1 at 50 MHz for common-mode signals of eight ‘divisions or less, with VAR VOLTSIDIV control adjusted for best CMR at 50 kHz, at any VOLTS/DIV setting. 13 ‘Specification—2445A/2455A Service ‘Table 1-1 (cont) Characteristics Performance Requirements VERTICAL DEFLECTION SYSTEM—CHANNEL 3 AND CHANNEL 4 Deflection Factors Values ‘Accuracy Frequency Response 100 mV and 500 mV per division. Within +: 10%. Bandwidth is measured with a leveled, low distortion, 50-0 source, Sine-wave generator, terminated In 500. The reterence signal amplitude Is set at the lesser of 6 dhisions or the maximum leveled amplitude. Bandwidth with probe is checked ushg a probe-tip-to-GR (017- (0520-00) termination adapter. Bandwidth with external termination is checked using a BNC 50-0 feed-through terminator (011-0049-0). 3 B Bandwidth Using standard accessory probe. 24558 +15°C to +95°C Dc to 250 MHz. 18°C to +15°C and +35°C to De to 200 MHz.* $55°6 24458 De to 150 MHz. —477 08 Bandwidth Using 50-2 external termination. 24558 +15°C to +35°C De to 250 MHz. = 18°C to +15°C De to 200 MHz and +35°C to +55°C." 24858 De to 150 MHz ‘Step Response Rise Time Calculated from T,=0.35/8W. 2456A, <1.4ns. 24450 <2.33 ns. ‘Channel isolation 50:1 attenuation of deselected channel at 100 MHz with an 8- ‘Signal Delay Between Channel 1 and Either Channel 3 oF Channel 4

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