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Nathan Foster

Classroom Management Plan

As a teacher, some of the most important factors in governing student behavior are providing a

safe and comfortable classroom environment while maximizing opportunities for student

learning. In this paper, I will describe my strategies for establishing and maintaining a well-

managed environment to optimize learning opportunities. Many of my strategies are highly

influenced by Harry and Rosemary Wong.

• Ideology:

• When designing an effective classroom management plan I believe it is important to start

with your ideological approach to teaching. My specific approach is one that is rooted in the

constructivist theory of learning. Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning

occurs as students are involved in a process of knowledge construction as opposed to

passively receiving information. Learners are essentially the makers of meaning and


• Communication with Students/Parents:

• In order to help all students feel welcome and comfortable, I believe I should begin each new

class by knowing each student by name. All students’ interests, strengths, and cultural

backgrounds are welcomed and valued. I treat all students equitably and interact and

communicate with them to make them feel cared for, listened to, and respected. My efforts

to respond to all student questions and to remain patient and calm contribute to my

comforting, welcoming classroom environment.

• I believe it is important to develop a strong working relationship with the parents of the

students I teach. At the beginning of the semester, it is vital to send out a letter to the parents.

In this letter, I explain the course so they know what is expected of their child that semester. I
like to encourage the parents to come to open house, and give my contact information and

hours I can be easily reached. This way, the parents know a reliable time to contact me if


• Grading:

• I have determined to take a more authentic assessment approach with limited weight

designated for quizzes and exams. In class activities and unit projects will be weighted more

heavily due to the fact that it more provides a more accurate depiction of the students

learning. This is also done with a constructivist approach as students are allowed freedom

and choice within their final unit projects.

• Rules and Procedures:

• In order to ensure that my classroom rules are both fair and followable I believe that students

should be able to design classroom rules in conjunction with the teacher. Students will be

better provided ownership in determining class rules and therefor be prepared to both follow

them, and hold others accountable.

• Procedure problems are the root of many classroom disruptions and behavior problems.

Ensuring that they are aware of the correct homework and absent bins will be key to my

classroom dynamic. I will try to limit disruptions by having time for students to discuss

missed work with their tables before coming to me with further questions.

• Classroom Environment:

• In order to create a welcoming environment for all students I hope to present artwork and

materials throughout the room that were multicultural and will create talking points amongst

the students. I will provide at least 3 learning stations to assist with group work and doing so

will allow me to cover a variety of topics in a variety of different ways. Ensuring that all
learning styles and children are accommodated. My classroom will have a “positive post it

board” instead of a bulletin board.

• Classroom Roles:

• A lot of what I hope to do within my classroom is collaborative learning. No two students

will have identical views on topics or issues. By sharing their thoughts in group situations

information will be shared and more effective learning will be taking place. In order to

accomplish this I will present students with a variety of roles throughout the course. These

can include being the team lead, the reporter, the scribe, etc. Because the students are then

sharing responsibility they will take more pride in their jobs and work together to accomplish

the overall goal.

• Lesson Flow:

• To prevent students from becoming sidetracked and bored, it is important to have a

continuous flow of activities. To ensure this, I plan all of my lessons with extra activities for

unexpected “free” time. All of my materials are organized in terms of accessibility and

availability so less time is spent accessing them. These efforts help ensure that class time is

used wisely for furthering education.

• Positive Reinforcement:

• I want to focus on the good behavior and attitudes in my classroom. I will have the students

fill out postcards at the beginning of the year with their address on them. I will use these

postcards throughout the year to send positive feedback to the parents at home every week. I

want to acknowledge and encourage good behavior and academic success in my classroom. I

think that letting parents know at home is another way to involve parents in the classroom as

well as reinforce good behavior and learning by the students.

In closing, I truly believe that a well-managed classroom is able to create a comfortable, safe

place where students want to learn. I believe that by creating this classroom culture it will also

limit many distracting events and behavior issues resulting in more quality instructional and

learning time for students.

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