Annie-Letter of Recommendation

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To Whom It May Concern: February 24, 2018

It is with pleasure that I write this recommendation for Scott Wildesen in his desire to be
considered for the position as a Lead Teacher in Washington County Public Schools. My work
with Scott began early in his career when he was a non-tenured teacher at Emma K. Doub. I
also selected Scott for an opportunity to attend the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers Academy
promoting innovative math and science instruction. In the summer of 2017, Scott enrolled in
my MSDE course, Aspiring Teacher Leadership, which focused on the multi-faceted role of the
Lead Teacher. Although Scott and I no longer work in the same building, we collaborate
professionally, primarily through social media.

Throughout the last 5 years Scott has grown both as a classroom teacher and as an instructional
leader. It is evident that he is committed to learning and gaining experiences to drive him
forward. As a classroom teacher, Scott made amazing progress in analyzing data to support
instruction both as a 1st grade teacher and 4th grade magnet teacher. There were numerous
times we worked together to identify strengths and areas of needs in his students, so he could
personalize instruction to increase achievement. I recall a time I questioned Scott about
decisions he had made based on his reading assessments. We met to discuss his data and I was
very impressed with his depth of analysis and ability to target individual areas of need for his
students in work work, fluency and comprehension. In our coaching conversations I have found
Scott open to feedback and reflective, while still able to justify his instructional decisions.

I have often encouraged Scott to take leadership roles by sharing his classroom examples,
leading professional development sessions, becoming involved in the School Improvement
Team, and collaborating with other teachers. He has a natural interest in integrating science
and math content and also provides blended learning opportunities to personalize learning. He
became a leader within Emma K. Doub with his purposeful use of technology throughout the
curriculum. Scott’s door is always open and he thrives on collaboration, showing his vested
interest in supporting others. It is refreshing to find a teacher who is willing to put forth the
time and what it takes to support teaching and learning for students. This drive is also reflected
in his participation in curriculum writing with content supervisors.

As a participant in my MSDE course overviewing the role of the Lead Teacher, Scott was well
prepared and highly engaged in the work. He has met with me several times to gain a deeper
understanding of the Lead Teacher role. He has asked thoughtful questions as he plans to be an
effective coach and mentor, as well as instructional leader in a school.

It is without hesitation that I recommend Scott Wildesen for the role of a Lead Teacher. I know
Scott has made adjustments in his personal schedule in order to be available to support the
mission and vision of WCPS. His professionalism and commitment to his work is to be
commended. I would be excited to work with Scott again and know he will continue to seek
support as needed, as well as take on leadership opportunities as they arise. Please feel free to
contact me for additional information.
Ann K. Anders, Barbara Ingram School for the Arts
Lead Teacher/Tech Coordinator

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