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ROCK MECHANICS (Mekanik Batuan)


7.0: Principles of rock mechanics that are related to

Civil Engineering (Prinsip-
Prinsip-prinsip mekanik batuan yang
berkaitan dengan pembinaan Kej.
Kej. Awam).

8.0: Civil engineering structures & construction

activities in rock mass (Binaan Kej.
Kej. Awam & aktiviti
pembinaan dalam massa batuan).

9.0: Rock mass classification: RQD, RMR & Q-system

(Pengkelasan massa batuan)

Content ( . . . . cont.):

10.0: Basic design parameters for rock slope and

underground excavation: geometry & weakness
planes in rock (Parameter asas rekabentuk cerun &
terowong; geometri & satah-
satah-satah kelemahan dlm.
dlm. batuan).

11.0: Reinforcement and support system for rock

masses - principles & methods (Penstabilan &
pengukuhan massa batuan - prinsip & kaedah).

Part 7: Principles of rock mechanics that are related to
Civil Engineering
Rock mechanics – A branch in engineering that applies
the principles of mechanics in studying the behaviours
& characteristics of geological materials (rock,
discontinuities & related structures) & reaction of these
materials to loading.

This engineering knowledge is essential:

- Rocks are important construction materials (gabion,
cement aggregates & road surfacing & coastal).
- Rocks may act as major components for engineering
structure (structure foundation, slopes & tunnels).

Stability of slopes & tunnels excavated in rock greatly

depends on:

Strength & characteristic of intact rock

Structural weakness & discontinuities in rock.
Weathering degree that affects rock physically.

Therefore, characteristics, strength & weak structures

in rock are the basic parameters required for
designing any engineering structures in rock.

Rock as parts/components of civil engineering
structures – rock as foundation, rock slope & tunnel in

Important scopes in rock mechanics:

Understanding of rock properties & characteristics

that are important for civil construction.

Measuring the behaviour & characteristics of mass

& material properties of rock using laboratory & field
testing methods.

Application of measured properties into design, with

due consideration on differences between mass &
material properties.

Important scopes in rock mechanics:

Essential stabilisation methods for rock engineering

structures and consideration on change of design.

Measuring & monitoring of changes of rock

properties using instrumentations during

Basic construction & excavation methods of rock

engineering structures.

Rock can be fresh (strong) in major portion but highly

weathered (weak) in parts (at joints)

Presence structural discontinuities (joints) may
weaken the rock & expedite weathering.

Joints are weakness planes that may trigger sliding &

consequently lead to instability of the whole rock mass

Intensive weathering of rock surface (onion peeling) –
indication of rock is being weathered, weakening of both
mass & material strength

Cut slope in soils (Zone 6 – 3): slope profile is

generally 1 in 1.5

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