Time History Ground Motion Scaling in Etabs

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Frequency Domain Method

This method adjusts the Fourier amplitude spectrum, based on the ratio of the target response spectrum
to the time-series response spectrum while keeping the Fourier phase of the reference time history fixed.
While this approach is relatively straightforward, it does not generally have good convergence properties.
Also, this approach often alters the non-stationary character of the time series to such a large degree that
it no longer looks like a time series from an earthquake. Matching in the frequency domain invariably tends
to increase the total energy in the ground motion.

The following procedure is performed:

a. Generate the response spectrum for the reference time history using the damping specified for
the target response spectrum.

b. Generate the Fourier amplitude spectrum of the reference time history through a Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT).

c. Determine the scale factor for all frequencies in the specified range. The scale factor is computed

Scale Factor for a given frequency = RSA /RSA



RSA TS = Acceleration of the target response spectrum at the given frequency

RSA RTH = Acceleration of the response spectrum for reference time history at the given

d. Multiply the Fourier amplitudes by the computed scale factors for all frequencies in the specified
frequency range

e. Do an inverse FFT on the scaled Fourier amplitude spectrum to obtain the modified time history.

B. Time Domain Method

The time domain method is generally considered a better approach for spectral matching since this
method adjusts the acceleration time histories in the time domain by adding wavelets. A wavelet is a
mathematical function that defines a waveform of effectively limited duration which has a zero average. The
wavelet amplitude typically starts out at zero, increases, then decreases back to zero. While the time
domain spectral matching procedure is generally more complicated than the frequency domain approach,
it has good convergence properties and in most cases preserves the non-stationary character of the
reference time series.

The time domain method was first introduced Lilhanand and Tseng (1987, 1988). Lilhanand proposed an
algorithm that uses reserve impulse wavelet functions to modify the initial time histories such that its
response spectrum is compatible with a target spectrum. A fundamental assumption of this methodology is
that the time of the peak response does not change as a result of the wavelet adjustment. This assumption
is not always valid as the time of peak response may be shifted by adding the wavelet adjustments to the
acceleration time history.

The following procedure is performed:

a. Generate the response spectrum for the reference time history using the damping specified for
the target response spectrum.

b. Compare the resulting response spectrum ordinate (peak response of the SDOF oscillator) with
the target value. Determine the mismatch for each period and damping ratio, Samisfit.

c. Calculate the spectral sensitivity matrix C, whose elements Cij describe the amplitude of
acceleration response at time peak ti of SDOF oscillator with period Ti due to wavelet
adjustment with period Tj.

d. Calculate the set of wavelet magnitudes, b, by solving the linear set of equation {Samisfit} = [C}

e. Add wavelets to the acceleration time histories with the appropriate phase and amplitude with
the objective of modifying the spectral ordinates. One wavelet is added for each period to be

f. Iterate by repeating the above steps until the largest spectral mismatch is below a given

The algorithm for time domain matching used here is based on the program developed by N. A.
Abrahamson (1993) to implement the Lilhanand and Tseng (1987, 1988) algorithm and modified in 1999 to
preserve the non-stationary character of the initial ground motion at long periods.

Ref.: CSI ETABS Manual

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