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Planning and Technical



Committee on Program/Invitation Committee on Refreshment

Chairman: Ms. Krizzel Catamin Chairman: Mrs. Rona Celino
Co-Chairman: Mr. Andrew Aponesto Co-Chairman: Mrs. Susan Opong
Members: Mrs. Myrna Flores Member: All Advisers

Committee on Parade
Chairman: Mr. Henaro Villarena
Co-Chairman: Liezel Besa
Members: All Advisers

Sash Committee Tables, Seats &Sounds

Chairman: Mrs. Alicia Perra Chairman: Melissa Arceño &
Co-Chairman: Roda Gundran Susan Opong
Members: Melissa Arceño Co-Chairman: Remedios Santos
Milibeth Bellosillo Members: Ramil, Ermie and his
Stage Decoration In - Charge of the Muses & Practice
Chairman: Andrew Aponesto Chairman: Liezel Besa
Co-Chairman: Noralyn Aligano Co-Chairman: Rodelyn Capapas
Members: Milibeth Bellosillo, Members: Roda Gundran
Krizzel Catamin,
Susan Opong
Melissa Arceño

Awards Committee
Chairman: Cherry Distura
Co-Chairman: Myrna Flores
Members: Krizzel C. Catamin

Committee on Canvassing

Chairman: Melissa Arceño

Co-Chairman: Susan Opong
Members: Henaro Villarena
I. Part I……….. Parade (6:30-7:00 am)
Route: Jumaguicjic – crossing proper
II. Part II……….Coronation Rites (8:30 am)
Opening Prayer Mrs. Melissa Arceño
National Anthem Mrs. Myrna Acepcion
III. Entrance of Mr.&Ms. Christmas 2016 and the members of the Royal Court
Sash Bearer Rhean Marie Barrosa
Cherysh AC Joy C. Distura
Sieron John C. Celino
Scarlet Jaz Aligano
Escort Jaspher Dex Nocidad
Muse Ella Cassandra Lamasa
5th Runners up Nico Celeste
Angel Mae Cartujano
4th Runners up John Harry Agnas
Mary Joy Odad
3 Runners up John Andrei Cargando
Cynthia Oquendo
2nd Runners up Ryan Etucas
Shien Maureen Lim
1st Runner up Lorie Mae Deslate
Mr. Christmas 2016 Dave Matthew Besa
Ms. Christmas 2016 Alexandra Nicole Dela Cruz
IV. Welcome Remarks Mr. Eduardo B. Albason
Head Teacher I
V. Doning of Sash
Assisted by:Parents and Mr. Eduardo Albason
VI. Farewell Walk
Mr. Christmas 2014 Cus Alexis D. Perra
Ms. Christmas 2014 Lesly Mae C. Besa
VII. Message of the Coronation Speaker Hon. Mamerto B. Caalam
Brgy. Captain
VIII. Crowning, Giving of Scepter and Giving of Bouquet
to Mr. and Ms. Christmas 2016
IX. Serenade John Paulo L. Ribultan
X. Royal Dance Mr. and Ms. Christmas 2016 & the members of
the Royal Court
XI. Recessional March Mr. and Ms. Christmas 2016 & the members of
the Royal Court
XII. Closing Remarks Joselito Cordovero
PTA President
Mrs. Myrna A. Acepcion
Ms. Krizzel C. Catamin
Master of Ceremony

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