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20am Assemble on Courts in Houses

Walk over to areas seat children and welcome parents.

9.30 - Freestyle Championship Races One length

10.30am &
Social Heats

10.30 – 10.45am Interval

10.50 – Championship Races

11.20am Freestyle & Two lengths
Social Heats

11.20 – Backstroke Championship Races One length

12pm &
Social Heats

12-12.30 Backstroke Championship Races Two lengths

pm &
Social Heats

12.30 - 1pm Lunch

1.05 – Breaststroke Championship Races One length
1.40pm &
Social Heats

1.40-2pm Breaststroke Championship Races Two lengths

Social Heats

2.00pm House Relay Boys Relay Girls Relay

2.15pm Novelty Relay – Staff not in relay to run this

2.30pm Prize giving

2.40pm Thanks to Parents Announce top houses Champs

BBQ runs throughout the day – Organised by Seniors

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