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2012 Focus Issue:


oung students, new to formal ers develop a “researcher lens,” which they use
mathematics, come to school with to examine their practice, and have the oppor-
various number experiences. To tunity to focus on and discuss student thinking
meet their needs, teachers must (Choksi and Fernandez 2004).
understand each student’s thinking and tailor We describe the process through which
instruction appropriately. Differentiation is three first-year kindergarten teachers, Carissa,
a vehicle for making this possible. According Rowland, and Naomi (pseudonyms), devel-
to Tomlinson (2001), differentiated instruc- oped a unit on combinations of ten, which
tion is student-centered; rooted in ongoing emphasized high expectations for all students
assessment; provides multiple access points; while addressing their varied learning styles.
and allows for several approaches to problem We then focus on the results of one lesson in the
solving. Unlike ability grouping, differentiation lesson-study cycle and highlight how differenti-
encourages teachers to maintain high expecta- ated instruction supported student
tions for all students while recognizing indi- access and learning and
vidual needs (Murata forthcoming). This type how the process influ-
of instruction can be challenging, especially for enced planning and
first-year teachers who are focused on class- promoted teacher
room management and learning new curricula growth.
(Levin, Hammer, and Coffey 2009).
Lesson study is one structure that supports Meeting 1: General
teachers’ efforts to improve their lessons. topic and preassessment
Through lesson study, teachers plan a lesson At the first lesson-study meeting—the purpose
or unit, observe one another teaching it, and of which was to establish expectations and
continually reflect on students’ learning in rela- make initial plans—the kindergarten teachers
tion to the lesson supports (Lewis, Perry, and exuded enthusiasm at the opportunity to dis-
Murata 2006; Murata 2011). Additionally, teach- cuss their students’ learning with the support

164 October 2012 • teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 3
Copyright © 2012 The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Inc. All rights reserved.
This material may not be copied or distributed electronically or in any other format without written permission from NCTM.
Focusing on differentiation, three
teachers push all their kindergartners
toward recognizing relationships
among combinations.
By Laura Bofferding,
Melissa Kemmerle,
and Aki Murata Vol. 19, No. 3 | teaching children mathematics • October 2012 165
Council (2001), “learning to see the part-whole
At their first lesson-study meeting, kindergarten teachers and
table 1

relations in addition and subtraction situations

math education researchers created addition and subtraction
is one of [K–grade 2 students’] most important
problem scenarios as a preassessment for the teachers to
accomplishments in arithmetic” (p. 191). In
gain insight into their students’ diverse thinking and learning
fact, two of the Common Core State Standards
for Mathematics (CCSSM) for kindergarten stu-
dents encourage them to decompose numbers
Problem type Question into pairs and determine which numbers, when
Join Robbie has 6 tomatoes, and then he gets added to one through nine, will make ten (CCSSI
(result unknown) 4 more. How many tomatoes does he 2010). The teachers left the meeting excited to
have? design lessons involving part-part-whole word
Compare Robbie has 10 tomatoes, and I have 6. problems that would engage all their students in
(difference unknown) How many more does Robbie have? rich mathematical thinking.
Separate You have 10 tomatoes and use 6 in some
(result unknown) salsa. How many tomatoes are still Meetings 3 and 4: Part-part-
left? whole, two unknowns
Part-part-whole You have 10 tomatoes: 6 are red, and Depending on whether students start with one
(part unknown) the rest are green. How many of the part or the whole quantity in a part-part-whole
tomatoes are green? problem, they might count all, count up from
the part to the whole, or count down from the
Part-part-whole Robbie has 4 green tomatoes and 6 red
(whole unknown) tomatoes. How many tomatoes does whole (NRC 2001). To create a unit that allowed
he have? for multiple approaches and emphasized how
the various combinations of a whole relate to
one another, teachers chose to make both parts
in the part-part-whole problems unknown and
of math education researchers. On the basis encourage students to find all combinations
of their curriculum map, the teachers decided that make ten. Furthermore, the teachers antici-
to focus the lesson-study unit on addition and pated that each student would think about these
subtraction word problems. The group dis- relationships in his or her own way, which they
cussed research on join, separate, compare, and could highlight through class discussion. Thus,
part-part-whole problems—where different to maintain overall high academic expectations
quantities within the problems (e.g., result, dif- and allow space for individual needs to be met
ference) are unknown (Fennema et al. 1993)— (see table 2 on p. 170), the lessons incorporated
and crafted problem scenarios for the teachers both individual problem solving and whole-
to administer to a handful of students so they group sharing.
might gain insight into their students’ diverse The goal of the second lesson (the one cho-
thinking and learning needs (see table 1). sen for formal observation as part of the lesson
study) was to explore all possible combinations
Meeting 2: Part-part-whole of ten using an open-ended, ocean-themed
problems word problem:
Armed with data on kindergartners’ thinking,
the lesson-study group gathered again to exam- There are 10 ocean animals in the ocean. You
ine students’ responses on the preassessment. can have starfish and/or jellyfish. How many
Through guided analysis of their students’ work, of each could you have?
Carissa, Rowland, and Naomi noticed that some
students needed manipulatives to make sense of As the teachers considered their classes, they
verbal problems, whereas others relied on known designed instructional materials to allow stu-
number combinations to attempt problems. dents to access the problem in multiple ways,
On the basis of students’ identified needs, the depending on their needs. Because several
team decided to focus the lesson study around students needed concrete materials to solve the
part-part-whole problems and combinations preassessment problems, the teachers planned
of ten. According to the National Research to offer two colors of Unifix® cubes (one color for

166 October 2012 • teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 3
could. Then they were to record each combi-
To help constrain students to ten
Figu r e 1

nation on a separate ten-frame. Students were

and to offer a stronger visual image,
expected to complete their own combination
teachers distributed combination
activity sheets but were allowed to talk with
ten-frame activity sheets.
one another. Most students worked near oth-
ers, participating in parallel problem solving;
they narrated their process but did not solve the
problem together:

Student Y: [putting together six green cubes] I’m

doing six and six [continuing to add six yellow
cubes; recounting them all. Getting twelve, he
removes two green cubes before recording them].
Student K: [putting together three green “sea star”
each sea creature) so that students could make cubes and seven yellow “jellyfish” cubes to make a
physical combinations of ten. The teachers also tower of ten] Three starfish and one, two, three,
created a ten-frame activity sheet (see fig. 1) that four, five, six, seven [counting each yellow cube
Carissa indicated could help constrain students and recording the combination before starting a
to ten and provide a stronger visual image. They new combination]. One, two [putting together
left spaces on the activity sheet for the totals two green “sea star” cubes]. Next time I’ll start
of starfish and jellyfish, which they could use with one sea star.
to highlight students’ combinations and con-
nect to the corresponding addition sentences After 20–30 minutes, the class returned to
during whole-class discussions. Because 4 + 6 the carpet to show ten-frames for the different
could represent two combinations (depend- combinations and discuss their findings. The
ing on whether the 4 corresponds to starfish or teachers used this time to introduce interesting
jellyfish), students could find eleven different strategies and patterns through targeted student
combinations in which the first number repre- sharing. After student H explained how he found
sents starfish. The teachers anticipated that all the opposites 9 + 1 = 10 and 1 + 9 = 10, another
the students would find a combination and that student clarified, “Instead of nine and one, he’s
students who knew their number facts would going to do one and nine.” Later, student X pre-
be challenged to evaluate if they had found sented 1 + 9 again and claimed, “It’s the same
them all. Rowland further hypothesized that [as 1 + 9 already shown], but it’s not the same,”
the problem would “enable some students [who because the pictures were in different spots on
were already comfortable with addition] to think the ten-frame. These comments opened up sev-
about subtraction if they want.” eral avenues of discussion for the class to pursue
in subsequent lessons.
Focal lesson teaching event
In each classroom, students began the les-
son sitting on the carpet. Carissa, Rowland,
and Naomi reminded them of the ocean math
stories from the previous day and had them Sea creature combinations
think about which combinations of starfish and Because 4 + 6 could represent two combinations—depending on whether
jelly­fish make ten. Using three starfish and seven the 4 corresponds to starfish or jellyfish—students could find eleven
jelly­fish as a model, the teachers combined different combinations where the first number represents starfish:
Unifix cubes to represent this combination and
filled in the ten-frame pictures and totals to 0 + 10 4+6  8+2
record the combination. 1+ 9 5+5  9+1
Following the demonstration, each teacher 2+ 8 6+4 10 + 0
asked her students to choose a workspace and 3+ 7 7+3
challenged them to find as many combinations
of starfish and jellyfish that make ten as they Vol. 19, No. 3 | teaching children mathematics • October 2012 167
Kindergartners worked
together to find new
Lesson-study debrief creatures in the ten-frame. Referring to one such
combinations of ten. After all three teachers had taught the lesson, student, Rowland pointed out,
the lesson-study group gathered to discuss their
cumulative observations. Because differentia- She knows her facts up to twenty … but she
tion was a lesson goal, this theme arose in teach- had six jellyfish and three starfish, and she
ers’ reflections on their students’ material use, said that is ten.… So it is an example of know-
combinations, and strategies. ing—memorizing—the fact but not having a
contextual understanding.
The role of materials in student
solutions Carissa and Naomi agreed and added that
The lesson materials afforded different strate- some of the more advanced students from their
gies and access to students, and the level of traditional instruction were challenged by the
student engagement in the exploration excited openness of the problem, whereas those who
the teachers. The trio noticed that students who normally struggled were willing to try different
used the Unifix cubes counted multiple times. approaches and thus found several combina-
First, they took some of one color and counted tions. Rowland reflected on the students’ use of
them. Next, they counted on, adding a cube of a the materials:
new color for each count, until they reached ten.
Finally, they counted the number of each color Different kids bring these things together in
to record the combination on their ten-frames. different ways to figure it out.… It was inter-
The teachers discussed that one purpose for esting how many access points there were in
using the ten-frame was to help students make this lesson for different kinds of learners. It
sure the total was ten, and they found that stu- allowed a lot of kids to be successful.
dents who had trouble making ten with cubes
were able to use the ten-frame as a scaffold Strategies kindergartners use
by placing one cube in each space or by more Aside from how students used the materials, the
clearly seeing ten. Some students filled in the teachers were interested in which strategies stu-
ten-frame and then counted to determine the dents used to find new combinations. The teach-
number of starfish and jellyfish they drew; other ers noticed that the students were most likely to
students first drew and recorded the number of pick or draw a number of starfish and then build
starfish and then drew and recorded the number or draw from there to determine the number of
of jellyfish. Whether students had to use a count- jellyfish. For about half the students (29/61) this
all strategy or could use a count-on strategy, they process resulted in duplicate combinations. In
were all successful. some cases, the ten-frames corresponding to
The problem context challenged students these combinations looked identical; in other
who already knew their number facts. Students cases, students used the same number of ocean
who knew a combination wrote their numerical creatures but put them in different locations on
answers first and checked them as they drew sea their ten-frames (see fig. 2). As was the case for

168 October 2012 • teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 3
Sometimes students put the About a third of the students found
Figu r e 2

Figu r e 3
same number of ocean creatures at least one commutative pair: “It’s
in different locations on their almost the same, just the opposite.”
ten-frames and considered it a
new combination.


student X, these rearranged pictures constituted tion, one goes up and one goes down.” When
a new combination to some children. discussing affordances of the Unifix cubes,
Besides randomly choosing a starting num- Naomi suggested, “It’s easier to take one off or
ber, other students moved toward thinking add one more.” A third student compared one
that was more systematic by planning to start combination to another (such as 7 + 3 and 3 + 7)
with “more jellies” or “less jellies” the next time. and said, “It’s almost the same, just the oppo-
Naomi stated, site.” In fact, about a third of the students (20/61)
found—whether intentional or not—at least one
It’s really interesting to see them realize that opposite pair (see fig. 3).
if I find a different starting number, it will
have a different other number to make the Implications for instruction
combination. I thought that was really neat, Overall, students found an average of three
because I hadn’t really thought of that. unique combinations each; although a few
students found only one combination, oth-
Additionally, some students used the strate- ers found up to eight. Furthermore, students
gies anticipated during the lesson planning used a range of strategies to determine new
(adding or taking away one starfish each time combinations. Because students’ collective
and finding the opposite—or commutative combinations spanned the eleven possi-
pair—for a combination). As illustrated in the bilities, the teachers were confident that
lesson description, student K found new com- they could facilitate a discussion based on
binations by subtracting one starfish each time. patterns in the combinations to push all
Another student stated this explicitly, “It’s easy, I students toward more strategic thinking.
have eight and two…. To get another combina- Their goal was for students to be able to Vol. 19, No. 3 | teaching children mathematics • October 2012 169
To differentiate instruction, the lessons in the lesson study unit included individual problem solving as
table 2

well as whole-group sharing.

Description Materials Goal
1 Gather students together and tell them, “Once there were An ocean scene Introduce the ocean
three starfish hanging out on a rock. They thought their drawn on the context and the
rock was the coolest rock in the ocean, so they invited board (with a idea of number
their friends the jellyfish to come and play. Seven jellyfish rock on it) stories.
friends showed up to make ten friends in the ocean.” Ten jellyfish cutouts
Draw the ocean creatures, and write the story as you Ten starfish cutouts
tell it. Ten-frame activity
Next, ask students to think about and share with their sheets (3–4 per
neighbors new stories where the number of ocean student)
friends adds up to ten.
Ask students to return to their workspaces. Then, give them
a few ten-frame activity sheets on which to draw starfish
and jellyfish to make stories with ten ocean friends.
After they create stories, bring students back together and
ask them to share their ocean stories with the class.

2 Gather students together and review the ocean context. Ten-frame activity Explore combinations
(a focal Remind students of the three starfish and seven jellyfish sheets (6–8 per of ten (using the
lesson) combination and fill in a ten-frame activity sheet for this student) ocean context
combination. Show students how to use the Unifix cubes Unifix cubes, sorted and the ten-frame
to make this three–seven combination. by color activity sheet) and
Have students work individually with ten-frames and cubes Board or wall space begin thinking
to find as many different combinations of starfish and on which to tape about finding
jellyfish that add up to ten as possible. After 20–30 student ten-frame all combinations
minutes, bring students back together and work as a class activity sheets of ten.
to put up ten-frames for all possible combinations. Begin
talking about how to know if you have found them all.

3 Gather students together to discuss strategies to find all Ten-frame activity Think about strate-
possible combinations of ten. Ask, “How do you know sheets gies for finding all
if you’ve found all possible combinations?” Unifix cubes, split combinations of
Provide a new context, perhaps involving two farm into colors ten. (How do you
animals, and challenge students to use one of the know you have
strategies to find all combinations of ten. Have students found all of them?)
use the ten-frames and cubes again to help them. Use a strategy to
After 20–30 minutes, bring students back to share the find all combina-
combinations and discuss how they know if they have tions of ten in a
found them all. new context.

4 Ask students to make up their own stories about Unifix cubes, split Think about
combinations of twelve. For example, a student may into colors; strategies to find
write a story about seven bananas and five monkeys a place to all combinations of
or a story about two cats and ten dogs. record their twelve; create new
Bring students back together to share their stories combinations; stories or contexts
and record their combinations on the front board. space on which to for different
Discuss how they know if they have found all possible put their stories combinations
combinations of twelve. and pictures (if of twelve

170 October 2012 • teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 3
systematically find all possible combinations contextual problems). Similarly, students could
of ten and to practice talking about their explore whether the order in which they drew
thinking. When asked about the next lesson, their creatures matters, as with student X.
Carissa stated, In terms of logistics, the teachers agreed that
the visuals were powerful for helping students
I just really want to focus on the [opposite] see the different combinations and patterns
strategy … because the strategy was already among them. However, they also concluded that
starting to come out, but not in a conscious to reduce distraction, students should not bring
way. I want to highlight the kids that were their work to the carpet but turn it in. This would
starting to use a strategy and see if other give the teachers a better opportunity to select
students can employ this. key work to discuss.

In the context of ocean animals, the com- Reflections

bination of three starfish and seven jellyfish is This lesson-study experience gave teachers time
different than its “opposite,” the combination and space to think carefully about the diversity
of seven starfish and three jellyfish; but the of their students’ thinking. When discussing the
commutative property states that 3 + 7 = 7 + 3. benefits of lesson study, Naomi stated, “It’s really
The teachers suggested that a further step in unusual to have five different adults in the room
this exploration could involve having students to notice the little things that kids do.”
explore when the order of the combinations Rowland agreed with her. “This is an impor-
matters (such as in contextual versus non­ tant reminder for me to sit back and watch my

What’s the Big Idea?

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problems and other ways of working around
the number ten.

Overall, the lesson study furnished the

teachers with experiences and support to
better understand their students’ individual
thinking and tailor their instruction through
differentiation. Although differentiated instruc-
tion may take different forms, important in all
of it is that teachers maintain high expecta-
tions for all students while recognizing indi-
vidual learning needs. Students learn from
one another by sharing ideas and strategies
during whole-class discussions. Especially for
The youngsters were
young students, problem solving that takes
advantage of students’ diverse ideas helps

proud of combinations
that they found. build a foundation for their future under-
standing of what mathematics learning is.
Instead of separating students according to
students learn sometimes rather than always their differences, balancing between group
being ready to teach them.” and individual learning in classrooms can help
Carissa added, create effective differentiation.

I think we often get caught up in many other REF EREN C ES

aspects of teaching, like assessing and meet- Choksi, Sonal, and Clea Fernandez. 2004. “Chal-
ing certain standards, and this [lesson-study lenges to Improving Japanese Lesson Study:
process] really provides a refreshing focus on Concerns, Misconceptions, and Nuances.” Phi
the developmental process and how students Delta Kappan 85 (March): 520–25.
think about and approach math. Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI).
2010. Common Core State Standards for
The experience enabled the three teachers Mathematics. Washington, DC: National Gov-
to notice that once students chose a number ernors Association Center for Best Practices
to start with, their problem became a tradi- and the Council of Chief State School Officers.
tional part-part-whole problem with one part
unknown. Students primarily counted up from Math%20Standards.pdf.
the first part rather than taking away from the Fennema, Elizabeth, Megan L. Franke, Thomas
whole, suggesting that this context might also P. Carpenter, and Deborah A. Carey. 1993.
be helpful for promoting the counting-up strat- “Using Children’s Mathematical Knowl-
egy for subtraction or for supporting students’ edge in Instruction.” American Educational
thinking about missing-addend problems. The Research Journal 30 (September): 555–83.
teachers were excited to use their newfound doi:10.3102/00028312030003555.
insights in their classrooms to better promote Levin, Daniel M., David Hammer, and Janet E.
strategizing and sense making, which in turn, Coffey. 2009. “Novice Teachers’ Attention
helped them learn and progress as teachers. to Student Thinking.” Journal of Teacher
Carissa stated, Education 60 (March/April): 142–54.
Lewis, Catherine, Rebecca Perry, and Aki Murata.
It helped me to reflect upon my own prac- 2006. “How Should Research Contribute to
tice and be more aware of different ways Instructional Improvement: The Case of Lesson
of approaching instruction and manage- Study.” Educational Researcher 35 (April):
ment.… While we focused on part-part whole 3–14.
combinations, students are now far more Murata, Aki. 2011. “Conceptual Overview of
confident with missing-addend addition Lesson Study: Introduction.” In Lesson Study

172 October 2012 • teaching children mathematics | Vol. 19, No. 3
Research and Practice in Mathematics Educa- Laura Bofferding, lbofferd@purdue
tion: Learning Together, edited by Lynn Hart, .edu, is an assistant professor of math
Alice Alston, and Aki Murata, pp. 1–12. New education at Purdue University in West
York: Springer. Lafayette, Indiana. She investigates
———. Forthcoming. “Diversity and High Aca- young children’s development of num-
demic Expectations without Tracking: Inclu- ber sense and is interested in the iden-
sively Responsive Instruction.” The Journal of tification and discussion of children’s
Learning Sciences. diverse solution strategies in lessons.
National Research Council (NRC). 2001. Adding Melissa ­Kemmerle, kemmerle@
It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics,, is a graduate student in
edited by Jeremy Kilpatrick, Jane Swafford, math education at Stanford University
and Bradford Findell, Mathematics Learning in Stanford, California. Her research
Study Committee, Center for Education, interests include number talks and
Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences student question asking in mathemat-
and Education. Washington, DC: National ics classrooms. Aki Murata, akimura@
Academies Press., is an assistant professor
Tomlinson, Carol A. 2001. How to Differentiate of mathematics education at Stanford. She is interested
Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. in lesson study as a context for examining interactions
2nd ed. Alexandria, VA: Association for Super- among teachers, students, and instructional tools in
vision and Curriculum Development. elementary school mathematics classrooms.

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