UJIAN 1 Biologi Ting 4 2018

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Biologi tingkatan 4

NAMA :………………………………………………………….



1. Antara komponen sel berikut, yang manakah hanya dijumpai dalam sel tumbuhan?
Which of the following cellular components is found in plant cells only?
A Membran plasma / Plasma membrane B Kloroplas / Chloroplast
C Sentriol / Centriole D Lisosom / Lysosome

2. Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu sel haiwan. / Diagram 1 shows an animal cell

Rajah 1 / Diagram 1

Apakah E dan F? / What are E and F?

A Jalinan Endoplasma Kasar Nukleus
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Nucleus
B Jalinan Endoplasma Kasar Mitokondrion
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondrion
C Jasad Golgi Mitokondrion
Golgi Apparatus Mitochondrion
D Jasad Golgi Nukleus
Golgi Apparatus Nucleus

3. Organel manakah mensintesis lipid? / Which organelle synthesises lipids?

A Kloroplas / Chloroplast
B Jalinan endoplasma licin / Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C Jalinan endopasma kasar / Rough endoplasmic reticulum
D Mitokondrion / Mitochondrion

4. Rajah 2 menunjukkan satu organel. / Diagram 2 shows an organelle.

Rajah 2 / Diagram 2
Apakah fungsi organel tersebut? / What is the function of the organelle?
A Tapak sintesis protein / Site of protein synthesis
B Tapak penghasilan tenaga / Site of energy production
C Mengangkut protein / Transports protein
D Memproses, membungkus dan mengangkut Protein /
Processes, packages and transports proteins

5. Persamaan berikut menunjukkan satu tindak balas kimia dalam sel.

The equation below shows a chemical reaction in cells.

Dalam organel manakah berlakunya tindak balas kimia tersebut?

In which organelle does the chemical reaction take place?
A Kloroplas / Chloroplast B Mitokondrion / Mitochondrion
C Lisosom / Lysosome D Ribosom / Ribosome

6. Rajah 3 menunjukkan mekanisme pemakanan Amoeba sp.

Diagram 3 shows the feeding mechanism of Amoeba sp.

Rajah 3 / Diagram 3
Namakan mekanisme yang ditunjukkan. / Name the mechanism shown.
A Pergosmokawalaturan / Osmoregulation B Belahan dedua / Binary fission
C Pergerakan / Locomotion D Fagositosis / Phagocytosis

7. Rajah 4 menunjukkan organisasi dan pengkhususan sel haiwan membentuk tisu K.
Diagram 4 shows the organisation and specialisation of animal cell forming tissue K.

Sel haiwan /Animal cell Tisu K / Tissue K

Rajah 4 / Diagram 4

Apakah tisu K? What is tissue K?

A Tisu saraf / Nerve tissue B Tisu penghubung / Connective tissue
C Tisu adipos / Adipose tissue D Tisu epitelium / epithelial tissue

8. Maklumat berikut merujuk kepada organel G. The following in formation refers to organelle G.

 Terdiri daripada satu timbunan kantung pipih

Consists of a stack of flattened membrane-bound sac
 Tapak untuk mengubahsuai, membungkus dan mengangkut karbohidrat, protein
dan fosfolipid
Site to modify, package and transport carbohydrate, protein and phospholipid

Apakah organel G? What is organelle G?

A Jalinan Endoplasma Kasar / Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
B Jasad Golgi / Golgi Apparatus
C Jalinan endoplasma licin / Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D Ribosom / Ribosome

9. Rajah 5 menunjukkan sejenis sel. / Diagram 5 shows a type of cell.

Rajah 5 / Diagram 5

Apakah kesan ke atas sel sekiranya tiada H? / What is the effect to the cell if there is no H?
A Tiada simpanan air dan makanan / No storage of water and food
B Tiada penghasilan tenaga / No production of energy
C Tiada sokongan untuk tumbuhan berkayu / No support for woody plants
D Tiada simpanan nutrien dan bahan buangan metabolic /
No storage of nutrients and metabolic waste

10. Rajah 6 menunjukkan organisasi sel dalam manusia. / Diagram 6 shows cell organisation in

Rajah 6/Diagram 6

Antara yang berikut, yang manakah mewakili J dan K? /

Which of the following represents J and K?

A Interneuron / Interneurons Kulit / Skin
B Tisu otot rangka / Muscle tissue Kulit / Skin
C Interneuron / Interneurons Otak / Brain
D Tisu otot rangka / Muscle tissue Otak / Brain


1. Diagram 1 shows organelle A, B and C that are found in a cell.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan organel A, B dan C yang dijumpai dalam suatu sel.


Organelle A Organelle B

Organelle C

Diagram 1

(a) Name structure X, Y and Z. Namakan struktur X, Y dan Z.

X : ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Y : ……………………………………………………….........................................................

Z : ………………………………………………….……........................................................
[3 marks]

(b) Name and state the functions of / Namakan dan nyatakan fungsi bagi :

(i) Organelle A : ………………………..………..…………………………………………….

Function : …………………………........................................................................

(ii) Organelle B : ………………………………………………………………………………

Function : ………………………….………………………………………................
[4 marks]

(c) Name a cell in a leaf where the organelles C are most abundantly found.
Give a reason for your answer.
Namakan satu sel dalam daun di mana organel C dijumpai dalam kepadatan yang
Tinggi. Nyatakan alasan bagi jawapan anda.





[2 marks]

(d) Organelles A and B on Diagram 1 involve in synthesis of enzyme.

Explain how an enzyme is produced.
Organel A dan B dalam Rajah 1 berperanan dalam penghasilan enzim.
Terangkan bagaimana enzim dihasilkan





[3 marks]

2. Diagram 2 shows the structure of an animal cell. / Rajah 2 menunjukkan struktur satu sel

Diagram 2

(a) (i) In Diagram 2, label M and N / Pada Rajah 1, labelkan M dan N.

[2 marks]

(ii) Explain what is the function of the nucleus / Terangkan apa fungsi nukleus.




[2 marks]

(b) Explain what will happen to the production of protein if rough endoplasmic reticulum and M
are absent.
Terangkan apa yang akan tejadi kepada penghasilan protein jika jalinan endoplasma kasar
dan M tidak ada.




[4 marks]

(c) Explain why the pancreatic cells contain more ribosomes.
Terangkan mengapa sel-sel pankreas mempunyai lebih ribosom.


[2 marks]
(c) Explain how centrioles help in cell division process in animal cells.
Terangkan bagaimana sentriol membantu dalam proses pembahagian sel dalam sel haiwan.


[2 marks]



Figure 3.1 shows a fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane.

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan model cecair mozaik membran plasma.

(a) Label structures P: / Labelkan struktur P.

[1 marks]


An experiment has been carried out on plant cell, S which is soaked in solution T. The result is
shown in Figure 3.2.
Satu eksperimen telah dijalankan terhadap sel tumbuhan S yang direndam ke dalam larutan T.
Hasilnya seperti Rajah 3.2 telah diperolehi.

(b) State the type of solution T. Nyatakan jenis larutan T

[1 mark]
(c)(i) Name the phenomenon that occurs on plant cell S.
Namakan fenomena yang berlaku pada sel tumbuhan S tersebut.

[1 mark]

(ii) Explain how does the phenomenon in (c) (i) occurs.

Huraikan bagaimana fenomena di (c)(i) di atas berlaku.


[2 marks]

(d)(i) Draw the shape of the plant cell after it is soaked in distilled water in the space provided below.
/ Pada ruangan di bawah lukiskan bentuk sel tumbuhan itu selepas direndam semula dalam
air suling.

[1 mark]

(ii) State the process that takes place in the cell.

Nyatakan proses yang dialami oleh sel tersebut.

[1 mark]

(e) The erythrocytes are put into distilled water. Explain the phenomenon that occurs
to the cell.
Sel-sel eritrosit di masukkan ke dalam air suling. Terangkan fenomena yang
berlaku pada sel tersebut.




[2 marks]

(f) A farmer sprayed the excess fertiliser to the vegetables in his farm. Explain the effects to the
Seorang petani menyembur baja secara berlebihan pada tanaman sayur- sayurannya.
Terangkan kesan kepada sayur-sayuran tersebut.




[3 marks]

4. The Figure 4 shows a model of the active transport system that depends on several carrier
protein found in the plasma membrane.
Rajah 4 menunjukkan satu model bagi pengangkutan aktif yang bergantung kepada protein
pembawa yang terdapat pada membran plasma.

Figure 4 / Rajah 4

(a) (i) Explain what do you understand by active transport.

Terangkan apa yang anda faham tentang pengangkutan aktif.






[ 3 marks ]

(ii) Give an example of active transport in plants.

Beri contoh pengangkutan aktif dalam tumbuhan.



[1 mark ].

(a) State two differences between active transport and passive transport.
Nyatakan dua perbezaan antara pengangkutan aktif dan pengangkutan pasif.

(i) ……………………………………………………………………………….......................



(ii) .. ………………………………………………………………………...…………………..


[ 2 marks ]

(b) State one characteristic of carrier protein. / Nyatakan satu ciri protein pembawa.


[ 1 mark ]

(c) Energy is needed in active transport.What is the use of energy in this transport?
Tenaga diperlukan untuk pengangkutan aktif. Apakah kegunaan tenaga dalam pergerakan


[ 1 mark ]

(d) Name the type of movement of substances for the each example given.
Namakan jenis pergerakan bahan bagi setiap contoh yang diberikan.

Example Type of movement

Contoh Jenis pergerakan
1 Absorption of digested food in the vilus
Penyerapan nutrien di vilus

2 Absorption of water by root hairs of a plant

Penyerapan air di rerambut akar tumbuhan

3 Gaseous exchange in the alveoli and blood

Pertukaran gas di alveolus dan kapilari darah

4 sodium-potassium pumps in the plasma

membrane of neurones
natrium-kalium dipam pada membran plasma

[ 4 marks ]



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