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ANCHETA over the person of the defendant/respondent or over

the nature or subject of the action, the petitioner need
FACTS: not allege in the petition that the ordinary remedy of
new trial or reconsideration of the final order or
Petitioner and respondent were spouses,
judgment or appeal there from are no longer available
wherein the latter intended to marry again filed a
through no fault of her own. This is so because a
petition w/ the RTC, for the declaration of nullity of his
judgment rendered or final order issued by the RTC
marriage with the petitioner on the ground of
without jurisdiction is null and void and may be assailed
psychological incapacity.
any time either collaterally or in a direct action or by
resisting such judgment or final order in any action or
Although the respondent knew that the
proceeding whenever it is invoked,22 unless barred by
petitioner was already residing at the resort Munting
Paraiso in Bancal, Carmona, Cavite, he, nevertheless,
alleged in his petition that the petitioner was residing at
In this case, the original petition and the amended
No. 72 CRM Avenue corner CRM Corazon, BF Homes,
petition in the Court of Appeals, in light of the material
Almanza, Las Piñas, Metro Manila, "where she may be
averments therein, were based not only on extrinsic
served with summons."
fraud, but also on lack of jurisdiction of the trial court
over the person of the petitioner because of the failure
The clerk of court issued summons to the
of the sheriff to serve on her the summons and a copy
petitioner at the address stated in the petition. The
of the complaint. She claimed that the summons and
sheriff served the summons and a copy of the petition
complaint were served on her son, Venancio Mariano B.
by substituted service on June 6, 1995 on the
Ancheta III, who, however, failed to give her the said
petitioner’s son, Venancio Mariano B. Ancheta III, at his
summons and complaint.
residence in Bancal, Carmona, Cavite.9
In Paramount Insurance Corporation v. Japzon,24 we
The petitioner failed to file an answer to the petition.
held that jurisdiction is acquired by a trial court over the
On June 22, 1995, the respondent filed an "Ex-Parte
person of the defendant either by his voluntary
Motion to Declare Defendant as in Default". During the
appearance in court and his submission to its authority
hearing on the said date, there was no appearance for
or by service of summons. The service of summons and
the petitioner. The trial court granted the motion and
the complaint on the defendant is to inform him that a
declared the petitioner in default, and allowed the
case has been filed against him and, thus, enable him to
respondent to adduce evidence ex-parte. Thereafter,
defend himself. He is, thus, put on guard as to the
the trial court issued an Order granting the petition and
demands of the plaintiff or the petitioner. Without such
declaring the marriage of the parties void ab initio.
service in the absence of a valid waiver renders the
The petitioner filed a verified petition against the judgment of the court null and void.25 Jurisdiction
respondent with the Court of Appeals under Rule 47 of cannot be acquired by the court on the person of the
the Rules of Court, as amended, for the annulment of defendant even if he knows of the case against him
the order of the RTC of Cavite in Special Proceedings , unless he is validly served with summons.26
on her claim that the summons and the copy of the
complaint in Sp. Proc. No. NC-662 were not served on 2.) BARCO VS. CA
her. Thus, according to the petitioner, the order of the
trial court in favor of the respondent was null and void
(1) for lack of jurisdiction over her person; and (2) due
to the extrinsic fraud perpetrated by the respondent  Private respondent Nadina Maravilla ("Nadina")
married Francisco Maravilla. Later on, the
ISSUE: W/N the court acquired jurisdiction over the spouses decided to live separately and they
person of the accused. obtained an ecclesiastical annulment of
RULING: No  Nadina gave birth to a daughter named June
Salvacio. June’s birth certificate listed Francisco
In a case where a petition for the annulment of Maravilla as the father but despite of the
a judgment or final order of the RTC filed under Rule 47 notation of her daughter’s birth certificate,
of the Rules of Court is grounded on lack of jurisdiction Nadina subsequently claimed that the real
father of her child was Armando Gustilo, a in the annulment of the RTC Order as she was
former Congressman with whom she likewise fathered by Gustilo.
maintained a relationship. At the time of June’s  The appellate court held that neither Jose
birth, Gustilo was married to Caraycong, who Vicente nor Barco were able to establish the
would later perish in the naval accident of 1981. existence of lack of jurisdiction and extrinsic
Later, Nadina and Gustilo were married in the fraud, the two grounds that would justify the
United States after two and a half years of annulment of a final judgment.32 It ruled that
Nadina’s marriage to Francisco was alleged to while Jose Vicente and Barco had not been
have been annulled in the Philippines. made parties in the Petition for Correction, the
 On 17 March 1983, Nadina filed in her own subsequent notice and publication of the Order
name a Petition for Correction of Entries in the setting the case for hearing served as
Certificate of Birth of her daughter June with constructive notice to all parties who might
the RTC. She prayed that the Local Civil have an interest to participate in the case. The
Registrar of Makati be directed to correct the publication of the Order conferred upon the
birth certificate of June that she will carry the RTC the jurisdiction to try and decide the case
surname of her alleged real father Gustilo.  Before this Court, Barco assails that RTC Order
Notably, Francisco affixed his signature to the on the ground of lack of jurisdiction.
Petition signifying his conformity thereto.
 On 20 March 1983. Gustilo filed a "Constancia," ISSUE: 1.) W/n the court acquires jurisdiction over the
wherein he acknowledged June as his daughter parties due to the failure of impleading Barco as a
with Nadina, and that he was posing no party to the petition for correction.
objection to Nadina’s petition.
 On 7 September 1983, Nadina filed an Amended RULING: YES
Petition,12 this time impleading Francisco and
Gustilo as respondents. Undoubtedly, Barco is among the parties referred to in
 The Office of the Sol. Gen. filed a Motion to Section 3 of Rule 108. Her interest was affected by the
Dismiss the petition on the ground that the RTC petition for correction, as any judicial determination
"had no jurisdiction over the subject matter”. that June was the daughter of Armando would affect
They cited various jurisprudence holding that her ward’s share in the estate of her father. It cannot be
only innocuous or clerical errors may be established whether Nadina knew of Mary Joy’s
corrected under a Rule 108 petition for existence at the time she filed the petition for
correction of entries. correction. Indeed, doubt may always be cast as to
 Later on Motion to dismiss was denied by the whether a petitioner under Rule 108 would know of all
RTC and thereafter issued an order granting the the parties whose interests may be affected by the
petition and ordering the requested corrections granting of a petition. For example, a petitioner cannot
to be effected. be presumed to be aware of all the legitimate or
 Gustilo died in 19 December 1986. Two estate illegitimate offsprings of his/her spouse or paramour.
proceedings arose from his death. The fact that Nadina amended her petition to implead
 Jose Vicente Gustilo ("Jose Vicente"), allegedly a Francisco and Gustilo indicates earnest effort on her
biological child of Gustilo, he filed with the part to comply with Section 3 as quoted above.
Court of Appeals a Petition23 seeking the
annulment of the RTC Order of 7 January 1985 Yet, even though Barco was not impleaded in the
which had effected changes in the civil status of petition, the Court of Appeals correctly pointed out that
June.. the defect was cured by compliance with Section 4, Rule
 After the Court of Appeals commenced hearings 108, which requires notice by publication.
on the petition, petitioner Milagros Barco
("Barco"), on 11 January 1994, filed in her The purpose precisely of Section 4, Rule 108 is to bind
capacity as the natural guardian and/or the whole world to the subsequent judgment on the
guardian ad litem of her daughter, Mary Joy petition. The sweep of the decision would cover even
Ann Gustilo, a Motion for Intervention with a parties who should have been impleaded under Section
Complaint-in-Intervention attached thereto. 3, Rule 108, but were inadvertently left out.
Barco alleged that Mary Joy had a legal interest
Verily, a petition for correction is an action in rem, an capacity to file the action which led to the change of her
action against a thing and not against a person.46 The daughter’s name, the fact that the RTC granted the
decision on the petition binds not only the parties Order despite the existence of these two grounds only
thereto47 but the whole world.48 An in rem proceeding is characterizes the decision as erroneous.
validated essentially through publication.49 Publication
is notice to the whole world that the proceeding has for The RTC’s possible misappreciation of evidence ( RTC
its object to bar indefinitely all who might be minded to erred in directing that the name of Nadina’s daughter
make an objection of any sort against the right sought be changed from "June Salvacion Maravilla" to "June
to be established. It is the publication of such notice Salvacion Gustilo." Following the trial court’s
that brings in the whole world as a party in the case and determination that Gustilo was the father of June, but
vests the court with jurisdiction to hear and decide it. prescinding from the conclusive presumption of
legitimacy for the nonce assuming it could be done, the
ISSUE: 2.) W/n the court acquires jurisdiction over the child would obviously be illegitimate. ) is again at most,
nature of the action or the subject matter. an error in the exercise of jurisdiction, which is different
from lack of jurisdiction. These purported errors do not
RULING: extend to the competence of the RTC to decide the
matter and as such does not constitute a valid ground
Section 2, Rule 47 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure to annul the final order.
explicitly provides only two grounds for annulment of
judgment, namely: extrinsic fraud and lack of
Assuming arguendo that Nadina’s petition for
correction had prescribed and/or that the action FACTS:
seeking the change of name can only be filed by the
party whose name is sought to be changed, this does Sometime in 2004, Rapid City Realty and Development
not alter the reality that under the law the Makati RTC Corporation (petitioner) filed a complaint for
had jurisdiction over the subject matter of the petition declaration of nullity of subdivision plans . . . mandamus
for correction. The Judiciary Reorganization Act of 1980, and damages against several defendants including
the applicable law at the time, clearly conferred on the Spouses Orlando and Lourdes Villa (respondents).
Makati RTC exclusive original jurisdiction in all civil
actions in which the subject of the litigation is incapable After one failed attempt at personal service of
of pecuniary estimation.62 In complementation of grant summons, court process server resorted to substituted
of jurisdiction, Section 1 of Rule 108 provides that the service by serving summons upon respondents’
verified petition to the cancellation or correction of any househelp who did not acknowledge receipt thereof
entry relating thereto should be filed with the Court of and refused to divulge their names.
First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of the province
where the corresponding civil registry is located. Despite substituted service, respondents failed to file
their Answer, prompting petitioner to file a "Motion to
Barco in this case posed defenses of prescription and Declare Defendants[-herein respondents] in Default"
lack of capacity to bring action to the extent that a which the trial court granted by Order of May 3, 2005.
finding that any of these grounds exist will be sufficient
to cause the dismissal of the action. Yet, the existence More than eight months thereafter respondents filed a
of these grounds does not oust the court from its power Motion to Lift Order of Default,3 claiming that on
to decide the case. Jurisdiction cannot be acquired January 27, 2006 they "officially received all pertinent
through, waived, enlarged or diminished by any act or papers such as Complaint and Annexes. And they
omission of the parties. Contrariwise, lack of capacity to denied the existence of two women helpers who
sue and prescriptions as grounds for dismissal of an allegedly refused to sign and acknowledge receipt of
action may generally be rendered unavailing, if not the summons. In any event, they contended that
raised within the proper period.6 assuming that the allegation were true, the helpers had
no authority to receive the documents.4
It thus follows that assuming that the petition for
correction had prescribed, or that Nadina lacked the
By Order the trial court set aside the Order of Default seeks an affirmative relief is deemed to have submitted
and gave herein respondents five days to file their to the jurisdiction of the court. It is by reason of this
Answer. Respondents just the same did not file an rule that we have had occasion to declare that the filing
Answer, drawing petitioner to again file a Motion to of motions to admit answer, for additional time to file
declare them in default, which the trial court again answer, for reconsideration of a default judgment, and
granted.. to lift order of default with motion for reconsideration,
is considered voluntary submission to the court’s
So, respondents filed an Omnibus Motion for jurisdiction. This, however, is tempered by the concept
reconsideration of the second order declaring them in of conditional appearance, such that a party who makes
default and to vacate proceedings, this time claiming a special appearance to challenge, among others, the
that the trial court did not acquire jurisdiction over their court’s jurisdiction over his person cannot be
persons due to invalid service of summons. considered to have submitted to its authority.

The trial court denied respondents’ Omnibus Motion by Prescinding from the foregoing, it is thus clear that:
Order and proceeded to receive ex-parte evidence for
petitioner. (1) Special appearance operates as an exception
to the general rule on voluntary appearance;
Petitioner’s motion for reconsideration having been
denied by the appellate court by Resolution of August (2) Accordingly, objections to the jurisdiction of
12, 2008, it comes to the Court via petition for review the court over the person of the defendant
on certiorari, arguing in the main that respondents, in must be explicitly made, i.e., set forth in an
filing the first Motion to Lift the Order of Default, unequivocal manner; and
voluntarily submitted themselves to the jurisdiction of
the court. (3) Failure to do so constitutes voluntary
submission to the jurisdiction of the court,
ISSUE: W/n the court acquires jurisdiction over the especially in instances where a pleading or
persons of the defendants [respondents]. motion seeking affirmative relief is filed and
submitted to the court for resolution.
Respondents did not, in said motion, allege that their
The petition is impressed with merit. filing thereof was a special appearance for the purpose
only to question the jurisdiction over their persons.
It is settled that if there is no valid service of summons, Clearly, they had acquiesced to the jurisdiction of the
the court can still acquire jurisdiction over the person of court.
the defendant by virtue of the latter’s voluntary
appearance. Thus Section 20 of Rule 14 of the Rules of
Court provides:
Sec. 20. Voluntary appearance. – The defendant’s
voluntary appearance in the action shall be equivalent FACTS:
to service of summons. The inclusion in a motion to These were 2 separate cases originally filed by
dismiss of other grounds aside from lack of jurisdiction Godofredo Pineda at the RTC of Tagum for recovery of
over the person shall not be deemed a voluntary possession (acciones publiciana) against 3 defendants,
appearance. namely: Antonia Noel, Ponciano Panes, and Maximo
And Philippine Commercial International Bank v.
Spouses Wilson Dy Hong Pi and Lolita Dy, et al. Pineda was the owner of 790 sqm land evidenced by
enlightens: TCT No. T-46560. The previous owner of such land has
allowed the 3 defendants to use or occupy the same by
Preliminarily, jurisdiction over the defendant in a civil mere tolerance. Pineda, having himself the need to use
case is acquired either by the coercive power of legal the property, has demanded the defendants to vacate
processes exerted over his person, or his voluntary the property and pay reasonable rentals therefore, but
appearance in court. As a general proposition, one who such were refused.
pleading does specify the amount of every claim, but
The complaint was challenged in the Motions to Dismiss the fees paid are insufficient; and here again, the rule
filed by each defendant alleging that it did not specify now is that the court may allow a reasonable time for
the amounts of actual, nominal, and exemplary the payment of the prescribed fees, or the balance
damages, nor the assessed value of the property, that thereof, and upon such payment, the defect is cured
being bars the determination of the RTC’s jurisdiction in and the court may properly take cognizance of the
deciding the case. action, unless in the meantime prescription has set in
and consequently barred the right of action.
The Motions to Dismiss were denied but the claims for
damages in the complaint were expunged for failure to Where the action involves real property and a related
specify the amounts. Thus, the defendants filed a Joint claim for damages as well, the legal fees shall be
Petition for certiorari, mandamus, prohibition, and assessed on the basis of both (a) the value of the
temporary restraining order against the RTC. property and (b) the total amount of related damages
sought. The Court acquires jurisdiction over the action if
ISSUE: the filing of the initiatory pleading is accompanied by
Whether or not the amount of damages claimed and the payment of the requisite fees, or, if the fees are not
the assessed value of the property are relevant in the paid at the time of the filing of the pleading, as of the
determination of the court’s jurisdiction in a case for time of full payment of the fees within such reasonable
recovery of possession of property? time as the court may grant, unless, of course,
prescription has set in the meantime. But where-as in
RULING: the case at bar-the fees prescribed for an action
Determinative of the court’s jurisdiction in a recovery of involving real property have been paid, but the amounts
possession of property is the nature of the action (one of certain of the related damages (actual, moral and
of accion publiciana) and not the value of the property, nominal) being demanded are unspecified, the action
it may be commenced and prosecuted without an may not be dismissed. The Court undeniably has
accompanying claim for actual, nominal or exemplary jurisdiction over the action involving the real property,
damages and such action would fall within the exclusive acquiring it upon the filing of the complaint or similar
original jurisdiction of the RTC. The court acquired pleading and payment of the prescribed fee. And it is
jurisdiction upon the filing of the complaint and not divested of that authority by the circumstance that
payment of the prescribed docket fees. it may not have acquired jurisdiction over the
accompanying claims for damages because of lack of
Where the action is purely for the recovery of money or specification thereof. What should be done is simply to
damages, the docket fees are assessed on the basis of expunge those claims for damages as to which no
the aggregate amount claimed, exclusive only of amounts are stated, which is what the respondent
interests and costs. In this case, the complaint or similar Courts did, or allow, on motion, a reasonable time for
pleading should, according to Circular No. 7 of this the amendment of the complaints so as to allege the
Court, "specify the amount of damages being prayed for precise amount of each item of damages and accept
not only in the body of the pleading but also in the payment of the requisite fees therefore within the
prayer, and said damages shall be considered in the relevant prescriptive period.
assessment of the filing fees in any case."
Two situations may arise. One is where the complaint or
Note: This case is consistent w/ the principle laid down
similar pleading sets out a claim purely for money or
in Sun Insurance - liberal
damages and there is no precise statement of the
amounts being claimed. In this event the rule is that the FACTS: Petitioner filed before the RTC a Complaint
pleading will "not be accepted nor admitted, or shall against respondents Tan, Obiedo, and Atty. Reyes, for
otherwise be expunged from the record." In other declaration of nullity of deeds of sales and damages.
words, the complaint or pleading may be dismissed, or
the claims as to which the amounts are unspecified may Upon filing its Complaint with the RTC on 16
be expunged, although as aforestated the Court may, March 2006, petitioner paid the sum of P13,644.25 for
on motion, permit amendment of the complaint and docket and other legal fees, as assessed by the Office of
payment of the fees provided the claim has not in the the Clerk of Court. The Clerk of Court initially
meantime become time-barred. The other is where the considered Civil Case as an action incapable of
pecuniary estimation and computed the docket and 7(b)(1), Rule 141 imposes a fixed or flat rate of docket
other legal fees due thereon according to Section fees on actions incapable of pecuniary estimation.
7(b)(1), Rule 141 of the Rules of Court.
In the Petition at bar, the RTC found, and the Court of
Then, Respondent Tan, thus, sought not just the Appeals affirmed, that petitioner did not pay the correct
dismissal of the Complaint of petitioner, but also the amount of docket fees for Civil Case No. 2006-0030.
grant of his counterclaim. According to both the trial and appellate courts,
petitioner should pay docket fees in accordance with
Thereafter, respondent Tan filed before the RTC Section 7(a), Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as
an Omnibus Motion in which he contended that Civil amended. Consistent with the liberal tenor of Sun
Case No. 2006-0030 involved real properties, the docket Insurance, the RTC, instead of dismissing outright
fees for which should be computed in accordance with petitioner’s Complaint in Civil Case No. 2006-0030,
Section 7(a), not Section 7(b)(1), of Rule 141 of the granted petitioner time to pay the additional docket
Rules of Court, as amended by A.M. No. 04-2-04-SC fees. Despite the seeming munificence of the RTC,
which took effect on 16 August 2004. Since petitioner petitioner refused to pay the additional docket fees
did not pay the appropriate docket fees for Civil Case assessed against it, believing that it had already paid the
No. 2006-0030, the RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over correct amount before, pursuant to Section 7(b)(1),
the said case. Hence, respondent Tan asked the RTC to Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as amended.
issue an order requiring petitioner to pay the correct
and accurate docket fees pursuant to Section 7(a), Rule The docket fees under Section 7(a), Rule 141, in cases
141 of the Rules of Court, as amended. involving real property depend on the fair market value
of the same: the higher the value of the real property,
As required by the RTC, the parties submitted
the higher the docket fees due. In contrast, Section
their Position Papers on the matter. On 24 March 2006,
7(b)(1), Rule 141 imposes a fixed or flat rate of docket
the RTC issued an Order17 granting respondent Tan’s
fees on actions incapable of pecuniary estimation.
Omnibus Motion. In holding that both petitioner and
respondent Tan must pay docket fees in accordance
with Section 7(a), Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as As this Court has previously discussed herein, the
amended. nature of Civil Case No. 2006-0030 instituted by
petitioner before the RTC is closer to that of Serrano,
In a letter dated 19 April 2006, the RTC Clerk of rather than of Spouses De Leon, hence, calling for the
Court computed, upon the request of counsel for the application of the ruling of the Court in the former,
petitioner, the petitioner must still pay the amount of rather than in the latter.
P720,392.60 as docket fees.
It is also important to note that, with the amendments
Petitioner did not concede so it was elevated to introduced by A.M. No. 04-2-04-SC, which became
CA, however, CA affirmed RTC’s order. effective on 16 August 2004, the paragraph in Section 7,
Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, pertaining specifically to
ISSUE: W/n the court is correct in ordering appropriate the basis for computation of docket fees for real actions
docket fees be based on Sec. 7(a), Rule 141 which was deleted. Instead, Section 7(1) of Rule 141, as
involves a real action rather than Sec. 7(b)(1) an action amended, provides that "in cases involving real
incapable of pecuniary estimation. property, the FAIR MARKET value of the REAL property
Well-settled is the rule "[t]he court acquires jurisdiction INTERNAL REVENUE, WHICH IS HIGHER, OR IF THERE IS
over any case only upon the payment of the prescribed NONE, THE STATED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY IN
docket fee." Hence, the payment of docket fees is not LITIGATION x x x" shall be the basis for the computation
only mandatory, but also jurisdictional. of the docket fees. Would such an amendment have an
impact on Gochan, Siapno, and Serrano? The Court
The docket fees under Section 7(a), Rule 141, in cases rules in the negative.
involving real property depend on the fair market value
of the same: the higher the value of the real property, A real action indisputably involves real property. The
the higher the docket fees due. In contrast, Section docket fees for a real action would still be determined
in accordance with the value of the real property
involved therein; the only difference is in what amend its complaint. In sum, its intention was to ensure
constitutes the acceptable value. In computing the respondent’s compliance with the procedural rules.
docket fees for cases involving real properties, the
courts, instead of relying on the assessed or estimated ISSUE: W/n the court CA erred in sustaining the trial
value, would now be using the fair market value of the court’s April 3, 2001 Order directing respondent to
real properties (as stated in the Tax Declaration or the amend its complaint.
Zonal Valuation of the Bureau of Internal Revenue,
whichever is higher) or, in the absence thereof, the RULING: NO
stated value of the same.
In resolving this issue, we are guided by two principles.
In sum, the Court finds that the true nature of the First, there is nothing sacred about processes or
action instituted by petitioner against respondents is pleadings and their forms or contents, their sole
the recovery of title to and possession of real property. purpose being to facilitate the application of justice to
It is a real action necessarily involving real property, the the rival claims of contending parties. Hence, pleadings
docket fees for which must be computed in accordance as well as procedural rules should be construed
with Section 7(1), Rule 141 of the Rules of Court, as liberally. Second, the judicial attitude has always been
amended. favorable and liberal in allowing amendments to a
pleading in order to avoid multiplicity of suits and so
6.) GODINEZ VS. CA that the real controversies between the parties are
presented, their rights determined, and the case
FACTS: decided on the merits without unnecessary delay.
Delfina Village Subdivision Homeowners
Association (DVSHA), respondent, filed with the Here, we find no reason to deviate from the foregoing
Regional Trial Court Tagum, an amended complaint for dicta. It is on record that in its first amended complaint,
injunction and damages against spouses Godinez and respondent DVSHA alleged that it is a registered
their son Edwin, petitioners. The complaint alleges that association. However, it failed to attach to its complaint
petitioners were operating a mineral processing plant in the supporting certificate of registration, as well as its
articles of incorporation and by-laws. In their answer,
the annex of their residential house located within
Delfina Village. petitioners promptly assailed respondent’s lack of
personality to sue. The trial court, desiring to determine
Petitioners filed their answer raising the if indeed respondent has the capacity to sue, directed
following affirmative defenses: a) the complaint states respondent to amend its complaint anew by attaching
no cause of action; b) respondent DVSHA has no thereto the necessary documents.
capacity to sue; c) it is not a real party in interest; d) the
complaint fails to implead the real parties in interest; 7.) BIACO VS. PCRB
and e) respondent failed to refer the case for
conciliation to the barangay before filing its complaint. FACTS:

Thereafter, the trial court issued an Order
directing respondent to amend its complaint and attach RULING:
thereto proofs showing that it is a juridical person with
capacity to sue and that it is the real party in interest.

Then, respondent submitted its amended

complaint impleading, as additional plaintiffs, its 8.) LAPANDAY VS. ESPITA
officers and members, and attaching thereto its
Certificate of Registration with the Home Insurance and FACTS:
Guaranty Corporation, as well as its Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws. ISSUE:

The Court of Appeals held that the trial court did
not commit grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
or excess of jurisdiction in directing respondent to

FACTS: The petitioners, all minors, sought the help of 10.) NOCUM VS. TAN
the Supreme Court to order the respondent, then
Secretary of DENR, to cancel all existing Timber License
Agreement (TLA) in the country and to cease and desist FACTS:
from receiving, accepting, processing, renewing or
approving new TLAs. They alleged that the massive
commercial logging in the country is causing vast abuses RULING:
on rainforest.

They furthered the rights of their generation and the 11.) MARIANO VS. JUDGE NACIONAL
rights of the generations yet unborn to a balanced and
healthful ecology.

ISSUE: W/n the case constituted as a class suit.

Petitioners instituted Civil Case No. 90-777 as a

class suit. The original defendant and the present
respondents did not take issue with this matter.
Nevertheless, We hereby rule that the said civil case is
indeed a class suit. The subject matter of the complaint
is of common and general interest not just to several,
but to all citizens of the Philippines. Consequently, since
the parties are so numerous, it, becomes impracticable,
if not totally impossible, to bring all of them before the
court. We likewise declare that the plaintiffs therein are
numerous and representative enough to ensure the full
protection of all concerned interests. Hence, all the
requisites for the filing of a valid class suit under Section
12, Rule 3 of the Revised Rules of Court are present
both in the said civil case and in the instant petition, the
latter being but an incident to the former.

This case, however, has a special and novel element.

Petitioners minors assert that they represent their
generation as well as generations yet unborn. We find
no difficulty in ruling that they can, for themselves, for
others of their generation and for the succeeding
generations, file a class suit. Their personality to sue in
behalf of the succeeding generations can only be based
on the concept of intergenerational responsibility
insofar as the right to a balanced and healthful ecology
is concerned. Such a right, as hereinafter expounded,
considers on the concept of intergenerational
responsibility insofar as the right to a balanced and
healthful ecology is concerned. Such a right, as
hereinafter expounded, considers

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