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: you can download it from the RBS as b/m : open you explorer - type

or change the IP to be the RBS ip


turn off your wifi. 2. make sure you have the ip address of the DUW, I always .1

put the default gateway address for example: ip address: subnet

mask: default gateway: this is, most of the time, the

default ip address. if you still could not connect to the DUW, try to access the

.DUW through hyper terminal (or any telnet programs i.e putty)

Install new element manager for DUW and change date in ur laptop jan 2010


If your pc/laptop is using an anti-virus program like symantec, norton, etc... you

,have to disable it temporarily to allow connection on the UDP/TCP/IP ports. Also

make sure your windows firewall does not block the amos/emas program and

ports 21,22,23, 80, 56834, 56836 etc... Switch off your WIFI/Bluetooth. Setup up

your PC/laptop ethernet LAN card with the following settings: DUW RBS site LAN

ip address: ip address: <-- THIS IS YOUR PC's

:etherent LAN ip address subnet mask: default gateway

Note: if .10 doesn't work, try .2. Do not use as an ip

address of your laptop's ethernet LAN ip address because this is the default RBS

site LAN ip address. Doing so will create collision with the DUW's ip address and

you will not be able to connect to the DUW. Connect ethernet LAN cable to your

pc and DUW, try to ping: open cmd in MS-DOS window: ping If you

cannot still connect, connect to the DUW via RS-232 serial cable and set the ip

address: Connect your client with the serial line cable to the Test port on the CBU

or connect to the LMT A port on the DUW. The serial connection in the client is

:configured using the following parameters

baud rate = 9600 bits per second

parity = none

stop bits = 1 bit

data bits = 8 bits

-- flow control = none reload

ifconfig [ENTER] ifconfig le0 netmask [ENTER]

ifconfig [ENTER] reload [ENTER] Try to connect again. Once you are [ENTER]

connected, download the EMAS installation so that you don't have compatibility

issues when loading your scripts. Ensure you have the correct java j2re1.5.0_12

:or later installed in your pc. Open internet explorer and copy-paste this link

http://<ip address to the node>/em/index.html If you still cannot connect, replace

.the DUW


Dear go to the site and open putty ang put some commandreload -- EnterThen

RBS restart after stable, but fan sound very high.Type:Ifconfig Le0

netmask EnterThen type ifconfig enter and check ip configured or

not if configure. Then use this ip for open EM

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