Math Counting Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

Name: Mahra Bahkeet Mohammed

Professional Development Plan

(What do YOU need to work on to grow professionally?)
1- Classroom rules.

1. Choose and describe an aspect from a teaching competency that you need to work on (Goal)
 MST is using the flash cards that have the classroom rules and she remined them always about
the rules. I would like to use the flash cards so they can listen and see the pictures and
remember them easily.
2. Describe what you will do to help achieve your goal (Strategies Used)
 I will use the flash cards and do the actions with them. Also, to make sure that they knew the
rules I will ask one of them to come and say the rules.
3. Describe how you can tell if you’re achieving your goal (Evidence)
- The classroom rules helped me to avoid misbehaving by reminding them the rules and who
will misbehave will sit on the nutty chair. The children were avoiding misbehaving to not sit on
the nutty chair as it one of the classroom rules.
Grade Level: KG2-7 Subject: Math. Learning Outcome (MOE code and words):
 My learning outcomes for the counting lesson
Lesson tittle: Counting are:
from 1 to 10.

o 1- K.CC.B.4:
o - Recognize and know number names and the
count sequence.
o - Count to tell the number of objects.
o – Write the numbers by using objects.

Resources (what materials/equipment will you and Preparation (what do you need to make or check before
the students use? Be specific) class?) I must check the internet connection and the
computer for the song.
1- Computer (For the song).
2- Cup that have numbers from 1 to 10.
Key vocabulary:
3- 30 Coloured sticks.
1- The numbers names, Add.
4- Clips that have numbers from 1 to 10.
5- Flash cards that have missing numbers.
6- Blocks + Coins + Counting machine
(Small balls + Adding cards).

Introduction (warmer activity + teacher active engagement):

- I will do the morning circle time for 5 minutes by asking questions such as; Today is what?
\what is the date of today? \who is absent? \who is the helper hand for today? The students
will answer together and the child who is the helper hand will count the students and change
the weather, day and date and put the absent student’s pictures on the board.
Time: 5 min

I will use a puppet and ask the students to guess what they think I have in the box.

Then, I will ask them to help me to order the numbers on the board by raising their hands.
Independent Experience (Low level Creativity Area)

- Five students will have cups and 10 coloured sticks and they have to put the sticks in the
cups according to the number that they have on the cup.

(Reading Area):
- Four students will have flash cards that have missing numbers and they will use the clips to
complete the missed number.

15 min Independent Experience (Medium level Blocks Area)

- Five students will use the blocks to write the numbers.

Independent Experience (Hight level Math Area)

Two students will have the counting machine and the adding cards. They will pick any card
and add the small balls according to the number that they have.

- Two students will have the magnet activity, they will use the magnet marker to add and
remove the balls according to the cards that they chose.
5 min

I will apply the numbers song and do the actions with them and ask them what did they learn
as reviewing.



- I will use checklist.

Reflection 6: (Counting “1-10”)

What went well:

I did the box guessing activity to introduce the lesson for the students. Amna

guessed that there is ice-cream in the box and Bshayesr said no there is a toy and she

was right. They were interested to see the toy and all of them were participating.

Moreover, some of the students were raising their hands without saying because I

remind them about the classroom rules before I start the lesson. MST and MCT were

happy when Hamdan put number “6” instead of number “9” on the board, and Amna

said: Teacher he put “6” instead of “9”. So, I asked Hamdan to come back and solve

it by giving him help. Besides, most of the students were interest in the machine

activity and the magnet activity.

I mixed the three-level students in the activities to let swap the areas to gain more

knowledge and help each other. Piaget believes that “The involvement of more

knowledgeable peers makes a big difference” (McLeod, Simply Psychology, 2012). So, by

putting students who are more knowledgeable with the low, medium level students,

will enhance their learning by having the opportunities to share experiences. When I

applied the song to review and do actions, Alreem said that she doesn’t want to do the

actions. So, I told her it is okay Alreem you can stand up only without doing the

actions. Suddenly I saw her doing the actions with the students which was great.
Even better if:

The cups and sticks activity the materials were not enough and MST helped me by

bringing more sticks and pencils. For the next time, I should make sure about the

materials to not waste my time searching for more materials. Also, I will explain the

activities in the circle time instead of explaining it for each group individually to save

the time of the class.

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