9th Grade-Chinese

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9th grade

Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 50 minute.

Punctaj total: 100 puncte, fără a se acorda puncte din oficiu.


A. Eight sentences have been removed from the article below. Choose from the sentences (A-I)
the one which fits each gap (1-8). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.
(1,25p x 8 = 10p)
Paul Hutchinson did not have a full-time job for nearly two years. 1) ___. Mr Hutchinson, 48, from
Prestwich, Manchester, was a manager of a chain of car dealers before he was made redundant 20 months
ago.He was jobless for a few months and then started temporary work at a factory. Then he took a
temporary job at the bakery. 2) ___. Mr Hutchinson said, ‘When I was out of work, I joined a job club. 3)
___. It is easy to sit around and do nothing and get depressed but I am a strong sort of person and
fortunately, I was financially OK. 4) ___. I started doing temporary jobs and got this job through that.’
Mr Hutchinson’s new job is a complete career change for him: his previous work mainly involved
administrative work and accounting. But he is hopeful that his new job will be the first step on the ladder to
a new career. He said, ‘There are a lot of choices available at my new company. 5) ___. ‘I know I am over-
qualified for my current job. 6) ___. I am really enjoying my new job: the company and the people are
fantastic.’Mr Hutchinson got his new job through an employment agency, Brook Street. 7) ___. ‘There is a
huge pool of people out there so no-one should take any refusals too much to heart. 8) _____.
A ‘There may be opportunities to move upwards or sideways.’
B ‘I used their facilities to write my curriculum vitae and apply for jobs.’
C ‘People should explore any opportunities that present themselves for work.’
D His employers were so impressed with his work, that they offered him a full-time post on the pie-
packing production line.
E ‘But you’ve got to start somewhere even at my time of life.’
F ‘I got a golden handshake from my last job, but I didn’t go out and spend it all.’
G Mr Hutchinson was strongly supported by his wife.
H Hamish Thompson, marketing executive of Brook Street, said, ‘It is a difficult job market but people
need to have a strong way of dealing with things in a difficult situation.’
I But he has just started a new job at a Manchester bakery.


A. REPHRASE(1p x 10 = 10p)
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given.
1. He really likes correcting her English.
He ………………………………………… in correcting her English.
2. It’s not necessary to take a lot of luggage when going on holiday.
You ………………………………… luggage when going on holiday.
3. Perhaps he hasn’t received the doctor’s results yet.
He ……………………………………………. the doctor’s results yet.
4. All I want you to do is to look after my dog. care
All I want you to do is to…………………………………… ..my dog.
5. She was not certain about the trip. decide
She ………………………………………………………. about the trip.


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6. He locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape. prevent
He locked the gate ………………………………………… escaping.
7. They did not like to pay extra taxes. objected
They ………………………………………………………extra taxes.
8. The day was so nice that we went on a picnic. such
It was ………………………. ………………that we went on a picnic.
9. The only person I didn’t see was Jane. except
I ……………………………………………………………………Jane.
10. She decided to visit her friend and tell her the news. drop
She decided to …………………………her friend and tell her the news.

B. MULTIPLE CHOICE (1p x 12 = 12p)

Choose the right answer.
Futurologists and experts who study New Year’s resolutions predict 2011 will be the best year ever for
many people. This is (1) ____ news for the billions around the world who hope this year will be better than
last year. 2011 will see more people lifted (2) ____ of poverty and there will be a greater number of people
with access (3) ____ computers. One expert looked forward to new developments that will help the
environment. California will open the world's largest solar power (4) ____ and several electric cars will go
(5) ____ sale, including the much-awaited Tesla. It’s going to be a great year if you study English. There
will be more cool websites and applications for students to (6) ____ up on spelling, vocabulary and
grammar.It seems more of us will (7) ____ our New Year’s resolutions this year. According to a New Year’s
Day poll, the top resolution is to spend more quality time with family and friends. This means talking to
them (8) ____ than being on the phone or texting messages in front of them. The second most popular thing
we will resolve to do is get fitter. Experts say many of us could keep this promise (9) ____ into February
before (10) ____ up. We usually forget about this resolution in mid-January. Other top plans include quitting
smoking, getting (11) ____ of debt and helping others. Of course, studying English more featured high on
many people’s lists. You should make 2011 your best ever year and (12) ____ to your resolutions.
1. A. greetings B. hello C. salutation D. welcome
2. A. up B. out C. into D. away
3. A. to B. at C. of D. from
4. A. flower B. tree C. plant D. shrub
5. A. in B. at C. on D. of
6 A. vacuum B. brush C. sweep D. clean
7. A. keep B. be C. depend D. drive
8. A. instead B. prefer C. over D. rather
9. A. good B. well C. fine D. OK
10. A. taking B. saving C. getting D. giving
11. A. in B. up C. out D. over
12. A. stick B. glue C. bond D. tape

C. WORD FORMATION (1p x 10 = 10p)

Fill in the gaps with the correct words derived from the ones in bold.
Just a few years ago, most of us wouldn’t consider taking Echinacea or another herb to cure a cold or an
infection. Today many of us swear by the (1) …………………properties of these herbs. (2)………………..


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studies prove that such natural remedies are entering the mainstream of medicine.
A (3) ………………… number of (4) . are now recommending alternative treatments along with (5) ……
therapies. Of course, for your own good health, never begin any (6) ……………….. or vitamin therapy
without the (7) ………………… of a medical (8) ……………………. . To help you choose
(9) ……………………. , we have selected some remedies that are backed up by a (10) …………………
amount of anecdotal evidence. So stock your shelves with these simple cures and have a healthy lifestyle.

D. ERROR CORRECTION (1,5p x 10 = 15p)

Identify the 10 mistakes in the text below and correct them.

The Tiger (Panthera tigris) is one of the cat Felidae family and lives only in Asia. Despite its wide range and
adaptability, the tiger is severe threatened today. It is so dependent of cover that it cannot survive where
people have cleared the land for agriculture.
The tiger is still widely haunted down, despite being legaly protected in almost every country where it is
founded. In chinese popular medicine, every part of a tiger’s body is valued and these has made hunting
even most popular.
Three from the eight tigers subspecies have already been wiped out and a fourth is very near extinction.
WWF is promoting projects to save these subspecies.
1.......................... 3............................. 5.............................. 7.............................. 9..............................
2.......................... 4............................. 6.............................. 8.............................. 10...........................


The young boy wasn't getting good grades in school. One day he made the teacher quite surprised. He
tapped her on the shoulder and said ..."I don't want to scare you, but my daddy says if I don't get better
grades, somebody is going to ..…………
Provide an ending so as to turn the text into a joke. Then justify your answer in no more than 5
lines ( on a different piece of paper).


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