Unlocking The Habit Code: Mike Grogan

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  

Habit  Code  
(Approximate reading time 2-3 hrs)

1  of  117  
A  Special  Note  for  Pre-­‐Release  Reviewers  
Thank you so much for agreeing to become one of the first people to
read and review my new book “Unlocking the Habit Code.” It has
taken me many years to get to the point of being worthy enough to
write this. I feel it is one of the most important pieces of work I have
ever created. I am so thankful to you to be one of the first to read it.

Depending on your reading speed, the book will take you between
two to three hours to finish. The only thing I need you to do after you
have read it is to write a short and honest review about the book
on Goodreads before July 15, 2017.


Finally, it is important to note that the book is still a work in progress.

The final editing, the addition of sketchs and formatting process is
not yet complete, so apologies in advance if you see any
grammatical, spelling or formatting errors. Please ignore them, as my
team and I will clean this up before it is released to the general

Thank you again for agreeing to be a Pre-Release Reviewer. Your

testimonial is something that I greatly value. I am honored to have
you as part of the story of this book.

 Mike  Grogan  
June  13th,  2017    
Manila,  Philippines  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Table  of  Contents  
Prologue: Why Inspiration Is Not Enough 4 7. Unlocking the Habit Code:
The MESSI Approach 98
1. The Change Problem: Need to Change,
Want to Change, Don't Change 7 8. Your 21-Day Challenge 103

2. The Top 10 Reasons We Fail at Personal 9. Your Improvement Plan 106

Change 14
10. Your Success Partnership 108
3. How to Make Personal Change Easy 19
11. Beyond Morning Rituals 113
4. The Fastest Way to Create Extraordinary
Personal Change 22 12. Conclusion 115

5. 9 Super Habits That Will Transform Your Epilogue: You Were Born for Greatness 116
Life 31

6. Seven Stories of Extraordinary Personal One Final Thing      

Change: 39

● Ed 40
● Jane 49
● Michelle 57
● Carlo 65
● Matt 73
● Pia 81
● Angela 90

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A  Special  Invitation    
Before you read any further I want to invite you to join our Private
Facebook Group “The Unlocking the Habit Code Community”
created exclusively for readers of this book.

Request to join our group today and my team or I will personally
To  the  Filipino  people:  you  are  a  gift  to  the  world.    You  have  
accept you into the group.
inspired  me  to  become  a  better  man  and  I  am  forever  in  your  
Our journey together does not end once you finish reading this book. gratitude.    This  book  is  for  you.  
That is why we have created this exclusive community for readers  
like you to give you continued inspiration, ideas and support on how
to make personal change easy, achieve extraordinary goals and  
become a greater influence to others.  
This is the ultimate Facebook group for those people determined to  
get to the next level and beyond in every area of their life.
And as an extra cool bonus, every Friday my team and I will be  
giving away amazing cool prizes where you will get the chance to be  
one of lucky winners.  
So don’t miss out – Join our awesome community today.

 Mike  Grogan  
June,  2017    
Manila,  Philippines  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  much  impact  my  talks  (or  any  talk  for  that  matter)  can  have  
Prologue   in  terms  of  helping  someone  change  their  behavior.    
WHY  INSPIRATION  IS  NOT  ENOUGH   For  example,  I  may  give  the  best  talk  of  my  life  on  world-­‐
  class  management  practices  to  100  business  owners  at  a  
I  love  speaking  in  front  of  a  big  audience.  I  never  thought   leadership  conference,  or  some  really  practical  productivity  
this  would  be  something  I  would  become  so  passionate   tips  to  500  professionals  at  their  national  summit,  or  some  
about.  At  the  time  of  writing  this  book  I  have  been  invited   inspiring  career  advice  to  1,000  students  in  their  school,  
to  speak  over  300  times  in  America,  Europe,  Africa,  and   and  they  all  leave  feeling  motivated  and  excited.    
Asia;  directly  reaching  more  than  100,000  people.  The    
audiences  have  been  so  diverse:  from  public  servants  to   However,  how  many  of  them  will  actually  start  applying  
corporate  executives;  from  high  school  students  to   what  I  said  the  next  day?    
professional  athletes;  from  entrepreneurs  to  freelancers.    
Sometimes  I  feel  I  have  the  best  job  in  the  world:    —   Regardless  of  how  much  inspiration  and  knowledge  people  
helping  people  make  better  decisions  and  live  with  fewer   are  exposed  to,  or  how  motivated  they  feel  to  take  action,  
regrets  in  both  their  professional  and  personal  lives.   most  people  seem  to  be  terrible  at  making  lasting  personal  
However,  over  time  I  grew  uncomfortable  when  people    
introduced  me  as  a  "motivational  speaker"  or  an   My  Struggle  With  Personal  Change  
"inspirational  speaker."  The  more  audiences  I  spoke  to,  the   Let  me  first  reflect  on  my  own  struggle  with  personal  
more  I  realized  that  there  was  a  major  problem  I  was  not   change.    Once  I  discovered  my  passion  for  teaching  and  
addressing  in  my  talks.  Yes,  my  message  may  be  inspiring   training,  I  became  obsessed  with  how  I  could  become  
to  some,  but  I  have  learned  that  inspirational  messages   better  at  influencing  people.  I  became  addicted  to  personal  
alone  are  not  enough  to  create  lasting  personal  change.  We   growth.  I  read  hundreds  of  books,  watched  hundreds  of  
may  know  that  we  need  to  change,  we  may  be  really   TED  Talks,  and  listened  to  thousands  of  podcasts.  I  had  
motivated  to  change,  and  yet  most  of  us  end  up  failing  to   (and  still  have)  a  massive  thirst  for  knowledge.    
  However  is  this  something  for  me  to  boast  about?    
This  problem  is  not  unique  to  the  audiences  I  meet.  It  is  a    
universal  problem:  I  have  seen  it  in  all  of  the  40-­‐plus   If  you  asked  me  how  much  I  remember  from  all  the  
countries  I  have  visited.       knowledge  I  have  consumed,  or  even  better,  how  much  of  it  
  I  am  actually  applying  in  my  own  life  on  a  daily  basis,  my  
After  making  this  observation,  I  started  to  question  how   answer  would  probably  not  impress  you.    

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  Who  This  Book  Is  Written  For  
The  truth  is  that  I  fall  short.     At  this  point  in  human  history,  we  have  unprecedented  
  access  to  knowledge  and  information.  Greatness  has  never  
My  biggest  problem  is  not  that  I  don't  know  what  to  do.  My   been  more  accessible,  yet  still  so  few  make  the  decision  to  
biggest  problem  is  that  I  am  not  able  to  consistently  do   become  great.  The  painful  reality  is  that  “most  people”  may  
what  I  know  I  must  do.  From  things  as  simple  as  eating  the   indeed  have  moments  when  they  feel  greatly  inspired  and  
right  food,  to  doing  daily  exercise,  to  staying  in  regular   motivated  to  make  a  change,  but  only  hours  later  that  
contact  with  my  parents,  I  have  really  struggled  to  make   positive  feeling  completely  disappears  and  almost  
the  personal  changes  in  my  life  that  I  know  I  must  make.       everything  is  forgotten.    
I  don't  believe  I  am  alone  here.  I  see  it  in  the  eyes  of  every   They  resume  their  life  in  their  comfort  zone.  They  continue  
audience  I  speak  to.  I  will  go  as  far  as  saying  that  closing  the   to  make  the  choice  to  conform  to  their  environment  and  to  
gap  between  knowing  and  doing  is  the  greatest  challenge   settle  for  “good  enough.”  They  continue  to  make  a  choice  to  
facing  humanity.     pick  a  story  that  somehow  justifies  their  decision.  They  do  
  not  free  themselves  from  the  false  limiting  beliefs  holding  
Knowledge  alone  is  not  power:  only  applied  knowledge  is.       them  back.  Their  potential  is  never  fulfilled.    
What  This  Book  Is  All  About     You  must  not  allow  that  to  happen  to  you.  You  must  be  
This  book  is  not  a  research  paper  or  technical  thesis.  This   different.    
book  has  not  been  designed  just  to  dump  knowledge  on  you  
or  just  to  make  you  feel  good  about  yourself  after  you  have   “Do not conform to the thinking of this world, but be
read  it.  I  have  designed  this  to  be  one  of  the  most  practical   transformed by the renewing of your mind.” — The
"how-­‐to"  books  on  personal  change  that  you  will  ever  read.     Apostle Paul
This  book  is  written  to  help  you  close  the  gap  between    
knowing  and  doing,  for  both  yourself  and  the  people  you   I  believe  that  you  are  different  to  “most  people.”  The  very  
want  to  help.   fact  that  you  are  reading  these  pages  is  evidence  to  me  that  
  you  want  more  from  life.    You  are  fed  up  with  the  status  
It  is  about  your  relationship  with  the  personal  changes  in   quo  and  you  are  hungry  for  growth.  You  are  hungry  to  
your  business  and  life  that  you  know  you  must  make.  And  I   achieve  great  things  for  both  yourself  and  others.  You  are  
am  not  referring  to  changes  you  need  to  make  some  time  in   driven  to  take  your  life  to  the  next  level  and  beyond.    
the  distant  future.  I  am  talking  about  the  personal  changes    
that  you  know  you  need  to  make  within  the  next  21  days.   The  truth  is  that  this  book  is  not  written  for  “most  people.”  
This  book  is  written  for  the  “few  people.”  The  “few  people”  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
who  are  hungry  to  be  of  greater  service  to  others  and  who   I  have  written  this  book  to  help  you  become  one  of  these  
are  humble  enough  to  realize  that  all  change  starts  with   people.  
self.  They  are  the  only  people  who  will  change  the  world  —  
because  they  are  the  only  people  who  are  willing  to  change   This  Book  Is  Written  For  You  
themselves.     It  has  taken  me  years  to  put  myself  in  a  position  to  be  
  worthy  enough  of  writing  this  book.  A  series  of  
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. circumstances  have  brought  me  to  this  point,  but  it  is  only  
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” — Rumi with  the  benefit  of  hindsight  can  I  now  connect  the  dots  and  
  see  how  everything  in  my  past  has  led  me  here.    
I  believe  that  you  are  one  of  these  “few  people.”      
  I  was  meant  to  write  this  book  and  you  were  meant  to  read  
What  About  Everyone  Else?     it.    
I  want  you  to  reject  the  part  of  your  brain  that  is  trying  to    
convince  you  that  your  choice  to  develop  yourself,  your   Think  about  it.  There  are  approximately  130  million  books  
choice  to  distance  yourself  from  what  “most  people”  do,  is   written  in  the  world:  hundreds  of  thousands  on  the  topic  of  
selfish.  That  you  are  leaving  people  behind.   personal  and  organizational  development  alone.  However,  
  right  now,  you  are  reading  this  book.  I  want  you  to  believe  
This  is  the  crab  mentality  that  keeps  so  many  people  from   that  this  is  not  by  chance,  that  there  is  a  reason  why  this  
reaching  their  potential.  This  is  poisonous  thinking.   book,  and  none  other,  is  in  your  hands  at  this  moment.    
Investing  in  yourself  is  the  greatest  way  you  can  serve    
others.  The  greatest  way  you  can  influence  others  to  change   Books  have  played  a  significant  role  in  my  journey,  but  
is  by  becoming  someone  who  is  able  to  master  personal   every  so  often  a  book  comes  along  that  forever  changes  the  
change  —  to  become  a  role  model  of  personal  excellence.   way  you  think.  My  promise  to  you  is  that,  if  you  fully  
  embrace  this  book,  it  will  not  only  significantly  impact  how  
“Be the change that you want to see in the world.” you  approach  personal  change,  but  it  will  forever  change  
—Mahatma Gandhi the  way  you  influence  others.    
The  foundation  of  all  greatness  for  both  business  and  life  is   Something  special  is  about  to  happen.    
personal  mastery:  being  the  living  example  of  the  change  
you  want  to  see  in  others.  What  the  world  needs  more  than  
anything  else  is  for  people  to  show  us  the  way.  People  who  
do  not  just  lead  by  example,  but  who  live  by  example.    

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Chapter  1   9. A  humanitarian  wants  to  help  the  people  she  is  
trying  to  serve  break  free  from  the  false  limiting  
THE  CHANGE  PROBLEM:     beliefs  that  are  holding  them  back  from  their  
Need  to  Change,  Want  to  Change,     potential.    
Don't  Change  
Can  you  spot  the  one  thing  they  have  in  common?  All  of  
“The hardest battle I ever faced was changing myself.” their  answers  are  focused  on  other  people  making  a  
— Nelson Mandela change.  It  is  rare  for  me  to  find  someone  who  will  actually  
raise  their  hand  and  say  that  it  is  their  own  behavior  that  
What  Change  Do  You  Want  To  Make?   they  want  to  change  the  most.    
What  change  do  you  want  to  make  in  the  world?  Or  let  me    
ask  a  more  specific  question:  what  is  the  change  you  want   Is  this  a  bad  thing?  Yes  and  No.  The  ability  to  see  
to  see  happen  this  week?  When  I  have  asked  this  question   opportunities  for  other  people  to  improve  is  a  great  and  
in  my  seminars  and  workshops,  the  responses  have  been   much  needed  skill.  However,  if  you  only  do  this  and  cannot  
interesting  and  varied.         see  the  opportunities  to  improve  yourself,  then  your  ability  
  to  influence  others  will  slowly  disappear.    
1. A  business  owner  wants  his  employees  to  become    
more  accountable  and  proactive.     “I cannot expect integrity in others if I do not demand it
2. A  parent  wants  her  children  to  focus  on  their  studies   from myself first.” — Tony Meloto
and  not  get  addicted  to  video  games.      
3. A  sports  coach  wants  his  players  to  become  more   Why  We  Cannot  Change  Anyone  
disciplined  and  organized.     The  reality  is  that  we  cannot  change  anyone.  We  can  only  
4. A  pastor  wants  to  help  his  church  members  flee   influence  other  people  to  change.  Real  change,  especially  
from  destructive  behaviors  and  practice  righteous   the  type  of  lasting  behavioral  change  that  we  seek  the  most,  
living.     will  always  be  the  decision  of  the  individual.  We  can  only  
5. A  manager  wants  her  team  to  become  more  creative   change  ourselves.    
and  innovative.      
6. A  teacher  wants  her  students  to  become  more   The  only  way  we  can  encourage  and  support  change  in  
imaginative  and  insightful.     others  is  through  influence.  And  the  most  powerful  way  we  
7. A  public  servant  wants  to  change  the  way  the   can  influence  others  is  by  showing  them  how  we  ourselves  
general  public  thinks  and  acts.   deal  with  change.  By  showing  them  how  we  have  mastered  
8. An  entrepreneur  wants  to  change  the  way   personal  change.  
customers  use  his  product.    

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Think  about  it  for  a  moment.     brutal  reality  is  that  the  majority  of  my  attempts  at  creating  
  lasting  changes  in  my  behaviors  have  failed  to  achieve  the  
Think  of  someone  who  has  had  a  significant  positive   desired  results  I  was  seeking.  Many  of  my  good  intentions  
influence  on  your  life,  or  a  real  life  hero  you  greatly  admire.   (for  example  -­‐  wanting  to  meditate  more,  read  more,  write  
They  would  have  had  absolutely  no  influence  on  you  if,   more)  have  fallen  to  pieces.  Worse  still,  at  the  beginning  of  
throughout  their  lives,  they  were  not  able  to  change   my  career,  the  majority  of  my  attempts  to  help  others  
themselves.     change  their  behavior  (both  as  a  friend  and  a  professional)  
  also  failed  more  times  than  they  succeeded.    
Personal  change  is  the  foundation  of  all  success.  There  is  no    
hiding  from  the  fact  that  the  level  of  success  in  every  area  of   I  feel  I  have  let  myself  down.  I  feel  I  have  let  down  those  I  
your  life  (health,  relationships,  finances,  career,  family)  is   wanted  to  help.  This  is  not  a  good  feeling.  There  has  to  be  
directly  related  to  your  level  of  effectiveness  at  making   another  way.  There  has  to  be  something  that  I  am  missing.  
lasting  personal  change.  Thus  to  become  a  greater  influence   There  has  to  be  something  that  works.      
to  others,  to  help  them  change,  we  must  first  improve  how    
we  deal  with  personal  change.   Can  you  relate  to  this?    
  This  is  a  pretty  accurate  description  of  the  emotional  state  I  
The  Change  Problem     was  in  when  I  committed  (with  borderline  obsession)  to  
So  let’s  tackle  this  head  on.  Why  are  you  so  bad  at  personal   finding  an  answer  to  “The  Change  Problem.”  
change?  Why  am  I  so  bad  at  personal  change?  Why  are  we    
all  so  bad  at  personal  change?     After  immersing  myself  in  thousands  of  hours  of  study  and,  
  more  importantly,  after  spending  years  constantly  
Our  track  record  is  terrible.  We  fail  far  more  times  than  we   experimenting  on  myself  and  teaching  others  to  do  their  
succeed.  New  Year's  resolutions  give  the  most  haunting   own  experiments,  I  eventually  figured  out  that  there  is  a  
evidence  of  how  bad  we  are,  with  around  80%  not  making   solution  to  “The  Change  Problem.”    
it  past  the  first  30  days.  In  business  we  are  not  much  better,    
with  around  70%  of  executives  describing  their  attempts  at   Personal  change  in  both  business  and  life  does  not  have  to  
organizational  change  as  “failing  to  meet  expectations.”   be  difficult.  In  fact,  I  believe,  and  the  premise  of  me  deciding  
This  epidemic  of  broken  promises  is  what  I  call  “The   to  write  this  book,  that  there  is  a  way  that  you  can  make  
Change  Problem.”  We  want  to  change,  we  know  that  we   personal  change  easy.    
must  change,  yet  we  fail  to  change.    
  The  Solution  To  “The  Change  Problem”  
Personally,  I  am  fed  up  with  “The  Change  Problem”.  The   I  journeyed  long  to  reach  this  point,  but  I  am  not  unique  in  

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getting  here.  I  am  not  a  guru  and  I  am  not  claiming  to  be   “Motivation gets your started, habit gets you there.”
better  than  anyone  else.  Many  people  before  me  have  made   Zig Ziglar
the  exact  same  discovery.  However,  the  majority  of  those    
who  have  solved  the  change  problem  have  not  been    
effective  in  communicating  to  others  how  they  did  it.     The  Habit  Code  
  The  process  your  brain  follows  to  create  new  habits  is  what  
This  is  what  I  want  to  do  differently.     I  am  calling  “The  Habit  Code.”  We  are  going  to  Unlock  this  
  Habit  Code  by  understanding  all  the  critical  factors  that  
“I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for determine  if  a  behavior  becomes  a  habit  or  not.  When  you  
living well.” — Alexander the Great and  I  are  successful  at  personal  change,  we  are  already  
  using  this  Code.  When  you  and  I  are  not  successful  at  
I  promise  that,  in  this  book,  I  will  explain  the  solution  to  the   personal  change,  we  are  simply  not  using  it.    
change  problem  in  a  way  that  is  not  only  easy  for  you  to    
understand,  but  is  also  easy  for  you  to  apply.     So  it’s  simple  right?    
Personal  change  does  not  have  to  be  difficult:  there  is  a   The  way  to  mastering  personal  change  is  not  only  knowing  
user-­‐friendly  solution  to  the  change  problem.  There  is  a   “The  Habit  Code”  but,  more  importantly,  knowing  how  to  
practical  and  simple  way  to  create  lasting  personal  change   use  it  to  create  your  own  personal  changes.    
that  really  works.      
  The  good  news  is  that  your  subconscious  brain  is  already  
What  I  have  discovered  is  that  personal  change  is  easy  if   familiar  with  “The  Habit  Code”.  Every  time  you  are  
you  leverage  the  science  of  how  our  brains  create  habits.   successful  in  changing  your  behaviors,  your  subconscious  
Once  something  becomes  a  habit,  it  essentially  becomes   brain  is  following  this  exact  Habit  Code.  This  book  aims  to  
almost  automatic:  happening  with  little  or  no  effort  on  your   show  you  how  to  leverage  the  subconscious  brain  to  create  
side.  It  is  estimate  that  more  that  40%  of  our  actions  we   success  habits  faster  and  more  effectively  than  you  have  
perform  everyday  are  not  actually  decisions  that  we  make   ever  done  before.  So,  rather  than  presenting  you  with  new  
but  habits  that  happen  without  us  even  thinking  about  it.   information,  this  book  is  ironically  more  about  affirming  to  
  your  conscious  brain  what  your  subconscious  brain  already  
That's  what  I  want  to  help  you  with  here:  getting  you  to   knows.    
identify  the  new  behaviors  that  you  want  in  your  life  and    
giving  you  the  formula  to  transform  these  new  behaviors   I  promise  you  that  you  can  validate  every  principal  in  this  
into  new  habits  within  21  days.     book  by  reflecting  deeply  on  your  own  life  experiences  
  when  it  comes  to  personal  change.  Every  time  you  make  a  

10  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
successful  personal  change,  you  are  successfully  using  this   We  need  to  read  in  the  way  that  lights  up  our  brain  the  
Habit  Code.     most.  That  allow  us  to  be  excited  and  curious  about  what  
  we  are  learning.  That  enables  us  to  remember  what  we  are  
At  the  end  of  this  book  there  will  be  no  more  confusion,  no   learning  so  we  can  recall  it  with  ease  when  we  most  need  it.  
more  misunderstanding,  and  no  more  frustration  when  it   There  is  a  better  way  for  us  to  learn  and  that  way  is  
comes  to  knowing  how  to  create  lasting  behavioral  change   through  storytelling.    
in  your  life.  You  will  be  able  to  Unlock  The  Habit  Code.    You    
will  be  able  to  create  your  own  extraordinary  personal   “Words are how we think; stories are how we link.”
change  in  just  21  days.   — Christina Baldwin
“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all
You  will  soon  read  the  stories  of  7  ordinary  people  who  
of the power we need inside ourselves already.” — JK
Rowling created  extraordinary  changes  in  both  themselves  and  
  others.  They  were  able  to  transform  themselves  within  21  
How  You  Will  Learn  From  This  Book     days  and  become  a  greater  influence  to  others.  They  were  
I  have  learned  (mainly  from  my  own  experiments  and   able  to  solve  their  change  problem.  They  were  able  to  make  
failures)  that  one  of  the  most  ineffective  ways  to  influence   personal  change  easy.  
someone  is  by  dumping  information  on  them.  We  don't    
need  another  book  that  bores  us  to  death  with  its  facts,   You  will  read  how:  
data,  and  fancy  graphics.  I  will  not  fall  for  the  classic  author    
trap  of  trying  to  impress  you  with  how  smart  I  am  by   • Ed  achieved  incredible  excess  weight  loss  and  
forcing  you  to  read  pages  and  pages  of  irrelevant  content.   became  a  role  model  for  his  friends  and  work  
You  don't  need  that.  You  don't  deserve  that.     colleagues.    
  • Jane,  a  teacher,  recovered  from  a  broken  heart  to  
Thus  everything  I  write  in  this  book  must  be  intentional.   win  her  confidence  back  and  was  then  able  to  
Every  chapter,  every  paragraph,  and  every  sentence  must   inspire  her  students  to  become  more  positive  about  
serve  a  purpose.  My  team  and  I  have  reviewed  this  book   their  studies.    
hundreds  of  times  with  our  “less  is  more”  philosophy.  I   • Michelle,  a  business  owner,  who  solved  her  problem  
promise  you  that  a  massive  effort  has  been  made  to  make   of  constantly  feeling  overworked  and  overstressed,  
this  book  of  greatest  value  to  you,  the  reader,  by  using  the   and  how  she  was  able  to  teach  the  rest  of  her  team  to  
least  number  of  pages  possible.    I  have  strived  for   become  more  productive.  
exactness,  not  excess.     • Carlo,  a  first  time  father,  was  able  to  overcome  the  
  old  destructive  habits  of  his  past  and  become  a  hero  

11  of  117      
for  his  wife  and  daughter.    
• Matt,  stuck  in  his  career,  was  finally  able  to  pursue   Remember,  it  is  not  what  the  characters  in  the  stories  did  
his  passion  and  at  the  same  time  empower  his   that  is  of  most  significance:  it  is  how  they  did  it.  Their  
younger  brother  to  breakthrough  to  the  next  level..   approach  to  Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  could  be  one  of  the  
• Pia,  an  entrepreneur,  was  able  to  revitalize  her   most  practical  things  you  will  ever  learn  in  your  life.  It  is  
struggling  online  business  and  motivate  her  friends   their  testimonies  of  how  they  were  able  to  master  personal  
to  follow  her  example  of  mastering  personal  change.     change  and  become  a  greater  influence  to  others  that  are  by  
• Angela,  a  recently  promoted  manager,  was  able  to   far  the  most  valuable  part  of  this  book.  
overcome  the  biggest  challenge  of  her  career  and    
transform  the  performance  of  her  new  department.    
  How  To  Get  Maximum  Value  From  This  Book    
As  you  see,  the  main  characters  of  these  stories  are  very    
different  from  each  other  in  terms  of  experience  and  the   Before  we  continue  any  further,  I  want  to  ensure  that  you  
challenges  they  are  facing.     are  setup  to  harness  maximum  value  from  this  book.    
Let  me  emphasize  that  it  was  not  through  luck  or  fortunate   The  truth  is  the  most  people  do  not  know  how  to  read  
circumstances  that  they  were  able  to  achieve  these   effectively.  I  don’t  want  you  to  make  that  mistake.  I  want  
extraordinary  results.  It  was  not  just  because  they  were   you  to  get  a  million  times  more  value  from  this  book  than  
more  motivated  or  that  they  had  more  willpower  or  self-­‐ its  price  suggests.  You  deserve  much  more  than  value  for  
discipline.     money:  this  should  be  a  purchase  that  adds  infinite  value  to  
  your  life  both  now  and  for  many  years  to  come.      
These  are  the  common  assumptions  we  make  when  we  see    
others  succeeding.     If  you  are  truly  to  see  the  full  transformational  impact  of  
  this  book,  I  want  you  to  follow  the  three  steps  below:  
They  were  successful  because  they  followed  the  formula    
outlined  in  this  book.  They  Unlocked  the  Habit  Code.  At  the   1. Read  with  a  pen  in  your  hand:  I  can’t  emphasize  
end  of  the  book,  we  will  deconstruct  and  unravel  exactly   enough  the  power  of  note-­‐taking  when  it  comes  to  
how  they  did  it.  But  you  will  not  have  to  wait  until  the  end   acquiring  new  knowledge.  I  believe  you  will  be  10  
of  the  book  to  see  how  this  applies  to  you.  After  reading  just   times  more  likely  to  remember  what  you  read  if  you  
two  or  three  of  the  stories,  it  will  become  obvious  to  you   take  notes  as  you  go.  For  me  taking  notes  of  my  
how  exactly  the  characters  changed  and,  more  importantly,   thoughts  has  been  like  having  a  second  brain.  If  you  
you  will  begin  to  see  how  you  can  start  applying  this  to   look  at  any  of  the  books  I  have  read,  you  will  see  
your  own  life.     pages  and  pages  of  underlines,  side  notes,  

12  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
reflections,  ideas,  drawings  and  commentary.  This  is   least  one  of  the  characters  will  remind  you  of  
what  I  want  you  to  do.  You  can  write  in  the  book   someone  that  you  deeply  care  about.  Ask  yourself  –  
itself,  in  a  notebook,  or  type  on  your  phone:   “Would  they  benefit  from  hearing  this  story?”  If  yes,  
whatever  works  best  for  you.  As  an  added  bonus,  if   then  your  courage  to  share  the  story  with  them  
you  read  with  a  pen  in  your  hand,  you  can  use  it  to   could  have  a  massive  impact  on  their  future  
guide  your  eyes  as  you  read  each  line.  This  simple   decisions.    
technique  is  used  by  some  of  the  smartest  people  in    
the  world  to  increase  their  reading  speed  by  20%  to   “Life's  most  persistent  and  urgent  question  is  
30%.     'what  are  you  doing  for  others?”’  —  Martin  Luther  
  King,  Jr.  
             Trust  me  on  this.  Read  with  a  pen!    
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is 3. Do  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge:  At  the  end  of  this  book,  I  
a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.” — Brian invite  you  to  join  me  and  your  fellow  readers  in  
Herbert completing  a  unique  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  Yes,  you  
  heard  me  correctly.  If  this  book  is  going  to  change  
2. Share  with  at  least  one  person:  Think  of  someone   your  life,  you  must  complete  this  challenge.  My  
in  your  life  you  care  deeply  about  who  is  going   primary  aim  when  writing  this  book  was  to  support  
through  a  difficult  time  right  now.  A  friend,  a  family   you  in  successfully  completing  this  21-­‐Day  
member,  or  a  work  colleague.    Perhaps  it  is  someone   Challenge.  Remember  this  is  not  a  "knowledge  
with  huge  potential  who  would  be  really  inspired  by   focused"  book.  This  is  an  "application  focused"  book.  
the  stories  in  this  book.  Or  perhaps  it  is  someone   The  most  important  question  you  must  ask  yourself  
who  is  really  hungry  to  realize  his  or  her  greatness   after  you  finish  reading  is:  “What  does  this  mean  to  
but  is  feeling  stuck.  I  want  you  to  share  with  them   me?”  Starting  and  then  completing  this  21-­‐Day  
what  you  consider  to  be  the  most  powerful  points   Challenge  will  give  you  infinitely  more  value  from  
from  this  book.  One  of  the  greatest  lessons  I’ve   this  book  than  just  reading  it  and  walking  away.    
learned  in  life  is  that  you  can’t  make  it  on  your  own.    
The  simple  act  of  sharing  a  story  with  someone  may   To  be  direct,  I  fail  as  an  author  if  you  read  this  book  
have  a  massive  impact  on  how  they  think.  Also,   without  doing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  Knowing  
every  time  you  share,  it  will  help  you  understand   without  doing  is  not  knowing.  Understanding  
more  profoundly  how  you  can  apply  the  lesson  to   without  doing  is  not  understanding.  Learning  
your  own  life.  Everyone  wins.  This  is  especially   without  doing  is  not  learning.  Please  do  not  skip  this.    
relevant  as  you  read  each  of  the  seven  stories.  At   It  is  the  most  important  action  you  must  take.  

13  of  117      
“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not Chapter  2  
enough, we must do.” — Bruce Lee
The  Top  10  Reasons  We  Fail  At  Personal  
“You don’t learn from experience, you learn from
So  now  that  your  mind  is  ready  and  our  expectations  are  
reflecting on experience.” — John Dewey
clear,  let’s  start  smashing  some  of  the  false  myths  about  
personal  change  by  examining  the  top  10  mistakes  you  and    
I  make  when  it  comes  to  attempting  personal  change.   Recalling  Past  Failures  
  You  cannot  read  this  book  without  asking  yourself  one  vital  
Our  past  failures  at  personal  change  are  not  because  we  are   question:  “What  does  this  mean  to  me?”      
bad  people  or  because  we  have  poor  self-­‐discipline  or    
willpower:  it  is  because  we  are  continuously  repeating  the   If  ever  there  was  a  time  for  deep  reflection  in  this  book,  it  is  
same  mistakes.     now.  I  want  you  to  reflect  on  the  10  mistakes  listed  in  this  
  chapter  not  just  from  a  theoretical  perspective,  but  also  
from  a  personal  perspective.  I  want  you  to  think  of  the  
times  when  you  were  unsuccessful  at  personal  change  and  
relate  it  to  one  of  the  10  mistakes.      
That  time  you  wanted  to  eat  healthier  foods,  but  didn’t  
That  time  you  wanted  to  start  a  journal,  but  didn’t  
That  time  you  wanted  to  volunteer  more,  but  didn’t  
That  time  you  wanted  to  exercise  more,  but  didn’t    
That  time  you  wanted  to  learn  a  new  language,  but  didn’t    
That  time  you  wanted  to  watch  less  TV,  but  didn’t    
That  time  you  wanted  to  save  more  money,  but  didn’t    
That  time  you  wanted  to  drink  more  responsibly,  but  didn’t    
That  time  you  wanted  to  spend  more  time  with  the  people  
who  matter  most  to  you,  but  didn’t  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  failed  attempts  at  personal  change  in  the  past.  Most  of  the  
That  time  you  wanted  to  stop  smoking,  but  didn’t   time,  you  and  I  know  exactly  what  we  should  do  and  we  
That  time  you  wanted  to  get  more  quality  sleep,  but  didn’t     know  exactly  what  we  must  do:  yet  we  fail  to  do  it.    
That  time  you  wanted  to  set  up  your  own  business,  but    
didn’t   I  don't  want  you  to  start  beating  yourself  up.  I  know  how  
  you  feel.  I  have  been  there  many  times.  I  don’t  want  you  to  
That  time  you  wanted  to  get  out  of  debt,  but  didn’t   dwell  on  this  bad  feeling.  Do  not  allow  that  part  of  your  
That  time  you  wanted  to  read  more,  but  didn’t   brain  to  start  feeding  you  the  lie  that  you  are  a  loser  for  not  
That  time  you  wanted  to  meet  new  people,  but  didn’t   being  successful  in  your  past  attempts  at  personal  change.  
  Remember,  everything  from  your  past  has  made  you  the  
That  time  you  wanted  to  travel  more,  but  didn’t   person  you  are  today.  So  look  at  it  from  a  new  perspective.  
That  time  you  wanted  to  become  more  organized,  but   As  your  read  this  book,  you  will  obtain  the  clarity  you  need,  
didn’t     that  you  did  not  have  in  the  past.    
That  time  you  wanted  to  spend  less  time  on  social  media,    
but  didn’t   “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time
  more intelligently.” — Henry Ford
Your  life  could  be  very  different  today  if  you  were  able  to    
keep  those  promises  to  yourself.  For  this  book  to  be  of   This  time  you  have  the  opportunity  to  begin  again  with  the  
greatest  value  to  you,  you  must  apply  personal  meaning  to   wisdom  of  knowing  what  actually  works  when  it  comes  to  
it.  You  must  recall  your  past  failures  and  be  willing  to   making  lasting  personal  change.  
analyze  what  went  wrong.  You  must  clearly  understand    
what  problem  this  book  is  trying  to  help  you  solve  and  why   The  Top  10  Mistakes  We  Make  In  Attempting  Personal  
solving  this  problem  is  so  important  for  you  and  for  the   Change    
people  you  are  trying  to  help.    
  1. We  attempt  big  leaps  instead  of  small  baby  steps.    
A  New  Perspective   We  want  results  fast  and  we  want  results  
If you change the way you look at things, the things now,  so  we  attempt  unsustainable  big  leaps.  
you look at change. ― Dr Wayne Dyer Our  lack  of  patience  and  perspective  fail  us.  
We  focus  on  abstract  goals  (like  lose  weight,  
  save  money,  be  smarter)  instead  of  concrete  
I  expect  that,  at  times,  when  you  are  reading  this  chapter,   daily  behaviors  (go  for  a  10-­‐minute  walk  
you  may  start  feeling  a  bit  guilty  as  you  reflect  on  your  own   before  breakfast,  make  my  own  lunch  in  the  
morning,  listen  to  inspiring  podcasts  on  my  

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way  to  work)  that  are  easy  for  us  to   take  a  cold  shower).  Were  our  attention  goes  
understand  and  apply  on  a  daily  basis.       our  energy  flows.  
2. We  don’t  focus  on  creating  the  habits  that  give  us   4. We  oversimplify  our  motivation.    
the  biggest  “return  on  investment.”     We  are  lazy  in  the  way  we  think  about  our  
Not  all  habits  are  created  equal!  Some   motives  for  change.  We  just  fish  on  the  
habits  take  more  effort  than  others.  Some   surface  of  our  thinking  for  a  short  limited  
habits  have  a  bigger  impact  than  others.   time  to  reach  a  simple  conclusion  about  our  
However  there  are  a  small  number  of  habits   motives.  Accepting  this  is  blinding  us  to  
—  let’s  call  them  “super  habits”  —  that  have   another  reservoir  of  insight  and  clarity  that  
a  positive  impact  exponentially  greater  than   can  really  fuel  us  on  our  journey  to  
the  scope  of  the  behavior  itself.  These  are  the   transformation.    
habits  that  create  a  chain  reaction  in  your  life    
that  gives  you  the  energy  and  confidence  to   There  is  always  more  than  one  reason  to  
do  more:  providing  the  foundation  upon   change.  Especially  when  we  stop  focusing  on  
which  other  positive  behaviors  can  grow.   ourselves  and  reflect  on  the  effect  our  
(We  will  talk  more  about  these  super  habits   success  or  failure  has  on  others  (especially  
in  Chapter  5)   those  we  love).  Each  reason  has  a  different  
  meaning  to  us.  Motivation  is  far  more  
3. We  try  to  stop  undesired  behaviors  as  opposed   complex  and  deeper  than  we  think.  We  must  
to  replacing  them.     invest  time  in  finding  out  what  gives  us  most  
Whether  we  are  trying  to  stop  smoking,  stop   meaning:  reasons  that  connect  with  both  our  
eating  fast  food  or  stop  biting  our  nails,  a  big   heads  and  hearts.    
mistake  we  make  is  assuming  that  focusing    
our  limited  mental  energy  on  resisting  will   5. We  try  to  do  it  on  our  own  (assuming  willpower  
keep  us  on  track.  But  this  is  not  true.  Studies   and  self-­‐discipline  are  enough).  
show  that  it  is  far  more  effective  when,   We  glorify  the  idea  of  self-­‐made  men  and  
instead,  we  seek  to  replace  the  undesired   women.  We  romanticize  the  idea  of  the  lone  
behavior  with  a  new  behavior  (instead  of   comic  book  superhero  doing  it  all  by  
getting  angry,  go  outside  for  a  5-­‐minute  walk;   themselves.  These  superheroes  may  be  fun  
instead  of  eating  chocolate,    take  a  bite  of  a   and  exciting  to  watch  but,  as  we  grow  up,  we  
lemon;  instead  of  watching  pornography,   begin  to  lose  our  connection  with  them,  we  
begin  to  realize  that  we  cannot  relate  to  them  

16  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
holistically.  They  are  not  really  human.  They   changing  ourselves,  there  is  a  mental  block.  
are  not  real.  They  are  a  fantasy.  Their  success   We  don't  think  we  need  the  help.  Once  again,  
is  an  illusion.  There  is  no  such  thing  as  a  self-­‐ our  ego  and  pride  get  in  the  way.  
made  man  or  woman,  no  matter  what    
superheroes  lead  us  to  believe.     7. We  underestimate  how  our  environment  
  influences  our  behaviors.    
We  all  need  help.     We  humans  can  resist  almost  everything  in  
  life,  except  for  temptation  of  course.  Tens  of  
What  holds  us  back  is  our  own  minds.  It  is   millions  of  people  every  year  make  plans  to  
our  ego  and  pride  that  do  not  want  us  to   get  healthy,  go  on  a  diet,  and  lose  weight.  Yet  
admit  we  need  help.  It  is  our  ego  and  pride   the  majority  of  them  fail  because  they  fail  to  
that  do  not  want  us  to  seek  help.  Instead,  we   address  the  first  place  they  must  improve:  
assume  we  have  enough  inside  us  (our   they  fail  to  fix  their  kitchens.  They  fail  to  
willpower  and  self-­‐discipline)  to  get  us   remove  all  the  unhealthy  triggers  in  their  
through.     environment  that  sometimes  the  very  
  presence  of    (or  smell  of)  keeps  them  stuck  in  
We  are  wrong.     their  bad  behaviors.  How  you  design  your  
  environment  can  have  a  massive  influence  on  
6. We  don’t  leverage  tools  or  technology  that  will   how  you  behave.  
help  us  measure,  analyze  and  improve  our    
progress.   8. We  underestimate  how  others  influence  our  
Would  you  drive  a  car  with  no  dashboard?   behaviors.    
Would  you  feel  motivated  to  play  your  best  in   Under  certain  circumstances,  and  no  matter  
a  sports  game  if  the  score  was  not  recorded?   how  independent  we  like  to  think  we  are,  we  
Would  you  agree  to  surgery  without  first   can  become  like  sheep.  We  underestimate  the  
getting  a  medical  assessment?  The  answer  to   power  of  mirroring.  If  we  see  enough  people  
all  of  these  questions  (at  least,  I  hope)  is  “of   around  us  repeating  a  certain  behavior  
course  not.”  There  is  a  purpose  to   (littering,  texting  while  driving,  tipping  a  
measurement;  there  is  a  purpose  to  analysis.   street  musician),  our  subconscious  brain  
There  are  many  areas  of  life  in  which  we  do   decides  whether  we  should  be  mirroring  that  
not  even  question  the  use  of  powerful  tools   behavior  or  not.  Sometimes  we  follow  the  
(both  digital  and  manual)  to  help  us  achieve   exact  behavior  that  we  see  modeled  without  
these  purposes.  However,  when  it  comes  to   any  conscious  consideration.  The  evidence  is  

17  of  117      
very  clear  that  our  conscious  brain  is  not    
consulted  in  every  behavioral  decision.      
Furthermore,  whether  we  like  it  or  not,  the   10. We  do  not  create  an  expectation  for  unplanned  
social  behaviors  of  those  around  us   setbacks  and  a  logical  plan  for  how  we  are  going  
sometimes  play  a  massive  role  in  how  we   to  deal  with  them.  
behave.  We  may  never  want  to  do  bad  things   We  live  in  a  world  obsessed  with  predicting  
but  history  has  proven  that  if  you  put  any   the  future.  We  tend  to  create  the  illusion  in  
person  in  the  wrong  place,  at  the  wrong  time,   our  heads  that  life  and  work  are  simply  about  
in  the  wrong  company,  and  in  the  wrong   planning  and  executing.  People  who  
emotional  state,  they  are  likely  to  fall.   subscribe  to  this  belief  are  living  in  a  fantasy  
  world.  The  unexpected  happens  every  day,  
9. We  underestimate  the  power  of  incentives.   yet  we  remain  obsessed  with  thinking  
All  of  us  know  from  childhood  that,  in  certain   positively  and  expecting  that  ruthless  focus  
situations,  the  promise  of  a  reward  can   on  the  goal  is  enough.  This  creates  dangerous  
influence  kids  to  do  things  they  may  not  want   traps  in  our  mind  and,  when  we  meet  
to  do  or  perceive  as  difficult  such  as  doing   setbacks,  we  are  paralyzed.    
their  homework,  cleaning  their  room,  eating    
their  dinner.  There  are  also  other  situations   The  stories  we  have  told  ourselves  do  not  
where  the  threat  of  missing  out  on  a  reward   prepare  us  for  unexpected  turns  of  events  so,  
(what  some  people  would  define  as     instead  of  logically  assessing  the  situation,  
punishment)  can  be  just  as  effective.  What  is   our  emotions  take  over  and  we  act  
happening  in  both  situations  is  that  parents   irrationally.  We  get  super  frustrated.  We  call  
are  leveraging  the  power  of  anticipation   ourselves  failures.  Worse  still,  we  quit  
(with  either  good  or  bad  consequences)  to   completely.  
drive  behavioral  change  in  their  kids.  As  we    
become  adults,  our  pride  and  ego  get  in  the    
way  as  we  dismiss  this  approach  as   Does  this  list  make  sense?    
something  only  for  children.      
  Can  you  see  now  why  we  are  so  bad  at  personal  change?  
This  is  not  true.  Science  tells  us  that    
incentives  (either  rewards  or  punishments)   Are  you  ready  to  end  this  insanity?  
are  a  fundamental  element  of  behavioral    

18  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again So  keep  moving  forward  my  friend.  This  time  is  
and expecting different results." — Albert Einstein different.  This  time  you  are  different.  You  are  not  like  
  everyone  else.  You  are  a  winner  baby.    
Personal  change  does  not  have  to  be  hard.  In  fact,  I  believe  
that  personal  change  can  be  easy.  Go  to  the  next  chapter  to  
find  out  how.    
Are  you  still  with  me?  
I  once  read  a  shocking  statistic  that  said,  “the  majority  
of  people  who  start  reading  a  book  never  get  past  the  
first  two  chapters.  
<insert  an  image  of  bubble  man  sleeping  on  his  book>  
Now  that  can  be  quite  discouraging  for  an  author  to  
read,  but  that's  OKAY  -­‐  There  are  a  lot  of  boring  books  
out  there  and  I  am  quite  lucky  that  I  didn't  write  one  of  
At  the  same  time  I  did  not  write  this  book  for  average  
people.  So  it  is  OKAY  if  some  people  have  stopped  
reading,  let’s  use  this  moment  to  pause  and  say  
goodbye  to  the  quitters.    
You can’t give up! If you give up, you’re like everybody else.”
- Chris Evert  
Committing  yourself  to  finish  reading  this  book  is  your  
way  to  prove  to  yourself,  to  me  and  to  others  that  you  
are  different.  You  are  not  a  quitter.  You  are  not  like  
them.  You  are  a  winner.    

19  of  117      
Chapter  3   after  just  one  dinner  together.  Your  friendship  blossomed  
because  of  the  accumulation  of  the  little  things:  those  small  
How  To  Make  Personal  Change  Easy   acts  of  kindness  over  the  years  that  created  so  much  trust  
  between  you.  You  created  the  right  relationship  habits.      
“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true
wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself
Or  the  first  time  you  brushed  your  teeth  when  you  were  a  
is true power.” — Lao Tzu
child.  I’m  sure,  like  me,  you  can’t  remember  this  but  I  am  
confident  that  brushing  your  teeth  must  have  felt  awkward  
The  Power  of  Habit  
and  unusual  when  you  did  it  for  the  first  time.  However,  
Can  a  small  change  every  day  really  make  a  difference?  
with  a  little  help  from  your  family,  and  because  you  
What  if  the  impact  of  your  change  is  so  small  you  can’t  even  
repeated  it  so  many  times,  it  became  a  habit.    You  created  
measure  it?  What’s  the  point  of  even  making  a  change  if  you  
the  right  hygiene  habits.    
can’t  feel  the  effect  straight  away?  
Your  habits,  whether  you  like  it  or  not,  define  the  person  
This  chapter  will  affirm  to  you  that  small  things,  done  
you  become  and  how  other  people  would  describe  you  
consistently,  do  matter.  Personal  transformation  is  never  
when  you  are  not  in  the  room.    
an  event  —  it  is  a  process.  Extraordinary  personal  change  is  
not  a  single  act    —  it  is  a  journey.  It  is  the  combined  power  
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an
of  tiny  changes,  tiny  leaps  every  day  that  create  our   act but a habit.” — Aristotle
  The  secret  to  your  success  and  failure  in  life  is  found  in  
“All big changes come from the tiny leaps we make your  daily  habits.  I  believe  in  this  so  much  that  I  am  going  
every day.” Gregg Clunis to  make  a  big  statement  here.    
The  Secret  To  Success  Is  Found  In  Our  Daily  Habits.    
  You  will  never  master  your  life,  unless  you  are  able  to  
Let’s  take  a  few  examples.  Think  about  when  you  were   master  your  habits.  
learning  to  master  a  new  language.  You  did  not  just  attend    
one  class  and  become  fluent  overnight.  It  was  a  process  that   I  can’t  be  more  direct  with  you.  No  exceptions.  To  get  better  
took  time.  Just  one  new  word  or  phrase  a  day  until,   results,  you  must  become  a  better  you.  You  must  be  able  to  
eventually,  you  could  put  a  few  sentences  together.    You   master  habit  creation.  I  have  benefited  so  much,  physically,  
created  the  right  learning  habits.     mentally,  emotionally  and  spiritually,  from  the  success  
  habits  that  I  practice  today.  I  certainly  would  not  have  been  
Think  of  your  best  friend.  You  didn’t  become  best  friends   able  to  write  this  book  without  those  small  things  I  do  

20  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
everyday  that  help  me  become  a  better  man.   When  you  repeat  a  behavior  enough  times,  your  brain  
  essentially  rewires  itself.  It  moves  the  task  from  our  
“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your conscious  brain  (the  part  of  the  brain  that  you're  using  
strength lies.” — Mother Teresa now)  to  your  subconscious  brain  (your  automatic  brain:  the  
  part  of  the  brain  that  controls  the  majority  of  all  your  
decisions  and  actions).    
The  Science  of  Habit  Creation    
So  the  big  question  is:  “how  can  we  master  habit  creation?”   We  also  know  more  about  the  time  it  takes  our  minds  to  
How  can  we  create  habits  in  a  way  that  is  easy  to   create  habits,  and  it  is  far  more  complex  than  we  think.  The  
understand,  and  more  importantly,  easy  to  do?  One  thing  is   time  will  always  depend  on  many  different  factors.  For  
sure:  we  cannot  create  habits  by  just  thinking  about  them.   some,  it  can  take  just  12  days.  For  others,  it  can  take  50  
We  can’t  just  FORCE  ourselves  to  make  positive  change.   days.  However,  studies  show  that,  for  the  majority  of  
Willpower  alone  doesn’t  work.  Self-­‐discipline  alone  doesn’t   people,  there  is  something  magical  about  the  number  21.    
work.  Being  motivated  alone  doesn’t  work.   That  if  we  repeat  a  behavior  consistently  for  21  days  
  (without  skipping  a  day)  using  the  right  approach,  there  is  
We  know  more  today  about  how  the  human  brain  works   a  high  likelihood  that  the  behavior  will  become  a  habit.  
than  at  any  other  time  in  human  history.  What  scientists   That  is  why  completing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  is  the  single  
refer  to  as  neuroplasticity  we  now  know  that  our  brains’   most  important  action  you  must  take  after  reading  this  
capabilities  are  unlimited  in  how  much  they  can  learn,   book.    
remember  new  things,  and  adjust  to  a  new  experiences.      
We  have  a  deeper  knowledge  of  how  the  human  brain  
Why  society  has  failed  in  teaching  this  to  others.    
changes  its  structure  and  function,  especially  how  the  
Yes  we  really  have  learned  so  much  about  the  science  of  
subconscious  brain  responds  to  behavioral  change.  This  has  
habit  creation.  However,  where  we  have  greatly  failed  as  a  
created  the  breakthrough  understanding  of  what  really  
society  is  in  teaching  this  to  others.  I  plead  guilty  to  being  
works  and  does  not  work  when  it  comes  to  creating  new,  
one  of  the  teachers  who  has  failed  my  students.  At  the  
and  breaking  old,  habits.    We  can  choose  the  way  we  think  
beginning  of  my  career,  I  really  did  not  understand  how  
and  act.  
important  habit  creation  was  and  how  to  leverage  it.  I  took  
“Habits of thinking need not be forever. One of the most
my  students  through  hours  of  painful,  ineffective  
significant findings in psychology in the last twenty years traditional  teaching  (also  know  as  “death  by  PowerPoint”),  
is that individuals can choose the way they think.” with  absolutely  little  to  no  impact  on  helping  them  create  
— Martin Seligman new  habits.  If  new  behaviors  are  not  converted  into  new  
  habits,  then  no  change  will  ever  be  sustainable.    

21  of  117      
“There is no such thing as a bad student, only a bad Morning  Rituals  will  be  our  defined  scope  and  focus  area  
teacher.” — Erik Hager   for  extraordinary  personal  change  in  the  next  21  days.  We  
  are  intentionally  going  to  go  one  inch  wide  and  one  mile  
Misunderstanding  this  has  been  one  of  my  greatest  failures   deep  on  this.    
as  a  teacher.  Back  then,  even  though  my  intentions  to  help    
were  noble,  I  was  ignorant  of  what  really  worked  when  it   “Improvement usually means doing something that
came  to  creating  lasting  personal  change.     we have never done before.” — Shigeo Shingo  
One  of  the  biggest  mistakes  I  made  as  a  teacher  was  not   For  some  of  you,  it  may  feel  like  this  book  has  taken  a  
helping  others  to  easily  apply  what  they  were  learning.  I   massive  twist.  But  don't  worry.  In  the  next  chapter,  you  will  
did  not  provide  a  focal  point  for  change.  So,  with  all  my   understand  why  focusing  on  creating  habits  at  the  
good-­‐hearted  intentions  and  limited  resources,  I  ended  up   beginning  of  your  day  is  so  powerful.  After  you  successfully  
going  one  mile  wide  and  only  one  inch  deep.     complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge,  you  will  be  able  to  provide  
  your  own  extraordinary  testimony  of  why  this  is  true.  Until  
Nothing  sticks.     then:  thank  you  for  trusting  me.  And,  yes,  if  you  haven't  
  figured  out  by  now:  this  is  not  your  average  book.  The  
What  we  are  going  to  do  differently   extraordinary  personal  change  that  you  deserve  is  coming!  
I  know  that  if  I  stay  too  general  in  this  book  and  I  am  not  
specific  and  focused  enough  on  where  I  want  you  to  apply  
what  you  learn,  it  is  most  likely  that  no  extraordinary  
personal  change  will  occur.  I  will  not  allow  myself  to  repeat  
that  mistake.  I  refuse  to  allow  this  book  about  personal  
change  to  be  identical  to  the  vast  majority  of  books  out  
there  on  this  topic.    
So  in  order  for  you  to  achieve  extraordinary  personal  
change  in  the  fastest  possible  time,  I  passionately  believe  
that  focusing  your  personal  change  efforts  on  creating  the  
right  habits  at  the  START  OF  YOUR  DAY  is  the  most  
effective  way  for  you  to  do  this.    
This  is  how  you  will  make  personal  change  easy.    

22  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Chapter  4   performance  in  every  area  of  life,  as  if  they  are  the  
secret  blueprint  to  health,  wealth  and  happiness.  
The  Fastest  Way  To  Create  Extraordinary  
Personal  Change  
Morning  Rituals  have  been  highlighted  for  good  reason,  
  but  it  is  the  Morning  Rituals  of  the  world’s  most  
By simply changing the way you wake up in the successful  people  that  I  believe  will  be  of  most  interest  
morning, you can transform any area of your life, to  you.  It  is  from  here  that  our  definition  of  world-­‐class  
faster than you ever thought possible.” Morning  Rituals  comes  from.  
— Hal Elrod
Not  all  Morning  Rituals  are  equal.    
The  Power  of  Morning  Rituals    
There  are  certain  success  habits*  that  you  can  practice  
If  this  was  the  last  day  of  my  life  and  you  were  to  ask   within  your  Morning  Ritual  that  provide  an  
me  for  one  final  piece  of  advice  on  the  one  thing  you   exponential  positive  impact  and  give  you  the  best  
can  do  to  reach  your  potential  and  become  a  greater   possible  start  to  your  day.  This  is  what  I  mean  when  I  
influence  to  a  greater  number  of  people,  this  would  be   say  world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual.    
my  answer:  “Create  a  world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual.”  
*Note:  If  you  are  curious  about  what  these  success  habits  
It  may  sound  pretty  dramatic,  but  with  my  hand  on  my   are,  you  are  more  than  welcome  to  quickly  jump  to  the  
heart,  I  have  yet  to  find  anything  else  that  is  so   next  chapter  (Chapter  5)  to  see  nine  of  the  most  
practical  and  easy  to  do  that  will  have  a  greater  impact   powerful  habits  you  can  practice  during  your  Morning  
on  you  and  the  people  you  are  trying  to  influence,  than   Ritual.  However,  after  you  have  done  so,  I  want  you  to  
a  world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual.     come  back  and  finish  reading  this  chapter.  Before  
applying  what  you  learn,  you  must  understand  why  
A  Morning  Ritual  is  a  dedicated  time  at  the  start  of  your  
Morning  Rituals  are  so  powerful  and  more  importantly  
day  during  which  you  intentionally  practice  certain  
the  real  reasons  why  so  many  people  resist  them.    
success  habits  that  have  significant  positive  impact  on  
your  personal  growth  (body,  mind,  heart  and  spirit).      
Morning  Routines  vs.  Morning  Rituals  
With  a  simple  search  on  Google,  you  will  see  millions  of  
testimonies  of  people  around  the  world  sharing  how  
In  this  book  I  have  defined  Morning  Rituals  as  being  
Morning  Rituals  have  changed  their  lives.  They  have  
very  different  from  morning  routines.  Some  people  use  
been  proven  to  have  an  insanely  high  impact  on  one’s  
these  words  interchangeably.  However,  I  believe  there  

23  of  117      
is  a  big  difference  between  them  and  it  is  very   Why  A  Good  Start  Is  So  Important  
important  for  us  to  make  the  distinction.  I  define  a  
morning  routine  as  just  going  through  the  motions  
To  be  successful  in  both  work  and  personal  life,  you  
once  you  wake  up:  it  is  completely  unintentional  with  
don’t  have  to  get  everything  right.  Success  comes  down  
respect  to  personal  development  and  growth.  Most  
to  a  few  critical  things  you  need  to  get  right  on  a  daily  
people  have  morning  routines  and,  for  most  of  my  life,  I  
basis.  I  can’t  think  of  anything  more  powerful  to  help  
was  one  of  them.  I  simply  woke  up,  showered,  brushed  
you  optimize  your  day  than  to  start  it  with  a  world-­‐
my  teeth,  dressed,  ate  my  breakfast  and  then  went  to  
class  Morning  Ritual.    
work.  Nothing  remarkable,  nothing  special,  and  for  
sure  I  was  doing  nothing  intentional  that  was  helping  
me  improve.     Look  at  it  from  another  perspective  and  think  of  all  the  
areas  of  life  where  getting  off  to  a  good  start  is  so  
critical.  When  you  meet  someone  for  the  first  time,  that  
Once  I  discovered  the  value  of  Morning  Rituals,  my  
first  impression  will  have  a  massive  impact  on  your  
mornings  changed  dramatically.  Without  hesitation  I  
decision  to  invest  in  a  friendship  with  them  or  not.  
can  say  that  practicing  a  World-­‐Class  Morning  Ritual  
How  a  sports  team  starts  a  game,  an  athlete  starts  a  
has  completely  transformed  my  life.  It  has  created  
race,  or  a  boxer  starts  a  fight,  is  critical.  Bad  starts  can  
multiple  breakthroughs  in  so  many  different  areas  of  
make  it  extremely  difficult  (and,  sometimes,  
my  life.  My  level  of  performance  is  now  on  a  
impossible)  for  people  to  get  back  on  track,  take  back  
completely  different  level.  It  is  the  most  important  
control,  and  come  out  victorious.    
daily  activity  that  I  undertake,  and  I  feel  it  is  the  
foundation  block  of  my  success  for  both  short-­‐term  
and  long-­‐term  goals.     The  same  rationale  applies  to  how  we  start  our  days.    

Today,  I  am  convinced  that  practicing  world-­‐class   “The way you begin each day defines how
Morning  Rituals  is  the  fastest  way  to  create  an   you'll live each day.” — Robin Sharma  
extraordinary  change  in  your  life.  Indeed,  if  I  could  
only  write  one  book,  I  would  still  choose  to  write  about   Having  a  world-­‐class  start  to  your  day  puts  you  in  the  
world-­‐class  Morning  Rituals.  There  really  is  nothing   best  possible  position  to  continue  that  success  
else  I  can  think  of  that  will  have  a  more  profound   throughout  the  rest  of  the  day.  It  will  significantly  
impact  on  the  quality  of  your  life  and  the  quality  of   improve  your  odds  of  “winning  the  day.”  Why  make  
your  influence  to  others.   your  day  more  difficult  for  yourself  by  choosing  to  get  
off  to  a  mediocre  start?  

24  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
To  be  direct,  you  are  missing  out  if  you  decide  not  to   spending less time and effort thinking about the task. This
have  a  Morning  Ritual.  Even  if  you  currently  have  a   has the magical effect of conserving your limited daily
Morning  Ritual,  you  are  also  missing  out  if  you  decide   creative energy to use on other tasks later in the day.
not  to  improve  it  to  a  world-­‐class  level.  I  believe  that   3. The Psychology of early wins
resistance  now  is  something  that  you  will  later  regret.  
Perhaps the most underrated benefit of Morning Rituals is
As  you  will  soon  read,  every  one  of  the  seven  people  
how they impact our subconscious brain. Once you
featured  in  this  book  who  went  from  having  no   complete your Morning Ritual, it sends a message to your
Morning  Ritual  (or  having  an  average  Morning  Ritual)   subconscious brain that you have won. What you
to  now  practicing  a  world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual,   expected to happen actually did. The psychology of
hesitated  at  the  beginning.  However,  each  one  now   success tells us that “Progress = Happiness”. There is no
shares  the  exact  same  reflection:  they  wish  they  had   greater human motivator than the feeling of progress.
started  years  ago.     With this early victory, you carry an empowering and
satisfying mindset into the rest of your day. You set your
mind up to achieve even greater things that day.
I  passionately  believe  that  it  is  the  one  thing  you  can  do  
4. We have most control in the mornings
to  transform  your  life  faster  and  more  powerfully  than  
anything  else.  Let  me  explain  why.     As adults, we are the ones who decide what time we
  sleep and what time we wake up. Above any other time of
The  Top  5  Reasons  To  Have  A  Morning  Ritual   the day, it is in the morning (especially when the rest of
  the house is still in bed) when you have the least
1. More self-discipline in the morning distractions and most control over how you spend your
This might be hard for some people to believe but if you
get a good quality sleep, you will notice that you have
more energy in the morning than at any other time of the 5. Success Leaves Clues
day. Our willpower and self-discipline is greatest in the You are not alone when practicing a Morning Ritual. Many
morning. This is the time that we can be more focused on famous and successful people have done it before you.
doing the most important things we need to do. This is the There are now overwhelming testimonies from millions of
time we are less likely to procrastinate. high-performing people around the world, singling out
2. Conserves creative energy Morning Rituals as their most significant daily practice: the
element of their lives that helped them reach their
Once you create a Morning Ritual, it will not be too long personal and professional goals.
before your morning activities become habits. Once a new
behavior becomes a habit, your brain begins to shift that
task into the automatic part of your brain resulting in you What do you think? Have I created a great case for

25  of  117      
having a Morning Ritual? Shall I now expect everyone Why would someone resist having a Morning Ritual?
who reads this to be convinced to start their own world- What are the first things that come to their mind? What
class Morning Ritual? are the arguments they would make?

Wrong! Let’s revisit this again using a different approach in which

I respond to the seven most common arguments people
I expect that the five points I wrote will have little or no use against having a Morning Ritual.
effect on your decision to create a Morning Ritual. I
promise that I am not trying to insult you; I just want to The seven most common arguments people use to
show how ineffective the approach I took is in terms of resist creating a “Morning Ritual”
convincing you or anyone else to make a change.

You see, what I did? Explaining the top five reasons to Warning! I am going to be very direct in my response to
have a Morning Ritual was a classic case of traditional these seven arguments. I have decided that I am going to
teaching in action. I became a victim of the “curse of use some “tough love” here. My intention is not to offend
knowledge.” I exclusively focused on where I want you to you. I do this because we all need tough love sometimes.
be and why you should be there. “What's wrong with There are times when we need someone to say it as it is,
that?” you may ask. The biggest disadvantage of that regardless of whether we like it or not.
approach is that I risk missing out on the opportunity to
truly connect with your current level of thinking. I risk not The number one thing holding us all back from our success
meeting you where you are. I risk not meeting you where is the false beliefs that we hold onto, to resist personal
your journey begins. change. I don't want that to happen to you. I want you to
know that, from the bottom of my heart, I want the best for
“The Curse of Knowledge: when we are given you: so please read below with an open mind. I want you to
knowledge, it is almost impossible to imagine what explore the real reasons why a part of you maybe resisting
it's like to LACK that knowledge.” — Chip Heath   this.

This is a problem we all suffer when we try to influence “Better to get hurt by the truth than be comforted with
others. Even if we have been in their shoes in the past, a lie” — Khaled Hosseini
we tend to forget what it is like to have a different
perspective. Because of this, we fail to influence them to
make positive change.
I know I am risking offending some readers in this chapter
So how can we fix this? Instead of me trying to give the 5,
but it’s worth it. So, in advance, I ask for your forgiveness.
the 7, the 12 or the 21 different reasons for having a
Remember it is only the truth that will set you free. So get
Morning Ritual, let me ask a different question.
ready for some truth.

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Argument #1: I am not a morning person. / I don’t have My Response: The belief that you somehow do not have
enough energy in the morning. / I am too tired in the the capability to wake up at the time you promise yourself
morning. / I am a night owl. is an extraordinarily dangerous false belief and it is
stopping you from achieving so much success. This is not
My Response: This is the most common argument that something to boast about: it is a destructive habit that
people use to resist creating a Morning Ritual. About 70% of people find themselves in and it is a direct reflection of a
the people who now practice a Morning Ritual had the same mediocre mentality. Not getting up on the hour you
belief before they started. promised yourself is you resigning to breaking your first
promise of the day. You are losing your first battle. Yet
I am going to break this down so that you see how there are so many times when you know that you need to
ridiculous this argument is. Saying that you are not a wake up at a certain time (to catch a flight, catch an early
morning person is the same as saying that you are not a bus, an important work meeting) and you are successfully
human being. Under natural conditions, both our bodies and able to do so.
our minds are designed to be most productive, disciplined
and creative once we wake up in the morning. This is on the Technology has not helped us here. The snooze button on
condition that we have obtained a quality night’s sleep (This our alarms is possibly the worst invention of all time. The
can range from six to ten hours depending on the biology of total abuse of this button has created the false belief that
the person. For the majority of people, eight hours of quality you are a snooze-a-holic. This is not true. As you read the
sleep is the ideal daily target). It is only under unnatural seven stories, you will discover that thinking you are a
conditions that we have a low-quality sleep that creates low snooze-a-holic has very little to do with your self-discipline
energy, exhaustion and an unmotivated mindset once we and willpower. In most cases, it has everything to do with
wake. As you read this book, you will learn more about the how your environment is designed.
“unnatural” things we put into our minds and bodies as well
as the “unnatural” environments we sleep in that may cause It’s a strategy problem, not a capability problem.
us to think that we are not designed to be effective in the
morning. Remember that you are a human, not an owl. Think about it. Continuing to use a street map of Manila
Don’t be fooled by jumping to a false conclusion without when you are in London isn’t going to help you, right? If
studying all the factors that influence your state of mind and you continue to use the wrong strategy, you will continue to
body. struggle to wake up on time. However, if you discover the
right strategy, getting up every day at the time you set for
Argument #2: I am not able to wake up early. / I am a yourself will become easy. In this book you will learn
snooze-a-holic. practical, foolproof strategies that others have used to
wake up successfully on time every day. Take

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encouragement. You are not the only one who has faced Argument #4: I am just very busy in the mornings. /
this challenge. This will not stop you from being successful. There are too many distractions. / I don’t have the
time. / Now is not the right time for me.
Argument #3: I have tried it before and it did not work./
I failed before so what is the point of trying again. My Response: Be careful. Be very careful. Beware of the
man or woman who goes around proclaiming to anyone
My Response: The feeling that you have no power to who will listen how busy they are. People who keep saying
change your situation (or what positive psychology how busy they are, are fooling themselves. Whether they
calls “learned helplessness”) is possibly the most are aware of it or not, "being busy" is a cover for the lack of
paralyzing of all human emotions. It impacts every human clarity and organization in their mind. I have seen this in
being on the planet. It is possibly the biggest reason for thousands of people but, more powerfully, I have seen this
children underperforming in school. This feeling of being in myself.
powerless is born from a state of hopelessness as a result
of dwelling on particular negative moments from your past. For years, I would throw around the phrase “I’m busy” as
You begin to create a story in your brain that prevents you an easy answer to a difficult or undesirable question. What
from thinking positively about a certain aspect of your helped me realize “the lie I was living” was when I started
future. Common examples include: trying to learn a new to track my activities and critically analyze how I was really
language then giving up after a few days and declaring “I spending my time every week. I was shocked with what I
am not good at languages;” or trying to learn how to surf discovered. I said I was too busy to read; yet I would still
but after a few falls saying “I am not an ocean person so I’ll find time to watch hours of trash TV. I said my family was
quit;” or trying to teach a kid how to read but after important to me, yet weeks would go by and I would not
struggling to keep them focused you declare “I give up. I call or message my parents. I said I was too busy to take
am not good with kids”. on a new important assignment at work, yet I would spend
hours on tasks of less importance. When we say we are
I want you to see how ridiculous this thinking is. It is the busy, we are usually lying to ourselves.
same as getting a bad haircut and then saying, “I am never
going to get a haircut again” or being disappointed with a There is always time for the most important things in our
dessert in a restaurant then proclaiming "Right! For the rest lives. Think about it. Is it right for a parent to insist that they
of my life I am never ordering a dessert again." We would have no time to spend with their kids? Is it right for a
not say these things, right? But when it comes to personal person to claim they have no time to look after their health?
change, this is exactly the type of thinking that is holding Is it right for a business to say they have no time to think
us back. strategically? It is absolutely twisted thinking. We all have
time to put the most important things in our life into our
calendar. The consequences of neglecting this, and hiding

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behind the excuse of being busy, is possibly the greatest consistently is far more powerful than what you say. Thus,
regret that people face at the end of their lives. Don't be practicing a Morning Ritual will empower you to be a
that person. You are the only one who can look after greater influence on your children as you are leading by
yourself (body, mind, heart and spirit). It is no one else's example.
responsibility. Continuously neglecting this reality will be
one of the biggest mistakes of your life. Of course, helping your children in the morning is important
and, at the moment, it may feel that your mornings are
Argument #5: I have kids to look after in the morning – chaotic. However, many other parents in far more stressful
I don't have time for this. environments have managed to successfully have a
Morning Ritual, and so can you. There is an answer. As
My Response: This is directly related to argument #4. you will read in the seven stories, there are many different
However, I want to give a special message to some types of Morning Rituals that you can have. You can
parents out there who are quick to use their kids as an customize it so that you can still serve your kids in the
argument for not investing in their personal development. morning. It is not a “win-lose” situation. Intelligent planning
Remember, what I am about to say comes from a place of can make it a big “win-win” for everyone involved. I know of
love and truth and I believe that some parents really need families who have actually involved their kids in their
to hear this message. Here we go… Morning Ritual: for example, practicing gratitude while
eating a healthy breakfast together.
Stop using your kids as an excuse for not investing in your
personal development! So let go of those arguments that say that someone else
(whether a child or an adult) is stopping you from looking
Having a Morning Ritual is not an act of selfishness: this is after yourself. If you keep neglecting yourself, others will
a false limiting belief. There is a massive difference eventually be forced to look after you. Your level of
between self-love and being selfish. A Morning Ritual is success in life is directly related to your level of personal
one of the greatest examples of self-love that you can development. That is the same for you and your kids. Think
practice everyday. long term. It could be one of the best decisions you ever
make for both yourself and your kids.
“If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you
going to be able to love somebody else?”— RuPaul Argument #6: None of my friends practice a Morning
Andre Charles Ritual. / There are a lot of successful people who don't
practice a Morning Ritual.
Would you want your kids to neglect themselves like this?
Remember: modeling is the greatest teacher. What you do

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My Response: This is one of the most dangerous the broken relationship with his children that causes him
arguments that someone can make. Comparing yourself massive pain. We are quick to label a young manager as
with others is an excuse that can cause you to be stuck for successful because of his work performance, whilst
years. I'm sure most of us can think of occasions in our knowing nothing about how he secretly hates his job and
childhood when our elders told us, "If everyone else dreams of being a musician.
jumped off a cliff, would you do it?” The answer, of course,
is no (however, to this day, I still do not know anyone who I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I
has jumped off a cliff!). Let's go a bit deeper because, as only try to dance better than myself.” - Arianna
adults, we need to understand the real danger if we allow
ourselves to compare ourselves with other people to reach
an irrational conclusion that somehow justifies our own
It is impossible to holistically measure another person's
action or inaction. Fools do this. I don’t want you to do the
success from afar. The only person you can measure is
yourself, by asking yourself questions like “Am I living a
purpose-driven life? Am I living every day with excitement
The first thing I must say is: “Never ever compare yourself
and drive? Am I happy with the status of my most
to someone else.” The only person you can compare
important relationships? Are all my ladders in life leaning
yourself with is your own potential self. You can study other
against the right walls? If this was the last day of my life,
people to get inspiration and ideas, but do not fall into the
would I be happy with how I am spending it?”
trap of trying to live someone else’s life. The mindset of “no
one else is doing it” is a follower mentality. If everyone had
For the so-called "successful people" without a Morning
this mentality, then the human race would never have
Ritual, I am of the strong opinion that they too are missing
evolved and survived. That is not you.
out (or missed out if they are no longer alive) on the
extraordinary benefits of a Morning Ritual. Choosing to not
This book is written for people who have the power to
even experiment with Morning Rituals is the same as
break free from this follower mentality.
saying that you are not willing to do what it takes to reach
your potential. There are millions of testimonies (written,
Today, most of the world has a very twisted view of
audio and video) that will testify to the significant benefits
success. Even its definition in dictionaries is very wrong.
of having a Morning Ritual. I have never seen a testimony
We live in a world quick to label others as “successful” or
from someone saying: "having a Morning Ritual made
“unsuccessful.” What qualifies us to judge someone else?
things worse".
We may be quick to label a famous movie star as
successful, whilst knowing nothing about their struggle with
chronic depression. We are quick to label the richest man
in the country as successful, whilst knowing nothing about

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Argument #7: I am happy with what I am achieving determine the real success of their marriage. The average
right now. / I don’t need to make a change in my daily professional spends more time worrying about what other
routine. people think than creating the dedicated time they need
every day to develop themselves to their potential.
My Response: One of my teachers once told me "Mike: no
problem is a problem." Saying that everything is OKAY (or I did not write this book for average people.
rating your current Morning Ritual 10 out of 10) is the same
as saying there is no need for improvement. This is The fact you are reading this book is the evidence I need to
extremely dangerous thinking and it is the reason why so believe that you are different. You are not average. You
many relationships break up, why so many successful were born for greatness, to become world-class, and to
teams fail to sustain their past success, and it is the reason unleash your potential. Don’t be average. You deserve
why so many people are living a life far below their better.
potential. There is no such thing as perfect health, perfect
energy, perfect relationships or perfect career. There is “Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes
always room for growth in every area of our lives. There moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to
are no exceptions. try.”
― Dr Atul  Gawande
The same thinking applies to Morning Rituals. There is no
such thing as a perfect Morning Ritual. There is always a
next level.
The One Word At The Heart Of All Resistance.
People who state that they are satisfied with their status
After reading this chapter, you may have concluded that
quo are missing out on another extraordinary level of
there is no real valid argument against having a Morning
happiness and meaning that is within our reach.
Ritual: the extraordinary benefits far outweigh any
supposed negatives.
This is how average people think. Don’t think like average
Now, looking back over the seven most common
arguments that people use to resist, did you notice
Those who choose a life of greatness are not average.
something they all have in common?
Think about it. The average person spends more time
planning a vacation than planning their life. The average
If you peel back the layers of excuses used to resist a
couple spends more time planning their wedding day than
Morning Ritual (or any significant personal change for that
planning the behaviors, routines, and habits that will

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matter) you will discover one word at the heart of all the People who we consider courageous are those who are
resistance: FEAR. simply using their own fear in a positive way.

Fear is the ultimate reason why most people will never I want you to accept that you will never completely remove
reach their potential. fear from your life. Instead, I want you to use fear to your
advantage. Be fearful of living a life in which you do not
Fear is the real driver behind people’s decisions to stay in become the best version of you. Be fearful of living a life
their comfort zone. We fear leaving others behind, we fear that is not aligned with your core values. Be fearful of living
the unknown, and we fear what others may think of us. We a life in which you do not accomplish the great purpose
become paralyzed against taking positive action, and we that you were born to achieve. These are the ways that we
hide behind a self-created story (inspired by the norms of can use fear to drive us towards personal excellence.
society) that somehow justifies our inaction. It is the
greatest human tragedy. Human potential left unfulfilled, a “Your life should be dominated by only one main
genius that never gets unleashed, a great story that never fear: not fully optimizing today. That’s the healthiest fear
gets told. in the world.”— Tai Lopez

But You Have A Choice

Every day when you wake up, you have the extraordinary
It doesn’t have to be this way. You have a choice. You can power within you to make your day great. You can make
choose courage. the decision to start your morning with power and with
intention. If you believe that you were born to achieve great
“You can choose courage or you can choose comfort. things, then you cannot afford to wake up in the morning
But you cannot have both.” — Brene Brown like everyone else.
Courage  is  the  willingness  to  start  something  new,   Choose courage!
something  unknown,  something  outside  of  your  comfort  
zone.  It  is  not  just  about  being  confident.  Confidence  comes   Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not
from  doing  something  multiple  times.  Courage  is  more   willing to do.
important  than  confidence.  Courage  is  about  standing  up  to  
your  fears.   Having a world-class Morning Ritual is the answer you
have been waiting for.  
Fear is a natural human emotion and it is necessary for our
survival. There is no such thing as a fearless person.

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We  are  all  created  differently.    
Chapter  5    
9  Super  Habits  That  Will     In  this  chapter,  I  am  going  to  share  what  has  worked  for  
Transform  Your  Life   me,  but  remember  that  it  is  your  testimony  that  matters  
most.  Regardless  of  what  I  or  anyone  else  says,  it  is  only  
  through  valid  self-­‐experimentation  that  you  will  discover  if  
Success is nothing more than a these  9  super  habits  are  of  any  value  to  you.  
few simple disciplines, practiced every day."  
— Jim Rohn As  you  read  through  this  list,  I  am  not  expecting  you  to  
  include  all  9  super  habits  in  your  Morning  Ritual.  Think  of  
  them  as  items  on  the  menu  of  a  buffet.    At  a  buffet,  you  are  
I  want  to  introduce  to  you  9  super  habits  that  you  can   not  expected  to  eat  everything  on  offer  (even  though  some  
include  in  your  Morning  Ritual  to  take  your  performance  in   of  us  try).  We  all  have  different  tastes  in  food.  If  you  don’t  
every  area  of  your  life  to  a  world-­‐class  level.  These  nine   like  seafood,  don’t  eat  the  fish.  If  you  are  allergic  to  nuts,  
super  habits  come  from  my  research  of  the  Morning  Rituals   don’t  take  the  peanut  sauce.  If  you  don’t  like  spice,  don’t  
of  high-­‐performing  people  as  well  as  my  own  personal   add  the  hot  sauce.  This  makes  total  sense,  right?  Use  that  
experience  with  each  super  habit.     same  thinking  as  I  present  these  9  super  habits.    
These  are  the  9  super  habits  that  I  now  practice  during  my   Finally,  I  am  intentionally  not  giving  too  much  detail  about  
Morning  Ritual:  the  ritual  that  has  helped  transform  my  life.   why  these  9  super  habits  are  so  powerful.  There  are  enough  
I  would  not  have  been  able  to  write  this  book  without  these   articles,  books  and  training  programs  out  there  dedicated  
super  habits.  When  I  compare  my  life  before  and  after   to  each  one  of  these  super  habits.  There  is  an  ocean  of  free  
practicing  my  world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual,  There  is  a   information  for  you  to  go  even  deeper  into  each  topic.  
massive  difference  —  physically,  emotionally,  mentally  and   Instead,  I  am  going  to  give  you  a  brief  overview  of  why  
spiritually.  My  own  personal  experience  is  one  of  the   these  super  habits  are  so  powerful.  The  seven  stories  go  
reasons  why  I  am  so  determined  to  share  this  with  you.     into  the  detail  on  how  you  can  apply  these  super  habits  to  
  your  own  Morning  Ritual.    
However,  as  excited  I  am  to  share  these  9  super  habits  with    
you,  I  was  very  cautious  when  writing  this  part  of  the  book.   To  make  it  easier  for  you  to  remember,  I  have  used  the  
I  want  to  be  sensitive  to  the  fact  that  not  everyone  needs  to   acronym  "TRANSFORM"  to  represent  the  9  super  habits:  
do  everything  that  I  do.  When  you  are  studying  other    
people,  you  do  not  need  to  copy  everything  they  do.     T  –  Thankfulness    

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  stay  inside  your  head.  It  cannot  be  approached  logically.  
  You  need  to  find  that  feeling  in  your  heart.  You  need  to  
Being  thankful  (an  attitude  of  gratitude)  is  where  you   make  the  time  to  find  the  feeling.  Once  you  have  that  feeling  
explore  your  life  (past,  present  and  future)  for  the  people,   in  your  heart,  it  is  impossible  for  you  to  be  consumed  by  
places  and  things  that  give  you  joy,  peace,  and  love.   fear,  worry  or  stress.  This  is  how  you  get  the  maximum  
  value  from  this  extraordinary  super  habit.  
Without  a  conscious  and  intentional  effort,  our  brain’s    
default  thinking  is  to  focus  on  what  is  wrong  or  what  is   (For  a  practical  example  –  see  page  X)    
missing.  If  we  let  this  type  of  thinking  dominate  our    
thoughts,  we  end  up  looking  at  the  world  with  a  scarcity   R  –  Rest  your  Mind    
mentality  and  with  a  very  pessimistic  outlook  on  life.  It    
crushes  our  enthusiasm.  Being  thankful  is  the  opposite  of   Whether  you  call  it  stillness,  silence,  meditation  or  
this,  and  I  passionately  believe  it  is  the  most  powerful   mindfulness,  resting  your  mind  is  like  exercising  the  
human  emotion  of  all.     "concentration  muscle"  in  your  brain.  It  is  about  
  significantly  slowing  down  the  thought  processes  in  your  
A  daily  gratitude  practice  is  proven  to  help  you  feel  more   mind  so  that  you  spend  more  time  in  the  present  moment.  
connected  to  others.  It  strengthens  your  immune  system,    
creates  less  stress  and  more  relaxation,  gives  you  a  better   The  effect  of  not  having  a  daily  practice  like  this  is  like  
night’s  sleep,  gives  you  more  energy  and  confidence,   having  your  mind  switched  on  all  the  time:  constantly  
increases  your  creativity  and  puts  you  in  a  better  position   thinking  of  things  you  need  to  do  or  problems  you  need  to  
to  bounce  back  from  adversity.  If  there  ever  was  a  title  for   solve;  dwelling  on  situations  from  your  past  or  possible  
“King  of  all  Habits,”  this  is  it.  If  you  do  nothing  else  from  this   situations  in  your  future.  Like  a  phone  that  is  being  
book  but  apply  daily  gratitude  practice  to  your  Morning   constantly  charged,  this  will  eventually  lead  to  a  reduction  
Ritual,  then  this  book  will  have  served  its  purpose  of   in  your  daily  performance  and,  potentially,  total  burnout.    
making  the  world  a  better  place.  
  “A disciplined mind brings happiness.” — The Buddha
“Showing  gratitude  is  one  of  the  simplest  and  yet  most    
powerful  things  humans  can  do  for  each  other.”     For  millions  of  people  around  the  world,  resting  their  
—  Randy  Pausch   minds  is  a  super  habit  that  empowers  them  to  be  more  
  focused  throughout  the  day  on  the  task  that  matters  the  
However,  it  is  important  to  share  with  you  the  number  one   most.  Being  physically  still  is  just  one  way  to  do  this.  
mistake  people  make  when  trying  to  make  gratitude  a   Resting  your  mind  can  also  be  done  effectively  by  doing  a  
habit.  A  state  of  thankfulness  cannot  be  created  when  you   repetitive  physical  activity  like  walking,  running  or  even  

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cleaning  your  house.    
  However,  what  if  you  have  a  false  limiting  belief?  That  you  
On  a  personal  level,  this  is  something  that  I  resisted  for   are  not  smart  enough,  not  good  enough,  not  beautiful  
years.  I  could  not  understand  how  what  I  saw  as  "doing   enough.  Does  this  impact  how  you  see  yourself?  Does  this  
nothing"  had  any  productive  benefits.  How  wrong  I  was.  My   impact  what  you  think  is  possible  for  you?  Does  this  impact  
perspective  changed  when  a  friend  told  me  to  type   how  you  feel  every  day?  Does  this  impact  how  you  act?  Of  
"successful  people  who  meditate"  into  Google.  I  found  the   course  it  does.    
names  of  many  people  that  I  greatly  respect,  swearing  that    
the  daily  practice  of  resting  their  mind  had  a  profound   Having  personalized  positive  affirmations  that  we  repeat  to  
impact  on  their  personal  success.  Once  I  dug  deeper,  I   ourselves  every  day  can  be  one  of  our  greatest  
discovered  that  almost  80%  of  world-­‐class  performers  have   countermeasures  to  the  self-­‐sabotaging  false  limiting  
some  type  of  daily  practice  where  they  rest  their  mind.     beliefs  that  are  trying  to  overtake  our  minds  and  limit  our  
A  –  Affirmations      
There  are  so  many  ways  to  do  this,  but  my  biggest  tip  is  to  
Affirmations  are  personalized  positive  statements  that  you   first  identify  your  top  three  false  limiting  beliefs  and  then  
repeat  to  yourself  to  help  you  overcome  the  false  limiting   develop  positive  affirmations  that  say  the  opposite  to  them.  
beliefs  that  are  preventing  you  from  reaching  your   These  statements,  or  different  versions  of  these  statements,  
potential.   become  your  affirmations  to  be  updated  as  often  as  you  
  like.  Some  people  even  go  as  far  as  recording  their  
Affirmations  are  probably  the  most  underrated  and   affirmations  on  their  phone  and  then  playing  them  back  to  
misunderstood  practice  in  the  world  of  personal   themselves  while  exercising.  There  are  so  many  ways  to  
development.  To  explain  why  they  are  so  powerful,  I  first   achieve  the  same  result.    
need  you  to  see  the  connection  between  what  we  believe    
and  how  we  act.  What  we  believe  (even  if  it  is  100%  false)   (For  a  practical  example  –  see  page  X)    
is  how  we  define  our  world  and  ourselves,  thus  impacting    
how  we  feel.  It  is  how  we  feel  that  has  the  greatest   N  –  New  Learning    
influence  on  how  we  act  and  react  to  the  world  around  us.    
Emotions  drive  motions.  So,  our  beliefs  either  empower  or   This  super  habit  refers  to  the  mental  practice  of  feeding  
disempower  us.     your  mind  content  that  inspires  or  empowers  you  to  
  become  better.  
“When you believe in yourself, other people will believe in  
you too.” — Sophia Amoruso Acquiring  knowledge  is  the  foundation  for  making  progress  

35  of  117      
in  every  area  of  life.  There  is  not  one  person  from  history   generate  multiple  bad  ideas  that  bring  you  closer  to  
who  achieved  anything  great  without  learning  a  vast  body   discovering  great  ideas.    
of  knowledge.        
  I  can't  count  the  number  of  great  ideas  that  have  come  to  
“I   see   life   like   one   long   university   education   that   I   me  using  this  simple  process.  Everything  you  need  to  
never  had  –  everyday  I’m  learning  something  new.”     overcome  the  challenges  that  you  face  today  is  already  
—  Richard  Branson   within  you.  Greatness  is  within  you.  You  just  need  the  right  
  tools  and  environment  to  help  you  realize  it  more  quickly.  
We  all  have  time  for  new  learning  every  day  but,    
sometimes,  we  are  ignorant  to  the  myriad  of  opportunities   (For  a  practical  example  –  see  page  X)    
available  to  learn  stuff  that  relates  to  our  lives.  Years  ago,  I    
wanted  to  learn  more  about  entrepreneurship  but,  instead   S  –  Sweat    
of  doing  something  about  it,  I  just  used  the  "I  don't  have    
time"  excuse.  The  truth  is,  of  course,  I  had  time.  We  all  have   This   super   habit   refers   to   any   physical   activity   (running/  
time  for  the  most  important  things.  What  helped  me  break   walking/  swimming/  stretching/  lifting)  that  causes  you  to  
free  from  that  way  of  thinking  was  listening  to  audio  books   sweat.  
(and  later  to  podcasts)  on  my  commute  to  work  instead  of    
just  listening  to  whatever  was  on  the  radio.  This  had  a   Exercise   is   maybe   the   last   thing   people   want   to   do   first  
massive  impact  on  my  personal  growth  especially  when  I   thing   in   the   morning.   However,   for   our   body,   heart,   and  
selected  content  that  directly  related  to  a  significant   mind,   physical   activity   is   possibly   the   closest   thing   we   have  
problem  I  was  trying  to  solve  or  the  desired  result  I  was   to  a  miracle  drug.  No  man-­‐made  drug  can  ever  give  us  the  
trying  to  pursue.   extraordinary  benefits  that  this  super  habit  can  give.  
Although  the  most  common  sources  of  new  learnings  today   “A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without
are  books,  podcasts,  videos  and  blogs,  let  me  share  with   exercise.” — Winnie-the-Pooh
you  one  practice  in  particular  that  still  amazes  me,  and  yet    
one  that  they  don't  teach  in  schools.  It  is  the  daily  super   Our  nomadic  ancestors  spent  all  their  time  moving  around  
habit  of  exercising  your  inner  genius.     in  search  of  food  and  shelter.  They  travelled  large  distances  
  on   a   daily   basis.   Thus,   our   bodies   are   designed   and   have  
It  is  a  very  simple  habit:  Find  some  quiet  time  on  your  own   evolved  to  be  regularly  active.  Sitting  down  all  day  at  a  desk  
with  a  pen  and  paper,  and  brainstorm  10  to  15  ideas  on  a   or   in   front   of   the   TV   has   disastrous   consequences   if   we  
particular  topic  or  area  that  you  want  to  improve.  The   don’t  do  something  to  get  our  bodies  moving.  The  primary  
primary  purpose  is  not  to  generate  good  ideas  but  to   reason   that   so   many   people   are   chronically   sick   and   die  

36  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
young   is   because   they   consistently   neglect   the   importance   “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
of  this  daily  super  habit.     — Hippocrates
There   are   so   many   different   ways   to   exercise   in   the   The  fuel  we  put  into  our  bodies  has  a  lasting  effect,  greater  
morning.  You  don't  need  a  gym  or  a  swimming  pool,  special   than  the  scope  of  the  day.  This  is  complicated  and  
clothes,  special  equipment,  a  team  or  an  instructor  to  start.   controversial  because  the  food  and  drink  industry  is  a  
There   are   literally   hundreds   of   exercises   drills   you   can   do   global  multi-­‐billion  industry.  There  are  a  lot  of  people  with  
by  your  bedside  that  will  get  your  body  sweating.  For  those   commercial  interests  in  keeping  you  ignorant,  so  they  keep  
who  struggle  with  the  thought  of  exercise,  ask  yourself  how   you  eating  and  drinking  the  garbage  that  they  say  is  good  
you   can   make   the   experience   more   enjoyable?   There   are   for  you  and  your  family.    
many  ways  to  do  it,  from  listening  to  podcasts,  audiobooks    
or  music,  to  teaming  up  with  a  partner.     I  believe  there  is  a  big  change  coming  to  the  food  industry.  I  
  believe  that  the  real  science  of  which  foods  are  good  and  
Daily   exercise   is   more   than   just   about   the   physical   benefits.   bad  will  become  so  widely  known  and  mainstream  that,  in  
A  daily  physical  activity  that  causes  us  to  sweat  is  proven  to   the  near  future,  we  all  will  look  back  with  horror  and  say,  "I  
have   a   positive   impact   on   how   we   think   and   feel.   Moving   can't  believe  we  allowed  our  children  to  eat  that."    
your   body   is   the   fastest   way   to   change   how   you   feel.   As   our    
emotional   state   has   the   greatest   influence   on   how   we   act   But  why  wait  until  everyone  else  "gets  it"?  We  have  the  
and   react,   there   is   really   not   one   valid   argument   against   information  now!  We  really  do,  but  we  need  to  be  proactive  
some  form  of  daily  exercise.     to  go  and  discover  it  for  ourselves  and  not  wait  for  others  
  to  come  to  us.  Until  you  take  that  step  of  enlightening  
F  –  Fuel     yourself,  you  are  losing  out  on  becoming  the  best  you.      
This  super  habit  refers  to  the  food  and  drink  we  put  into   Rather  than  run  the  risk  of  overwhelming  you  with  the  
our  mouths  every  morning,  which  relates  directly  to  our   thought  of  totally  changing  your  eating  and  drinking  habits,  
energy  levels  and  ability  to  prevent  and  fight  disease.     I  want  to  challenge  you  to  focus  on  your  most  important  
  meal  of  the  day  —  your  breakfast.  I  challenge  you  to  look  at  
The  most  controversial  habit  on  this  list  is  the  decision   the  ingredients  of  your  breakfast,  as  well  as  the  quantities  
about  which  foods  we  eat  and  fluids  we  drink.  It  seems  that   and  qualities  of  what  you  are  eating  and  drinking  every  
everyone  has  a  different  opinion  on  what  is  healthy  and   morning.    Research  what  world-­‐class  performers  eat  and  
what  is  not.  The  truth  is,  every  time  you  eat  or  drink,  you   drink  every  morning  and  compare  that  to  your  daily  
are  either  fighting  disease  or  feeding  it.     breakfast.  Ask  yourself,  “Is  this  the  best  fuel  I  could  be  
  putting  in  my  body?”    

37  of  117      
  technology  is  such  an  integrated  part  of  our  daily  lifestyle,  
In  particular,  most  people  do  not  drink  enough  water  when   the  majority  of  the  world's  urban  population  does  not  
they  wake  up.  The  one  thing  your  body  needs  more  than   spend  enough  time  outdoors  every  day.  Our  lifestyles  are  
anything  else  once  it  wakes  up  is  water.  You  have  been   designed  to  stay  indoors  in  air-­‐conditioned  rooms,  exposed  
without  it  all  night,  and  your  body’s  optimal  performance   to  man-­‐made  light  (fake  light)  that  has  none  of  the  healing  
depends  on  you  being  correctly  hydrated.  The  best  thing   and  energetic  powers  of  our  mighty  sun.    
you  can  do  is  to  drink  one  or  two  glasses  of  water  once  you    
wake.  You  may  be  surprised  by  the  power  of  a  small  change   As  old-­‐fashioned  as  it  may  sound,  things  like  sunshine  and  
in  what  you  eat  and  drink  in  the  morning  can  have  such  an   fresh  air  are  hard  to  beat.  Thus,  if  we  are  to  get  the  best  
extraordinary  impact  on  your  energy  levels  for  the  rest  of   from  our  day,  we  must  find  time  every  day  to  get  outside  
the  day.     and  take  advantage  of  these  free  gifts  that  Mother  Nature  
  gives  us.  
O  –  Outdoors      
This  is  a  dedicated  time  every  morning  to  go  outside  and   R  –  Remind  yourself    
get  sunshine  and  fresh  air.  There  would  be  no  life  on  earth    
without  the  sun.  Every  living  thing  on  earth  depends  on  the   A  daily  practice  of  reminding  yourself  of  your  desired  
sun.  Scientific  studies  show  us  that  getting  the  right  amount   future  —  like  your  dreams,  goals,  and  vision  is  essential  for  
of  daily  sunshine  (not  too  much,  not  too  little)  and  spending   peak  performance.    
enough  time  walking  in  nature  are  critical  elements  of    
healthy  living.  In  the  morning,  exposing  your  eyes  to  the   "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are
sun  (using  no  glasses  or  contact  lenses)  has  the  powerful   made from something they have deep inside them—a
effect  of  setting  your  circadian  rhythm  (optimizing  your   desire, a dream, a vision." — Muhammad Ali  
energy  for  the  day).  Your  optimal  performance  depends  on    
it.     As  a  species,  we  have  never  been  more  distracted  than  we  
  are  today.  There  are  so  many  things  competing  for  our  
"Sunshine is energy and energy is life." — Chad Davis attention.  Millions  of  people  are  addicted  to  following  
  whatever  appears  on  their  social  media  feed.  Many  of  us  
Of  all  the  9  super  habits  on  this  list,  this  is  the  one  that   are  drowning  in  a  sea  of  information  and  are  losing  clarity  
surprises  most  people.  Why  is  it  even  on  this  list?  It  should   about  what  is  most  important  for  us  in  the  present  and  in  
be  so  obvious  that  going  outside  every  morning  to  get  fresh   the  future.    
air  and  sunshine  is  a  good  thing  to  do.  However,  because  of    
the  rapid  urbanization  of  our  planet  and  because   We  easily  forget  our  reasons  for  change.  We  forget    

38  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
about  the  future  we  want  to  create,  the  great  things  we   when  you  successfully  make  and  keep  small  promises  to  
want  to  achieve,  or  the  type  of  person  we  want  to  become.   yourself.  Integrity  is  the  opinion  you  have  of  your  own  
  capability  to  make  progress,  and  it  is  the  foundation  for  
A  dedicated  time  every  morning  spent  visualizing  a  future   your  confidence  in  how  you  approach  tasks  and  challenges.  
desired  scenario  has  the  extraordinarily  powerful  effect  of   Our  confidence  in  our  own  capability  is  like  a  muscle:  we  
giving  us  the  clarity,  focus,  and  energy  we  need  to  continue   need  to  exercise  it  daily  to  improve  it.    The  reason  this  
to  move  forward  in  the  right  direction.  The  future  scenario   super  habit  is  so  powerful  is  that  it  gets  you  to  focus  on  
can  be  a  goal  we  want  to  achieve  later  that  day,  later  that   what  is  in  your  control.    
week,  or  even  years  from  now.    
  Think  about  it  from  a  new  perspective.  Every  morning  is  an  
There  are  various  ways  to  do  this:  through  creating  a  vision   opportunity  we  are  all  given  to  make  this  day  great.  If  we  
board  and  posting  it  on  your  bedroom  wall;  writing  your   pause  and  think  of  small  things  we  can  do  for  others,  then  
goals  down  on  paper  and  putting  it  in  your  wallet;  or   we  realize  that  we  have  hundreds  of  opportunities  every  
drawing  pictures  of  the  future  you  want  to  create  in  your   day  to  make  someone's  day.    We  have  the  freedom  to  
journal.  Of  course,  the  simplest  way  is  closing  your  eyes  and   choose.  Why  not  choose  to  do  great  things  every  day?  
thinking  about  what  that  desired  future  will  both  look  and    
feel  like  in  detail.  It  may  only  take  you  a  couple  of  minutes   “Do  not  belittle  any  good  deed,  even  meeting  your  brother  
to  do  this,  but  the  extraordinary  effect  this  has  on  your   with  a  cheerful  face.”  —  The  Prophet  Muhammad
mind  cannot  be  underestimated.    
  Writing  down  (or  typing)  your  three  unique  promises  to  
  yourself  about  how  you  are  going  to  make  this  day  great  
M  –  Make  a  Promise     reminds  you  of  how  much  power  you  have.  It  is  such  an  
  empowering  super  habit  and  is  something  that  only  takes  a  
This  is  an  intentional  moment  in  which  you  make  a  promise   minute  or  so  to  complete.  Like  gratitude,  it  is  something  
to  yourself  about  what  specifically  you  are  going  to  do  to   you  can  easily  share  with  others,  especially  over  breakfast,  
make  today  great.  This  can  include  promises  of  things  you   as  you  ask  them  what  three  things  they  can  do  to  make  
can  do  for  yourself  and  for  others,  or  promises  about  how   today  great.    
you  are  going  to  behave  or  react  to  certain  situations.      
  (For  a  practical  example  –  see  page  X)    
The  purpose  of  this  super  habit  is  not  just  about  creating  a    
“to  do”  list  for  yourself.  It  is  not  about  just  about  getting   There  you  have  it:  the  9  super  habits  that  you  can  practice  
things  done.  This  super  habit  is  really  about  increasing  your   in  your  Morning  Ritual  to  TRANSFORM  your  life:    
personal  integrity.  Your  personal  integrity  is  increased    

39  of  117      
1. Thankfulness    
2. Rest  your  mind  
3. Affirmations   Chapter  6
4. New  Learning   Seven  Stories  Of    
5. Sweat   Extraordinary  Personal  Change  
6. Fuel  
7. Outdoors    
8. Remind  yourself   (Note:  You  only  need  to  read  two  or  
9. Make  a  promise   three  of  these  stories)  
  “Great stories teach you something. That's one reason I
Remember  that  the  primary  focus  of  this  book  is  not   haven't slipped into some sort of retirement: I always feel
knowledge-­‐focused,  it  is  application-­‐focused.  In  most  cases,   like I’m learning something new.” — Clint Eastwood
you  already  know  the  habits  you  need  in  your  life.  Our    
primary  focus  in  this  book  is  on  how  you  can  make  the   I  want  to  make  a  very  important  disclaimer  before  
habits  you  desire  most,  your  habits.  I  believe  that  most  of   you  start  reading  these  seven  stories.  You  do  not  
the  9  super  habits  discussed  here  have  not  surprised  you.     have  to  read  all  seven  stories.  At  the  time  of  printing  
  this  book,  the  majority  of  people  who  have  already  
Our  primary  problem  is  not  that  we  don't  know  what  to  do:   successfully  completed  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  have  
it  is  that  we  don't  know  how  to  consistently  do  what  we   shared  with  me  that  reading  just  two  or  three  of  the  
know  we  must  do.  This  is  the  problem  I  want  to  help  you   stories  were  enough  to  prepare  them  to  start  their  
solve.     own  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  So  for  now  I  want  you  to  pick  
  the  stories  that  you  can  relate  to  the  most.  Below  are  
Let's  now  take  a  look  at  the  stories  of  seven  ordinary   your  options.  
people  who  made  the  decision  to  create  their  own  world-­‐  
class  MORNING  RITUAL.  As  I  mentioned  earlier,  these   21-­‐Day  Challenge  Success  Stories  
seven  stories  are  the  most  valuable  part  of  the  book.  All  the    
chapters  you  have  read  so  far  have  been  leading  up  to  this   • Ed  achieved  incredible  excess  weight  loss  and  
point.     became  a  role  model  for  his  friends  and  work  
So  make  sure  that  you  have  a  pen  in  your  hand.  Take  notes.    
If  these  seven  ordinary  people  can  create  such  an   • Jane,  a  teacher,  recovered  from  a  broken  heart  to  
extraordinary  personal  change,  so  can  you.     win  her  confidence  back  and  was  then  able  to  

40  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
inspire  her  students  to  become  more  positive  about   However,  I  believe  that  it  is  not  what  they  did,  but  
their  studies.     it  is  how  they  did  it,  that  will  be  of  most  value  to  
• Michelle,  a  business  owner,  solved  her  problem  of   you.  After  you  have  read  your  two  or  three  chosen  
constantly  feeling  overworked  and  stressed,  and  how   stories,  I  want  you  to  jump  straight  to  the  next  
she  was  able  to  teach  the  rest  of  her  team  to  become   chapter.  The  remaining  stories  you  can  read  at  a  
more  productive.   later  day  after  you  have  started  the  21-­‐Day  
• Carlo,  a  first  time  father,  was  able  to  overcome  the   Challenge.  The  most  important  thing  is  to  get  you  
old  destructive  habits  of  his  past  and  become  a  hero   started  on  this  challenge:  you  will  have  plenty  of  
for  his  wife  and  daughter.   time  to  finish  reading  the  remaining  stories  during  
• Matt,  stuck  in  his  career,  was  finally  able  to  pursue   the  21  Days.    
his  passion  and  at  the  same  time  empower  his    
younger  brother  to  breakthrough  to  the  next  level.  
• Pia,  an  entrepreneur,  was  able  to  revitalize  her  
struggling  online  business  and  motivate  her  friends  
to  follow  her  example  of  mastering  personal  change.    
• Angela,  a  recently  promoted  manager,  was  able  to  
overcome  the  biggest  challenge  of  her  career  and  
transform  the  performance  of  her  new  department.  
So  which  are  the  stories  that  appeal  to  you  most?  These  are  
the  stories  that  I  want  you  to  read  first.  You  will  read  both  
what  they  did  well  and  what  they  could  have  done  
differently.  Extract  as  much  value  as  you  can  from  these  
stories.  Sometimes  you  will  learn  more  from  their  mistakes  
than  you  will  from  their  successes.  
“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live
long enough to make them all yourself.” - Eleanor

41  of  117      
Ed   • While  I  am  in  the  shower,  I  will  brush  my  teeth.    
  • Once  I  dry  myself,  I  will  lie  back  on  my  bed  and  
  meditate  for  15  minutes  using  a  guided  meditation  
Achieved  incredible  excess  weight  loss  and  became  a  role  
model  for  his  friends  and  work  colleagues.     • After  that,  I  will  write  down  three  things  that  I  am  
  feeling  grateful  for  right  now.    
  • Then  I  will  write  down  three  things  that  I  can  do  to  
Background   make  today  great.    
  • After  that,  I  will  put  on  my  favorite  worship  music.  
Before  starting  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge,  Ed  was  very  out  of   While  I  dress  for  work  I  will  also  be  singing  to  the  
shape:  people  who  hadn’t  seen  him  for  a  long  time  were   music.  
always  commenting  on  his  weight  gain.  In  the  past,  Ed  has   • I  will  go  downstairs  to  the  kitchen  and  drink  one  
tried  to  make  exercise  and  healthy  eating  a  habit  but,  at  his   more  glass  of  water.    
own  admission,  he  has  “failed  miserably”.     • Then  I  will  walk  to  my  bus  stop  (five  minutes)  and  
  wait  for  my  7:30  a.m.  bus  to  work.  During  the  45-­‐
However,  this  time  Ed  is  determined  to  make  a  lasting   minute  commute,  I  will  continue  listening  to  
change  in  his  life.  He  had  never  tried  to  exercise  in  the   podcasts.    
morning  before,  so  he  thought  that  building  a  ritual  around   • While  I  walk  to  the  office  building  from  the  bus  stop,  
that  would  be  something  that  could  work  for  him.     I  will  affirm  to  myself  what  an  awesome  person  I  am.    
  I  am  kind,  caring,  and  deserving  of  success.    
Ed’s  New  Morning  Ritual   • Once  I  get  to  my  desk,  I  will  say  good  morning  to  
  everyone  I  meet.    
Wake  Up  Time:  6:15  a.m.   • I  will  look  at  my  planner  for  the  week  and  prioritize  
• Go  to  restroom  for  a  pee  then  throw  cold  water  on   my  tasks  for  the  day.  
my  face.   • After  that,  I  will  join  my  colleagues  in  the  kitchen  
• Go  to  the  kitchen  area  and  drink  one  glass  of  water.   area  and  have  a  healthy  breakfast.  
• Put  on  my  workout  clothes;  go  for  a  15-­‐minute    
run/walk  in  my  estate  to  catch  the  morning   An  interview  with  Ed  before  he  started  the  21-­‐Day  
sunshine.     Challenge  
• I  will  listen  to  inspiring  podcasts  on  my  smartphone    
as  I  exercise.     1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
• When  I  return,  I  will  go  for  a  warm  shower.     Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
I  want  to  feel  healthy  and  energetic:  to  be  confident   bedroom,  I  will  open  my  curtains  so  that  the  sun  
in  myself  that  what  I  am  doing  is  giving  me  the  best   shines  on  my  face,  then  I  will  immediately  drink  a  
possible  start  to  my  day.   fresh  glass  of  water.  As  an  extra  incentive  (I  live  in  a  
  tropical  climate)  I  am  going  to  set  my  air  conditioner  
2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐ to  switch  off  10  minutes  before  my  alarm  goes  off.  
Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result   The  resulting  increase  in  room  temperature  will  
you  want  to  achieve  the  most?   make  me  really  uncomfortable:  I  am  sure  that  will  
It  would  be  amazing  to  look  in  the  mirror  and  see  a   be  enough  to  get  me  going.  
thinner,  slimmer  and  healthier  version  of  me.  I  want    
to  start  feeling  more  confident  around  the  girls  I   5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your  environment  
like.    I  want  them  to  notice  how  good  I  look.  I  want   to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  do  your  Morning  
them  to  talk  to  each  other  about  how  handsome  I   Ritual  and  more  difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?  
am.     I  think  the  thing  I  dread  the  most  is  the  exercise  
3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to   part,  so  I  know  a  part  of  my  brain  will  be  looking  for  
you?   excuses  for  me  to  skip  this.  To  make  it  easier,  I  will  
I  am  fed  up  with  being  overweight.  I  get  depressed  thinking   have  my  workout  clothes  and  running  shoes  
about  it.  It  has  destroyed  my  confidence.  That's  the  reason   prepared  the  night  before  and  left  in  the  center  of  
why  I  have  been  single  for  the  past  three  years.  I  am  lonely.   my  room.  I  will  also  put  my  iPod  next  to  my  running  
A  lot  of  my  friends  are  in  relationships  and  I  sometimes  feel   shoes  and  have  it  set  to  automatically  download  
like  they  take  pity  on  me  by  letting  me  hang  out  with  them.   some  of  my  favorite  podcasts  so  I  will  have  some  
I  hate  feeling  like  this.  I  have  had  enough  of  their  fat  jokes.  I   really  good  stuff  to  listen  to  while  I  exercise.  
deserve  better.      
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  
wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised  yourself   measure  and  evaluate  your  progress  during  the  
(that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze  button  once  your   21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  
alarm  starts  ringing)?   Challenge?  
I  am  a  huge  fan  of  snoozing  so  I  know  I  have  to  win    
this  battle.  To  help  me  keep  my  promise  to  myself   I  am  20  kg  (~44  pounds)  overweight.  I  am  targeting  
about  waking  up  on  time,  I  am  going  to  leave  my   to  lose  4.5  kg  (~10  pounds)  over  the  next  21  days.  I  
phone  in  the  toilet  every  evening,  so  when  the  alarm   am  going  to  promise  myself  that  I  will  not  measure  
on  my  phones  rings  I  have  to  go  into  the  toilet  to   my  weight  anytime  during  the  21  days  itself:  I  want  
switch  it  off.  When  I  am  in  the  toilet,  I  will  throw   to  feel  the  excitement  of  getting  on  those  scales  on  
cold  water  on  my  face.  When  I  get  back  to  my   day  21.  Instead,  I  will  use  a  checklist  after  I  brush  my  

43  of  117      
teeth  at  night  to  verify  if  I  met  my  daily  exercise    
goal.  I  will  post  it  in  my  bathroom  at  home  and  have   WHO:  Jill,  Brian,  and  Clare  (3  of  my  work  colleagues  who  
a  pen  taped  beside  it.  I  will  have  no  choice  but  to  fill   are  also  overweight)  
it  in  every  day.  Also,  although  I  have  not  used  one   Why  That  Person:  They  always  seem  to  be  joking  that  they  
before,  I  will  buy  myself  a  pedometer  to  put  on  my   are  proud  to  be  overweight  (I’m  sure  they  are  just  saying  
wrist.  I  know  those  things  measure  the  number  of   that  as  a  protective  layer  not  to  get  hurt.  I  know  because  
steps  I  take  and  the  distance  I  walk  so  I  will  also  use   that’s  what  I  have  done  in  the  past).  I  know  that  all  3  of  
that  on  my  checklist  as  a  way  of  measuring  my  daily   them  get  depressed  sometimes  because  of  their  weight.  I  
progress.   want  to  be  able  to  approach  each  of  them  and  offer  to  be  
  their  success  partner.  Being  responsible  for  someone  else’s  
  transformation  is  something  that  would  really  motivate  me  
  to  become  even  more  disciplined  
7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  why  do    
you  think  that  person  is  the  best  choice  in    
helping  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day    
Challenge?     9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
  setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  How  are  
  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?  
WHO:  My  work  colleague,  Ian    
Why  That  Person:  Ian  was  as  big  as  me  a  year  ago  but  has   In  the  past,  I  have  fallen  for  the  "what  the  hell"  effect  
lost  so  much  weight  and  looks  fantastic.  I  believe  he  will   when  trying  to  keep  a  new  diet.  All  it  would  take  was  
really  empathize  with  my  situation.  Sadly,  my  other  friends   for  me  to  make  one  tiny  slip,  and  a  part  of  my  brain  
who  also  have  weight  problems  would  not  make  good   would  be  telling  me  to  completely  throw  in  the  
success  partners.  They  have  a  defeatist  mindset  and  they   towel.  Not  this  time.  I  am  going  to  analyze  every  
think  that  there  is  nothing  they  can  do  to  change.  I  need  to   time  I  have  a  setback  and  every  time  I  come  even  
be  around  positive  people  who  believe  that  change  is   close  to  having  a  setback.  I  am  going  to  print  some  of  
possible  and  encourage  me  along  the  way.   my  favorite  inspiring  quotes  and  put  them  on  the  
  mirror  in  my  bedroom.  I  am  really  going  to  practice  
  a  new  level  of  awareness  over  the  21  days.    
8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after  you   Also,  I  will  become  really  good  at  planning  ahead.  I  
successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?   have  created  a  shorter  version  of  my  Morning  Ritual,  
Why  did  you  choose  that  person?   in  the  event  that  for  some  reason  outside  of  my  
  control  I  don't  have  as  much  time  as  I  require  in  the  

44  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
morning.  I  think  it  is  very  important  that  I  give    
myself  this  option,  as  I  really  want  to  avoid  the   10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  to  
scenario  where  I  do  nothing.  Doing  something   ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  Morning  
positive  is  always  better  that  doing  nothing,  so  I   Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
think  creating  a  Plan  B  will  be  very  important  to    
ensure  I  do  not  allow  any  setbacks  to  stop  me.   My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
completing  my   failing  to  complete  my  
Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual  
Later  that  evening  I  will   I  am  going  to  allow  
allow  myself  to  watch   myself  to  watch  only  one  
two  episodes  of  one  of   episode  
my  favorite  TV  shows  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
successfully   failing  to  complete  the  
completing  the  21-­‐Day   21-­‐Day  Challenge  
  If  I  skip  my  ritual  just  
I  will  buy  myself  a  brand   once  over  the  21  Days,  I  
new  suit  that  I  will  wear   am  going  to  delete  my  
to  my  friend’s  wedding   entire  video  game  
later  this  year.    I  get   collection.  To  ensure  that  
excited  just  visualizing   I  am  serious  I  am  going  
how  slim  fitting  it  will   to  put  it  on  a  flash  drive  
feel  on  me  and  how   (no  backup  copy)  and  
many  compliments  I  will   ask  Ian  to  keep  it  until  
receive.     the  21  days  are  over.  If  I  
fail  then  I  give  him  100%  
permission  to  delete  the  
entire  thing.  Video  
games  have  been  my  
passion  since  I  was  a  

45  of  117      
teenager  so  I  cannot   started  to  see  trends  in  my  eating  that  helped  me  
think  of  anything  that   identify  certain  triggers  for  food  allergies  and  
would  frustrate  me  more   gastrointestinal  problems  that  I  was  having.  Simply  
than  to  lose  years  of   put,  this  was  the  most  game-­‐changing  thing  I  did.
work  because  I  was        
unable  to  do  this   3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how  
Morning  Ritual.  Game  on.   did  it  help  you?  
  Ah!  I  wished  I  used  these  tools  years  ago.  I  could  not  
  believe  that  a  simple  thing  like  tracking  what  I  eat  
  and  drink,  recording  when  I  exercise,  and  following  
An  interview  with  Ed  after  he  completed  the  21-­‐Day   a  checklist  for  my  daily  habits  would  have  had  such  
Challenge   a  massive  impact.  It  was  not  the  first  time  I  learned  
  about  how  much  these  tools  can  help,  but  it  was  only  
  when  I  started  to  apply  it  to  myself  that  I  realized  
1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the   how  powerful  it  is.  I  am  convinced  that  this  is  one  of  
challenge?   the  key  things  I  have  been  missing  when  I  look  back  
Fantastic,  this  has  been  absolutely  life  changing.  I   at  all  my  past  attempts  at  losing  weight.      
have  never  had  so  much  energy  and  I  lost  5.5  kg    
(~12  pounds)  in  that  first  21  days.  Unbelievable!!  So   4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  
many  people  are  commenting  on  how  good  I  look.     success  partner  like  and  how  did  it  help  
2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing   When  I  first  met  Ian  about  this,  he  told  me  that  he  
you  did  over  the  21  days?   was  very  familiar  with  the  role  of  a  success  partner  
Of  all  the  changes  I  made  over  the  21  days,  having   and  was  delighted  that  I  asked  for  his  help.  Initially  I  
Ian  as  my  success  partner  was  one  of  the  best  things   expected  him  to  hit  me  with  some  secret  wisdom  
I  did.  He  was  very  enthusiastic  to  help  me  and  really   about  how  I  can  transform  like  him  but  instead  he  
empathized  with  my  position  as  he  himself  had  a   just  asked  me  great  questions  and  I  ended  up  doing  
serious  weight  problem  in  the  past.  Before  I  got  a   most  of  the  talking.  He  knew  that  his  role  was  to  
chance  to  ask  him,  he  volunteered  himself  to  be  my   help  me  think  and  to  encourage  me,  not  to  preach  
success  partner.  He  got  me  recording  my  daily  food   and  judge.    This  worked  really  well  as  I  almost  
and  drink  intake.  Because  of  this  tracker,  for  the  first   always  knew  exactly  what  I  must  do:  most  of  the  
time  I  started  to  question  what  I  was  eating.  I  have   time  I  just  needed  someone  like  Ian  to  affirm  me.    
never  asked,  “Is  this  healthy?”  as  often  as  I  did.  I  also    

46  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
We  agreed  to  meet  every  Tuesday  over  a  healthy  
lunch  for  a  six-­‐week  period  for  what  Ian  called  our  
“Thinking  Sessions.”  Every  meeting,  I  would  show  
him  my  checklists  and  tracking  sheets  and  he  would  
get  me  to  reflect  on  what  went  well  and  what  I  could  
have  done  differently.  I  loved  the  insights  I  got  from  
these  sessions.  
5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  
made  to  your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  

47  of  117      
 Monday  A.M.:  3   Tuesday  A.M.:  3   Wednesday  A.M.:  
things  I  am   things  I  am   3  things  I  am  
grateful  for   grateful  for   grateful  for  
One  of  the  great  discoveries  I  made,  while  I  was  listening  to   1. The  sun   1. I  got  my   1. My  success  
podcasts,  was  that  if  I  increased  the  speed  of  the  audio  to   shining  on  my  face   report   partner  
one  and  a  half  times  faster,  it  did  not  negatively  impact  the   this  morning,  I  am   finished   Ian.  He  
quality  of  my  learning.  Sometimes,  on  the  condition  that  the   feeling  loved  by   before  the   really  is  
people  I  was  listening  to  were  not  fast  talkers,  I  could   the  universe.   deadline   helping  me  
increase  the  speed  of  the  audio  to  twice  as  fast  without  any   2. I  got  to   2. I  got  to  cook   with  this  
negative  impact  on  the  quality  of  my  learning.  So,   spend  some   dinner  for  my   challenge.  
amazingly,  I  could  learn  twice  as  fast.  I  really  recommend   quality  time  with   family.   2. That  I  am  
everyone  to  try  this  out.  I  wish  I  did  this  years  ago.   my  brother   3. That  I  have  a   disciplined  in  
  yesterday.   job  that  I  like,   following  my  
  3. That  I  am   unlike  so   Morning  Ritual.  
6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐ learning  so  much   many  of  my   3. That  Jill  
Day  challenge  and  how  did  you  overcome   from  the  podcasts   friends.   considers  me  
it?   I  am  listening  to.     one  of  her  
I  know  this  may  sound  crazy  but,  when  everything   closest  friends.  
was  organized  the  night  before,  doing  the  ritual    
became  easy.  I  struggled  when  I  did  not  prepare  the   Monday  A.M.:  3   Tuesday  A.M.:  3   Wednesday  A.M.:  
night  before  because  that  created  extra  thinking   things  I  can  do  to   things  I  can  do   3  things  I  can  do  to  
effort  for  me  in  the  morning.  Simple  things  like   make  today  great   to  make  today   make  today  great  
forgetting  to  charge  my  iPod  so  I  did  not  have  any   1. Give  a   great   1. Book  my  trip  
podcasts  to  listen  to  while  I  exercised  annoyed  me:   LinkedIn   1. Watch  the   out  of  the  
the  exercise  session  felt  longer  when  I  didn't  have   recommendation   new  Batman   city  next  
anything  to  listen  to.  So,  to  prevent  that  from   for  my  former  boss   movie  with  my   month.  
happening  again,  I  added  to  my  evening  checklist  to   Derick.  It  will  be  a   friend  Robbie.   2. Complete  
check  that  all  my  electronic  devices  (iPod,   nice  way  to  thank   2. Go  for   my  
smartphone)  were  fully  charged  the  night  before.   him  for  his   lunch  on  my   application  
  support.   own  so  that  I   papers  for  a  
Ed’s  Journal  Entries  for  three  consecutive  days  —  the  five-­‐   2. Do  not  open   can  finish   new  
minute  journal  exercises   my  email  until   reading  the   passport.    
  after  lunch  so  that  I   article  that   3. Surprise  my  
  can  complete  my   Allan   Mom  by  
  report  without   recommended.       getting  her  
  distraction.   3. Write  a   something  
3. Cook  dinner   thank  you  note   nice  from  
for  my  family   to  Jill  for  her   the  store.    
tonight.   help  last  week.    
48  of  117        
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the   9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who  are  
21-­‐Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn   about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?  
“bad  days”  into  “good  data”?   Just  do  it!  Sorry  if  that  sounds  like  a  brand  
I  am  really  proud  of  myself  for  how  quick  I  was  to   endorsement  for  a  sporting  company  but  doing  this  
adapt  when  unplanned  things  happen.  Having  open   new  Morning  Ritual  has  been  a  total  game  changer  
conversations  about  setbacks  with  my  success   for  me.    To  make  real  improvement  in  your  life,  you  
partner,  Ian,  really,  really  helped  me.  I  started  to   really  have  to  do  things  that  you  have  never  done  
realize  so  many  tiny  changes  I  could  make  that   before.  My  biggest  tip  is  to  find  people  who  have  
would  increase  my  odds  of  success  or  decrease  my   been  successful  in  the  area  you  want  to  improve  on  
risk  of  slipping  back  into  my  old  habits.  Awareness   and  ask  them  to  advise  you:  you  will  be  surprised  at  
was  the  key.  All  I  needed  was  two  minutes  every   the  number  of  people  who  really  want  to  help.    
evening  to  properly  look  back  at  my  day  to  see  what    
I  could  have  done  differently.  Reflecting  on  how  my   How  Ed  Has  Impacted  Others  
day  went  was  such  an  empowering  practice,  I  wish  I   Testimony  from  Jill  (Ed’s  work  colleague)  
had  started  this  sooner.  I  feel  like  I  discovered  the    
secret  sauce  for  how  to  become  superhuman.     1.  What  was  your  first  reaction  when  Ed  shared  
  with  you  his  Morning  Ritual?  
8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a  world-­‐class   I  was  really  surprised  when  he  shared  something  
Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of  your  experience  in   “non-­‐work  related”  like  this  with  the  folks  in  the  
completing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?   office.  His  story  really  inspired  me.  Although  it  took  
When  people  ask  me  how  I  have  lost  so  much   me  a  few  days  to  have  the  courage  to  talk  to  him  
weight,  I  find  myself  proudly  telling  them  about  my   about  it,  when  I  shared  my  story  of  struggling  to  lose  
Morning  Ritual.  A  couple  of  people  have  been  really   weight  with  him,  he  was  so  supportive  and  
impressed,  but  what  gave  me  the  greatest  sense  of   empathetic.  When  he  agreed  to  be  my  success  
pride  is  when  Jill  (one  of  the  girls  at  work  who  also   partner,  I  felt  it  was  one  of  the  best  things  that  has  
has  problems  with  her  weight)  asked  me  to  be  her   happened  to  me  this  year.  
success  partner.  I  was  overwhelmed  when  she  asked    
me.  I  felt  a  bit  pressured  because  I  am  not  finished   2.  What  impact  has  Ed’s  experience  with  
yet  with  my  health  transformation,  but  then  I   Morning  Rituals  had  on  you?    
remembered  what  one  of  my  teachers  said:  that    
even  if  you  are  just  a  few  steps  ahead  of  someone,   I  am  almost  in  tears  as  I  think  about  this.  Ed's  
you  can  still  significantly  help  them  on  their  journey.     support  has  changed  my  life.  After  he  helped  me  

49  of  117      
develop  my  own  Morning  Ritual,  within  a  few  days  I   Jane  
already  started  to  feel  the  benefits.  Now  I  look  back  
and  say  that  it  is  probably  the  best  decision  I  have    
ever  made  for  my  health.  I  have  lost  7  kg  (~15.5   A  teacher  who  recovered  from  a  broken  heart  to  win  
pounds)  in  the  last  40  days  and  never  felt  so  alive.  I   her  confidence  back  and  was  then  able  to  inspire  her  
still  have  a  more  kilos  to  lose  before  I  get  to  my   students  to  become  more  positive  about  their  
optimum  weight  but,  without  hesitation,  this   studies.  
Morning  Ritual  thing  has  been  an  extraordinary  help    
to  me.  
3.  How  have  you  shared  with  others  what  you    
learned  from  Ed?     Jane  recently  came  out  of  a  romantic  relationship  
  and  emotionally  has  not  yet  recovered  from  it.  They  
I  have  this  burning  desire  within  me  to  share   were  together  for  seven  years  and  she  really  thought  
Morning  Rituals  with  anyone  that  I  care  about  who   that  he  was  the  one  for  her.  She  thought  they  would  
has  big  dreams  to  achieve.  It  has  changed  my  life.  I   get  married  and  have  a  family  together.  The  
never  thought  that  having  a  Morning  Ritual  would   relationship  with  her  ex  was,  for  so  long,  the  most  
be  so  powerful..  I  wish  they  would  teach  this  in   important  thing  in  Jane’s  life.  She  put  him  and  his  
schools.  I  wanted  to  play  my  part  in  paying  it   needs  at  the  center  of  her  life.  Now  that  it  is  all  over,  
forward,  so  rather  than  complain  about  the   Jane  feels  confused  and  alone,  her  self-­‐confidence  is  
education  system  I  focused  on  what  is  in  my  control   shattered.      
and  shared  this  with  my  two  of  my  closest  friends.    
Now  I  am  their  success  partner!  They  look  to  me  as   She  is  getting  so  much  great  advice  from  friends,  but  
their  mentor!  It  is  just  crazy  to  think  about  how  far  I   their  advice  is  only  slowly  sinking  in.  She  wants  to  
have  come.    I  am  so  thankful  to  Ed  for  showing  me   be  able  to  move  on  but  she  still  finds  herself  going  to  
what  is  possible.     bed  feeling  sad  and  waking  up  feeling  sad.  She  
remembers  reading  about  Morning  Rituals  years  
ago,  and  how  so  many  successful  people  credited  
this  daily  practice  with  transforming  their  life.  Jane  
feels  she  already  has  a  Morning  Ritual  and  would  
give  herself  a  score  of  7  out  of  10.  However  Jane  is  
humble  enough  to  admit  that  there  are  a  lot  of  things  
she  could  do  to  significantly  improve  it.    

50  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  • While  I  travel  to  work  on  public  transport  (20  
Jane  knows  that  she  needs  to  do  something   minutes)  I  will  listen  to  my  personal  development  
differently  to  snap  her  out  of  the  mood  she’s  in  so   audio  books  on  my  smartphone.  
that  is  why  she  decide  to  upgrade  her  Morning  Ritual   • Once  I  get  to  work  I  will  smile  and  say  good  morning  
to  a  world-­‐class  level.  She  feels  she  has  nothing  to   to  every  student  and  teacher  I  meet  on  the  way  to  
lose  from  at  least  trying.     my  class.    
Jane’s  New  Morning  Ritual      
  An  interview  with  Jane  before  she  started  the  21-­‐
Wake  up  at  5:50  a.m.  (Mon-­‐Friday),  8  a.m.  (Sat-­‐Sun)   Day  Challenge  
• Drink  one  glass  of  water    
• Get  my  Bible  and  journal  and  go  outside  to  the  back   1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
of  my  house  as  the  sun  rises   Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  
• Read  one  chapter  of  my  Bible     I  want  to  feel  happy  again,  I  want  to  be  in  love  with  
• After  I  read,  I  will  write  one  page  of  my  reflections   myself.  I  want  to  be  able  to  see  myself  in  the  mirror  
on  what  I  just  read.     with  joy  in  my  heart.  I  want  to  feel  alive  again.  I  
• I  will  then  get  my  “gratitude  journal”  and  write   don’t  want  to  be  constantly  reflecting  on  the  past.  I  
down  10  things  that  I  am  grateful  for.   want  to  be  focused  on  the  present  and  be  excited  
• I  will  then  write  a  one-­‐page  love  letter  to  myself.   about  the  future.    
• I  will  go  back  into  my  house  and  cook  myself  a    
healthy  breakfast     2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
• While  cooking  my  breakfast  I  will  listen  to  my   Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result  
favorite  music.     you  want  to  achieve  the  most?  
• After  breakfast,  I  will  make  myself  a  nice  cup  of   I  want  this  to  reignite  my  creative  passions.  I  want  
black  coffee.   to  start  doing  the  things  that  I  love  like  painting  and  
• Then  will  go  to  my  room  with  my  coffee  and  I  will  do   calligraphy.  Every  day,  I  want  to  intentionally  make  
something  that  I  love  for  30  minutes  (one  day  I  will   time  just  for  me.  I  want  to  be  excited  about  waking  
focus  on  my  painting,  the  next  day  calligraphy).   up  in  the  morning  to  do  my  Morning  Ritual.  
• After  my  “me  time”  I  will  go  for  a  shower  and  get    
dressed  for  work.   3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to  

51  of  117      
I  feel  that  I  have  been  neglecting  myself  for  years.  I   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
have  been  so  focused  on  pleasing  other  people  first   you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
that  I  have  really  neglected  looking  after  myself.  I   progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
want  to  renew  my  mind  and  become  more  like  one   at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
of  those  strong,  confident  and  independent  women  I   I  think  it  is  important  for  me  to  see  how  much  
admire.  I  want  to  take  charge  of  my  life.     progress  I  am  making  during  these  21  days.  I  like  the  
  idea  of  having  a  reflective  writing  practice  at  the  end  
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for   of  the  day.  I  am  going  to  do  this  while  I  am  in  bed,  
you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised   before  I  go  to  sleep.  I  like  the  idea  of  asking  myself  
yourself  (that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   two  simple  questions,  “What  were  three  amazing  
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing)?   things  that  happened  today?”  and  “What  are  three  
I  really  want  to  wake  up  for  sunrise.  I  like  the  idea  of   things  I  could  have  done  differently?”  This  will  be  a  
moving  my  phone  alarm  to  the  other  side  of  the   great  way  for  me  to  stay  positive  and  also  to  
room,  which  for  sure  is  something  that  will  get  me   practically  bring  to  my  awareness  the  tiny  little  
out  of  bed.  I  will  immediately  open  my  curtains  so   things  that  I  could  have  done  differently.    
that  some  sunshine  (even  if  only  a  few  rays)  comes    
into  my  room.       I  like  the  idea  of  using  a  checklist.  I  have  never  really    
  used  one  before  in  this  way,  but  I  see  how  very  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your   motivating  it  will  be  for  me  to  check  the  box  every  
environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   day.  I  will  post  it  on  the  closet  door  in  my  bedroom,  
do  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  more   so  I  will  see  it  every  day  and  will  check  it  every  
difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?   morning  after  I  am  dressed  for  work.    
I  think  the  most  important  thing  for  me  is  to  make  a    
rule  to  get  to  bed  before  10  p.m.  when  I  have  work    
the  next  day.  I  know  that,  if  I  don't  get  enough  sleep,   7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  
it  will  be  really  difficult  for  me  to  wake  up  in  the   why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best  
morning.  I  also  know  that  if  I  don't  get  a  good  sleep,   choice  in  helping  you  successfully  
it  will  affect  how  I  feel  in  the  morning.  I  am  going  to   complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
make  a  rule  that,  after  9  p.m.,  I  don't  watch  any  TV    
and  I  switch  off  my  smartphone.  I  will  instead  use    
that  time  in  my  bedroom,  reading  one  of  my  books  
or  practicing  my  calligraphy  or  painting  skills.  

52  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  Who   Why  that  person  
My  best   She  has  been  so  supportive  of  me  during    
friend,   this  breakup  period.  I  know  she  would  do   9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
Angie   anything  for  me.  I  am  so  lucky  to  have   setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
her.  I  will  meet  her  for  lunch  and  explain   How  are  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  
my  new  Morning  Ritual  and  the  role  of  a   “good  data”?  
success  partner,  then  I  will  ask  her  to  be    
my  success  partner  to  ensure  that  I  do  it   I  think  I  take  things  too  personally  sometimes.  I  
for  21  days  straight  without  missing  a   realize  that  since  the  breakup,  I  have  had  some  
day.  Who  knows,  I  might  even  convince   horrible  self-­‐talk  going  on  in  my  head.  I  have  been  
her  to  start  her  own  Morning  Ritual.   repeating  discouraging  things  to  myself  that  I  would  
  never  even  dream  of  saying  to  another  person.  I  
8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after   really  am  my  own  worst  enemy.  I  want  to  stop  that.  I  
you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day   know  not  everything  will  go  as  planned  over  the  
Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that   next  21  days.  I  will  make  some  mistakes.  But  I  am  
person?   going  to  promise  myself  to  not  take  anything  
personally.  I  will  learn  from  every  mistake.  I  will  not  
allow  myself  to  call  my  setbacks  “failures”  unless  I  
Who   Why  that  person   do  not  learn  from  them.    
My  students   I  really  want  to  be  a  role  model    
for  them  and  I  know  that  the   10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
greatest  way  to  teach  excellence  is   to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
to  model  it.  Some  of  them  come   Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
from  such  troubled  backgrounds.    
If  this  Morning  Ritual  can  work   My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
for  me,  I  would  love  to  be  able  to   completing  my   failing  to  complete  my  
teach  it  to  them  so  they  become   Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual  
more  positive  and  focused  on   A  spoon  of  honey  in  my   I  am  not  allowed  to  put  
their  studies.     morning  coffee   anything  sweet  in  my  
morning  coffee    
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
successfully   failing  to  complete  the  

53  of  117      
completing  the  21-­‐Day   21-­‐Day  Challenge   time.  
One  of  the  things  that  I   If  I  miss  two  or  more   2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing  
love  doing  is  making   days  of  doing  my  new   you  did  over  the  21  days  and  why?  
homemade  cookies  and   Morning  Ritual  then  I   I  think  the  daily  gratitude  journal  was  the  game  
giving  them  to  my   will  not  allow  myself  to   changer  for  me.  At  the  beginning,  it  felt  a  bit  robotic  
students  and  my  fellow   bring  any  cookies  into   when  I  started  writing  down  the  obvious  stuff  
teachers.  I  get  a  real  kick   school  for  the  rest  of  the   (family,  health,  my  job),  but  once  I  started  searching  
out  of  seeing  the  look  on   year.  I  hope  that  doesn't   my  heart  for  things  that  made  me  feel  grateful  then  
their  faces  when  I  bring   sound  weird  but  that   it  opened  up  so  much  love  in  my  heart.  I  started  to  
out  the  cookies.    So  if  I   would  really  motivate   see  so  many  things  that  I  took  for  granted  before,  
am  successful  in   me  to  keep  my  promise   and  they  made  my  heart  sing.  Especially  when  I  did  
completing  the  21-­‐Day   of  doing  this  Morning   my  gratitude  exercise  outside  when  the  sun  was  
Challenge,  I  am  going  to   Ritual.  I  love  being   rising.  It  was  the  best  daily  tool  I  had  to  get  me  out  
make  a  big  batch  of   generous  to  my   of  my  depression.  When  I  was  depressed  or  sad,  I  
cookies  that  I  will  share   workmates  and  my   was  always  thinking  of  myself:  what  I  was  missing  
with  my  students  and   students  so  I  would  hate   out  on  or  what  I  thought  I  had  lost.  When  I  started  
fellow  teachers  the  next   not  to  be  able  to  do  this   practicing  real  gratitude,  then  new  life  came  to  me.  I  
day.   because  of  my  laziness.   could  not  be  fearful  and  grateful  at  the  same  time.  It  
  really  made  me  smile,  and  I  believe  that  this  practice  
  alone  was  the  most  effective  change  I  made.  
  3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how  
  did  it  help  you?  
An  interview  with  Jane  after  she  completed  the  21-­‐ I  have  never  used  a  checklist  to  help  me  create  new  
Day  Challenge   habits  before,  but  it  really  worked  for  me.  I  got  great  
  satisfaction  from  seeing  the  progress  I  was  making.  I  
  also  like  the  idea  that  I  have  the  power  to  upgrade  
1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the   the  checklist  as  I  learn  more  about  this  entire  
challenge?   process  of  self-­‐improvement.  In  the  first  version  of  
Amazing!  Super  amazing.  I  feel  so  empowered  and   my  checklist,  I  did  not  have  any  evening  ritual.  As  I  
inspired.  So  many  of  my  friends  are  saying  how   learned  more,  I  started  to  include  this  on  the  
refreshed  I  look.  I  have  not  felt  this  way  for  a  long   checklist.  I  eventually  updated  the  checklist  twice.  

54  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  
4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your   made  to  your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  
success  partner  like  and  how  did  it  help   days?  
you?     The  more  I  did  my  Morning  Ritual,  the  more  I  
Initially  I  thought  I  was  going  to  ask  my  friend  Angie   realized  that  I  needed  to  establish  an  end  of  day  
to  be  my  success  partner  but  then,  after  speaking  to   ritual  at  night.  I  am  not  used  to  going  to  bed  so  early,  
her  about  Morning  Rituals,  I  did  not  feel  that  she   so  it  took  my  mind  some  time  to  adjust  to  it.  I  started  
would  be  the  right  the  choice.  She  is  not  as   reading  articles  about  how  to  improve  my  quality  of  
motivated  as  me  when  it  comes  to  personal  change   sleep.  I  experimented  with  many  tiny  things,  but  I  
and  I  needed  to  find  some  with  a  more  positive   think  the  biggest  change  was  installing  blackout  
attitude.  So  I  instead  asked  my  work  colleague,  Rose.   curtains  in  my  bedroom.  This  totally  blocked  any  of  
Rose  is  one  of  the  most  positive  people  I  know  and,   the  streetlight  from  outside  and  made  my  room  as  
when  I  spoke  to  her  about  it,  she  became  super   dark  as  a  cave.  I  feel  it  had  a  big  impact  on  the  
enthusiastic.  We  agreed  to  become  each  other’s   quality  of  my  sleep,  thus  it  gave  me  more  energy  
success  partner.     while  doing  my  Morning  Ritual.  
Rose  and  I  met  every  Friday  for  lunch  when  we   6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐
would  show  our  checklist  to  each  other  for  that   Day  challenge  how  did  you  overcome  it?  
week.  We  agreed  in  advance  what  the  role  of  the   I  never  realized  that  I  had  such  an  addiction  to  social  
success  partner  is  so  that  there  was  no  confusion.   media.  I  always  had  my  phone  right  beside  my  bed,  
When  it  was  her  turn  to  be  the  success  partner,  I  did   frequently  checking  it  at  night  and  always  first  thing  
most  of  the  talking.  She  spent  the  majority  of  the   in  the  morning.  I  realize  that  was  not  a  healthy  thing  
time  listening  and  asking  me  really  simple  questions   for  me  to  do.  I  was  exposing  myself  to  all  the  
like,  “What  went  well  this  week?”  or  “What  could   problems  of  the  world  and  the  agendas  of  other  
you  have  done  better?”  As  simple  as  these  two   people.  When  I  promised  myself  not  to  check  my  
questions  were,  they  had  a  massive  impact  on   phone  during  my  Morning  Ritual,  it  turned  out  to  be  
helping  me  improve.  I  definitely  see  the  value  of   a  real  struggle  for  me.  I  would  find  myself  craving  to  
someone  asking  you  this  type  of  question  every   check  my  Facebook  account.  Then  I  made  one  simple  
week.  We  then  swapped  roles,  and  I  became  her   change  that  really  helped.  I  got  one  of  those  
success  partner.  It  is  one  of  the  most  important   automatic  power  sockets  that  killed  the  power  to  my  
meetings  I  have  every  week.     Wi-­‐Fi  box  at  9  p.m.  and  switched  it  back  on  at  5  p.m.  
  the  next  day.  This  simple  change  really  helped.  It  
  removed  a  big  distraction  and  allowed  me  to  focus  

55  of  117      
on  the  most  important  thing  in  my  Morning  Ritual:   intimidated.  I  also  know  myself,  and  I  didn’t  want  to  
me!     take  on  too  much  change  too  soon.  Focusing  on  
  three  core  things  (reading  my  Bible,  journaling,  and  
7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the   practicing  one  of  my  hobbies)  really  made  things  
21-­‐Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn   simple  and  achievable  for  me.  As  you  start  to  build  
“bad  days”  into  “good  data”?   confidence,  and  create  new  habits,  then  feel  free  to  
I  am  really  proud  about  how  I  managed  this.  I  really   add  more.  Starting  with  just  two  or  three  things  is  
got  better  at  not  taking  setbacks  personally.  I  simply   already  a  fantastic  achievement.    
made  a  note  of  it  on  my  checklist  and  then,  when  I    
met  my  success  partner,  this  note  was  my  trigger  for    
having  a  discussion  about  how  I  could  prevent  the   How  Jane  has  impacted  others  
mistake  from  reoccurring.  I  loved  this  process.     Testimony  from  Anna  (A  student  of  Jane’s)  
8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a   1. What  was  your  first  reaction  when  Miss  
world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of   Jane  shared  with  you  her  Morning  Ritual?    
your  experience  in  completing  the  21-­‐Day   Miss  Jane  is  one  of  my  favorite  teachers  at  school.  
Challenge?   She  is  very  nice  to  me  and  is  always  smiling.  I  am  
I  have  started  to  teach  this  to  my  students.  I  started   very  thankful  that  she  shared  the  importance  of  
small  by  getting  them  to  practice  daily  gratitude  in   Morning  Rituals  with  me  and  my  classmates.  She  
the  morning.  But  it  has  already  made  an  impact.  I  am   told  us  that  it  was  not  part  of  the  curriculum,  and  
so  proud  of  them.  I  have  lots  of  ideas  on  how  I  am   that  no  other  teacher  was  sharing  this  in  our  school.  
going  to  share  more  and  more  about  world-­‐class   We  were  the  first  students  to  learn  about  Morning  
Morning  Rituals  to  them.  I  am  also  going  to  ask  my   Rituals.  It  made  us  feel  special  and  excited  to  do  
School  Principal  for  her  approval  to  share  this  with   something  to  help  us  become  successful.  
the  other  teachers.  I  am  so  excited  about  more    
people  doing  this.  It  has  really  changed  my  life  and  I   2. What  impact  has  Miss  Jane’s  experience  
know  it  can  really  help  so  many  others.   with  Morning  Rituals  had  on  you?    
  This  was  so  different  to  almost  everything  else  that  I  
9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who   learned  in  school.  It  is  something  so  simple  that  I  
are  about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?   could  practice  every  day  to  help  me  become  a  better  
  person.  I  loved  it.    
Start  small.  When  I  read  about  the  100  different    
things  you  can  do  in  your  Morning  Ritual,  I  felt  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
3. How  have  you  shared  with  others  what   Michelle:  
you  learned  from  Miss  Jane?      
When  I  told  my  mom  about  Morning  Rituals  and    
what  we  learned  from  Miss  Jane,  she  was  very   A  business  owner  who  solved  her  problem  of  
surprised.  I  never  saw  my  mom  ask  me  so  many   constantly  feeling  overworked  and  stressed,  and  how  
questions  about  school  before.  My  mom  was  
she  was  able  to  teach  the  rest  of  her  team  to  become  
fascinated  that  they  were  teaching  this  in  school  and  
more  productive.  
told  me  that  every  student  at  school  should  be  
taught  this.  My  mom  is  very  happy  about  how  this  
has  helped  me.  She  told  me  that  at  the  next  parent-­‐  
teacher  meeting  she  is  going  to  personally  thank   Background:    
Miss  Jane  for  sharing  it  with  me  and  also  insist  that    
the  other  classes  get  the  same  teaching.   Michelle  started  her  own  business  two  years  ago  
  and  has  never  worked  so  hard  in  her  life.  Although  
she  is  proud  that  her  company  has  grown  to  where  
it  is,  she  feels  like  she  now  works  for  the  worst  boss  
she’s  ever  had:  herself.  
Michelle  feels  that  she  is  too  caught  up  in  so  many  
little  things  that  she  is  constantly  micromanaging  
her  team.  She  wants  to  stop  this.  She  longs  to  be  able  
to  empower  her  team  more  so  that  she  can  focus  
more  on  the  creative  side  of  the  business  –  on  the  
things  that  only  she  can  do.    Michelle  fears  that,  
without  making  some  changes  about  how  she  
manages  her  day,  not  only  will  her  business  suffer  
but  also  personally  she  is  heading  towards  a  
complete  mental  and  physical  burnout.  
Michelle  recently  discovered  that  almost  80%  of  the  
successful  female  entrepreneurs  she  admires  have  a  
disciplined  Morning  Ritual.  This  was  enough  to  

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convince  her  to  give  it  a  try  to  see  if  it  can  help  her   exercising  my  idea  muscle  and  writing  down  10  new  
create  more  balance  in  her  life.     ideas  in  any  area  of  my  life.    
  • Then  I  will  prepare  a  cup  of  green  tea  and  head  to  my  
  first  appointment  of  the  day.    
Michelle’s  New  Morning  Ritual   An  interview  with  Michelle  before  she  started  the  
Wake  Up  Time:  5:45  a.m.  (If  my  first  appointment  is  at  8   21-­‐Day  Challenge  
a.m.)  or  6:45  a.m.  if  my  first  appointment  is  at  9  a.m.  or    
later)   1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
• Get  out  of  bed  and  drink  one  full  glass  of  lemon   Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  
water     I  want  to  feel  inspired  and  empowered.  I  want  to  feel  
• Go  to  the  restroom  and  shower.     confident  in  the  knowledge  that  what  I  just  did  was  
• Once  the  warm  water  hits  my  face,  I  will  repeat  to   the  best  way  for  me  to  prime  my  mind,  body,  heart  
myself  "Today  is  going  to  be  a  great  day.”  I  will  sing   and  spirit  in  the  morning  so  that  I  can  optimize  the  
my  favorite  songs  while  in  the  shower  (usually,  this   rest  of  my  day.  
will  be  anything  by  Lady  Gaga).    
• I  will  then  go  back  to  my  room  and  dry  myself.     2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
• Then  I  will  make  my  bed  so  that  my  room  looks  nice   Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result  
and  neat.     you  want  to  achieve  the  most?  
• I  will  sit  at  my  table  and  do  the  five-­‐minute  journal:   I  want  to  see  a  dramatic  reduction  in  my  stress  
three  things  I  am  grateful  for,  and  three  things  I  can   levels.  I  want  balance.  I  don't  want  to  be  worrying  
do  to  make  this  day  great.     about  small  things.  I  want  to  be  appropriately  
• After  that,  I  will  practice  yoga  for  20  minutes  by   engaged  with  the  things  I  am  doing.  I  want  to  have  
following  a  guided  yoga  instruction  from  YouTube.   more  joy  in  my  life.    
• Then  I  will  meditate  on  my  sofa  for  10  minutes  using    
the  Headspace  application.      
• Then  I  will  grab  the  green  smoothie  I  made  the  night   3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to  
before  from  the  fridge.     you?  
• As  I  drink  my  smoothie,  I  will  check  my  email  to  see   I  know  that  my  state  of  mind  is  impacting  my  
if  I  have  urgent  messages.   relationships  with  other  people.  If  I  am  honest,  I  
think  it  is  the  reason  why  I  am  still  single.  I  know  
• Then  I  will  read  three  pages  from  one  my  business  
that  I  deserve  to  find  that  special  someone  in  my  life.  
However,  I  also  know  that  I  first  need  to  focus  on  
• While  reading,  I  will  take  note  of  anything  that  is  
becoming  a  better  me.  I  believe  that  the  better  I  
relevant  to  my  business.  I  will  end  my  journaling  by  

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become,  the  more  I  will  attract  the  right  people  into    
my  life.          I  will  also  download  the  guided  yoga  videos  from  
  YouTube  to  my  computer  in  advance  so  that  I  am  not  
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for   relying  on  Internet  connection  in  the  morning.  
you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised    
yourself  (that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing)?   you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
  progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
The  night  before,  I  will  leave  a  glass  of  water  with   at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
lemon  in  it  on  the  bedside  table.  Once  I  hear  my   I  love  the  idea  of  using  a  checklist.  I  love  writing  lists  
alarm  go  off  in  the  morning,  I  will  drink  the  glass   and  ticking  things  off  the  list.  It  is  a  very  satisfying  
straight  away.  I  will  create  a  rule  for  myself  that  I  am   feeling  when  I  do.  As  I  already  use  my  digital  
not  allowed  to  switch  off  my  alarm  until  I  drink  the   calendar  every  day,  I  will  link  it  to  a  spreadsheet  
glass  of  water.  I  will  leave  my  alarm  at  the  other  side   where  I  will  track  my  Morning  Ritual.  
of  the  room  to  ensure  that  I  have  to  walk  over  to    
switch  it  off.   I  am  going  to  use  my  executive  assistant,  Sally,  as  a  
  measure  of  the  progress  I  am  making  in  my  Morning  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your   Ritual.  I  spend  more  time  with  Sally  than  any  other  
environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   person  (including  my  own  family),  so  she  would  be  
do  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  more   in  a  good  position  to  assess  how  I  have  changed.  
difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?   Before  I  begin  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge,  I  will  ask  her  
I  am  going  to  buy  a  journal  and  a  pen  and  I’ll  leave   “Out  of  10,  “How  would  you  rate  our  professional  
them  right  on  top  of  my  bedside  table.  That  will   relationship?”  instructing  her  that  giving  me  a  score  
make  it  easier  for  me  to  keep  my  promise  of   of  10/10  is  not  an  option.  Once  I  get  her  answer,  I  
journaling.  The  night  before,  I  am  going  to  fill  the   will  then  ask  her,  “What  do  I  need  to  do  to  make  it  a  
kettle  with  water  (for  my  tea)  and  leave  a  cup  with  a   10?”  
teabag  inside  next  to  it.  The  key  will  be  to  ensure    
that  I  have  one  of  my  healthy  green  smoothies   I  am  sure  she  will  not  expect  these  questions,  but  I  
(spinach,  banana,  water  and  honey)  prepared  the   am  going  to  encourage  her  to  answer  honestly.  If  
night  before.  I  will  also  put  my  yoga  mat  in  the   necessary,  I  will  give  her  enough  time  to  think  of  the  
middle  of  my  bedroom  so  that  I  have  to  walk  over  it   answers.  She  can  even  give  me  the  answers  the  next  
on  my  way  to  the  bathroom.  I  will  add  that  to  my   day  if  she  chooses.  I  will  explain  that  I  need  her  help:  
evening  checklist  so  I  don't  forget.   not  only  to  become  a  better  boss  but  also  a  better  

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person.  If  I  tell  her  why  I  am  doing  this,  I’m  sure  she   My   As  I  mentioned  earlier,  she  is  such  a  
will  give  me  her  support.  At  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day   executive   critical  person  in  our  business.  Sally  was  
Challenge,  I  will  ask  her  the  same  two  questions.  It   assistant,   one  of  the  first  people  I  hired  as  an  
will  be  a  great  way  for  me  to  discover  what  progress   Sally   entrepreneur.  Aside  from  how  this  will  
she  has  seen  in  me  over  these  21  days.     benefit  her  professionally,  I  really  think  
  that  this  can  also  help  her  in  her  
7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and   personal  life  as  well.  
why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best    
choice  in  helping  you  successfully    
complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?     9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
  setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
Who   Why  that  person   How  are  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  
My  executive   She  sees  me  more  than  any  other  person   “good  data”?  
assistant,  Sally   and  she  knows  how  driven  I  am  to    
become  a  better  person.  She  is  also  very   Looking  over  my  plans  for  the  next  21  days,  I  know  
passionate  about  personal  development.   there  will  be  days  when  I  will  be  traveling  out  of  
So  I  think  she  will  be  the  ideal  person  to   town  and  I  know  there  will  be  nights  when  I  will  not  
help  me  with  this.   be  able  to  get  to  bed  at  the  time  I  want.  I  want  to  be  
  flexible  with  myself  when  these  things  happen.  
  Whenever  possible,  I  want  to  plan  ahead  and  adapt  
  my  Morning  Ritual  if  I  know  there  are  going  to  be  
  some  disturbances.  I  think  it  is  important  for  me  to  
  have  a  planned  alternative  Morning  Ritual  for  these  
  days  (for  example  creating  a  minimum  requirement  
  for  me  to  complete  three  of  the  five  of  my  success  
  habits)  rather  than  skipping  everything.  
8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after    
you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day    
Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that   10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
person?   to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
  Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
Who   Why  that  person    
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  

60  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
completing  my   failing  to  complete  my   2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing  you  did  
Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual   over  the  21  days?  
I  will  treat  myself  to  a   I  will  not  allow  myself  to   The  meditation  practice:  I  wish  I’d  started  years  ago.  I  am  
mid-­‐morning  coffee  and   eat  a  cookie  that  day.   embarrassed  when  I  think  that,  for  years,  I  resisted  it.  
cookie  before  lunch.   Although  I  did  not  feel  the  effects  immediately,  doing  a  
  small  amount  on  a  daily  basis  really  helped  me  become  
    more  focused  and  productive  by  giving  me  a  greater  sense  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for   of  calm  and  control.  
successfully   failing  to  complete  the    
completing  the  21-­‐Day   21-­‐Day  Challenge    In  the  past  I  felt  I  was  so  caught  up  in  the  details  that  I  
Challenge   could  not  see  the  obvious  –  it  was  like  I  was  trying  to  read  
I  am  going  to  bring  my   I  will  not  allow  myself  to   the  label  from  inside  the  jar.  My  meditation  practice  
sister  and  mother  out  of   buy  one  more  new  pair   changed  that  –  and  over  time  it  helped  me  find  the  right  
the  city  for  a  girls’   of  shoes  for  the  next  six   perspective  on  what  is  most  important.  I  think  this  quote  
weekend  getaway.   months.  I  love  buying   really  summed  it  up  for  me    
shoes  so  I  can't  think  of    
anything  more  painful    “You  can  learn  more  in  an  hour  of  silence  than  you  can  
than  a  shopping  ban.   in  a  year  from  books”  Matthew  Kelly  
An  interview  with  Michelle  after  she  finished  the  21-­‐ 3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how  did  it  
Day  Challenge   help  you?  
  The  checklist  worked  great.  I  created  a  spreadsheet  
  and  linked  it  to  my  online  calendar.  Having  Sally  as  
1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the  21-­‐Day   my  success  partner  was  a  golden  idea.  Sally  checks  
Challenge?   my  calendar  everyday,  so  she  was  able  to  see  if  I  did  
Wow.  This  has  been  one  of  the  best  decisions  I  have   my  Morning  Ritual  or  not.  Having  that  level  of  daily  
made  in  my  life.  I  don’t  get  as  stressed  out  by  the   visibility  and  accountability  really  drove  me  to  keep  
little  things  like  I  used  to.  I  am  more  joyful  and   my  promises  to  complete  my  Morning  Ritual  every  
grateful.  I  am  loving  the  clarity  that  daily  journaling   morning.  When  we  had  our  success  meetings  the  
gives  me.  I  feel  so  refreshed.   checklist  was  always  one  of  the  first  things  that  we  
  looked  at.  

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4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  success   Instead,  I  moved  checking  email  and  social  media  to  the  
partner  like  and  how  did  it  help  you?   end  of  my  ritual  and  used  it  as  an  additional  reward  for  
    completing  my  Morning  Ritual.  It  was  a  tiny  change  of  
We  clarified  what  her  role  as  my  success  partner  involved,   sequence  but  it  helped  me  get  the  most  from  my  ritual.  
and  then  every  Tuesday  morning  after  our  regular  work-­‐ It  is  true  that  sometimes  the  smallest  things  have  the  
related  one-­‐on-­‐one  meetings,  Sally  would  step  into  her  role   biggest  impact.  
as  my  success  partner.  For  half  an  hour,  she  would  ask  me    
to  talk  about  how  I  was  progressing  with  my  Morning   6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐Day  
Ritual.  She  would  print  out  my  checklist  for  the  past  week   Challenge  how  did  you  overcome  it?  
so  it  made  the  conversation  more  focused.    We  looked  at   Sticking  with  a  meditation  practice  at  the  beginning  was  
the  facts  and  data  for  that  week,  so  it  was  my  dedicated   difficult.  The  first  few  times  I  did  it,  I  felt  very  
time  to  reflect  on  what  went  well  and  what  I  could  have   uncomfortable.  Sitting  on  the  sofa  being  still  is  
done  differently.  I  know  this  is  something  that  Sally  really   something  I  am  not  used  to.  I  moved  to  lying  on  the  bed  
appreciated.  It  was  not  long  before  she  asked  me  to  become   and  started  to  experiment  with  different  guided  
her  success  partner  as  she  started  her  own  Morning  Ritual.   meditations  on  YouTube.  I  discovered  a  meditation  
It  really  brought  our  professional  relationship  to  another   practice  that  worked  best  for  me.  Looking  back,  I  am  so  
level.  I  would  strongly  encourage  every  progressive  boss   proud  of  myself  for  sticking  with  it,  as  I  know  I  am  
out  there  to  ask  one  of  his  or  her  employees  (especially  the   reaping  the  benefits  of  daily  meditation.    
high  potential  ones  who  are  hungry  to  grow)  to  become    
their  success  partner.  It  is  a  great  demonstration  of   7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the  21-­‐  
leadership  and  humility  with  extraordinary  benefits  for  all   Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn  “bad  days”  
involved.  It  really  worked  between  Sally  and  I.  I  am  so  glad   into  “good  data”?  
I  did  it.   What  helped  me  with  this  was  honest  reflection  with  
  my  success  partner  about  any  setbacks  that  occurred  
5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  make  to   that  week.  I  found  myself  getting  better  at  
your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  days?   differentiating  between  stuff  that  was  in  my  control  and  
I  think  imposing  a  “no  email  or  no  social  media”  rule   what  was  out  of  my  control.    I  was  getting  better  with  
helped  me.  I  found  myself  checking  my  email  at  the   how  I  reacted  to  setbacks.  I  was  proud  of  myself  with  
beginning  of  my  ritual  and  then,  while  I  was  meditating   how  I  coped.  It  was  empowering  to  know  that,  although  
and  practicing  yoga,  I  was  thinking  about  my  response   I  may  not  be  able  to  control  the  external  stimulus,  how  I  
to  the  emails  as  opposed  to  focusing  on  what  I  was   reacted  to  that  stimulus  was  100%  in  my  control.  This  
doing.  I  realized  I  was  exposing  my  mind  to  other   reflection  process  helped  me  stay  on  the  right  path.    
people's  "to-­‐do  lists"  by  opening  my  email  so  early.    

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a  world-­‐class   reasons  I  have  resisted  meditation  for  so  long.  I  
Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of  your  experience  in   encourage  others  to  be  more  open-­‐minded  about  the  
completing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?   different  things  they  can  do  during  their  Morning  Ritual.  
Sharing  this  with  my  team  and,  more  importantly   Yes,  it  may  be  new  to  you  and  may  seem  strange,  but  
practicing  this  with  them,  has  been  particularly   you  have  to  prove  it  to  yourself  by  valid  experiments  
gratifying.  We  now  start  all  our  team  meetings  with   rather  than  continuing  to  dismiss  it.  I  am  so  glad  I  
some  type  of  gratitude  exercise:     experimented,  and  I  know  I  am  a  better  person  now  
  because  I  was  willing  to  give  it  a  try.  It  is  one  of  the  best  
What  gave  you  joy  at  work  today?  Who  in  the  group  do   personal  changes  I  have  ever  made  in  my  life.    
you  want  to  acknowledge?  What  would  you  like  to    
acknowledge  yourself  for?    
  How  Michelle  has  impacted  others  
These  may  sound  like  very  simple  questions,  but  I  can’t   Testimony  from  Sally  (Michelle’s  Executive  Assistant  and  
tell  you  how  powerful  this  is  for  our  team.  Spending  just   Success  Partner)  
five  to  ten  minutes  on  this  totally  transforms  the  energy    
of  the  meeting.  One  other  thing  we  also  started  to  do   1. What  was  your  first  reaction  when  Michelle  
was  to  introduce  group  reflection  exercises:  What  went   asked  you  to  be  her  success  partner?    
well?  What  could  have  we  have  done  differently?  We  do   I  was  not  sure  what  being  a  success  partner  meant  
this  after  every  event  or  on  the  closure  of  a  big  project.     at  the  beginning.  However,  when  Michelle  explained  
  the  roles  and  responsibilities  to  me,  it  made  sense.  I  
These  habits  I  am  now  sharing  with  my  team  are  all   became  excited  about  it.  I  was  impressed  that  she  
things  I  first  learned  as  a  result  of  my  own  personal   asked  me  to  be  her  success  partner.  No  other  
journey  with  Morning  Rituals.  Simply  put,  these  habits   employer  that  I  have  had  in  my  20  years  of  work  has  
make  us  a  far  more  productive  team.   ever  asked  me  to  help  them  in  this  way.  It  was  
  inspiring  how  humble  she  was,  and  her  willingness  
9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who  are   to  ask  me  for  my  help  made  me  admire  her  courage  
about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?   even  more.      
Have  an  open  mind.  Everything  you  believe  is  not    
necessarily  true.  One  of  my  greatest  personal  strengths   2. What  impact  has  Michelle’s  experience  with  
is  my  will  and  determination  to  succeed.  However,  the   Morning  Rituals  had  on  you?  
other  side  of  that  coin  (the  dark  side  of  my  ambition)  is   I  could  not  believe  how  much  she  improved  in  the  
that  I  know  I  can  be  very  headstrong  and  not  open  to   weeks  after  she  started  this  Morning  Ritual.  It  was  
ideas  other  than  my  own.  I  feel  that  this  is  one  of  the   like  a  new  Michelle.  She  was  more  positive  and  more  

63  of  117      
energetic  than  ever.  What  was  most  remarkable  was  
to  see  how  her  positive  energy  impacted  the  entire  
A  first  time  father  who  was  able  to  overcome  the  old  
team  and  me.  It  was  as  though  the  whole  
organization  was  feeling  the  benefits  of  her  Morning   destructive  habits  of  his  past  and  become  a  hero  for  
Ritual.  Unlike  many  bosses  I  know  who  are  all  talk   his  wife  and  daughter.  
and  no  action,  Michelle  was  very  different.  She    
modeled  the  idea  of  having  a  Morning  Ritual,  and  it   Background  
became  contagious.  Our  entire  team,  including    
myself,  now  practices  a  Morning  Ritual.  Morale  at  
work  has  never  been  so  high.  It’s  amazing  to  think   Carlo finds it incredible to hold his new baby girl in his arms,
how  much  of  an  impact  a  small  change  can  make  to   but a part of him feels overwhelmed when he thinks of all
the  entire  team,  especially  if  the  leader  is  the  one  to   the responsibilities ahead. Carlo is determined to give his
go  first.   daughter the best start in life and dreams of being her role
model and hero. He does not want her to have a loser for a
father. He knows that he cannot continue as he has been
3. How  have  you  shared  with  others  what  you  
living: a party lifestyle is not what his daughter needs in her
learned  from  Michelle?    
We  delivered  a  special  training  program  for  the  
entire  organization  on  personal  change.  We  created  
Carlo realized that none of his close friends are fathers so
a  training  program  through  which  we  would  help  
he began to speak to more experienced fathers, men that
our  employees  design  the  first  hour  of  their  work  
he greatly admires, to get advice from them. From these
day  to  set  themselves  and  their  team  up  to  optimize  
conversations, it became clear to Carlo that, when it comes
their  day.  It  was  amazing  to  see  the  positive  reaction  
to being the leader of your family, you must have self-
the  staff  had  to  it.  By  focusing  on  the  start  of  the  day,   discipline. That convinced Carlo to start The 21-Day
it  helped  us  solve  some  very  simple  problems  within   Challenge even though he has failed many times in the past
the  team  like  lack  of  communication  and  lack  of   at making lasting personal change.
prioritization.  Some  of  our  partner  and  clients  have  
been  very  impressed  by  the  impact  this  training  has   He believes that having a World-Class Morning Ritual will
had  on  our  people:  they  are  now  even  asking  if  we   be his way of proving to himself and others that this time he
could  train  their  employees  too.  I  felt  really  proud   is serious about changing and serious about his new role as
when  I  heard  that  other  people  are  noticing  how   a father.
productive  our  team  has  become.    

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  detail,  but  I  am  being  honest  at  least  –  haha).  While  I  
Carlo’s  new  Morning  Ritual   am  on  the  toilet  I  will  read  three  pages  of  one  of  my  
  business  books.  
Wake  up  at  6:15  a.m.   • Then  I  will  get  dressed  for  work  and  leave  the  house  
• Go  to  the  bathroom  and  brush  my  teeth.   at  7:30  am  to  go  to  work.  
• Splash  cold  water  on  my  face  —  after  which  I  will   • While  on  my  way  to  work  (a  15-­‐minute  walk),  I  will  
look  at  myself  in  the  mirror  and  say,  “Today  is  going   continue  to  listen  to  my  audiobook.  
to  be  a  great  day!”   • Once  I  get  to  the  office  desk  before  I  open  my  email  I  
• Drink  one  glass  of  water  with  a  splash  of  apple  cider   will  look  at  my  planner  for  the  day  and  write  down  
vinegar  (I  read  once  that  this  is  a  healthy  thing  to   three  things  I  can  do  to  make  today  great.  Then  I  will  
do).   go  start  my  8  a.m.  morning  meeting  with  my  team.  
• I  will  go  to  my  baby’s  crib,  give  her  a  kiss  and  tell  her    
that  I  love  her.    
• I  will  give  a  kiss  to  my  wife  and  tell  her  I  love  her.   An  interview  with  Carlo  before  he  started  the  21-­‐
• I  will  then  start  my  15-­‐minute  morning  exercise   Day  Challenge  
while  I  listen  to  an  audiobook.      
• When  I  finish  exercising  I  will  drink  one  more  glass    
of  water.   1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  Morning  
• After  that,  I  will  shower.   Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  
• Then  I  will  go  to  the  roof  deck  of  my  building  and   I  want  to  have  more  energy  and  feel  more  powerful.  
meditate  for  15  minute  using  a  guided  meditation   Most  of  the  time  I  hate  getting  out  of  bed  and  have  
app  on  my  phone.  I  will  do  this  while  the  sun  shines   crashes  of  energy  in  the  afternoon.  I  want  to  feel  
on  my  face.     more  productive  and  positive  —  that  I  have  started  
• Then  I  will  make  a  healthy  breakfast  for  my  family.   my  day  winning.    
• While  eating  breakfast  I  will  practice  expressing    
gratitude  with  my  wife.  We  will  take  turns  asking   2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
each  other  questions  like:  “What  gave  you  joy?  What   Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result  you  want  to  
are  you  grateful  for?  What  was  amazing  about   achieve  the  most?    
yesterday?”  I  will  also  ask  her  questions  like,  “What   I  want  to  have  a  new  perspective  on  what  it  means  to  be  
can  you  do  to  make  today  great?”     successful.  I  want  to  have  a  new  level  of  discipline  in  my  
• After  breakfast,  I  will  go  for  my  morning  poo  using  a   life.  I  would  like  this  to  be  the  beginning  of  a  series  of  
squatty  potty  (don't  know  if  I  should  include  that   powerful  personal  changes  in  me.  

65  of  117      
  actual  amount  of  hours  that  I  play  them  every  week  
3. Why  is  this  desired  result  so  important  to  you?     it  was  close  to  20  hours  and  I  was  concerned.  At  the  
I  want  my  wife  Tammy  and  my  parents  to  see  that  I  am   same  time,  I  started  to  research  the  negative  
making  a  significant  effort  to  become  a  better  man.  We   consequences  of  addiction  and  realized  that  I  really  
have  been  having  some  arguments  lately,  so  I  want  to  prove   do  have  a  problem  here.  My  mentor  told  me  that  I  
to  them  that  I  am  really  making  an  effort  to  change  myself:   should  ask  myself  just  one  question:  "What  would  a  
to  become  a  better  father  for  my  baby;  a  better  son  for  my   great  father  do?"  So  I  made  the  decision  to  stop  
parents;  and  a  better  partner  for  Tammy.   playing  video  games.  I  will  sell  my  X-­‐box  and  buy  
  something  nice  for  our  little  family  instead.  I  will  
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   also  delete  all  the  games  on  my  phone  so  that  I  am  
wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised  yourself   no  longer  tempted  to  waste  my  time  playing  these  
(that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze  button  once  your   games.  I  am  better  than  that  now.  I  need  to  show  
alarm  starts  ringing)?   others  that  I  am  serious  about  becoming  the  model  
I  realize  that  if  I  get  enough  quality  sleep  then,  for   father  for  my  baby  girl.  
sure,  I  will  be  able  to  wake  up  on  time  every    
morning.  So  I  am  going  to  make  little  changes  in  the   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  
evening  to  improve  the  quality  of  my  sleep.  My  first   measure  and  evaluate  your  progress  during  the  
rule  is  no  drinking  caffeine  after  4  p.m.,  my  second   21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  
rule  is  no  electronics  allowed  by  my  bedside,  and  my   Challenge?  
final  rule  is  that  at  9  p.m.  I  will  always  switch  my  Wi-­‐ I  think  one  of  the  best  pieces  of  advice  I  have  
Fi  off.  I  have  a  bad  habit  of  watching  Netflix,   received  so  far  regarding  my  new  role  as  a  father  
browsing  YouTube  or  playing  video  games  until   has  been:  to  become  a  great  Dad  to  my  little  girl,  I  
midnight.  I  realize  that  I  have  to  stop  this.  Instead,  I   must  love  her  mother  everyday.  As  simple  as  that  
will  use  the  last  hour,  from  10  p.m.  to  11  p.m.,  before   advice  is,  it  really  was  an  "a-­‐ha"  moment  for  me.  I  
I  sleep  to  either  journal  or  read  my  books.   really  want  to  be  a  better  man  for  my  wife.  So  I  am  
  going  to  do  something  I  have  never  done  before:  
  before  I  start  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  I  am  going  to  ask  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your  environment   her  how  many  points  out  of  ten  she  would  give  our  
to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  do  your  new  Morning   relationship.  I  will  then  ask  what  do  I  need  to  do  to  
Ritual  and  more  difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?   achieve  a  10  out  of  10  score?    
I  really  like  playing  video  games.  When  my  wife    
accused  me  being  addicted  to  them,  I  kind  of    
laughed  it  off.  However,  when  I  started  to  record  the  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
I  am  just  going  to  listen  to  what  she  says  and  not   slowly  realizing  that  I  can’t  do  everything  on  my  own.  I  
comment  or  try  to  defend  myself.  I  am  sure  she  will   will  tell  her  exactly  what  my  new  Morning  Ritual  is  and  
be  surprised  that  I  am  being  so  vulnerable  but  I  am   I  will  ask  for  her  support.  Once  I  explain  to  her  what  a  
serious  about  this.  My  mentor  once  told  me  that   success  partner  does,  I  know  she  will  be  excited  to  help  
 “The  quality  of  your  life  is  directly  related  to  the   8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after  you  
number  of  uncomfortable  conversations  you  are   successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
willing  to  have”.   Why  did  you  choose  that  person?  
  Who:  Chad  and  Marv  
 So  I  am  not  going  to  hide  away  from  these   Why  that  person:  These  are  my  two  best  friends  but  I  
uncomfortable  conversations  any  more.  The  old   now  realize  that  these  guys  are  wasting  their  lives  
Carlo  does  not  live  here  anymore.     playing  video  games.  I  am  sure  they  could  do  so  much  
  more.  I  want  to  show  them  that  another  path  is  
Once  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  is  complete  I  will  ask  her   possible.  I  know  I  would  be  a  hypocrite  to  start  talking  
the  same  questions  again.  This  will  be  a  very  good   to  them  now  when  I  myself  have  just  started,  but  I  
way  for  me  to  measure  the  progress  of  our  
really  hope  that  after  these  21  days  are  over  I  will  be  in  
relationship  over  the  21  days.    
a  better  position  to  be  a  positive  influence  on  them  
For  daily  progress,  I  will  definitely  use  a  paper  
checklist  that  can  easily  fit  in  my  wallet.  When  I  get  
to  my  office,  before  I  go  to  my  8  a.m.  meeting,  I  will  
9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
take  it  out  and  fill  it  in  for  that  morning.  It  will  be  
setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  How  are  
motivating  for  me  to  check  it  off  every  day.    
you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?  
7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  why  do  
I  have  a  history  of  quitting  when  things  don't  go  to  
you  think  that  person  is  the  best  choice  in  
plan.  I  think  I  take  failure  very  personally.  If  I  am  
helping  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
going  to  be  successful  in  transforming  myself,  I  must  
stop  this  pattern  of  thinking.  I  am  not  a  failure!  If  
things  don't  go  to  plan  (especially  if  I  do  not  wake  up  
Who:  My  wife,  Tammy  
when  I  said  I  would)  I  want  to  make  two  promises  to  
Why  that  person:  She  really  wants  me  to  become  a  
better  man  and,  thanks  to  some  of  my  mentors,  I  am  

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1.  That  the  mistake  will  not  happen  two  days  in  a   group  of  people  that  I  
row;  and,   dislike  more  than  those  
2.  That  I  will  honestly  reflect  on  the  mistake  to   guys.  I  will  be  totally  
see  how  I  can  prevent  it  from  happening  again.     sickened  with  myself  if  I  
  have  to  give  them  this  
I  am  going  to  be  a  master  student  of  myself  over  the   money.  
next  21  days.    
10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  to    
ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  Morning    
Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
  An  interview  with  Carlo  after  he  completed  the  21-­‐
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for   Day  Challenge  
completing  my   failing  to  complete  my    
Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual    
I  will  finish  work  on  time   I  will  punish  myself  by   1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the  challenge?  
at  5  p.m.  and  begin  my   working  30  minutes    
commute  home.   extra  at  work.   I  have  never  been  better.  I  have  never  had  so  much  
  energy  and  I  never  felt  happier.  Who  would  have  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  failing   thought  that  these  tiny  changes  would  have  made  
successfully  completing   to  complete  the  21-­‐Day   such  a  big  impact.  
the  21-­‐Day  Challenge   Challenge    
I  am  going  to  buy  myself   The  money  I  would  have   2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing  you  did  
that  new  big  screen  TV   spent  on  the  new  TV  I  will   over  the  21days  and  why?  By  far  the  best  decision  
that  has  been  on  my  wish   instead  donate  to  an   I  made  was  to  totally  give  up  playing  video  games  
list  for  years  now.   “Anti-­‐Charity”  -­‐  the  official   (both  on  my  phone  and  on  my  X-­‐box).  I  really  
supporters  club  of  a   debated  it  for  a  long  time  in  my  head,  as  I  thought  
professional  basketball   that  I  could  try  a  different  approach  where  I  
team  in  my  country  that  I   gradually  reduced  the  time  I  spent  playing.  But,  for  
hate  with  all  my  heart.  To   me,  going  cold  turkey  was  the  100%  right  thing  to  
put  this  in  context,  I   do.  Seeing  my  little  girl  gave  me  a  new  perspective  
cannot  think  of  a  single   on  life.  There  are  thousands  of  things  more  
important  than  video  games.  I  am  so  glad  I  did  this.  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  checklist.  And,  amazingly,  I  became  her  success  
3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how  did  it   partner!    
help  you?          
The  checklist  was  really  powerful.  I  was  surprised.  A  part  of    
my  brain,  let’s  call  it  my  ego,  did  not  like  the  idea  of  using  a   5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  made  to  
checklist.  I  felt  uncomfortable  at  first  and  thought  it  was  too   your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  days?  
restricting.  To  be  honest,  I  really  wanted  to  not  use  it,  but    
that  would  have  been  a  mistake.     Most  of  the  adjustments  I  made  were  more  on  my  
  evening  ritual  rather  than  on  my  Morning  Ritual.  I  
“Discipline  equals  Freedom”  -­‐  Jocko Willink experimented  with  a  couple  of  things  that  helped  
  me.  I  left  a  pen  and  notepad  on  my  bedside  table,  
The  more  self-­‐control  I  practice  in  the  present,  the  greater   which  really  encouraged  me  to  write  more.  I  also  got  
choices  I  will  have  in  the  future.  This  checklist  gave  me  that   three  biographies  that  I  wanted  to  read  for  ages  and  
discipline.  It  gave  me  that  self-­‐control.  It  helped  me  to  focus   left  them  on  my  bedside  table,  which  as  simple  as  it  
on  doing  what  was  right,  not  what  was  easy.  Every  Sunday   sounds  really  did  encourage  me  to  read  more.  But  I  
evening  after  dinner  (as  part  of  our  efforts  to  make  that  a   think  the  most  effective  change  I  made  was  banning  
special  family  day),  I  showed  my  wife  Tammy  my  checklist   all  electronic  devices  in  my  bedroom  after  9  p.m.  I  
for  the  past  week.  It  gave  me  a  lot  of  pride  to  do  so  and  I   wanted  to  use  those  hours  for  family  time  and  to  
think  she  was  also  proud  of  me  for  making  such  a  positive   prepare  myself  for  the  following  day.  To  prove  to  
effort.   myself  that  I  was  serious,  I  removed  the  TV  and  DVD  
  player  from  the  bedroom.  I  would  put  an  alarm  on  
  my  phone  every  evening  at  8:55  pm  with  the  
4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  success   message:  "Switch  off  Wi-­‐Fi:  you  are  a  better  man  
partner  like  and  how  did  it  help  you?     now."  I  know  that  may  sound  like  crazy  self-­‐talk,  but  
  I  needed  that  daily  reminder  so  that  I  didn’t  slip  
Initially,  I  was  uncertain  if  I  should  have  Tammy  as   back  into  my  old  habits.  I  was  determined  to  make  
my  success  partner,  I  thought  I  would  be  exposing   this  a  lasting  change  so  all  these  tiny  things  
too  much  of  myself.  But  now  I  know  it  was  a  great   combined  really  did  help  me  to  stick  with  it.  
decision.  The  more  vulnerable  I  was  to  her,  the  more    
she  appreciated  it.  It  really  made  our  relationship   6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐Day  
better.  She  was  so  inspired  that,  after  the  third   Challenge  and  how  did  you  overcome  it?  
Sunday  in  a  row  when  I  showed  her  my  checklist,    
she  actually  created  her  own  Morning  Ritual   The  most  difficult  part  for  me  was  getting  up  on  

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time,  especially  in  the  first  seven  days.  I  found   months  the  best  12  months  of  my  life  ever?”    
myself  lying  in  bed  once  my  alarm  went  off  looking   I  found  myself  asking  myself  dozens  of  questions  
for  any  reason  to  stay  in  bed  longer.  What  really   like  this.  I  feel  I  have  really  discovered  more  about  
helped  me  was  implementing  the  five-­‐second  rule.   myself  over  the  past  21  days  than  at  any  other  time  
This  is  so  simple  but  it  really  worked  for  me.  Once  I   in  my  life..    
heard  the  alarm  go  off  in  the  morning,  I  simply    
counted  backwards  (five,  four,  three,  two,  one)  and   8. How  are  you  helping  others  to  create  a  world-­‐
once  I  got  to  one,  I  jumped  out  of  bed.  I  now  do  this   class  Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of  your  
every  morning.  It  has  really  trained  my  brain  into   experience  in  completing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
taking  action  and  not  dwelling  on  all  the  excuses  to    
procrastinate  like  I  did  in  the  past.   I  realized  that  if  I  wanted  to  help  my  two  friends  –  
  Marv  and  Chad,  I  would  have  to  meet  them  one-­‐on-­‐
  one  for  lunch  or  over  a  coffee.  I  knew  that  we  could  
7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day   not  meet  in  our  usual  hangout  areas  (in  bars  when  
Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn  “bad  days”  into   drinking).    We  never  have  any  serious  conversations  
“good  data”?   there.  I  knew  that  if  I  switched  the  location  to  a  
The  process  of  journaling  allowed  me  to  really  study   coffee  shop  or  lunch  place,  the  new  environment  
when  things  went  wrong,  rather  than  constantly   could  help  us  have  a  proper  serious  chat.    
beating  myself  up  like  I  did  in  the  past.  I  discovered    
some  great  insights  about  myself.  It  allowed  me  to   I  was  very  conscious  before  I  met  them  that  I  
see  many  tiny  changes  that  I  could  make  to  improve.     shouldn’t  come  across  as  preachy  or  make  them  
  think  I  was  better  than  them.  I  just  told  them  my  
In  particular  journaling  in  the  evening  while  I  was  in   story,  my  new  Morning  Ritual,  and  why  it  was  
bed  really  helped  me  remind  myself  why  I  was  doing   important  to  me.  Chad,  in  particular,  was  really  
this  Morning  Ritual:  it  really  helped  me  get  clarity   impressed  and,  judging  by  all  the  questions  he  asked  
about  what  was  most  important.  To  give  a  practical   me,  I  think  he  is  also  really  curious  about  starting  a  
example,  answering  the  following  three  questions   Morning  Ritual.  I  have  given  him  this  book  as  a  gift  
really  helped  me,   so  fingers  crossed.  Sadly,  Marv  didn't  seem  that  
  interested  in  any  of  this.  I  was  a  bit  disappointed,  to  
 “What  are  the  things  I  fear  the  most?”     be  honest.  I  guess  he  behaved  in  the  same  way  I  
“If  I  were  not  afraid  of  failing,  how  would  I  live  my  life   would  have  behaved  a  year  ago.  The  experience  
differently?”     reminded  me  that  I  cannot  influence  everyone  I  
“What  are  the  things  I  can  do  to  make  the  next  12   want  to  help.  Sometimes  it  takes  a  different  person  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
and  a  different  time  and  place  to  move  someone  to   1. What  was  your  first  reaction  when  Carlo  asked  
the  point  where  they  are  ready  to  transform  their   you  to  become  his  success  partner?    
life.  I  am  not  taking  it  personally  and,  instead,  I  am   When  he  first  told  me  that  he  was  experimenting  
going  to  focus  on  helping  Chad  and  others  who  are   with  a  Morning  Ritual  I  was  surprised.  I  was  even  
really  interested  in  waking  up  and  living  the   more  surprised  when  he  asked  me  to  be  his  success  
extraordinary  life  they  deserve.       partner.  We  have  never  done  anything  like  this  
  before,  so  once  he  explained  that  my  role  as  his  
  success  partner  would  primarily  be  to  help  him  
9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who  are   think  and  reflect,  I  got  really  excited.  I  knew  this  was  
about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?   something  that  I  could  help  him  with.  I  am  so  
  grateful  that  he  asked  me.      
If  you  spend  your  life  being  casual  every  day,  you      
will  end  up  becoming  a  casualty.  Life  is  too  short  to   2. What  impact  has  Carlo’s  experience  with  
spend  on  things  that,  at  the  end  of  the  day,  really   Morning  Rituals  had  on  you?    
don’t  matter.  I  know  that  becoming  a  new  father  was   This  has  had  a  tremendous  impact  on  me  and  on  our  
the  spark  that  created  all  these  great  changes  but  I   relationship.  I  noticed  the  changes  within  just  a  few  
did  not  have  to  wait  so  long  to  realize  this.  I  wish  I   days  of  him  starting.  I  am  so  proud  that  he  takes  this  
had  realized  this  when  I  was  a  teenager  because  I   seriously  and  is  really  committed  to  change.  Carlo  
would  have  saved  myself  years  of  wasted  hours.     has  improved  so  much  over  these  past  few  weeks.  
  He  is  a  new  man.  He  inspired  me  to  create  my  own  
So  my  final  message  is  to  not  wait  for  a  dramatic   Morning  Ritual.  It’s  so  funny  to  see  us  both  practice  
change  in  your  life  to  start  a  world-­‐class  Morning   a  Morning  Ritual  now.  Especially  when  we  do  our  
Ritual.  Instead,  take  control  of  your  destiny  today   gratitude  sharing  over  breakfast.  This  habit  of  
and  create  a  Morning  Ritual  for  tomorrow  that  will   expressing  gratitude  to  each  other  has  become  one  
help  you  win  the  day.  I  promise  you  it  will  be  one  of   of  the  best  things  we  do  together  to  grow  as  a  couple  
the  best  decisions  you’ll  ever  make.       and  as  parents.  I  love  him  so  much.  I  feel  so  grateful  
  that  he  was  the  one  who  took  the  lead  on  this  and  
  shared  it  with  me.    
How  Carlo  Has  Impacted  Others   3. How  have  you  shared  with  others  what  you  
Testimony  from  Tammy  (Carlo’s  Wife  &  Success  Partner)   learned  from  Carlo?    
  The  discovery  of  the  importance  of  Morning  Rituals  
became  a  revelation  for  me.  I  immediately  started  

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sharing  it  with  my  closest  friends  and  to  all  those  
who  attend  the  new  mothers  club  that  I  am  part  of.    I  
was  shocked  to  realize  that  a  lot  of  them  are  prone  
Stuck  in  his  career,  Matt  was  finally  able  to  pursue  his  
to  neglect  themselves  because  they  are  so  focused  
on  others  (their  husbands,  partners,  parents  and   passion  and  at  the  same  time  empower  his  younger  
children).  Mothers  are  always  the  ones  to  sacrifice   brother  to  breakthrough  to  the  next  level.  
first.  But  now  I  realize  that  if  you  continue  to  neglect    
yourself  then,  over  time,  you  will  reduce  the  love   Background:  
that  you  can  give  to  others.  Someone  will  end  up    
having  to  look  after  you.  I  did  not  want  that  to   Matt  hates  his  job.  He  has  been  doing  it  for  five  years  
happen  to  the  other  mothers  in  my  club.  So,  I  began   now  and,  although  he  is  grateful  that  the  job  has  
sharing  this  book  with  them  and  letting  them  know   given  him  a  living,  he  knows  it  is  not  something  he  
how  they  and  their  families  could  significantly   wants  to  do  for  the  rest  of  his  life.  He  wants  to  
benefit  from  doing  this.     pursue  a  career  that  is  more  aligned  to  his  passions.  
  He  doesn’t  want  to  live  with  regret.  He  feels  that  he  
deserves  better.    
Matt  knew  he  needed  to  make  a  change  but  didn’t  
know  where  to  start.  After  he  read  about  so  many  
people  he  respected  testifying  to  the  power  of  
Morning  Rituals,  it  seemed  like  a  good  first  step.    
He  has  never  practiced  a  Morning  Ritual  before  as  he  
never  felt  he  had  enough  energy  or  motivation  to  do  
something  like  this  before  he  starts  his  work  shift.  
However  this  time  is  different,  Matt  is  at  the  point  
where  he  would  rather  make  a  change  and  fail  than  
stay  in  this  job  and  never  know.  
Matt’s  New  Morning  Ritual  
I  work  night  shift  (7  p.m.  to  7  a.m.),  Monday  to  Saturday,  so  

72  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
I  typically  go  to  bed  at  9:30  a.m.  and  wake  up  at  5  p.m.  My   1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
“morning  time”  will  be  the  first  few  hours  after  I  wake  up,   WORLD-­‐CLASS  Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  
before  I  go  to  start  my  night  shift.     want  to  feel?  
• Wake  up  at  4:15  p.m.   I  want  to  feel  that  I  am  using  my  most  creative  hours  of  the  
• Drink  one  glass  of  water.   day  on  work  that  matters  most  to  me,  and  that  I  am  
• Go  to  the  washroom,  throw  water  on  my  face  and   consistently  making  progress  towards  my  goals.  
brush  my  teeth.    
• Do  a  six-­‐minute  workout  in  my  room  (one  minute  of   2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
jumping  jacks,  one  minute  of  sit  ups,  one  minute  of   Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result  
pushups  and  then  repeat  one  more  time)   you  want  to  achieve  the  most?  
• Drink  one  more  glass  of  water.   I  want  to  use  this  time  to  write  my  first  book.  I  had  wanted  
• Shower.  While  in  the  shower,  I  will  practice  my   to  do  this  for  years,  but  I  constantly  made  excuses  to  myself  
affirmations  to  myself.  (I  will  especially  focus  on   that  I  was  too  busy.  So,  by  21  days,  I  want  to  have  made  
saying  things  that  replace  my  false  limiting  beliefs   significant  progress  and  feel  that  I  am  on  my  way  to  
that  I  am  not  good  enough  or  smart  enough.)   completing  it.  
• Write  three  things  I  am  grateful  for  and  put  them    
into  the  jar  of  awesome.   3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to  
• Look  at  my  vision  board  for  a  few  moments  and   you?  
remind  myself  of  where  I  want  to  go  and  why  I  want   I  feel  that  the  world  is  not  getting  the  best  of  me.  I  don't  
to  do  it.   want  to  be  one  of  those  men  whose  song  dies  inside  them.  I  
heard  a  preacher  once  say  that  one  of  the  greatest  human  
• Say  a  short  prayer  and  ask  for  God’s  help.  
tragedies  is  how  so  many  people  will  miss  out  on  your  
• Make  a  cup  of  coffee.  
talents,  gifts,  and  blessing  to  the  world  because  you  decided  
• Write  for  30  minutes  on  my  book  project.  
to  live  your  life  in  a  comfort  zone.  That  really  stuck  with  
• Drink  one  glass  of  water.   me.  It  has  haunted  me  for  weeks.  I  know  that  I  was  born  to  
• After  writing,  I  will  get  dressed,  get  a  snack,  and   write  this  book.  I  will  not  let  this  opportunity  slip  by.  I  
head  to  work.   know  I  must  become  better.  
An  interview  with  Matt  before  he  started  the  21-­‐Day   It  like  what  Warren  Buffett’s  business  partner  Charlie  
Challenge   Munger  said    
  “  To  get  what  you  want  you  have  to  deserve  what  
you  want,  the  world  is  not  yet  a  crazy  enough  place  
to  reward  a  whole  bunch  of  undeserving  people”.    

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  6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
That  quote  really  got  me  determined  to  put  the  effort  into   you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
making  my  dreams  a  reality..  I  am  going  to  show  people   progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
that  I  deserve  this  success.   at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
  I  am  going  to  make  a  big  goal  of  writing  10,000  
  words  of  my  first  book  by  day  21.  This  will  be  well  
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for   past  the  halfway  point  of  my  book  and  would  be  an  
you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised   extraordinary  motivation  to  finish  it.  I  know  that  
yourself  (that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   some  days  I  will  write  more  than  others  (especially  
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing)?   when  my  mind  is  in  a  state  of  flow)  so  I  will    
I  will  use  two  alarms,  each  going  off  at  the  same   target  writing  a  minimum  of  500  words  every  day.  I  know  
time.  I  will  leave  them  at  the  other  side  of  the  room   that,  if  I  get  into  the  habit  of  writing  every  day,  I  will  
forcing  me  to  get  out  of  bed  to  switch  them  off.  I  will   eventually  become  more  and  more  creative  and  the  words  
leave  my  glass  of  water  beside  them  so,  once  I   will  eventually  just  flow  out  of  me.  Immediately  after  I  
switch  the  alarms  off,  I  will  immediately  drink  the   finish  my  writing,  I  will  use  a  simple  electronic  checklist  on  
water.  After  I  come  back  from  the  toilet,  I  will  do  a   my  phone  to  track  my  daily  progress:  entering  the  number  
six-­‐minute  workout  just  to  get  my  blood  flowing.   of  words  I  just  wrote.      
While  I  am  exercising,  I  will  be  talking  to  myself:    
reminding  myself  why  I  am  doing  this.    
  7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your   why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best  
environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   choice  in  helping  you  successfully  
do  your  Morning  Ritual  and  more  difficult   complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
for  you  to  not  do  it?   Who:  My  work  colleague,  Jeff  
I  do  not  have  the  habit  of  writing  every  day.  This  will   Why  that  person:  Jeff  is  in  a  similar  position  to  me.  He  
be  new  to  me,  so  I  think  preparation  is  key.  Before  I   really  hates  his  job  and  wants  to  follow  his  passion  but,  like  
go  to  sleep  I  will  have  my  computer,  pen  and  writing   me,  he  is  stuck  in  his  comfort  zone  
pad  ready  at  my  table.  Everything  will  be  nice  and    
neat  so  that  things  go  smoothly  when  I  wake  up.  I    
will  also  switch  off  my  Wi-­‐Fi  so  that  I  am  not   8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after  
tempted  to  check  my  email  or  social  media  while  I   you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
am  using  my  computer  to  write.     Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that  

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Who:  My  little  brother,  Gary.   will  allow  myself  to  play   today.  
Why  that  person:  I  think  he  is  so  talented  (more  than  me)   my  favorite  video  game  
but  I  fear  he  too  is  stuck  in  a  job  he  hates.  If  this  Morning   while  on  my  way  to  
Ritual  works  for  me,  then  it  could  also  really  work  for  him.   work.  
However,  I  know  I  will  need  to  lead  by  example,  so  thinking    
about  how  this  can  help  him  will  be  an  extra  motivation  for   My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
me.   successfully   failing  to  complete  the  
  completing  the  21-­‐Day   21-­‐Day  Challenge  
9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned      
setbacks  during  the  21  days?  How  are  you   I  am  going  to  buy  myself   For  the  rest  of  the  year  I  
going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?   a  new  phone.     am  not  going  to  allow  
My  relationship  with  setbacks  must  improve.  I  don't     myself  to  go  on  another  
want  to  run  away  and  feel  so  defeated  by  them  like  I   beach  vacation.  
usually  do.  I  want  to  be  like  one  of  those  world-­‐class    
athletes  who  studies  hours  and  hours  of  video    
footage  of  their  performance  so  they  can  maximize    
their  learning  from  any  mistakes,  and  study  why    
they  were  able  to  be  successful  at  certain  things.  I   An  interview  with  Matt  after  he  completed  the  21-­‐Day  
am  going  to  dedicate  a  weekly  time  every  Sunday   Challenge  
morning  for  quiet  reflection  on  my  Morning  Ritual.  I    
know  that  even  more  effective  action  will  come  from    
this  quiet  reflection.   1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the  
10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself    
to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your   I  feel  I  have  made  massive  progress.  I  have  written  
Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?   75%  of  the  book  already.  This  practice  is  really  
  working  for  me.  I  am  now  excited  every  time  I  write.  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for   In  the  past,  writing  was  something  that  I  always  
completing  my   failing  to  complete  my   procrastinated  over.  But  this  time  it  is  different.    I  
Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual   have  never  been  so  excited  about  completing  a  
My  guilty  pleasure  —  I   No  video  games  for  Matt   project  like  this  before.    

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  Bizarrely,  knowing  that  my  coach  was  going  to  look  
2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing   at  it  sometimes  became  my  primary  motivation  to  
you  did  over  the  21  days  and  why?   do  what  I  promised  I  would  do.  And  it  worked.  I  
I  think  the  most  effective  decision  I  made  was  to  find  a  new   didn’t  sleep  in  once  during  the  21  days.    
success  partner.  My  initial  choice,  Jeff,  was  not  the  right  fit    
for  me.  I  realized  that  after  having  one  conversation  about   4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  
this  with  him  that  the  assumptions  I  made  about  him  were   success  partner  like  and  how  did  they  
completely  wrong.  He  really  isn’t  in  a  position  to  help  me.   help  you?    
The  main  reason  I  chose  him  at  the  beginning  was  the   As  I  mentioned  earlier,  I  decided  to  hire  a  
convenience  factor  (we  see  each  other  at  work  every  day)   professional  coach  to  help  me  as  both  my  success  
and  the  similarity  factor  (we  both  share  the  same  problem).   partner  for  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  to  help  me  
However,  he  had  a  completely  different  mindset  about   achieve  the  other  big  personal  goals  that  I  have  been  
personal  change.  As  much  as  I  like  the  guy,  he  was  just  so   procrastinating  about  for  years.  I  think  hiring  JB  as  
negative  all  the  time  and  was  totally  ignoring  his  own   my  coach  is  one  of  the  best  investments  I  have  ever  
responsibility  to  be  proactive.  I  didn't  need  someone  who   made  in  my  life.  My  coach  has  been  amazing.  I  feel  
would  drain  my  energy.  So  I  decided  that  I  would  just  pay   like  he  gives  me  so  much  more  clarity  and  focus.  
for  a  professional  coach  instead.  I  didn't  want  to  repeat  my   After  our  first  few  sessions  together,  we  agreed  to  a  
bad  experience  with  Jeff,  and  I  ended  up  finding  someone   three-­‐month  coaching  program  in  which  we  meet  
who  knew  exactly  what  is  needed  to  successfully  change   once  every  week  for  a  coaching  session.  It  really  has  
behaviors  and  achieve  big  goals.   changed  my  life.  Having  a  coach  is  something  that  I  
  had  never  really  considered  before,  but  now  I  realize  
  it  really  is  worth  the  investment.  All  of  the  world’s  
3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how   top-­‐performing  athletes,  artists  and  entrepreneurs  
did  it  help  you?     have  coaches.  So,  if  world-­‐class  performance  is  what  
I  was  very  curious  to  see  how  a  checklist  could  help   I  am  striving  for,  then  it  makes  sense  for  me  to  do  
me  create  new  habits.  I  have  always  associated   the  same.  
checklists  with  hospitals  or  airplanes  and  never    
made  the  connection  with  how  it  could  help  me   5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  
achieve  my  goals.  I  am  so  glad  that  I  gave  it  a  try.  I   made  to  your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  
found  a  free  app  for  my  phone  (HabitShare)  that   days?  
gave  me  all  the  features  I  needed.  Even  better,  I   This  may  seem  something  so  trivial,  but  I  am  so  grateful  
could  share  it  with  my  coach  JB,  enabling  him  to  see   that  I  added  the  tiny  act  of  making  my  bed  to  my  start  of  
real  time  updates  on  my  progress.  It  was  fantastic.   day  ritual.  I  realize  now  why  this  is  so  important.  It  is  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
not  because  of  the  act  itself  but  because  of  the  impact  of   energy  or  choose  to  be  positive,  to  be  grateful,  and  
seeing  a  tidy  bed  on  your  subconscious  mind.  It  gives   to  rise  above  the  situation.  The  results  blew  my  
me  visible  proof  that  I  have  made  progress  today,   mind  away.  I  found  myself  snapping  that  rubber  
regardless  of  how  bad  I  think  my  days  are  going.  It  gives   band  many  times  during  the  day  but,  wow,  did  that  
me  a  visible  win  and,  as  crazy  at  it  sounds,  my  tidy  bed   help  me  stay  in  a  positive  mindset!  My  “21-­‐Day  No  
acts  as  a  symbol  of  my  daily  progress:  giving  me  a  great   Complaints  Diet”  really  did  complement  the  positive  
feeling  of  satisfaction  and  confidence  that  I  take  with  me   energy  I  created  in  my  Morning  Ritual.    
into  my  day.    
  Example  of  Matt’s  Affirmation  (3  consecutive  days)  
6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐  
Day  Challenge  and  how  did  you  overcome   My  false  belief  -­‐  I   My  false  belief:  I   My  false  belief:  I  
it?   am  not  smart   will  be  single   will  never  be  
I  think  the  most  difficult  part  was  when  I  started  to   enough  to  write   and  lonely  for   financially  free  
listen  to  the  ANTs  (Automatic  Negative  Thoughts)  in   a  book   the  rest  of  my  
my  head.  I  would  say  horrible  stuff  to  myself  like:   life.    
"I’m  not  good  enough  to  be  a  writer.  I’m  too  stupid   My  affirmations:   My  affirmations:     My  affirmations:    
and  this  will  never  work.  I  am  being  too  serious  and   I  am  a  unique   I  am  a  great   I  trust  my  inner  
I  am  missing  out  on  life.”  I  really  hated  that  voice.  I   child  of  this   person.  I  love  and   wisdom  and  
think  overcoming  this  self-­‐doubt  has  been  by  far  my   world.  My  Creator   approve  of   intuition.  I  know  
biggest  achievement.     has  great  plans   myself.  I  know   that  challenging  
  for  me.  I  am  not   that  I  have   times  are  only  
The  thing  that  helped  me  the  most  was  doing  the   born  to  play   extraordinary   designed  to  make  
"21-­‐Day  No  Complaints  Diet"  at  the  same  time  as  the   small.  I  have   love  to  give  to  a   me  stronger.  I  
21-­‐Day  Challenge.  Like  this  book,  it  challenges   unlimited   special  someone.   know  that  
people  to  go  on  a  21-­‐Day  Challenge  during  which   potential.  I  am   I  know  that  the   wonderful  things  
you  wear  a  rubber  band  on  your  wrist.  Every  time   committed  to   right  person  is   lie  in  store  for  me.  
you  find  yourself  complaining  or  having  negative   unleashing  my   waiting  for  me.  I   I  believe  that  I  
thoughts  about  yourself,  someone  else,  something,   inner  genius.  This   know  that  all   have  everything  I  
or  a  certain  situation,  you  snap  the  rubber  band   book  will  inspire   things  will  work   need  within  me  to  
against  your  wrist.  The  act  of  flicking  the  band  snaps   thousands  of   for  the  good.  I  am   create  
you  back  to  your  conscious  awareness  that  you  are   people.  I  am  a   excited  to  fall  in   extraordinary  
in  a  negative  state.  It  reminds  you  that  you  really  do   talented  writer   love  with  the   wealth  for  my  
have  the  choice  to  either  dwell  in  this  negative  

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and  nothing  will   right  person.  I  am   family  and  me.  I   success.  It  was  like  I  removed  myself  from  the  
hold  me  back   patient  and  kind   am  committed  to   drama  of  my  own  emotions  and  observed  myself  
from  my  destiny.   because  I  know  I   becoming  better   independently.  I  highly  recommend  that  people  
Slowly  but  surely   am  going  to  be  an   every  day  at   follow  a  similar  process.    
the  world  will  see   amazing  partner   attracting  the    
my  greatness.    I   for  that  special   right  people  into   8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a  
matter,  and  the   person.   my  life.  I  know   world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of  
story  I  have  to   that  financial   your  experience  in  completing  the  21-­‐Day  
share  with  the   freedom  is  what   Challenge?  
world  also   lies  ahead  of  me  if   The  amazing  progress  that  I  have  made  has  already  
matters.   I  continue  to  do   helped  my  little  brother,  Gary.    I  told  him  about  all  
  what  is  right. the  changes  that  I  have  experienced  and  long  story  
  short,  it  eventually  inspired  him  to  develop  his  own  
7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the   Morning  Ritual.  I  found  myself  becoming  his  success  
21-­‐Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn   partner.    It  gives  me  so  much  joy  that  I  was  able  to  
“bad  days”  into  “good  data”?   help  my  brother  like  this  and  I  feel  that  I  have  really  
There  were  many  setbacks  during  the  challenge.   become  the  supportive  and  encouraging  big  brother  
There  were  times  when  there  were  factors  out  of  my   he  deserves.    
control,  which  meant  I  had  to  practice  a  shortened    
version  of  my  Morning  Ritual  instead  of  what  I  had   9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who  
planned.  When  this  happened,  I  always  made  up  for   are  about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?  
it  the  next  day  by  doing  an  extended  version  of  my   Don’t  be  hard  on  yourself.  That  fact  that  you  have  
Morning  Ritual.  I  think  this  really  prevented  me   failed  before  is  really  not  an  excuse  for  you  to  not  try  
from  beating  myself  up  when  the  unexpected   a  new  approach.  After  doing  the  21-­‐Day  challenge,  I  
occurred.   realized  that  the  primary  reason  I  failed  in  the  past  
  was  because  I  was  using  the  wrong  strategy  and  not  
To  be  honest,  there  were  many  times  when  I  woke   because  I  was  stupid  or  lazy.  This  insight  was  
up  that  I  really  did  not  want  to  do  my  Morning   extraordinarily  empowering  for  me.    
Ritual.  I  think  two  things  really  helped  me:    
dedicating  time  every  week  on  my  own  to  reflect  on   I  realized  that  not  every  story  that  I  tell  myself  in  my  
my  progress  that  week,  and  discussing  my   head  is  true.  I  feel  that  everyone  who  starts  this  
reflections  with  my  coach  when  we  met.  As  simple   challenge  will  have  to  overcome  these  negative  
as  this  was,  I  believe  it  had  a  profound  impact  on  my   voices  in  their  head.  I  really  believe  that  once  you  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
have  the  right  story  in  your  head,  put  your  body  in   game-­‐changer  for  me.  I  have  changed  my  ritual  
the  right  state,  have  the  right  strategy  in  your  hands,   many  times  now,  as  I  am  constantly  looking  for  
and  have  the  right  support  network  around  you,  you   small  things  I  can  do  to  improve  it.  The  benefits  are  
will  be  unstoppable.     worth  so  much  more  than  the  effort.  I  am  so  glad  I  
  am  doing  this  and  I  wish  I  had  started  years  ago.  
How  Matt  has  impacted  others   3. How  have  you  shared  with  others  what  
Testimony  from  Gary  (Matt’s  younger  brother)   you  learned  from  your  brother?    
  I  have  become  very  active  online,  sharing  my  own  
1. What  was  your  first  reaction  when  your   experience  with  Morning  Rituals  with  the  various  groups  
brother  shared  with  you  his  Morning   and  communities  I  am  a  part  of.  There  is  so  much  amazing  
Ritual?     content  about  how  Morning  Rituals  can  really  help  you.  It  is  
My  brother  is  always  giving  me  advice  so  it  wasn't  a   nice  to  be  able  to  share  these  articles  with  my  friends,  as  
surprise  that  he  was  sharing  something  he  had   well  as  add  my  own  commentary  about  how  it  has  helped  
recently  learned.  However,  this  time  was  different.  I   me.  Even  if  just  one  person  reads  what  I  share,  I  will  be  
have  never  seen  him  so  enthusiastic.  He  shared  in   happy.  The  more  people  are  enlightened  about  Morning  
great  detail  how  a  Morning  Ritual  has  totally   Rituals,  the  better  the  entire  world  will  be.  I  am  thankful  to  
transformed  his  life.  Because  this  was  something  he   my  brother  for  introducing  all  of  this  to  me.  
was  getting  great  results  from,  it  made  me  very    
curious  to  see  if  it  could  work  for  me.      
2. What  impact  has  Matt’s  experience  with    
Morning  Rituals  had  on  you?      
A  lot  of  the  stuff  my  brother  has  shared  with  me  in    
the  past  was  either  not  interesting  or  relevant  to  me.    
However,  this  was  different.  His  passion  was  so  
contagious.  I  could  not  help  but  get  excited  by  it.  He  
gave  me  this  book  to  read  and  I  found  myself  
starting  my  own  21-­‐Day  challenge.  Now,  I  fully  
understand  why  a  Morning  Ritual  is  so  helpful.  I  see  
a  big  difference  in  my  energy,  in  my  happiness,  and  
in  my  clarity.  Like  my  brother,  this  has  become  a  

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Pia  thought,  “OK,  I  am  going  to  give  it  a  try,  maybe  I  
An  entrepreneur  who  was  able  to  revitalize  her   am  wrong.  Maybe  I  can  become  a  morning  person.  
struggling  online  business  and  motivate  her  friends   And  if  so  many  of  the  best  entrepreneurs  in  the  
to  follow  her  example  of  mastering  personal  change.   world  are  telling  me  to  do  it,  the  least  I  can  do  is  give  
  it  a  try.”  
                                                             Pia’s  New  Morning  Ritual  
Pia  has  been  struggling  to  find  new  clients  for  her    
online  business.  A  few  months  back  she  lost  a  big   Wake  Up  Time:  8:00  a.m.    
contract,  which  was  a  major  disappointment.  She    
made  some  assumptions  that  really  backfired.    Pia    
has  been  an  entrepreneur  for  three  years  now  and   • Go  to  the  washroom  and  throw  water  on  my  face.  
while  she  loves  the  freedom  it  gives  her,  the  last  few   • Then  brush  my  teeth.  
months  had  been  tough.  She  feels  she  is  letting  down   • Drink  a  glass  of  lemon  water.  
lots  of  people  who  have  supported  her.  Some  of  her   • Put  on  my  exercise  shoes  and  clothes.  
family  members  are  putting  her  under  pressure  to   • Go  for  a  25-­‐minute  walk  around  my  estate.  While  
get  a  “normal  job.”  Pia,  however,  refuses  to  give  up   walking  I  will  listen  to  a  podcast  from  Christian  
on  her  dreams.     preachers  and  the  online  business  leaders  that  I  
Pia  noticed    that  many  of  her  entrepreneurial  heroes   • Once  I  get  back,  I  will  make  myself  a  hot  cup  of  
have  declared  Morning  Rituals  as  key  to  their   coffee.  
transformation.  But  Pia  has  resisted  taking  their   • Once  the  coffee  is  ready,  I  will  begin  my  5-­‐minute  
advice,  as  she  did  not  see  how  applicable  it  was  for   journal  practice  (three  things  I  am  grateful  for,  three  
someone  like  her  who  works  from  home  and  feels   things  I  can  do  to  make  today  great).  
more  creative  in  the  evenings.     • After  that,  I  will  practice  my  inner  genius  muscle  and  
  write  down  10  ideas    
Recently,  however,  Pia  has  been  reflecting  on  many   • After  that,  I  will  cook  a  healthy  breakfast  for  myself  
of  the  assumptions  she  has  made  about  how  she  is   while  listening  to  my  favorite  music.    
spending  her  time.  One  of  the  quotes  that  really  left   • After  breakfast,  I  will  start  work  on  my  most  
an  impression  on  her  was:     important  creative  task  for  that  day.  
"Don’t  believe  everything  that  you  think.”      An  interview  with  Pia  before  she  started  the  21-­‐Day  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Challenge   4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
  you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised  
1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new   yourself  (that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze  
Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?   button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing)?  
 I  want  to  live  my  life  in  such  a  powerful  way  that   This  might  sound  crazy  to  others  but  I  am  going  to  
when  I  get  out  of  bed  in  the  morning,  the  devil  says,   set  up  an  automatic  tweet  to  go  out  at  8:02  a.m.  
"Aw  shit,  she's  up!”  I  want  to  feel  that  I  am  a  woman   every  morning  (except  Sundays)  that  says,  "Hey,  I  
with  a  purpose.  That  I  have  gotten  my  day  off  to  the   am  a  lazy  ass  —  sleeping  in.  To  punish  myself,  I  will  
best  possible  start  and  be  excited  about  the   give  $10  each  to  the  first  three  people  who  reply."  
possibilities  for  the  rest  of  the  day.   Thus,  every  morning  I  have  to  get  up,  log-­‐in  to  my  
  Twitter  account  and  manually  stop  the  tweet  from  
2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐ sending.  I  know  people  who  swear  by  this  approach,  
Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result   so  I  am  going  to  give  it  a  try  to  see  how  effective  it  
you  want  to  achieve  the  most?   can  be  for  me.  
What  I  really  want  to  feel  is  more  focus:  to  be  a    
productivity  ninja.  I  want  to  have  better  clarity  in    
my  thinking.  I  want  to  know  that  I  am  doing  the   5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your  
right  things  and  saying  no  to  the  stuff  that  steal  my   environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  
time.  I  want  to  be  able  to  look  back  at  my  day  and   do  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  more  
feel  like  I  am  really  making  progress  in  moving   difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?  
forward  my  business  and  attracting  new  clients.     I  will  leave  my  exercise  clothes  and  shoes  in  the  
  middle  of  my  room.  I  will  ensure  that  my  shoelaces  
3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to   are  open  so  that  I  don’t  waste  any  time  getting  
you?   ready.  I  will  also  put  my  phone  and  earphones  in  one  
I  am  so  determined  for  my  business  to  be  successful.   of  my  shoes  (as  a  visible  reminder  to  bring  it  with  
I  want  to  show  those  people  who  discouraged  me   me  for  my  walk).  I  will  leave  a  glass  of  lemon  water  
and  criticized  me  (especially  members  of  my  own   for  me  on  the  kitchen  table  so  that  it  is  ready  for  me  
family)  that  they  are  wrong.  I  was  really  hurt  by   to  drink  when  I  see  it.    
their  lack  of  support  but  I  refuse  to  give  up  on  my    
dreams.  I  am  willing  to  do  whatever  it  takes.  I  feel   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
that  this  Morning  Ritual  can  give  me  the   you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
breakthrough  that  I  desperately  need.     progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
  at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  

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I  love  whiteboards.  I  have  one  in  my  room  that  I  use    
all  the  time.  I  will  draw  a  simple  checklist  on  it  for    
the  21  days.  Every  morning,  I  will  just  tick  the  box  if   8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after  
I  did  it  or  not.     you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
  Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that  
I  really  want  to  ensure  that  I  am  doing  the  right   person?  
things  every  day.  So  I  am  going  to  add  a  5-­‐minute    
end–of-­‐day  journaling  exercise,  where  I  look  back   Who   Why  that  person  
over  my  day,  reflecting  on  what  went  well  and  what   Elaine     Elaine  and  I  have  been  great  friends  for  the  past  two  
I  could  have  done  differently.  I  will  do  this  after  I   years.  She  also  has  her  online  business  but  I  know  that  
brush  my  teeth  at  night  when  I  am  dressed  for  bed.  I   she  struggles  more  than  I  do.  I  think  she  gets  really  
think  it  will  really  help  me  gain  a  proper  perspective   depressed  sometimes.  I  really  want  to  help  her.  
on  my  day  as  well  as  help  me  see  the  progress  I  am    
7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and   9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best   setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
choice  in  helping  you  successfully   How  are  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  
complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?     “good  data”?  
  I  read  once  about  the  difference  between  shame  and  
Who   Why  that  person   guilt.  Guilt  is  when  a  setback  occurs  and  you  say,  “I  
I  don’t  know  yet.   I  am  an  active  member  of  this  group   made  a  mistake.”  Shame  is  when  a  setback  occurs  
  for  the  past  two  years.  I  am  going  to   and  you  say,  “I  am  a  mistake,  I  am  a  failure,  I  am  a  
Perhaps  someone  from   send  a  message  to  the  group   loser."  I  think  shame  is  the  most  horrible  feeling  of  
my  online  freelancing   explaining  the  roles  and   all  our  human  emotions.  I  will  not  allow  myself  to  
group  for  mom   responsibilities  of  a  success  partner   experience  shame  throughout  these  21  days.  Of  
entrepreneurs  that  I   to  see  if  anyone  is  interested  in   course,  there  will  be  setbacks,  where  I  fall  off  the  
am  a  member  of.   creating  a  success  partnership.     wagon  and  don't  keep  my  promises  to  myself.  But  
I  think  some  of  the  ladies  would   for  me,  how  I  respond  to  those  setbacks  will  be  my  
really  benefit  from  this  —  as  we  all   greatest  victory  in  those  21  days.    I  will  promise  that  
share  the  common  goal  of  growing   I  will  learn  from  every  setback  and  not  allow  myself  
personally  and  professionally   to  go  into  a  self-­‐defeating  negative  talk.    

82  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
One  of  the  things  that  I  worried  about  was  how  I  will   spoil  us.    
do  my  Morning  Ritual  when  I  don’t  have  as  much    
time  as  I  want  for  reasons  outside  of  my  control.    
Like  when  I  am  traveling  or  when  I  have  an  early  
morning  or  late  night  appointment.  So  I  agreed  to  
myself  that,  when  these  circumstances  occur,  I  
would  not  panic.  I  will  instead  do  a  shortened  
version  of  my  Morning  Ritual  rather  than  skipping  it  
altogether,  with  the  promise  to  myself  that  I  will  
make  up  for  it  the  next  day.    
10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
completing  my   failing  to  complete  my  
Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual  
I  will  allow  myself  to   I  will  not  allow  myself  to  
check  my  social  media   check  my  social  media  
immediately  after  my   until  lunch  (this  will  be  
Morning  Ritual  is   torture  for  me)  
My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
successfully  completing   failing  to  complete  the  
the  21-­‐Day  Challenge   21-­‐Day  Challenge  
I  am  going  to  treat  my   I  will  donate  200  USD  to  
friend  Elaine  and  I  to  a  day   an  anti-­‐charity:  a  certain  
spa.  The  full  package   extreme  political  party  in  
please.  I  am  really  going  to   my  country  that  I  hate.  

83  of  117      
  each  member  was  performing.  We  agreed  that  for  
An  interview  with  Pia  after  she  completed  the  21-­‐ 40  days,  each  of  us  would  use  it  to  help  us  turn  our  
Day  Challenge   new  behaviors  into  habits.    I  got  so  much  
  satisfaction  from  updating  it  after  I  completed  my  
  Morning  Ritual.  At  the  same  time,  I  could  see  how  
1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the   the  other  ladies  were  performing.  It  was  like  we  
challenge?   were  competing  with  each  other  but  in  a  good  way  
  —  no  one  wanted  to  be  the  one  left  behind.  Even  
I  feel  like  a  champion.  This  is  one  of  the  best  things   though  I  was  a  bit  skeptical  at  the  beginning,  I  loved  
that  I  ever  did  for  myself.  I  could  not  believe  how   filling  out  my  checklist  as  well  as  having  the  
much  more  energy  I  have.  It  has  given  me  the  boost   responsibility  of  reviewing  someone  else’s.  
that  I  desperately  needed.  The  focus  it  gave  me    
really  helped  me  revitalize  my  business.  It  really   4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  
wasn't  as  hard  as  I  thought  it  would  be.  I  wish  I   success  partner  like  and  how  did  it  help  
started  years  ago.   you?    
2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing   One  of  the  girls  that  responded  most  enthusiastically  
you  did  over  the  21  days?   to  my  initial  Facebook  group  post  was  a  girl  called  
I  think  engaging  with  my  Facebook  group  was  a  game-­‐   Zara.  She  lives  in  another  part  of  the  country  and  we  
changer.  I  could  not  believe  the  amount  of  positive   have  never  met  before,  but  we  immediately  figured  
feedback  that  I  got  from  the  ladies.  It  was  really  exciting  to   out  that  we  had  a  lot  in  common  especially  when  it  
see  how  they  responded.  Six  of  us  ended  up  creating  a   came  to  a  hunger  to  grow  both  our  business  and  
separate  group  that  was  dedicated  to  helping  each  other   ourselves.  We  became  each  other’s  success  partner.  I  
become  successful  with  our  Morning  Ritual.  Just  knowing   am  so  thankful  to  have  found  her.  I  found  myself  
that  I  had  a  small  group  of  ladies  that  were  there  to   chatting  with  her  on  Messenger,  two  or  three  times  a  
encourage  me  and  hold  me  accountable  was  something  that   week,  updating  each  other  on  our  progress  as  well  
really  helped  me.   as  sharing  tips  and  strategies  on  how  to  further  
  improve  it.    
3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how    
did  it  help  you?    
  5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  
Our  group  all  used  a  habit  tracking  app  (HabitShare)   make  to  your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  
as  our  online  checklist  where  we  could  all  see  how   days?  

84  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  improving  your  Morning  Ritual  but  on  significantly  
I  intentionally  excluded  meditation  from  my  original   improving  your  quality  of  sleep.  It  really  does  all  
ritual.  I  have  never  practiced  it  and  never  really   come  down  to  the  power  of  tiny  changes.  
understood  how  it  could  help  me.  But  after  about  10    
days,  I  really  felt  the  benefits  of  having  a  disciplined    
ritual  so  I  was  excited  to  take  on  more.  So  I  began  to    
add  a  short  breathing  exercise,  where  I  would  focus   7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the  
on  my  breathing  for  two  minutes.  Gradually  I  started   21-­‐Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn  
to  add  on  more  minutes.  Currently,  I  do  it  now  for   “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?  
five  minutes  before  I  begin  my  writing.  I  did  not    
realize  that  meditation  could  be  so  simple.  So  it  was   I  experienced  many  setbacks  during  the  challenge.  
nice  to  add  that  element  into  my  ritual.     And  there  was  one  time  I  felt  that  I  came  really  close  
  to  quitting  the  entire  thing.  However,  my  end-­‐of-­‐day  
6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐ reflection  exercise  really  helped  me  process  any  
Day  Challenge  how  did  you  overcome  it?   setback  I  had  that  day.  I  found  that  all  I  really  
  needed  were  two  or  three  minutes  at  night  to  reflect  
The  most  difficult  part  by  far  was  getting  to  bed  on   on  the  day.  Before  I  would  frequently  overreact  to  
time.  I  created  a  new  rule  for  myself  to  always  be  in   small  things  and  underreact  to  big  things,  totally  
bed  before  midnight  but  I  broke  that  rule  too  many   being  driven  by  my  emotions  and  not  using  
times.  When  I  did  not  get  a  good  sleep,  I  really  felt  it   objective  reasoning.  I  discovered  that  there  is  real  
the  next  day.  So  I  started  to  research  different  things   power  in  making  time  at  the  end  of  every  day  to  ask  
I  can  do  to  ensure  I  got  to  bed  on  time  and  get  a  good   yourself,  "What  could  I  have  done  differently?"  It’s  
quality  sleep.  One  of  the  things  I  did  was  to   funny  that  my  ego  never  liked  me  answering  that  
significantly  minimize  my  time  looking  at  a   question.  Even  on  my  best  days  where  I  expected  to  
computer  screen  at  night.  I  know  the  blue  light  that   find  no  answers  to  that  question,  I  would  always  
it  emits  is  not  good  for  the  quality  of  my  sleep  so  I   come  up  with  two  or  three  tiny  things  that  I  could  
got  myself  one  of  those  infrared  glasses  that  I  can   have  done  differently.  I  know  that  many  people  talk  
wear  at  night  to  block  out  the  blue  light  from  hurting   about  “continuous  improvement”  but  I  believe  it  
my  eyes.  I  would  wear  the  glasses  for  the  last  2   means  nothing  if  you  don’t  have  a  daily  personal  
hours  of  computer  work  I  would  do  at  night.  I  made   practice  and  knowledge  of  how  you  are  getting  
lots  of  other  little  changes  so  I  am  not  sure  which   better.  Even  just  1%  better  every  day  makes  a  huge  
ones  had  the  biggest  impact.  But  I  really  would   difference  in  the  long  run.    
recommend  to  people  to  experiment  on  not  just    

85  of  117      
  chef.   6. Hire  a  health   existing  
Example  of  Pia’s  journal  entries  for  creating  ideas  (three   6. Remind   and  wellness   clients  for  
consecutive  days  in  a  row)   my   coach.     feedback  
  brother  to   7. Start  checking   on  what  I  
10  ideas  of  how  I   10  ideas  of  how  I  can   10  ideas  of  how  I   call  her   the   do  well  
can  make  my   eat  healthier  food   can  attract  more   more   ingredients  of   and  what  I  
mom  worry  less       clients   often.   the  food  I  buy   could  do  
  1. Never  allow     7. Get  my   at  the  store.     differently
1. Send  her  a   myself  to   1. Ask  for  my   daughter   8. Stop  snacking   .  
text   bring   existing   to  write   while   6. Create  a  
message   unhealthy   clients  to   her  a   watching  TV.   free  e-­‐
every  day.   food  into  my   recommen thank  you   9. Experiment   book  so  I  
2. Buy  her   home.   d  me.   letter.   with  a  new   become  
that  TV   2. Ask  my  friend   2. Attend   8. Every  time   diet  plan.   know  as  
series  box   Alicia  for   more   I  call  here   10. Research   an  expert  
set  that   advice  on   networkin I  need  to   restaurants  in   in  my  
she  loves.   healthy   g  events.   affirm  to   advance  to   field.  
3. Ask  her   recipes.     3. Ask  the   her  that  I   ensure  they   7. Study  my  
more   3. Prepare  a   three   am  very   have  some   competiti
questions   packed  lunch   most   happy.     healthy   on  to  see  
about  her   for  days  when   successful   9. Directly   options  on   what  I  can  
work.   I  am  on  the   online   ask  her   the  menu.   learn  from  
4. Plan  a   road.   entrepren what  can  I   them.  
mini-­‐   4. Drink  one   eurs  that  I   do  to  be  a   8. Finish  
vacation   glass  of  water   know  for   better   reading  
with  her   before  every   their   daughter.   the  
at   meal.     advice.   10. Plan  a   marketing  
Christmas.   5. Research   4. Write  a   surprise   book  that  
5. Buy  her  a   more  on  what   blog  post   visit   my  friend  
cookbook   foods  are   every   home.       recommen
from  her   healthy  for   week.     ded  to  me.  
favorite   me  to  eat.     5. Ask  my     9. Attend  a  

86  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
marketing   9. What  advice  would  you  give  others  who  
course.   are  about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  challenge?  
10. Rewrite    
my  profile   Life  is  like  a  video  game,  it’s  all  about  having  fun  and  
to  make  it   getting  to  the  next  level.  Like  playing  video  games,  
easier  for   life  is  more  fun  when  you  do  it  with  others.  So  don’t  
others  to   try  and  do  your  Morning  Ritual  on  your  own.  I  am  
understan convinced  that  it  is  far  easier  and  far  more  fun  if  you  
d  the   involve  others  on  the  journey.    
problem  I    
It  is  really  hard  when  you  try  to  do  this  on  your  own.  
help  them  
It  is  even  harder  if  your  own  family,  friends  and  
work  colleagues  do  not  share  your  enthusiasm  for  
personal  change.  So  I  want  to  really  encourage  
  people  to  seek  like-­‐minded  communities  of  people  
8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a   that  you  can  partner  with.  The  sad  reality  is  that  
world-­‐class  Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of   most  of  my  friends  and  family  would  have  made  
your  experience  in  completing  the  21-­‐Day   terrible  success  partners.  I  was  lucky  that  one  
Challenge?   simple  post  I  wrote  on  in  the  right  Facebook  group  
  attracted  so  much  interest  from  the  right  people.  I  
Of  all  the  things  that  I  am  most  proud  of  from  this   believe  that  the  reason  I  was  so  successful  in  finding  
journey,  sharing  what  I  learned  with  my  good  friend   so  many  success  partners  is  that  I  targeted  the  right  
Elaine  was  the  most  satisfying  feeling  of  all.  She  has   groups.  People  really  are  looking  for  this  so  you  just  
been  really  going  through  a  tough  time  recently  so   have  to  find  them.  I  have  learned  so  much  from  this  
to  tell  her  about  the  power  of  Morning  Rituals  was   experience  and  have  lots  more  ideas  of  how  I  can  
really  amazing.  I  know  that  she  really  appreciated  it,   use  success  partners  and  success  groups  to  help  me  
she  has  already  started  to  apply  it  in  her  life.  I  feel   create  even  more  positive  changes  in  my  business  
blessed  that  my  decision  to  do  this  challenge   and  life.  
allowed  me  to  be  of  greater  influence  to  her.  Just    
being  able  to  help  her  is  enough  to  make  this  entire    
experience  worth  it.       How  Pia  has  impacted  others  
  Testimony  from  Zara  (Pia’s  online  friend  +  Success  Partner)  

87  of  117      
1.  What  was  your  first  reaction  when  Pia  shared  with  
you  her  Morning  Ritual?    
I  have  read  many  articles  in  the  past  about  why  having  a  
Morning  Ritual  is  important  but  I  never  did  anything  about  
it.  So  I  was  pleasantly  surprised  when  I  first  read  Pia’s    
request  for  a  success  partner.  It  was  exactly  what  I  was   A  recently  promoted  manager,  Angela  was  able  to  overcome  
looking  for  to  inspire  me  into  action.     the  biggest  challenge  of  her  career  and  transform  the  
  performance  of  her  new  department.  
2.  What  impact  has  Pia’s  experience  with  Morning  
Rituals  had  on  you?    
Pia  and  I  have  known  each  other  online  for  a  long  time,  but   Background  
(would  you  believe  it!)  we  have  never  met  in  person.  But  
Angela  recently  got  promoted  at  work.  Whilst  a  fantastic  
the  advice  she  shared  with  me  has  changed  my  life.  She  
opportunity,  it  also  means  that  Angela  now  has  twice  the  
really  inspired  me  to  not  only  practice  a  Morning  Ritual  but  
number  of  people  under  her  responsibility  thus  
to  also  become  a  role  model  for  others.  
significantly  increasing  her  workload.  Expectations  of  
Angela  are  higher  than  they  have  ever  been,  and  there  is  
3.  How  have  you  shared  with  others  what  you  learned  
quite  a  lot  of  pressure  from  her  superiors  because  her  new  
from  Pia?    
department  has  been  underperforming  for  years.    
I  now  have  become  a  personal  development  coach  to  some  
of  my  closest  friends.  I  am  actually  thinking  about  adding  it  
Until  recently,  Angela  only  rated  her  Morning  Ritual  a  mere  
as  an  additional  service  that  I  can  offer  to  my  current  
2  out  of  10.  She  was  not  doing  anything  special  in  the  
clients.  Of  all  the  things  I  can  teach  others,  I  feel  that  a  
morning:  nothing  that  was  helping  her  to  become  a  better  
world-­‐class  Morning  Rituals  are  possibly  the  most  
person.  She  usually  just  got  up,  showered,  had  breakfast  
transformative  practice  one  can  have.  It  really  inspires  me  
and  then  headed  to  work.  However,  Angela’s  perspective  
to  think  that  it  was  just  by  chance  that  I  saw  Pia’s  initial  
changed  after  a  conversation  with  one  of  her  mentors  —  
post  about  her  experience.  Now  I  know  that  this  was  not  a  
Minnie.  Minnie  told  Angela  that  her  level  of  success  in  both  
coincidence,  I  needed  to  read  that  message.  She  has  
her  career  and  life  is  directly  related  to  her  level  of  
significantly  impacted  my  own  journey  and  that  of  so  many  
personal  development.  She  told  Angela  to  spend  one  hour  
others.  Such  a  blessing.  Pia,  you  are  my  hero.  
every  morning  focusing  on  herself.  Minnie  explained  that,  
the  more  valuable  Angela  becomes,  the  greater  influence  
she  will  have  on  the  people  she  leads.    
Angela  loved  this  advice:  it  inspired  her  to  create  her  own  

88  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
World-­‐Class  Morning  Ritual  to  educate  herself  as  a  leader    
and  to  get  ahead  in  her  career.      
  Angela’s  3-­‐minute  Visualization  Exercise:  I  remind  myself  
  what  I  want  a  specific  part  of  my  future  to  be  like.  I  think  
Angela’s  New  Morning  Ritual   about  how  being  successful  in  that  area  will  make  me  feel,  
Wake  Up  Time:  8:30  a.m.  (my  office  hours  are  11  a.m.-­‐8   how  others  around  me  will  look  at  me.  For  example,  in  my  
p.m.)   role  as  manager,  I  think  of  my  team  at  work  being  inspired  
  because  of  my  leadership.  I  see  the  look  on  their  faces  as  I  
• Drink  one  glass  of  water.     lead  the  team  meetings.  I  see  how  focused  and  attentive  
• Play  my  favorite  music  in  the  background.   they  are  because  of  my  ability  to  connect  with  them  and  
• Go  to  the  washroom  and  throw  water  on  my  face.   empower  them.  
• Brush  my  teeth.    
• Take  a  shower  then  dry  myself.    
• Dress  myself  in  casual  clothes.    
• Turn  off  music,  then  light  a  scented  candle  in  my   An  interview  with  Angela  before  she  started  the  21-­‐
room,  go  on  my  knees  and  talk  to  God  and  thank   Day  Challenge  
Him  for  all  the  blessings  in  my  life.  Ask  for  wisdom    
and  courage  to  make  today  great.   1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
• Lie  on  my  bed,  put  on  my  earphones  and  listen  to  a   Morning  Ritual  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  
guided  five-­‐minute  breathing  exercise,  just  focusing   I  want  to  feel  empowered:  that  I  am  becoming  smart  and  
my  mind  on  my  breathing.     wiser.  
• After  the  breathing  exercise,  I  do  a  three-­‐minute    
visualization  exercise.     2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
• Drink  one  more  glass  of  water.   Day  Challenge  what  is  the  desired  result  
• Go  to  my  reading  table  and  read  one  of  my   you  want  to  achieve  the  most?  
leadership  books  for  25  minutes.  I  take  notes  as  I   I  would  love  to  be  able  to  make  reading  a  habit.  It  is  
read  (so  that  I  can  remember  it  better  but  to  also   something  that  I  have  been  procrastinating  about  for  so  
ensure  that  I  am  reflecting  on  how  I  can  apply  this  to   long.    I  really  want  this  challenge  to  finally  help  me  achieve  
my  situation).   it.      
• After  that,  I  dress  myself  for  work  then  go    
downstairs  to  the  kitchen  to  prepare  my  breakfast.   3. Why  is  this  desired  result  so  important  to  
• I  drive  to  work  at  10:15  a.m.   you?    

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Improving  my  leadership  and  management  skills  by   sleep  I  will  already  know  what  I  am  going  to  wear  and  what  
reading  every  day  will  really  put  me  in  a  great  position  to   I  am  going  to  eat  for  breakfast  when  I  wake  up  in  the  
be  of  greatest  influence  to  my  team  and  help  me  transform   morning.  I  know  that  the  more  decisions  I  have  to  make  in  a  
this  department.  I  do  not  want  to  fail  in  this  new  position.   day  the  more  exhausted  my  brain  becomes.  Thus  I  will  
My  bosses  have  put  a  lot  of  trust  in  me  and  I  am  determined   make  my  morning  as  automatic  as  possible  so  I  save  my  
not  to  let  them  down.   brain  for  when  I  need  it  the  most.    
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for   6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised   you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
yourself  (that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing)?   at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
To  ensure  I  don't  snooze,  I  will  place  my  phone  alarm  at  the   I  am  definitely  going  to  use  a  checklist  and  post  it  in  my  
other  side  of  the  room  so  that  it  forces  me  to  get  out  of  bed   bedroom  next  to  the  mirror.  There  is  always  a  pen  on  my  
to  switch  it  off.     bedside  table  that  I  can  use.  There  I  will  see  the  progress  I  
  am  making  every  day.  When  I  am  going  to  bed  later  that  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your   night  I  will  fill  in  the  checklist  for  the  day  to  check  how  
environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to   successful  I  was  in  completing  my  Morning  Ritual.    
do  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  more    
difficult  for  you  to  not  do  it?   During  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge,  I  am  going  to  give  myself  the  
I  typically  wake  up  at  9:30  a.m.,  so  this  new  time  of  8.30   target  of  finishing  reading  at  least  one  book  (7  Habits  of  
a.m.  will  be  an  adjustment  for  me  at  the  start.  I  think  the   Highly  Effective  People  by  Steven  Covey).  I  know  a  part  of  
most  important  thing  is  that  I  set  myself  a  rule  for  what   me  feels  a  bit  overwhelmed  (since  I  have  not  read  a  book  in  
time  I  must  be  in  bed  every  night.  I  know  if  I  get  enough   years)  but  I  know  I  have  what  it  takes  to  do  this.  
sleep  I  will  be  able  to  get  up  on  time.  I  will  put  reminders  in    
my  phone  in  the  evening  for  when  I  should  stop  using  my   7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  
computer/watching  TV  and  when  I  should  be  in  bed   why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best  
preparing  to  sleep.     choice  in  helping  you  successfully  
  complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
I  will  also  add  to  my  checklist  a  requirement  for  me  to   Who   Why  that  person  
prepare  my  room  for  the  morning  before  I  got  to  sleep.  I  am   Not  sure  yet.   I  know  that  if  I  am  serious  about  changing  I  
going  to  ensure  that  everything  I  need  is  ready  for  the   I  will  join  the   need  to  find  someone  who  is  also  
morning  and  in  the  correct  position.  I  don't  want  to  waste   Unlocking  the   passionate  about  personal  development  
any  time  in  the  morning  searching  for  things.  Before  I  go  to   Habit  Code   and  has  the  same  mindset  as  me  when  it  

90  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Facebook  group   comes  to  self-­‐improvement.  Ideally   don't  go  to  plan.  But  I  know  I  must  be  realistic.  First,  if  I  
and  find   someone  who  has  read  this  book,  and  who   experience  a  setback,  I  want  to  be  able  to  study  it  correctly.  
someone  there.   is  also  interested  in  doing  the  21-­‐Day   I  want  to  make  sure  that  I  don't  jump  to  any  false  
Challenge.  Initially  I  was  thinking  of  asking   conclusions  about  the  root  causes.  I  will  journal  about  it  
my  best  friend,  Rachel,  but  then  I  slowly   that  evening  before  I  go  to  bed  and  really  ask  myself,  "What  
realized  this  would  be  a  mistake.  Rachel  is   could  I  have  done  differently?"  I  think  making  time  for  
not  the  most  proactive  person  I  know.  As   honest  reflection  every  evening  will  ensure  that  I  keep  
much  as  she  talks  about  making  personal   adjusting  as  I  go  and  learn  from  any  setbacks.    
changes,  she  never  does  and  always  has  an    
excuse.     10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
  Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after   My  reward  for   My  punishment  for  
you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day   completing  my   failing  to  complete  my  
Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that   Morning  Ritual   Morning  Ritual  
person?   Once  I  get  to  the  office  I   No  morning  coffee  for  
Who   Why  that  person   am  going  to  give  myself   me.    
Members  of   The  entire  department  has  had  little   a  nice  cup  of  coffee.    
my  new   organizational  development  training  in  the    
department   past  three  years.  I  am  going  to  change  that.  I   My  reward  for  successfully   My  punishment  for  failing  to  
know  that  if  this  Morning  Ritual  works  for  me   completing  the  21-­‐Day   complete  the  21-­‐Day  
then  it  will  also  help  them  become  more   Challenge   Challenge  
confident,  proactive  and  productive.     I  was  planning  to  go  with  my  
  There  is  an  upcoming  flower   friends  on  a  three-­‐day  
  show  next  month  that  I   mountain  trekking  trip  later  
9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned   would  love  to  attend.  I  am   this  year  (I  am  really  excited  
setbacks  during  the  21  days?  How  are  you   going  to  get  myself  tickets  as   to  go  on  the  trip  as  I  have  
going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?   a  reward  for  being   never  been  to  that  part  of  the  
This  was  the  question  I  did  not  want  to  answer.  Sometime  I  
disciplined  with  my   country).  However,  if  I  miss  
am  so  driven  to  achieve  my  goals  that  I  don't  allow  myself  
mornings.   just  two  mornings  of  my  
even  to  think  about  how  I  am  going  to  react  when  things  
Morning  Ritual  then  I  will  not  

91  of  117      
allow  myself  to  go  on  the  trip.   3. How  did  you  use  your  checklist  and  how  
I  would  be  really  angry  with   did  it  help  you?  
myself  if  I  did  not  go  and  my   I  was  surprised  how  much  the  checklist  helped  me.  It  really  
friends  would  be  really   gave  me  no  excuse  to  say  that  I  forgot  what  to  do.  I  got  
disappointed,  so  this  will  be  a   great  joy  from  ticking  the  box  at  the  end  of  the  day  when  I  
big  motivation  for  me.     would  fill  it  in.  Also,  when  I  met  with  my  success  partner,  it  
  made  the  conversation  a  lot  easier.  
An  interview  with  Angela  after  she  completed  the   4. What  was  your  relationship  with  your  
21-­‐Day  Challenge   success  partner  like  and  how  did  it  help  
1. How  do  you  feel  after  completing  the   I  found  my  success  partner  Clara  in  the  private  Facebook  
challenge?   group  (Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  Community).  I  wanted  to  
I  feel  like  superwoman.  I  am  so  grateful  that  I  did  this   find  someone  who  is  also  passionate  about  personal  
challenge.  I  really  feel  I  am  more  disciplined,  have  more   development  and  would  take  the  role  as  my  success  
energy  and  am  getting  more  things  done  in  the  day.  It   partner  seriously.  It  didn’t  take  me  long  to  find  someone.  
definitely  was  a  great  decision  to  do  this.     Clara  was  one  of  the  five  people  who  responded  to  my  
  initial  Facebook  post  and  she  turned  out  to  be  a  perfect  
2. What  was  the  single  most  effective  thing   match.  We  were  both  in  similar  positions  in  our  careers  and  
you  did  over  the  21  days?   we  are  both  equally  driven  to  succeed.  It  turned  out  to  be  a  
This  might  seem  crazy  but  I  think  that  intentionally   massive  win-­‐win.  We  lived  in  different  cities  so  we  
drinking  eight  glasses  of  water  a  day  really  did  significantly   communicated  with  each  other  online.    We  had  a  total  of  
help  my  health,  energy  level  and  overall  concentration.  In   three  short  video  calls  (day  6,  13  and  21)  each  taking  turns  
addition  to  my  Morning  Ritual,  I  started  to  track  the   playing  the  role  of  the  success  partner.  Now,  three  months  
amount  of  water  I  drank  and  it  was  shocking  to  see  how   after  finishing  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge we  still  are  in  regular  
little  water  I  was  drinking  in  a  day  (sometimes  only  two   contact  and  have  a  call  every  other  week.  Every  time  I  
glasses).  Once  I  began  to  drink  more  water  I  finally  saw  a   speak  with  her  we  add  value  to  each  other.  She  gave  me  the  
trend:  headaches,  tiredness,  and  energy  crashes  started  to   accountability  that  I  really  needed.  
go  away.  I  realized  it  wasn’t  difficult  for  me  to  drink  more  
water,  it  was  just  that  I  did  not  have  any  reminders  that  
helped  me  stay  disciplined.  So  that  tiny  change  really  made  
a  big  impact.        

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  my  ego  wanted  me  to  do  this  all  by  myself  and  not  ask  for  
  anyone's  help.  I  realize  that  is  a  dangerous  way  to  think.  On  
Angela’s  original  post  to  the  Unlocking  the  Habit  Code   about  day  five,  I  finally  had  the  courage  to  write  a  short  
Facebook  group:   post  to  ask  if  anyone  was  interested  in  becoming  my  
  success  partner.  Having  a  success  partner  really  makes  this  
Hi  guys,  my  name  is  Angela.  Is  there  anyone  here  looking  for  a   process  easier.    
success  partnership?  I  have  recently  finished  reading  the  book    
and  I’m  looking  for  a  success  partner  for  the  21–Day   7. How  did  you  manage  setbacks  during  the  
challenge.  You  can  check  out  my  profile  here.  If  there  is   21-­‐Day  Challenge?  /  How  did  you  turn  
anyone  interested,  please  send  me  a  private  message.  Looking   “bad  days”  into  “good  data”?  
forward  to  connecting.  Have  a  great  day  J     What  really  helped  me  deal  with  setbacks  was  my  end  of  
  the  day  reflection  exercise.  At  the  end  of  every  day,  I  would  
write  down  what  was  amazing  about  the  day  and  what  I  
could  have  done  differently.  I  always  found  myself  writing  
5. What  was  the  biggest  adjustment  you  
about  my  Morning  Ritual.  When  I  did  not  get  a  good  night’s  
made  to  your  Morning  Ritual  over  the  21  
sleep,  when  I  rushed  my  Morning  Ritual,  or  when  I  felt  I  
was  not  learning  anything  from  the  books  I  was  reading,  I  
I  have  a  commitment  every  Monday  night,  which  means  I  
would  start  to  objectively  investigate  the  reasons  why.  It  
get  to  bed  an  hour  later  than  I  would  like.  So,  rather  than  
was  like  I  became  a  scientist  observing  my  day  and  then  
not  get  enough  sleep  or  skipping  my  ritual  completely,  I  
identifying  little  changes  I  could  make  to  improve  the  next  
found  myself  doing  an  adapted  and  shortened  version  of  
day.  I  really  recommend  people  adopt  this  practice  of  
my  ritual  every  Tuesday  morning.  I  made  up  for  that  time  
reflection.  It  really  helped  me  not  to  take  the  setbacks  
during  the  weekend  by  doing  an  extended  version  of  my  
personally  and  instead  use  them  as  opportunities  to  
ritual.  It  worked  really  well  and  prevented  me  from  feeling  
bad  about  it.  
6. What  was  the  most  difficult  part  of  the  21-­‐
Day  Challenge  and  how  did  you  overcome  
The  most  difficult  part  for  me  was  asking  for  help  from  
others.  Although  I  promised  myself  that  I  would  go  to  the  
online  community  to  find  a  success  partner,  I  
procrastinated  about  it.  I  finally  figured  out  that  a  part  of  

93  of  117      
  been  more   breathing   • Listened  to  my  
  patient  with   exercises.     team  more  and  
 Angela’s  end-­‐of-­‐day  5-­‐minute  reflection  exercise  (three   Anna  during  our   • Not  have   asked  them  
consecutive  days)   meeting  this   checked  my  e-­‐ what  they  
Wednesday  PM:  3   Thursday  PM:  3   Friday  PM:  3   morning  and   mail  until  after   thought  before  
amazing  things   amazing  things   amazing  things   asked  her  better   my  Morning   I  give  my  
about  today     about  today     about  today     questions.   Ritual  was   opinion  
• Our  new  clients   • I  got  to  hear   • No  traffic  on   • I  could  have   complete.   • Sent  a  thank  
were  really   my  mum’s   the  way  to   called  my  Mum.   • I  could  have   you  email  to  
impressed  with   voice  and  make   work  today.     responded  to   my  mentor,  
my   her  laugh.   • I  got  my  inbox   Alex’s  request   Minnie,  to  let  
presentation.   • I  went  for  an   to  zero.   for  help   her  know  how  
• I  got  a  thank   amazing  walk   • Alex  really   sooner.   much  her  
email  from  my   after  work.     values  the     advice  has  
former   • My  niece  asked   career  advice  I   helped  me.  
teammate,  Ralf.     me  to  help  her   gave  him  and  

• I  completed  my   —  I  am  grateful   looks  up  to  me    
3  most   that  she  looks   as  a  mentor.   8. How  are  you  helping  others  create  a  
important  tasks   up  to  me  as  a     Morning  Ritual  as  a  result  of  your  
before  lunch.   role  model.   experience  in  completing  the  21-­‐Day  
Wednesday  PM:  3   Thursday  PM:  3   Friday  PM:  3   After  I  experienced  so  many  benefits  from  having  a  
things  I  could  have   things  I  could   things  I  could   Morning  Ritual  I  was  determined  to  teach  it  to  every  
done  differently   have  done   have  done   member  of  my  team.  A  few  of  my  fellow  managers  thought  I  
• I  could  have   differently   differently   was  crazy,  as  this  type  of  training  has  never  been  done  in  
resisted  the   • Not  got  angry   • Have  planned   the  company  before  and  it  sounded  very  non-­‐traditional  to  
them.  Then  I  remembered  what  I  read  in  one  of  my  
temptation  to   when  I  was   my  lunch  
leadership  books.  
eat  those   stuck  in  traffic   better  —  
donuts  in  the   —  instead  I   picked  a  
 “The  thing  about  smart  people  is  that  they  seem  crazy  to  
afternoon.     could  have   healthier   dumb  people”.    Stephen Hawking
• I  could  have   practiced  my   option.    

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  1. What  was  your  first  reaction  when  
That  piece  of  advice  really  made  me  smile  and  encouraged   Angela  shared  with  you  her  Morning  
me  to  keeping  pushing  through,  because  I  know  that  if  I  am   Ritual?    
looking  for  a  radical  change  in  this  team  then  I  have  to  do   I  had  never  heard  about  the  importance  of  Morning  Rituals  
something  that  has  never  been  done  before.  And  I  am  so   before,  so  when  Angela  shared  it  with  us  at  a  team  meeting  
grateful  I  did.     I  found  it  very  interesting.  I  was  surprised  at  first  as  you  
  don't  really  expect  your  boss  to  share  things  like  this  but  
I  was  amazed  at  how  the  team  reacted  to  the  training.  In   the  entire  team  really  appreciated  her  openness.  What  
just  three  months  we  have  gone  from  being  one  of  the   surprised  us  even  more  was  when  she  said  she  was  going  to  
worst  performing  departments  to  being  one  of  the  top   insist  that  we  all  undergo  a  special  training  program  
three  highest  performing  departments  in  the  company.   dedicated  to  helping  us  create  our  own  Morning  Rituals.  It  
Some  of  the  senior  leaders  have  sent  me  congratulations   really  created  an  exciting  buzz  that  we  have  not  had  for  
messages  via  email  labeling  us  as  a  "miraculous   some  time  in  our  department.  
transformation."  But  what  has  impacted  me  the  most  is    
when  some  of  my  team  members  came  into  my  office  to   2. What  impact  has  Angela’s  experience  
personally  thank  me  for  this  training:  telling  me  not  only   with  Morning  Rituals  had  on  you  and  
how  much  it  impacted  their  performance  at  work  but  also   the  rest  of  the  team?    
how  it  has  had  a  profound  impact  on  their  personal  lives.  I   Well,  I  think  I  can  speak  on  behalf  of  our  entire  team:  it  was  
am  still  a  bit  emotional  when  I  think  about  it.     the  best  training  we  have  ever  received.  I  have  experienced  
  so  many  boring  training  sessions  in  my  career  but  I  have  
9. What  advice  would  you  give  to  others  who   never  experienced  something  as  practical  and  useful  as  
are  about  to  start  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?   this.  Everyone  in  the  office  started  to  do  the  21-­‐Day  
First,  find  a  success  partner.  Second,  find  a  second  success   Challenge.  It  is  amazing  to  see  how  much  positive  energy  it  
partner.  Third,  find  a  success  partner.  Don't  let  your  ego   created.    It  transformed  us.  The  rest  of  the  company  is  
and  pride  stop  you  from  becoming  successful  with  this  21-­‐ amazed  at  how  we  have  totally  turned  around  our  
Day  Challenge.   performance.  I  can  proudly  say  that  our  team  has  never  
  been  more  motivated  and  productive.    
How  Angela  has  impacted  others    
Testimony  from  Alex  (a  member  of  Angela’s  Team)   3. How  have  you  shared  what  you  
  learned  from  Angela  with  others?    
I  found  myself  sharing  my  experience  with  morning  and  
evening  rituals  with  my  kids.  I  have  even  gone  into  their  

95  of  117      
bedrooms  and  helped  them  prepare  the  night  before  so     Chapter  7  
they  get  a  great  start  in  the  morning.  We  never  tried  
anything  like  this  before.  I  can’t  believe  I  am  now   Unlocking  the  Habit  Code:    
passionately  sharing  with  my  family  something  that  I   The  MESSI  Approach  
learned  at  work.  Doing  this  challenge  has  opened  up  my  
eyes  to  all  the  hundreds  of  tiny  changes  I  can  make  every   “When you first start off trying to solve a problem, the first
day  to  improve.  Angela  really  led  by  example  and  I’m  very   solutions you come up with are very complex, and most
grateful  that  she  persisted  in  helping  us  develop  these   people stop there. But if you keep going, and live with the
success  habits.     problem and peel more layers of the onion off, you can
oftentimes arrive at some very elegant and simple
solutions.” — Steve Jobs

So did you figure it out yet? Did you see the approach
that was used in all seven stories to transform new
behaviors into habits? After reading just two or three of
the stories, I am sure you will have already realized that
it is how our characters answered certain questions that
was the key to their success. Once they created their
new Morning Ritual (and before they started to
implement it), they answered 10 very powerful

I refer to these 10 questions as the MESSI* approach to

Habit Creation. This is how they Unlocked the Habit
Code. This is how they made personal change easy.

Meaningful You make the new behavior

Meaningful, so that you have clear
purpose behind your actions
Easier You intentionally design your
surrounding environment (or leverage

96  of  117      
Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
certain tools), so that it is Easier for The MESSI approach was used in all seven stories and
you to do the new behavior (and more it was this approach that empowered each character to
difficult to not do it) successfully convert their new behaviors into habits.
Social You become Social, by involving This is how they Unlocked the Habit Code and created
other people in the process (who will extraordinary personal change within 21 days.
help you and who you will help once
you are ready) To understand the MESSI approach more, let’s look in
Setback You become Setback-Ready, so that greater detail at the above five components.
you both anticipate unexpected  
Ready Meaningful  
setbacks and have a plan for how you
are going to deal with them.  
“If you speak to the heart the head will come, if you speak to
Incentives You Incentivize the process, by the head the heart may never arrive” — Rabbi Akiva
promising yourself specific rewards if  
you succeed and punishment if you 1. How  do  you  want  to  feel  straight  after  
fail. completing  your  new  Morning  Ritual?  
*I want to credit the inspiration for this name to Lionel 2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
Messi: the Argentinian and Barcelona footballer, a name Day  Challenge,  what  is  the  desired  result  
synonymous with world-class and one of the greatest you  want  to  achieve  the  most?    
3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to  
players of all time.
“I start early and I stay late, day after day, year after year, it
took me 17 years and 114 days to become an overnight
success.” — Lionel Messi The first part of the MESSI approach is to make the
behaviors meaningful. Meaning is attached to a
My hope is that when you now see the name MESSI, behavior when you make a clear connection to how that
you will not just think of the world-class athlete, but behavior can help you get from a current undesired
also the world-class approach to creating habits in your condition to a future desired condition (or how it can
life. Thank you, Lionel, for the inspiration. help you avoid a future undesired condition). As
meaning is both logical (head) and emotional (heart),
the above questions were used to bring conscious

97  of  117      
meaning to the behaviors. People need to know the do  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  difficult  
desired feeling they are seeking in both the short term for  you  to  not  do  it?  
and long term. Most of the time we forget how much  
influence we have on our own lives. We must remind  
6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for  
ourselves of how much control we have of our future.
you  to  measure  and  evaluate  your  
Answering these questions gave them a greater sense of progress  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  
clarity and purpose. Forcing themselves to explain why at  the  end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
they are doing it helped them remember that this  
activity is a just a step along a longer journey. And by
choosing that path they are getting closer to objectives
that really matter to them, because it is a part of The second part of the MESSI approach is to make the
something bigger and more emotionally rewarding that behaviors easier to do and more difficult to not do. Ease
the immediate task that needs to be done. As over 90% is created by both intelligent design and in leveraging
of our decisions are driven by emotion, this was crucial the right tools. It is about intentionally exploring ways
in giving them the emotional fuel they needed to keep to make it easier to start and complete your new habits
moving forward. & to make it easier to see your progress so that you can
  continue to build your momentum but also make
  adjustments along the way.
  Goals on its own are not enough. Losers have goals,
“A bad system will beat a good person every time.”
—W. Edwards Deming
winners have systems. This is about designing the right
  system to make it easier for you to succeed. Even
4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easier  for   creating a system of completing a simple daily checklist
you  to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised   can have a massive impact on your ability to follow
yourself?  (So  that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   through.
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing.)  
  The checklist is one of the most high-powered
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your   productivity tools ever discovered.
environment  to  make  it  easier  for  you  to  
Brian Tracy

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
As the seven stories testify, making tiny changes to your behaviors  social.  No  man  is  an  island,  no  woman  is  an  
environment can have a major impact on your success. island.  It  has  been  proven  time  and  time  again  that  
Think about it from another perspective: why would you humanity’s  greatest  achievements  cannot  be  achieved  in  
want to make it more difficult for yourself? isolation.  In  some  cases,  involving  others  can  multiply  your  
  chances  of  success  by  a  factor  of  10.    
  Making  the  decision  to  pay  it  forward  and  commit  to  
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go
helping  someone  else  has  the  extraordinary  advantage  of  
together.” — African proverb helping  you  see  how  other  people  will  benefit  as  a  result  of  
  your  success.    Not  wanting  to  let  them  down  can  be  an  
7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and   extremely  motivating  force  for  your  journey.  This  need  to  
why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best   serve  others  also  links  directly  back  to  the  Meaningful  
choice  in  helping  you  successfully   component  of  the  MESSI  approach.  Being  social  provides  
complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?     another  level  of  meaning  to  your  journey.  
Who   Why  that  person  
“At some point, if you’re changing a really deep-seated
behavior, you’re going to have a moment of weakness.”
8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after   — Charles Duhigg
you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day    
Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that    
person?   9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned  
    setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
Who   Why  that  person  
How  are  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into  
“good  data”?  
  The fourth part of the MESSI approach is being
  setback-ready. Unexpected things are going to happen
no matter how much we plan. None of us can accurately
The  third  part  of  the  MESSI  approach  is  to  make  the  

99  of  117      
predict the future. To always think that Plan A will be we do not learn from it. How we respond to setbacks is
perfectly executed is to live in a fantasy world. My what defines our character the most.
mentor once told me: "Mike, no plan is a plan without a  
plan for how you are going to deal with setbacks." For Incentives  
transformative change to be successful, you need to
“A goal without real consequences is wishful thinking. Good
create the expectation of failure: not the failure of the follow-through doesn't depend on the right intentions. It
mission itself, but failure en route. depends on the right incentives.” — Tim Ferriss
"Everyone has a plan 'till they get punched in the 10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
mouth." — Mike Tyson to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
Our characters from the seven stories were My  reward  for  successfully   My  punishment  for  not  
completing  my  Morning  Ritual   completing  my  Morning  Ritual  
physiologically and practically preparing themselves for    
setbacks. They removed the “drama queen” crown from    
their head that wanted them to quit just because they    
missed a day or went to bed late.  
They instead put on a lab coat and analyzed their actions  
rationally. They became scientists of their own  
behavior. They did so in a way that did not negatively
My  reward  for  successfully   My  punishment  for  failing  to  
lower their confidence in their ability to be successful completing  the  21-­‐Day   complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  
but in a way that embraced the realism of the Challenge  
unexpected. Expect the unexpected.    
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.”
Samuel Beckett
We must think of these setbacks (including the near  
misses: the setbacks that almost occurred) as nuggets of  
gold. Every one of them is a treasure. Every one of them
can teach us something. Failure is really only failure if

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
  In some cases selecting the right incentive can be the
The final part of the MESSI approach is providing critical ingredient between success and failure.
incentives. Anticipation used correctly can be an
extraordinarily powerful force in modifying human But will the MESSI approach work for me?
behavior. Just knowing that a certain reward is waiting The purpose of this chapter was to affirm to you what I
for you at the ‘finish line’ can be enough to get you am sure you already know: there is significant value in
through the most challenging of times. At the same each of the 10 MESSI questions that was asked in the
time, knowing that a certain punishment is waiting for seven stories after they created their new Morning
you if you do not cross the ‘finish line’ can be just as Ritual. I believe that you don't need me to go into more
effective. detail about why the MESSI approach to habit creation
is so effective.
There are two different types of incentives that you can
use: short-term and long-term incentives - both of which As far as I am concerned, a detailed discussion about
were leveraged in our 7 stories. Short-term incentives theory will not serve you. The seven stories about how
are the tiny rewards/punishments that you give yourself these questions were answered, and the outstanding
on the same day for completing / not completing your results they have achieved, are by far the most valuable
desired behavior. Long-term incentives are typically a part of this book.
significantly bigger and more valuable reward and/or
punishment and are associated with repeating your If those stories were not enough to convince you to start
desired behavior consistently over an extended period of your own 21-Day Challenge, I don’t think that anything
time (in our case – the 21 Day Challenge). I write here will either.

For any reward or punishment to be effective, it must I do not intend to be disrespectful about the different
carry a significant emotional meaning for you. Making theories of behavioral change and habit creation out
other people aware of your choice of reward or there, but my point is that I do not want arguments
punishment can also be extraordinary powerful – this is about theory to become yet another excuse for inaction.
especially effective if you give your Success Partner the
permission to be your ‘ Police Commissioner’ to ensure Acting your way into a new type of thinking
that you follow through on all your promised incentives. One of the reasons our education system is so broken is

101  of  117      

that we focus so much on theories, philosophies and The next chapter is your chance to do exactly that.
high-level concepts, and yet we fail to give people the
practical steps they need to help them discover the truth
for themselves. We force people to stay in our comfort
zones of our classrooms and conference rooms.

“It had long since come to my attention that people of

accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to
them. They went out and happened to things.”
— Leonardo da Vinci

This book is different. This book is designed to give you

those practical steps, to drive you towards self-
experimentation and empower you to achieve
extraordinary personal change. This is not a book made
to just enhance your theoretical views. My goal is not to
get you to agree with my theory on habit creation. I am
OKAY if you disagree with me. I wrote this book to
help you start experimenting with an approach to habit
creation that works best for you.

If the approach you use complements the MESSI

approach, then great. If you discover a more effective
approach, then even better.

What matters most is not the theory you use, but the
results you achieve. Your success is what is most
important here. I believe that it is much easier to act
your way into a new type of thinking than to think your
way into a new type of acting.

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Chapter  8 “Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.”
— David Allen
Your  21-­‐Day  Challenge    
  Writing  down  your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  your  answer  to  
“Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only the  MESSI  questions  is  your  way  of  committing  to  yourself  
potential power. Action is power.” — Anthony Robbins that  you  are  really  serious  about  this.    
It's  decision  time!     With  all  my  heart,  I  want  you  to  take  this  opportunity  now  
  to  answer  these  questions  for  yourself.  There  really  is  no  
You  are  on  the  verge  of  something  special.  We  have  reached   valid  excuse  not  to  do  this.  You  have  come  this  far  on  this  
the  climax  of  this  book.  The  time  has  come  for  you  to  write   journey:  it  would  be  a  tragedy  for  you  not  to  reach  the  
your  own  new  Morning  Ritual  and  answer  the  10  MESSI   summit  and  reap  all  the  benefits.  Don’t  stay  at  base  camp,  if  
questions.  The  time  has  come  for  you  to  successfully   you  do  I  would  have  failed  as  the  author  and  you  would  
complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  By  doing  this,  you  will   have  failed  as  the  reader.  The  reason  this  book  is  in  your  
begin  the  process  of  extracting  a  million  times  more  value   hands  is  not  for  you  to  finish  reading  it,  it  is  for  you  to  
from  this  book  than  if  you  decided  to  just  read  the  stories   complete  this  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  I  do  not  want  you  to  let  
and  do  nothing.  Reading  stories  about  what  other  people   this  opportunity  slip  by.  You  are  sitting  on  the  edge  of  one  
have  done  is  not  enough.  Inspiration  alone  is  not  enough.   of  the  best  personal  decisions  you  will  ever  make.    You  
Knowledge  alone  is  not  enough.  You  are  the  only  one  who   deserve  this!  It  is  time  for  you  to  act.  Take  what  is  yours.  
can  solve  your  change  problem.  You  must  apply.  You  must    
take  action.     “Power’s not given to you. You have to take it.” -  Beyoncé  
  Knowles  Carter
I  encourage  you  not  to  skip  any  of  the  10  MESSI  questions.    
There  is  value  in  all  of  them.  Answering  each  question  will   Your  21-­‐Day  Challenge  awaits..  
only  take  you  one  or  two  minutes.  Within  20  minutes,  you  
can  have  it  all  done.    
And  the  lifetime  benefits  of  those  20  minutes  could  be  
immeasurable.  This  is  something  for  which  your  future  self  
will  thank  you  for.  The  extraordinary  change  you  deserve  is  
waiting  to  be  unleashed,  but  you  must  start  by  getting  your  
ideas  about  how  you  are  going  to  do  it  out  of  your  head.    

103  of  117      

The  21-­‐Day  Challenge   Please  answer  the  10  questions  below.  (The  MESSI  
Your  Name:   approach  to  habit  creation.)  
Start  Date:    
Finish  Date  (21  Days  later):     Meaningful  
  1. Immediately  after  completing  your  new  
What  is  your  new  Morning  Ritual?   Morning  Ritual,  how  do  you  want  to  feel?  
  2. After  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐
  Day  Challenge,  what  is  the  desired  result  
you  want  to  achieve  the  most?    
  3. Why  is  that  desired  result  so  important  to  

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4. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easy  for  you   Social  
to  wake  up  at  the  time  your  promised   7. Who  will  be  your  “Success  Partner”  and  
yourself?  (So  that  you  don't  hit  the  snooze   why  do  you  think  that  person  is  the  best  
button  once  your  alarm  starts  ringing.)   choice  in  helping  you  successfully  
  complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
  Who   Why  that  person  
5. How  are  you  going  to  design  your    
environment  to  make  it  easy  for  you  to  do    
your  new  Morning  Ritual  and  difficult  for    
you  to  not  do  it?    
  8. Who  is  the  first  person  you  will  help  after  
  you  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
  Challenge?  Why  did  you  choose  that  
  Who   Why  that  person  
6. How  are  you  going  to  make  it  easy  for  you      
to  measure  and  evaluate  your  progress      
during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  and  at  the      
end  of  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?      

105  of  117      

9. How  are  you  going  to  deal  with  unplanned    
setbacks  during  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
How  are  you  going  to  turn  “bad  days”  into    
“good  data”?    
10. How  are  you  going  to  incentivize  yourself  
to  ensure  you  successfully  complete  your  
Morning  Ritual  and  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?    
My  reward  for  successfully   My  reward  for  not  successfully  
completing  my  Morning  Ritual   completing  my  Morning  Ritual  
My  reward  for  successfully   My  punishment  for  failing  to  
completing  the  21-­‐Day   complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
Chapter  9   “I think that's the single best piece of advice: to have a
feedback loop, where you're constantly thinking about what
Improving  Your  Plan   you've done and how you could be doing it better.”— Elon
“We all need people who will give us feedback.  
That's how we improve.” — Bill Gates To  give  just  one  piece  of  practical  advice  on  how  you  can  
  improve  your  plan,  let  me  share  with  you  one  of  the  biggest  
When  I  do  workshops  and  seminars  related  to  creating   improvement  opportunities  I  see  after  people  make  the  
Morning  Rituals,  I  find  that  the  most  valuable  part  of  the   first  version  of  their  plan.  To  significantly  increase  your  
entire  day  is  when  the  attendees  get  into  small  groups  of   odds  of  success,  you  need  to  make  it  very  clear  to  your  
four  to  six  people,  and  each  person  shares  how  they   subconscious  brain  what  desired  result  you  are  looking  to  
answered  the  exact  questions  you  just  answered.     achieve.    
As  one  person  shares,  the  others  give  feedback  on  what   Remember:  there  is  a  part  of  the  brain  that  is  always  
they  like  about  it  and  what  they  think  can  be  improved.  It  is   looking  for  excuses  to  conserve  energy.  If  you  put  vague  
my  favorite  part  of  the  workshop.  The  learning  that   language  into  your  Morning  Ritual,  it  will  give  that  part  of  
happens  in  these  small  groups  is  incredible.  As  a  result,  the   your  brain  the  excuses  it  needs  to  justify  inaction  or  
participants  always  end  up  updating  their  own  plan   minimal  effort.  Below  are  some  common  examples:  
because  of  the  new  insights  acquired  from  this  sharing  and    
feedback  process.       Version  1   My  coaching  Feedback   Version  2  (Improved)  
"I  will  try  my  best  to   Really?  Try  your  best?   I  will  wake  up  at  6  a.m.  
wake  up  at  6  a.m."   You  either  will  or  will  
If  I  had  just  one  wish  for  you  after  you  have  written  your   not.  There  is  no  try.  
new  Morning  Ritual  and  answered  the  10  MESSI  questions,   “In  the  morning  I  will   What  type  of  exercise   “After  I  brush  my  teeth,  
it  would  be  to  find  a  person  (or  a  group  of  people)  with   do  exercise.”   will  you  do?  When  will   I  will  do  a  12-­‐minute  
whom  you  can  share  your  plan  and  to  receive  feedback   you  do  it?  How  long   guided  workout  in  my  
about  what  they  like  and  what  they  think  can  be  improved.   will  you  do  it  for?   bedroom.”  
Of  course  you  don't  need  to  embrace  all  of  their   “I  will  drink  water.”   How  much  water  will   "Before  I  take  a  
you  drink?  When  will   shower,  I  will  drink  two  
recommendations,  but  listening  to  other  voices  will  give  
you  do  it?  What  type   pint  glasses  of  water  
you  some  powerful  insights  that  you  will  not  have  thought   of  water?   from  the  fridge."  
of:  especially  if  the  feedback  is  coming  from  someone  you    
greatly  trust  and  respect.  Even  better  if  they  themselves   I  want  to  challenge  you  to  look  back  over  the  answers  you  
have  successfully  completed  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge.   have  written.  Have  you  used  any  vague  language  like  that  in  

107  of  117      

the  above  examples?  If  so,  correct  it  by  being  more  specific  
and  detailed.  Remember:  your  attention  to  detail  matters.  It  
is  worth  the  effort.     Chapter  10  
   The  Success  Partnership  
“It's the little details that are vital. Little things make big  
things happen.” — John Wooden
“Alone  we  can  do  so  little;  together  we  can  do  so  much.”  
—    Helen  Keller  
Now  that  you  have  created  and  updated  your  plan,  there  is  
only  one  part  remaining  that  we  have  not  yet  covered  in  
Why  your  choice  of  Success  Partner  matters  
detail.  It  is  possibly  the  most  critical  element  that  will  
determine  your  success  over  the  21  days  and  beyond.  And  
So,  what  do  you  think  is  the  most  important  component  of  
that’s  your  relationship  with  your  success  partner.  To  get  
the  MESSI  approach  to  habit  creation?  Or,  more  specifically,  
the  most  out  of  this  relationship  responsibilities  and  
which  of  the  ten  questions  you  just  answered  do  you  think  
expectations  must  be  defined  at  the  beginning.  Let's  learn  
will  have  the  biggest  impact  in  helping  you  successfully  
achieve  the  results  you  are  looking  for?    
From  my  extensive  research  and  personal  experience,  I  
believe  that  your  choice  of  success  partner  and  how  you  
choose  to  interact  with  them  that  will  be  the  biggest  
determining  factor  on  your  level  of  success  during  the  21-­‐
Day  challenge.  Thus,  deciding  who  your  success  partner  
will  be  on  this  journey  is  of  critical  importance.      
All  the  main  characters  from  the  seven  stories,  after  they  
successfully  completed  the  challenge,  had  a  far  deeper  
appreciation  of  why  their  relationship  with  their  success  
partner  had  such  a  major  influence  on  their  performance.    
Yes,  technically  they  could  have  done  it  on  their  own.  But  
how  much  more  difficult  would  that  21  days  have  been  for  
them?  In  my  honest  opinion,  almost  all  of  them  would  have  
failed  to  achieve  the  transformative  results  that  they  now  
celebrate  if  they  had  made  the  decision  not  to  involve  a  

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Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
success  partner  and  tried  to  do  it  on  their  own.   because  you  are  afraid  that  you  will  appear  weak.    
The  Resistance  To  Finding  A  Success  Partner   Beware:  Your  greatest  enemy  is  always  yourself.    
Possibly  the  most  dangerous  thought  that  could  occur   What  you  think  is  not  always  true.  Do  not  allow  your  ego  to  
inside  your  head  as  you  start  your  21-­‐Day  Challenge  is  the   hold  you  back  from  your  extraordinary  potential.  My  belief  
idea  that  you  can  do  this  on  your  own.  That  voice  in  your   is  this:  when  it  comes  to  creating  new  habits,  having  the  
head  that’s  telling  you  that  you  are  the  exception,  you  don't   right  success  partner  can  infinitely  increase  your  odds  of  
need  a  success  partner.     success.  An  overwhelming  body  of  research  on  behavioral  
  change  tells  us  that  short,  frequent  touch  points  with  the  
So  allow  me  to  be  honest  and  direct.     right  success  partner  when  attempting  personal  change  are  
  a  critical  element  of  success,  especially  during  the  first  21  
Yes,  it  is  possible  for  you  to  do  this  on  your  own.     days  when  the  desired  behavior  is  not  yet  a  habit.    
In  the  same  way,  it  is  also  possible  for  you  to  find  your  way   “Nobody can succeed on their own.”
around  a  new  city  without  asking  for  directions  or  using  a   — Sheryl Sandberg
map.  It  is  also  possible  for  you  to  organize  a  big  wedding  on    
your  own.  It  is  also  possible  for  you  to  build  a  new  house  on   Finding  the  Right  Success  Partner  
your  own.     From  an  idealistic  and  theoretical  perspective,  anyone  can  
  be  a  success  partner.  No  qualifications  or  experience  
But  WHY  would  you  want  to  do  this?  WHY  would  you  want   required.  However,  this  is  not  really  helpful  to  you.  The  
to  make  things  harder  for  yourself?     reality  is  that,  although  many  people  in  your  network  of  
  friends,  family  and  work  colleagues  are  capable,  not  
“Talent  wins  games,  but  teamwork  and  intelligence  win   everyone  is  ready  to  be  a  success  partner.  So  you  need  to  be  
championships.”  —  Michael  Jordan   very  careful  about  whom  you  select.    
There  are  really  only  two  reasons  why  someone  would   Below  are  some  of  the  most  important  factors  you  need  to  
choose  to  try  and  do  all  of  this  on  their  own.     consider  when  finding  the  right  success  partner:  
Ignorance:  You  just  don’t  know  how  critical  involving   A  great  choice  for  a  Success   A  terrible  choice  for  a  Success  Partner  
others  is  in  creating  habits.     Partner  is  someone  who  …   is  someone  who  …  
Will  be  enthusiastic  and   Would  ultimately  discourage  you  from  
supportive  of  your  attempts  to   improving  yourself.  They  have  a  crab  
Pride:  Your  ego  will  not  allow  you  to  ask  others  for  help  

109  of  117      

improve  yourself.  They  have  a   mentality,  thus  they  begrudge  seeing    
positive  outlook  on  life  and  are   other  people  (especially  those  closest    
excited  that  you  have   to  them)  progress  as  it  highlights  their  
Clarifying  the  responsibilities  and  expectations  of  the  
committed  yourself  to   own  inadequacies.  They  are  skeptical  
improvement.     and  critical  of  anyone  trying  to  better  
success  partnership  upfront  is  one  of  the  most  important  
themselves.   outcomes  you  need  to  achieve  in  your  first  interactions  
Has  successfully  changed  their   Are  constantly  complaining  and   with  your  success  partner.    
own  behaviors  in  the  past.  They   blaming  others  for  their  problems.  They    
know  change  is  possible  for   live  with  a  victim’s  mentality:  they  do   I  am  not  very  proud  to  share  this  with  you,  but  when  I  first  
them,  thus  they  believe  change   not  take  responsibility  for  their  life.   stepped  into  the  role  as  someone’s  success  partner,  a  part  
is  possible  for  you.  They  have  an   They  are  constantly  breaking  their  
of  me  assumed  that  I  had  to  somehow  justify  my  
existing  passion  for  personal   promises  to  both  themselves  and  
development.     others.   qualifications  for  that  role.  I  had  to  show  the  other  person  
Will  be  proactive,  responsive   Are  reactive,  do  not  take  initiative,  and   how  smart  I  was,  how  intelligent  I  was,  how  wise  I  was  —  
and  reliable.  Most  importantly   worst  of  all  are  unreliable.  You  may   so  I  ended  up  doing  most  of  the  talking.    
they  will  make  themselves   love  them  and  you  may  enjoy  their    
available  to  you.     company  but  deep  down  in  your  heart   I  got  this  very  wrong.  My  thinking  was  totally  messed  up.  
you  know  they  would  not  be  the  right   The  moment  I  realized  this  was  when  one  of  my  mentors  
support  for  the  personal  changes  that  
gave  me  what  I  still  consider  to  be  one  of  the  greatest  
you  need  to  make.    
pieces  of  advice  I  have  ever  received:    
After  reflecting  on  the  above,  you’ve  probably  come  to  the  
“Mike,  the  more  you  talk,  the  less  they  learn.”    
conclusion  that  a  lot  of  people  you  know  are  possibly  not  
the  right  fit  for  you.  Don't  be  saddened  by  this.  It  is  a  
That  simple  piece  of  advice  forever  changed  how  I  influence  
common  scenario.  This  should  make  you  even  more  
other  people.  
determined  to  find  the  right  person.    
The  primary  role  of  a  success  partner  is  not  to  give  advice.  
“Surround  yourself  only  with  people  who  are  going  to  
take  you  higher.”—  Oprah  Winfrey  
The  primary  role  of  a  success  partner  is  to  help  create  the  
environment  in  which  the  other  person  can  think  better.    
All  of  the  seven  main  characters  from  our  stories  pays  
testament  to  the  importance  of  choosing  the  right  person  to  
Very  little  is  needed  to  make  a  happy  life;  it  is  all  within  
be  their  success  partner.  It  is  a  decision  that  you  must  not  
yourself,  in  your  way  of  thinking.  —  Marcus  Aurelius  
take  lightly.  So  choose  wisely.  
The  success  partner  must  be  totally  non-­‐judgmental.  They  
How  To  Be  A  Great  Success  Partner  

110  of  117      

Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
must  not  give  any  destructive  feedback  (example:  telling   the  success  
them  they  are  lazy,  undisciplined  or  selfish).  They  must  not   partner  to  
imply  that  there  is  something  wrong  with  the  person  if  they   intentionally  start  
do  not  follow  through  with  their  own  promises.     the  meeting  
  focused  on  the  
Although  a  detailed  discussion  of  how  to  best  influence   positives.  This  
others  is  outside  the  scope  of  this  book,  below  are  the  three   approach  of  
most  important  rules  that  a  success  partner  must  follow  in   getting  people  to  
order  to  be  of  greatest  service  to  the  person  they  are  trying   acknowledge  
to  help.   their  past  success  
  has  the  
Three  Rules  On  How  To  Be  A  Great  Success  Partner   empowering  
  effect  of  giving  
Rule   Why  is  this   How  to  do  it?   them  the  
important?   confidence  to  
1. Start  the   The  brain's   Ask  great   continue  to  build  
meeting   default  condition   questions:   on  the  progress  
with   is  to  focus  on   • What  gave   they  have  
gratitude   what  is  wrong  or   you  joy  this   achieved  so  far  as  
  what  is  missing.   week?     opposed  to  
This  negative   • What  went   beating  
focus  directly   well  so  far?     themselves  up  for  
results  in   • What  are  you   any  slip  ups.  
negative  thoughts   grateful  for?     2. Listen  10   The  more  you   Ask  great  
and  negative     times   talk,  the  less  they   questions:  
emotions,  which   more   will  learn.  Trust   • Tell  me  
may  become  a   than  you   me.  Resist  the   about  your  
massive  barrier   talk!     temptation  to   week?  
to  helping  the     vomit  stories   • How  did  that  
person  think   from  your  past   make  you  
clearly.  It  is  the   onto  them.   feel?    
responsibility  of   Anytime  you   • What  else  

111  of  117      

interrupt  them   are  you   to  this  in  their   what  would  
while  they  are   thinking?   own  mind  and  in   you  have  
thinking  is  an  act   their  own  time.   done  
of  arrogance.  This   To  affirm  to  them   differently?      
is  especially  true   what  they  already   • If  your  best  
when  it  comes  to   know  they  must   friend  were  
silences  in  the   do.  If  you  refuse   in  your  exact  
conversation.   to  be  patient  and   situation,  
Most  people   start  telling  them   what  advice  
assume  that   what  you  think   would  you  
silences  in  the   they  should  do,   give  
conversation   you  are  robbing   him/her?  
mean  it  is  their   them  of  the  
turn  to  talk.   chance  to  grow.  
Silence  does  not   You  are  doing  
mean  the  person   more  harm  than  
is  not  thinking.  Be   good.  
more  patient  and    
allow  them  to   Once  the  above  expectations  are  clear,  you  will  also  need  to  
come  to  their   determine  the  frequency  and  duration  of  the  meeting  with  
own  conclusions   your  success  partner.  I  want  to  encourage  you  to  keep  an  
by  resisting  the   open  mind  on  this  and  experiment  as  you  go.  The  time  and  
temptation  to   duration  will  vary  from  person  to  person  and  situation  to  
interrupt  their   situation.  Like  the  seven  characters  from  the  stories,  you  
thinking.   and  your  success  partner  must  experiment  to  see  what  
3. Hold  back   In  99  out  of  100   Ask  great   works  best  for  you.  Ideally,  your  meeting  is  face  to  face.  
on  giving   situations,  the   questions:     However,  if  that  is  not  possible,  then  a  high  quality  virtual  
advice   person  knows   • What  do  you   meeting  can  be  just  as  effective.  The  more  frequent  and  
exactly  what  they   think  you   shorter  the  meetings,  the  better.    
need  to  do.  Your   should  do?      
primary  role  as  a   • Knowing   In  summary,  the  key  to  being  a  great  success  partner  is  not  
success  partner  is   what  you   sharing  your  experience  and  stories.  Instead,  it  is  all  about  
to  help  them  get   know  now,   being  a  world-­‐class  listener  by  asking  the  right  questions,  at  

112  of  117      

Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
the  right  time,  in  the  right  way.  The  more  you  do  it,  the   forward  until  their  Morning  Ritual  becomes  a  habit.  
better  you  will  become,  and  the  more  you  will  be  of  greater    
service  to  a  greater  number  of  people.     “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” -
  Friedrich Nietzsch
I  encourage  you  to  share  this  chapter  with  the  success    
partner  you  have  chosen  for  your  21-­‐Day  Challenge.  Once   When  I  do  this  exercise  in  my  workshops  and  seminars  it  is  
everyone  knows  what  makes  a  great  success  partnership,   one  of  the  most  powerful  exercise  of  the  day.  Individuals  on  
then  both  of  you  will  have  achieved  a  major  step  forward  in   their  own  typically  come  up  with  a  few  different  answers  (6  
ensuring  you  are  both  successful.     –  12),  but  once  I  continue  to  push  them  and  especially  when  
  I  get  them  thinking  in  groups,  they  eventually  discover  over  
Super  Bonus  Tip:   50  different  reasons  why  their  Morning  Ritual  is  important  
  to  them  -­‐  For  their  health,  for  their  career,  for  their  
I  feel  that  I  could  write  another  book  on  this  subject  alone.   relationships,  for  their  finances,  for  their  family,  for  the  
However,  for  now,  let  me  share  with  you  one  super  bonus   legacy.  The  list  goes  on  and  on.  I  cannot  tell  you  how  many  
tip  that  I  think  will  really  help  you  in  your  role  as  a  success   breakthrough  moments  I  have  seen  after  people  have  gone  
partner.  I  believe  that  success  in  life  is  80%  about  the  why   through  this  exercise.  Even  if  it  takes  them  30  minutes  to  
and  20%  about  the  how.  I  believe  that  this  universal   find  all  the  answers,  the  power  of  this  self-­‐discovery  
principal  is  at  work  when  you  are  attempting  to  create  a   process  is  immeasurable.    
world-­‐class  Morning  Rituals.  So,  when  you  meet  your    
partner,  I  really  want  you  to  challenge  them  with  this  one    
“Why  is  your  Morning  Ritual  important  to  you?”  
What  you  will  find  is  that  people  tend  to  answer  this  
question  from  the  surface  level.  Common  answers  like  “to  
lose  weight,”  “have  more  discipline,”  or  “be  more  
productive”  are  not  good  enough.  As  their  success  partner,  
do  not  be  satisfied  with  short  answers  like  these.  Keep  
asking  them  why.  Keep  pushing  them!  Get  them  to  explore  
the  depths  of  their  mind  and  heart  so  they  discover  the  real  
reasons  why  they  are  doing  this.  Once  they  get  this  clarity,  
this  will  be  their  single  greatest  motivation  to  keep  moving  

113  of  117      

  1. A  business  owner  who  want  his  employees  to  
Chapter  11 become  more  accountable  and  proactive.    
2. A  parent  who  wants  her  children  to  focus  on  their  
Beyond  Morning  Rituals     studies  and  not  get  addicted  to  video  games.    
3. A  sports  coach  who  wants  his  players  to  become  
“Great things are done by a series of small things brought
more  disciplined  and  organized.    
— Vincent Van Gogh 4. A  pastor  who  wants  to  help  his  church  members  flee  
from  destructive  behaviors  and  practice  righteous  
I  have  focused  the  scope  of  our  personal  change  efforts  in   5. A  manager  who  wants  her  team  to  become  more  
this  book  in  the  development  and  realization  of  world-­‐class   creative  and  innovative.    
Morning  Rituals.  I  intentionally  chose  Morning  Rituals   6. A  teacher  who  wants  her  students  to  become  more  
because  of  the  significant  return  on  investment  that  they   imaginative  and  insightful.    
give  compared  to  any  other  type  of  personal  change  I  know   7. A  public  servant  who  wants  to  change  the  way  the  
of.     general  public  thinks  and  acts.  
  8. An  entrepreneur  who  wants  to  change  the  way  their  
Very  soon,  once  you  have  completed  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge,   customers  use  their  product.  
you  too  will  be  able  to  join  other  high  performers  around   9. A  humanitarian  who  wants  to  help  the  people  they  
the  world  and  provide  your  own  powerful  testimony  of  the   are  trying  to  serve  break  free  from  the  false  limiting  
extraordinary  benefits  of  having  a  world-­‐class  Morning   beliefs  that  are  holding  them  back  from  their  
Ritual.     potential.    
For  a  moment,  let  me  ask  a  question  that  I'm  sure  has   In  attempting  any  type  of  personal,  organizational  or  
entered  your  mind  since  you  started  reading  this  book.     societal  transformation,  any  change  will  just  be  temporary  
  if  habits  are  not  created.  If  lasting  successful  change  is  
"Can  this  approach  to  habit  formation  work  for  situations   going  to  happen,  then  all  of  these  situations  will  require  
outside  of  Morning  Rituals  where  behavioral  change  is   people  to  create  new  habits.  There  is  not  a  single  area  of  life  
required?"     in  which  habit  creation  is  not  a  critical  component  for  
  ultimate  long-­‐term  success.  
Let’s  revisit  some  of  the  examples  of  typical  changes  people    
want  to  make  that  I  referred  to  earlier.   I  believe  that  there  is  a  universal  science  of  habit  creation  
  and  that  the  same  principles  we  use  to  create  success  
habits  at  the  start  of  your  day  can  apply  to  habit  creation  in  

114  of  117      

Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
every  area  of  life.  So  yes,  the  MESSI  approach  is  not  just   Chapter  12    
applicable  to  Morning  Rituals.  I  believe  that  the  MESSI  
approach  can  be  used  successfully  in  all  of  the  nine   Conclusion  
situations  highlighted  above.  We  can  replicate  our  success  
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by
beyond  our  Morning  Rituals.     the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”
  — Mark Twain
A  detailed  discussion  of  this  is  outside  the  scope  of  this    
book.  It  is  a  conversation  for  another  time  and  place.  Simply   If  this  book  can  be  summarized  into  one  message,  it  is  this:  
put:  learning  how  to  master  habit  creation  and  sharing  this   extraordinary  personal  change  is  easy  if  you  focus  on  the  
with  others  is  something  that  we  cannot  afford  to  neglect.       right  things,  at  the  right  time,  and  you  follow  the  right  
Right  things:  The  Nine  TRANSFORM  Habits  
Right  time:  The  start  of  your  day  —  The  MORNING  RITUAL    
Right  approach:  The  MESSI  Approach  to  Habit  Creation  
Reading  this  book  has  enlightened  your  conscious  brain  to  
what  your  subconscious  brain  already  knows.  You  now  
have  everything  you  need  to  Unlock  the  Habit  Code.  You  
have  everything  you  need  to  succeed  in  creating  
extraordinary  personal  change.  
However,  with  this  enlightenment  comes  a  great  
responsibility,  because  words  alone  are  not  enough.  You  
still  have  a  very  important  promise  to  make  to  yourself.  Are  
you  really  going  to  make  this  book  different  from  every  
other  book  you  have  ever  read?  Are  you  really  going  to  
apply  what  you  have  learned?  Are  you  really  going  to  
complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge?  
The  entire  purpose  of  me  writing  this  book  was  not  for  you  
to  read  it,  but  for  you  to  complete  the  21-­‐Day  Challenge.    

115  of  117      

Knowing  without  doing  is  not  knowing.  Learning  without   Epilogue:  You  Were  Born  for  Greatness  
doing  is  not  learning.  Understanding  without  doing  is  not  
understanding.  Simply  put,  if  you  do  not  complete  the  21-­‐  
We  live  in  an  extraordinary  time  in  human  history.  Never  
Day  Challenge,  I  have  failed.    
before  have  we  had  access  to  so  much  knowledge,  so  much  
information  and  so  much  potential  to  make  positive  
It  took  me  a  long  time  to  realize  this,  but  absorbing  
changes.  Yet,  at  this  same  moment  in  history,  we  have  
knowledge  without  application  is  useless.    I  do  not  want  
never  lived  with  so  much  hypocrisy.  Our  world  has  so  many  
you  to  make  the  same  mistake  I  did.  You  do  not  need  to  
significant  problems  that  need  solving  yet  “most  people,”  
read  another  book,  listen  to  another  podcast,  or  watch  
instead  of  seeking  for  solutions,  spend  their  time  focused  
another  TED  talk  of  someone  sharing  yet  another  opinion  
on  criticizing  and  blaming  others,  and  waiting  for  someone  
of  how  you  should  change,  how  you  could  change,  or  how  
else  to  fix  it.  Without  even  knowing  it,  they  become  what  
you  must  change.  More  knowledge  is  not  the  answer.  More  
they  hate  the  most:  they  become  hypocrites.      
technology  is  not  the  answer.  More  inspiring  speeches  are  
not  the  answer.  The  answer  lies  in  you.  Everything  you  
When  some  of  these  people  finally  come  to  realize  that  
need  to  be  great  is  already  within  you.  You  must  
change  really  does  start  with  themselves,  they  get  excited.  
immediately  start  to  apply  what  you  know  you  must  do.  
They  start  to  visualize  the  positive  impact  their  new  
personal  changes  will  have  on  people  they  want  to  
If  you  currently  do  not  have  a  Morning  Ritual  and  you  now  
influence,  and  the  great  things  they  will  achieve.  Then  
decide  that  you  will  successfully  complete  the  21-­‐Day  
reality  hits.  They  get  punched  right  in  the  face  by  the  
Challenge,  then  I  promise  you  that  this  book  will  change  
"change  problem."  They  may  know  that  they  need  to  
your  life.  If  you  allow  your  ego  to  rule  over  you  and  you  
change,  they  may  really  want  to  change,  and  yet  they  do  
skip  this  challenge,  then  you  will  be  missing  out  on  what  
not.  They  lose  their  momentum,  their  enthusiasm,  and  their  
could  be  one  of  the  most  powerful  personal  changes  you  
motivation.  They  fall  back  into  their  old  ways  of  thinking  —  
could  ever  make.      
that  personal  change  is  too  difficult.  Without  even  knowing  
it,  they  re-­‐subscribe  to  the  false  belief  that  they  are  not  
So  what  are  you  waiting  for?  What  more  can  I  say?  What  
worthy  or  powerful  enough  to  create  an  extraordinary  
more  can  I  do?    
change  or  make  a  difference  in  the  world.  They  become  
“almost  leaders.”  
“The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own
hands.” — Anne Frank  
I  have  been  on  a  long  journey  to  write  this  book  and  there  
The  final  decision  belongs  to  you.     have  been  many  setbacks  along  the  way,  but  the  reason  I  
Now,  what  are  you  going  to  do? kept  going,  my  greatest  motivation,  was  thinking  of  you.  
You  rejuvenate  my  faith  in  humanity,  because  you  are  

116  of  117      

Unlocking  the  Habit  Code  (Pre-­‐Release  Copy  June  2017)  
different  from  everyone  else.  You  are  not  a  hypocrite.  You   One  Final  Thing    
are  not  an  “almost  leader.”  You  are  a  leader.  This  is  your  
Thank you for reading the pre-release version of this book.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you
I would really appreciate if you write a short and honest review
free.” — Jesus Christ
about the book on Goodreads before July 15, 2017.
You  know  that  you  were  designed  with  extraordinary   This may take you just one minute to do and is something that
power  within  you  to  create  your  own  future.  You  know  you   will really help me promote the book to more readers.
were  not  put  here  on  this  earth  to  play  it  small,  to  play  it  
safe,  and  to  live  in  fear.  You  know  that  you  will  not  allow   https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35008438-Unlocking-
setbacks  from  your  past  to  determine  your  future.  You   the-habit-code
know  that  you  were  born  to  achieve  great  things,  to  lead  
the  way  and  to  show  others  what  is  possible.  You  know  that  
Thank you again for agreeing to be a Pre-Release Reviewer. I
you  were  born  to  change  the  world.  And  you  know  deep  in  
am honored to have you as part of the story of this book.
your  heart,  that  at  this  moment  in  your  life,  you  were  meant  
to  read  this  book.    
This  is  your  time.  So  get  out  there  and  do  what  you  know    
you  need  to  do.  Make  the  decision  today  to  live  the   Mike  Grogan  
extraordinary  life  you  know  you  deserve.  Become  the  role   June  13,  2017    
model  that  the  world  desperately  needs.  Your  greatest  days   Manila,  Philippines  
lie  ahead.      

117  of  117      


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