Shaft Design Chapter 14

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am4upzo an 5 e NS oRENE 2m Introduction. Material Uses for Shar. Manufacturing of Shafts. Types of Sharis. Standard — Sizes of Transmission sharts Shresses in Shari. Maximum — Permissible Working Stresses for Transmission sharts Design of sharts. Shafis Subjected fo Twisting Moment Onty. Shafts Subjectedito Bending Moment Oniy. Shafts Subjected to CombinediIwistingMoment and Bending Moment: Shafts Subjected to Fluctuating Loads. Shafts Subjected to Axial load in adaition to Combined Torsion and Bending Loaas, Design of Shatts on the Basis of Riga, 14.1 Introduction A shaft isa rotating machine element which is used 10 transmit power from one place to another. The power is delivered to the shaft by some tangential force and the ‘resultant torque (or twisting moment) set up within the shaft permits the power to be transferred to vasious machines linked up to the shaft. In order to transfer the power from ‘one shaft to another, the various members such as pulleys, ears etc., are mounted on it. These members along with ‘the forces exerted upon them eauses the shaft to bending In other words, we may say that a shatt is used for the transmission of torque and ending moment. The various members afe mounted on the shaft by means of keys of splines. [Notes: 1. The shuts are usually cylindrical, but may be square oe ‘rass-shaped in section, They are sold in cross-section but sometimes hollow shalls are also used. 509 510 = A Textbook of Mact sigh 2. Anaxle, though similar in shape wo the shall, isa stationary machine element and is used for the ‘transmission of bending moment onl. Itsimply acts a8 a support for some rotating hody sch as hoisting dum, acar wheel ora rope sheave. 3. A.gpindle isa short shaft that imparts motion either to a cutting wot (eg. drill pres spindles) aro a ‘work piece (eg. lathe spindles), 14.2 Material Used for Shatts ‘The material used for shafts should have the following properties 1, Itshould have high strength, 2. Ie should have good machinability 3. It should have low notch sensitivity factor. 4, Tt should have good heat treatment properties. 58. It-should have high wear resistant properties ‘The material used for ordinary shafts is carbon steel of grades 40C 8, 45. C8, S0C 4 and SOC 12, ‘The mechanical properties of these grades of carbon steel are given in the following table. Table 14.1. Mechanical properties of steels used for shatts. Indian standard designation Ultimate tense strength, MPa Yield strength, MPa 4ocs 500-670 320 4scs 610-700 350 cs 640 - 760, 310 soc 12 700 Min, 390 ‘Whena shaft of high strength is requited, then an alloy steel suchas nickel, nickel-chromium or ‘ehrome-vanadium steel is used 14.3 Manufacturing of Shatts Shafts are generally manufactured by hot olling and finished to size by cold drawing or turning and grinding, The cold rolled shafts are stronger than hot olled shafts but with higher residual stresses. “The residual stresses may cause distortion ofthe shaft when itis machined, especially when slots ot eyways are cut Shafts of larger diameter are usually forged and turned to size ina lathe. 14.4 Types of Shatts ‘The following two types of shafs are important fram the subject point of view 1, Transmission shafts. These shatts transmit power between the source and the machines absorbing power. The counter shal Tine shafts, over head shafts and all factory shafis are transmission shafts. Since these shafts carry machine parts such as pulleys, gears etc, therefore they are subjected to bending in adiion to wisting 2. Machine shafts, These shafts form an integral part ofthe machine itself. The erank shaft is ‘an example of machine sha. 14.5 Standard Sizes of Transmission Shafts “The standard sizes of transmission shafts are 25 mm to 60 mam with $ mm steps; 60:mm to 110 sam with 10 mam steps : 110mm to 140 mm, with 15 mm steps and 140 mm to 500 mam with 20 mm steps ‘The standard length of the shafts are $m, 6 m and 7m. Shafts 14 14.6 Stresses in Shafts ‘The following stresses ate induced in the shafts. 1. Shear stresses due to the transmission of torque ({e. due to torsional load), 2. Bending stresses (tensile or compressive) duc to the forees acting upon machine elements like gears, pulleys ete. as well as due to the weight ofthe shaft itself 3. Stresses due to combined torsional and bending loads. 14.7 Maximum Permissible Working Stresses for Transmission Shatts According to American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code for the design of transmission shafts, the maximum permissible working stresses in tension or compression may be taken as (a) 112 MPa for shafts without allowance for keyways. (b) 84 MPa for shafts with allowance for keyways. For shafts purchased under definite physical specifications, the permissible tensile stress (6,) may be taken as 60 per cent of the elastic limit in tension (G_), but not more than 36 per cent of the ultimate tensile strength (¢,). In other words, the permissible tensile stress, 16.6, oF 0.36 g,. whichever is less. ‘The maximum permissible shear stress may be taken a (a) S6MPa for shatts without allowance for key ways. (b) 42.MPa for shatts with allowance for keyways. For shafts purchased under definite physical specifications, the permissible shear stress (1) may be takemas 30 per cent ofthe elastic limit in tension (6.,) but not more than 18 per cent of the ultimate tensile strength (6,).In other words, the permissible shear stress, 1=0.36,, oF 0.18 6,, whicheveris less. 14.8 Design of Shatts ‘The shafts may be designed on the basis of A. Strength, and 2. Rigidity and stiffness. In designing shatts on the basis of strength, the following eases may be considered (a) Shafts subjected to twisting moment or tongue only. (b). Shafis subjected to bending moment only, (¢)_ Shafts subjected to combined twisting and bending moments, and (d)_ Shafts subjected to axial loads in addition to combined torsional and bending loads. ‘We shall now discuss the above cases, in detail, inthe following pages. 14.9 Shafts Subjected to Twisting Moment Only ‘When the shaftis subjected toa twisting moment (or torque) only, then the diameter of the shat may be obtained by using the torsion equation, We know that rot ror where T = Twisting moment (or torque) acting upon the shat, J = Polar moment of inertia ofthe shaft about the axis of rotation, forsional shear sess, and 12 = A Textbox stance from neutral axis to the outer most fibre 12; where dis the diameter of the shaft We know that for round solid shalt, polar moment of inecta, p= Exe ‘The equation () may now be writen as root ” qo Tex ii) Fxg ft 16 32 From this equation, we may determine the diameter of round solid shaft (d). We also know that for hollow shaft, polar moment of inertia, Flas -ay'] where dand d, = Outside and inside diameter ofthe shaft and r= d/2. Substituting these values in equation ), we have z we = [atte Slr -cay'] # a Le k = Ratio of inside diameter and outside diameter of the shaft sdid, Now the equation tii) may be written as © Fae Exedy U-h Te* FoF Ue) iv) Shots Inside generators and motors are made to bear high torsional stresses. Shafts 1 From the equations (if) or (ir), the outside and inside diameter of a hollow shail may be ‘determined. Te may be noted that 1. The hollow shafts are usually used in marine work, These shafts are stronger per kg of ‘material and they may be forged on @ mandrel, thus making the material more homogeneous than. ‘would be possible for a solid shaft When a hollow shaft is tobe made equal in strength (oa solid shalt, dhe twisting moment of both the shafts must be same. In other words, for the same material of both the shall yeas [ete is Boor (d,)' (1-k) = a 2. ‘The twisting moment (7) may be obtained by using the following relation We know that the power transmitted (in watts) by the shaft, aewxT | ,_ Px = TaN ‘Twisting moment in N-m, and LN = Speed of the shaft in rp.m. 3. Incase of belt drives, the twisting moment (7) is given by T,-T)R ‘where 7, and 7, = Tensions inthe tight side and slack side of the belt respectively, and R = Radius of the pulley Example 14.1.A line shaft rotaring at 200 rpm. sto transmit 20kW. The shaft may be assumed to be made of mild steet with an allowable shear siress of 42 MPa, Determine the diameter of the shaft neglecting the bending moment on the shaft Solution. Given : N=200 rpm. ; P= 20 kW = 20 x 10° W: Let d= Diameter ofthe shaft. We know that torque transmitted by the shaft PX 60 _ 20% 10" x 60 2nN 2nx200 Wealso know that torque transmitted by the shaft (') where 12 MPa= 42 Nimm? 955 Nem = 955 x 10° N-mm 955 x 10) = Extxd? = Ex dana = 3,25 d of = 955 x 10/8.25 = 115 733 of d= 48.7 say 50 mm Ans, Tipe 4°24 od sp tain MW 240 em Dei donor he shaftifthe maimum torque transmitted exceeds the mean torque by 20%, Take the maxinuan allowable ‘shear stress as 60 MPa. Solution. Given: P= 1 MW=1 x 10°W 5 Let d= Diameter of the shat ‘We know that mean torque transmitted by the shaft, Px 60 _ 1x10" x 60 ‘men DEW 2x 240 240cpm.:T, 2 Tygq,?t = COMPA =60Nimn? = 39 784 Nem =39 784 10 Nem 314 = A Textbook of Mac! Maximum torque transmitted, 2x39 784 x 10 = 47 741 x 108 Nemm ‘We know that maximum torque transmited (7...) 178 a3 ATTA 10 = Exod’ is r 8 = AT TAL x 10°/ 11.78 = 4053 x 108 or = 159.4 say 160 mm Ans. Example 14.3. Find the diameter of a solid steel shaft to transmit 20 KW at 200 rp.m. The ulimate shear stress for te steel may be taken as 360 MPa anda factor of safety as 8. 1a hollow shaft isto be used in place of te solid shaft, find the inside and outside diameter when the ratio of inside to ouside diameters is 0.5. Given : P= 20 kW = 20 x 10°W; N= 200 rpan, = x 60x 16 = 300 MPa = 360 N/mm? ; We know that the allowable shear stress, 535 tan? fe = 3 was vn Diameter ofthe sod shap ta d= Diameter ofthe sold sha We know that torque transmitted by the shaft, = PRED 2051060 ooo ons coh “TaN ”~2ex200— rm 065 5-10: Nemo, We also know that torque transmitied by the solid shaft (7), 985 x10 = Bxtxd! = Bx asxd? = 88a" d} = 955 x 101/884= 108032 or d=47.6 say SO mm Ans. Diameter of hollow shaft Let d, = Inside diameter, and 4, ‘We know that the torque transmitted by the hollow shaft (7), utside diameter, 955 x10 = Bx e(d,)* 0 #) se. fl -(0.5)4] =8.3 495 x 45 (d,)* 1 -05)4] =8.3 Ud) 55 x 105/83 = 115060 oF a, 5 d,=05 x50= 25 mm Ans, 8.6 say 50mm Ans. and 4, 14.10 Shafts Subjected to Bending Moment Only When the shaft is subjected to a bending moment only, then the maximum stress (tensile or compressive) is given by the bending equation. We know that % y Bending moment, Moment of inertia of cross-sectional area of the shaft about the axis of rotation “i where Shafts 1 Bending stress, and Distance from neutral axis to the outer-most fibre ‘We know that fora round solid shaft, moment of inertia, d r= xat ond axe andy Sulbstituting these values in equation (), we have Mo , ee a Zxayxd Ringe 1. 2 ot 2 From this equation, diameter of the solid shaft () may be obtained, We also know that fora hollow shaft, moment of inertia, r= [¢,) - @y']=2 yt a- _tovhere k= gle’ tar" }= Za dy ovmeret =r) and yeds2 ‘Again substituting these values in equation (), we have So toan k * Me 35%) ld, UK) oa“ 2 From this equation, the outside diameter of the shaft (¢,) may be obtained. ‘Note: We have alteady discussed in Art. 14.1 thatthe axes ure used to transi bending moment only. Thus, aesare designed on the basis of bending moment only, inthe similar way as discussed above. Water heats a pars tums Nuclear oaing tower te. Transformer ‘Steam spins the turbine which ‘Powers the generator In aneuclear power plant sieorm's generated using the heat of nuclear reactions. Remaining function of steam fubines and generators & same as m thera power plants. 516 = A Textbook of Mact sigh Example 14.4.A pair of wheels ofa rathway wagon carries a load of 50 kN on each axle box. ‘acting at @ distance of 100 mm outside the wheel hase. The gauge of the rails is 4 m, Find the diameter of the axle between the wheels, ifthe stress is not to exceed 100 MPa. Solution. Given : W= SOKN = 50x 10° N :L-= 100 mm :x SOkN SOKN 100 mm —e] me 14m» ———ot be 100 min Acs ie B © D & Ro Fig 141 ‘The axle with wheels is shown in Fig. 14.1. A little consideration will show that the maximum bending moment actson the wheels at Cand D. Therefore maximum bending moment, SM = WL= 50x10 x 100 =5 x 10°N-mm Let d= Diameter of the axle ‘We know that the maximum bending moment (4), x 10° = Sx 6, xd? == x10 xd? = 98245 Sx! = 3% 6 a 82d dP = 5x 10°/9.82 = 0.51 x 10° or d= 79,8 say 80 mm Ans. 14.11 Shatts Subjected to Combined Twisting Moment and Bending Moment When the shaft is subjected to combined twisting moment and bending moment, then the shaft ‘must be designed on the basis of the two moments simultaneously. Various theories have been sug ‘gested to account for the elastic failure of the materials when they are subjected to various types of ‘combined stresses. The following two theories are important from the subject point of view 1. Maximum shear stress theory or Guests theory. Its used for ductile materials such as mild steel. 2, Maximum normal stress theory or Rankine’s theory. Its used for brittle materials such a ‘east iron, Let Shear siress induced due to wwisting moment, and Bending stress (tensile or compressive) induced due wo bending moment. According to maximum shear stress theory, the maximum shear stress in the shall © The maximum BM. may be obtained as follows: Re= Ry = SOKN = 50 109 BMw&a, M,=0 BM. ¢, 50 5 108 100 = 5 10° Neanm BM. at, 50 x 10? x 1500 = 50 x 10 1400.= 5 10° N-mm, BM.a 8, 0 Shafts 17, Substituting the values of tand o, from Ant 14.9 and Art, 14.10, we have A (2a) (4) 16 [er] ad” ad’) “nd or Feta x = fa ‘The expression faf* +7? isknown as equivalent twisting moment andis denoted by 7,."The ‘equivalent (isting moment may be defined as that twisting moment, which when acting alone, produces the sume shear stress (t) as the actual twisting moment. By limiting the maximum shear stress (7,,.) ‘equal to the allowable shear stress (z) for the material the equation (i) may be written as xixd ei) r= (MP aT? = 76 From this expression, diameter of the shaft ( d ) may be evaluated. Now according to maximum normal stress theory, the maximum normal stress in the shaft, Yo," +40 Ait) (24) 4 2 xd Wie] Exim Ln i] 105 rrecspesinn [iar + {a= xn equlenbening moment ans ented na gi cca ac a a ga eg il lial i er pel 5, ) 1 s, So, ‘inasy = J L i, 2 132M wy From this expression, diameter of the shaft ( d ) may be evaluated ‘Notes: 1. In case of ahollow shal, the equations (i) and (») may be written as heer Ext) A= RY 1 = lu iF) =o, 3-44) and M, 2. nis suggstedthatdlameterof the shaft maybe band by using bothihethetis and the lger fhe wo ves ode Example 14.5 A solid circular shafts subjected toa bending moment of 3000 Nem and a torque of 10000 Nm. The shaft is made of 45 C8 ice hang ultimate tensile sve of 700 MPaand Gubimate shear sires of 500 MPa. Atsuming afectorofsafery as , determine the dlameter ofthe shat (0.10 N-mm ; 3000 N- x 10° N-mm ; 7 = 10 000 N- +, = 500 MPa = 500 Némmm= = 1167 Némm? VE BS 6 ‘and allowable shear stress, 1 = 83.3. N/mm? Let d = Diameter of the shaft in mm, According to maximum shear stress theory, equivalent twisting moment, = fa = LOOP + MOTO = 10.44 x 10° Nem. ‘We also know that equivalent wisting moment (T,), x16 = 2xexd' toad x Loe = > = 10.44 x 10°/ 16.36= 0,636 x 10° or d= 86 mm 7 x933 xd! = 16360! i 16.36 « Water and steam separator Coneral roo ‘Steam cute Core (nuciow uel assambiy) Weer inet corral ros ave ev ‘Concrete shiclt Nuclear Reactor Note : This pote ie glen as addtional Information andis nota dct example of the eurront chapter. Shafts 1 Accoring to maximum normal stress theory, equivalent bending moment, M,=4(M+ M47?) =400 +1) § (3x 10° + 10.44 x 10°) =6.72 10° N-mam We also know thatthe equivalent bending moment (M,), x J xo,xd?= 2 x167 x4" 67x10 = 35 a A = 6.72% 108/ 11.46 = 0.586 x 10° oF ‘Taking the larger ofthe two values, we have d = 86 say 90mm Ans. Example 14.6. shaft supporied atthe ends in ball bearings carries straight tooth spur gear «at its mid span and st transmit 7.5 KW at $00 cpm, The pitch circle diameter of the gearis 150 mm The distances between the centre line of bearings and gear are 100 mm each. Ifthe shaft is made of steel and the allowable shear sires is45 MPa, determine the diameter ofthe shaft. Showin a sketch ‘how the gear willbe mowrted on the shaf; also indicate the ends where the bearings will he mounted? The pressure angle ofthe gear may be taken as 20°. Solution, Given : P = 7.5 KW = 7500 WN = 300 rp.m.; D = 150 mm = 0.15 m; 1,= 200 mm =0.2 m ;t=45 MPa =45 Nimm?; o.= 20° Fig. 14.2 shows a shaft with a gear mounted on the bearings, Gear 100mm ——rf— 100 mn 200 mm Fig. 142 ‘We know that torque transmitted by the shat, Px 60_ 7500 60 2nN 2nx300 ‘Tangential force on the gear, or _ 2x 238.7 D O15 =3182.7N 520 _= A Textbook of Mact sigh and the normal load acting on the tooth of the gear, FL _ 31827 _ 31827 Coste C0520" 0.9397 Since the gear ismounted atthe middle ofthe shaft, therefore maximum bending moment at the contre of the gear, =3387N + 7 Let d = Diameter of the shaft, We know that equivalent twisting moment, Ia? = eoay + 238.7" =292.7 Nan = 292.7 10°N-mm ‘We also know that equivalent twisting moment (T.), x 27% 10 = Zxtxd 22710 = a 9.2.7 x 10°/8,84 =33x 10 or d= 32 say 35 mm Ans. ae 14.7. A shaft made of mild stet is required to transmit 100 kW ax 300 rp.m. The supported length of the shaft is 3 metres. I carries wo pulleys each weighing 1500 N supported ata distance of 1 metre from the ends respectively. Assuming the safe value of stress, determine the diaineter of te shap. Solution. Given : P = 100 kW = 100 x 10° W; N'= 300 rpm. We know thatthe torque transmitted by the shaft, PX 60 _ 100108 x60 2nN Inx 300 ‘The shaft carrying the wo pulleysis like a simply Ls0N 1500 supported beam as shown in Fig, 14.3, The reaction a each support will be 1500 N, ie Ry 1500N A little consideration will show that the maximum bending moment lies ateach pulley ie. at Cand D. " Maximum bending moment, © a Exasxd? 984 a5 7 S84 d 500.N 183 Nem Let We know that equivalent twisting moment, = fu? +P = f0500)? + @18ay = 3519 Nm 519% 10° Nem ‘We also know that equivalent twisting moment (T,), 60 Nun) 3519 10! = Rx axa = Ex 60 xa (Assuming t= a = 3519% 10/113 6638 say 70mm Ans. gh 4 A FTF Te WG OE RE GL UT FTES ‘on the line shaft is 1.5 metre in diameter and has belt tensions 5.4 KN and 1.8 kN on the tight side and slack side of the belt respectively. Both these tensions may be assumed o be verical. the pulley be Shaft 21 overhang from the shaft, the distance of the centre line of the pulley from the centre tine of the bearing being 400 mm, find the diameter of he shaft. Assuming maximum allowable shear stress of 42 MPa. Solution . Given 400 mim ; t= 42 MPa = 42 N/mm A Line shaft with a pulley is shown in Fig 14.4. We know that torque transmitted by the shaft, 1 = (F, ~T,) R = 6400 ~ 1800) 0.75 = 2700 Nam 100% 10" N-mam, = 18KN=1800N -S mor R= 0.75 m; 7, = 5.4 KN = 5400 N 13m Fig 144 Neglecting the weight of shail total vertical load acting on the pulley. W = 7, +7, =5400+ 1800=7200N = Bending moment, M = Wx L = 7200 x 400= 2880 x 10° N-mm Let d ‘We know that the equivalent nwisting moment 7, = a? 7 = fassox 10 + 700x109 3950 x 10! N-mm ameter of the shaft in mm, 522_= A Textbook of Mach sigh ‘We also know that equivalent wisting moment (T.), x10 = 2xtxd' 2950 10) = 3 = 3950 x 1098.25 = 479 x 10° or d= 78 say 80 mm Ans. Example 14.9, A sift is supported by two bearings placed 1 mi apa. A 600 mm diameter pulley is mounted at a distance of 300 mm to the right of left hand bearing and this drives a pulley directly below it wit the help of belt having maximum tension of 2.25 KN. Another pulley 400 mm diaaneter is placed 200 mm to the left of right hand bearing and is driven with the help of electric ‘motor and beli, which is placed horizontally 10 the right. The angle of contact for both the pulleys is 180° and j= 0.24. Determine the suitable diameter for a solid shaft, allowing working stress of 63 MPa in tension and 42 MPa in shear for the material of shafi. Assume that the torque on one ‘pulley is equal to that on the other pulley. Solution, Given :AB= 1m ; De = 600 mm or R= 300mm Exarxd? = 825d" z 25d 1, = 225 kN = 2050 N; Dy = 400 mm or &,, = 200 mm 200 mm = 0.2 m: @'= 180° = mrad 21 = 0.24; 6, = 63 MPa = 63 Nimm?; t= 42 MPa = 42 N/mm ‘The space diagram of the shafts shown in Fig. 14.5 (a). Let ‘, = Tension inthe tight side of the belt on pulley C= 2250 N (Given) ‘, = Tension inthe slack side of the belt on pulley C We know that i 23tog{ 7] = w0=024%n = 0754 0754 a 127 .(Paking atlog 00.3278) 7 at Za2T 2.427 = 18N Vertical load acting on the shaft at C, We = 1, + Ty = 2250+ 1058 = 3308 N ‘and vertca! load on the shaft at D “The vertical load diagram is shown in Fig. 14.5 (c We know that torque acting on the pulley C, T= (T, ~T,) Rc = (2250 1058) 0.3 = 357.6N-m ‘The tonjue diagram is shown in Fig, 14.5 (b). Let ension inthe ight side ofthe belt on pulley D, and ension inthe slack side ofthe belt on pulley D. Since the torque on bosh the pulleys (ée. Cand D)is same, therefore 3576 2 (1,-1)R, = 1=357.6N-m oF T “ & i We know that = BK 22107 of 7221277, wi % Shafts (a) Space diagram, (8) Tongue (6) Vertical load diagram. (@ Worigonisl load diagram. (© Vertieal BM. diagram, () Korizomtal BLM, diagram 1, = 3376N, and 7, = 1588 N Horizontal load acting on the shalt at D, W, = T,+T,=3376+ 1588 = 4964 ‘and horizontal load on the sbatt at C= 0 ‘The horizontal load diagram is shown in Fig. 14.5 (2. Now let us find the maximum bending moment for vertical and horizontal loading. 524 = A Textbook of Mac! sigh First of all, considering the vertical loading at C. Let Ry and Ryy be the reactions atthe bearings A and B respectively, We know that Ray + Ruy = 308 ‘Taking moments about A, Ryy %1 = 3308 0.3 oF Ryy =992.4N and Ry, = 3308 - 992.4 = 2315.6N We know that BM. atA and B, My =Myy=0 BM.aC, Mey = RyyX 03 BM.aD, Myy = Ryy * 0.2= 992.4 x0.2= 198.5 Nem ‘The bending moment diagram for vertical loading in shown in Fig. 145 (e) Now considering horizontal loading at. Let &,,, and R,,, be the reactions atthe bearings A and Brrespectively. We know that Rag Roy = 4964 N ‘Taking moments about A, Roy X 1 = 4964 X08 OF Ryye= 3971 N and Ray, = 4964-3971 =993N We know that BM. atA and B, May = Myx =0 BM.atC, Moy, = Byyy%0.3 = 93x 0.3 = 297.9 Nm BMaD, My, = Byyy% 02 =3971 x 0.2 = 794.2. Nem ‘The bending moment diagram for horizontal loading is shown in Fig. 14.5 (/) Resultant BM. at C, = FOr) + Mey = (O47 + 29799 =756N-n My = My)? + (Mpy)? = ¥098.5) + (794.2)? ‘The resultant bending moment diagram is shown in Fig. 14.5 (g) We see that bending moment is maximum at D. Maximum bending moment, and resultant BM. at D, 19.2N-m Let d = Diameter of the shaft, We know that equivalent twisting moment, fu? +7? = ,f(91927 + 357.6% =894N-m = 894 103 Nem. ‘We also know that equivalent twisting moment (T,), 25a? 3 a> = 894 x 10° (8.25 = 108 x 10° or Again we know that equivalent bending moment, wedtleyaree 4 (8192 +994 4 +T,) 856.6N-m = 856.6 x 10° Num Shafts 2 ‘We also know that equivalent hending moment (M,), xo, xd) = x6axd! 624 2 856.6% 1056.2 = 138.2 10° or d=S1.7 mm ‘Taking larger of the two values, we have d =51.7 say 55 mm Ans. Example 14.10. A shaft is supported om bearings A and B, 800 mm between centres. A 20° straight tooth spur gear having 600 mm pitch diameter, is located 200mm tothe right of the left hand bearing A, and a 700mm diameter pulley is mounted 250mm towards the let of bearing B. The gear is driven by a pinion with a downward tangential force while the pulley drives a horizontal belt ‘having 180° angle of wrap. The pulley also serves as.a flywheel and weighs 2000 N. The maximum belt tension is 3000 Nand the tension ratiois3 : J. Determine the maximum bending momentand the necessary shaft diameter if the allowable shear stress of the material is 40 MPa, 300 mm ; AC = 200 mm ; 2000 N; T, = 3000 N : Solution. Given : AB = 800 mm ; 4¢ = 20° : De Dy = 700 mam oF R, = 350mm ; DB = 250mm: 0 TJT,=3 ; t= 40MPa=40 N/mm ‘The space diagram of the shaft is shown in Fig. 14.6 (a). ‘We know that the torque acting on the shaft at D, 600 mm oF Re 180° = re rad : 3000 1 ‘The torque diagram isshown in Fig. 46 (6). Assuming that the torque at Dis equal o the torque at C, therefore the tangential force acting on the gear C, _ 7 _ mox10 “Re 300 ‘and the normal load acting on the tooth of gear C, Fe _ 2333 =2483N © = Cosaie ~ cos 20° ~ 0.9397 The normal load acts at 20° to the vertical as shown in Fig. 14.7. Resolving the normal load vertically and horizontally, we get Vertical component of Wi. the vertical load acting on the shaft ac, Woy = Wecos 20° 2483 x 0.9397 and horizontal component of We ie. the horizontal load acting on 2333 the shaft at C, Woy = We sin 20° 2483 x 0.342 = 849 N Since 7,/T,=3 and T, = 3000, therefore T, = 1/3 = 3000/3 = 1000N Pe All dimensions in mm. (a) Space diagram, mel | | oe 2333N, 2000 N, | ae ‘by Bay 849N 4000 N Ray I 8 ie 7 (c Horizontal load diagram, aw | | 4B uy 1 i 1 i i i [Gero msl). (vena dagam Horizontal BM. diagram. > BW”) e : 87974 600552 Y fi c D 1g. Resultant BM diogarm, Fig. 14.6 ++ Horizontal load acting on the shaft at D, Why = 1, +7, = 3000 + 1000 = 4000. ‘and vertical load acting on the shaft at D, Woy = W=2000.N Shafts = 5% The vertical and horizontal toad diagram at C and D is shown in Fig. 14.6 (¢) and (c)) respectively Now letus find the maximum bending moment for vertical and horizontal loading First of all considering the vertical loading at C and D. Let Ry and Ryy be the reactions at the ‘earings A and B respectively. We know that shesin 20° Ryy + Ry = 2333 +2000 = 4333 N ce Taking momenis about A, we get sue Ray % 800 = 2000 (800 ~250) + 2333 200 1566 600 S Ry = 1566 600/ 800 = 1958 N and Ry = 4333 ~ 1958 = 2375 N We We know that BM. at and B, eo My, = Mgy=0 BM.atC, Mey = Ryy % 200 = 2375 200 Bee 475 x 10 Naum BM.atD, Mpy 1958 x 250 = 489.5 x 103 Nesom ‘The bending moment diagram for vertical loading is shown in Fig. 14.6 Now consider the horizontal loading at Cand D. Let Ryd Ryy be the reactions at the beatings A and B respectively. We know that yyy Ryyy = 849 + 4000 =4849.N Taking moments about, we get gu X 800 = 4000 (800 ~250) + 849 x 200 = 2 369 800 2.369 800/ 800 = 2963 N 1886. N BM.atC, 886 x 200 = 377 200 N-mum BM.atD, 2963 x 250 = 740750 N-mm ‘The bending moment diagram for horizontal loading is shown in Fig. 14.6 (/). ‘We know that resultant BM. at C, Mey? + Maw? = 4475 «10°F + 3772007 = 606552. N-mm VMtov? + Mon) 887 874. N-mm, and resultant BM. at D, Maximum bending moment ‘The resultant B.ML diagram is shown in Fig, 146 (g). We soe dhat the bending, moment is maximum aD, therefore Maximum BM. M = Mp= 887 874.N-mm Ans, 528 = A Toxtbook of Mact sigh Diameter of the shaft Let d= Diameter of the shat We know that the equivalent twisting moment, 1, = fa? +7? = foss7 8747" + 70010 = 1131 x 10° Nam We also know that equivalent twisting moment (7,), 131 x 108 Bxrxd =2x 40x! = 78643 6 6 E a = 1131 x 10/786 = 144 x10 or d= 524 say 55mm Ans. Example 14.11.A steel solid shaft transmitting 15 kW at 200 rp.m. is supportedn nwo hearings 750 mm apart and has two gears keyed to i. The pinion having 30 teeth of 5 mm module istocated 100 mm to the left ofthe right hand bearing and delivers power hortzontally tothe right. The gear ‘having 100 teeth of S mm module is located 150 mm to the right of the left hand bearing and receives power ina vertical direction from below. Using an allowable siress of 54 MPa in shear, determine the diameter of the shaft. Solution, Given : P= 15 KW = 15 x 10° W: N= 200 rpm. ; AB = 750 mm: Ty sng = Sm : BD = 100 mm: Te = 100 mg =S mm : AC = 150 mm: <= 54 MPa =54 Ninn ‘The space diagram ofthe shalis shown in Fig. 4.8 We know that the torque transmitted by the shat, Px60_ 15x10" x 60 ~2nN 2 x 200 ‘The toque diagram is shown in Fig. 148 (). We know that diameter of gear = No, of eth onthe gear x module 30; = 716 Nem = 716 x 108 Nem = Radius of gear C, Tosi MOS asain ‘and radius of pinion D, . 2, = Bet = 2085 55 sam 2 2 Assuming that the torque at Cand D is same (ie. 716 x 10*N-mm), therefore tangential force ‘on the gear C, acting downwanl, T _ exo =D. Bes Fe qn ay 72870 ‘and tangential foree onthe inion D, acting horizontally, Fy = E-NOEIO asso >"R 6" ‘The vertical and horizontal loa diagram is shown in Fig, 14.8 (c) and (d) respectively. Now letus find the maximum bending moment for vertical and horizontal loading. First of all, considering the vertical loading at C, Let R yy and Ryy be the reactions at the bearings A and B respectively, We know that Ryy+ Ry = 2870N ‘Taking moments about A, we get Ryy x 750 = 2870 150 Gear All dimensions in mm. (@ Space diagram, B (6) Torque diagram, are D } 116% 107m | (6) Vertical load diagram. (4) Mosizontal load diagram. (© Veriical BM. diogram, (J) Horizontal BM. diagram, (g) Resultant BM, diagram, Fig. 148 2870 x 150/750 = 574 N Ry 2810-574 =2206N We know that BM. at A and B, BM.atC, be 150 2296 x 150 = 344 400 N-mm BM.atD, fay 100 = 574 x 100 =57 400 N: ‘The B.M, diagram for vertical loading is shown in Fig. 14.8 (¢) Now considering horizontal loading atD. Let &,,, nd &,,,be the reactions at the beatings A and Brrespectively. We know that Raut Ruy, = 9550. ‘Taking moments about A, we get Ry 750 = 9550 (750 ~ 100) = 9550 x 650 : yyy = 9550% 650 / 750 = 8277 N and R, ton = 9850-8277 = 127EN We know that BM. at and B, My BMA, Meg = Rex 18012785 180. 190 950 Nem BM aD. W100 = 8277 x 100 = $27 700 mm ‘The BM, diagram for horizontal loading is shown in Fig. 14.8 (/) ‘We know that resultant BM. at C, Mo = YMey? + (Mou) = G44 400)? + (190 950)" = 393 790 N-mum and resultant BM. atD, EST 4007 + (827 700)? ‘The resultant B.M. diagram is shown in Fig. 14.8 (g). We see that the bending moment is maximum at D. Maximum bending moment, M = M,=829 690 Naum, Let d = Diameter of the shat We know that the equivalent isting moment, 1, = YP T= 629 690 + (16x10) = 1096% 10° Nem We also know that equivalent twisting moment (7), Exsaxd? = 106d 6 8 = 1096 x 10°/10.6 = 108.4 x 10° 1096 10 = Exrx 16 or dd =47 say 50 mm Ans, 14,12 Shafts Subjected to Fluctuating Loads In the previous articles we have assumed that the shaft is subjected o constant torqueand bending moment, But in actual practice, the shafis are subjected to fluctuating torque and ‘ending moments, Inorder to design such sha lke line shat and counter shafts, the combined shock and fatigue factors must be taken into account for the computed twisting moment (7) and bending moment (M ), Thus for a shaft ‘Cranishatt Shafts 1 subjected to combined bending and torsion, the equivalent wwisting moment, and equivalent bending moment, M, a [ie ear + feexan oe xD] where K, = Combined shock and fatigue facta for bending, and K, = Combined shock and fatigue factor fr torsion, The following table shows the recommended values for K, and K, Table 14.2. Recommended values for K,, and K,. Nase oftoad K 1, Stationary shafts (2) Gradually applied load 10 Lo (©) Suddenly applied load 15020 2 Rotating shafts (a) Gradually applied or 15 Lo steady load (®)Suxdenly applied load 15020 15020 vith minor shocks only (©). Suddenly applied load 201030 151030 vith heavy shocks Example 14.12. mild steel shaft transmits 20 KW at 200 rpm. It carries a central load of 900 Nand is simply supported between the hearings 2.5 metres apart. Determine the size of the shaft if the allowable shear stress is 42 MPa and the maximum tensile or compressive stress is not to exceed 56 MPa. What size of the shaft will be required, if itis subjected to gradually applied loads? Solution. Give 20 KW = 20 x 10° W; N= 200 rp.m.; W=900N;L=25m; Size of the shaft Let Diameter of the shaft, in mum. We know that torque transmitted by the shaft, P60 _ 20% 10" x 60 2nN 2nx200 and maximum bending moment ofa simply supported shaft carrying a central load, WxL 900%25 4 a We know that the equivalent twisting moment, 1, = YM? +7 = (6025%0F + 055x107 1108 LO Noma We also know that equivalent twisting moment (7), 155 Nem = 955 x 108 N-mm M 562.5 x 10° Nanm (62.5 N 108 x 10 = Bxtxd? = Ex 42xd = 825 0 16 16 1108 108/82: 1343 x 10° of ¢=51.2 mm 532_= A Textbook of Mac! sigh ‘We know that the equivalent bending moment, s[w+ fuer ]=sar47 4 (5625 x 10" +1108 10") = 835.25 x 10° N-mm We also know that equivalent bending moment (M,) Sa 83525« 10" = 2 xo, xd) = x56xd° Ev 2 2 dP = 835.25 x 10°/5.5 = 152x 10° or d= ‘Taking the larger of the two values, we have d= 534 say 55 mm Ans, Size of the shaft when subjected to gradually applied load Let d= Diameter of the shat From Table 142, for rotating shafts with gradually applied loads, K, =1Sand K,=1 ‘We know that equivalent twisting moment, 1, = fe + K, xT (1.5 x 562.5 x10")? + (1x 955 x10")? We also know that equivalent twisting moment (7.). 274 102 N-mm 2sas 1274x108 = Extxd =Ex42xd° 6 16 * dP = 1274% 10° 825 = 154.6 x 10! of d= 53.6mm ‘We know that the equivalent bending moment, rx 3 EN TR] 1.5% 562.510" + 1274 x 10°] = 1059 « 10? Nom We also know that equivalent bending moment (M,), 1059x 1 = 2x9, xd? = 2 xs0x a? =5: 2 2 : a? = 1059 10°15. ‘Taking the larger of the two values, we have d= 577 say 60 mm Ans. Example 14.13, Design a shaft ro transmit power from an electric motor wo a lathe head stock through a pulley by means of a belt drive. The pulley weighs 200 N andis located at 300 mm from the centre of the bearing. The diameter of the pulley is 200 mm and the maximin power transmined is TAW at 120 rp.m, The angle of lap ofthe helt is 180° and coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley is 03. The shock and fatigue factors for bending and ewisting are 1.5 and 2.0 respectively The allowable shear stress in the shafi may be taken as 35 MPa. Solution. Given : W = 200 N; £ = 300 mm; D = 200 mm or R = 100 mm: KW = 1000 W: N= 120 cpm; @ = 180° =m rads 25 35 MPa= 35 Nim? ‘The shaft with pulley is shown in Fig. 14.9, 92.5 x 10° Shafts = 533 ‘We know that torque transmitted by the shat, P60 _ 1000 x60 2nN ~ 2Rx 120 19.6N-m = 79.6 x 10° Nem 200 aa tew 7 ow All dimonsions in mm. Fig 149 Let T, and T, = Tensions inthe tight side and slack side ofthe belt respectively in 2. Torque transmitted (7), 79.6 x10 = (,~T,) R= (Z, ~7,) 100 T,~T, = 79.6% 10° 100 = 796 N 0 We know that 2302(2) 102 0.37 = 09426 (7) From equations (and (i, we get, 1, = 1303N, and 7, = 507 N We know thatthe total vertical load acting on the pulley, W, = 7, +7, + W= 1303 + 507 + 200= 2010 N Bending moment acting on the shaft, M = W, x L=2010> 300 = 603 % 10° Nemm Let = Diameter ofthe shaft. ‘We know that equivalent twisting moment, T= (UK, x MY +R, + TY = (OSPF A796. IOP ‘We also know that equivalent twisting moment (T,), ei) (Taking atilog of 0.4098) 918 x 10 N-mm 918x108 = 2x tug = 2x35 xa? =6.87 03 16 16 = 918 x 10°/ 687 = 1336 x 10° oF d=51.1 say 55mm Ans, ph ATAU FIG 4.10 sore aap carrying a pally Aan a gear Band sipporeed ta ‘neo bearings C and D. The shaft transmits 20 kW at 150 rp.m. The tangential force F,on the gear B ‘acts vertically upwards as shown, 534 = A Textbook of Mact sigh The pulley delivers the power through a belt to another pulley of equal diameter vertically ‘below the pulley A. The ratio of tensions T,/T, is equal 10 2.5. The gear and ihe pulley weigh 900 N ‘and 2700N respectively. The permissible shear sess for the material of the shaft may be taken as (63 MPa, Assuming the weight ofthe shaf tobe negligible in comparison withthe other loads, determine ins diameter Take shock and fatigue factors for hending and torsion as 2.and 1.5 respectively. Solution. Given : P = 20 kW = 20 x 108 W: I 2700 N; t = 63 MPa = 63 Nimm? 1250 mm or, = 625 mm. ‘We know that torque tansmited by the shat, Px 60 _20%:10' x60 2aN nx150 > Gear A ; 750 a 4 1250 1250. All dimensions in mm, Fig, 14.10 Let 7, and T, = Tensions in the tight side and slack side ofthe belt on pulley A. Since the torque onthe pulley is same as that of shaft (ie, 1273 x 10° Nem), therefore (1-T)R, = 1273 WS or T,~ 7, = 1273 x 101625 =2037N A) Since TIT, =25 or 7,=2.5 7, therefore 25T-T, or 7,=2037/1.5= 1398N [From eqution )] and T, =25 x 1358 = 3395 N 4. Total vertical load acting downward on te shaft at = 1,4 Ty+Wy=3395+ 1358-+ 2700 = 7453 N Assuming that ibe torque on te gears same asthat ofthe shaft, therefore the tangential force acting vertically upward on the gear 273 x10" R35 Since the weight of gear B(W, = 900 N) acts vertically downward, therefore the total vertical Toad ating upward on the shaft at B =F, Wy = 3395-900 = 2495 N ‘Now let us find the reactions atthe bearings C and D, Let R, and R, be the reactions at Cand Drespectively. little consideration will show thatthe reaction R. will act upward while the reaction R, act downward as shown in Fig. 1411, 3395 N Shafts = 535 ‘Taking moments about D, we get Re x 1000 = 7483 x 1250 + 2495 x 350= 10.2 x 10° 10.2 10°/ 1000= 10 200 N rasan Re Fig. 1.11 For the equilibrium ofthe shalt Ry +7453 = Re-+ 2495 = 10 200 + 2495 = 12.695 R, = 12.695 7453 = 5242N We Know that BM. at A and B BM.atC 863% 10°N-mm BM.atD 573 x 108 Nema ‘We see that the bending moment is maximum at C. 2 Maximum BM, = M=M,= 1863 x 10° Nanm We know thatthe equivalent twisting moment, T, = kK, «My? + (K, xT = (21863 x10")? + 5 x 1273 10° 187 x 108 Nemm ‘We also know that equivalent twisting moment (T.), x som a x10 = 2x exd = 2x 63x? = 3 ais7x 10 = i 1a37d' = 4187 x 108/ 12.37 = 338 x10 or = 69.6 say 70 mm Ans. Example 14.15.4 horizontal nickel steel shaft rests on two bearings, Aat the lef and B at the right end and carries two gears C and D located at distances of 250 mm and 400 mm respectively {from the centre line ofthe left and right hearings. The pitch diameter of the gear C is 600 mm and that of gear D is 200mm. The distance between the centre line of the bearings is 2400 mm. The shaft A Texto of Mac! sransmits 20 kW at 120 rp.m. The power is delivered to the shaftat gear C and is taken out ai gear Din such a manner that the tooth pressure F.of the gear C and Fp of the gear D act vertically downwards Find the diameter ofthe shaft ifthe working stress is 100 MPa in tension and 56 MPain shear The gears Cand D weighs 950 N and 350N respectively: The combined shock and farigue factors jor berading ancl torsion may be taken as 15 and 1.2 respectively. Solution. Given: AC=250 mm ; BD = 400mm : Dy or Ry = 100 mm; AB = 2400 mm: P MPa™ 100 N/mm? ; = 56 MPa = 56 Nim? ; W.=950.N: Wa, ‘The shaft supported in bearings and carrying 300mm :Dy 20 rpm: 0, = 100 15 is shown in Fig, 14.12. 9 400 b 4 Ep 409 +} Al dimensions in mm. Fig. 1412 We know that the torque transmitted by the shaft, Px 60 _ 20% 10" x 60 2nN Inx120 Since the torque acting at gears C and D is same as that of the shaft, therefore the tangential force acting at gear C, 590 x 108 N-mm 1590 x 10° Cor rear ast. Shafts 7 and total oad acting downwardson the shat at C Fe Wo S30 +95 Similarly tangential force acting a gear D, T _ 1590 10° FoR 100 and ral load ating downwards onthe shat st = Fg + Wy = 15 900 +380. 16 250N Now assuring the shaf sa sinply supported Peat as shown in Fig. (4.13, he manu bending moment maybe obtained as dscusod below 250 N 5.900 N 6250N 16250 Fig. 1413, Let Ry and R, = Reactions at A and B respectively. Ry +Rg, = Total load acting downwards at Cand D 6250+ 16 250 =22 500 N Now taking moments about A, Ry, x 2400 = 16 250 x 2000 + 6250 x 250 = 34 062.5 x LO Ry, = 34 062.5 x 10°/ 2400 = 14 190 N and R, 100 — 14 190= 8310 N A litle consideration will show that the maximum bending moment will be either at C or D. ‘We know that hending moment at C, Mg = Ry x 250 = 8310 x 250 = 2077.5 x 10 Nem Bending moment at D, My, = Ry X 400 = 14 190 x 400. Maximum bending moment transmitted by the shaft, M = My= 5676 10° N-mm Let d= Diameter of the shaft. 1676 x 108 Nema We know that the equivalent twisting moment, T, = kK, x MY + (K, xT [1.5 x 5676x 10°)? + (1.2% 1590 x10"? 8725 x 10° Nemm. The bending moment at D may also be calculated as fallows ‘Mp = Ry x 2000 ~ (Total load at C) 1750 538 = A Textbook of Mach sigh We also know thatthe equivalent wwisting moment (7), 75x10 = 2xrxd =2xs6xd =a 16 6 r d? = 8725 x 1 11 =793 x 10 or ‘Again we know that the equivalent bending moment, Ky xh + fk, xo RF] = 4 [1.538676 x10" + 8728 104] = 8620 10" N-mam Wealso know that th equivalent bending moment (Mf, Smm M, (Ky XM +1.) 6) 8620x109 = 2 xo, xd9 == x100xd? =9.82d? (Taking o, 32 2 ‘ a = 8620 x 10°/9,82 = ‘Taking the lager of the two values, we have d= 957 say 100mm Ans, Example 14.16. hoisting drion 0.5 m in diameter is keyed to.a shaft which is supported in two bearings and driven througha 12:1 reduction ratio by anelectric motor, Determine the power of the driving motor, if the maximum load of SKN is hoisted at aspeed of 5O m/min and ihe efficiency of the drive is 80%, Also determine the torque on the drum shafi and the speed of the motor in rpm. Determine also the diameter of the shaft made of machinery steel, the working stresses of which are LS MPa in tension and SOMPa in shear: The drive gear whose diameter is 450mm is mounted au the ‘end of the shaft such that it overhangs the nearest bearing by 150 mm, The combined shock and “fatigue factors for bending and torsion may be taken as 2 and 1.5 respectively. Solution, Given : D= 0.5 mor R= 0.25 m: Reduction ratio = 12: 1 ; W=8 KN = 8000 N : v= S0 m/min : 9 = 80%= 0.8 :, = L15 MPa= 115 Némm? : t= 50 MPa = 50 Nimm?; D, = 450 mm. 78 x 108 or d=95.7 mm (ei 23 mm =0235 ms Ovehang = 150mm 013m 213 Power of the driving motor Wetnow athe silos ising dm per int = Wx v= 8000 x 50 = 400 x 10? N-m/min + ower splits sing dm 2010 ora we sen (staat Sic he ffneyathedvels 08 tere poner ae ing note = 9D 30 am ‘Torque on the drum shaft Wet tha henge onthe dum ta Spe ofthe mato vat W «Storie marin rpm Wet ha agli du qe = b= SD = “aaN Dmx 250 Wy sin20° “Tangential force acting on the gear D, 2 D Ty _ 1146 E U6 < 640 N OR, O15 20" ‘andthe normal load acting on the ger tooth, Fy _ 7640 a cos20° 09397 ‘The normal loa sets at 20° to the vertical as shown in Fig. 14.14, Resolving the normal load vercally and horizontally, % we have Vertical component of W,, Fig. 1.14 W,, os 20° =8130 x 0.9397 = 7640 N Horizontal component of Wy = W, sin 20° = 8130 x 0.342 =2780.N 130 Wy cos 20" For pulley C ‘We know that torque transmitted by pulley C, 2x60 _ 18.75% 10' x60 2RN ” 2Rx250 16N: Let Tey nd Te = Tensions in the tight side and slack side of the bel for pulleyC: ‘We know that torque transmitted by pulley C(T,), M6 = ey Tes) Re= Te, Tes) 03 387 N therefore from equation (), we have AIAN Wi cos 6? Sinee + Total load acting on pulley C, fey + Teo = 4774 + 2387 = 1161 N 0 {Neglecting weight ofpulley C) ‘This load acts at 60° to the horizontal as shown in Fig. 14,15, Resolving the load W,, into vertical and horizontal ‘components, we have Vertical component of W. Wesin 60° = 7161 x 0.866 200N We sin 60? Trainwheels ond Aves and horizontal compon Kot We We00s 60° = 7161 x 0.5 3880.N For pulley B ‘We know that torque transmitted by pulley B, Fx 60 _ 11.25% 10" x60 “URN nx? ‘Tensions in the tight side and slack side ofthe belt for pulley 2. = 430N-m Let Tyyand Ty, We know that torque transmitted by pulley B (7). 430 = (Ty, - Ty) Ry= Ty ~Tyg) O75 Ty, ~Tyg = 430 (0.375 = 1147 N i) Since Tyy/Tyy = 2 OF Ty, = 2T yy therefore from equation (i), we have Typ = 1147 N, and Tp, =2294 N “Total load acting on pulley B. Wy = Ta + Tao This load acts vertically downwards, 2204 + 1147 = 341 N From say that the shaft is subjected to the vertical and horizontal Toads as follows. ToadinN Type of toudin eet aD are ae Vertical 7640 6200 aaa Horizontal 2780 3590 o 542_= A Textbook of Machine Desig ‘The vertical and horizontal load diagrams are shown in Fig, 14.16 (c) and (@), First of all considering vertical Toading on the shaft. Let Rpy and Roy be the reaetions at bearings P and Q respectively for vertical Toading, We know that Roy + Roy = 7640-+ 6200 + 3441 =17 281. N (&) Torque diagram, (6) Vertical load diagram, {(@) Horizontal lood diagram, (6 Vertical BM. diagram. U) Horizontal B.M. diagram, (g) Resultant BM. diagram, Shafts 4: ‘Taking moments about P, we get Roy X LS = 7640 % 1.65 + 6200 x 1.35 + 3441 0.6 x Ray = 23 041/18 = 12.800 N and Rye = 17 281 ~ 12.800 We know that BM. at P and Q, Myy = Mgy=0 BM.atB, Myy = 4481 x 0.6= 2690 Nem BM.atC, Mey = 4481 x 1.35 -3441 x 0.75 = 3470 Nm and BM. at D, Muy = 12 80x 0.15 = 1920 N-m ‘The bending moment diagram for vertical loading is shown in Fig. 14.16 (e). Now considering horizontal loading. Let Ry, and Royebe the reactions atthe bearings P and Q respectively for horizontal loading. We know that Reg Roye = 2780-+ 3580 = 6360 N ‘Taking moments about P, we get Roy 18 = 2780 x 1,65 +3580 x 1.35 = 9420 N x Roy = 9420/1. and Rey = 6360 ~ 523% We know that BM. at P and Q, Myx = Mau =0 BM.atB, Myyy = 1127 x0.6 = 676 Nm BM.atC, Mey, = M27 x 1.35 = 1521 Nem and BM. at D, Moy, = 5293 0.15 =785 Nem ‘The bending moment diagram for horizontal loading is shown in Fig. 14.16 (/). ‘The resultant bending moments for the points B, C and D are as follows Resultant BM. at B = fy) + (Myy)® = Y(Q690" + (676 = 2774 Nem Resultant BM. at C = (Moy)? + (Moy)? = Yaa70y + 527 Resultant BM. at D = (Moy)? + Mpg) = (19207 + (785° = 2074 Nom From above we see thatthe resultant bending moment is maximum at C. (M = Mc=3790 Nan ‘and maximum torque at C, T= Torque comesponding to 30 kW = T,, = 1146N-m_ Let = Diameter of the shaft in mu, ‘We know that equivalent twisting moment, T, = Jk, x MP + (K, x TP = 2 x 3790)? + 1.5 x 11467 = T7172 Nem = 7772 10? Nema We also know thatthe equivalent twisting moment (7,). "790. N-m Zxarxd? = 8.25 ¢! 6 TTD 10¥8.25 42x 10% or d =98mm 5A4 = A Textbook of Mact sigh Asin, we know that equivalent ending moment [car + form RT | (2x 31804 7772) =7676 N= 7676310" Nn ‘Weal now tat the equivalent ending moment 7676x108 = © x0, xd? = 2 x 84x d° 2 2 ‘ A? = 7676x 1081 8.25 = 930 x 103 or d= 97.6mm ‘Taking the langer of the nwo values, we have d= 98 say 100 mm Ans. 14.13 Shafts Subjected to Axial Load in addition to Combined Torsion and Bending Loads ‘When ihe satis subjected (oan axial load (F) in addition to torsion and bending Toads as in propeller shafts of ships and shafts for driving worm gears, then the stess du to axial Toad must be ‘added wo the bending siress (6), We know that bending equation is M _ oy Moy _Mxd/2_ 2M Het oe oS and stress due to axial load Zug wd Far (or round solid shatt) Tatar] ele =a] For hollow shat) (okeaid) Pxd “i 8 {sie =u «P8) Inewe sl sl he aha es w “ rd) d=) (dy =k 32 [aft ost) 32a, nd, =) 8 x,y (=F) Fas Q+k | + Fete Incase oflong shafts (slender shafis) subjected to compressive loads, a factor known as eotumn actor (0) must be introslced 0 take the column effet into account. <2 Siress due to the compressive Toad, axa a (Bor round solid shaft) Shafts ut _ax4F “Rd, 1) ‘The valve of column factor (c) for compressive loads may be obtained from the following relation: {For hollow shaft) 1 = 0004 (LIK) ‘This expression is used when the slenderness ratio (Z./ K) is less than 115. When the slender- ess ratio (L/ K) is more than 115, then the value of column factor may be obtained from the follow- ing relation : Column factor, 5, (LIK? Cre where L, =Length of shaft between the bearings, K-= Least radius of gyration, 6, = Compressive yield point stress of shaft material, and (C=Coefficient in Buler’s formula depending upon the end conditions. ‘The following are the different values of C depending upon the end conditions. C=1, for hinged ends, 2.25, for fixed ends, = 1.6, for ends that are pastly restrained as in bearings. Note: In gener, fora hollow shaft subjected to fictuating torsional an! bending load, along with an axial oad, the equations for equivalent twisting moment (7.) and equivalent bending moment (A,) may be weiten as **Column factor, c= te ffeow- yaw and Kyxm + Sides) 2 8 © xo, td.) = 7 d= kY Te may be mowed that for solid shaft, k=O and d, =d. When the shaft earties no axial lod, then ‘when the shaft carries axial tensile load, then c= | Example 14.18. A hollow shaft is subjected to a maximum torque of 1.5 KN-m and a maximum bending moment of 3 kN-m. Iris subjected, at the same time, ro an axial load of 10 kN. Assume that the load is applied gradually and the ratio of the inner diameter to the outer diameter is 05. Ifthe ‘outer diameter ofthe shaft is 80 mm, find the shear stress induced in the shaft Solution. Given ; T= 1.5 KN-m = 1.5 x 10? Nem; M= 3 kN-m = 3x 10° Nem: Fe lOKN = 10 x 10 Nsk=d,/d,=05:4,=80mm=008 m Let 1 Shear stress induced inthe shaft. Since the load is applied gradually, therefore from Table 14.2. we find dhat K-15 sand K,=10 © The value of column factor (0 for tensile load is ui © Iris an Euler’ formula for lng columns,

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