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Hamidatul Aminah 03311540000043

Teknik Geomatika
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
1 Download RTKLIB (RTKLIB 2.4.2) package and RTKLIB Sample on
2 Execute rtknavi.exe in rtklib_2.4.2. You can see RTKNAVI window.

Extract to folder

Click to Open
3 Push “Option…” on RTKNAVI. You can see Options dialog.
4 Push “Load” on Options dialog and select rtknavi_rtk.conf to load pre-defined RTK options.
Then, push OK ..
5 Push upper of RTKNAVI window to set the sistem input stream options. So, You can see the
Input Stream dialog.
6 Input the file paths for Rover and Base Station. Push […] right of Input File Paths fields

Select rtklib_sample\oemv_20090515c.gps for first column.

And rtklib_sample\0263_20090515c.rtcm3 for second column.
7 Check Time and select x1 to set the playback speed and push OK on Input Streams dialog.
Then push “Plot…” on RTKNAVI.. You can see RTKPLOT window.
8 Excute the Menu “File>Open Map Image…” of RTKPLOT. Select rtklib_sample\narasaki.jpg
9 Push Start on RTKNAVI. RTKNAVI Starts playback of the record data. Solution : FIX means
ambiguity-resolved RTK solution obtained, which has usually cm-class accuracy.
10 The position of RTK solution can be seen on RTKPLOT as a circle and the track is also shown on
the window.
11 Push button on RTKNAVI window to change the display mode.

12 Push button on RTKNAVI to see RTK Monitor, which indicates the detail status RTK
13 After finishing the playback, push Stop on RTKNAVI. Then, Push button on RTKPLOT
to disconnect from RTKNAVI
14 Excute menu File > Open Solution-2… of RTKPLOT. Select rtklib_sample\ubx_20090515.ubx
for the second solution data.
15 For detail instructions to use RTKNAVI and RTKPLOT in RTKLIB as well as other AP like a RINEX
converter RTKCONV, a post-processing software RTKPOST, please refer RTKLIB Manual.
16 Please Enjoy your RTK ! Thank you 
Hamidatul Aminah says

RTKLIB Thank you for your attention…

Teknik Geomatika-ITS ||| 2017

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