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This house justifies commercial surrogacy

Background As we know in this 21th century in the world the issues of
women becoming the center attention for people
internationally. One of the issue that called by “ surrogacy”
the surrogacy this kind procedure exists in some of
developing country such as india, Nepal, mexico, and
others… n few years ago this “surrogacy” practice banned
for some reason but the global demand increasing after this
banning decision. So that’s why this motion become
Keyword “ justifies”,” Commercial”, “ surrogacy”
Definition Justifies : legalize something that aren’t
Justifies :Allow to be done allowed/forbidden/ban before
Commercial surrogacy : transaction Commercial Surrogacy : is a transaction for amount of
couple wich don’t have baby money between a couple who don’t have baby n the
Commercial…. Amount of money for surrogate women who able n agree to giving a birth for the
surrogate mother couple
Affirmative (+) A : the surrogacy help the couple for having baby
R : well… ladies n gentlemen being the surrogate mother is
Fair n mutual transaction… alur…. the way of women helping the couple who don’t have a
Surrogate Mother help the couple…. baby in their family…. We as the gov. supposed to justifies
Jasa…. this is because This commercial surrogacy have fair n mutual
Ex : Bidan dokter dibayar jasa transaction… the surrogate mother give their service by
Imagine 9 moth… pregnancy n giving a birth n the couple give her the facilities,
money n in charge of their cost of life during their pregnancy
Ex. the surrogate mother help the couple who in fertile to
have the baby
E : such as… doctor, midwife that they give a services to
their patient n the patient paid for the treatment….
This is such mutual transaction where the couple can get
their baby n the surrogate mother get the facilities n other
cost of life that charging by the couple
Right mechanism A : fair mechanism of the commercial surrogacy
Agreement contract R : well ladies n gentleman the surrogacy we mean here
both of the side whether the couple n the surrogate mother
have already make a deal/agreement contract (included the
right of couple n rights for the surrogate mother, the period
of the contract, n also the sanction if one of them breaks the
rule of the agreement) that has law protection… so with that
mechanism there’s none of side get the impact/hurt
because of the transaction n its more reliable to be apply…..
n deserve to be legalize
Prevent the balck market A : protecting the right both of the parties
If we’re not legalize it it will appear a R : well ladies n gentleman…. As we know that recently/
problem… to prevent…. It… previous year most of the surrogacy problem is the way of
Ex. India cases transaction itself…. Especially for the surrogate mother that
Justifies… quality of service first class they don’t get their fully money, or rights as the surrogate
treatment mother… n the worst is when the governance not legalize it
but the demand of the surrogacy is high…. N then appears
some of illegal party who get this golden chance n doing
theis transaction illegally…. So we as the gov. want to make
it legalize in order to prevent those illegal transaction n safe
the surrogate mother who being the most lost side of this
E : kasus di india yg black market
Generally in fertile A : the right for couple decide to get baby from the
Body shape reason n job duty surrogacy
Right to keputusan R : well ladien n gentleman… everyone have rights to decide
Urgent…. for their life…. This what happen when a couple who being
in fertile, n urgency that indirectly demand them not to get
pregnancy… but they still want to have a baby
Ex : female researcher, doctors, married…. who will go to
the border area for several years…. Or the couple that has
married but they are biological/physical disturb… such as
infertile… severe from chronic disease that might harm the
mother if she get pregnance… this is what we mean to
justifies the surrogacy in the certain n urgent circumtances
Negative (-) A : woman exploitation
R : well…. Ladies n gentleman…. We believe that the
Couple shouldn’t get the surrogacy no surrogacy is women exploitate… because it seems like the
matter what the reason will be can surrogate mother is only as the place for the couple to save
change it by adopting children this is the sperm in their womb/ become the commodity not as the
same as they have son n daughter replacing mother. Its isn’t fair if the wife of the couple
reasoning that she don’t want pregnancy bcause it will
influence her job…., change their shape of body n even she
don’t want trough the hardship of pregnancy…. It isn’t far
for surrogate mother
A : surrogacy is never be mutual symbiosis
R : most of the cases of surrogacy is the surrogate mother
not get their right n money as an agreement…. N also they
cant get a proper medical treatment when they giving a
birth, it makes the surrogate mother is the side that get the
lost impact the most… when the company get the advantage
n the couple get their baby n unfortunately the surrogate
only gat a little amount of money from the struggling… this
is what we mean the surrogacy is never giving the mutual
A : create the problem n lost for the replace mother
R : well ladies n gentlemen the surrogate mother is the one
n only person who trough the hardship being pregnancy….
The one who sacrifice… vomiting, dizziness… carryng the
baby for 9 month n the one who know how hurt giving
birth… n how can they dont have any bonding with teheir
baby they care for month….it will cause the physcological
disorder fo the surrogate mother
A : they can adopt baby or children from orphans house
R : there are so many baby n children need the people
attention/help out there…. If the couple want to have
baby/children it no need for the surrogacy…. N if we
consider that… the adoption is more cheaper from the
surrogacy… its better for the couple to use the money that
firstly they want to for the surrogacy to use it helping the
orphans…. That more need help from the couple…

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