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Disusun Oleh :
Arif Hanif Hidayat

1. Fine some definitions of soil from many different viewpoints, such as the
soil scientist, geographers, geotechnical engineer, rock mechanics expert
and geologist. Explain why there are still so such different in defining the
soil. Please submit at least two-page summary.
2. Explain a typical progression of soil profile development from parent
rocks into O horizon.
3. What do you think about the following figure regarding soil formation
processes (Wesley, 2010)? Please submit at least one page critical review.
1. Fine some definitions of soil from many different viewpoints, such as the
soil scientist, geographers, geotechnical engineer, rock mechanics
expert and geologist. Explain why there are still so such different in
defining the soil. Please submit at least two-page summary.
Soil scientist
The Earth's dynamic skin: Did you know, soils are the dynamic skin of the Earth,
formed by the interaction of minerals, organic materials, organisms, water and air”
Although soils may look uniform in the hand, at microscopic level they consist of
complex structures of solid grains separated by pores, channels and chambers. The solids are
chemically active and are slowly, but continually changing in composition and shape. The
spaces between these grains (pores) are filled with constantly changing mixtures of air and
water and are inhabited by huge numbers of microscopic organisms.

Gambar 1 Tanah oleh The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)

Many soil solids come from rocks. which are weathered when exposed at the earth’s surface.
Weathering involves breaking rocks down into small grains, and is caused by water from rain
and changing temperatures. Some of the broken down rocks dissolve in rainwater and are
washed away. Others remain as soil solids, but as new soil particles. There are three main
types of soil particle these are Sand, Silt and Clay which are different sizes. The proportions
of different sized grains give soils a distinctive feel, or texture. Rub moist soil between finger
and thumb to feel the texture. Sand grains, mostly from weathered rock, are coarse and gritty;
clays are fine-grained and feel sticky. Intermediate- sized silt grains feel silky. Clay soils are
mouldable but sandy soils fall apart. You also find 'Organic matter' in soils, this comes
from living organisms, such as plant and animal remains, broken down and consumed by the
vast numbers of tiny specialist microbes and animals. Their activities release nutrients for re-
use by successor plants and animals.
Soils vary greatly in their depth, colour, texture, structure and fertility. They are influenced
by the type of their rock minerals, organic inputs, prevailing climate, pore drainage and
aeration, and human landuse. The British Society of Soil Science (BSSS)
Geotechnical engineer
Prof. Dr. BRAJA M. DAS
Soils are aggregates of mineral particles, and together with air and/or water in the void
spaces, the form three-phase system. A large portion of the earth’s surface is covered by soils,
and they are widely used as construction and foundation materials. Soil mechanis is the
branch of engineering that deals with the engineering properties of soils and their behavior
under stress.
Laurence D. Wasley
Tanah dibentuk oleh pelapukan fisika dan kimiawi pada batuan, pelapukan fisika terdiri atas
dua jenis. Jenis pertama adalah penghancuran disebabkan terutama oleh pembasahan dan
pengeringan terus-menerus ataupun pengaruh salju dan es. Jenis kedua adalah pengikisan,
akibat air, angin, ataupun sungai es (glacier). Proses ini menghasilkan butir yang kecil sampai
yang besar, namun komposisinya masih tetap sama dengan batuan asalnya. Butir lanau dan
pasir biasanya terdiri atas satu jenis mineral saja. Butir lebih kasar terdiri atas beberapa jenis
mineral, seperti halnya pada batuan asalnya. Perlu dimengerti bahwa pelapukan fisika tidak
pernah menghasilkan tanah bersifat lempung sekalipun ukurannya sama kecilnya dengan
butir lempung.
Dr. Ir. Hary Christady Hardiyatmo, M.Eng, DEA
Tanah adalah endapan yang mungkin terangkut oleh air, angin, es atau terbentuk di
tempatnya oleh pengendapan sedimen baru dan dari batuan dasar di tempat tersebut (tanah
residual). Perbedaan sumber pengangkut tanah mempunyai perbedaan karakteristik dan
mempengaruhi sifat-sifat tanahnya dalam cara yang berbeda. Tanah harus ditandai dengan
cara pengangkutan dan bagaimana tanah tersebut diendapkan. Macam-macam endapan tanah,
 Endapan alluvial
 Endapan glacial
 Endapan eolian
 Endapan residual
 Endapan talus
 Endapan laut
 Campuran
Setiap tipe tanah tersebut mempunyai sifat-sifat teknis khusus yang memungkinkan
diperkirakan perilakunya.
Rock mechanics expert
Arnold Verruijt Delft University of Technology
In soil mechanics the equilibrium and movement of soil bodies is studied, where soil is
understood to be the weathered natural material in the upper layers (say the upper 20 to 100
m) of the earth’s crust. This material may be gravel, sand, clay, peat, or some other rather soft
and loose granular medium. The nature of these materials is quite different from artificial
man-made materials such as steel, concrete, etc. These materials usually are much more
consistent than soils, and exhibit relatively simple, linear, mechanical behaviour, at least if
the deformations are not too large. The mechanical properties of soils are usually strongly
non-linear, with the material exhibiting irreversible plastic deformations when loaded
and unloaded, even at low stress levels, and often showing anisotropic behaviour, creep and
such typical effects as dilatancy (a volume change during shear). This mechanical behaviour
of soil is also difficult to predict, because the structure of the soil may be highly
inhomogeneous, because of its geological history, and it is often not possible to determine the
detailed behaviour of the soil by tests in the laboratory or in situ.
The behaviour of soils may be further complicated by the presence of water in the pores. This
relatively stiff fluid in the pores may prevent or
retard volume deformations.
G. N. Smith (Heriot –Watt University, Edinburgh)
The soft geological deposits extending from the subsoil to bedrock. In some soils there is a
certain amount of cementation between the grains which affects the physical properties of the
soil. If this cementation is such that a rock hard material has been produce then the material
must be described as rock. A rough rule is that if the meterial can be excavated by hand or
hand tools it is a soil.
Defined Soil Mechanics as follows: Soil Mechanics is the application of the laws of
mechanics and hydraulics to engineering problems dealing with sediments and other
unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by the mechanical and
chemical disintegration of rocks regardless of whether or not they contain an admixture
of organic constituents.
The term Soil Mechanics is now accepted quite generally to designate that discipline
of engineering science which deals with the properties and behavior of soil as a structural
material. All structures have to be built on soils. Our main objective in the study of soil
mechanics is to lay down certain principles, theories and procedures for the design of a safe
and sound structure. The subject of Foundation Engineering deals with the design of
various types of substructures under different soil and environmental conditions.
V.N.S Murthy
The word 'soil' has different meanings for different professions. To the agriculturist, soil is
the top thin layer of earth within which organic forces are predominant and which is
responsible for the support of plant life. To the geologist, soil is the material in the top thin
zone within which roots occur. From the point of view of an engineer, soil includes all
earth materials, organic and inorganic, occurring in the zone overlying the rock crust.
The behavior of a structure depends upon the properties of the soil materials on which the
structure rests. The properties of the soil materials depend upon the properties of the rocks
from which they are derived. A brief discussion of the parent rocks is, therefore, quite
essential in order to understand the properties of soil materials.

Vasily Dokuchaiev

The soil as a natural bodyhaving its own genesis and its own history of development, a body
with complex andmultiform processes taking place within it. The soil is considered as
different frombedrock. The latter becomes soil under the influence of a series of soil-
formingfactors--climate, vegetation, country, relief and age. According to him, soil shouldbe
called the "daily" or outward horizons of rocks regardless of the type;they are changed
naturally by the common effect of water, air and various kinds ofliving and dead organisms.
The outstanding soil-science specialist, P.A.Kostychev (1892), in developing the theory of
soil, attaches special importance tobiological factors. He considers the soil as a botanist and
not as a geologist. Onthe question of the origin of the chernozem, Kostychev attributes the
most essentialrole to plants and microbes. He writes that chernozem formation is involved
withthe geography and physiology of higher plants as well an that of lower ones
whichperform the decomposition of organic matter. The accumulation of soil humus
dependson the intensity and completeness of the decomposition of plant residues, the
rootsand the parts which are above the ground. In these processes Kostychev identifiesthe
most important role with microscopic creatures-fungi and bacteria. Being anexcellent
microbiologist he carried out interesting experiments on the decompositionof organic matter
and the formation of humus. The experiments showed that in differentcases the decay of plant
residues began in a different way. Sometimes bacteria inhabitdecaying matter first, and
sometimes fungi emerge first. Various parts of the samedecaying matter decompose
differently, in one part one organism multiplies and nearit an entirely different organism may
be found. It is further pointed out that variousforms of decomposition change consecutively
according to changes in the propertiesof the decaying substance.
Djauhari Noor
Pada dasarnya tanah adalah lapisan yang menyeliputi bumi antara litosfer (batuan yang
membentuk kerak bumi) and atmosfir. Tanah adalah tempat tumbuhnya tanaman dan
mendukung hewan dan manusia. Tanah berasal dari pelapukan batuan dengan bantuan
tanaman dan organisme, membentuk tubuh unik yang menyelaputi lapisan batuan. Proses
pembentukan tanah dikenal sebagai pedogenesis. Proses yang unik ini membentuk tanah
sebagai tubuh alam yang terdiri atas lapisan-lapisan atau disebut sebagai horizon. Setiap
horizon dapat menceritakan mengenai asal dan proses-proses fisika, kimia dan biologi yang
telah dilalui tubuh tanah tersebut. Secara umum, komposisi material tanah berbeda sama
sekali dengan material induknya, terutama perberbedaan dalam sifat saift fisik, kimia,
mineralogi dan morfologinya. Hampir semua tanah mempunyai densitas berkisar antara 1 dan
2 g/cm³. Tanah juga diketahui sebagai bumi, karena merupakan nama dari planit bumi kita.
Hanya sedikit tanah yang terdapat dimuka bumi yang berumur lebih tua dari Tersier, dan
kebanyakan tanah tidak lebih tua dari Pleistosen.
2. Explain a typical progression of soil profile development from parent
rocks into O horizon.

Gambar 2 Profil Tanah, Solum, Pedon dan Polipedon Oleh Dr Ir Sarwono Hardjowigeno

Horison. O. lapisan tanah yang didominasi bahan organik, gelap, sebagai tumpukan sisa
O1 Bentuk asli sisa-sisa tanaman masih terlihat.
O2 Bentuk asli sisa-sisa tanaman tidak terlihat.
Horison. A.
Horison di permukaan tanah yang terdiri dari campuran bahan organik dan bahan mineral.
Merupakan horison eluviasi yaitu horison yang mengalami pencucian.
- Horison mineral yang terbentuk di bawah hor. O
- memperlihatkan hilangnya struktur batuan asli
- akumulasi bahan organik, terhumuskan dan bercampur mineral.
- mempunyai sifat yang menunjukkan akibat pengolahan tanah.
 A1 Bahan mineral campur dengan humus, berwarna gelap.
 A2 Horison dimana terdapat pencucian/ eluviasi maksimum terhadap tanah liat, Fe,
bahan organik.
 A3 Horison Peralihan ke B.
Horison. B
Horison iluviasi (penimbunan) dari bahan-bahan yang tercuci di atasnya (liat, Fe, Al, bahan
- horison mineral di bawah hor. A, E, atau O
- struktur batuan asli hilang
- penimbunan klei, silkat, Fe, Al, gipsum, karbonat, atau campurannya
- adanya gejala pemindahan atau penambahan senyawa karbonat
- konsentrasi oksida-oksida secara residual
- penyeliputan sesquioksida
-alterasi yang menghasilkan klei silikat atau membebaskan oksida-oksida atau
keduanya, struktur granuler dan gumpal
 B1 Peralihan dari A-B
 B2 Penimbunan (iluviasi)
 B3 Peralihan ke C
Horison. C
Batuan Induk, sedikit terlapuk
- lapisan mineral di bawah hor. A, E, atau O
- bukan batuan yang keras
- sudah terpengaruh pedogenesis
- tidak memiliki sifat-sifat pada hor O, A, E, dan B
- sediment atau saprolit
- digali tidak sulit
Horison. R.
- batuan dasar tersementasi kuat atau sampai mengeras
- granit, diorit, basal, batu gamping, dll..
- digali sangat sulit
- kompak

3. What do you think about the following figure regarding soil formation
processes (Wesley, 2010)? Please submit at least one page critical

Gambar 3 Cara Pembentukan Tanah Oleh Wesley 2010.

1. Material penyusun tanah dapat berasal dari hasil pelapukan batuan induknya atau
material yang berasal dari hasil transportasi dari tempat lain, seperti colluvium dan
alluvium. Beberapa tanah terbentuk secara langsung dari hasil rombakan batuan
yang ada dibawahnya. Tanah semacam ini disebut sebagai tanah residu dan tanah
residu memiliki komposisi kimia yang sama dengan batuan induknya. Pelapukan
merupakan tahap awal dalam mentransformasi bahan induk kedalam bahan tanah.
Dalam pembentukan tanah yang berasal dari batuan induk, lapisan yang tebal dari material
pelapukan disebut sebagai saprolite. Saprolite merupakan hasil dari proses pelapukan
termasuk didalamnya proses hidrolisis (penggantian kation-kation pada mineral dengan ion-
ion hidrogen), proses hidrasi (penyerapan air oleh mineral-mineral), pelarutan
mineral-mineral oleh air, dan proses fisika, seperti pembekuan, penguapan dan
pengeringan. Komposisi mineral dan kimia batuan induk ditambah dengan sifat
fisiknya seperti ukuran butir, tingkat kepadatan batuan, kecepatan dan jenis
pelapukan merupakan faktor-faktor dalam proses transformasi dari batuan induk
kedalam material tanah.
2. Setelah terbentuk tanah residu akibat proses pelapukan kimia Pelapukan Kimia berupa
Hidrolisis, pengomplekaan, pertukaran ion, oksidasi, dan hidratasi. Pelpukan fisika berupa
pengalusan ukuran, sehingga luas permukaan jenis meningkat, perubahan suhu, sifat termal
mineral, jalad (frost), pelarutan garam, perubahan kadar air, dan daya pasak akar tanaman.
3. Proses selanjutnya yaitu tanah residu mengalami erosi akibat intensitas hujan dan
kemiringan slope sehingga mengakibatkan mass wasting yang berujung pada proses erosi,
erosi secara definisi adalah peristiwa pengikisan padatan (sedimen, tanah, batuan, dan
partikel lainnya) akibat transportasi angin, air atau es, karakteristik hujan, creep pada
tanah dan material lain di bawah pengaruh gravitasi (Hardjowigeno 1987).
4. Proses selanjutnya adalah pengangkutan material-material hasil erosi oleh sungai-sungai
baik kecil ataupun besar hal ini juga bisa disebut dengan proses transportasi material
(sedimen, tanah, batuan, dan partikel lainnya) hingga terjadi proses selanjutnya yang
bermuara pada area yang lebih rendah.
5. Proses selanjutnya yaitu pengendapan material (sedimen, tanah, batuan, dan partikel
lainnya) pada area rendahan yaitu delta secara harfiah delta merupakan dataran yang
terbentuk akibat akumalasi material (sedimen, tanah, batuan, dan partikel lainnya) yang mana
letak posisi delta berada dekat dekat pantai. Pada area tersebut terbentuk material – material
kasar hingaa halus tergantung dari posisi material tersebut terendapkan.
6. Proses selanjutnya masi sama yaitu penegndapan hanya saja tempat akumulasinya berbeda
yaitu berupa di danau atau laut, pada area ini proses pengendapan material nya lebih halus
hingga sangat halus karena semakin jauh dari sumber materialnya, sangat dimungkinkan pada
area ini terbentuk sedimen-sedimen yang halus.
7. Setelah rangkain proses satu-enam di lalui maka proses yang ketujuh yaitu proses
terbentukannya endpan material (sedimen, tanah, batuan, dan partikel lainnya) sudah
terbentuk menjadi batu maka akan terangkat kembali oleh proses struktur geologi hingga
melebihi muka air laut selanjutnya kembali siklus lagi ke poin satu-ketujuh, terus menerus
proses tersebut terjadi.

Das, B. M. (2008): Advanced Soil Mechanis, 3rd Edition, Taylor and Francis 270 Madison
Ave, New York, United State America.
Hardiyatmo, H. C. (2006): Penangan Tanah Longsor dan Erosi, Gadjah Mada University
Press, Yogyakarta.
Hardjowigeno, S. (1987): Ilmu Tanah, Mediyatama Sarana Perkasa Press, Jakarta.
Murthy, V. N. S (2007): Geotechnical Engineering Principles and Practice of Soil
Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Ave,
New York, United State America.
Smith, G. N (1998): Element of Soil Mechanics, 7th Edition, The Cambride University Press,
United Kingdom
Verruijt, A. (2006): Offshore Soil Mechanics, Delft University of Technology Holland,
Wesley, L. D. (2012): Mekanika Tanah Untuk Tanah Endapan dan Residu,

Daftar Pustaka dari Situs Internet (web site):

Gambar kenampakan tanah, data diperoleh melalui situs internet: Diunduh pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2017.
Definisi tanah menurut Vasily Dokuchaiev dan P.A.Kostychev data diperoleh melalui situs
tro.html Diunduh pada tanggal 29 Agustus 2017
Definisi tanah menurut Djauhari Noor data diperoleh melalui situs internet: Diunduh pada tanggal 29
Agustus 2017

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